Body language: All eyes on the legs! Why do girls cross their legs when they stand? psychological reason.


I promised to tell you body movements legs. After a little thought, I decided to slightly expand the scope of study and tell not only about body movements legs, but also affect dependency leg movements from the thoughts and emotional state of a person. Why did I decide to do this? You know, just consider leg movements it would be stupid, because there is a lot of information, but zero practical application. It turns out like in a joke with cavemen who found a can of canned food and tried to use it in different ways, but not for its intended purpose, so let's not be cavemen and let's talk only about the essence.

Why legs can be considered the most important source of information? Everything is very simple - it is very difficult to guess about the emotions of a person that he is trying to hide without special training in facial microexpressions without special training, a person can also control his hands with grief in half, but leg position control is very difficult due to the fact that the further away a part of the body is, the less we are aware of its actions.

Let's now look at the various leg positions and their meanings:

1. Position attention. This is a formal position that displays neutral behavior with no intention of leaving or staying. With such position, legs located together, socks slightly apart, hands at the seams. This position is constantly used in the army, when junior ranks stand in front of a senior officer, or subordinates stand in front of their superior.

2. Position"spaced legs". Similar position characteristic mainly of men. This is a kind of demonstration of the groin. In this position, the man confidently stands with two feet on the ground, showing by his appearance that he does not intend to run away. With all his appearance, he transmits a signal of dominance to others, the effect of this position can be enhanced by hands on the belt buckle. For women, such a position would be perceived as unnatural and masculine.

3. Position"one leg put forward." In this position body weight is concentrated on one leg, and the second leg pushed forward. Such leg position immediately makes it clear the intentions of the person, because we usually point the sock where we would like to go. If you are talking enthusiastically with a person, and his sock is directed to the side, for example, the door, then he would not mind leaving now. On the other hand, if the sock is pointed at you, this is a sign that the person is just as passionate about the conversation as you are.

4. Position"crossed legs". If spaced legs demonstrate openness and dominance, then legs crossed ones show a closed, submissive or defensive mood. Similar position taken when a person experiences stress or certain inconveniences, for example, is in an unfamiliar company. Most often, such a person will stand a little distant from the main group. If a person is not comfortable to the point that he cannot get out of this state, it is very likely that he will also have his arms crossed on his chest. In such an augmented position a person is closed from communication and practically does not perceive information at all. Crossed arms are a barrier with which a person protects himself from the outside world. Such hands can be interpreted a little differently - in childhood, when it was hard for us, our mother hugged us, which was an incentive to calm down. Crossed arms are a sign that a person is trying to hug himself, and, accordingly, calm himself and pull himself together, he is completely focused on himself and perceives the outside world poorly.

5. Position"crossing legs while sitting" has the same meaning as crossing legs when standing, although in this case there is more concentration of a person, he will weigh every word that he says. This leg position is very common in Europe and Asia. True, if a person begins to "kick" the air foot- this means that you asked him an uncomfortable question, and he wants you to leave as soon as possible. Again, crossing the arms over the chest gives position the same value as in the standing position.

6. Position The American Four is leg position when alone leg stands on the floor, and the second is thrown onto the support leg. This is a demonstration of the groin area, which emphasizes the person's confidence. This position can be strengthened with the help of hands:
- the person leaned back in his chair and put both hands behind his head - this is a sign that the person is confident and shows dominance.
- a person grasps with both hands leg- this is a signal that a person is determined and intends to stand his ground to the bitter end.
- the fingers of a person's hands form a spire - this means that the person is concentrated and self-confident.

7. Position"crossing the ankles" while sitting means that the person is unfaithful in himself or scared - he is not comfortable. Position can be enhanced as follows:
- the ankles are retracted under a chair or armchair, in this case the body moves forward a little, as if saying to the interlocutor: "I'm scared / I'm not comfortable, can't you see that?"
-holding hands squeezing the chair arms - this means that a person, no matter what, is trying to take control of himself.

8. Position"engagement legs"sitting is an exclusively female gesture that cannot be reproduced by men due to physiology. This female position means modesty and intimidation, with this position of the legs, she is unlikely to be talkative.

9. Position "legs stand confidently on the floor "sitting - a neutral position in which the legs are parallel to each other with their feet completely on the floor, it can acquire the appropriate shade depending on the following factors:
-n oga or both legs tapping on the floor - this means that the person is not comfortable, and he does not mind leaving the room;
-leg begins to "kick" the floor - you are not pleasant to a person, and he would be glad if you left;
- fingers form a "spire" - a person is confident in himself and his words;
-fingers are clasped - the person is nervous, he is not comfortable or he is hiding something;
-arms crossed on the chest - a person is confident, but does not agree with your point of view - such a compound gesture has an exclusively negative connotation.

I hope that such articles will help you think and be attentive, because there are many things that are not only important to see, but most importantly to understand what they mean.

Numerous observations of human behavior: his manner of sitting, lying, walking - can tell a lot. Each movement is a source of information that characterizes a person.

Consider the various positions of the legs and their interpretation:

attention position A formal position that demonstrates neutral behavior with no intention of leaving or staying. In this position, the legs are placed together, the socks are slightly apart, the hands are at the seams. This position is constantly used in the army, when junior ranks stand in front of a senior officer, or subordinates stand in front of their superior.

"Spread legs" position - more typical for men. This is a kind of demonstration of the groin. In this position, the man confidently stands with both feet on the ground, showing with his appearance that he does not intend to run away. With all his appearance, he transmits a signal of dominance to others, the effect of this position can be enhanced by hands on the belt buckle. For women, such a position would be perceived as unnatural and masculine.

One leg forward position. In this position, the weight of the body is concentrated on one leg, and the other leg is put forward. This position of the legs immediately makes it clear the intentions of the person, because we usually point the toe where we would like to go. If you are talking enthusiastically with a person, and his toe is pointing towards, for example, a door, then he would not mind leaving now. On the other hand, if the sock is pointed at you, this is a sign that the person is just as passionate about the conversation as you are.

Cross-legged position . While legs apart show openness and dominance, crossed legs show a closed, submissive, or defensive mood. A similar position is taken when a person experiences stress or certain inconveniences, for example, is in an unfamiliar company. Most often, such a person will stand a little distant from the main group. If a person is not comfortable to the point that he cannot get out of this state, it is very likely that he will also have his arms crossed on his chest. In such an augmented position, a person is closed from communication and practically does not perceive information at all. Crossed arms are a barrier with which a person protects himself from the outside world. Such hands can be interpreted a little differently - in childhood, when it was hard for us, our mother hugged us, which was an incentive to calm down. Crossed arms are a sign that a person is trying to hug himself, and, accordingly, calm himself and pull himself together, he is completely focused on himself and perceives the outside world poorly.

Sitting cross-legged position has the same meaning as crossing the legs while standing, although in this case there is more concentration of a person, he will weigh every word that he says. This leg position is very common in Europe and Asia. True, if a person begins to “kick” the air with his foot, this means that you asked him an uncomfortable question, and he wants you to leave as soon as possible. Again, crossing the arms over the chest gives the position the same importance as standing.

The position of the "American Four" represents the position of the legs when one leg is on the floor, and the other is thrown onto the supporting leg. This is a demonstration of the groin area, which emphasizes the person's confidence. This position can be strengthened with the help of hands:

- the person leaned back in the chair and put both hands behind the head - this is a sign that the person is confident and shows dominance.

- a person clasps his leg with both hands - this is a signal that the person is determined and intends to stand his ground to the bitter end.

- the fingers of a person's hands form a spire - this means that the person is concentrated and self-confident.

Ankle-crossing position sitting means that a person is unfaithful in himself or scared - he is not comfortable. The position can be strengthened as follows:

- the ankles are retracted under a chair or armchair, in this case the body moves forward a little, as if saying to the interlocutor: "I'm scared / I'm not comfortable, can't you see that?"

- hands hold on, squeeze the arms of the chair - this means that a person, no matter what, is trying to take control of himself.

The “hooking legs” sitting position is an exclusively feminine gesture that cannot be reproduced by men due to physiology. This female position means modesty and intimidation; with this position of the legs, she is unlikely to be talkative.

The “feet firmly on the floor” sitting position is a neutral position in which the legs are parallel to each other with their feet completely on the floor, it can take on an appropriate shade depending on the following factors:

Legs or both legs tapping on the floor - this means that the person is not comfortable, and he does not mind leaving the room;

The leg begins to "kick" the floor - you are not pleasant to the person, and he would be glad if you left;

The fingers form a "spire" - a person is confident in himself and his words;

The fingers are clasped - the person is nervous, he is not comfortable, or he is hiding something;

Arms crossed on chest - a person is confident, but does not agree with your point of view - such a compound gesture has an exclusively negative connotation.

Body language. When we talk about non-verbal body language, we pay a lot of attention to facial expressions, eyes and hands, but for some reason our legs are undeservedly offended by us. But in vain!

The further away from the brain a part of the body is, the more difficult it is to control it. If a person can adapt and portray the emotion he needs on his face and more or less control his hands, then everyone forgets about the legs and they give us away with their heads.

"If you're not sure if the person sitting at the table is telling the truth, look under the table."
Allan Pease "The New Body Language"

So let's go through the basic leg poses. Immediately I want to draw your attention to the fact that women and men will have different movements.

traitorous feet

Four basic standing positions

1. Attention

This posture means that you are listening attentively and the interlocutor, most likely, is lower in rank than you. Usually, this is how students stand in front of teachers and subordinates in front of their superiors.

2. Spread legs

This posture is predominantly male. In this position, the man stands firmly on the ground and feels confident.

3. One leg forward

From this position it is very easy to determine the intentions of a person. Usually, in which direction the toe is pointed, in that direction the person intends to move. Being in the company, we will point the sock at the most pleasant interlocutor for us. And if a person feels uncomfortable, then the toe of the exposed leg will most likely be directed to the nearest exit.

4. Crossing the legs

Crossed legs and arms are almost always evidence that a person has closed himself off from everyone and has entered a protective pose. It is quite difficult to reach such a person and it is unlikely that he will easily accept your arguments.

Also, this pose is usually taken in a society of unfamiliar people. You can conduct an interesting experiment - approach a group of strangers and stand next to them in a defensive pose. Almost immediately after that, people will begin to cross their arms one by one. This posture is highly contagious and conveys a certain unease and sense of danger.

Frozen or defensive?

It is always necessary to interpret body language in context. Sometimes people justify their crossed arms and legs by saying that they are cold or want to go to the bathroom. In some cases, this is true, and in some they are just hiding behind a convenient explanation.

In fact, if a person is really cold, he will not only cross his arms, but also hide his fingers under his armpits, and not just wrap them around his elbows. We also cross our legs, but at the same time we try to straighten them and press them tightly against each other. The defensive posture is more relaxed and calm.

If a person says that it’s just convenient for him to stand, most likely he almost always feels as if there are only enemies around.

"American Four"

This posture is for men. A person sitting in such a position is perceived not only as more powerful and energetic, but also as younger. A person sitting in this position is likely to consider himself superior to you and is unlikely to immediately agree with your point of view.

If, having taken this position, a person also secures the raised leg with his hands, this means that she is determined to stand her ground and will in every possible way resist pressure from outside.

Research has shown that most people make their final decision when both feet are firmly planted on the ground. So do not rush your interlocutor to make a decision if one of his soles does not touch the floor.

Ankle crossing

Crossed ankles indicate that your interlocutor is suppressing negative emotions and disagreement and is trying to cope with them. This gesture can be equated with biting the lip.
Usually people sit like this at the reception of dentists, lawyers and tax inspectors.

short skirt syndrome

Usually girls who wear mini skirts sit like this. Despite their length, they give women an impregnable and not very friendly look, since you have to sit all the time, tightly squeezing your legs. People subconsciously interpret this gesture as negative, and treat the interlocutor with caution.

Leg interlacing

This is a purely feminine gesture. Usually modest and insecure girls twist their legs this way. It is unlikely that a strong pressure will fit here. In order to talk to such a person, you need to be open and friendly.


Looking at this picture, I immediately remember "Basic Instinct" and Sharon Stone sitting in a chair. This fit is considered very feminine and 86% of men found it the most attractive. This is how models are taught to sit.

Right foot forward, right foot back

Man is given legs to perform two basic actions - to catch up with prey and run away from danger. If a person is interested in you, during the conversation he will put his right foot forward (a left-hander will most likely put his left foot) in order to close the distance between you. If he is not in the mood for a conversation, then most likely he will put his right foot back, as if preparing for a retreat.

And the last! Tip for business ladies - do not cross your legs in business meetings if you are wearing a skirt that opens your hips. The sight of women's thighs can excite almost any man. As a result, he will remember your hips, but not the topic of the conversation.

And men should be more restrained and not fall apart on chairs, spreading their legs in different directions. A restrained pose with knees together would be more appropriate.

Based on the book by Barbara and Alan Pease “The New Body Language. Extended Version»

Sitting with legs crossed is very comfortable, the spine and many muscles of the body relax. But isn't it harmful to health and doesn't this posture have a hidden anti-sacred meaning?

What you will learn from the article:

Why you can not sit cross-legged: Medicine

Some doctors are categorically against such a pose. Allegedly, it threatens with a bunch of health troubles - from varicose veins and blockage of veins, the formation of blood clots to cardiovascular problems, increased pressure and lack of blood flow to the heart. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to cross their legs high. And the rest are advised to change the position of the legs more often - the right and left legs are at the top, if it is no longer possible to abandon this position altogether.

This is if two words. I will not write more words on the topic of cross-legged posture and health. The reason is all unproven things, rather from the realm of conjecture and myths. I did not find iron scientific confirmation.

Why you can't sit cross-legged: Ethics and aesthetics

Adherents of etiquette claim that this pose is very indecent, especially for the fair sex. By the way, I found two “stories” related to this. The first - in the old days, women who earned their living with their bodies wrote on one knee the price for the poor, and on the other - for the rich. And evaluating the external data of clients, they put up the right knee accordingly. This is a service and understanding of your target audience - some marketers will simply be jealous.

The second story is also connected with women of easy virtue. Allegedly, it was in this way - through the manner of sitting, crossing her legs, that the harlot betrayed herself. Decent girls chose more looked poses.

Well, here, too, to judge everyone. Personally, this pose is quite acceptable to me, unless of course you are wearing a miniskirt from Basic Instinct. In addition, for many it is so familiar that it does not even catch the eye. And it seems like something out of the ordinary.

Leg to Leg Pose: Psychology

Psychologists also paid attention to this pose and argue that the pose betrays a person who feels awkward, uncomfortable and tries to “disown” other people with this pose. Perhaps they are unpleasant to him or he is afraid of something. In any case, such a crossing of legs or arms shows that a person has closed himself off, fenced off, tries to isolate himself and protect himself. Again, if it's not a simple muscle habit of cross-legging.

Cross-legged - is it possible to sit like that: Religion and superstitions

In the Christian tradition, this position of the legs is also disliked. It is considered irreverent. In this position, one leg is on top, and it is believed that the devil dangles on it like on a swing. Therefore, in order not to roll the demon and thus not attract it, believers try not to cross their legs and, moreover, not to dangle with the leg that turned out to be on top.

By the way, according to statistics, most people who prefer this position while sitting throw their left leg up - about 70% of all respondents.

Do you take this posture? And which leg do you have on top? Tell in the comments!

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Many of us cross our legs when we sit down, and do so almost automatically. In this position, we seem more elegant and sexy, and it is often called "feminine." We accept this position of the body without hesitation, but only a few know what serious consequences this can lead to.

Although the woman in the photo above looks very attractive to most people due to the way she sits, it is still necessary for everyone to know what happens to the body when a person takes a long position in a cross-legged position:

  • The tendency to stay in this position for hours can lead to such an unpleasant disease as peroneal nerve palsy or just paralysis. The same applies when you sit in the same position for a long period of time. It turns out that the posture that causes such health complications is the usual crossing of the legs.
  • Back in 2010, numerous studies proved that sitting cross-legged for a long time causes an increase in blood pressure. Even if you have never had blood pressure problems, avoiding sitting in this position will help you become healthier and avoid problems with blood circulation.

The reason for high blood pressure is that when you put one foot on the knee of the other leg, and more blood flows to the heart, resulting in a pressure surge. Another possible explanation is that the pressure rises as a result of isometric contraction of the leg muscles (this occurs when the joints do not move and the muscles do not change their length). This is why crossing the legs at the ankles does not have the same effect as crossing one leg over the other.

  • This body posture can also lead to problems with the pelvic muscles. Crossing the legs for long periods of time makes the inner thigh muscles shorter and the outer thigh muscles longer, putting the joints at risk of misalignment.
  • The habit of putting your legs crosswise increases the chances of getting varicose veins on your legs. Despite the fact that varicose veins in most cases are inherited, frequent crossing of the legs can cause inflammation of the pinched veins. There are tiny valves in blood vessels that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. When the legs are crossed, the pressure in the veins increases and this prevents normal blood flow, causing narrowing and weakening of the elasticity of the vessel walls. As a result, the blood thickens and the veins in the legs swell.

Finally, studies show that sitting cross-legged for more than 3 hours a day can lead to slouching, lower back and neck pain, and hip discomfort.

Thus, we have given you some food for thought, and now you can give up this habit once and for all to avoid chronic health problems. Be sure that the next time you catch yourself crossing your legs, you will immediately stop doing it!

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