The meaning of the name “To whom in Rus' it is good to live. The meaning of the title of the poem na


The very title of the poem sets one up for a truly all-Russian review of life, for the fact that this life will be studied truthfully and in detail, from top to bottom. It aims to find answers to the main questions of the time when the country was going through an era of great change: what is the source of people's troubles, what really changed in his life, and what remains the same, what needs to be done so that the people really “live well” in Russia and who can claim the title of "happy". The process of finding a happy person turns into a search for happiness

For everyone, and numerous meetings with those who claim to be happy make it possible to show the people's idea of ​​​​happiness, which is refined, concretized and at the same time enriched, acquiring a moral and philosophical meaning. Therefore, the title of the poem aims not only at the socio-historical basis of its ideological content, but is also associated with some unchanging foundations of spiritual life, moral values ​​developed by the people over many centuries. The title of the poem is also associated with folk epics and fairy tales, where the characters are looking for truth and happiness, which means that it orients the reader to the fact that not only the widest panorama of the life of Russia in its present, past and future should unfold before him, but also indicates a connection with deep roots of national life.

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  5. I have never seen such a corner, Wherever your sower and keeper, Wherever the Russian peasant does not moan! N. A. Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was surprisingly sensitive and attentive to the people ...
  6. Only God forgot to change The harsh fate of the peasant woman. N. A. Nekrasov A multilateral creative study of the depths of folk life led Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov to create, perhaps, the most amazing work - “Frost, ...
  7. Share of the people, Happiness, Light and freedom First of all! N. A. Nekrasov. The poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” was written by the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. There is something in this piece...
  8. The result of life and creative path. This is the result of N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, on which the author worked for about 20 years. The global nature of the issue demanded a scale from the poet...
  9. The peasants are defenseless victims of the landlords. They suffer many injustices, but they have no one to complain to. “God is high, the tsar is far,” old Savely says to Matryona Timofeevna. The king, who held state power in his hands, ...
  10. Without detracting from the social significance of Nekrasov's poems, which introduced “sobbing sounds” into Russian lyrics and made them shudder at the sight of the suffering of the people, one cannot fail to say about the works where the poet explores the subtle ...
  11. During the recent time, the Russian Empire was full of noble estates, And the landlords Nekrasov lived there. In post-reform Russia, the landlords retained their dominant position, and the peasants, as in the pre-reform period, suffered under ...
  12. Nekrasov gave odes to life to work on a poem, which he called his “favorite brainchild”. “I decided,” said Nekrasov, “to present in a coherent story everything that I know about the people, everything that ...
  13. 1. Seven wanderers looking for a happy person. 2. Ermil Girin. 3. “Serf woman” Matrena Timofeevna. 4. Grigory Dobrosklonov. The theme of finding a happy fate and “mother truth” occupies a significant place in the folklore tradition, on...
  14. Perhaps not a single writer or poet in his work has ignored a woman. Attractive images of a beloved, a mother, a mysterious stranger adorn the pages of domestic and foreign authors, being an object of admiration, a source of inspiration,...
  15. The poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” is built on the basis of a strict and harmonious compositional plan. In the prologue of the poem, a broad epic picture emerges in general outline. In it, as in focus, highlighted ...
  16. N. A. Nekrasov decided to write an “epic of peasant life”. But when the work was published, it became clear that it reflects not only the life of the peasantry. This poem has become a real encyclopedia of the entire Russian ...
  17. 1. The main meaning of the poem. 2. The peasantry in the poem. 3. The hard lot and simple happiness of the Russian people. 4. Matrena Timofeevna as a symbol of a Russian woman. 5. Grisha Good clones - the ideal of the intelligentsia ... N. A. Nekrasov rented the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine and invited M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as co-editor. "Domestic Notes" under the leadership of Nekrasov became the same combat magazine as "Sovremennik", they followed ...

For Russia, 1861 was marked by the abolition of serfdom. Now no one understands how to live on. Neither the landlords nor the peasants themselves. Just at this time, three years after the abolition of serfdom, work begins on a poem. What is the meaning of the author in the title of his work?

To whom in Rus' to live well, what is the point

It is enough to read the title of Nekrasov's poem to understand what will be discussed. The desire to display the different positions of people on the abolition of serfdom is skillfully intertwined with the eternal problem of finding happiness and happy people in Rus', which determines the meaning of the title of the poem.

The author depicts men who decided to find a happy person, having figured out what people need for happiness. To this end, the men set off on a journey, and communicating with people of different classes, they found out how happy they were. If earlier they thought that priests, landowners and the tsar live well in Rus', then when they travel, they realize how much they are mistaken. However, they did not find happy people among the soldiers, peasants, hunters and drunken women. Finally, the peasants still managed to meet a happy man, Grigory Dobrosklonov, who knew firsthand about the hardships of peasant life. Unlike other random fellow travelers, Grigory did not seek personal happiness, but thought about the well-being of the entire Russian people living in Rus'. It is these people, according to the author, who are able to find their happiness.

After reading the work of Nekrasov, we understand that the meaning of the title Who lives well in Rus' fully corresponds to the plot. He sets the reader in advance that the text will focus on the true and truthful life in Rus'. Sets up to find answers and realize what people need to be happy, what is the source of their troubles, and who can claim to be a happy person. Trying to find these answers, the author shows how wrong the reform was carried out, which brought not only joy, but also problems. Nekrasov tells about all this in his poem To whom it is good to live in Rus', the meaning of the name of which fully justifies itself.

The meaning of the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" is not unambiguous. After all, the question is: who is happy? - causes others: what is happiness? Who is worthy of happiness? Where should you look for it? And the Peasant Woman not so much closes these questions as it opens them up, leads to them. Without The Peasant Woman, everything is not clear either in the part of The Last, which was written before The Peasant Woman, or in the part of The Feast for the Whole World, which was written after it.

In The Peasant Woman, the poet raised the deep layers of the life of the people, their social being, their ethics and their poetry, making clear what the true potential of this life, its creative beginning. Working on heroic characters (Savely, Matrena Timofeevna), created on the basis of folk poetry (song, epic), the poet strengthened his faith in the people.

This work became the key to such faith and the condition for further work already on the actual modern material, which turned out to be a continuation of the “Last Child” and formed the basis of the part called by the poet “A Feast for the Whole World”. "Good time - good songs" - the final chapter of "Feast". If the previous title was "Both the old and the new," then this one could be titled "Both the present and the future." It is the striving for the future that explains a lot in this chapter, which is not accidentally called "Songs", because they are the whole essence of it.

There is also a person who composes and sings these songs - Grisha Dobrosklonov. Much in Russian history pushed Russian artists to create images like Grisha. This is the “going to the people” of revolutionary intellectuals in the early 70s of the last century. These are memories of the first draft democratic figures, the so-called "sixties" - primarily Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov. The image of Grisha is both very real and at the same time very generalized and even conditional. On the one hand, he is a man of a completely definite life and way of life: the son of a poor sexton, a seminarian, a simple and kind guy who loves the village, the peasant, the people, who wishes him happiness and is ready to fight for him.

But Grisha is also a more generalized image of youth, striving forward, hoping and believing. He is all in the future, hence some of his uncertainty, only outlined. That is why Nekrasov, obviously not only for censorship reasons, crossed out poems already at the first stage of his work (although they are printed in most of the poet's post-revolutionary publications): Fate prepared for him a glorious path, a loud name of the People's Protector, Consumption and Siberia.

The dying poet was in a hurry. The poem remained unfinished, but it was not left without a result. In itself, the image of Grisha is not the answer either to the question of happiness, or to the question of the lucky one. The happiness of one person (whoever it is and whatever one understands by it, even the struggle for universal happiness) is not yet a solution to the issue, since the poem leads to thoughts about “the embodiment of the happiness of the people”, about the happiness of all, about “a feast to the whole world."

“Who is living well in Rus'?” - the poet asked a great question in the poem and gave a great answer in her last song "Rus"

You are poor
You are abundant
You are powerful
You are powerless
Mother - Rus'!
Saved in bondage
Heart free
Gold, gold
The heart of the people!
We got up - nebuzheny,
Came out - uninvited,
Live by the grain
The mountains have been applied! R

The strength will affect her

You are powerful
You are powerless
Mother - Rus'!
Saved in bondage
Heart free
Gold, gold
The heart of the people!
We got up - nebuzheny,
Came out - uninvited,
Live by the grain
The mountains have been applied! R
at rises - Innumerable,
The strength will affect her

The whole poem by Nekrasov is a flaring up, gradually gaining strength, worldly gathering. For Nekrasov, it is important that the peasantry not only thought about the meaning of life, but also set off on a difficult and long journey of truth-seeking. In the "Prologue" the action is tied up. Seven peasants are arguing, "who lives happily, freely in Rus'." Men still do not understand that the question of who is happier - a priest, a landowner, a merchant, an official or a king - reveals the limitations of their idea of ​​happiness, which comes down to material security. The meeting with the priest makes the peasants think over many things: Well, here's the vaunted Priest's life for you. Beginning with the chapter "Happy", there is a turn in the direction of the search for a happy person. On their own initiative, “lucky ones” from the bottom begin to approach the wanderers. Stories are heard - confessions of courtyard people, clergymen, soldiers, masons, hunters. Of course, these “lucky ones” are such that the wanderers, seeing an empty bucket, exclaim with bitter irony: Hey, peasant happiness! Leaky with patches, Hunchbacked with corns, Get the hell out of here! But at the end of the chapter there is a story about a happy man - Yermil Girin. The story about him begins with a description of his lawsuit with the merchant Altynnikov. Ermil is conscientious. Let us recall how he paid off with the peasants for the debt collected on the market square: All day long, with a posh opened, Yermil walked, inquiring, Whose ruble? didn't find it. Throughout his life, Yermil refutes the initial ideas of wanderers about the essence of human happiness. It would seem that he has “everything that is necessary for happiness: peace of mind, money, and honor.” But at a critical moment in his life, Yermil sacrifices this “happiness” for the sake of the truth of the people and ends up in prison. Gradually, the ideal of an ascetic, a fighter for the people's interests, is born in the minds of the peasants. In the part “The Landowner”, the wanderers treat the masters with obvious irony. They understand that noble "honor" is worth a little. No, you are not noble to us, Give us a peasant word. Yesterday's "slaves" took up the solution of problems that since ancient times were considered a privilege of the nobility. The nobility saw its historical destiny in caring for the fate of the Fatherland. And then suddenly this only mission from the nobility was intercepted by the peasants, they became citizens of Russia: The landowner, not without bitterness, Said: “Put on your hats, Sit down, gentlemen!” In the last part of the poem, a new hero appears: Grisha Dobrosklonov, a Russian intellectual, who knows that people's happiness can be achieved only as a result of a nationwide struggle for the "Unwhacked province, Ungutted volost, Redundant village." The army rises - Innumerable, the Power in it will affect Indestructible! The fifth chapter of the last part ends with words expressing the ideological pathos of the whole work: “If our wanderers were under their native roof, // If they could know what was happening with Grisha.” These lines, as it were, give an answer to the question posed in the title of the poem. A happy person in Rus' is one who firmly knows that one must “live for the happiness of a miserable and dark native corner.”

The whole poem by Nekrasov is a flaring up, gradually gaining strength, worldly gathering. For Nekrasov, it is important that the peasantry not only thought about the meaning of life, but also set off on a difficult and long journey of truth-seeking.

In the "Prologue" the action is tied up. Seven

The peasants are arguing, "who lives happily, freely in Russia." Men still do not understand that the question of who is happier - a priest, a landowner, a merchant, an official or a king - reveals the limitations of their idea of ​​happiness, which comes down to material security. A meeting with a priest makes men think about a lot:

Well, here's your praise

Beginning with the chapter "Happy", there is a turn in the direction of the search for a happy person. On their own initiative, “lucky ones” from the bottom begin to approach the wanderers. Stories are heard - confessions of courtyard people, clergymen, soldiers, masons,

Hunters. Of course, these “lucky ones” are such that the wanderers, seeing the empty bucket, exclaim with bitter irony:

Hey, happiness man!

Leaky with patches

Humpbacked with calluses

But at the end of the chapter there is a story about a happy man - Yermil Girin. The story about him begins with a description of his lawsuit with the merchant Altynnikov. Ermil is conscientious. Let us recall how he paid off the peasants for the debt collected on the market square:

All day with a purse open

Yermil walked, inquired,

Whose ruble? didn't find it.

Throughout his life, Yermil refutes the initial ideas of wanderers about the essence of human happiness. It would seem that he has “everything that is necessary for happiness: peace of mind, money, and honor.” But at a critical moment in his life, Yermil sacrifices this “happiness” for the sake of the truth of the people and ends up in prison. Gradually, the ideal of an ascetic, a fighter for the people's interests, is born in the minds of the peasants. In the part “The Landowner”, the wanderers treat the masters with obvious irony. They understand that noble "honor" is worth a little.

No, you are not noble to us,

Give me the peasant word.

Yesterday's "slaves" took up the solution of problems that since ancient times were considered a privilege of the nobility. The nobility saw its historical destiny in caring for the fate of the Fatherland. And then suddenly this only mission from the nobility was intercepted by the peasants, they became citizens of Russia:

The landowner is not without bitterness

Said, "Put on your hats,

In the last part of the poem, a new hero appears: Grisha Dobrosklonov, a Russian intellectual who knows that the happiness of the people can be achieved only as a result of a nationwide struggle for the “Unwhacked province, Ungutted volost, Redundant village”.

The strength will affect her

The fifth chapter of the last part ends with words expressing the ideological pathos of the entire work: “If only our wanderers would be under their own roof, If only they could know what was happening with Grisha.” These lines, as it were, give an answer to the question posed in the title of the poem. A happy person in Rus' is one who firmly knows that one must “live for the happiness of a miserable and dark native corner.”

Essays on topics:

  1. PART I The prologue tells about the events that take place in the poem itself. That is, about how seven peasants ...
  2. In the poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'”, Nekrasov, as if on behalf of millions of peasants, acted as an angry exposer of the socio-political system of Russia and ...
  3. The poem “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” is the pinnacle work of the work of N. A. Nekrasov. He nurtured the idea of ​​this work for a long time, fourteen...
  4. In his poem, N. A. Nekrasov creates images of “new people” who came out of the people's environment and became active fighters for the good...

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