Common female names list. Beautiful, modern, Russian female names


Before the advent of Christianity, Old Slavic names for girls were mostly two-part. Parents gladly endowed girls with such names as Bazhena, Bogumila, which mean gentle, sweet creatures. It should be noted that many of these Old Slavic names for girls have survived to this day, but they are used extremely rarely. Although from time to time the fashion for Old Slavonic names returns. If you want to give your child an unusual, beautiful, old name, then we advise you to study our list of names for girls. At the same time, our list contains not only Old Russian names, but also the names of such Slavic peoples as Bulgarians, Czechs, Serbs, Poles.

We are sure that with the help of our list, you will be able to choose a beautiful Old Slavonic name for your daughter. When choosing a name for a girl, remember that it should be consonant with the surname and patronymic. It is also important to know the meaning of the name, since the meaning of the name is reflected in the fate of a person. For example, a girl named Lubomir will grow up as a peaceful, nice girl. Well, if you want your daughter to be with character, then we advise you to give the name Borimira - fighting for peace. In any case, when choosing a name, pay special attention to its meaning.

Old Slavic names for girls:

Alena - scarlet

Lubomira - peaceful

Belava - light

Luchesara - radiant

Berislav - chosen by glory

Lana - field, put on

Bazhena - desired

Ladomila - sweet, okay

Bogumila - dear to God

Lyubislava - beloved by fame

Blessed - happy

Lada - harmony, beauty

Branislava - covered in glory

Lubomila - beloved, dear

Beloslava - bright glory

Ladomira - peaceful

Bogdana - given by God

Milana - sweetheart

Vereya - tied

Miloslava - dear glory

Vladimira - who owns the world

Mila - sweetheart

Vlastimira - who owns the world

Militsa - dear

Vetran - airy

Milava - sweetheart

Velimira - great world

Milorada - sweet and joyful

Power - ruler

Unexpected - unexpected

Veda - knowing

Negomila - tender and sweet

Velislava - great glory

Hope - hope, expectation

Faith - knowing the light, faithful

Rejoicing - rejoicing

Wanda - Praise

Olesya - from the forest

Vlastislava - possessing fame

Olislava - around glory

Videslava - the glory of life

Ozara - illuminated

Veselina - cheerful

Ozhana - what is compressed

Ganna - bird

beautiful - beautiful

Godislava - in the time of glory

Pereslava - ahead of glory

Gordana - proud

Rostislav - grow glorious

Gostimira - peaceful guest

Radimila - sweet joy

Dushan - sincere

Glad - joy

Dobrodeya - active

Radislava - the joy of glory

Draga - dear

Slavyanka - glory

Druzhana - friendly

Svyatava - light

Dobroslava - glorifying goodness

Snezhana - snowy

Dana - given to the world

Svetozara - illuminated by light

Darina - given by God

Svetomir - the light of the world

Dobrana - kind

Svetolika - bright face

Daromila is a sweet gift

Semislava - seven times bright

Yesenia - clear, clear sky

Svetlana - bright

Zhdana - desired

Tikhosava - quiet glory

Zlatoslava - golden glory

Tomira - multi-world

Zlata - golden

Umila - dear

Krasimira - the beauty of the world

Ulada - getting along

Beauty is beauty

Hranimira - keeping the world

Kupava - set

Chayana - teahouse

Kraisava - the beauty of the earth

Jaromila - young, sweet

Love - love, love

Yasinya - clear

Lyudmila - dear to people

Yana - to be born, to be born

Ladoslava - beloved by fame

Yaroslav - shining with glory

One of the most pressing questions for parents while waiting for the birth of a baby is choosing a name. For a girl, parents tend to choose beautiful feminine names. Recently, trends have gone towards simple well-known and familiar names, like Tatiana, Anna, Ekaterina, Natalya, etc., as well as towards unusual, extraordinary names. For those who are looking for an original unusual name for their future daughter, this article is dedicated.

First of all, remember a few simple rules necessary for a successful choice of a name for a girl. Firstly, the first name must be combined with the patronymic and surname. To achieve this, it is enough to make sure that several consonants present in the patronymic and surname are also in the name. Secondly, think in advance about how you will abbreviate your baby's name as you affectionately call her. Quite often, some rare names do not lend themselves to adequate reduction, and this is already a reason to think about choosing another name. Well, the last, but still very important advice. Recall that when your girl grows up and gets into the team, her unusual name can be a reason for ridicule, teasers, unpleasant nicknames and name alterations. This problem can occur throughout the child's stay at school. Therefore, when choosing a name for a girl, be very careful. After all, the main thing in the name is not originality, but practicality.

In view of the fact that long and unusual names are fashionable today, I suggest you turn to such a source as the names of our ancestors. Among the Old Slavonic names there are very interesting and beautiful girlish names. Perhaps you can find what suits your baby from the list provided.

Slavic name book for a girl:

Bazhen- Desirable child.
Beloslav(abbr. Belyan) - from the phrase white glory, i.e. a man famous for good deeds.
Berislav- conceited.
blagoslav- glorifying kindness.
Bogdan a child given by God.
Bozhidara- the same as Bogdan.
Bozena- blessed.
Boleslav- renowned.
Borislav- famed for wrestling.
Bronislava- nicely defensive.
Velimira- from the phrase big world.
Velislava- the most glorious.
Wenceslas- dedicating / dedicated to glory.
Faith- Faith, faithful.
Veselina- Cheerful, cheerful.
Vidana- visible.
Vladislav(abbr. Vlad) - the one that owns fame.
Vojislava- glorious warrior.
Vsemila- dear to everyone.
Vsemysl- thinking about everything.
Vseslav- famous.
Golub- meek.
Gorislava- burning in glory, fiery.
Gradislava- guardian of fame
Granislava- improving fame.
Darina, Dara - donated.
Dobrognev- terrible, powerful in anger.
Dobromila- nice and kind.
Dobromir- peaceful and kind.
Dobroslav- one that glorifies kindness.
Dragana- dear, beloved.
Dragomir- the one that is more expensive than the whole world.
Zhdana- long awaited.
Fun- cheerful.
Zvenislav- announcing glory.
Zdebora- victorious.
Winter- cold and harsh.
Goldenflower(abbr. Zlata) - golden-colored.
Krasimira- beautiful and peaceful.
Lada- in honor of the goddess Lada.
Lyubava- darling.
Love- Love.
Lyubomila- sweet and loving.
Lubomir- the one who loves the world.
Malusha, Mlada - younger or small.
Milan- Darling.
Miloslava- famed for her mercy.
Mirina- peaceful.
Miroslava known for its peaceful disposition.
Mstislav- avenging glory.
Nezhdan- unexpected.
Nezhana- tender.
Predslava- appearing before glory, anticipating glory.
flames- fiery.
Radimir- caring about the world.
Radosveta- illuminating with joy.
Rostislav- the one whose fame is growing.
Ruzhana- rose.
Blush- ruddy.
Svetislava- glorifying the world.
Svetozar- illuminating with light.
Svyatoslav- covered with sacred glory.
Siyana- shining.
Smilyan- by the name of the flower.
Snezhana- white-haired, cold.
Stanimira- the one that sets the world.
Stanislav- the one that establishes glory.
Tikhomir- quiet and peaceful.
Tsvetana- similar to a flower.
Chaslava(Cheslava) - thirsty for glory.
Chernava- swarthy, dark-haired.
Yaroslav- having a strong reputation.
Yasna- clear.

Even before the birth of a child, future parents are puzzled by the question of choosing a name for the baby. Slavic names for girls have now reached the peak of their popularity. The latter were practically forced out of use by the Byzantine and Greek variants of names that came to replace them. What Slavic names are popular among modern newborn girls? And what to be guided by when choosing a female name?

How to choose a name for a girl

Modern methods of choosing the names of children are somewhat different from those practiced in antiquity.

A bit of history. In Rus', even before the sacrament of baptism, it was customary to call babies names that characterize the personal qualities or appearance of a person. This is how the Silent, Curly, Beautiful and so on appeared. With the adoption of Christianity, the names of newborns began to be included in the church calendar. Already in the 14th century, children began to be called Christian names. A little later, Russian surnames formed from names (Peter - Petrov) and so on began to join them.

In the modern world, when choosing a name for a baby, parents take into account various factors: relevance, combination with a surname and patronymic, the meaning of a name, personal preferences. Has not lost its relevance, and the church calendar - the tradition of choosing a name according to the calendar. The original zodiac calendar, which compares names with the zodiac circle, is also gaining more and more popularity. According to him, the name is selected for a certain sign of the zodiac. In this case, it is best that the name and sign are endowed with the same or similar characteristics.

Correspondence table for a female name and a zodiac sign

Beautiful old Slavic names for girls

Old Slavic names for girls are mostly beautiful and sweet-sounding. No wonder some parents want to reward their daughters with them.

Names of this type are divided into several varieties:

  1. Originating from the natural or plant world: Akulina - an eagle, Azalea - blooming, etc. Such names are recognized as symbolic, because the ancient Slavs loved and revered nature and everything connected with it.
  2. Reflecting the character of the baby (Arsenia - courageous, Barbara - wild). The choice of names of this type should be approached very carefully and carefully, because many experts are sure that it is this type that determines the character and future fate of a person.
  3. Derived from the names of deities (Lada - the deity of beauty, Mara - the goddess of the night). As in the case of the saints, such a name, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, brought the person named by him closer to the deity of the same name.
  4. Dual-basic: Lyubomil, Svetozara, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Miroslav.

This is interesting. Since ancient times, the Slavs have formed the custom of naming newborn girls with double names. Our ancestors were sure that the name is a secret key, and only its owner and no one else should own it. Therefore, the first name became publicly available to people, while the second was kept a strict secret. It was believed that in this way you can save the girl from the evil eye and the word. The first name, that for people, usually did not differ in beauty and pleasant sounding: Dobrogneva, Malice, etc. It was believed that the bearer of such a dissonant name was reliably protected from evil people. A girl received a second name when she reached a certain age, usually adolescence. It was much more harmonious than the first.

The tradition of double naming has gradually disappeared, many of the second, beautiful names are still popular today:

  • Darina - giving;
  • Dobrava - kind;
  • Eupraxia - the creator of good deeds;
  • Agnes - chaste;
  • Agnia - pure;
  • Ariadne - sleeping;
  • Beatrice - blessing;
  • Bogdana - given by God;
  • Vasilisa - royal;
  • Ada is an ornament.

Modern Russian female names

At all times there was a certain "demand" for the names given to newborns. The Office of the Civil Registry Office of the city of Moscow has established interesting statistics of names for 2016. According to her, modern popular Russian names for women are as follows: Anna, Elizabeth, Victoria, Polina, Anastasia, Maria, Daria.

Numerous Orthodox names are indisputably popular.

Forgotten and rare names

Being relevant in one era, in subsequent years, many female names were forgotten. Gradually returning to oblivion, they again took off on the crest of a wave of popularity, and this continues to this day.

Rare and beautiful names of modern times include the following list:

  • Bella is beautiful;
  • Venus - love;
  • Ida - fruitful;
  • Iya - violet;
  • Liliana - lily;
  • Olympics - Olympic;
  • Stella is a star;
  • Junia - in charge of marriage and love;
  • Palmyra is a palm tree.

Orthodox Russian female names - saints

The tradition of naming newborns by the names of saints has come to us since ancient times, namely, after the adoption of Christianity. When choosing a name for a newborn according to the church calendar, people believed that they were paying a kind of tribute to the saint revered in the family, after whom the child was named. In the modern world, not all parents are guided by piety, choosing a name according to the calendar - most often this choice is dictated by the desire to name the child with an unusual euphonious name.

Determining the name according to the holy calendar, the date of birth of the baby is usually taken into account, compared with the name of the saint commemorated on this day. An alternative option is possible: a baby or baby is called the name of a saint on the 8th day after birth. If during this time a suitable name was not found, in the old days they chose the name of the saint, which fell on the 40th day after the birth of the child. It was believed that it was at this time that the baby should be brought to the temple, where the sacrament of baptism took place. In some cases, as an exception, it was possible to name the baby in honor of any saint revered in a particular family.

It should be noted that most of the names in the holy calendar are male. For this reason, it is permissible for girls to be called by the female equivalent of the names of male saints, if one exists. For example, if the baby was born on the day of commemoration of Victor, Valery or Eugene, the girl, respectively, can be called Victoria, Valeria or Eugene. The patron saint of the girl becomes a saint who bears the same name with her.

Unusual Slavic names

But not all parents proceed from considerations of the relevance of the name or its prevalence. Some, on the contrary, are ready to give the child the most intricate and rare name.

Fans of unusual names will surely like the options for Ustinya, Aurora, Leya, Malvina, Lyubava, Spring and others.

Along with rare names, parents are increasingly choosing completely unusual ways to name their daughters. Most of the names sound unusual to the ears of a Russian person, however, you can be sure that the name of the baby will not be found among most of her girlfriends in the future. According to nominal statistics, the most rare names over the past 5 years are Russia, Legend, Joy, Byzantium, Moon, Oceana, and so on.

Advice. A rare and unbanal sounding name is, of course, original and unusual. However, in the pursuit of atypical options, parents should not forget about the measure. So, the name should be in harmony with the surname and patronymic of the baby. In addition, it will not be superfluous to inquire about the meaning that each specific name puts into itself.

Parents usually only want the best for their children. According to many experts and esotericists, you can make a small (and in the future, a big) person happy by choosing a suitable name for him. To do this, you can use modern Russian and foreign nominal options or refer to the list of names that have been popular since the time of the ancient Slavs. When choosing a name, you should think about the compatibility of the latter with the surname and patronymic. You should also pay attention to the sound and ease of pronunciation of the name - too long and cumbersome, it is unlikely to properly decorate the girl's life in her life.

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Women's names in different cultures of the world

Each individual country and each culture has its own rules and traditions regarding the naming of future women. Women's names are chosen in accordance with different rules: somewhere they are based on centuries-old traditions, somewhere they are parables and legends, and somewhere, as in Western civilization, names are given to girls only from standard considerations, taking into account such factors as the beauty of sound , pronunciation speed, fame and popularity.

Take, for example, Slavic culture. There has long been only one single tradition - the name for girls, like boys, was given only after reaching the age of nine, when the child could already be associated with any craft (the name was closely associated with it). Prior to this, a child could be called by his ordinal number (which account appeared in the family), or simply “Child” or “Child”.

There were only a few rules in Muslim culture. Firstly, a female name does not have to be listed in the name book of female names, the main thing is that it should be a word that determines fate in translation. For example, the name Aliya was translated as "exalted", and Samiha - "generous".

And so in each individual culture there were at one time traditions that they adhered to, endowing with a name. Somewhere, over time, traditions have exhausted their significance, and somewhere they are still adhered to. However, church names, like traditional national ones, are popular to this day. Yes, and giving and signs also have weight in today's modernity.

So, in Iceland there is only one single rule today - a woman’s name cannot begin with the English letter “C” as such, because in the local culture, in the Icelandic alphabet, this letter simply does not exist.

Modern naming traditions

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In Slavic culture, naming traditions have been partially preserved. So, the tradition has been preserved, on the basis of which, a church female name should be given, taken from the name book according to the Saints, which lists the martyrs and Saints who once defended the formation of the Orthodox religion. In modern times, this tradition is far from being followed in every family, and yet everyone knows about it without exception, especially since during baptism the girl is still given a female Orthodox name from among the Saints.

Catholics have a similar tradition, and it is customary in accordance with it to also give names to women from the list of revered in the church. True, it is worth noting that the naming of newborns today in Catholic culture is approached more responsibly than in Orthodox.

In Islam, it is still considered obligatory to call the future woman by a name that could determine her fate by its translation. There are no biblical or church names, and only one female name appears in the Koran. As a result, girls are called by those variations that in translation mean some quality (generous, bright, noble, etc.), or the name of a flower.

But in the same France there is only one tradition - to call children the names of their ancestors. So, before they acted according to one simple scheme. The name of the girl was to consist of the names of the grandmothers on the paternal and maternal lines, as well as, revered on the day of the baptism of the Saint. In modern times, this tradition is difficult to follow. Therefore, mostly single names of relatives are given: godparents, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.

Name and religiosity: the main criterion for division

All "girl names" are divided into several categories and, based on them, into a small number of subcategories. But the most important criterion of all available is the criterion of religiosity. Based on the issue of religion, the most famous are female names:

  • Orthodox;
  • Catholic;
  • Muslim;
  • Jewish.

How to choose a suitable female name in modern times?

Naturally, ideally, one should follow the traditions in which a girl is born. Being an Orthodox family, you need to call with an Orthodox name, but in a Catholic, Catholic and in accordance with the traditions of Catholics. But if you don’t like the traditions, then you can resort to standard schemes that are common throughout the world.

So, in modern times, you can choose a female name based on five important parameters: the patronizing element, the sign of the Zodiac, the year according to the Eastern calendar, the patron planet, and religion.

With the latter, everything is so clear - it is desirable that the name refers to the religion to which the family and the newborn girl are directly related. If you belong to the Orthodox category of people, then it is advisable to choose from among the Orthodox female names.

As for the rest of the parameters, everything is simple here. Each sign of the Zodiac and each animal from the Eastern calendar in its own way influences certain names with its energy.

In the same way, each name can have a different energy in alliance with one sign or another. The element is determined by the sign of the Zodiac and the date of birth of the child, but in the same way, each name is patronized by one or another element. It is advisable to choose a name that will correspond to all the named parameters without exception.

By the way, on our website, in the presented list, just the same, you will be able to weed out names according to the elements, signs of the Zodiac, years, and even seasons.

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