Hidden depression in children information for parents. Depression in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features


Depression in children is an affective disorder that is accompanied by a sharp decrease in mood, the child cannot feel joy, he develops negative thinking. And also there is increased anxiety, fears and phobias previously unknown to the child appear, problems with social adaptation appear. Somatic symptoms are also noticeable in the form of headache, impaired digestion and general malaise. For more information on how to get a child out of depression, see this article.

General information

To begin with, I would like to understand the question of what depression is and what is its origin. The word itself came to us from the Latin language and in translation means "pressure", "suppress". This problem is quite common and every year the number of parents seeking help is growing. Depression can occur in a child at the age of one and much later. An early depressive state suggests that such problems will bother both a teenager and then an adult. Experts noted that this disease is seasonal, since the main peak of incidence falls on

Main reasons

Before talking about methods of treatment and methods of prevention, I would like to highlight the causes of depression in children. For each age period they are different. When a child is 2 years old, depression can have the following causes:

  1. CNS lesions. Such an affective disorder may be the result of damage to brain cells, which can occur due to a number of pathologies: birth asphyxia, intrauterine hypoxia or other intrauterine infections, neuroinfections.
  2. hereditary predisposition. Especially prone to depression are children whose closest relatives have some kind of mental illness or problems in the field of neurology. If you are aware of such facts, then this must be reported to the attending physician.
  3. Difficult family relationships. Much depends on the atmosphere in the family. It is very difficult for young children to endure a break with their mother or her emotional remoteness (alcoholism, drug addiction). Children who live in conditions of constant scandals or are subject to violence from their parents quite often feel depressed and fall into a depressive state.

It is worth noting that depression with young children is rare and if it does, then the reason lies in the relationships in the family.

Causes of depression in preschoolers

Depression in a child of 5 years old can manifest itself against the background of the fact that he is getting acquainted with society, an active process of his socialization begins already outside the family. At this age or a little earlier, kids begin to attend kindergarten, where they get to know new children, orders, and rules. At this age, the reasons may be biological, or the inability of the child to gain a foothold in a new team may affect.

  1. Parenting style. Some parents establish total control over their child, he is constantly under guardianship, in relation to some children they use violence, behave aggressively. Against the background of all this, the level of neuroticism creeps up and, of course, depression occurs.
  2. Social relations. When a child goes to kindergarten, he enters a new team, and he has never had such an experience of communication. There may be problems in communicating with peers, or the child does not want to obey the instructions of the teacher. All this leaves an imprint on the emotional state of the baby.

Depression in a junior high school student

As for school-age children, all the reasons listed above are preserved and new ones are added to them. At this age, the child goes to school and again finds himself in a new team. At school, the requirements for children are much higher, the study load is growing, parents can demand a lot from a newly minted student. Particularly complicating the condition of the child is that he cannot cope with what adults want from him. As a result of this, he can not only develop depression, but also greatly drop his self-esteem.

Classification of depressions

There are several classifications of depression in children. First of all, I would like to single out those states that differ in their duration and completeness of manifestations. Here stand out:

  • depressive reaction,
  • depressive disorder,
  • depressive syndrome.

Further, depressions are distinguished by the nature of the course: an adynamic form, which is characterized by a strong lethargy of the child, slow actions and monotony, as well as an anxious form. In the second, one can observe the emergence of many fears and phobias in a child, he loses a good sleep, he is often tormented by nightmares, the baby may become too tearful.

If you turn to Russian psychiatric manuals, you can find the following classification there:

  1. Anxiety disorder that was caused by separation from someone (usually from the mother).
  2. phobic disorder. It can be diagnosed if the child has some fears that are not inherent in this age.
  3. Social anxiety disorder. When a child enters a new team or is in an unfamiliar situation for him, he may experience severe anxiety, against which we observe depression.
  4. Mixed emotional and behavioral disorders. To the already mentioned anxiety and timidity, noticeable disturbances in behavior are added. The child can become withdrawn and too aggressive, any social norms cease to exist for him.

Symptoms of childhood depression

Signs of depression in children are difficult to detect because they can be well disguised. Young children still cannot realize what is happening to them, why their mood deteriorates and, accordingly, cannot complain about it. You can determine the presence of depression by somatic symptoms and by clearly manifesting anxiety.

Somatic signs are hard to miss. The child may begin to lose weight dramatically, appetite disappears and sleep is severely disturbed, constipation or diarrhea is observed, the baby may complain of various pains in the head, abdomen, various muscles and joints, and the heartbeat is very rapid. If the child already goes to kindergarten, then he may complain of constant fatigue, express a desire to relax, sleep. Schoolchildren begin to simulate various diseases in order to attract attention to themselves.

As for the emotional state, then, of course, anxiety is manifested here. The child is in tension all day, and towards evening all his fears begin to intensify and reach their climax at night. It is almost impossible to explain the appearance of anxiety, since even the child himself does not know the cause. Very young children scream a lot and start crying for any reason, they are especially upset by the departure of their mother or a change in their usual environment, the appearance of new people.

There can be serious problems with adaptation in kindergarten, and this problem is quite common. Because they think that mom took them there forever and will never take them again. But even when they begin to realize that they are only staying here for a while, there is a new fear that mom will simply forget to pick him up today. With age, fears do not go away, but only intensify, as the child grows and his imagination begins to work faster. He begins to think about the death of his parents, war or accidents. It is during such periods that phobias develop, which then haunt a person throughout his life. Such may be the portrait of a child with dreary depression.

For schoolchildren, things are even more difficult, as they begin to lose interest in life. The desire to study, go to school, communicate with peers in the classroom and in the yard disappears. They increasingly complain of boredom. The child begins to cry more often, can be rude to parents and just acquaintances. Against the background of all this, one can observe school maladjustment, when children simply have no desire to attend an educational institution or learn lessons. This results in poor academic performance, problems in communicating with classmates.

Possible Complications

Complications of childhood depression can be very different. In almost fifty percent of cases, additional disorders in behavior and mood appear. And more than fifty percent of patients then get an anxiety disorder. Most of the patients permanently remain with serious behavioral disorders, about twenty percent get dysthymia and almost thirty percent substance dependence. But all this is trifles compared with the most dangerous result of depression - suicide. More than half of sick children think about suicide and half of them realize these plans. And every second attempt ends, alas, "successfully".

All this can be avoided only with timely diagnosis.


Let's find out when a child has depression, what to do for mom and which doctor to go to. Diagnosis is carried out by several specialists at once: a pediatrician, a psychiatrist and a pediatric neurologist. Until the child is four years old, they use the method of exclusion, check the patient's heredity, the state of his central nervous system. At an older age, doctors will already be interested in the emotional state of the child, specialists will identify social causes that could similarly affect the baby's condition. There is a whole set of activities, after which you can accurately establish the diagnosis:

  1. Consultation with a pediatrician. The specialist must conduct a complete examination of the patient and talk with the parents, after which the child passes all the tests to rule out somatic diseases.
  2. Appeal to narrow specialists. If, for his part, the pediatrician does not see any violations, then the child is sent to other specialists so that the surgeon, dermatologist and other doctors can completely exclude somatic diseases.
  3. Neurologist's consultation. This specialist also conducts a full examination and prescribes several studies: ultrasound, MRI of the brain, EEG. Based on the results of these tests, it will be possible to establish the biological basis of the depression that has appeared.
  4. Psychiatric consultation. Only after the exclusion of all somatic disorders, the patient can go to a psychiatrist who will examine the child's behavior and evaluate his emotional reactions. His task is to find out the psychological causes of depression and, based on his observations, as well as on the basis of the conclusion of a neurologist and pediatrician, establish an accurate diagnosis.
  5. Clinical psychologist. The psychologist is the last to work with the child. When the baby is already four years old, you can safely apply various tests and techniques. Drawing tests are considered especially effective in this case, with the help of which figurative material can be interpreted. Most often, psychologists use such tests as: "House. Tree. Man.", "Non-existent animal", "My family", the Rosenzweig test.

Treating depression in a child

Depression can be treated with drug therapy and child psychotherapy. In parallel, social rehabilitation activities can also be carried out. The integrated approach includes:

  • The use of antidepressants. Most often, experts recommend the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The first result of their action can be seen in a few weeks, they have practically no side effects. These remedies are able to calm, anesthetize, smooth out all manifestations of panic, relieve many phobias.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Such therapy is carried out by a psychologist, where he teaches the child to show his feelings and emotions, supports the child in every possible way, using various techniques, tries to change the mood and behavior of his little patient. This method is based on relaxation, breathing exercises are used. The use of projective techniques is also very effective. Here, not only drawing, but also modeling, fairy tale therapy.
  • Family psychotherapy. During such classes, the specialist works not only with the child, but also with his parents. The purpose of the classes is to restore harmonious relations in the family, to help family members find a "common language". Here, parents must learn to understand their child, be able to help him in a difficult situation, do everything for his speedy recovery.

Prevention methods

If the child has already had depression before, then there is a risk that a recurrence will occur. Twenty-five percent of children suffer from depression again within a year, forty percent relapse after two years, and seventy percent relapse after five years. Nearly forty percent of adults who experienced childhood depression are diagnosed with bipolar personality disorder.

Timely prevention will reduce the risk of a first episode and help prevent recurrence. The first thing to start with is to create a favorable atmosphere in the family, maintain trusting relationships between family members, support the child in every possible way in his endeavors and take part in his affairs. Do not forget about visiting specialists so that they control the emotional state of the child. If necessary, you should take the necessary drugs. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe or cancel treatment on your own, even if outwardly no signs of the disease appear.

Childhood depression and the mechanism of its triggering. The article will discuss the causes and signs of a depressed child, and will also suggest ways to deal with the blues.

The mechanism of development of childhood depression

The triggering of such a mental pathology as childhood depression has been fairly well studied by psychologists. In this case, we are talking about the following mechanism of its development:
  • serotin imbalance. Very often, it is this factor that begins to form a chain, which subsequently leads to the onset of depression.
  • Neurotransmitter dysfunction. They directly serve to connect nerve cells with each other, which makes the operation of this system uninterrupted.
  • Imbalance between the functions of inhibition and excitation. After the listed pathological stages, a similar thing occurs, which leads to the dominant process of inhibition.
The result of all of the above is the beginning of a progressive depression in the child. Psychologists in this case advise not to joke with the described things that can radically destroy the child's psyche.

Causes of depression in children

The origins of the voiced problem can be a variety of reasons. Depression in childhood begins with such provoking factors:
  1. Heredity. In this case, parents lay in the child's body a kind of chronic fatigue gene. In vain, little attention is paid to this issue, because heredity is an important component in the formation of any baby.
  2. Intrauterine pathologies. The statement that the child's body begins to be exposed to risk factors only after its birth will be erroneous. Infections and fetal hypoxia can subsequently become a serious impetus for the development of childhood depression.
  3. Difficult family environment. Not every child will be able to calmly respond to scandals between dad and mom. At the same time, a situation is likely when, in an incomplete family, a parent begins to actively arrange his personal life, infringing on the interests of the baby. The child's soul is very often unnecessarily vulnerable, so you should not experiment on it.
  4. Tyrant Parents. No matter how sad it sounds, but sometimes the most terrible enemy for a child's unformed personality is precisely this factor. The reason for this may be the despotic nature of the parents, who, it seems to them, very successfully create an ideal out of their child. As a result, they will receive not a perfect personality, but a crippled childhood destiny. Sometimes parents just don't know how to love. They themselves have traumas from childhood, they themselves had the same relatives. Therefore, there is no example of a loving family and the right relationship with a baby.
  5. Lack of parental attention. Excessive care can be an annoying factor for small personalities, but its complete absence is already a direct blow to the child's psyche. We like to be taken care of and loved, which is quite normal for every person.
  6. Not perceived by the children's team. At any age, public opinion is important, because it often shapes our life position. It is easier for an adult to avoid this, but it becomes problematic for a child to deal with peer rejection. Imaginary and real leaders in any community are a direct threat to unformed personalities with a finer mental organization.
  7. emotional upheaval. Grief, acute disappointment in loved ones become serious provocateurs of the onset of depression in children. According to their psychological development, they are not yet ready for such harsh life situations, which not every adult is able to endure with dignity.
  8. Problems at school. Frequent change of educational institutions or a conflict with some teachers can trigger the mechanism of depression in a child. School is a place where he spends a fairly large amount of time, so troubles in it are a threatening factor in the described problem.
  9. Death of a pet. Cats, dogs, parrots and even fish are often very significant in a child's life. In this case, the death of a pet can have an extremely negative impact on the state of the child's psyche, giving rise to depression.
  10. Chronic illness. We are all used to the fact that in the children's team our beloved child can catch some kind of infection. Everything is worse with a serious illness that prevents him from enjoying a happy childhood. Depression in this case is a painful reaction of the body to what is happening.
Psychologists strongly recommend being very attentive to the behavior of the child if there are provoking factors. It is the parents who are able to analyze the situation and find the causes of childhood depression, to notice the alarming signals of the beginning of the development of such a pathology in a son or daughter. After all, as with any disease, it is easier to prevent it in the beginning than to deal with the consequences.

The main signs of a depressed child

A child immersed in a state of depression is more difficult to identify than an adult in a similar situation. However, there are signs by which it is realistic to detect the presence of this factor in children:
  • An uncontrollable feeling of fear. We are all afraid of something, but in adequate people this state has reasonable limits. A child in a state of depression is afraid of literally everything and everyone. He is especially tormented by thoughts of death, which he is unable to control.
  • Unexplained mood swings. Many of us are prone to emotional outbursts, unless it concerns phlegmatic people. However, an uncontrolled process in the form of laughter, which immediately turns into hysteria, should make any parent think.
  • General sleep disturbance. In this case, there is a fall into extremes: the child constantly feels the need for sleep or a radically different misfortune - insomnia. At the same time, he is tormented by nightmares, which lead to fear of the onset of darkness and time to rest. The child ceases to see in this a positive moment and the natural need of a person in a dream, fearing again to meet with terrible visions in a dream.
  • chronic fatigue syndrome. Very often, due to insomnia, the student literally sleeps in the classroom, and the baby - in the classroom in kindergarten. However, even with excellent sleep in such a child, everything falls out of hand due to an exhausted body. Against this pathological background, depression can gracefully develop, which can become chronic.
  • Appetite disorder. This factor is another alarm signal about the beginning of problems in the psychological state of the child. At this age, children should have a good appetite, which may have deviations solely in the form of reluctance to eat certain foods.
  • Feeling helpless. It is common for a child to often seek support from adults, but sometimes such behavior takes an obsessive form. In children with depression, this feeling dominates over positive emotions, introducing stress into an unformed personality.
  • A sudden change in preferences. Everything that pleased the child before becomes an annoying burden during depression. Favorite occupation now brings not aesthetic pleasure, but complete rejection and obvious protest from the once complaisant son or daughter.
  • The desire for solitude. Being alone is sometimes useful in order to sort out some life moments. However, conscious self-isolation for a long period is an alarming signal that the child has problems with the perception of the world around him.

Remember! Signs of childhood depression are often veiled, but they can still be identified. You just need to take a closer look at your child, while saving him from mental trauma.

Features of the treatment of depression in a child

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to treat childhood depression without fail. In this case, there are different ways and methods of dealing with such a scourge.

Treatment of depression in a child with medications

Especially zealous parents should immediately be reminded that self-medication is strictly prohibited when it comes to a child. This kind of drug dabbling can make treating childhood depression a dangerous undertaking.

An experienced specialist can, after examining a small patient, offer the following medications in the form of therapy:

  1. fluoxetine. At the moment, this is the most gentle antidepressant that can really be used in the treatment of children. However, it is not recommended to use it without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Citalopram. The voiced drug has a calming effect on the psyche of the child. All this allows you to save children in depression from obsessive and dangerous ideas.
  3. Taking vitamins. It is no secret that vitamins also need to be taken wisely so that a useful thing does not cause the opposite of the expected result. In this case, vitamin C has proven to be excellent, which must be consumed two grams daily. Complexes, including zinc and manganese, will also help to improve the general well-being of the child.

Consider psychological ways to deal with depression in a child:
  • play therapy. Children always remain direct personalities, so they can be carried away by an unusual activity. Any experienced psychotherapist knows this technique, so it's worth trying it.
  • Family Therapy. This method will help in the case when the causes of depression in a child are associated with a conflict situation between parents. Loving dad and mom should forget about their mutual claims to restore peace of mind in their child.
  • Leisure organization. However, it should be remembered that the emphasis should be on the child's obvious hobbies. The stories of parents that their children do not like anything specific are a pathetic excuse of negligent educators.
  • Straight Talk. It's time to finally hear your children, who sometimes come in a silent cry about their problem. At the same time, it is also not worth going too far, turning heart-to-heart communication into an interrogation with an addiction.
  • love therapy. Someone will smile skeptically upon hearing the voiced, but we all want to be needed by someone. A child is a litmus test that absorbs the emotions of people dear to him. Love and only love will help your child overcome his depression.

Folk remedies for the destruction of depression in a child

Traditional medicine in this case will help the depressive child. It is worth using the following remedies recommended by our grandmothers:
  1. Soothing baths. Useful in this case will be a glass of raw materials in the form of valerian roots, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The infusion must be kept for two to three hours. The resulting substance, added to the bath, will give a wonderful calming effect. Excellent help in the fight against depression in a child and water procedures using poplar leaves. They are prepared in the same way as the voiced recipe with valerian roots.
  2. rubdowns. In a healthy body healthy mind. At the same time, no one suggests freezing the child to blue and deep fainting. However, he does not interfere with salt rubdown, which must be done every morning. In this case, you need to use not a pood of salt, but only a teaspoon of the substance per liter of water. Contraindications in this case are various dermatological problems that aggressively manifest themselves.
  3. Soothing decoctions. In this case, it is necessary to act very carefully so as not to cause an allergic edema in the child. Steamed mint leaves are an excellent remedy for depression. A tablespoon of feedstock is poured with a glass of hot water. You need to arrange a similar tea party in the morning and in the evening for maximum success. A good remedy in case of childhood depression will be a steamed collection of alfalfa, marshmallow roots with the addition of an apple. Three tablespoons of the voiced composition is poured with half a liter of water, insisted for half an hour and grated apple is added. Drinking glasses of such a remedy is not necessary and even undesirable. It will be enough to have a tablespoon of the resulting drug consumed before meals.
How to treat depression in a child - look at the video:

Childhood depression is no reason for adult skepticism when it comes to the well-being of their beloved children, which is important for parents. It often happens that the inattention of fathers and mothers busy with themselves can lead to the hospitalization of a child due to a severe decline in mental strength. Ignoring the problem can not only break the fragile child's psyche, but also provoke the inexplicable development of physiological diseases. Only love and attention to your children will help prevent serious consequences.
  • Symptoms of childhood depression
  • Treatment of childhood depression

We are used to using the word depression in relation to adults (we have already written about how to deal with depression). However, in a sense, it can also be used when talking about children. How can adults understand what is going on in the soul of a baby? Sometimes it is much more difficult for children to experience personal grief: they cannot tell what exactly is happening to them.

Depression in children is not at all “just a bad mood” and not the usual outburst of emotions characteristic of childhood. If the child is sad for a long period, or aggression is noticed in his condition, this is suspicious. If other negative factors unexpectedly begin to appear that affect his communication, interests, studies (crying, "withdrawal into himself", loss of appetite) - all this is likely to be signs of incipient depression, and you should definitely consult a child psychologist about this. .

Depression is a problem that needs to be corrected. But the result of consultations, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is favorable. According to doctors, children whose parents also suffer from this disease are most susceptible to depression. At risk are children from dysfunctional families, such as those where parents are too busy and do not devote time to their children.

Childhood depression can also be caused by increased sensitivity to seasonal climate fluctuations. Such types of it are easily recognized by both the parents themselves and the doctors. They are treated with a change in the regimen of medication and drugs that strengthen the body.

Sometimes depression is caused by certain life factors, a disease, or a genetic predisposition.

Case Study

The grandmother of 6-year-old Katya came to see a psychologist. Grandmother complained that Katya was sad all the time. The girl played little with her peers. The psychologist asked her to draw her family. The girl depicted herself in one corner of the sheet, and her parents in the other. Grandmother explained: the parents are businessmen, they do not have time to mess with the child. The psychologist had a long conversation with the parents, as a result it turned out that they did not understand what was happening with the child.

American medical statistics claims that 2.5% of children suffer from depression, and at a younger age, up to 10 years, boys are much more likely to get sick, and after 16 years - girls.

Symptoms of childhood depression

The main manifestations of depression in a child are considered to be:

  • fears that arise for no apparent reason;
  • feeling of helplessness;
  • abrupt mood swings;
  • sleep problems such as insomnia, constant sleepiness, or constant nightmares;
  • feeling tired;
  • problems with concentration;
  • severe anxious thoughts.

Another group of symptoms of depression is its somatic manifestations: complaints of headaches or abdominal cramps that do not go away when taking appropriate medications. Dangerous and panic manifestations with dizziness, chills, palpitations, often accompanied by intense fear.

Most often, such manifestations are accompanied by apathy or constant increased anxiety.

Parents and adults also note non-standard behavior that was not previously characteristic of the child: refusal of favorite games, irritability, aggressiveness, manifestations of anxiety, aggravated in the evening and at night.

In younger children, motor activity disorders, complaints of poor health, and frequent crying are more pronounced. At an older age, irritability, absent-mindedness and lethargy are added to tearfulness and sadness.

Case Study

The mother of a 10-year-old schoolgirl, Anya, turned to a psychologist. She said that Anya was not interested in anything, she stopped doing homework, often cries at home, does not answer questions. The psychologist asked Anya to mold what she dreams of. She began to sculpt figurines of gadgets: tablet, smartphone, computer. It turns out that the girl was very jealous of her classmates: they had "cool" gadgets, which she was deprived of. However, the mother did not want to talk to the girl about this topic and could not explain everything to her in such a way that the girl would calm down. But classmates teased Anya with pleasure, calling her a "beggar", which offended the girl very much.

The soul hurts both adults and children

It is quite difficult to identify signs of depression in a child, firstly, because they appear less clearly, and, secondly, it is difficult for a child to tell in detail about his experiences. Therefore, childhood depression is almost always disguised.

What adults responsible for the child should always remember is that depression in childhood is always accompanied by complaints of poor health: pain, lethargy, change in appearance. This leads to the fact that the child is shown to a pediatrician or surgeon, they try to identify the cause, and only after it turns out that there is no physical nature of the ailments, the child is sent for a consultation with a psychologist.

Often depression is expressed in the form of so-called "hypochondriac disorders": when a child complains that he has a serious fatal illness, and uses frightening medical terms that he accidentally heard somewhere, for example, AIDS, cancer, when describing his condition. Often, children have manifestations of anxiety, and if at first the anxiety is pointless, later the child begins to worry and be afraid of certain and specific things: to get lost, to lose his mother, that his mother will not come to the garden for him, that a flood or war will begin.

The most pronounced symptoms of depression in adolescents, most often manifested in thoughts about their own lack of interest and inferiority. Apathy and loss of will are noticeable when a teenager is not capable of vigorous activity and “kills” time with activities unusual for his age, for example, senseless rolling of a toy car. The child cannot start doing homework in any way, while scolding himself for being lazy and lacking willpower. The teenager starts skipping some unpleasant lessons, and later may completely abandon school.

Adults responsible for the child most often interpret such changes in his character and behavior as laziness or the influence of bad company and apply disciplinary measures, to which the teenager most often reacts with aggression.

Case Study

The father of 13-year-old Danila turned to a psychologist because his boy was often bored at home. The man raised his son alone, the mother went abroad with her new husband. It seemed to the father that if he bought a lot of ultra-modern gadgets, then this would be enough for the boy. However, in a conversation with a psychologist, it turned out that the boy suffered from a lack of emotional ties with relatives: no one was interested in him ...

Treatment of childhood depression

The state of mind of the child should be treated with increased sensitivity, frankly, but calmly talking with him about what worries him. If disturbing symptoms last more than 2-3 weeks, you need to see a doctor. For diagnosis, methods such as personal interviews are very useful - both with the child himself and with his parents.

Psychological sessions are the main treatment for childhood depression; if depression lasts for a long time, antidepressants may be prescribed. In this, the methods of treating depression in adults and in children do not differ. However, a child psychiatrist for the treatment of depression will first of all prescribe psychotherapeutic sessions, or, for example, play therapy for babies. And only after making sure that it does not bring a sufficient effect, he prescribes antidepressants. The risk of childhood depression is significantly lower in families with a calm environment, those where the child, his moods and desires are respected. Influencing a depressed child requires perseverance, and, at the same time, the utmost correctness, as well as emotional empathy.

Psychologist's advice on how to help a child cope with depression?

Adults are not always able to clearly understand how serious the child's condition is, since they tend to look at children's problems from their "adult" point of view. However, the percentage of children who find it difficult to cope with the most common stresses is not so small. Even if it seems to an adult that the problems of a child are insignificant, they may seem insurmountable to the child himself. Do not assume that you understand exactly what the child is feeling at the moment, take his fears seriously:

  1. It is important to be able manage your own emotions and behavior. Since the reasons are not always clear to parents, they can feel guilty about the state of a child suffering from depression, and, not wanting it themselves, transmit - “broadcast” such a state to the child. As a result, he will feel that he is not understood. Indeed, it is very difficult to communicate with a child in this state, so it is recommended to take a course of family therapy.
  2. Spend some alone time with your child every day, the child should understand that you are always ready to listen to him without judgment.
  3. Sports will improve health, not only physical, but also mental. If the child is weak, you can start with walks in the park or pool. According to modern research, the best remedy for childhood depression is aerobics. It is at the same time - vigorous music, various movements and a fast rhythm. All this will help the child overcome depression.
  4. Diet plays an important role. Bright vegetables and fruits, such as oranges and carrots, are a good help in the fight against depression. An "antidepressive" diet should include bananas and chocolate, which contain endorphins, as well as foods containing thiamine: buckwheat, nuts, and legumes. In winter, sunbathing and multivitamin intake are necessary.
  5. The family should be happy. You can give each other gifts, arrange joint games or playful contests, invite guests, fool around with cheerful music. Do you know what one of the famous doctors of the past said? When a circus comes to town, it is as important for the health of its residents as opening a few pharmacies: give the child fun.
  6. You should carefully monitor what exactly your child reads and limit the viewing of aggressive TV shows. It is recommended to make changes in the interior of the child's room, making it brighter and more joyful.
  7. An effective way to combat depression is sand therapy.
  8. The Japanese are constantly smiling - this habit is developed in Japanese babies from early childhood. Scientists have proven that not only joy and fun cause smiles, but the smile itself leads to an improvement in mood - reflexively. Teach your kids to smile.

Case Study

Little Zhenya was brought to a psychologist because the boy was very annoyed. The parents said they were going to get divorced - and the boy found out about it. The psychologist asked 11-year-old Zhenya to draw his family. It turned out that the dad for the boy in the picture is definitely “black”. The child adopted the mother's negative view of the man in the family and was very upset. The psychologist helped to carry out the divorce procedure in the family so that Zhenya would have a positive attitude towards both parents.

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Hello dear parents. In this article, we will talk about a condition such as depression in children. You will find out for what reasons it may occur. Find out how it shows up. Let's talk about what to do when dealing with depression. Consider methods for preventing this condition.


Depression in children is an emotional and mental disorder that leads to behavioral changes.

According to the duration and depth of the flow, they distinguish:

  • depressive reaction;
  • disorder;
  • depressive syndrome.

For the nature of the flow:

  • dynamic form, which is accompanied by increased lethargy, slow actions and monotony;
  • disturbing - the formation of various phobias, lack of normal sleep, regular nightmares, tearfulness.

Russian psychiatrists also consider the following types of depression in children.

  • anxiety disorder, as a rule, is provoked by separation from a loved one, in particular from a mother;
  • phobic disorder - noted in the presence of fears that are not inherent in a certain age;
  • social anxiety disorder - a situation where the baby is in a non-standard environment, is faced with an unfamiliar situation, finds himself in a new team, he begins to experience severe anxiety, as a result of which depression develops;
  • mixed disorder of behavior and emotions - the baby shows characteristic changes in behavior, he has increased anxiety, isolation, sometimes aggressiveness, non-compliance with social norms.

Possible reasons

Scandals of parents - the reason for the development of depression in a child

There are many factors that can influence the development of depression in a child. We'll take a look at the most common ones.

  1. hereditary predisposition. It is observed if the baby's body has a "chronic fatigue gene".
  2. Pathological processes during the prenatal period, as well as fetal hypoxia.
  3. Difficult family situation. It is especially difficult for a child to observe parental scandals. Also, a peanut in an incomplete family can begin depression if the parents decide to arrange their personal lives without taking into account the interests of the child.
  4. Tyranny in the family. It is often observed in a situation where mom or dad has a despotic character, and the baby, as it seems to adults, does not meet their expectations. Parents try to overly control the child, try to grow an ideal personality out of him, and by their actions cripple the children's fate. There may also be a situation in which mom and dad are simply not able to love in a normal way, they have childhood psychological trauma, they don’t know how to build relationships with the baby.
  5. Lack of attention and care of parents. When adults pay very little attention to their offspring or do not notice him at all. This attitude leaves a serious mark on the psyche of the baby.
  6. Emotional shock. The situation when the little one experienced some kind of grief, for example, the death of loved ones, a difficult event - the divorce of parents. The child is not mentally mature enough to respond normally to what is happening. This should also include the death of pets, to which children are very attached.
  7. Rejection in the team. Wherever a child studies, in a kindergarten, at school, he may encounter the fact that other guys do not want to communicate with him. This will negatively affect the psyche of the crumbs.
  8. Problems at school, both in relation to relationships with other students, and in difficulties with assimilation of school material.
  9. Chronic ailments. In this case, depression develops as a painful reaction to what is happening.

Characteristic manifestations

Let's look at what signs may indicate the presence of depression in children.

  1. A feeling of fear that is beyond the control of the baby. He is unable to control it. A peanut who has depression is afraid of everything that surrounds him. He is especially oppressed by thoughts of death, approaching death.
  2. Constant mood swings.
  3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The child may constantly want to sleep, he literally dozes on the go.
  4. Sleep problems, insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares.
  5. Feeling of helplessness. The kid is constantly under stress, he has no positive emotions.
  6. Appetite problems. It must be borne in mind that children should have a normal desire to eat. If parents notice that the baby does not want to eat, this is a serious wake-up call about the problem that has begun.
  7. Desire to be alone. If the little one is engaged in self-isolation for a long period, he has problems with the perception of the world.
  8. Changing preferences. Those activities that previously brought pleasure to the child, delighted him, now became uninteresting.

Age features

  1. Up to three years. Few people know, but even a year old, a child can begin depression. The following manifestations may indicate this:
  • refusal to eat;
  • lack of positive emotions;
  • unwillingness to know the world around;
  • lack of interest in toys.
  1. Three to Five:
  • there are no elementary household skills, for example, a toddler is not able to go to the potty, use a spoon;
  • the child usually behaves awkwardly;
  • constantly asks for forgiveness, feels guilty.
  1. Five to eight:
  • aggressive behavior, especially directed at peers, is not ruled out;
  • children have excessive attachment, jealous feelings for their parents;
  • they need more love and attention.
  1. Eight to twelve:
  • the child has a negative attitude;
  • gloomy thoughts appear;
  • performance problems arise.


The diagnosis of depression is made by several specialists:

  • pediatrician;
  • pediatric neurologist;
  • psychologist or psychiatrist.

If the baby is not yet four years old, then the elimination method will be applied. Doctors will check the heredity of the little one, the state of his central nervous system. At an older age, the emotional state of the child will also be taken into account. Specialists will be able to determine the social causes that influenced depression.

  1. Consultation with a pediatrician, exclusion of somatic ailments. The doctor may refer you for additional tests.
  2. Appeal to specialists of a narrow profile. In a situation where the pediatrician does not reveal any ailments in his profile, as a rule, he redirects to a neurologist. He also conducts an examination, may prescribe an ultrasound, or electroencephalography. These research methods are used if the doctor suspects the presence of problems that have arisen at the biological level.
  3. Consultation with a psychiatrist. In a situation where all somatic ailments are excluded from the baby, this specialist will evaluate the behavior of the little one, his emotional reactions, and calculate the psychological causes.
  4. Clinical psychologist. Last but not least, this specialist works with the child, using all kinds of methods, tests, in particular, drawing.


Psychotherapy is the most effective treatment for depression

The process of getting rid of such an ailment as depression can affect both medication and psychological methods, more often the latter.

Drug therapy can be represented by the use of the following drugs:

  • Fluoxetine (is an antidepressant) - despite the fact that it is a gentle drug, it is unacceptable to use it without a doctor's prescription;
  • Citalopram - helps to calm the child's psyche, get rid of dangerous and obsessive thoughts;
  • vitamin therapy, in particular, taking ascorbic acid.

Psychological tricks:

  • game therapy - an experienced psychotherapist in a playful way, captivating the baby with some kind of activity, works out the problem;
  • family psychotherapy - this method is effective in a situation where there are problems in the family and scandals between parents are the source of depression;
  • love therapy - a baby who lacks it will continue to be in a depressed state until the reserves of love are replenished;
  • proper organization of children's leisure - it is important to allocate time both for rest and for the child's hobbies;
  • frank conversation - when you just need to talk heart to heart with the baby, find out what oppresses him from the inside, but in no case put pressure on him.

In psychotherapy, an individual approach and a group method can be used:

  • individual therapy is based on building a trusting relationship between the child and the psychologist, its goal is to provide support, show compassion and help, teach the development of self-confidence;
  • group therapy is carried out with the aim of strengthening and developing social skills. It enables the child to properly adapt in society.

  1. You need to learn how to manage your emotions and your behavior. There are cases when parents broadcast their inner mood to the child. You can solve this problem by adjusting your emotional state. This is where family therapy can help.
  2. Try to spend as much time alone with the child as possible, listen to him, do not judge, show that you support him.
  3. Try to get your kid involved in sports. It will not only strengthen his health, physical condition, but will also have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the little one.
  4. Considerable attention should be paid to proper nutrition. In the fight against depression, oranges and carrots, as well as chocolate and foods containing thiamine, namely legumes, buckwheat, and nuts will help you.
  5. Do not forget to monitor the optimal climate in the family. Organize joint walks, invite guests, listen to positive music. Take the whole family on a picnic out of town or on a trip.
  6. Isolate the baby from watching aggressive programs.
  7. Make adjustments to the interior of the children's room, make it more joyful.

A year after recovery, 25% of children experience a relapse of depression, in 40% it appears after two years, in 70% after five years. Up to 40% of adults with childhood depression are diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Precautionary measures

  1. During the bearing of a child, you need to carefully monitor your health, to prevent the development of intrauterine infections.
  2. It is important that the family has a favorable climate. Do not allow scandals in the presence of crumbs.
  3. You can not put forward too high demands on the child, constantly control him.
  4. It is important to surround the little one with your love and care.
  5. Parents should support their baby in every possible way, any of his undertakings, actively participate in the affairs of their offspring.
  6. If some kind of shock has occurred in the life of a child, support him, do not leave him unattended. If necessary, seek the help of a psychologist. The specialist will teach you how to cope with the loss or divorce of parents.
  7. It is necessary to develop self-confidence in the child. This will avoid problems in relationships with peers.
  8. It is important to timely pay attention to the occurrence of diseases, including somatic ones, and treat them in a timely manner.

Now you know how to get rid of depression in a child. Remember that a problem noticed in time allows you to deal with it faster and more successfully. It is unacceptable not to pay attention to the abnormal state, the behavior of the baby, to turn a blind eye to his problems. This will only harm his psyche more. Remember that parents are the support and support of the child.

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