Scene Baba Yaga gets a job. Scene "Congratulations from Baba Yaga"


0Baba - Yaga on the anniversary!
Oh men!
Yes in kind!
I'll come closer. I'll be the last fool
If I don't find a pair.
You men forgot
About me, forest star. I have, you see, from dust
Itched in? nose.

How much pain I endure!
If only someone could help.
From cultural entertainment
Only a broom between the legs. Will you fly with me, dear? Something, dear, do you have? It's useless to deny.

Fairy tales
U. 4. Baba
Yaga: Birthday

Scenario: anniversary evening

Option for a woman

(This script can also be used on a normal birthday. It is written for a woman named
Tatiana. It can be remade for another name, another zodiac sign) I propose a toast to the birthday girl. Pouring champagne into glasses
And together we drink everything to the bottom!
We raise our toast to youth
And youth is not alone!
For a beautiful and beloved woman
There is an invariable age - twenty-five!
So let the years fly by like birds,
Not daring to leave your seal!
Stay the same energetic
After all, you have not worked in vain for so many years!
Be the same cheerful, cute,
And may fate keep you from trouble! (The guests perform an old gypsy romance for the hero of the occasion. Two can sing, and everyone else picks up the chorus.) The glasses are pouring
They have a reflection of amber,
And faces light up
Like a spring dawn!
With wine, longing is carried away,
It's getting brighter
And a toast to the heart asks: We drink for the anniversary!
Our choir sings an old tune,
Pouring champagne river
In honor of the beautiful and beloved
Tanya dear!
What could be more wonderful
When love melts
You are greeted with a song
Family and friends!
Let the evening begin
Like a new circle of life
And all dreams come true
And everything blooms around!
Tanya, drink to the bottom!
Well, now we are not averse to raising a toast
For those who raised such a daughter.
First, the joy of life gave
And opened the doors to the beautiful world,
And secondly, taught to be kind
And gave her the wisdom of generations.
For those thanks to whom, now
She sits with a smile among us!
So, we drink to our parents ... (Calls them by name and patronymic.) (The host talks about the life path of the birthday girl. This story ends with a congratulation song on the presentation of a gift from friends or an envelope with money.) to the melody
Cool "Unfinished Romance" Talent and beauty do not meet so often!
God, how your spring suited you!
Let autumn be in the yard, but you are in September

Beyond life
We are watching Tanya
And we read with fascination
A beautiful unfinished novel
About love without change.
May your happiness never end!
We want to wish you now
So that it is clear and cloudless in your family!
Today is the anniversary. It's hard to tell which one!
We know you did great on this part of the journey!
There is a friendly family, colleagues and friends,
And you look no older than thirty!
We congratulate you today
And from the bottom of our hearts we give you
Beautiful symbolic envelope
From friends as a token of love!
So that you choose a gift,
And you remembered us at the same time.
All our meetings, our holidays,
Our se la vie! (The lines of the first verse can be replaced depending on the month: Let autumn in the yard
But in September (October, November) you are still beautiful and slim!
Trees in silver
But in December (January, February) you are still beautiful and slim!
Summer sends us gifts
And you are still
Still beautiful and slim!
Let the years pass
Spring is always with you
And you, as before, are young!) (The presenter discreetly hides the gift. Appears
Baba Yaga. Sings to the melody "And the locomotive ran, the wheels rubbed.")
My panicle is all dusty... You didn't expect me, but I came!
Are you celebrating your birthday here?
And you don't notice anything around!
And I hid a present for you!
She didn't even print her fingers!
Let him remember
Yaga will stay
And the birthday girl will not get it! No, grandma!
We do not agree!
Better drink with us for the health of the birthday girl and have a bite!
She lived to be a thousand years old, but she had never seen such a table!
Well, thank you, respected the old lady!
So be it, I'll help you find a gift!
Here's your first hint:
I swear I'll be old and stooped
When there is no note on the leg ... (The presenter gives the prize to the one who answered, and invites all guests to look for a note. The one who has a note tied to the leg of a chair is awarded a prize.) The note contains the following text: Look further as soon as possible.
My note from ... The guesser receives a prize and brings a note with a rebus: (The prize is given to the one who deciphered the rebus. The birthday girl is again given a gift lying on the window.) (Baba Yaga is about to fly away.) Oh!
Completely forgot!
I have an order from
Kashcheya - congratulate the birthday girl!
Song to the melody of a song
V. Dobrynina "Plantain-grass" Where the stitch is beaten
Overgrown with swan
We walk in love with you, - I and
Leshiy young!
Plantain grass!
Tanechka, listen!
We will reveal to you our main secret: Eat a rejuvenating apple - And shine with beauty even up to a hundred years! (Baba Yaga takes out a ruddy apple.) Could not give me a millennium!
Well, nothing, I will rejuvenate with you!
After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all the wines will turn into an elixir of youth!
So, we pour everything, drink ...
Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is seventeen years old! (Woman
Yaga removes his nose with glasses and a handkerchief.)
Well, here I am rejuvenated, thanks to your birthday girl!
And now it's time for me!
Song to the melody of the song "Seeing Love" Half an hour before the flight, half an hour before the flight!
I'm already at the runway!
I'm in a hurry to the Sabbath on this starry evening
And I will arrive exactly like clockwork!
Here, at the anniversary, it was so wonderful - You, call it what you want!
Or birthday, or jam day,
Or an evening of happiness and love!
Let's hold a contest on the theme "Who knows the birthday girl better"!
She will be the judge
Tatiana. (The presenter asks questions and gives chips for correct answers. The one who at the end of the game won the most chips receives a prize autographed by the birthday girl.) Competition "Who knows the birthday girl better" (In the Appendix you will find various options for questions for other names, signs of the zodiac and symbols of the year.) Let me just get to the chicken legs,
I'll melt the stove with you, you scoundrel!
Where did the hard one carry you? Here the technical inspection of the stupa did not pass,
However, it flew faster in the sky
And she was not an example of obedience! (Woman
Yaga approaches the festive table and stops, looking around everyone.) Whose feast
Yaga fell from heaven? What men, in general frenzy!
Probably this one will be the hero of the day!
What to become!
What shoulders, arms!
And a proud look like an eagle!
That's what I dreamed about as a girl,
Oh, I feel youth again came to me!
130 years is not age for a woman,
Right now, I'll put all my beauty into play!
It's a pity I didn't wash my hair with "Helden Sholders" Yes, the warts have grown on my nose.
The hero of the day has a heart not made of stone
It's time for me to start attacking
And if he lays eyes on me,
I'll start pumping silicone in my bosom!
Yes, such a man with a rod!
You can't shake off a bare hand,
Like a hedgehog
You can't plug him into a belt.
The man is sensible and not extravagant,
All other virtues with him,
Boss, leader, knows his word
And he does not sit sullenly with an old stump.
Gifts for the birthday boy!
And to give you this? .. To pull the hair out of the crown,
Yes, to make a balalaika from logs? ..
A bear coat wouldn't be bad either.
Yes, the fleas in it will bite to death,
Catch frogs? Of which delicacies
In Europe, restaurants serve.
I'll sing a better song to the hero of the day,
Art is always more useful for guests
And prevention from influenza and sclerosis,
Unloading from toasts for guests! (Woman
Yaga dances and sings a short humorous song.)

To celebrate the New Year 2020 with fun, you should think over the entertainment program in advance, including interesting contests, pranks, riddles and skits. Particularly popular with children and adults are performances with the participation of fairy-tale characters.

Your guests will enjoy a small New Year's performance about Baba Yaga, which we bring to your attention.

Scene with Baba Yaga for the New Year 2020

A comic New Year's greeting from Baba Yaga (a man can act in this role) will begin with the fact that she will appear at the holiday:
- Oh, my broom, broom!
Where did you take me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?
Oh, tell me honest people
New Year's Eve is not here?

Santa Claus appears in miniature, he sees Baba Yaga:
- Yes, we are here to celebrate the coming year. And you, grandmother, as I remember, no one called here.
Baba Yaga:
- Santa Claus, respect me,
Otherwise, I'm your holiday
I'll turn it into a big scandal.
In the case you saw me:
You know, I'm a thunder woman,
I will arrange a massacre here,
I'll smash all your tables
Yes, and now you will dance,
So don't be a jerk
Make me a Snow Maiden
Ali the Snow Queen.
I want to be first everywhere!

Santa Claus does not agree, and then in this comic scene, Baba Yaga says that she has bewitched New Year's gifts.

- There will be no presents for you, dear guests, from Santa Claus! But I will present my gifts to you - you will not forget a century. (She takes out various things from the basket and gives them to the guests).

- To not suffer a hangover,
I made a potion for you
From grebes, toads and snakes.
Drink it without fear!
(Gives a jar of pickles.)

- I poked around in the closets,
Collected drugs.
To be strong in love
Here, take a carrot.
(Hands a carrot.)

- From colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
And so as not to be tormented by pressure -
Here is the instruction:
Eat more grapefruit
You will be like this fruit.
(Gives these fruits.)

- But from the mold jelly!
You haven't drunk it before?
So accept when it starts
Carousel in the body!
(Gives a packet of fruit juice.)

After that, Santa Claus says:
- What are these gifts, grandmother? The Snow Maiden and I have prepared completely different gifts for our guests - New Year's gifts.

He addresses the guests:
Let's break them down with you.

Guests will solve riddles and receive prizes for this - calendars, small toys, sweets, etc. Santa Claus will invite those present to answer the questions:

  • Previously, in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1 and September 1. Which of the Russian tsars issued a decree according to which this holiday began to be celebrated on the first of January? (Peter the First).
  • What Russian city is considered the geographical homeland of Santa Claus? (Great Ustyug).
  • In which country is the New Year celebrated together with Cattle Breeding Day? Santa Claus, who is dressed as a cattleman, wears a fox hat, in his hands he has a long whip, and on his side is a snuff box and flint. (In Mongolia).
  • In which country is the residence of the Snow Queen located? (In Lapland).
  • Why don't they serve birds to the New Year's table in Hungary? (It is believed that otherwise happiness can fly away from home).
  • Where before the New Year it is customary to fill all the dishes with water, and after the clock strikes twelve, a real flood begins, as people pour water from the windows? (Such a custom exists in Cuba).

Merry New Year's contests with the participation of Baba Yaga

A comic congratulation from Baba Yaga for the New Year 2020 may include a Guess the contest. Its participants are divided into two teams, one of which must depict a well-known proverb or fairy tale using pantomime. The second team must guess which proverb is being discussed. The maximum number of attempts to give the correct answer is from three to five.

Baba Yaga:
- They didn’t want to make me a Snow Maiden - and they don’t need to. And so I have become Princess Nesmeyana here: your performances do not amuse me. Let's have another competition.

To participate in this funny New Year's Baba Yaga contest, she divides those who wish into two teams. The first team is Princess Nesmeyana; these participants sit down in chairs and look as despondent as possible. The second team should make them laugh.

To do this, you will need to tell jokes, sing ditties, perform ridiculous movements, etc. Each smiling “unsmiling” joins the second team. The teams can then switch roles.

You can hold a music competition with Baba Yaga, the participants of which will perform one verse of the song "Winter":

At the edge of the forest, Winter lived in a hut.
She salted snowballs in a birch tub,
She wove yarn, she wove canvases,
Forged ice bridges over rivers.

The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky,
Behind the rough wall, the darkness is prickly.
As you go beyond the threshold - frost everywhere,
And from the windows the park is blue-blue.

Went hunting, cut silver,
I planted a thin month in a crystal bucket.
She sewed fur coats for trees, toiled a sledge track,
And then she hurried to the forest to rest in the hut.


Baba Yaga:
Oh, thank you, you made me laugh! Already got sick of conjuring.

Then, in her comic congratulations on the New Year, Baba Yaga decides to sing ditties:
- I'm a funny old woman,
I have been living on Earth for a hundred years,
And I love to sing ditties
I love listening to them too.
Stretch the fur, harmonica,
Yes, play - play!
Sing ditties, Grandmother-Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!

She addresses the guests:
- What, did you like the way I sing? Do you know what? Let me teach you how to sing.

She invites several girls and women to the stage. The participants in this scene perform ditties with Baba Yaga:
- Our harmonica is good,
Yes, we are beautiful!
We will sing ditties to you,
We know you'll love it!

New Year we are the whole country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink for the holidays!

Hey pretty girls
We don't get bored!
Together with grandmother ditties
Singing out loud!

Baba Yaga:
- Last New Year's holiday
With the goblin noted
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

- Sing, sing, fun!
Dance, drink.
Here are ditties sung to you,
Don't forget us!

Santa Claus appears on the stage again:
- Well, the old woman, well, Baba Yaga! Any young one will give a hundred points ahead! Let's thank her and sing a song in honor of her.

The participants in this merry New Year's miniature with Baba Yaga dance around her and sing:
- A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
What was the grandmother's name?
Our light, Baba Yaga!
The blizzard sang a song to her,
The bear sang ditties,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!
But the New Year suddenly came
And grandmother blooms -
To our grandmother's Christmas tree
Called honest people!
Now she's pretty
Came to us for the holiday
And a lot of very joy
Brought to all guests!

The main character of the comic scene, Baba Yaga declares:
Well, you were afraid of me...
And I am hearty Yaga,
Though harmful, but eternal,
Gray-haired, but perky,
Grandma is smart.
I fly on a broomstick
And always tipsy.

At the end of this New Year's greeting, Baba Yaga addresses the guests:
- Happy New Year!
May he bring joy
May everyone be happy
There will be this New Year!

Let it be rich, generous
For good luck and good
I wish happiness
The New Year is here for everyone!
Happy holiday, my dears! Happy New Year!

A scene with the participation of Baba Yaga to congratulate a woman on her birthday

To stage this scene, you immediately need to prepare the main gift, a woolen scarf, a handkerchief, a package of sanitary pads, a bottle of champagne, a counter ... option, a bag of potato chips and a bag to fit it all. One of the guests can easily handle the role of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
Yaga from a fairy tale came to you,
To congratulate, Oksana, you!
Today I brought gifts from the forest in a bag,
For a long time I was going to go, dressed up,
at night with a sweetheart, she kissed.

(Gives the birthday girl the main gift.)

Our Waterman is completely crazy.
With trade famously turned around,
He sent you tinctures
He called it living water.

(Baba Yaga takes out a bottle of champagne.)

And Tortilla, then Tortilla
I forgot everything in my old age
Instead of a key
Oldeys sent here.

(Gives sanitary pads.)

And the boar is, and the boar
He dug potatoes
Maybe in our garden
Maybe he stole in yours!

(Baba Yaga hands over a bag of potato chips.)

Cursed Merman
He did what to me
Says "Protected"
This item, I got it.

(Gives the birthday girl a remedy.)

The wolf killed a sheep for you
But nature is
Sheep skin only
You only got one.

(Gives a woolen scarf.)

The spider wove cobwebs for you
So that tears do not drip from the eyes.

Best of all, this scene with the participation of Baba Yaga is suitable to congratulate one of the female employees on her birthday. The setting can be arranged in the office. According to the script, we need to prepare the following gifts in advance: a mop with a clip or a broom, a bag of nuts, a can of coffee, hazelnuts in chocolate, face cream, horseradish and radish, a pack of raisins, a can of pickled tomatoes or cucumbers, a package of strawberry juice.

Baba Yaga:
Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where did you take me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?
Oh, tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?

Yes, here!

Baba Yaga:
I see Tamara is sitting there
Just a weird look!
Pale, red nose
Doesn't he suffer from diarrhea?
Here in the closet poshmonala
Yes, I collected medicines!
Search the whole wide world
There are no better drugs!

My first advice is
To stay young
Smear manure on your face -
It will be smooth as an egg!
Here's some for you in a jar.

(Gives face cream.)

Follow the figure
Drive less - keep walking!
So that the forms do not sag
Especially in front!
To have a waist
Fat, so as not to swim
At night, only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love affairs!

(Hands a horseradish and a radish.)

To maintain tone -
Learn to fly on a broomstick!
Balance on a broom
Not the same as in the saddle!
Will you listen to advice
Everything will benefit it!
You will be our symbol
And the house will be in abundance!
Here's a modern mechanized broom for you

(Baba Yaga gives a mop with a clip or a broom.)

Here is jelly from the mold!
Didn't drink it before?
So drink when it starts
Carousel in the body!
It doesn't taste so good
But it does take the edge off!

(Gives a pack of strawberry juice.)

A cold is not a problem!
Eat a cobblestone from the pond!
There is no reliable medicine
Than the natural environment!

(Pulls out a bag of nuts.)

If it hurts in the heart,
And in the chest it burns with fire,
It means Tamara
You have encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark
And cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemistry!
Tea natural gifts!

(Baba Yaga hands over a pack of raisins)

And the pressure kicks in
Try rabbit litter!
He is much more healing than honey,
Though the color is like honey.

(Gives the birthday girl chocolate-covered hazelnuts.)

He sure tastes cool
From him there are deaths!
Only those who survive
Everyone lives to old age!

And crunches in the back,
Don't sit on the ballot!
Hurry jump into the nettles
And ride under the moon!
And when your friend
Can't sleep at night
Drink a decoction of flea feet!
You will sleep like a groundhog!

(Baba Yaga takes out a can of coffee.)

To avoid a hangover
I brewed a potion for you
Of toadstools, toads and snakes
Drink it without fear.

(Puts a jar of pickled tomatoes or cucumbers on the table.)

That's all my order!
How amused you?
Anniversary! Happy Birthday!
Until the morning you have fun!

Finally, I'll throw a glass
Otherwise, I'll perish on the road!

Everyone drinks with Baba Yaga for the birthday girl and wish her long life.

Here are some funny scenarios for you to choose from. Some scene "Congratulations from Baba Yaga" will easily fit into the celebration, diversify the celebration of a birthday or anniversary and help to congratulate a friend in an original way.

Music test for spouses "Who remembers better?"
(can be used on any anniversary)

To do this, you need to prepare cuts from songs
Vedas: Our hero of the day and his wife have been together for many years, and the memories of the first meeting, the wedding, the first years of marriage have already faded. Now I will conduct an unusual interview with the hero of the day and his wife, from which we will learn that each of them remembers the past. I will take turns asking them different questions, and they will answer me mentally, and their thoughts will help me voice my microphone! So, let's begin.

The presenter alternately brings a microphone to the head of each of the spouses, cuts are turned on accordingly.

1. M. - Under what circumstances did you meet your future wife? (“Gop-stop, we came around the corner” ...)
2. J. - Where was your first date? (“In the sunflowers, my beloved hugged me” ...)
3. M. - Remember what your future wife was wearing that day? (“Hare sheepskin coat, rabbit sheepskin coat, hare sheepskin coat, you are still intact” ...)
4. J. - And what was your gentleman wearing? (“Felt boots, boots, oh, not hemmed, old ones - 1 time ...”)
5. M. - With what words did you confess your love to her? (“No one loves you like me, no one loves you like me!...)
6. J. - What did you answer then? (“I want to get married, I want to get married, don’t be afraid, I’ll pay for everything ...)
7. M. - How do you remember your wedding? (“And this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced (Meladze)” ...)
8. J. - What do you remember about your wedding? (“Russian vodka, what have you done, Russian vodka, you ruined me”…)
9. M. - What did you say to your wife on your wedding night? ("I'm a chocolate bunny, I'm an affectionate bastard, I'm one hundred percent sweet, oh oh ...")
10. J. - And what do you answer him? (“Tell me, tell me what you need, what you need, maybe I’ll give you, maybe I’ll give you what you want ...”)
11. M. - What was your first home like? (“This is a communal, communal apartment”…)
12. J. - And what were your impressions when you saw that apartment for the first time? (“The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky, the darkness behind the rough wall is prickly” ...)
13. M. - What do you think in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror? (“I am a moderately well-fed man in the prime of life ...”)
14. J. - And what do you think, looking at your reflection? (“I will melt the pieces of ice with my hot heart, I can do everything, I can do everything, I can’t do otherwise (V. Tolkunova) ...”)
18. Presenter: Such different thoughts in the head of this married couple, but you and I know what they really have ... (“Well, everything will be fine, I know it, I know it! ..)
And therefore, I propose a toast to love and mutual understanding between the spouses, otherwise today's holiday would not have taken place, and so many wonderful relatives and friends of the family of the hero of the day would not have gathered today!

Set*WEEK* (for men)

They take out the rope, but which
pants are attached to the clips.

We have seven days in a week.
Briefs "Nedelka" - just right!

Dark panties.
Business Monday
And feel comfortable all day long.

Panties in a cage or striped.
And on Tuesday put on panties in a cage Or put on a stripe.
Your new working day will be very fruitful.

Briefs with hearts.
On Wednesday, don't forget to put on panties in hearts,
And they will remind you to fulfill your marital duty

Flannel briefs.
On Thursday in the winter period From the flannel there are shorts.
You won't get cold, that's for sure.
In general, you know what!

Men's thongs.
On Friday, put on these, they give Sexuality.
On panties, (name of the hero of the day), such very women peck.

Floral briefs.
It's good that at least on Saturday you don't have to go to work.
Cheerful Panties You'll like it, boy.

Family shorts.
At home, (name), on Sunday you put on your family,
And walk around the apartment in them. You even have a whole day of God.

For you, the Factory Girls worked so hard.
By the way, we bought threads and fabric for our own cash. At least one example now And let's dance with us!

Anniversary congratulations! we sincerely wish him
So that the head does not hurt (analgin)
Heart no matter what! (validol)
The loin that would not ache! (birch broom)
And the blues did not harass! (eleutherococcus)
So that the joints do not creak (screwdriver)
So that the teeth do not hurt (toothpaste)
So that sand does not pour (cork)
The voice would not be lost (egg)
So as not to suffer from shortness of breath
And all diseases would come cover (cover)!
Our dear Anniversary! We ask you to live without despondency, taking 5 drops (balm)
Be healthy, don't get sick!
Have a big reserve of strength!
Live in the world for many years
Native, beloved person!

Yulia Yulia CONGRATULATIONS TOON (female version) Ved. From the funny cartoon Winnie the Pooh and Piglet They came to wish you a happy birthday, my friend! We meet! (They come with gifts to the music: 3 balls, 3 chocolates) V-Pooh: You don’t quarrel with your friends, don’t leave your friends in trouble, Be cheerful and welcoming .... Piglet: This ball is big for you! V-Pooh: Waking up early in the morning, do not forget about exercises. To lift your spirits... V-Pooh: Have a chocolate bar with your friends! Vedas. Become famous and rich, prove to us and to yourself That you can do everything in the world .... Piglet: This ball is big for you! Vedas. In the summer, go to the sea, sunbathe there like a mulatto, And when the tan peels off, V-Pooh: Eat a chocolate bar with your friends! Wu Pooh:. We wish you to receive a salary only in UE, We ourselves carry it as a gift... Piglet: This ball is big for you! V.-Pooh In our life, everything is not always going smoothly ... And when you get a little sad, Eat a chocolate bar with your friends

Any event will become more interesting if it uses a congratulation scene from Baba Yaga. This fairy-tale character was previously considered exclusively negative. But today her attitude has changed.

Modern Baba Yaga

Evil evil spirits that do mischief to people today can act as a cool, slightly ridiculous person. A scene with her participation can turn out to be very funny. Congratulations from Baba Yaga will make the scenario of the event non-trivial, exciting. It is very important to correctly develop a new image of the modern Grandmother-Hedgehog.

Let this character absolutely change his image. For example, it may not be a terrible old woman who trades in witchcraft and sabotage, but a sweet, fairly young and frivolous person who has only recently been hired for this position.

Anniversary guest performance

Surely everyone will laugh at such a Baba Yaga. may start with a creative introduction by the guest. It can be turned into a parody of Khazanov's speech about a student from a culinary college.

“So I studied to be a vamp witch, only at the very first session I flunked one exam. Well, you yourself understand: young sorcerers, devils ... Oh, what devils they were! In short, like midnight - we are all, evil spirits, that is, undereducated, some riding on a whisk, some flying on a mokik, and - on a sabbath, on a mountain, that is, Bald. And there ... Ah, before school, my dears, it was, in soft ants with us: songs, playfulness every hour, so that my head turned! But I seem to have read about this somewhere ... In general, they transferred me to the course of “women”. By the way, there I also barely managed to get a C grade.

Something I chatted, distracted a bit. So I flew here to bring my congratulations to the hero of the day. From Baba Yaga to a woman (he reads the name from a piece of paper that he takes out of his bra). So… Now! Rap. My words. Folk music.

Rap ode in honor of the birthday girl

Comic congratulations from Baba Yaga in the style of a youth musical and poetic direction sound very creative.

Respect to all! It's me, Grandma Yozhka! I'm with you again! And my rap is for the best woman on Earth (name of the birthday girl)!

My life has not been sweet

The bumpy road is also not smooth,

Fate always made faces at me,

Tell me, are our lives similar in some way?

But even when they shout after: “Grandma-Hedgehog!”,

I know there's a little bit of fear in it

There is respect, envy, love,

And admiration. The blood is rushing!

You do not look back after such people,

I didn’t sing my rap about them here.

Know that all women are not bitches, bitches,

We are like splinters for mediocrities.

Stand next to me, sing along with me!

We will be born here rap with you.

From this moment, let time not be powerful

They will be over (name: Tanya, Lyuda, Nadia)! And the burden of gravity

The shoulders will not touch the tender ones from now on!

Glorious may your name be forever!

Musical scene "Congratulations from Baba Yaga to the hero of the day"

The guest can dress up in an extravagant sex bomb. And let her have only one attribute left from the traditional Baba Yaga, for example, a broom or mortar. Yes, and on a magical vehicle, you can hang the emblem of a super fashionable car. Then the scene itself will become even more modern.

Baba Yaga, who came to the holiday arm in arm with a beefy Leshy in a bandana and leather pants - that's cool! And if she also sings her text to a well-known melody, then success is guaranteed to her.

A wonderful option could be the famous hit “How delightful evenings are in Russia”, on the melody of which other words will be put.

How delightful today is the hero of the day!

He sits now decorously, nobly,

Listens to flattering praises in public

And accepts favorably every gift.

Caskets, irons, shirts and watches,

And cameras, and tea sets,

Trips abroad, where it is impossible without a visa,

And cufflinks, chains for beauty.

How delightful the wine is here today!

The nectar is magical, as it sparkles in a glass.

And I'll say now: let's have fun!

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time.

Our hero of the day, who reached these terrible numbers,

Let him live at least one century,

We wish the hero of the day longevity!

And we promise: in a century we will sing this verse.

How wonderful (say, people!) to live!

A good life is a million times better.

And so that you live this life with luck - cooler

There can be no wishes in the world!

Success, wealth, respect, honor,

Demand, well, and ... the crunch of a French roll!

Love, champagne, sunsets, lanes...

And troubles - ugh, little things, do not count!

Dance at the feast

A congratulation scene from Baba Yaga can also be accompanied by a striptease, of course, within the framework of what is permitted. Therefore, the dance itself should be thought out in such a way that the sex bomb remains dressed by the end of the performance. To do this, her outfit should consist of many details that she will take off during the dance: a scarf, a belt, a bolero, an apron, a bow on her shoulder, a skirt fastened with a button on the belt, sleeve cuffs, a collar, etc.

Such a dance near a washing machine, which will imitate a pole, will look very creative. You can also replace the beads with a clothesline ring with clothespins fastened to it. Before the performance, Baba Yaga can wind curlers into her hair in order to get a little closer to the image of the real Baba Yaga from real, not fairy-tale life.

Baba Yaga on the anniversary!

Oh men! Yes in kind!
I'll come closer.
I'll be the last fool
If I don't find a pair.

You men forgot
About me, forest star.
I have, you see, from dust
Itched in ... nose.

How much pain I endure!
If only someone could help.
From cultural entertainment
Only a broom between the legs.

Will you fly with me, dear?
Something, darling, you have...
It's useless to deny.
What am I? I can eat.

I am like that, if necessary,
I will swallow and not chew.
I'm not happy with myself
Having achieved ... nothing.

Be obedient to me and meek.
And don't you dare insult me.
I'm in a beauty contest
Earned the title... Miss.

If you are a supporter of marriage,
I'll buy myself a veil.
Well, you yourself will go without a tailcoat
For position nambe tou.

I will allow you without bargaining
Admire me, Yaga,
You will feel with delight
How will I appear naked!

Come closer to me
Don't worry, don't be cold!
I am the sweetest in the world.
Here's the whole ... story.

What are you drinking here? Vodka?
Without it, I, too, - horror.
So, take your toothbrush
Have a drink and let's go!

Scene with Baba Yaga (disguised as a man)

Yaga from a fairy tale came to you,
To congratulate, ___________, you!
Today I brought gifts from the forest in a bag,
For a long time I was going to go, dressed up,
at night with a sweetheart, she kissed. (Gives a gift)

Our Waterman is completely crazy.
With trade famously turned around,
He sent you tinctures
He called it living water. (Hands a bottle)

Our darling, Gorynych Serpent
Turned out to be the best
He castrated himself
____________ , only for you. (Gives 2 boiled eggs)

And Tortilla, then Tortilla
I forgot everything in my old age
Instead of a key
Tampax sent here. (Hands tampax)

And the boar is, and the boar
He dug potatoes
Maybe in our garden
Maybe he stole in yours! (hands potatoes)

Cursed Merman
He did what to me
Said "Protected"
This subject remained in me. (Hands a condom)

The wolf killed a sheep for you
But nature is
Sheep skin only
You got one. (The skin is given)

The spider has spun cobwebs for you
So that tears do not drip from the eyes. (handkerchief handed)

Baba Yaga with a gift for the anniversary.


Gop-stop, I came up from around the corner,
Gop-stop, quietly poured whiskey,
Yes, and I had time for the holidays,
I quickly flew on the mortar
Broom dispersed the wind
I put aside everything
Shibche flew in the sky
But the stupa did not pass the technical inspection.

Gop-stop, infusion is brewing in a pot,
Gop-stop, I used to be young.
But my soul does not age,
Every year I get better,
have fun and get younger
And I will fall in love with Kashchei so much,
And from love he will be stunned
After all, magic and a talisman are always with me, oh-oh ...

Gop-stop, I put on a golden lady,
Gop-stop, all the leshaks are my friends,
And here I can have some fun
I see your bright faces
I would like to drink vodka now
And then get drunk
frolic with men
Yes, but I'm not that drunk yet.

Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where did you take me?
Is the navigator broken?
Oh tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?
(guests answer)

I see Lyuba sitting here
Just a weird look!

You do not think that I came to you for free.
I don't know how to surprise you
Pants decided to give.
Our female appearance is adorned with earrings, rings and watches,
but not everyone probably knows that the most important thing is CORSIES.

Oh nice to say
"Week" I want to give.

You will be the one to walk in the "week".
You will be a cool woman.
Don't just put them on
And fit the occasion.

(child's underpants)
Kohl tormented by nostalgia
Childhood, youth, do not be bored
Don't give in to sadness
Put on these pants.

(red shorts)
1. Red color excites us
And calls for feats
You wear these pants
And boldly move forward.
So that the money is here
you hang panties on the chandelier.
to ignite the flame of love,
from cowards you make a banner,
march one-two, one-two,
everyone around you will go crazy.
income so that the train stretches,
put your panties in the safe.
so that magic flows like a river,
panties keep you at hand!

1. All work yes work,
How naive are you -
In these you can decide
Your affairs are intimate.
To a resort, or to a sanatorium
Buy you a ticket
You put on "erotica"
You'll be a cool chick.

(panties with red cross)
If you suddenly didn't see
And health mopes
Wear white panties
And herself as Aibolit.

(black shorts)
Suddenly financial stagnation
No lard with sausage
In the black sea knee-deep
Put on and sing songs.

(panties lined with fur)
Warm pants keep you warm
Cold winter evening
They will be warm and cozy
And no hardships.

(smart with ruffles)
And today is your holiday
Jokes, laughter, fun
Put on fancy underpants,
So. for the mood.
And after the holiday you will put on,
Walk in them for a walk
And preferably without a skirt,
Just wag your ass.

I gave panties
Cheered up all the guests
Though you go around the whole world,
You won't find these anymore.

Do you have more fun with a gift?
Well, to everyone, you pour a glass.

Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where did you take me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?
Oh tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?
(guests answer)

I see __________ sitting here
Just a weird look!
Pale, red nose
Doesn't he suffer from diarrhea?

Here in the closet poshmonala
Yes, I collected medicines!
Search the whole wide world
There are no better drugs!

My first advice is
To stay young
Mazh with manure you face -
It will be smooth as an egg!

Follow the figure
Drive less - keep walking!
So that the forms do not sag
Particularly in front!
To have a waist
Fat, so as not to swim
At night, only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love affairs!

To maintain tone -
Learn to fly on a broomstick! (give a broom)
Balance on a broom
Not the same as in the saddle!
Will you listen to advice
Everything will benefit it!
You will be a sex symbol, (emphasis on - scrap)
And the house will be in abundance!

Here is jelly from the mold!
Didn't drink it before?
So drink when it starts
Carousel in the body! (bag of dry jelly)
It doesn't taste so good
But it removes the yeast!

A cold is not a problem!
Eat a bug from the pond!
There is no reliable medicine
Than the natural environment! (bag of dried squid)

If it hurts in the heart,
And in the chest it burns with fire,
It means _____________
You have encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark
And cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemistry!
Tea natural gifts! (maybe a little chocolate bar)

And the pressure kicks in
Try rabbit litter!
He is much more healing than honey,
Although the color is like honey (kirieshki)
He sure tastes cool
From him there are deaths!
Only those who survive
Everyone lives to old age!

And crunches in the back,
Don't sit on the ballot!
Jump naked into nettles,
And ride under the moon!

And when your friend
Can't sleep at night
Drink a decoction of flea feet!
You will sleep like a groundhog! (green tea bag)

That's all my order!
How amuse you???
Anniversary! Happy Birthday!
Until the morning you have fun!

Lastly, I’ll smash a cup,
Otherwise, I'll die on the road!

Anniversary kids.

1 - We are from Lottoma! (Maternity hospital)

2 - Is it possible for you?

3 - How many mulberries of dads and moms!

1 - Not for long we came!

Here, they brought gifts!

2 - And to whom? Here shert forgot

While we were all washing our butts...

3 - Well, let's remember!

Stop drooling!

1 - I remember exactly that the girl!

Vine was a diaper!

2 - And how fleshy she squealed!

She didn't let us sleep at all!

3 - Height - 52, 3 kg - weight!

Three hairs are here! (point to head)

1 - We will remember for a long time!

You have to ask your guests!

(referring to guests)

2 - Who are you congratulating here?

Do you drink very cool?

(guests point to the birthday girl)

3 - Oh! Found! What a delight!

It's hard for us to get you!

We took your gift!

All diapers are soaked!

1 - Vlode should come in handy!

Anything can happen!

(looks at the birthday girl from behind)

And the diametel fits

And the capacity does not disappoint!

(take out a pot from the gift box)

2 - From the heart! Come on!

Everyone needs something like this!

She is very valuable!

(take out a bottle of milk and a pacifier from the box)

3 - And when you left

I forgot the bottle!

We grabbed her here

They even poured it to the top!


Drink the servant! Pour us!

The holiday will be more fun!

Baba Yaga.

Broom! I order you to stop!!
I can't stand disobedience!
Let me just get to the chicken legs,
I'll melt the stove with you, you scoundrel!
Where did the hard one carry you?
Here the technical inspection of the stupa did not pass,
However, it flew faster in the sky
And she was not an example of obedience!

On nervous grounds, the teeth ached,
It pulls, then straightens, then hunches ...
Here Goblin says caries harms me,
Because the raccoon didn't chew.. ORBIT!

On whose feast did Yaga fall from heaven?
What men, well, a mosquito in your mouth !!!
The one in the middle is especially good...
Probably this one will be the hero of the day!
What to become! What shoulders, arms!
And a proud look like an eagle!
That's what I dreamed about as a girl,
Oh, I feel youth again came to me!
130 years is not age for a woman,
Right now, I'll put all my beauty into play!
It's a pity the cosmos didn't wash "Helden Sholders"
Yes, the warts have grown on the nose.
The hero of the day has a heart not made of stone
It's time for me to start attacking
And if he lays eyes on me,
I'll start pumping silicone in my bosom!

Is he a craftsman? He is a builder?
Does he even build mines himself?
Yes, I see a lot of talent.
By thoroughbred ears.
Is he a responsible person?
Is he an organizer?
He has a cool job
Construction mechanic!

Yes, such a man with a rod!
You can't shake off a bare hand,
Like a hedgehog
You can't plug him into a belt.
The man is sensible and not extravagant,
All other virtues with him,
Owner, leader, knows his word
And he does not sit sullenly with an old stump.
Anniversary gifts!
And to give him such a gift? ..
Pull the hair out of the crown,
Yes, to make a balalaika from logs? ..
A bear coat wouldn't be bad either.
Yes, the fleas in it will bite to death,
Catch frogs? Of which delicacies
In Europe, restaurants serve.
I'll sing a better song to the hero of the day,
Art is always more useful for guests
And prevention from influenza and sclerosis,
Unloading from toasts for guests!

(holds a ditty contest)

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