Clash of civilizations. Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington

Mar 22, 2017

clash of civilizations Samuel Huntington

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Title: Clash of Civilizations
Author: Samuel Huntington
Year: 1996
Genre: Foreign educational literature, Politics, political science

About The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington

Do you like serious literature? Then you should get acquainted with the work of the brilliant political scientist and sociologist Samuel Huntington. In his book "Clash of Civilizations", the author considers the concept of cultural and ethnographic division of civilizations and at the same time provides a lot of factual materials. There is a lot of different literature and reasoning on the topic of the division of people into civilized structures, but Samuel Huntington was the first to predict future conflicts of civilizations.

Samuel Huntington in his book reveals new and interesting facts about the material, social and spiritual culture of various countries, but at the same time avoids ideological phrases. In his work, the author refers to the works of famous researchers on the division, development and relationship of civilizations: Toynbee, Danilevsky, Marx, Jaspers and Spengler.

We know that world history is subject to the law of time. Therefore, when in the 90s the Soviet Union collapsed and defeated capitalism, then this event was reflected in all countries of the world. They allegedly woke up from a centuries-old sleep and looked around. What to do now? After all, there used to be a powerful enemy who was well known, but now it is a complete unknown. This event served as an impetus for the personal identity of all countries. What came of it? You can read in the book Clash of Civilizations.

The author expresses his personal opinion about the clash of civilizations, because in our time the greatest danger is not the class division of people, but the cultural identity of each country. This is what affects the largest and military conflicts between the countries of the world. Samuel Huntington does not impose his personal opinion on his readers, but makes the reader think about the global nature of these conflicts, because many countries have begun to solve these problems with the help of war.

In the book "Clash of Civilizations" the author describes modern international relations based on conflicts of civilizations. The author also expresses his opinion about the inevitability of confrontation between the Islamic and Western worlds, which is similar to the Cold War between the Soviet Union and America. Some people believe that the author, by his reasoning, predicted the largest terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11 in 2001.

The Clash of Civilizations is written on a grand scale, but accessible and easy to read, making it a very interesting read. You will be able to discover many new and interesting things for yourself. What else will you find out next? Find out about this after you start reading.

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Samuel Huntington's book Clash of Civilizations is one of the most popular geopolitical treatises of the 1990s. Originating from an article in the journal Foreign Affairs, which caused the greatest resonance in the entire second half of the 20th century, it describes the political reality of our days in a new way and provides a forecast for the global development of the entire earthly civilization. The book also contains F. Fukuyama's famous article "The End of History".

Samuel Huntington's book "The Clash of Civilizations" is the first attempt at the practical application of the new meanings invested in the concept of "civilization" in the second half of the 20th century.

The basic concept of "civilized" was developed in the 17th century by French philosophers as part of the binary confrontation "civilization - barbarism". This served as an ontological basis for the expansion of European civilization and the practice of repartitioning the world without taking into account the opinions and desires of any non-European cultures. The final rejection of the binary formula occurred only in the middle of the 20th century after the Second World War. The Second World War became the final stage of the collapse of the British Empire, the last incarnation of the classic French formula of civilization (See, for example, B. Liddell Hart “World War II”, St. Petersburg. TF, M: ACT, 1999).

In 1952, the work of American anthropologists of German origin A. Kroeber and K. Klukhona appeared “Culture: a critical review of concepts and concepts”, where they pointed out that the classic German postulate of the 19th century about the categorical separation of culture and civilization is deceptive. In its final form, the thesis that civilization is determined by culture - "a collection of cultural characteristics and phenomena" - belongs to the French historian F. Braudel ("On History", 1969).

In the 1980s, success in the Cold War determined two starting points for the ideologists of the Euro-Atlantic civilization:

The notion that the civilizational image of the “conditional West” has become the determining factor for the modern world and that history in its classical format has been completed (F. Fukuyama);


this article caused more resonance in three years than any other published by them since the 1940s. And of course, it caused more excitement than anything I've written before. Responses and comments came from dozens of countries, from all continents. People have been more or less astonished, intrigued, outraged, frightened and bewildered by my statement that the central and most dangerous aspect of emerging global politics will be conflict between groups of different civilizations. Apparently, hit on the nerves of readers of all continents.

In view of the interest the article has aroused, as well as the amount of controversy surrounding it and the distortion of the facts presented, it seems to me desirable to expand on the issues raised in it. I note that one of the constructive ways of posing the question is to put forward a hypothesis. The article, whose title contained a question mark ignored by everyone, was an attempt to do just that. This book aims to give a more complete, more

deep and documented answer to the question posed in the article. Here I have attempted to refine, detail, supplement, and, if possible, clarify the questions formulated earlier, as well as develop many other ideas and highlight topics that have not been considered at all before or touched upon in passing. In particular, we are talking about the concept of civilizations; about the question of universal civilization; about the relationship between power and culture; about shifting the balance of power among civilizations; about the cultural origins of non-Western societies; about conflicts generated by Western universalism, Muslim militancy and Chinese claims; about balancing and "tuning" tactics as a reaction to the growing power of China; about the causes and dynamics of wars along fault lines; about the future of the West and world civilizations. One of the important issues not addressed in the article is the significant impact of population growth on instability and the balance of power. The second important aspect, not mentioned in the article, is summed up in the title of the book and its closing phrase: “…the clash of civilizations is the greatest threat to world peace, and an international order based on civilizations is the most reliable means of preventing world war.”

I did not aspire to write a sociological work. On the contrary, the book was conceived as an interpretation of global politics after the Cold War. I have sought to present in it a common paradigm, a global policy review system that is clear to researchers and useful to policy makers. The test of its clarity and usefulness is not whether it covers everything that happens in global politics. Naturally, no. The test is whether it will provide you with a clearer and more useful lens through which to view international processes. Besides, no paradigm can last forever. While international

The ideas that were later embodied in the article and this book were first publicly expressed in a lecture at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington in October 1992, and then presented in a report prepared for the project of the institute. J. Olin's "Changing the Security Environment and the American National Interest", which was made possible by the Smith-Richardson Foundation. Since the article's publication, I have participated in countless seminars and discussions with representatives of government, academia, business, and others in the United States. In addition, I was fortunate to take part in discussions of the article and its abstract in many other countries, including Argentina, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, China, Korea, Luxembourg, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, France, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa and Japan. These meetings introduced me to all the major civilizations except the Hindu, and I gained invaluable experience from communicating with the participants in these discussions. In 1994 and 1995, I taught a seminar at Harvard on the nature of the post-Cold War world, and I was inspired by its lively atmosphere and sometimes rather critical remarks from students. An invaluable contribution to the work was also made by my colleagues and like-minded people from the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies and the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University.

The manuscript was read in its entirety by Michael S. Dash, Robert O. Keohan, Farid Zakaria, and R. Scott Zimmermann, whose comments contributed to a fuller and clearer presentation of the material. In the course of writing

Despite the development of technology and science, our spiritual development is undergoing changes that cannot always be written under the “+” sign. If we were striving for a radical transformation of our society in a positive aspect, every year there would be a decrease in military conflicts on our planet. However, we do not see this, and our world, without ceasing, listens to the savage explosions of war. Every year on our planet, in different parts of the world, hostilities take place. There are many root causes and theories of the emergence of wars, one of which is substantiated by the famous American political scientist Samuel Huntington in his book The Clash of Civilizations. The geopolitical arena that finally took shape after the Cold War

very unstable. International relations are unstable, and the conflict of civilizations is at the heart of such “shakyness”. And what separates different countries, forcing them to resolve conflicts by force, is cultural belonging. So says the author of The Clash of Civilizations. According to Samuel Huntington, there are 9 pieces of ethnocultural difference between civilizations. The largest of them are Western, Orthodox and Latin American cultures, while the rest are smaller. This author is a supporter of the idea of ​​a multipolar world. Back in 1996, when this book was written, a well-known sociologist and political scientist predicted a possible large-scale conflict, a clash between two worlds - Western and Islamic. After the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, his theory is gaining more and more supporters ...

The scientific work "The Clash of Civilizations" in the society caused heated discussions. Many points in this book have a rational grain, but there is also something that is criticized. For example, the famous scientist V. Malakhov writes that Samuel Huntington sees the picture of the world after the Cold War too simplistic. In particular, he does not take into account the economic factor in the emergence of military conflicts. This concept involves the division of the world into angels and demons. In this case, the positive civilization is Western, and Islamic, according to the author, is considered negative, i.e. evil. Confirmation of these thoughts of critics is the example of military clashes between Egypt and Syria or Iraq and Iran. According to the theory described in the book Clash of Civilizations, these countries were supposed to demonstrate unity and not get involved in civil strife, but this did not happen. Thus, this theory has its advantages and disadvantages. To form your own opinion about this scientific work, you should familiarize yourself with it, and it will be a truly fascinating read. This work will give you a lot of new, useful information and make you think about what you read.

On our literary site, you can download Samuel Huntington's book "Clash of Civilizations" (Fragment) in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

According to what laws do civilizations develop and why do they decline? What influences the political situation in the world? What awaits us in the future? People have asked these questions before, and they still think about it now. In The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington examines these questions and gives his hypotheses. This work arose from an article on the topic of international relations, which caused a great resonance in society. The author describes the political reality of the late 20th century. Despite the fact that the book was written a long time ago, it is interesting to read. And in a sense, it is even more interesting than a few years ago, because you can see where the author was right when making his predictions.

The author of the book talks about everything that happened in the world after the Cold War. He conducts analysis, draws conclusions from statistical data, based on facts from history. At the same time, he talks about what he believes will happen in the future. The main idea is that in the future there will be a struggle of cultures, civilizations, and not individual countries. Religion and worldview of people will be more important.

While reading this book, you will find answers to many questions. For example, it becomes clear why Islamic extremism is a great threat to the whole world, why Crimea was annexed to the territory of Russia, why Western culture is declining. And the more similarities you see between the hypotheses and forecasts of the author, the more interesting it is to read and delve into the essence of what is happening in the world. The book will be of interest to political scientists, sociologists, historians, it will also be suitable for anyone who wants to better understand politics and know what is really happening in the world.

On our website you can download the book "Clash of Civilizations" by Huntington Samuel P. for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

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