The problem of feat and self-sacrifice. Arguments for the problem of courage, courage and heroism for the composition of the exam in the Russian language



Home essay, for the preparation and writing of which one week was allotted. The essay was analyzed by three classmates of the author.

The events of the Great Patriotic War go further and further into the past, but even with the passage of time they do not lose their significance. When war breaks into the peaceful life of people, it always brings grief and misfortune to families. The Russian people experienced the hardships of many wars, but they never bowed their heads before the enemy and courageously endured all hardships. The Great Patriotic War, which dragged on for four long years, became a real tragedy, a catastrophe. Both young men and men, even old men and women rose to defend the Fatherland. The war demanded from them the manifestation of the best human qualities: strength, courage, courage. The theme of the war, the great feat of the Russian people, becomes for many years the most important topic in Russian literature.

Boris Vasiliev is one of those writers who himself went through the difficult and long roads of the war, who himself defended his native land with weapons in his hands. The most talented, in my opinion, works of this author are “Not on the lists” and “The dawns here are quiet ...”. I admire the truthfulness with which Vasiliev writes. All his works are the experiences of an eyewitness, and not fiction of a science fiction writer.

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” tells about the distant events of 1942. German saboteurs are thrown into the location of the anti-aircraft machine-gun battery, commanded by foreman Vaskov, and he has only young girls under his command. Assuming that there are not very many Germans, Vaskov decides to destroy the invaders with the help of five of his "warriors". And he really does his job. But Vaskov paid too high a price (preferably without a surname: the author does not have an emphasis on Vaskov’s personal fault, the hero himself strictly judges himself. - Approx. Aut.) for the victorious outcome of the battle.

The girls did not really respect their foreman: “a mossy stump, twenty words in reserve, and even those from the charters.” The danger brought all six together, revealed the best human qualities of the foreman, who was ready to sacrifice his life to save the girls. The foreman is a real fighter, because he went through the whole Finnish. Probably, it was thanks to such Vaskovs that a great victory in the war was won.

One of my favorite heroines in this story was Rita Osyanina. A very difficult fate has developed for this fragile, young girl. Sergeant Osyanina was the assistant foreman in the group. Vaskov immediately singled her out among the rest in the group: "strict, never laughs." Rita is the last in the group to die, and she leaves this world, realizing that no one can accuse her of cowardice. How clearly the condition of the girl in these last moments appears to me. How good it is to breathe... To catch the last seconds of this greatest, most wonderful joy, to inhale this tart, invigorating air! How you want, how you want to live!.. Another hour, another minute! One more second!!! But everything is decided. Everything that is necessary and possible has been done. Rita entrusts her own child to the foreman, as to the dearest person.

The red-haired beauty Komelkova saves the group three times. First time in the scene at the canal. In the second, helping the foreman, whom the German had already almost defeated. In the third, she takes the fire upon herself, leading the Nazis away from the wounded Osyanina. The author admires the girl: “Tall, red-haired, white-skinned. And the children's eyes are green, round, like saucers. The writer makes the reader feel the importance and depth of Zhenya's feat. I don't know why, but it was her fate that struck me. Even at the very beginning of the war, the Germans shot Zhenya's entire family, not sparing even his younger brother. But, despite this, the girl did not harden her soul, did not become rude and cruel. And this wonderful girl dies, but dies undefeated, performing a feat for the sake of others. I think that death has no power over such people.

Liza Brichkina is of particular sympathy for the reader (and foreman Vaskov himself). Lisa was born in a small house, in the wilderness. The daughter of a forester, Lisa fell in love with Russian nature from early childhood. Dreamy Lisa. “Oh, Lisa-Lizaveta, you should study!” But no, the war prevented! Do not find your happiness, do not write lectures to you: I did not have time to see everything that I dreamed of! Lisa Brichkina dies, wanting to quickly cross the swamp and call for help. Dies with the thought of his tomorrow...

Little and discreet Galya Chetvertak ... Never matured, funny and awkwardly childish girl. And her death was as small as herself.

The impressionable Sonya Gurvich, a lover of Blok's poetry, also dies, returning for the pouch left by the foreman. The behavior of each of the five girls is a feat, because they are completely unsuited to military conditions. And even "non-heroic" deaths, for all their seeming accident, are associated with self-sacrifice.

And the foreman Vaskov remains. Alone in the midst of pain, torment, one with death. Is it one? Five times more now he has strength. And what was best in him, human, but hidden in the soul, everything is suddenly revealed. The death of five girls, his "sisters", leaves a deep wound in the soul of the foreman. Indeed, in each he sees a future mother who could have children, grandchildren, and now “there will be no this thread! A small thread in the endless yarn of humanity!

The war did not bypass Russian women, the Nazis forced to fight mothers, present and future, in which hatred for murder is inherent in nature itself. These girls, completely different in character, had one feeling that united them: they loved their Motherland, they were ready for self-sacrifice. They became soldiers. It's scary to imagine cute, very young girls with machine guns on their shoulders. They sacrificed their youth, their happiness for the sake of our future, our joy and youth. We won't forget them. For human pain cannot be forgotten. You can’t throw memories of her into the farthest, dustiest corner of memory and never get them out of there. This must be remembered. Remember to avoid repetition.

To forget the pain of the Great Patriotic War is not only impossible, but also impossible. For more than a decade, this terrible tragedy of the people and this great feat of the Russian people will remind us of the dry numbers of soulless statistics. And for a long time, for a very long time, even if all the archives burn down, works of art will remind us of this tragedy. And many generations, reading the books of B. Vasiliev, Y. Bondarev, K. Simonov, M. Sholokhov, V. Nekrasov, V. Panova and other authors, will remember the heroic struggle of Russian people in this war, will feel pain for the interrupted strings of human fate and birth.

In addition to a general assessment of the quality of the essay in accordance with universal criteria, the reviewers were asked to choose a more acceptable, stylistically correct version of sentences, phrases, phrases marked by the teacher in advance. Here they are underlined.

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According to the text of Kataev. For more than a month, a handful of brave men defended the besieged fort from incessant attacks from the sea and air ...

How often do people perform feats in war? What pushes them to do it? What do they think about in the last minutes of their lives? These and other questions arise in my mind after reading V. Kataev's text.

In his text, the author poses the problem of heroism. He talks about a "handful of brave men" who defended the besieged fort from incessant attacks for more than a month. We ran out of shells, running out of food. The German rear admiral offered them to surrender, putting forward a number of conditions. The writer draws our attention to the fact that the fort garrison sewed the flag all night. The sailors went to the church. But not to give up. And to complete the last combat mission: destroy as many enemies as possible and die. "Thirty Soviet sailors fell one by one, continuing to shoot until their last breath." A huge red flag fluttered above them. The problem that the author raises made me think again about heroism and its origins.

The position of the author is clear to me: heroism is a manifestation of the highest degree of courage, it is the ability to part with life while performing a combat mission. A person who truly loves his homeland, ready to sacrifice his life to save it, is capable of a heroic deed. The author admires the courage of the sailors.

I share the author's point of view. Heroism is courage, nobility, the ability to sacrifice oneself. People for whom such concepts as love for the motherland, duty are not empty words are capable of heroic deeds. We, the readers, admire the heroism of Soviet sailors. How they went to the last combat mission - to death. How courageously and bravely they died. In fiction about the war, writers often describe a soldier's feat as the highest degree of courage, I will try to prove this.

In B.L.Vasiliev’s story “He was not on the lists”, a young lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov performs a feat. On the eve of the war, he arrived at the Brest Fortress, he had big plans for the future. But the war crossed everything. For almost nine months, the lieutenant defended the fortress, giving himself orders and carrying them out. His mission is to destroy the enemy. With this task, while there were forces, he successfully coped. When he went upstairs, in front of us was an almost blind, gray-haired man with frostbitten fingers. The German general salutes the Russian soldier, his courage and heroism.

In M.A. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" we meet Andrei Sokolov, a driver, father and husband. The war crossed out his plans. Captivity, an unsuccessful escape, when they caught up with dogs that almost gnawed to death, a successful escape, they even managed to take with them the tongue, an important German officer. Andrei learns about the death of his family, he loses his son on the last day of the war. Everything was crossed out and taken away by the war. It wasn't easy to take it all out. But he found the strength in himself to adopt Vanyushka, who is as lonely as he is. Before us is a hero, a man with a capital letter.

Thus, most often we meet with heroism in extreme situations, for example, in war. Man is placed in the conditions of choice: honor and death, or life and dishonor. Not everyone is capable of a feat. Therefore, at all times, every country is proud of its heroes and cherishes the memory of them. They deserve it.

For him, flight is the meaning of life, like wings for a bird. But they were cut off by a German fighter. Despite his injuries, Meresyev crawled through the forest for a very long time, he had neither water nor food. He overcame this difficulty, but more were waiting for him ahead. He lost his legs, he had to learn how to use prostheses, but this man was so strong in spirit that he even learned to dance on them. Despite a large number of obstacles, Meresyev regained his wings. The heroism and selflessness of the hero can only be envied. “He was not on the lists” Since we are interested in the problem of courage, we selected arguments from the literature about the war and the hard fate of the heroes. Also, Boris Vasilyev’s novel “Not on the Lists” is dedicated to the fate of Nikolai, who had just graduated from college, went to work and came under fire.

Bank of arguments of the exam in the Russian language

Danko is the embodiment of selfless, sublime and sacrificial love for people, he accomplished a feat, sacrificing himself for their salvation.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: a feat means not only saving the lives of others, but also help, self-sacrifice.
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The problem of feat, heroism and selflessness (exa arguments)

This is confirmed by an example from this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave.
He is a real person who does not put his financial situation in the first place.
Not sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic deed.


You can also refer to the image of Captain Tushin. At first, he does not make a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boots.

But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, having no cover, sparing no effort.

And it doesn’t matter at all what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.


I.A. Bunin "Lapti". In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home.

Solutions and exam

The problem of courage, heroism, self-sacrifice in war according to the text of V.

M. Bogomolova Many great poets and writers talked about duty in the war.

Millions of people died defending their home. Yes, they died, but they are alive in our memory.

In his text, V.M. Bogomolov raises the issue of courage, heroism, self-sacrifice in war.
Reflecting on this problem, the author turns to the facts and tells us the story of what happened during the Great Patriotic War: Sergeant Smirnov was instructed to ferry the longboat across the river.

It turned out that the Nazis were nearby. The bombardment began.

The mine hit the barge and started a fire. The fire was next to the ammunition.

But no one even thought of running away.

The fire burned their hands and faces. Stuffy. Happy. Breathing is difficult,” writes Bogomolov.

Sotnikov sacrificed his life, but did not betray the Motherland, as Rybak did.
Sotnikov even tried to save the lives of other people. He stepped towards his own death with a high sense of dignity and pride in his own country. Such an act is heroism and self-sacrifice. And in the story B.

Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet”, the girls act heroically.

To Captain Vaskov, a women's anti-aircraft battalion arrives. He goes on a mission with 5 girls. They learn that Nazi scouts are approaching to detain them, the girls had to die. Rita Osyanina, Liza Brichkina, Zhenya Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak died defending their Motherland.

One drowned in a swamp, the others were shot dead. But, one way or another, they delayed the enemy.

The girls have done a great job. After analyzing this problem, I came to the conclusion that there is a place for heroism in war.

This problem is reflected in the literature.

For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova sacrifices herself, living on a "yellow ticket" in order to feed her consumptive stepmother, her young children and her father, a drunkard.

Sonya helps Raskolnikov to overcome himself, shares his fate, following him to hard labor.

Throughout the novel, Sonya performs repeated feats, trying to save and saving the lives of people dear and close to her, which characterizes her as a highly moral person, strong in spirit.

Another example is Maxim Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil", in particular, the legend about Danko, which is told by the old woman Izergil. Danko, in order to prove his love for people, tore his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch, thereby leading people out of the dark forest.

Composition exam arguments the problem of heroism and selflessness

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However, the heroes were sure: you can’t retreat, you need to fight to the end: “Don’t give the German a single piece ...

No matter how hard, no matter how hopeless - to keep ... ". These are the words of a true patriot.

All the characters of the story are shown acting, fighting, dying in the name of saving the Motherland.

It was these people who forged the victory of our country in the rear, resisted the invaders in captivity and occupation, and fought at the front.

Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man". Everyone knows the immortal work of Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man." The dramatic story is based on the real facts of the biography of fighter pilot Alexei Meresyev.

Shot down in battle over the occupied territory, he made his way through the steppe forests for three weeks until he got to the partisans.

Having lost both legs, the hero subsequently shows amazing strength of character and replenishes the account of air victories over the enemy.

  • Self-sacrifice is not always associated with a risk to life.
  • To commit heroic deeds of a person is motivated by love for the Motherland.
  • A person is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves.
  • To save a child, it is sometimes not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing that a person has - his own life.
  • Only a moral person is capable of committing a heroic deed
  • Readiness for self-sacrifice does not depend on the level of income and social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in deeds, but also in the ability to be true to one's word even in the most difficult life situations.
  • People are ready for self-sacrifice even in the name of saving a stranger

Arguments L.N.

Tolstoy "War and Peace". Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic deed.

In the text proposed for analysis, Yu. Ya. Yakovlev raises the problem of feat, heroism and selflessness. That's what he's thinking about. This problem of a socio-moral nature cannot but excite modern man. The writer reveals this problem on the example of a story about a history teacher who had the opportunity to save his life, but when he learned that the inhabitants of Kragujevac were dying, among whom were his students, he decided to be with the children in their dying hour so that they would not it was so scary to soften the picture of horror that unfolded in front of them: “He was afraid of being late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could hardly stay on his feet. He found his class, gathered all his students. And many more children joined this fifth grade, because when a teacher is nearby, it’s not so scary.”

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Text from the exam

(1) We are tourists. (2) We stick our nose everywhere. (Z) We go along the narrow gallery, turn left. (4) We get into a dead end. (5) We hardly get out of it. (6) And a deafening blueness strikes our eyes - a window to the sea. (7) The squares of azure are set in a rusty lattice. (8) We breathe pure blueness and feel how it spreads through our veins. (9) We are getting younger, lighter. (10) And the stone around us lightens. (11) An oak grove grows - in Croatian oak, - the leaves of the oaks are blue, and their noise is sea.

(12) - Fuck-tah-tah! (13) Boo! (14) Boo!

(15) I look around. (16) In a narrow street - a flock of guys. (17) In the hands of wooden guns. (18) One boy with glasses, with a thick book under his arm.

(19) - Bah! (20) Bah! (21) Bah!

(22) The warlike flock is approaching.

(23) I ask:

(24) - Who are they?

(25) Answer:

(26) - Partisans!

(27) The word "partisans" sounds the same in Croatian as in Russian.

(28) I nod at the boy with the book:

(29) -And he?

(30) Answer:

(31) - History teacher.

(32) The boys look at me questioningly: what else can I ask? (33) I don’t know what to ask, and I slowly say:

(34) - We are from Moscow. (35) And among us there is also a history teacher.

(36) I try to call our teacher, but he does not respond.

(37) Lost in the labyrinth of ancient Dubrovnik. (38) And the "partisans" also disappear. (39) The street is empty. (40) The hotel where we stayed was called "Lapot". (41) We immediately renamed it "Lapot". (42) Bast shoes on the shores of the Adriatic Sea! (43) A few steps from Lapt, around the corner, a small wine cellar was discovered. (44) Three steps down - and the salty spirit of the sea was immediately interrupted by another spirit, mysterious and tart, emanating from darkened oak barrels. (45) A bronze-faced elderly man was in charge here. (46) He turned out to be a former partisan. (47) Participated in the battle on the Neretva. (48) And his name was completely in Russian - Danila. (49) Seizing the moment, I asked Danila about the mysterious "partisans" of old Dubrovnik.

(50) - Ah, these flyers *! he exclaimed. (51) - These Poletarians always play partisans. (52) Who else should they play?

(53) - But one of them, - I noticed, - was a history teacher.

(54) - And they also play the History Teacher, - said Danila, and suddenly the fun in his eyes began to fade. (55) Eyes turned cold.

(56) - Have you heard about Kragujevac? (57) There, in one night, the Nazis shot seven thousand civilians. (58) Half of those shot were schoolchildren. (59) There is now a monument. (60) Large Roman five made of concrete. (61) The children called this five - a monument to the fifth grade ... (62) So, there was a History Teacher.

(63) The conversations of my companions somehow subsided on their own. (64) Everyone began to listen to Danila's story. (65) Everyone moved closer to the counter, behind which he stood, as if behind a pulpit.

(66) - So, the History Teacher returned in the evening to Kragujevac. (67) And the German guard detained him. (68) Either the Germans took pity on him, or they did not want to mess with him. (69) But they said to him: (70) “Take off your feet. (71) You won't feel good there! (72) - "There are my students!" - objected the teacher. (73) “They won't be there soon. (74) None! (75) Go away! (76) The stubborn teacher continued to stand his ground: (77) “I taught them. (78) I should be with them! (79) He was so tired of the Germans that they decided: to hell with him, if he wants to die, let him go!

(80) He was afraid to be late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could hardly stand on his feet. (81) And there they already drove people into a column. (82) And they shouted: (83) “Schneller, Schneller!” (84) And the cry of children was heard. (85) He was a teacher in the fifth grade. (86) He found his class, gathered all his students, and they lined up in pairs, as they did when they went to the lesson. (87) And many more children joined this fifth grade, because when a teacher is nearby, it’s not so scary.

(88) “Children,” the teacher said, “I taught you history. (89) I told you how real people died for their homeland. (90) Now it's our turn. (91) Don't cry! (92) Raise your head higher! (93) Let's go! (94) Your last history lesson begins. (95) And the fifth grade followed his teacher ...

(96) I wanted to immediately go to the walled city, where now the lanterns hanging on chains burned dimly, and the shutters were closed. (97) I wanted to find the familiar "partisan detachment" and talk with the "History Teacher". (98) He was needed by the detachment as a demoman, submachine gunner, grenade launcher. (99) Without it, war is not war. (100) But, probably, at this hour the little “History Teacher” was sleeping with the rest of the “fighters” sent by their mothers to bed.

(According to Yu. Yakovlev)


Each of us at least once in our lives stood at a crossroads - doubted, hesitated, weighed, made a decision, made a choice. In general, our whole life consists of the need to choose, even in small things.

We decide whether to study hard or be a little lazy, be responsible in life and work, or allow ourselves to be frivolous. We choose what kind of people we will become, how much we will care for the general welfare, how much we will be able to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others.


Yu. Yakovlev in the text touches on the burning problem of a person's life choice, whose volitional decisions are comparable to a feat. Not everyone is capable of this, and not everyone will understand the greatness of the soul of people who, obeying only their inner convictions, voluntarily sacrifice not only personal well-being, but also their own lives.

A comment

At the beginning of the text, we see a group of Russian tourists wandering through the narrow streets of a small Croatian town. After meeting with a group of boys playing partisans and "History Teachers", tourists learn that during the Great Patriotic War, a real tragedy occurred in the nearest village of Kragujevac. Seven thousand people were shot by fascist troops in one night, about half of those shot were children of school age.

This story was told to travelers by a local gray-haired old man with the Russian name Danila. He told that the Germans had cordoned off the village and were no longer letting anyone in, even the school history teacher, who was returning home in the evening. Despite the fact that he was warned about the upcoming execution, that he would never see his students again, the teacher did not stop trying to be close to his pupils.

He begged, he begged, to be allowed to share the fate of his disciples. The Nazis gave in. The teacher ran, afraid of being late. He found his fifth grade, built the children in pairs. The other students joined in as well, because that way they were less scared.

The teacher asked the children not to cry, he told them that the time had come for them all to die together for their homeland, that this would be their last history lesson. And the kids were obedient...

Subsequently, a monument in the form of a large Roman five was erected to the dead children.

Author's position

The author is convinced that such people as the “History Teacher” were needed by the motherland no less than demolition workers, submachine gunners or grenade throwers. For him, and for everyone else, the teacher was the main character, without whom the death of small, innocent children would lose all meaning.

own position

I was struck by this text, the act of a school teacher. The very fact of the execution of students who had to give their innocent lives because of the whim of adults fighting for power seems unrealistic, unacceptable. Who was the teacher for the dead children? Realizing that the execution was inevitable, he managed to somehow calm the hearts of his students, clenched in horror, helped them comprehend their senseless death, and led them along.

How many are capable of this? For the sake of alleviating the last moments of the people entrusted to him, laying his own fate on the altar? I don't think many. There are only a few people with such a life position. They are real heroes, they fill our lives with meaning.

What would happen if the teacher abandoned his students? He couldn't forgive himself, he just couldn't move on.

Argument #1

From the literature, I recall the image of Danko from M. Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil", who pulled out his burning heart to bring the distraught crowd to the light. What was he thinking? What made him doom himself to death? The gratitude of your people? He didn't get it. Instead, some cautious person trampled on his heart so that no one would remember the feat of the young man.

He simply could not do otherwise, could not afford to show weakness, cowardice, lack of confidence in himself and in a better future for his people.

Argument #2

Only with one image can I fully compare the image of the "History Teacher" from the essay by Yu. Yakovlev - this is the biblical image of Christ. Jesus Christ also went to be crucified for the salvation of mankind - his children. And for him it was not a feat, as well as for a school teacher his act. They chose this path as a matter of course, only because some power within their being could not allow them to do otherwise. Only because it was their life choice.


Sooner or later, each of us will make his life choice. Another question is whether it will be connected with the feat of salvation, creation, or whether we will find ourselves on the side of the destroyers. Life is a complex process, and it depends only on us what role we will play in it.

In the text proposed for analysis by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev raises the problem of feat, heroism and selflessness. That's what he's thinking about.

This problem of a socio-moral nature cannot but excite modern man.

The writer reveals this problem on the example of a story about a history teacher who had the opportunity to save his life, but when he learned that the inhabitants of Kragujevac were dying, among whom were his students, he decided to be with the children in their dying hour so that they would not it was so scary to soften the picture of horror that unfolded before them: “He was afraid to be late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could hardly stand on his feet. He found his class, gathered all his students. there are many more children, because when a teacher is around, it’s not so scary.”

And also the writer shows the masculinity, fearlessness and selflessness of the teacher, his love for children, how he inspired them by teaching them his last lesson: “Children,” the teacher said, “I told you how real people died for their homeland.

Now it's our turn. Come on! Your last history lesson is about to begin." And the fifth grade followed its teacher."

The author's position is clear: Yu.Ya. Yakovlev believes that a feat can be understood not only as saving the lives of other people, but also as help in the hour of death, for example, to become a role model and support, especially if you have to sacrifice your life for this.

This problem is reflected in the literature. For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova sacrifices herself, living on a "yellow ticket" in order to feed her consumptive stepmother, her young children and her father, a drunkard. Sonya helps Raskolnikov to overcome himself, shares his fate, following him to hard labor. Throughout the novel, Sonya performs repeated feats, trying to save and saving the lives of people dear and close to her, which characterizes her as a highly moral person, strong in spirit.

Another example is the story of Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil", in particular, the legend about Danko, which is told by the old woman Izergil. Danko, in order to prove his love for people, tore his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch, thereby leading people out of the dark forest. Danko is the embodiment of selfless, sublime and sacrificial love for people, he accomplished a feat, sacrificing himself for their salvation.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: a feat means not only saving the lives of others, but also help, self-sacrifice.

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