Basketball shooting technique: the main rules. The main tasks and methods of teaching small and medium jumps in classical dance lessons


One of the fundamental things in the game of basketball is correct technique throw. You can dribble, make accurate passes, play with your body as you like, but without this final stage of attack, your team will not score enough points to win the match. So how do you learn how to throw the ring correctly? SOVSPORT. ENstudied this issue in detail and is ready to provide you with several recommendations in this regard.

Follow this training program on grass or parks twice a week when you have an easy run. If you have a short time, shorten your workout by 5 minutes. You will get much more benefit from these exercises than with the extra hundreds of meters. Start with one series of two exercises. Gradually increase the number of exercises to 5, then add a second series. Change the order of exercises to avoid boredom.

Chassis. Imagine that the tires are on the ground meters or so apart from each other. Your goal is to land in the middle of a fast run. You should feel the flight phase at every step. Move from a crusading step, but every time you have a leg forward, lift your knee up. Beat 20 meters, change direction and legs.

Exists different kinds throw: from the pass, classic, slam dunk, free throw, with a rebound from the shield, without it, and so on. Let's take a look at what each of them is.

free throw

First, let's look at the basic technique of all basketball shots - the free throw technique. The ball should be at chest level (feet may be in line or one leg extended slightly forward), held with fingers, elbows near the body, legs slightly bent at the knee joints, torso straight, gaze directed at the basket. Simultaneously with the circular movement of the ball (as in a simultaneous pass) and even more bending of the legs at the knee joints, the ball is brought to the chest. Without stopping the movement, the ball is carried along the body up and forward in the direction of the ring and with a sweeping movement of the hands, giving the ball, the reverse movement is released from the fingertips, while the legs are straightened. Body weight is transferred to the front standing foot, body and hands must accompany the flight of the ball. After releasing the ball, the player returns to the starting position.

Move forward on one leg, trying to do 4-5 reps without a break and jump as much as you can. Modification: try to jump as high as possible. Run, raise your knees as high as possible and minimize foot contact time with the ground. Run about 30 meters.

Going 6 to 8 times without a break, trying to hit as high as possible. Modified version: jump as far as you can. Transition from standing to high using a mast: evaluates speed, muscle strength and leg coordination. Transition to height from place to place without arms: evaluates the speed of strength, muscle strength of the legs.

Throw from three steps

The technique of throwing from three steps is worked out as follows. First you need to stand on the line of the penalty area, a little obliquely in relation to the ring. It is necessary to take a couple of steps for a run, while not forgetting to dribble. As soon as you feel that you have already accelerated enough, take one long step right foot. The ball should already be in your hands at this point. After that, a short step is taken by rolling from heel to toe with the left foot. At the same time, you push off with your left foot, swing with your right foot, and carry the ball over your right shoulder so that it rests on your right hand, and your left supports it to the side. At the highest point of the jump, the arm is straightened to the end in the elbow joint, the throw ends with a sweeping movement of the hand. After the ball is released, the player lands on both feet. A description of the shooting technique on the move is given for players who shoot from right side. In the situation with the passage on the left, accordingly, everything is done the other way around: you take the first long step with your left foot, and the second with your right.

Defense locomotive test: Evaluates the speed of players entering the movement, the speed of endurance, constantly changing the direction of movement. Definition of technical readiness. Ball dodge in the eighth: evaluates the technique of the ball technique. The basket shot test assesses the resilience of basketball players in the event of fatigue.

The distance is covered by keeping the ball there and back. When the sign is saved, the defendant's stand reaches the second point at the introductory stage, touches the floor with his left hand, providing a step up to 3 points, touching the floor with his hand - up to 4 points, then up to 5, 6, 7 points.

As a rule, in the technique of throwing from a three-step, another way to throw the ball into the basket is used - a throw from the backboard. Its essence lies in the fact that, being at an angle with respect to the shield, it is quite difficult to throw the ball directly into the ring. This is where the white square line drawn on the shield around the bow of the ring comes to our aid. It is quite simple to train the technique of throwing from the side. To do this, you need to stand within the penalty area, at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the shield. To throw the ball from this position, you need to hit the upper corner of the square line on the shield closest to us. That is, if you are to the left of the ring, you throw it to the upper left corner of this square, and if you are to the right, then to the right. Everything is quite simple and clear.

After each throw, the thrower takes the ball himself, takes it to the throw line and throws it again. After defeating the ball passed by the coach and throwing twice into the basket, he then runs back to the center of the box to the 1st on the back and runs around him to outside 2nd position, standing on the throat of the smoke. After losing the ball and performing the ball, he puts it in the basket. Then he runs back to the middle of the box to the 1st stand and around it he pushes it to the outside of the 3rd stand on the 3-point throw line.

Once again, the ball is thrown into the basket, runs back to 1 stall, deflects it and twists it to knock the throw out of the basket. In this order, drafts are performed in the basket for 1 minute. From this position, without moving down, he dances up. From this position, without moving down, with the help of your hands, dance.

Jump shot

In general, the main technique for shooting at the opponent's basket in basketball is the jump shot. As a rule, in this way, players try to hit the target from a long distance. This type of throw can be roughly divided into three stages. First you have to get the ball in motion. Having caught it, you take a short stopping step with your left, simultaneously placing your right. Then you take out right hand(if you are right-handed) the ball over your head, simultaneously holding it to the side of your left. Take off from the ground with both feet. The technique of the throw itself is similar to the technique of performing a free kick: when releasing the ball from your hands, remove the left hand, and with your fingers right palm give the projectile reverse rotation. In the final stage, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the points of repulsion and landing is approximately equal to 20-30 centimeters, so as not to collide with the player of the defending team.

slam dunk

If you have already mastered all of the above throwing techniques and are craving something more cool, then it's time to turn to perhaps the most spectacular, but at the same time the most difficult way to hit the opponent's ring - slam dunk. Millions of basketball fans around the world go into a state of complete ecstasy every time they see a professionally made and beautiful shot from above. Do you want to be the same cool performer of this element, so that your opponents on the court are afraid of you, and the girls in the audience go crazy with your person? Then the following description of the technique of throwing from above will help you achieve this.

A proper slam dunk begins with the fact that a three-step throw also starts with a running start. Take the allowed two steps, dribbling the ball with your arm and controlling your approach. Jump off your lead foot, opposite your kicking arm, extend your arm towards the hoop and throw the ball into the net. Try throwing with one hand first, as a two-handed dunk requires a higher jump. Coaches recommend starting with a smaller ball as it is a little easier to control.

Also, there is a very important point with landing. This must be done with support on both legs, softening and bending them at the moment of touching the site. Experts highly advise beginners not to mow under the NBA stars, hanging after the throw on the bow of the ring, as at this moment your balance may be disturbed and it will seem to you that you are falling backwards.

Actually, there are several basic techniques shots in basketball, with the help of which 90% of the balls are thrown. Now your task, dear lovers of this beautiful view sports - train them so that your opponents have no chance of winning! I wish you success!

The ability to jump on two legs, as well as to walk or run, is inherent in all children by nature. This means that absolutely all babies at a certain stage of development should independently begin to perform these at first glance. simple moves. But in practice it happens differently. Some children easily master jumping and fast running without falling closer to 2 years, while others have difficulties at 3 years and even at 5 years. A good indicator is learning to jump on two legs at the age of 1.8 to 2.5 years.

In addition, just being able to jump or run fast is not enough, since this must be done correctly in order to at least not get injured. In general, these exercises should be beneficial - strengthen muscles and improve coordination of movements.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than to master jumping on two legs and running in childhood. It is really easy if the child is small and the parents begin to accustom him to sports in time, offer to perform various developmental and strengthening exercises. Competent jumping on two legs requires strong muscles of the foot, legs, back, correct posture, coordination of movements, and for kids, also understanding the task.

Unfortunately, practice shows that many children aged 5 to 7 years and even older, who did not start playing sports on time, do not know how to jump on two legs correctly, and it is more difficult to retrain them than small ones. Because of this, they are clumsy and feel insecure, especially against the background of active peers in physical education classes.

That is why the question: “How to teach a child to jump on two legs?” relevant not only for kids, but also for adult children, including schoolchildren.

What is the problem?

One of the main reasons for bad jumps is a weak muscular corset and poorly developed coordination of movements.

Many parents begin to get very worried when their children cannot jump at the age of two, especially against the background of peers who are already boldly jumping on a trampoline. But this is not a cause for concern if you and your child have not played sports before. If he does not have physical abnormalities, for example, weakened leg muscles, then in a month or two of regular classes he will begin to jump on his own. Otherwise, it will take a little more time. The main thing is not to delay the start of training.

For example, if kids start slowly playing sports from 1.3 - 1.5 years, then by 1 year 8 months, most, as a rule, confidently jump on the floor and on a trampoline, and also run quickly and carefully. But it often happens when a child is lazy and specifically does not want to complete tasks, although he can. In this case, the regularity of training and motivation are important so that the baby gets used to playing sports and doing exercises.

The best place for such activities is developing gymnastics for children from 1.5 years old at the European Gymnastics Center, where there are many opportunities for effective and interesting early physical development.

Adult children most often have problems with jumping due to the fact that their childhood was inactive. They have weak muscles of the legs, feet, back, as well as poor coordination of movements. You can also fix this with regular exercise.

A set of exercises for learning to jump on two legs

To speed up the process of learning to jump on two legs, exercises can be performed outside the gym - at home, on the street. For adult children, such tasks are easier to pick up, and for kids, passion for the training process is important, so it can be more difficult to persuade them to study at home than in a gym with a variety of equipment.

Therefore, we will divide the set of exercises into two parts - for babies from 1.5 to 2.5 years old and for children from 3 years old and on. In the second complex, the exercises are also designed for adult children.

Regularity of classes- at least 4 times a week.

exercisefor babies from 1.5 to 2 years

Please note that at this age, children must first be shown the exercise, and then hold them by the waist while jumping so that they do not rush and understand the sequence of movements: first sit down a little, then jump up.

1) Walking on toes -

2) Walking on heels

Starting position: stand on toes, stretch your arms to the sides, back is straight. In this position, take 10 steps forward, each time raising the bent leg to the stomach. The knee should touch the stomach, and the legs should constantly change. If it is difficult for a child to walk on toes, then perform the exercise on a full (lowered) foot.

4) Jumping into hoops / flat or painted figures on the floor- for children at this age, any jumps must be performed in the form of a game, otherwise it will be difficult for them to concentrate. Therefore, you will need all kinds of sports attributes (hoops, flat figures, jump ropes), preferably colorful ones that will attract the attention of the child.

For example, lay out hoops (5-10 pieces) and flat figures for the floor one after another or in a snake. The child must jump on them. At this time, you hold him by the waist, do not let him rush, and each time repeat the sequence of movements: keep your legs together, first sit down a little, then jump up and jump into the middle of the next hoop / figure. When jumping up, lift the child at the same time as pushing him off the floor. Repeat 10 times.

5) Rope jumping is a type of jumping exercise. The child quickly gets tired of the same tasks and loses interest, so it is recommended to have a stock of various sports attributes and options for performing the same task. For example, put different ropes/colored jump ropes on the floor and help your baby jump over them.

6) "Frogs" in hoops / on flat or painted figures on the floor- starting position: deep squat with arms forward (squatting). From this position, jump up, raise both arms up and straighten your legs, then return to the squat. Frog jumps should also be performed in hoops or figures. Children love this exercise, but it takes some getting used to as it can be difficult at first. While jumping, you should also hold the child behind the back and repeat the sequence of movements.

7) Balance on one leg - starting position: standing on two legs, stretch your arms to the sides, keep your back straight. Bend one knee towards your stomach and hold your balance for 5-10 seconds. You can’t leave the place, but look with your eyes at one point in front of you. Parents at this time slightly hold the child from behind by the arms.

10) Exercise for the press- these muscles strengthen posture, which is very important for jumping. Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix your legs under the sofa or your parents should hold them, stretch your arms forward. Slowly lower yourself onto your back, keeping your head on your chest all the time, and then rise to the starting position - 10 times. You must sit in front of the child and hold him by both hands (pull him forward).

11) Exercise for the back - these muscles strengthen posture, which is very important for jumping. Starting position: lying on the floor on the stomach, fix the legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Raise your back from the floor up, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position and repeat the task again. When performing the exercise, the eyes should look down. Repeat 10 times. You should hold the child from behind by the elbows, and help him lift his back up.

Exercises for children from 3 years

1) Walking on toes-starting position: stand on toes, stretch up with both hands, back straight. In this position, take 20 steps forward without bending your knees. The same exercise can be repeated with the back.

2) Walking on heels- starting position: stand on your heels, tear your socks off the floor, stretch your arms to the sides, your back is straight. In this position, take 20 steps forward without bending your back and legs.

3) Walking "heron" (walking, bending one leg to the stomach)-starting position: stand on your toes, stretch your arms to the sides, your back is straight. In this position, take 20 steps forward, each time raising the bent leg to the stomach. The knee should touch the stomach, and the legs should constantly change.

4) Jumping forward / backward on two legs - starting position: legs together, hands on the belt. Jumps with a straight back, on toes are performed first forward - 10 times, and then back - 10 times. For adult children - 20 times. When jumping back, be sure to look down in front of you, do not bend your back. If it is difficult for a child to jump without sports attributes, then offer him the same jumps in hoops / figures, as in the complex for children from 1.5 to 2 years old.

5) "Frogs"- starting position: deep squat with arms forward (squatting). From this position, jump up, raise two arms up and straighten your legs, then return to the squat - 10 times. For adult children - 15 - 20 times. If it is difficult for a child to jump without sports attributes, then offer him the same jumps in hoops / figures, as in the complex for children from 1.5 to 2 years old.

6) Balance on one leg - starting position: standing on two legs, stretch your arms to the sides, keep your back straight. Bend one knee towards your stomach and hold your balance for 10 seconds. You can’t leave the place, but look with your eyes at one point in front of you. Parents at this time can slightly hold the child from behind by the arms. For adult children - 20 seconds.

7) Goose walking- starting position: deep squat (squatting), put your hands on your knees. In this position, you need to go forward, back straight, keep your knees always together - 10 steps. For adult children - 20 steps.

8) Jumping on one leg - starting position: standing on one straight leg, raise the other to the stomach and bend at the knee, back straight arms on the belt. In this position, try to make several jumps forward without lowering your leg - only 10 times on each leg. At this moment, you should hold the child by the hand to help him push off the floor and maintain balance. For adult children - 20 times.

9) Jumping legs apart / together.

10) Squats - starting position: legs together, raise your arms forward, back straight. Do 10 squats up and down. For adult children - 15 - 20 times.

11) Exercise for the press- these muscles strengthen posture, which is very important for jumping. Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix your legs under the sofa or your parents should hold them, stretch your arms forward. Slowly lower yourself onto your back, keeping your head on your chest all the time, and then rise to the starting position - 15 times. You must sit in front of the child and hold him by both hands (pull him forward). For adult children - 20 times / 2 sets, when performing the exercise, cross your arms at the back of your head.

12) Exercise for the back - these muscles strengthen posture, which is very important for jumping. Starting position: lying on the floor on the stomach, fix the legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Raise your back from the floor up, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position and repeat the task again. When performing the exercise, the eyes should look down. Repeat 15 times. You can hold the baby slightly behind the elbows to help lift the back up. For adult children - 20 times / 2 sets.

13) Jump rope- this exercise should be started at the earliest at 4 years old, since it is still difficult for children to understand the technique of its implementation. And from the age of 5, repeat regularly 20-30 times.

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