Why don't they say "thank you" and "please" in the zone? Features of the prison lexicon. First day in jail


In addition to their own hierarchy, places of deprivation of liberty have a special informal code of ethics. It regulates the daily life of prisoners, introduces prohibitions and regulations. The set of rules also applies to the vocabulary used by prisoners. For pronouncing certain words, a prisoner may face severe punishment.

Thank you

One of the most dangerous words in a Russian prison is "thank you". Prisoners consider it not only undesirable, but also offensive. It is forbidden to use it both in oral and written speech, even when addressing relatives. Why did such a benevolent and harmless word get into the "black list" of the prison lexicon?

The fact is that in places not so remote, politeness (and even more so ostentatious) has always been treated extremely negatively. The use of "thank you" seems to the prisoners to be drawing, a desire to emphasize their intelligence, and therefore to put themselves above the rest of the prisoners, who, for the most part, come from the social bottom.

Such prisoners experience something akin to class hatred for everyone who occupies a higher social position. The insolent, who decides to show his intelligence, is quickly put in his place by the jailers.

However, for the first time, they can get by with a warning. If the newcomer continues to use the forbidden word, then he will instantly be "corrected". The massacre can be extremely cruel, cases of self-mutilation are known.

What word should replace "thank you" in prison? It is correct to pronounce "sincerely", "from the heart" or "thank you".


Also on the list of the most undesirable words is "ask". According to the code of ethics, the jailer should be interested, not asking. To ask means to bring to account for what they have done or to punish for a “jamb”.

A prisoner who uses the word "ask" runs the risk of running into a serious provocation. Other prisoners may respond: “Who do you want to ask, me? Come on, try it!" This is how conflict arises out of the blue.


The list of forbidden includes the word "offense" and derivatives from it - "offend", "offend" and others, and especially "offended". In the understanding of the prisoners, to offend means to lower.

Offended - representatives of the lower caste of prisoners ("roosters", "devils" and others). If something does not suit the prisoner, the word “disappointed” should be used.


The word "hear" sounds like "from skis." And “on skis” in prison are those who turn to the prison administration for help with a request to be transferred to a safer cell.

Usually, a prisoner intercedes with such requests if, for one reason or another, he does not have a relationship with his cellmates and further stay with them may threaten his life and health. Such people are called "skiers" or "rushers" in prison.

Running from cell to cell is considered by prisoners to be of little honor. In addition, it becomes clear from the prison "wireless mail" why the "skier" was transferred from his old cell. As a rule, "rushers" belong to the lower prison caste, and therefore are subjected to humiliation by others.


“Don’t you think that your place is near the bucket?” - this phrase from the film by Alexander Gray "Gentlemen of Fortune" has become a cult. Upon entering the cell, the novice should in no case ask “where is my place?”. Otherwise, he will immediately be pointed to the so-called dalnyak - a place near the toilet along with lowered ones.

The word "place" in almost every sense has a negative connotation in the zone. Therefore, when entering the cell, you must ask: “Where can I fall?”.


The word "I will prove" and its derivatives, as a rule, have an increased emotional connotation. It is highly not recommended to scatter “loud” words in the zone, because in the future, in the event of changed circumstances, it will be extremely difficult to get away from previously spoken words.

In addition, they prove according to zek's concepts only in court. And in prison it is customary to say "justified."


The word “witness” also has a negative meaning in the conclusion. Even if a prisoner saw something with his own eyes, he should by no means call himself a witness. They are not in prison, only convicts are sitting.

Witnesses, according to the ethical code of the zone, are, again, only in court. In prison, there are only eyewitnesses.

On the same topic:

What words can not be spoken in a Russian prison What words are better not to speak in a Russian prison

In a country where half was sitting and half was guarding, a whole ritual was developed that helps the newcomer to correctly position himself in a prison cell.

The first few hours in prison can both break the fate of a person and strengthen his position in the prison hierarchy, helping to pass the test of captivity. The laws of "places not so remote" are very different from those that operate in the wild, and sometimes amaze with their absurdity. After all, even the harmless word "ask" in prison means "bring to account." And there are a lot of such discrepancies that can turn into an irreparable mistake.

Why you can't shake hands

The newcomer, who got into the cell, goes through the ritual of "propiska". A weak or old prisoner should immediately declare that he agrees to pay in the "common fund". So he will fall into the most massive and harmless caste of "muzhiks". But if you were previously an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or are suspected of sexual crimes, it is better to keep quiet.

The greeting is also of great importance. The usual on the outside "Great, guys!" can lead to the most unexpected consequences. Professional criminals, and even "thieves in law" who do not belong to the "men" caste, may also be in the cell. It is considered correct to say something neutral, for example, "salaam aleikum."

Frame from the American TV series "Prison Break"

Once in prison for the first time, do not rush to shake hands with future cellmates. In places of detention there are castes similar to the Indian caste "shudras" - "roosters". Shaking hands with such a person, you will automatically become a "rooster" yourself, sinking to the very bottom of the Russian prison hierarchy.

What can't be said

For a newcomer, who is in a nervous excitement from a recent arrest, it is important to concentrate as much as possible, answering the questions of cunning prisoners. Experienced inmates will try to use the nervous state of the “first mover” to the maximum, bombarding him with provocative questions. This is done, among other things, in order to identify the "informer". Behave naturally, but it is categorically not recommended to ask cellmates for what sins they themselves ended up behind bars.

Trying to become your own among strangers, do not talk too much, because a specially sent police “hen” may be in the cell. It is quite enough to report your name, patronymic and the number of the article for which you were under investigation.

What words should not be used

Some words familiar in the ordinary world are strictly forbidden to be used in prison. Caution and self-respect are valued here. Instead of "thank you" it is recommended to say "thank you". The word "please" is changed to the expression "if possible".

The word "offend" in the jargon of prisoners means "to make a rooster." "Witness" becomes "witness". The expression "goodbye" also takes on a specific connotation in prison.

Obscene language for both beginners and hardened prisoners is prohibited. Obscene expressions in places of detention are a marker of extreme aggression.

What hygiene rules must be followed

The toilet we are accustomed to in ordinary life in prison is called a “latrine”. For security reasons, it is not fenced. According to the prison rules written in blood, before eating, you must thoroughly wash your hands - just as we are all taught in childhood. If you don’t wash it, all the things you touch will turn into “dumped”.

And do not try to eat when your cellmate is doing his natural needs! By the way, experienced prisoners are advised to immediately warn cellmates about your infectious diseases. It should be understood that personal cleanliness plays an important role in determining your place in the prison "table of ranks."

Dirty people in prison are called "chushkans". In order not to go into this caste, keep your clothes clean and monitor the condition of the body, including teeth and hair. Such traditions are not inspired by viewing glossy magazines - the possibility of the rapid spread of infectious diseases in the closed space of the casemate is suppressed.

Why you can't play cards and borrow cigarettes


Why can't you talk in prison? Many films and programs have been made about life in prison in recent years. But not all of what is shown actually happens. Much has been exaggerated, much has not been told... Only one thing is known for sure - this is not the most pleasant place and life there is far from the usual way of life.

Those who have served time are not in a hurry to share information about prison laws. Among the prisoners there are their own rules, incomprehensible to the "free". For a person who first went to prison, the first days will be the most difficult test. You need to build your behavior very carefully.

Answer even the most innocuous questions carefully, without unnecessary information. You should not try to impress with your knowledge of the prison code. All the same, experienced prisoners will understand that a person has never been in prison before. But for pretense they can dislike.

What is the best way to say hello

Even such a simple action as a greeting must be thought out so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. Why you can’t say “muzhiks” in prison has long been known. Men - this is not at all the generally accepted treatment, as in the usual environment. This is the name of a certain group of prisoners who are not very respected.

However, you must say hello. And you need to do it loudly, addressing everyone at once. As those who have already served their sentence and more than once say, it would be appropriate to say “healthy, lads (people, boys)”.

How to answer questions

At first, a lot of questions will fall on a person who is in prison: why they were imprisoned, what they did in freedom, does he know anyone, who was in prison and who exactly, and others. If a person is really familiar with former prisoners, then you can answer like that. But you should not name with whom exactly.

Some begin to attribute to themselves articles for which it is considered prestigious to sit. But it is important to remember that the prisoners have their own channels of communication with the free world. And almost any lie will eventually be discovered. Which, of course, will not have the best effect on the reputation of the prisoner.

Questions about the life of the person himself will also be asked. They should be answered honestly and preferably without details. But, if they are asking about someone else, it is better to evade answers. Because, according to the prison code, everyone is responsible for himself.

Don't shake hands

Entering the cell, you do not need to extend your hand for a greeting, as is done in freedom. Prison laws do not allow shaking hands with everyone. It is strictly forbidden to extend a hand to roosters.

Even if a person unknowingly greets a rooster, this can greatly affect their further stay in prison. Before shaking hands, you need to figure out who is who in the cell.

What words to avoid in conversation

There is a fairly common stereotype that swear words in prison are the norm. But it's not. Why is it not allowed to swear in prison? The swearing makes the general atmosphere even more tense. Indeed, in such a place it is difficult to feel light and serene.

Even swear words not addressed to anyone are perceived as a manifestation. And even more personal insults. They are strictly prohibited. The well-known expression “went to ...” is considered the heaviest curse. It just won't be missed. There are cases when they were killed for him.

Also, elementary words of politeness are not held in high esteem: thank you and please. Their use is regarded as excessive scraping. They don't respect him. However, gratitude still needs to be expressed. There are other expressions for this. In general, it is better to choose words carefully. You can watch those who have been sitting for a long time and not for the first time. If words and expressions are used by them, then you can take them into service.

Some words don't have the same meaning in prison as they do outside. For example, the word "ask" there does not mean to ask a question at all. Its prison meaning is to seek an explanation for some act. Also, the word "offend" among the prisoners means "lower". Therefore, no one should be called offended until it is clear who occupies what place in the cell.

How to behave

It is better not to flaunt physical strength and any skills in martial arts, sports and possession of weapons. In any case, the prison community will prove to be a greater force against even the most magnificent skills and pumped up muscles.

You should not take other people's things without asking. First you need to get permission from their owner. You need to ask him calmly and politely. This rule means that the things of the first time prisoner are also protected by the prison code. Personal hygiene should be observed. There can be a lot of people in the cell. Therefore, untidiness will affect the quality of living in it.

Of course, life in prison is far from familiar to freedom. However, it is important not to lose heart and try to keep yourself busy with something. Those who behave well are allowed to work. This allows you to stay focused and in business. The work plays the role of psychological relief after staying in the cell, where they are constantly waiting for a dirty trick from each other.

In addition, there are prison libraries. You can benefit from being in prison and educate yourself. You can also learn a new profession if there are so-called courses.

Be sure to monitor your health and try to maintain it as much as possible. In the cell, as a rule, during the cold period of the year, poor heating. In any weather stuffiness. The windows are small and high up. Most of those in the cell. This greatly reduces air quality. It is not uncommon for prison hospitals to lack adequate medicines. And the situation is no better with specialists either.

Nutrition does not differ in a complete set of vitamins and minerals. It is for these reasons that the state of health in prison deteriorates significantly. Therefore, by all available means it is necessary to maintain the body in order. It is important to remember that even in prison you can remain a person who is hard to break.

The most difficult time for a person who is in prison is the first week. During this time, the “newbie” must get used to the environment, accept the existing rules and acquire status.

From the first step into the cell, he must prove himself so that his "imprisonment" does not become an even bigger nightmare. You can learn concepts, jokes, FAQs (Private Asked Questions) and the best answers to them, but this is unlikely to help. It's better to remember a few "don'ts".

You can't "talk"

You can not "talk a lot and not on business, trying to pass for" your boyfriend. No need to give extra information, except for the name, patronymic and the reason why they “stopped”. You can’t talk a lot about yourself, especially in the early days, when it’s not clear who is who. Those who have been sitting for a long time are good “psychologists”, and a newcomer excited by recent events can say too much, for which he will then have to answer. If they start talking with aplomb, they say “you don’t respect” - this is just a provocation, which is better not to fall for. It is better to listen to what the prisoners say, or in prison language, "work for reception."

You can not lend a hand at the first meeting

You can’t immediately extend your hand to greet on the first day. Not everyone can shake hands - you can “get dirty” in such a way that you won’t “wash yourself” until the end of the term. It is also impossible to talk with "devils" like that.

You can't "snap"

You can’t “show off”, try to look like a “mother”. Over time, inexperience will become visible, it is better to behave naturally. You can not swear and use words derived from the mat.

Words that should not be used

Some words cannot be used. Words of courtesy: “thank you” - replace with “thank you” or “grateful”, instead of “please” - “if possible”. You can't use the word "ask," because in prison it means "bring to account." In prison, you can only be interested. You can’t say “offend”, because in prison language it means “lower”. The word "witness" is better replaced by "witness". Do not use the word "prove", better "justify". "Goodbye" is also considered a dangerous word of politeness.

prison hygiene

Usually in a prison, the bathroom is not fenced off, for security reasons, so that prisoners cannot commit suicide. Prison etiquette says: you must wash your hands thoroughly, otherwise all your and other people's things that you have touched become "messed". And if a person who has not washed his hands shakes hands with another, then another prisoner can “slap” for such an insult. According to prison hygiene, one should not eat when a cellmate is fulfilling his needs, and vice versa.

Can't play cards

You cannot play cards in the cell. According to the laws of the prison, only card debts are considered debts, so it is dangerous to play. In any case, there will always be a cheater who will beat.

You can not take personal belongings of cellmates

You can not take the personal belongings of cellmates without permission, even a book - otherwise you will not be charged with theft. And stealing from "one's own" is even worse than being in close contact with the administration. You can take what is on the table from the so-called "hostel", in which you will need to return what was taken.

You can't "take a ride"

Prison is a place where many words that we use and hear on a daily basis are given a completely different meaning. For example, the word “load” in prison means to extort money, and “to call” means to serve a sentence. For a group of these expressions, there is even a separate name - "fenya" - the so-called thieves' or criminal jargon, and it must be used correctly, because one wrong word can deprive all friends and the so-called "protection". Prison is a dangerous place.

Why can't you say thank you in prison? Better not say that word.

Always and everywhere there are rules that must be followed in order not to be an outcast. Always and everywhere there are words that are better not to use if you are not sure of their correct meaning. Also in prison. Your own rules, your own jargon. It should be noted that there you can not pronounce words such as:

  • Place.
    Thanks to one phrase from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune": "Don't you think that your place is near the bucket?". When a newcomer comes to his cell, the first phrase should be, for example: “Where can I fall?”, But definitely not “where is my place?”. If you ask in this vein, then the location next to the toilet will be provided.
  • Witness.

There are no witnesses in the prison, only eyewitnesses.

  • Ask
    For prisoners, “to ask” means to hold accountable for a perfect deed. The use of this word can cause serious conflict.
  • Prove

This is considered quite a "big word". In other words, if the prisoner decided to prove something, then he will not be able to retract his words later, if the situation suddenly changes not in his favor.

  • Resentment

Among prisoners, those who do not have due authority among the rest are called “offended”. In the event that something upset the cellmate, it is worth saying “disappointed”, but you will definitely have to forget about “offended”.

But even there you can’t use the word that people in everyday life pronounce many times a day. Therefore, let's deal with the main question for today: why is it impossible to say “thank you” in prison and what will happen for it in general?

“One more thank you, and I can’t vouch for myself”

Do not forget that jailers are mostly people who do not favor politeness, so the “words of a well-mannered person” are hardly inherent in them. Basically, these words are used by those who are on the other side of the bars - guards, all prison authorities. Will the prisoner use the same vocabulary as them? Of course, this is far from the only reason for such an attitude towards such a simple word.

1. Pretense

As soon as a newcomer uses such words as “thank you”, “please”, people who sit with him in the same cell get the feeling that he is trying to somehow elevate himself among them, to put himself higher. Perhaps at first he will be warned about the dangers of using this word, but if he continues to use it, nothing good will happen.

2. Intelligentsia

The intelligentsia loves to use the word "thank you". That is what it gives out. Naturally, they are not liked in prison. Also, in prisons, basically, completely ordinary people “sit” who always have a dislike for everyone who is above them in status. If this “intellectual” also shows this often, then the “cellmates” will not stand aside, and things can come to bloodshed.

3. Police lexicon

As previously stated, this word is used by all those who locked them here. That's the only reason you can hate him.

4. Lack of gratitude

"Thank you", which means "God save" is not the best payment for some help or support, whether it is tea or help in a conflict with another prisoner, from the "cellmate". It is best to say “thank you”, that is, to give a blessing. In prison, you need to be able to respect others, otherwise you won’t be able to stay sane here.

So what's the right way to say it?

In prison, it is customary to say “from the heart” or “sincerely”, they also use the word “thank you”, thus giving a boon in return to someone who has rendered you a valuable service. “Thank you” can be very offensive, and it is better to delete it from your vocabulary altogether so that prison does not become a second hell.

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