Composition based on the painting by Plastov “First Snow” (second version). Composition: description of Plastov's painting "The First Snow" Compose a story based on the painting the first snow


3. Houses and trees

4. Painting colors

The painting "First Snow" was painted by Arkady Plastov.

The main characters are children. They ran out onto the porch to look at the first snow. The guys put on boots. On the girl's head is a large scarf, apparently thrown hastily. The children look with delight at the falling snowflakes and enjoy the winter. The snow had already covered the ground and the roofs of the houses.

A large birch grows near the house, surrounded by a small fence. And a crow sits next to it. Houses are visible in the distance. You can also consider a person who rides in a sleigh, driving a horse.

White color is the most here, as there was a lot of snow. And the gray, dull autumn has changed. The artist wanted to show how beautiful the first snow is, how joyful it becomes. In my opinion, the time of the first snow is one of the most beautiful of the year.

Composition based on the painting The first snow of Plastov Grade 4

2. Houses and birch

3.Painting colors

4. My opinion

The painting "First Snow" was painted by the famous artist Plastov Arkady Aleksandrovich. In the foreground, we can see little kids coming out of their house to see the first snow. Children rejoice watching small, light snowflakes.

The hut is wooden, a white birch grows near it, surrounded by a small fence. Nearby is a crow, it is bright against the background of white snow. In the background are houses whose roofs are already covered with snow. On the road a man rides on a sleigh, holding on to the reins. Almost everything was covered with snow, covering the ground from the frosts that would soon come.

Most of all in the picture are white and brown tones. The colors are not very bright. Somewhere else, black earth is visible. Perhaps the snow will not melt and winter will soon come into its own.

The artist showed the beauty of the arrival of winter, how it becomes the joy of every child. In my opinion, the first snow is very beautiful and the author of the picture managed to convey this.

Composition based on the painting "First Snow" Plastov Grade 7

2.Main characters

3. Secondary Plan

4.The color scheme of the painting

5. My opinion

The painting The First Snow was painted by the famous artist Plastov Arkady Aleksandrovich.

In the foreground, a little boy and a girl are depicted, who left the hut to look at the first breaths of winter and enjoy the fresh, frosty air. They have felt boots on their feet, the boy is wearing a coat, and the girl is wearing a large scarf. Apparently she dressed her brother, and she just put on a shawl - so great was the desire to go out into the street. Children rejoice at the falling snowflakes. The girl smiles, raising her head up, one feels delight and admiration.

The hut is small, wooden. Near it, almost throwing its branches onto the roof, a white birch grows, so beautifully fitting into the overall color. And next to it is a small bush, which has already been powdered with snow. The crow sits on the ground and stands out against a white background. She, apparently, also likes to walk on the first snow. In the background, the paintings are visible at home, their roofs covered with snow. On the road, holding tightly to the reins, and standing on a sleigh pulled by a horse, a coachman rides.

The weather is very pleasant, quiet. The color of the picture is saturated with the white glow of snow. Brown and faded colors. Looking at the picture, it is easy to guess what the author of this creation wanted to convey. Namely, all that unique beauty of the coming of winter. That snow-white color of nature, which makes viewers feel the beauty of the white decoration of winter.

Composition based on the painting The first snow Plastov Grade 9

1.Main characters

2. Secondary Plan

3.The color scheme of the painting

4. My opinion

The author of the painting First Snow is the famous Russian painter Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov. In the foreground are small children, namely: a boy and a girl who left the hut to look at the first snow. Snowflakes covered everything around with a white blanket. Children enjoy the frosty air, they look at the falling snow and delight on their faces. The children are dressed differently. The boy is wearing a coat, hat and boots. His sister is also wearing felt boots, but she ran out in a dress, throwing a large light yellow scarf over her head.

Near the house, with branches spread wide, a birch grows, which fits so well into the overall color of light colors. Near the fence you can see a small bird - a crow. Village houses are in the background, their roofs already covered with snow. Behind the birch is a man riding a sleigh. Quiet and calm weather is observed everywhere.

The main colors of the picture are white and brown tones. The shades are not too bright, even slightly muted, but this does not spoil the atmosphere of joy. On the contrary, white snow causes joy and mood. After a dull autumn, our nature is so beautiful under a white veil. And it seems that the full reign of winter will soon come.

Looking at this creation, it is not difficult to guess what the author wanted to convey to us. Namely, all the beauty and ideal atmosphere of happiness that the first arrival of the winter season brings. Definitely, such a snow-white appearance of nature makes the audience excitedly rejoice and sincerely enjoy the landscapes of winter time. In my opinion, it's time for the first snow and the arrival of winter, a wonderful time. Even cold, but still warming the soul. And the author completely and completely managed to depict this in his picture.

Theme description:
      Touching feelings that arise in the soul of every person - the fall of the first snow. Even in the city, a suddenly changed picture of a street covered with the first snow can distract from the hustle and bustle. The first snow always brings the fleeting joy of long, throughout the autumn, waiting for winter. Description of the first snow in Plastov's painting "The First Snow".

In the picture we see a small fragment of peasant life. Before us is the threshold of a wooden house, behind it is a birch. In the distance you can still see the hut. Snow falls. Apparently, he began to fall a long time ago, because the whole earth is covered with snow, there are already quite large snowdrifts. A crow has landed on one of the snowdrifts in the background.

As always in Plastov's landscape works, human figures are their center. This time a couple of children - a boy of about six and a girl a little older. Most likely, they looked out the window belatedly, saw that it was snowing, and began to dress hastily. The girl's bright yellow scarf, hurriedly thrown over and covering almost her entire figure, brings a spark of unexpected joy into the picture.

Probably, the children were in a hurry to play, throw themselves into the snow, throw snowballs, but, having jumped out on the threshold, they stopped, spellbound by the snowfall. Flakes of snow gently fall in front of them. Frozen on the threshold, the children look around in delight and do not dare to move on yet.

The artist's stinginess in colors and details in this picture is explained by the fact that it was painted in 1946, in a harsh, bleak, hungry, post-war period. But even then the children believed in fairy tales and miracles. The artist compared the untouched children's soul with pure first snow. For him, a miracle - and children who have not forgotten how to rejoice and admire, and the first snow, fluffy, dazzling white.

Composition: description of Levitan's painting "Winter in the Forest"

Levitan "Winter in the forest"

Theme description:
      A beautiful picture of a winter forest and a lone wandering wolf, cold and tingling down the back. Artistic description of Levitan's painting "Winter in the forest".

Winter in the forest.

The great painter Isaac Levitan, while still a student at an art school, showed himself as a talented landscape painter: at the age of 16 he was already noted at the exhibition along with the then famous artists. Each of his landscapes excited the viewer. The secret was hidden in the artist's talent and his boundless love for Russian nature. But the artist himself was unhappy in those years: he was orphaned early, he was haunted by poverty and lack of rights, he had to fight for existence, and this, of course, affected his mood, the mood of the paintings he painted. His state of mind corresponds to the painting "Winter in the forest. Wolf" (there is another painting by Levitan called "Winter in the forest").

This painting was painted by an artist at the age of 25. By that time, he already masterfully mastered the technique of landscape, understood its "soul", could convey lyrics and express his feelings through the landscape, was quite famous, but still continued to be in great need and suffer.

In the picture we see a winter forest, black, naked, transparent, cold. White snow, black trees, gray low sky, thin branches of bushes sticking out from under the snow - everything looks bleak, sad, dull. In the distance, the forest is denser, standing like a solid dark wall. In the foreground - the edge, rare trees, their powerful black trunks make a depressing impression. From the landscape breathes loneliness, melancholy, sadness, endless cold. And love - they are so sad and sad about something they love, which leaves no one indifferent.

Levitan was friends with another landscape painter, Alexei Stepanov. At that time, they traveled a lot together, looking for material for their paintings, and even lived together. There are many similarities and differences in their paintings. For example, Levitan was more fond of a "clean landscape" - without the presence of living beings or people in it. And Stepanov was very fond of expressing the mood through the figures of animals or people present in the picture. This artist was also an outstanding animal painter - he was able not only to accurately draw an animal, but also to give it character. Wolves were especially good for him. He liked the wild and slightly scary beauty of these animals. Once on a hunt - and Stepanov was also a good hunter - he aimed at a wolf and was ready to shoot, but lowered his gun, struck by the beauty of the beast.

When Levitan finished his landscape "Winter in the Forest", he showed it to a friend. They both saw that the picture was a success, and yet it still lacks one more accent to reinforce the theme of loneliness, despair, longing. And then the master animal painter Stepanov with a firm hand introduced the figure of a lone wolf into Levitan's landscape - a strong, hardened beast, which is also powerless before cold and hunger, like the rest. And the picture began to be called "Winter in the forest. Wolf."


The brushes of A. Plastov, an outstanding Russian artist of the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, belong to many genre paintings, landscapes and portraits.

Most of his works are imbued with devotion to his land, nature and people. The artist knew how to show rural children on his canvases. They were the protagonists of most of his paintings, in which history is inextricably linked with the landscape, giving the paintings lyricism and poetry.

The unique painting "First Snow" depicts one of the first days of winter, which is just beginning to gain strength. In autumn, long, prolonged rains pour continuously, and mud and slush are the sad mood they evoke. When the first snow falls, the ground changes. For children, this is an extraordinary happiness and delight. Snow is a long-awaited phenomenon after a rainy autumn, because it's time for winter entertainment: playing snowballs, making snowmen, skating down the slope on sleds or skis. How you want to fall into the snow and stretch out on a soft blanket until a caring grandmother drives you into the house so as not to catch a cold.

The painting was released in 1946. Before us are the children of the war years, who experienced many difficulties. The first snow delights children, they are happy, because with winter comes rest. The artist conveyed to us in his picture admiration, happiness and joy from childhood from the snow he saw. The children, seeing the snow from the window, instantly ran out of the house to admire it in reality. They instantly found themselves on the porch of the house and were dumbfounded in delight, looking at this marvel. The girl ran out in such a hurry that she forgot to put on her coat. She put on a bright scarf on her head and put on shoes that did not fit.

The girl is standing without outerwear, but she is not cold, she is focused on sharp, clear and white snowflakes falling from the sky. Her mischievous, cheerful eyes look at the white fluff swirling around. The girl smiles. Nearby stands a little boy, probably a younger brother. He is dressed in a black coat, earflaps and felt boots with galoshes. The boy's hands were hidden in his pockets. He looks at the snow scene with a serious expression on his face. White snow covered everything around: the porch, the ground, the roofs, the branches of trees and bushes. But the frost is not felt. In the front garden, in a small puddle, the snow melts, and the black spot is clearly visible. On the left side of the picture, a birch and a small bush grow near the house. The birch trunk rose above the roof of the house.

The remains of gray branches and leaves, swaying in gusts of winter wind, bring to mind sad memories of recent autumn. A magpie sits on the branches. She raised her tail and shakes her head as she watches the snow fall. Near the front garden you can see a bird. She walks on the snow-white blanket of the earth. She also seems to enjoy the snow cover. Behind the children in the picture is a village street with outlines of houses. The children seemed to freeze in their curiosity.

Snow Waltz creates a light background and is full of warm shades: light pink and light blue. Looking at the unforgettable picture of the great artist, one gets the impression of the unity of nature and man. Everyone around rejoices at the change in the decoration of the earth, forgetting about the autumn bad weather. Dark streets and old houses become white, festive and solemn.

The picture evokes sincere feelings of delight, the viewer's own memories of the first snow immediately emerge. Indeed, a bright and joyful moment necessarily happened in the life of every person.

Second version of the essay:

1. Introduction. A. A. Plastov is a singer of nature.

2. The main part. Painting "First snow".

1) Description of children.

2) Nature is in the background.

3) Image of the village.

4) The combination of colors and colors

3. Conclusion. My attitude to the painting by A. A. Plastov.

A. A. Plastov - Soviet painter. His canvases are dominated by landscapes of all four seasons. Severe snowy winter in the canvases "Winter", "Snow on winter crops". The joyful awakening of nature, the return to life of all living things in the paintings "March", "Spring". Bright colors of hot summer in the works "Haymaking" and "Harvest". Light sadness of the withering of nature, preparation for the winter cold - "First snow", "November". The artist admires the beauty of his native nature. The gallery of children's images he created suggests that children are the main object of his observations. He is pleased that the guys from an early age are involved in the daily affairs and concerns of their parents.

The children woke up in the morning, looked out the window and saw: “White fluffy snow is spinning in the air, and quietly falls to the ground, lies down.” They were surprised, ran out onto the porch and froze. The girl wasn't even dressed properly. She is wearing a huge warm scarf and a light dress, only on her feet are warm felt boots. But she is not afraid of the cold - she is fascinated by the falling snowflakes. The head is raised up, the eyes look up with joy and surprise. On the face of delight and surprise. Her brother dressed better. He is wearing a black warm jacket and a hat on his head. The boy peers into the whitewashed street, glides over the white roofs. He is very happy with the first snow, the arrival of real winter. Delight and happiness are written on the faces of children. Near the house in the front garden is an old birch. Its branches are decorated with fluffy snow. This made the white-barreled one surprisingly beautiful. A small bush grows next to the tree. The snow covered him too, pressing the lower branches to the ground.

Behind the hut in which the children live, a part of the village street is visible. In the background, a man with a sleigh admires the snow cover. Only at the fence is a small piece of black earth - a small thawed patch and next to it a gray-black crow walking in search of food.

In his painting, the artist combines white, gray and brown colors. By this, Plastov emphasizes the ordinary, everyday life of village life. Quiet and serene all around. But there is also a pink color in the picture, and a lot of space is allotted to it. It is he who brings a festive mood into the picture, helps to feel the beauty of nature and the uniqueness of the novelty of the first snow.

I liked the picture, the master managed to convey the joy and delight of the children, their mood, to infect the audience with this fairy tale. You look at the work, and there is a feeling of novelty, freshness, joy of being and happy tenderness.

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov is a Russian artist. Born in the village of Prislonikhe, Ulyanovsk region. Since childhood, he loved to draw. He graduated from the Moscow School of Painting in the sculpture department, and studied painting on his own. Plastov loved the village, children, and lived and worked for a long time in his native Prislonikha. The artist painted many paintings about the life of village children (“Picking Mushrooms”, “Shepherd”). A.A. Plastov is an artist in love with Russian nature, Russian land, Russian people.

Let's take a closer look at Plastov's painting "First Snow". In the foreground, on the right, are two children's figures - a girl and a boy. This is brother and sister. They were looking forward to the onset of winter, and then the long-awaited first snow fell, dressed the earth with a white blanket. The joy of the children is so great that they could not sit at home and, somehow putting on their clothes, jumped out onto the porch.

Look carefully at the expression on the faces of the girl and the boy and try to understand their emotional state. The girl turned her smiling face towards the falling snowflakes, and the boy carefully, intently watches them. The artist deeply reveals the characters of village children, emphasizes the common things that unite them (proximity to their native nature), and the distinctive ones (their different perception of one phenomenon).

In the background, our attention is drawn to a birch with long thin branches through which snowflakes flying in the air are visible. A magpie on a branch and a crow on the snow complement and enliven the rural landscape. In the depths of the picture, the artist depicts a horse harnessed to a sleigh, a driver, a barely noticeable sleigh path. These details fill the picture with a leisurely movement. In the background, in the gray twilight, village huts are visible.

From the whole picture emanates warmth and peace, it is permeated with a feeling of boundless love of the artist for his native land, nature, a man of labor who creates everything beautiful on earth. The artist conveyed his feeling of a fresh winter day and that special state of nature that happens at the hour of the first snowfall. Plastov knows the life of the Russian village well, and in his picture he managed to show the rural winter landscape in all its beauty and charm. The artist helped us even more vividly experience the joyful feeling of delight at the sight of the first snow. With the power of his art, the artist showed a bright and poetic holiday of nature, we feel this holiday. You can not remain indifferent, looking at this splendor of nature.

The painting "First Snow" reveals a quivering, pure world of children's feelings and thoughts. Creating deeply penetrating canvases about children, the artist reflected on the fate of a whole generation of Soviet children. After all, the picture was painted in 1946, shortly after the end of World War II. And this joy of peace, the joy of tranquility, this faith in the future fills the picture with a particularly deep meaning. Hence the very name of the picture - "First Snow", which, of course, has not only a direct, but also a figurative meaning - "The first snow after the war."

Questions about Plastov's painting "First Snow"

  1. What do we see in the foreground of the picture?
  2. Who do we see on the porch? (A girl about ten years old and a boy about seven years old are on the porch, they rejoice at the first snow. These are village guys.)
  3. Why did the children run out onto the porch of their house? (They were very interested in the first snowfall, the children are inquisitive and observant, they are happy with the snow, for them it is a holiday)
  4. How is the girl dressed? (The girl was without outerwear, she just threw on a scarf. The girl’s felt boots were not the right size, apparently, she dressed in a hurry. The children were probably in a hurry. They really wanted to see the first snow as soon as possible.)
  5. Why is the girl throwing her head back and looking up? (The guys raise their heads to the sky, look at the snow flakes)
  6. How is the boy dressed? (the boy is wearing a coat)
  7. What are they looking at? (Street, white roofs of village huts)
  8. What do their faces express? With what feeling do they watch the falling snowflakes? (Delight, surprise, happiness, joy, admiration, excitement, interest)
  9. What time of day did it snow? (Snow fell at night, it's morning now, the children ran out onto the porch in a hurry, they haven't left the house yet)
  10. What signs of rural life did you notice? How do they help to revive the picture, to make it reliable?
  11. How are the village huts in the background depicted in the picture?
  12. Are children the only ones who love snow?
  13. Who else do we see in the picture? (Crow, magpie on a birch)
  14. What are these birds? What can be said about the crow, what is it like? (Surprised, important, anxious) What can be said about the magpie? (Snow fell and the magpie flew in from the forest closer to the human habitation)
  15. What else do we see in the picture? (Birch and small shrub)
  16. What can be said about the bush? (Snow covered its lower branches, bent to the ground)
  17. What can be said about birch, what is it like? (Birch: sleepy, old, tired)
  18. What is shown in the background of the picture? (A horse harnessed to a sleigh, a coachman, a village street, white roofs of houses)
  19. What sky do we see in the picture? (Grey, gloomy, muddy, gloomy, covered with clouds)
  20. What can be said about the earth? (White, wrapped herself in a blanket, spread a carpet ...)
  21. Describe snow. (White, loose, fluffy, silver, clean, bright, sparkling)
  22. Describe snowflakes. (Look like stars; light as fluff; slowly whirl in the air; look like lace ...)
  23. What colors prevail in the picture? How do they help the author to reveal the feelings and joyful mood of children? (The whole picture is permeated with warm, soft light. The colors in it are soft, discreet. White, gray-gloomy tones evoke an emotional response in the soul of the viewer. The artist deeply felt what is depicted on the canvas, and his bright mood is transmitted to the viewer).
  24. Why did the artist name his painting so?
  25. What impression did the picture make on you, what feelings did it evoke in you?

Beautiful words for writing:

White fluffs of snow, a girl with her younger brother, a low porch, a smiling face of a girl, a horse harnessed to a sleigh, a concentrated face of a boy, a crow is looking for food in the snow, a magpie flew from the forest closer to a person’s dwelling, soft, bright colors, falling from a cloudy sky snowflakes, winter began to take over the land.

Essay plan

Before you start writing an essay, you need to draw up its plan.

1. Introduction (You can start like this: "In the picture of A.A. Plastov, I see ..." or "The children woke up in the morning, looked out the window ..." or "A.A. Plastov is a famous artist of the twentieth century ...")

2. The main part (which is shown in Plastov's painting "First Snow")

  • The foreground of the painting. Description of brother and sister.
  • The second plan of the picture. Description of birch, magpie, crow, sleigh and horse, etc.
  • The background of the picture (huts, sky, earth, snow).
  • The colors used in the painting.

3. Conclusion (“In his painting, the artist showed ... (colors, mood).” My impression of Plastov’s painting “First Snow”)

Or a simpler plan:

1. Introduction
2. The joy of children
3. Color and mood of the painting
4. My attitude to the picture

Of course, you can have your own essay plan, but it will still consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Examples of compositions based on Plastov's painting "First Snow"

3rd grade

In A.A. Plastov's painting "First Snow" I see a girl and a boy on the porch of the house.
The first snow fell and the children ran outside. The girl is wearing a yellow scarf and dress. The boy is wearing a warm coat and hat. Children look at the snow with delight and surprise. An important crow walks nearby in the snow. A magpie sits on a tree and also looks at the first snow with curiosity. In the front garden, an old, tired birch froze. The street is white and elegant. A path is visible on the first snow. A horse harnessed to a sleigh rolls along it.
I liked this picture because I also love winter.

In front of me is A.A. Plastov's painting "First Snow".
In this picture, I see beautiful, sparkling snowflakes flying like stars. The girl and the boy admire them. A gloomy sky is visible far above. The ground was covered with a thin winter carpet. The old birch rejoices at the first snow. An important crow gallops through the snow in search of food. A horse with a sleigh runs merrily down the street. The picture is permeated with warm shades of colors.
I liked the picture, because I also love the first snow.

The artist A.A. Plastov painted the painting "First Snow" in 1946 in the village of Prislonikha. He lived in the village and described the peaceful rural life in his paintings. So the painting "The First Snow" was painted.
First snow. What it is? This is delight, excitement, surprise and, of course, the joy of children. Snow is a great happiness for them. In difficult and difficult times, every pleasant little thing is a consolation. Delight is written on the girl's face. She is so happy about the snow that she only had time to put on her shawl. The boy is more warmly dressed. Rejoice in winter!
The picture is dominated by white-pink color. The snow has not completely covered the ground yet, puddles are visible. A crow sits on the snow. She wonders what it is. A gray sky is visible. But the picture itself is pinkish, like a dream.
I really liked the picture! How nice to see the first snow!

4th grade

Early in the morning, the children looked out the window and were so happy about the first snow that they immediately ran out onto the porch. They didn't even have time to dress warmly. The girl just threw on a scarf and put on boots that did not fit, and the boy came out in an unbuttoned coat and hat. This is how the children appear before us from A.A. Plastov’s painting “The First Snow”.
In the foreground of the picture are brother and sister. They are happy about the first snow, because now it will be possible to play snowballs, build a snowman and ride down the ice slide. The girl lifted her head with delight and looked at the flakes of snow curling in the air. Snow had already covered everything around: the ground, and the porch, and the low shrubs near the house, and the roofs of the village huts. Only a dirty puddle at the fence of the front garden betrays the fact that autumn has not yet given up its rights to winter. The gray crow is trying to find food under the layer of the first snow. Magpie flew from the forest closer to human habitation in search of food and sat down on an old snow-covered birch. The villager has already harnessed the horse to the sleigh and set off on their own business. Real winter is coming soon.
The paints used by the artist are light, calm tones. They convey the tenderness of the morning and the first snow and the author's reverent attitude towards him.
Looking at this picture, together with the children, I feel a deep sense of joy at the sight of the first snow and mentally feel its pleasant crunch underfoot.

Painting by Soviet artist Plastov A.A. "First Snow", written in the middle of the last century, takes us to its special time.
The children who went out into the street from a wooden hut froze in the fascination of what was happening around. Roads, fields, trees, fences, roofs of houses, everything has changed its color, everything has turned white, everything has changed. Only puddles show through the snow-white sheet in a cold dark lead color. But if you raise your head, as the girl did, you can see the whirling of white flakes, their dance, picked up by the wind, and the freshness that it brings with it. Snowflakes are circling and falling everywhere: both on the face and on the ground.
And here a special feeling arises when you not only see, but feel the change of season, weather, the movement of life and time. By this, the artist wanted to show the peculiarities of Russian weather, life in the villages, and the change of seasons.

One of Plastov's famous paintings, The First Snow, is especially relevant in autumn. At this time, nature breathes coolness and the first frosts at night. And everyone already knows that it is worth waiting for the winter transformation.
It is this transformation that can be seen in the painting “First Snow”, when the children, leaving the wooden house, were dumbfounded by what they saw. They stop for a moment and admire what is happening. Even yesterday, fields, vegetable gardens, fences, roofs of houses and trees familiar to the eye have become completely different today. Everything became white.
Children only have to surrender to their feelings and admire the transformations from the first snow, which brings them another winter with all its charms and bad weather. The artist remarkably noticed this fine transitional line, when a change in nature brings much more than just snow. After all, this is the beginning of a new season, the beginning of a small but new era.

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