Sample letter to Santa Claus from the team. A comic letter to Santa Claus as entertainment for the new year


Father Frost ,
girl 1,
girl 2,
Boy ,
year of the dog,
Year of the Rooster
Narrator .

Girl 2:
Mannered, arrogant, demonstrative. With styling, makeup, in a short fur coat. She is wearing high heeled boots and carrying a handbag.

Boy :
Fun, simple, sporty. Dressed in a tracksuit, a warm jacket. Sneakers on his feet, a bag of chips in his hands.

Father Frost :
Standard suit.

Year of the Rooster:
Cocky, arrogant, pretentious. Dressed in a bright shirt, bright trousers. Patent leather shoes are on her feet (if a girl will play this role, it is better to dress her up in a shiny dress, make her catchy makeup and colored strands. As shoes, you should give preference to stilettos).

Year of the Dog:
Calm, reserved, refined. She is dressed in an evening dress and a fur vest. Footwear - shoes with high heels.

Scenery- fabulous forest.

(Guests are seated in the hall, melodious music sounds, the curtain is lowered, the Narrator appears on the stage.)

Narrator :
One day, several comrades went on an incredible journey to restore faith in miracles to their city...

(The curtain rises, 2 girls and 2 guys are standing on the stage)

Girl 1:
I tell you, we turned the wrong way! It was necessary to roll 2 trees and 3 paths back!

Girl 2:
I shouldn't even be here! And what have I forgotten in this forest? I would be lying at home now, or sitting in the salon, gossiping with my master, but instead of this, only snowdrifts and Christmas trees in the district!

Boy :
Hey, cutie, we listen to you all the way! You volunteered, so stop complaining, move on, come on!

Girl 1:
We lose precious time, according to statistics, we are more likely to freeze than to get lost in the forest. But, we will not lose heart!

Boy :
For several hours of our wanderings, for the 25th time I hear the word statistics!

Girl 2:
I'm cold, I'm hungry! And I'm terribly tired, and I'm tired of this snow!

Girl 1:
Stop it while we're having so much fun! I'm sure that a couple more clearings, and we will definitely come!

Boy :
And I've been saying...

(They all start arguing together)

(Santa Claus appears on the stage)

Father Frost :
What's the din, and what's the noise?
Breaks the silence
Yes, even in my forest!
Who are they? What came?
So much screaming!

Boy :
Does everyone see him? Live Santa Claus! Who would have thought!

Girl 1:
It really exists!

Girl 2:
And you will give me the latest model of a phone with an apple?

Father Frost :
I ask again, who are you? Why are you making noise in my forest?

Boy :
We are students (pupils), came to this forest for a miracle (alternately introduces companions and himself).

Father Frost :
For what miracle?

Girl 1:
For New Year's. You see, in our city everyone stopped believing in the magic of the New Year. All some evil, dull, sad.

Girl 2:
Our city lacks beauty! And even the lights do not please anymore, and the manicure is festive, and even new shoes (sighs).

Boy :
And in the rocking chair everyone is moping and hacking. So we read in Google that you, or rather you, can help us!

Girl 2:
Even tangerines do not cheer up! And I love them so much!

Father Frost :
Where is your letter? I only accept with official papers!

Girl 1:
What papers?

Father Frost :
Letter to Santa Claus! I can't help without it!

Boy :
Dear, we are no longer at the age to write children's letters!

Father Frost :
I have no time! I'm wasting my time on you too!

Girl 2 (pulls out phone):
We will write everything now, just let me find Wi-fi! Wait a minute!

Father Frost :
Well, the people
With technology cheerfully
Stepping forward!

Only this
I will not accept a letter
I'm waiting in an envelope
Handwritten waiting!

And if you don't write
I'll get angry
And the New Year
I'll lose it at all!

(turns around and leaves)

Girl 2:
Well, is that okay? I froze my fingers, and he took it and left!

Girl 1:
Nothing, do not despair! Now let's drink tea, warm up, write a letter and that's it! I have an envelope, and a pen, and paper!

Boy :
I don't remember the last time I held a pen in my hands!

Girl 2:
Pen? This is no longer fashionable! She can't post on Instagram!

Girl 1:
What's the matter with you? Did you never write a letter to Santa Claus as a child! We'll be done in a couple of minutes!

(A noise is heard, the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog appear)

Year of the Rooster:
And look, don't let me down! Wear fashionable clothes, beautiful jewelry and stylish shoes! And also help people, bring happiness at home and eat well!

Year of the Dog:
What are you with me as with a little one! I have already been instructed, passed the test, bought a dress and repaired the heels! I'm ready!

Boy :
I'm sorry, of course, but who are you?

Year of the Rooster:
How is who? We are outgoing and next New Year!

Girl 2:
And you are stylish! Can I be friends with you?

Year of the Dog:
But who are you?

Girl 1:
And here we are writing a letter to Santa Claus, we want to help the city!

Year of the Rooster:
Are you too old for this?

Girl 1:
But we are young at heart!

Year of the Dog:
Of course, I have not yet taken up my position, I am just getting used to it, but I will pass on your letter.

Boy :
What will we write?

Girl 1:
As a child, I asked Grandfather Frost to bring me two brothers.

Boy :
And how did you bring it?

Girl 1:
No, but my mother said that the letter was simply lost in the post office.

Girl 2:
Well, get everything you need already, otherwise my eyelashes will now fall off from the cold, and I only increased them yesterday!

Boy :
Well, we should probably start with an appeal.

Girl 1:
Let me do everything myself! Well, not a minute has passed, but I wrote everything!

Year of the Dog:
And dyke, shall I read it? How quickly you did it! Oh, just listen, such a letter should not be sent to Santa Claus, but to the president!

Year of the Rooster:
Seriously? Dear Santa Claus,

Year of the Dog:
You read the next line, it's even more fun!

Year of the Rooster:
We send you our New Year's request for consideration...

Year of the Dog:
Seriously? Does this sound like a child's letter?

Year of the Rooster:
With such a letter, you obviously will not achieve anything!

Boy :
What to do? Maybe you can help us?

Year of the Dog:
But no, you were given the task, not us! So get out, and we will convey the message! I recommend that your second wrote, I think she will succeed! And while we read the news, we will discuss matters.

Girl 2:
And let's write together, suddenly it will turn out! I'll start, well, for example, the first line will be like this:
Dear Grandfather Frost, I am writing to you, the most beautiful and most wonderful in the world!

Boy :
And why do you only write about yourself, you write on behalf of everyone! I also found the prettiest!

Girl 2:
OK OK! I'll start again: Dear Grandfather Frost, we are writing to you, a trinity from a magical meadow.

Boy :
Write that we apologize for the disturbance and all that.

Girl 1:
No need to write and all that! Well, I ruined the sheet again! The last one left! You have to be careful, be careful!

Girl 2:
Remember, it's you who are smart, and I'm just beautiful. I can't think and write at the same time!

Boy :
Give me a pen, I'll write! And you carefully dictate!

Girl 1:
Dear Santa Claus! We know you are busy, but we ask you to help us in one difficult matter.

Girl 2:
Here you are again with your cleverness! Write:
Please bring us a Christmas mood, chocolates, new shoes, a purse, a fur coat and the latest model of my favorite smartphone under the Christmas tree.

Girl 1:
You forgot about miracles! Why did we wander through the forest for so long?

Boy :
No quarrels! Now let's add everything!

Girl 2:
I beg you dear, the best grandfather in the world, restore faith in miracles to our city!

Girl 1:
We have to promise him something! As a child, I promised to behave well, and obey my mother!

Boy :
So, I promise that in the New Year, I will go to all trainings and sometimes look at classes.

Girl 2:
I promise that in the New Year, I will try not to be so beautiful!

Boy :
Put your signature and send it to the envelope! I got cold with you!

Year of the Dog:
I heard you're done, what about reading?

Girl 1:
New Year's in a couple of days! Santa Claus will read! Call him soon, we have fulfilled the conditions!

Year of the Rooster:
Wait here!


Boy :
Yes, we have no choice!

(Santa Claus appears)

Father Frost :
I received your letter
Considered your request
Okay, I'll help you
I will give you a wish!
Faith you want to return
Well, commendable, I approve
I respect your impulse
Of course I will help you
I will not refuse your request!
But tell me friends
Are there any kind words
Do you know congratulations?
Well, such, for the soul!

Girl 2:
Happy New Year to you, Grandpa,
Always be fashionable
And still don't get tired
This is what I wish!

Girl 1:
Everywhere and everywhere have time
I want you to rest
I wish you to jump less
Eat more, sleep more!

Boy :
I wish you health
You love physical education
And big muscles
I want you to grow!

(You can use these too)

Father Frost :
Okay, I'll clap my hands
Miracles I will return to you
I am very kind, good,
I will give you gifts!

(claps hands, curtain falls. Narrator enters)

Narrator :
And since then miracles have returned. The city was filled with magic, warmth and the alluring smell of tangerines and gingerbread. The holiday returned, people stopped swearing and happiness came. From myself I want to add, or rather wish that each of you never lose faith in miracles and enjoy the magic of every day!

Competition for the New Year's corporate party "Letter to Santa Claus"
The host chooses 6 participants (3 in each team). Participants receive the same set of cut out words, from which they need to assemble a letter to Santa Claus. Runtime 2 minutes. The difficulty is that you need to do it with your elbows, without the help of your hands. The competition is best held after 3-4 competitions.

Text of the letter (words for cards):
Dear santa claus! Bring us under the tree big salaries, many days off, a free schedule, satisfied customers and happiness. We promise to behave well, obey management and not be late for work.

Competition for the New Year's corporate party "Valenki"
2 pairs are selected. Each receives a pair of boots. The goal is to overcome obstacles. The difficulty is that each of the participants in the pair must put on boots. Perform to rhythmic music.

If you don’t know what entertainment to come up with for the New Year, then I suggest you arrange a comic letter to Santa Claus - writing it together (in a special way with my tips) and reading it.

You can organize this in any fun company of mixed age - adults will write their own, children - their own. Toddlers who are not yet able to write can participate orally, or one of the elders will write down their thoughts.

Comic letter to Santa Claus (joint),

spelling options:

1. Pass a sheet and a pen around in a circle - one person wrote his 2-3 sentences to Grandfather, wrapped the sheet to hide what was written, and passed it on to the next. It is better to give a sheet lined and limit fantasies to five lines, for example. Warn that it is desirable to write not only requests, but also wishes, reviews, even constructive criticism. Below you will understand what I mean))

2. All the same, but intentionally writing exclusively about desires - it will be interesting here a year later, when you re-read and compare what has come true and what has not.

3. Each person present writes not just his thoughts, but completes the phrase given by someone else. This slightly restricts freedom, but gives an interesting result. The host of the holiday can start the phrase from his list - for each person personally or writes its beginning once on a sheet, hands it to the nearest guest, he completes the phrase, wraps the sheet, writes the beginning of a new sentence and hands it to the neighbor on the table.

4. A person writes in any of the above ways, but does not close all of his text, but everything except the bottom line - it can be read by the next participant in this game and used in his continuation.

*********** *********** ***********

The final person gives the sheet to the Leader (he unfolds and reads everything that happened) or to the first person (he reads his piece of text aloud and passes it on to the next person for public reading).

Choose the form of this New Year's entertainment according to the situation. At the same time, I advise you to remember the rule that I personally tested many times: the more people are involved, the easier the holiday goes.

New Year's entertainment:

writing a letter to Santa Claus with tips

They asked me for a letter to Santa Claus that was funny with missing words, or specifically with missing adjectives, or at least with some missing words. To me, such a task seems more suitable for elementary school, so I offer you tips for writing according to option No. 3, that is, I give the beginning of sentences - to set a vector, but still leave room for the thoughts of your team of authors))

Cool letter to Santa Claus

incomplete text (phrases must be completed)

1. Hello, our dear Santa Claus! Expensive in every sense, especially in …

2. After last year you…

3. Because of this, I sat for a whole year and thought (a), how can I ...

4. And this is what I want to tell you in this regard ...

5. Your fur coat is beautiful, but my child calculates you at once by shoes, so ...

6. As for your pants, I want to make a small remark. Tight trousers are in fashion now, so maybe you will switch to red jeans, otherwise ...

7. They say you can’t pull your beard, because you are not Hottabych, but how can I ...

8. Since we are talking about a beard, I’ll ask you directly - did you plan to shorten it? Now relevant is a short beard or unshaven, like a macho. I can offer you...

9. A big request, dear Santa Claus - I ask you to come on time at least sometimes, because ...

10. The children have now gone advanced, and they don’t want to learn the rhyme about the Christmas tree, ...

11. So please give me ...

12. And give the boss something so that he ...

13. What do you think, Grandfather, it could be one of the following: ...

14. And how can I dispose of your gift if the same story happens to it as last year, namely ...

15. I would like to know your plans for snow, otherwise we have here ...

16. And what about your vehicle? Are you still riding reindeer or are you ready to…

17. Sorry for the personal question, Grandpa, but where is your Grandmother? Here evil gossips claim ...

18. I've been wanting to ask for a long time - what kind of social networks does your Snow Maiden hang out in? And then...

19. I would like to know your opinion: what to do when the closet is no longer closed - the clothes are in the way, and the woman says that she has nothing to wear for the New Year? Because we have...

21. How is your staff? Is it just a stick or a valuable thing that you can ...

22. You accept all desires, right? Can I guess that ... with comic questions about Santa Claus and is more suitable for adults - a corporate party or a fun company. I deliberately composed it this way, because you can easily write the children's version yourself - children do not need to invent anything, just retell in the form of a letter the fairy tale that they still believe in.

With a wish to believe in the best, no matter what,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

At the beginning of the feast, for example, before the release of Santa Claus, the host (or Snow Maiden) invites guests to participate in writing a letter to Santa Claus. The essence of the game: those present need to take turns calling any (preferably funny, unusual, original) adjectives. The host (Snow Maiden) enters these words, and then reads out what happened. We offer a variant of a comic letter to Santa Claus for a corporate celebration of the New Year. By analogy, you can compose any funny text for a group of friends.

Host (Snow Maiden):"Dear guests! Let's all write a letter to our beloved Santa Claus together. I already wrote the text, but I forgot to enter the adjectives. Therefore, I need your help: call me any adjectives, only funny and original ones are desirable, and I will write them down. Thus, we will have a collective message. So, who is the most witty among us? .. ”(in order not to stretch this game and activate the guests, you can promise a souvenir for the most witty adjective).

_______________ Santa Claus!

All ____________ guests are looking forward to your ______________ arrival. Our ____________ women and at least _______________ men gathered to spend the old year, which brought many _______________ events to everyone. We set _______________ snacks and _______________ alcohol on the table, turned on ______ music and made ______________ wishes. New Year is the most ______________ holiday of the year. With ______________ mood we will say _______________ toasts, lead _______________ round dances for you, dance _____________ dances! _______________ New Year is finally here! I don't want to talk about _______________ work. But we promise that next year we will work _______________ and receive only ______________ salary. We really hope that the New Year 2016 will bring many ______________ adventures, _____________ success in work and _____________ luck in love!

How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

Something became quite sad outside the window: the sun hid, gray clouds in the sky, the trees fell asleep and the yard cats and dogs disappeared somewhere. Only a pot-bellied tit sits on a branch and looks into your room, as if asking: “Are you prepared for winter? After all, the long-awaited holiday is coming soon!

Yes, yes, while you sit and get bored, all over the world there is a fun preparation for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Fluffy snow will fall very soon, icicles will sparkle on the roofs of houses, festive lights on the Christmas trees will light up and, of course, we will all begin to look forward to the gifts and surprises that Santa Claus is preparing for us.

Surely you have a cherished desire. But here's how to find out for the magical Grandfather what you dream of receiving as a gift? Of course, you can tell your parents, but what if you just take and write a letter to Santa Claus? And tell him in detail about your dream. Really, great?

When to start writing a letter to Santa Claus?

Right now, at the beginning of winter, it's time to write and send a message to the good grandfather. There is even such a holiday - International Day of Messages to Santa Claus.

The main thing is not to leave everything to the last moment, otherwise the letter may simply not reach. Imagine for a moment how many envelopes carrier pigeons carry to the fairy forest. After all, adults and children around the world are waiting for gifts and miracles.

You can write a personal letter yourself. Or, persuade kindergarten or school friends and write a collective message - then Grandfather Frost will definitely not forget to look at the New Year's party and bring the ordered gifts and miracles in a huge red bag.

Letter to Santa Claus

So, the pencils are sharpened, the felt-tip pens play with multi-colored caps and a new question arises: how to write to Santa Claus? About what? And so that without mistakes Parents will come to the rescue - they also wrote letters in childhood, so feel free to contact.

We write letters correctly!

For example, like this:

Hello Santa Claus!

I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays!

I know you have a lot of work, so I will write briefly:

this year I tried, studied well and helped my mother. Sometimes I was not very good at being obedient. I guess I'm half disobedient. But I'm trying! Because I love my parents and grandmother very much.

Santa Claus, please bring gifts to parents and me!

Dear Santa Claus, hello!

I am very glad that the holidays will come soon and my mother and I will decorate the Christmas tree. I love tangerines and chocolate, apples and lollipops.

But I have a real dream: I want a true friend - a dog. And that mom always smiled.

Letter to Santa Claus. Sample

A wonderful holiday is approaching, which each of us is looking forward to with great impatience. Fluffy, white snow, an elegant Christmas tree and gifts - these are the main symbols of the New Year. Particular attention should be paid to gifts. Adults know that gifts should be bought in a store or made by hand. But the kids believe in miracles, and expect pleasant surprises from the best wizard in the world - Santa Claus. If you want to give your child a lot of positive emotions and find out what the kid dreams about, you should write a letter to Santa Claus with him. Start an interesting and exciting game in which the child can show his imagination.

This will not be difficult at all, just arm yourself with a piece of clean paper and a pen, and you can get to work. To make it easier for you to do this, we have prepared a sample letter to Santa Claus in a very convenient and understandable form. So let's start:

First, in the letter you need to say hello to the wizard. This can be done with the words: Hello, dear Santa Claus or Glad to greet you, grandfather, and so on.

Be sure to introduce yourself. After all, every year a huge number of letters arrive at the residence of the famous grandfather, and he can get confused and send your gift to another boy or girl.

Tell us about how this year went, how you behaved in kindergarten or school. And do not forget to ask how the good wizard himself feels.

Now you can start describing the desired gift. Do not ask for something very large, such as a pony or a plane. It is better to limit yourself to a list of two or three items, in which there will be toys or other necessary and useful things.

Thank Santa Claus for your attention, and put your signature at the end of the letter.

Approximately such a letter to Santa Claus should be a sample in the end. Pack the letter together with the baby in a beautiful envelope, and promise to send it to the grandfather's residence in the near future. And of course, do not forget to please your daughter or son and buy him a New Year's gift from this list!

On our website you can also download a ready-made sample text, which you just need to print and fill out.

Sample letters to Santa Claus

Letter to Santa Claus

Surely, each of us, being a child, believed in fairy tales, then became an adult and faced his own joys, disappointments and sorrows, but in memory he provides joys and pleasant memories from childhood. Let's not forget about our own children and make sure that they have something to remember when they become adults and we will start from the most important thing, we will learn how to write a letter to Santa Claus or Santa Claus in order to find out about the most cherished dreams of their kinders.

Soon the New Year 2015 of a goat or a sheep is a time of magic, joy, fairy tales of fun, fulfillment of desires, round dances and, of course, New Year's gifts. The children were completely exhausted in anticipation of their gifts, and tortured their parents with questions about the upcoming holiday. They can’t wait to start preparing for the winter holiday in order to somehow bring this day closer. Perfect! The time has come to write your letter to Santa Claus, since this is one of the most important elements that confirms the reliability of the upcoming holiday in the eyes of your child! In the event that you have never had to write a letter to Santa Claus and you absolutely do not know where to start, you just need to continue reading this article and the algorithm for further actions will become clear and obvious to you.

Writing instruction

As mentioned above, after the sample letter to Santa Claus has already been downloaded and printed and everything is ready for writing a letter, look at some original sample letters. After that, you can safely draw up a plan according to which you and your baby will write a letter:

  • The first step is to say hello and introduce yourself. At this stage, you should definitely explain to your child that grandfather loves well-mannered and polite children.
  • After that, you should not immediately start begging for gifts (explain to the child that this is very ugly). Tell us a little about yourself, your relatives and friends.
  • After the second point of our plan was completed, it was time to tell your kinder that Santa Claus gives good gifts to obedient children with great pleasure. So ask your child to describe a few good things he did during the year. Pay attention to the child that grandfather loves honest guys very much, which is why it is necessary to tell him about bad deeds, as well as ask for forgiveness for them and promise to improve next year.
  • Now it's time to start asking for gifts! However, again, and here it is necessary to conduct an educational conversation with the child. First, it should be explained that he does not like very greedy children, which is why you should not ask him for too expensive gifts. In addition, since it is not known exactly how he will react to the wish for a gift, it would be better to list not one option, but several.
  • At the end of your letter, again, you must politely say goodbye. You can also say hello to the Snowman, Snow Maiden.
  • Of course, it is not a fact that a real letter will come to your child, which is why, so that the baby does not suffer a huge disappointment, we suggest you download some interesting letter options for your child from Santa Claus.

    Please note that sending a letter to Santa Claus and receiving a letter from him in an ordinary envelope is a little wrong, which is why we decided to offer you several design options for an envelope in pictures that you can print at home.

    Initially, it would be very good to download a letter template to Santa Claus on your computer, we have it completely free, and then print the document on a color printer. A colorful, bright and solid letterhead will certainly give credibility to what is happening in the eyes of your child. Then it would be great to get acquainted with the sample letters to Santa Claus, in order to visually, so to speak, see what and how to write. You can download examples of letters to Santa Claus on this site. You just need to click on the template you like, after which it will open in a larger size. Then you should right-click on it, and select Save Image As from the menu that opens. Then you need to select a folder on your computer where you want to save this or that template and save it. Now the matter is small! You just need to print the saved template on your color inkjet printer, your friend's printer, at a photo studio or at work. Of course, it would be best to print a letter template on a laser color printer, however, unfortunately, this service is not very common today.

    Santa's address

    Sample letter to Santa Claus

    Here you will find some interesting letter options from a girl and a boy.

    Hello Dedushka Moroz! My name is Anya, in the new year I will go to school, make friends with the guys and gain knowledge. Mom says that there will be a lot of interesting and fun things, like in kindergarten. All year I behaved very well, obeyed my parents, helped to collect fruits and vegetables, and then my grandmother closed them in jars and lowered them into the basement. Last year you gave me a beautiful talking doll, she became my favorite, and this year I want a friend for her, Princess Anette is the best. It is sold in every store, so you can't go wrong. Love you, kiss you, hug you! And finally, I composed a poem for you:

    How to write a letter to Santa Claus: sample text and photo

    Play fairy tale with your child! After all, the New Year is the time for the fulfillment of all hopes, the fulfillment of desires and pleasant surprises. And what, if not gifts from Santa Claus, do children expect on the first January morning? Help them experience the miracle.

    Writing a letter to Santa Claus is a great solution to find out from a child about his desires. A smart mother is here and will tell you what gift is better to ask for. Hundreds of letters arrive at the residence of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug. Write and you!

    Print out a special New Year's form (form 1. form 2), buy (or also print) a beautiful envelope (envelope 1. envelope 2).

    Sit comfortably and start (for those who are still bad at writing, of course, parents will help).

    1. In the beginning, of course, you need to say hello. (Hello, Santa Claus! Dear Santa Claus! Etc.)
    2. Then it would be nice to introduce yourself. After all, Santa Claus receives so many letters, not to be confused.
    3. Since we write letters to the winter wizard very rarely, only once a year, it would be nice to ask how he is doing, how is his health.
    4. Tell about how your year went (didn’t hooligan, studied well, helped the elders, etc.)
    5. Ask for a Christmas present. It is better to write a list of two or three items, Santa Claus should have a choice! It is possible that he will add a surprise gift to what he wants.
    6. Thank you for your attention, for your kind attitude towards children and say goodbye. You can draw a picture for Grandfather - he will be pleased.
    7. Be sure to subscribe.

    Don't forget to put a stamp on if the envelope is really meant to be sent. The official address of the real Russian Santa Claus:

    162340, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost

    And you should not try to make the letter necessarily turn out to be “template”. The main thing in all this is faith in miracles and a wonderful New Year's mood!

    Is there a sample letter to Santa Claus?

    Other answers

    veronica krapivina Connoisseur (418) 3 years ago

    the letter itself, or filling the envelope. if envelope then

    How to send a letter to Santa Claus

    In order for an ordinary letter, a letter of a non-standard size or other postal item to reach Santa Claus, several conditions must be met:

    1. In the lower right corner of the envelope, clearly and legibly write the recipient's address 162340, Russia, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost's house.

    2. In the lower left part, enter the index 162340.

    3. In the upper left corner, write the return address (your home address). if you want to get an answer from Santa Claus.

    4. Apply a stamp, seal the envelope and drop it in the mailbox. The value of the stamp depends on the weight of the postage. An A4 envelope with several enclosed drawings for Santa Claus will require stamps for a total of 10-12 rubles. If you incorrectly determine the cost, then it's okay, the envelope will be returned to you back in a few days with a note about the need for an additional payment. And in order not to be mistaken, you can go to any post office, they will weigh the envelope and stick the required number of stamps on it. The process is not fast, but your child will remember sending a letter to Santa Claus for the rest of his life as a pleasant adventure.

    Contrary to popular belief, Russian Post employees follow strict rules in their work and do not make exceptions even for Santa Claus and small children. Therefore, for example, an envelope without a stamp or an unsealed envelope will not reach Santa Claus, and in the best case (if there is a return address) will be returned to the sender. At worst, they will fill up the heaps of unsent correspondence.

    A little more about the residence of Santa Claus

    Where does Santa Claus live in the summer, where to send a letter so that it gets into Santa Claus's hands? To learn all this first-hand, try to spend your New Year's holiday visiting Santa Claus. The magical old man settled in the ancient Russian city of Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda region. The beauty of these places is difficult to compare with anything. As if bewitched in winter, the birches froze in silvery hoarfrost. Majestic pine trees are dressed up in fluffy white hats. Ancient houses are decorated with intricate carvings, like lace. It is not surprising that the most revered winter wizard settled in these parts.

    and if the letter:

    Hello dear Santa Claus!

    I really want, and I ask you to give me.

    (sign something else)

    (and sorry for everything you did badly this year)

    free mind and soul. Enlightened (28992) 3 years ago

    Remember how you waited for the New Year holidays as a child and asked for a gift from Santa Claus. Times change, but children are always waiting for New Year's miracles. So help your child write a letter to Santa Claus, in which he asks for a gift for his good behavior and excellent grades. The child himself does not yet know how to write a message correctly, but if there is a sample and parents are nearby, things will go faster.

    Writing a letter to Santa Claus - general rules

    Plan your letter with your child. Talk to him, find out what gift the child wants to receive. Consider the general rules when composing a letter:

    • start your message with a greeting. Santa Claus likes well-mannered and polite children, so say hello to him at the beginning of the letter;
    • tell us about yourself. Don't ask for gifts right away. The child will write what his name is, how old he is in which city he lives, what he is fond of and what he has been doing for the past year. You can inquire about the health of Grandfather Frost and thank him for last year's gifts;
    • talk about a few good things your child has done in the past year;
    • It's time to ask for a gift! Tell your child not to ask for something big and too expensive. Ultimately, the parents will buy the gift. Drop unfulfilled desires too. No one will give a live horse to a child. Ask for what the child really needs. Limit yourself to a list of two or three gifts;
    • thank the good wizard for your attention. At the end, the child writes his name or puts his signature.

    We write a letter to Santa Claus - sample one

    Hello dear Santa Claus! Anya is writing to you from Moscow. I am 8 years old, I am in the second grade, I bring good grades and always obey my father and mother. I love mathematics, drawing and go to music school. This year I helped my mother take care of my little sister. I dream that you will give me a teddy bear and a beautiful doll. I am very grateful to you for the gift you brought me last year. I'm really looking forward to meeting you! Sincerely, Anechka

    We write a letter to Santa Claus - a sample of the second

    Dear Santa Claus! I believe that you exist and have always received your gifts. Roma is writing to you. I am five and a half years old and I live with my father and mother in Vologda. I go to kindergarten, I obey teachers and parents, I don’t offend other children. I am not capricious at the table and eat well. Santa Claus, I have an important request for you. I really want you to bring me a two-wheeled bicycle for the New Year. I will look forward to the gift and wish you not to get sick and have a good holidays! Novel.

    We write a letter to Santa Claus - the third sample

    Hello dear Santa Claus! A good boy Artem from the city of Rostov writes to you. I finished fifth grade with good grades! For a whole year I taught lessons, helped my parents and grandmother, went to basketball and almost did not indulge. Well, maybe a little. Thank you very much for the soccer ball you brought last year! This year I will have a small request for you - I really want to get a Samsung tablet with a camera. I promise to continue to study well and conduct myself well. Goodbye! Best regards, Artem.

    Beautifully decorate a letter to Santa Claus

    Parents will help you compose the text of the letter. And you will have to decorate the message even more colorfully. Get your pencils and paints ready. Draw a beautiful picture - a Christmas tree, winter, a snowman, animals and snowflakes. You can make a beautiful New Year's application from colored paper. Put the letter in a beautiful envelope, seal it and put a stamp on it. Do not be offended if the good wizard does not answer you, he has a lot of work, and he does not have time to answer everyone. But he knows about the gift of each child.

    The address on the envelope may be: Santa Claus. Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Oblast, Russia, or simply write your country and "Grandfather Frost" on the envelope. The letter will reach him anyway.

    Do not consider the desire of a child to send a letter to a fairy-tale wizard as fun. Children believe in miracles, and help them keep that faith. You can put the letter under the Christmas tree, and if the child asks to throw a message in the mailbox, do so. Now you know what your child wants to receive for the New Year, and in any case you will have to answer the message and think about the gift.

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