Party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean: entertainment program and menu. Pirate Party: Screenplay

As promised, I'm uploading the script. Thanks to everyone who helped find materials for the party. And we will do it all on Monday!

Host: Sea wolves! Ocean Conquerors! Invincible corsairs! I welcome you aboard our unsinkable vessel!

Today we are in for an exciting journey - we got a map where the treasure is hidden, and our team must certainly find it. At the same time, our pirate submarine and its valiant sailors must pass many trials. This is an attack by the servants of the Sea Devil, and a storm, and hell, and thirst, and much more.
But before we whistle everyone upstairs, thunder me if we do not hear the parting voice of the captain of our submarine, the old sea dog _______________
Drank, ate:

Presenter: In the galley, the cook and his assistants have prepared a lot of food and rum for us today, and we must definitely refresh ourselves before a long trip, but before that, our brave boatswain _______________ will say a kind word to us!

Drank, ate:

Host: While our pirate submarine is heading towards the target, the captain decided to check the team. Are all the sailors smart and brave enough to take them on. Those who do not answer the questions correctly will face severe punishment - washing the latrine for a whole week! Whoever answers the questions correctly, steps aside. With them, the conversation will be separate!

Competition-quiz: "PIRATE-ERUDIT" (Check for knowledge of maritime terms)
Adaptation for living at sea ... (ship)
The main person after the captain on the ship (boatswain)
Sailor apprentice (cabin boy)
High wooden sail support (mast)
Side of the ship (board)
Room for sailors (kubrick)
Board for descent from the ship (ladder)
A quiet, shallow part of the sea that cuts into land. (lagoon)
What holds the ship in place (anchor)
Pirate seizure of a ship with hooks and ropes (boarding)
Man-eating fish (shark)
Ship's rudder (steering wheel)
Ship duty (watch)
Mooring place for ships (port)
The front of the ship (bow)
Physical device for recognizing cardinal points (compass)

The winning team (those who stood aside) pirated questions and prizes.
What do these pirate catchphrases mean?

Fill the hold - yes
wet throat - drink
to guide a corvette (schooner) - to go
hang black marks on your eyes - sleep
stir up a storm in the hold - get drunk
go chat with the Jolly Roger - go to the toilet
anchor - fight
shake the bones - dance
strum gold; throw piastres - buy
shoot from all guns - swear
to salt the bones - to bathe
raise a jolly roger - have fun
go full sail - hurry
moor in a quiet harbor - get married (get married)
turn left rudder - change
swallow a black mark - take offense, be silent
fraternize with the sea devil - get angry
to weigh anchor - to leave
throw out the white flag - surrender
send to the bottom - kill
blow bubbles; go feed the fish - die
go for the chest of Dave Jones - die, drown in the sea

Moderator: Congratulations to the winners. Claim your prizes. Applause. Everyone at the table, we continue our voyage. (Drank, ate).

Host: And now the captain and boatswain choose their assistants and are divided into two teams. Each team must come up with a name.

Pli game
Checking sea wolves for accuracy.
Two teams. Two buckets. From cotton wool or paper we make shells and distribute them to two teams. The task is to get into the bucket from a short distance. Whichever team has the fewest misses wins!

Game "Boarding"

We set two chairs away from each other. These are ships. At the command "Board!" each team begins to climb onto their chair-ship. Fast energetic music sounds. When the music stops, the game stops. The team that has the most members on the deck of the attacked ship (i.e., on a chair) wins.

Moderator: Now let's see how both teams cope with an even more difficult task. This is a game of skill and dexterity:
Game: To navigate the sea on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm. You need to quickly go along the rope and not fall (do not get off it). You need to go strictly heel to toe!
But where do we get the rope? It's simple: here are rolls twisted from palm leaves (toilet paper). You must unwind and twist as long as possible without breaking the rope! If your rope breaks, then you, like real sea robbers, will be able to tie it with a sea knot (show how long the rope should be)
Ready, attention, let's get started!

Host: A thousand devils! You have proven that you are capable of so much! You know how to walk the tightrope, you know how to be a team, and strike me with thunder if I make a mistake - and we have talents on board! A dance and song contest on a marine theme is announced. Draw lots, noble pirates! You will do what Lady Fortuna gives you.

Distribute leaflets with song numbers and just a few sheets with any number. Karaoke is sung by someone who pulled out song numbers, who has threes performing a gypsy sitting on chairs. Then the task becomes more difficult - only the upper body should dance. We complicate - only the head. We complicate - only the tongue, nose, eyes and ears.

Moderator: Bravo everyone! We have a real team!! After this trip, we can safely go on a tour! While the artists and spectators come to their senses, a small halt is announced. (snack, smoke break and pee, preparation for the second part of the party)

Leading: Flasks beat, everyone aboard! Gentlemen, pirates, hurry to the table - the rum is sour! The most important part is coming - the search for the treasure! Let's get our throats wet and go look for him. (Drank, ate.)

Host: We are divided into two teams - the boatswain and the captain.
I have a message. It is here. assignments in them. But first, a little warm-up. All sailors must be able to listen to the captain and follow orders on the ship. Otherwise, when some are left, others are right, there will be a mess, and we will not find anything. If you hear a command
Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the port side
Rudder right! - everyone runs to starboard
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! Everyone stops and raises their hands.
Clean up the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone sits down.
Admiral on board! - everyone freezes, stand at attention and salute.

Started? (Warm-up game in progress)

Host: Here's a message for you. Study it carefully. (I give a message)

Well, well, the route is not easy. The difficulty of passing this route is that you will have to go through the reefs, blindly - through the fog, but the captain and boatswain will help you. Captain and boatswain, choose one navigator each from your team. He must lead the submarine to the first piece of the map.

Game "REEF"
Skittles or cubes, chairs, bottles, are placed on the floor in such a way that they display underwater reefs that the ship needs to overcome without deviating from the intended course. Pirates are blindfolded and offered to “navigate the ship”, bypassing all dangers, not to stray from the intended course and not to touch a single sign. Tips are pouring down on the navigator from all sides. Correct - from the team, wrong - from opponents.

Prizes are awarded to participants, the first piece of the card and the next message.

GAME "Piglets"
Arrange rice, peas or buckwheat (boiled) in small plates. Separately, put toothpicks on a large flat dish. One player is selected and each is given one toothpick. The competition is about who will eat everything faster, clear the bottom of their plate. How? Is there no map? Maybe the player quietly ate it? And on what then is the bottom of a piece of the map? And where the toothpicks were. Turn the plate over - a piece of the card is there.

Prizes are awarded to participants, the second piece of the card and the next message.

GAME "Land - water"
All participants stand in one line as soon as I say "land", or that's it. As for land, you need to jump ahead. But if I say "water" or anything related to water, you have to jump back. Whoever makes a mistake - drops out, who comes first - receives a prize and a piece of the card.
Lined up, listening: water, sea, kissel, stone, river, ocean, tree, stream, island, compote, heel, puddle, broth, glass, cologne, beer, lake, rain, Volga, fountain, fruit drink...

Prizes are awarded to participants, the third piece of the card and the next message.

Relay game:
Two teams run in turn to the table where there is a bottle, glass, candy or banana.
The first player opens a bottle, the second one pours into a glass, the third one drinks, the fourth one unwraps a candy or a banana, the fifth one has a snack.

If they argue - who came running first, the competition is repeated.

Prizes are awarded to participants, the winning team collects a card

And finds a chest. I have a chest like this. I want to put it on a chandelier in a large hall, and put a note in it: "a bottle of champagne" and take it out to the player.

Show picture

Host: Congratulations to everyone, the goal has been achieved, all the tests have been passed! And now our captains will give you commemorative certificates that confirm that you are real pirates! (delivery of certificates)

And now, a thousand devils, it won't hurt us to shake the bones, the fun continues!

Additional games:

Any pirate is simply obliged to possess the art of knitting sea knots. As far as beginner robbers can do it, the next contest will show. First you need to appoint a leader. It could be the birthday boy himself. The leader leaves the room. The rest of the participants hold hands tightly, forming a closed chain. This chain needs to be 'tied' into a nautical knot. Players can turn around, step over the hands of a player standing nearby, climb anywhere without letting go of the neighbor's hand. After the sea knot is ready and the participants are 'twisted' to the limit, the pirate team shouts: 'Half-the-moon!' The leader enters the room and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. The competition can be repeated several times. The host receives the gold coins. You can also reward desperate pirates who courageously endured an inconvenient

A “blind” sailor is chosen among the players. The rest of the players, holding hands, stand around the leader. He claps his hands, and the participants in the game begin to walk in a circle. The host claps again - and the players in the circle stop and freeze. After that, the host points to one of the guys, trying to guess who it is. If he guesses the first time, then the one whom the leader guessed takes his place. If the leader did not guess on the first try, then he can touch this participant and try to guess a second time, he can ask the participant to say a word, bark, meow, etc. In case of luck, the player who was recognized becomes “blind”.

I hope you find it useful. Thanks to everyone who looked!

Pirate Party. SCENARIO, PHOTO, INVITATION, COSTUME IDEAS, MUSIC and much more are collected on our website! Come in and save yourself some time! Unique theme party navigator!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Treasure hunt, pirate slang, a sea of ​​vests, a favorite drink of pirates - Mojito, boarding neighboring tables and much more!

Review: Guys, thank you very much! Everything is great! We will definitely keep you in mind when organizing future corporate events. Ksenia ( [email protected]) New Year corporate party of the company “ Gap Engineering”

You can see the thoroughness of our approach to organizing themed parties with the help of this party navigator, which contains everything you need for a bright and memorable party:


An interesting quiz that can be diversified by issuing prizes in the form of "gold ducats" or "black marks".

To start the program, it is better to use introductory questions linked together and combined into a pirate quiz. For each correct answer, you can give out some kind of prize, for example, it can be a gold coin and the so-called "black mark", it can be anything you like, for example, a piece of black cloth.

Quiz for real pirates.

Despite the fact that most of the pirates were uneducated in some things they were well versed, now we have to find out which of you is closest to the theme of the robbers of the seas.

Attention, the first question: which of the following drinks was a favorite among pirates?

  1. 1. Pepsi Cola
  2. 2. Coconut milk
  3. 3. Rum
  4. 4. Rum with cola

Question number two, let's dot the "i" and find out once and for all who the pirate is?

  1. transatlantic courier
  2. Gentleman of Fortune
  3. Sea robber
  4. Patriotic Citizen

The next question is quite complex and will require you to turn to your memory. Now we will list the writers, your task will be to determine one of them, under whose authorship you will never find works about pirates:

  1. Daniel Defoe
  2. Mayne Reid
  3. Robert Louis Stevenson
  4. Samuel Johnson

Friends, let's continue our quiz dedicated to sea robbers, we have the next question in turn, it sounds like this: Pirates had the concept of "powder monkey". What do you think it could mean?

  1. Monkey injured in a naval battle
  2. A prisoner who was captured in battle with other pirates
  3. The lowest position on the ship
  4. A teenager who was in charge of carrying a tray of gunpowder to the cannons

You did an excellent job with the task, now we are waiting for the next question from our quiz. So, attention! What did a gunner do on a pirate ship?

  1. It was a pirate who was responsible for writing the charter of the team (the charter was also called the canon) and monitored the implementation of all the points in this charter
  2. This was the man in charge of the excellent condition of the guns on the ship.
  3. Escorted prisoner
  4. Right hand of the ship's captain

Let's continue our quiz! The pirates had a very strange tradition: they could take and cut off their neighbor's ears and nose. What do you think it was necessary to be so guilty in order to deserve such a severe punishment?

  1. For swear words on the ship
  2. For secret surveillance and eavesdropping on the captain
  3. For stealing from colleagues
  4. For sniffing in my sleep

This concludes the first part of the quiz, and if this was not enough for you, we are ready to provide you with some more interesting tasks while you are still getting used to the environment and getting enough food. So, second part of the pirate quiz.

Since it was extremely important for the pirates to be a single cohesive team, because the outcome of the battles depended on the coordinated actions of the team. So now let's divide our friendly team into two teams (or more, if all the guests are sitting, for example, at three or four tables, if there is only one table, then it is more reasonable to divide it into right and left parts). Now each team needs to come up with a name for itself, and we will continue.

You are ready? Now we will call you simple questions, your task is to get the right answer to raise your hand. But: you can raise your hand only after pronouncing the last answer. In the event of a false start by one of the players, the right to answer automatically passes to the opposing team.

  1. The person in charge of cooking on the ship (cook)
  2. What is the full name of the captain of the ship, in which the name of the bird is present. (Jack Sparrow)
  3. Now specify on which ship they plowed the oceans? (Black Pearl)
  4. A more difficult question: What was the name of the captain who was looking for buried treasure: Jim, Trelawne and Dr. Livesey. (Flint)

Excellent, you are great. Now for the next task: The teams will call in turn all the names of the ships known to them (frigate, boat, cruiser, etc.) The winning team receives another black mark or a gold coin.

Ideally, friendship wins.

So, friends! You did a great job with the simple part of our program, now let's take a short break and continue with a more mobile competition program.

Once again, welcome aboard our ship! It's time for the dynamic part of the program!

Competition I. "Pirate Nickname"

A simple competition that can be held at the table. To prepare for this, give each participant an A5 piece of paper and a pen, then the host asks each participant to come up with a pirate nickname for themselves and write it on this sheet, but this must be done so that no one except the writer sees it. The host explains in advance that this sheet will then need to be passed around in a circle, and everyone sitting at the table will make an assumption: who owns this nickname. Those. participants need to choose a nickname for themselves so that it somehow indicates the characteristic feature of this person (for example, Johnny Four-Eyed - if a person wears glasses, the main thing is that the person be self-ironic and can laugh at himself). At the moment of bypassing the leaflet between the participants (it is better to do it clockwise), everyone writes their opinion, to whom this pirate nickname could belong. It is desirable that the presenter check that there are no repeated nicknames. The result is a lot of fun and these nicknames are assigned to the participants until the end of the holiday.

Competition II. "Mummy in your pocket"

For this competition, several participants are called and the leader gives each of the participants one roll of paper (toilet). The task of the players is to tear off this paper in parts and put it in different places on their clothes. It is also immediately announced that the winner will be judged according to two criteria: the first is, of course, the speed of execution, and the second is that the pieces of paper be as small as possible.

A joke - this is how people who decide to steal a mummy from a museum can feel

Competition III. "Pearl in a bottle"

Several participants are called for this competition, it can be both men and girls. Then he leads everyone with a bottle (a regular bottle with a narrow neck, preferably without an inscription) and thirty peas or small beads, if you have the opportunity to purchase something similar for the upcoming event. The task of the participants is to take all the peas in one hand, i.e. clenching them into a fist and putting the second one behind your back (this is a prerequisite) move all the peas into a bottle, respectively, the one who does it first wins this competition for a pirate party.

Competition IV. "Strong in breath"

This pirate contest will require a number of participants equal to three or four (or more). After entering the stage, all participants line up in one line, shoulder to shoulder. Next, a matchbox is placed in front of each participant with an edge. After the leader's command, the participants need to use the power of their breath to send this box as far as possible from the start line. Naturally, you can only use the power of your breath and the one who “breathes” his box further wins. Or an alternative way to win - that you need to go around the chair with the help of breathing and return to the start line.

Competition V. "Captain Hook"

For this contest, you will need at least two pirate hooks, which you can easily purchase in holiday stores. Two participants are invited to the stage, who are given these hooks (on which it is advisable to attach small brushes to make it more convenient to draw) and a gouache set (2-3 colors are enough) + a jar of water. An easel is also desirable so that this pirate competition looks more aesthetically pleasing from the outside + more beautiful photos are obtained with an easel. Also, if the participants do not have hats and blindfolds, it is advisable to provide them again, because the photos will turn out to be insanely creative. So, the task is that the participants must draw each other with this hook. The one who makes it the most funny wins.

Competition VI. “Karl's TreasureIVVegetarian”

For this competition, you will also need preparation. Get two or three plastic containers, with a volume of about five to seven liters. Also buy a variety of fruits and vegetables (apples, oranges, cucumbers, beets, you can buy two forks of white cabbage for a joke) Participants are invited and their task is to transfer all the treasures of Charles IV Vegetarian from bowls of water to empty containers standing three meters away. The winner, of course, is the player who does it first.

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Competition VII “Accuracy is the sister of survival”

A simple competition, suitable when some of the guests are wandering around somewhere, and some are sitting and don’t know what to do. Newly minted pirates who consider themselves very accurate are invited. They are given slingshots (instead of slingshots, children's pistols with suction cups can be used). The task is to hit the target (you need to prepare it in advance; the target can be just a picture with a pirate). The player with the most hits wins.

Competition IX “Live Fishing”

This competition also requires some preparation from the organizers of the pirate party. You will need two or three sticks, one meter long and two to three centimeters in diameter. A rope must be tied to the stick (better a rope, not a fishing line, so that it can be clearly seen) and a magnet must be tied to the end of the rope. Participants stand on the coastline, and at a distance of one and a half meters from them there is a zone where it bites well (a circle with a diameter of 1 meter, in which coins are scattered, coins must be picked up in denominations of ten and fifty kopecks, because others are not magnetized). During the allotted time, participants are invited to catch as many coins as possible.

Competition X "All hands on deck!"

This pirate competition again requires preparation. You will need two pairs of boxing gloves and two oversized shirts with strong buttons (when choosing, make sure that the gloves can be buttoned). The task of the participants is to put on a shirt with boxing gloves and fasten it as quickly as possible. The winner - as always, golden doubloons.

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Competition XI "Luck"

Pirates love luck and believe that it smiles at them more often than others. Let's check which of our pirates present today will be the luckiest. We invite five participants to our stage. There will be five stages in our check, at each of which one unlucky pirate will be eliminated. So, test number one: the leader has five cards in his hand (from ten to ace), all participants draw on the card - whoever has a ten is out. Next, the host offers to draw out four fireplace matches. Whoever has a short one is out of the competition. The next test of luck is the dice. Each participant rolls the dice in turn, the one who has fewer points will stop participating in the competition. And the fourth stage, the most interesting one, it will require two pirate chests - and only in one of them is the treasured prize for winning (gold coins can always be a prize)

As a final competition, you can arrange a treasure hunt, you need to focus, of course, on the site where everything is held, this will not be true everywhere, but if the site allows you to do the following:

Option A: draw a map with confusing location symbols, for example, the tables at which the participants of the pirate party sit can be ships, the bar can be an island, etc. After each team has received a card, its task is to find the treasure faster than the opposing team.

Option B: writing a step-by-step system of riddles, when the solution of the first riddle leads to the place where the next riddle is located.

Gives an unforgettable extravaganza of vivid emotions and impressions. You can find on our website a large selection of interesting contests for a pirate party. Carried out this way adult birthday, New Years corporate party or any other corporate, will be a fun, interesting and somewhat fabulous event. Guests disguised as pirates and sailors can participate in the treasure hunt, marked by numerous contests and games. Organization of holidays this kind will also require an interesting design of the festive room, a selection of suitable musical accompaniment, a suitable menu and the creation of relevant paraphernalia (for example, “pirate” invitations in a bottle).

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Yo-ho-hooo! Hi all! The ShkolaLa blog continues to push ideas for organizing children's birthdays to the masses! We have already managed to consider the holiday organized. And today we will try to create a birthday in a pirate style.

With a loud cry of "Board!" and in a great mood we begin preparations.

Lesson plan:

How to invite guests?

"Black Mark"! And that's it. It was for real pirates that such a mark foreshadowed not very good events. And for children, it will become a harbinger of an unusual, dashing party full of dangerous adventures and romance!

The black mark looks like this.

You can make it yourself or, if possible, print it on a printer. The main thing is not to forget to write the text of the invitation.

It may sound like this.

We are waiting for: flocks of sharks, walking on a knife edge, and other dangerous adventures!

Come if you're not afraid!

For a while, we will leave our guests in joyful anticipation and start creating a festive menu.

By the way, do you know what pirates prefer for lunch?

Holiday menu

Rather you know what they drink! And of course it's rum!

If you are not embarrassed by the very thought of having rum, even fake, on the children's table, then I will tell you how it can be made. We take a bottle, pour some dark-colored drink quite suitable for kids (juice, fruit drink, etc.) into it, and glue a label with the word "ROM" on the bottle. All! Ready!

A few words about table decoration. The tablecloth with ruffles, cups with flowers and plates with ducklings are put away. Today, the rougher the better. Are we pirates, after all, or not?)

Large melted candles are suitable for decorating the table, and it is not at all necessary to light them. Figurines carved or made from various vegetables. For example, cannons or cucumber towers. We try to turn everything into boats and sails.

The pirate table is the most suitable place for seafood in all its manifestations. Turn on your culinary fantasy and create miracles! Just when fantasizing, do not forget that you are still cooking for children. And yes, it doesn't hurt to be safe. Fry in reserve ordinary, not at all pirate cutlets, in case one of the guests cannot stand the spirit of all fish.

It is necessary to provide not only main dishes, but also snacks. Suddenly, Big Harry or Crooked Bill wants to eat a little between competitions. Canapes will look great as a snack.

This is when pieces of something are fastened together with skewers, well, or toothpicks. For example, sausage + cucumber + tomato + bread. Or a fruity version, apple + orange + banana + grape. And on the tips of the skewers to give a pirate flavor, you can attach a small black flag with a skull.

Well, with the table, everything is more or less clear. And what about interior design? Any ideas? We have so many! Now we will share.

Festive interior

Let's start with what you can buy at the holiday paraphernalia store. Look at these balls!

Perfect for our idea, don't you think? We inflate and hang around the rooms. Already what no, but the design.

We stick posters on the walls with the image of the sea, uninhabited islands, Jack Sparrow, and treasure maps.

Are there parrots in the house? So that's great! And nothing that they are small and wavy! They will be only welcome at the pirate holiday!

Under the ceiling we stretch festive pirate streamers. We glue small black flags with a Jolly Roger onto the rope and tie them either around the perimeter of the room or diagonally.

On sofas, chairs, armchairs we throw nets (if any, of course), burlap, any coarse fabrics. A real rope ladder can be woven from the ropes by the skillful hands of the pope; it will also fit perfectly into the interior.

You can cut out a steering wheel from whatman paper and hang it on the wall.

Well, put a treasure chest in a place of honor.

Just keep it closed for now. It must be wrapped with chains, which can be easily purchased at hardware stores. And close these chains with several padlocks. And the task of the entire competition program will be to get the keys to the locks in order to open the chest at the end and find out what kind of treasures are stored there.

Oh, and don't forget the photo zone! You can set a table in it, and put a bottle of rum on it, a cage with parrots, throw old scrolls, feathers, and a treasure map, of course.

My own screenwriter

Let's start writing the script!

Pirate party - it's just expanse for fantasy. Here you can think of something like this. Which is exactly what we were doing. Now we will tell you what happened.

So, the guests have arrived and are ready to have fun. Traditionally, one of the parents takes on the role of leader. And at the same time he takes a new name for himself, for example, Billy Bones. Suddenly, a letter from John Silver appears, which is read aloud to everyone.

Letter from John Silver

To begin with, we all need to transform into pirates. You need a pirate wardrobe. Various vests, bandanas, belts, pistols, blindfolds will do. All this needs to be prepared in advance by thoroughly turning grandmother's chests so that there is enough for everyone, or you can ask the guests to take care of their pirate outfit themselves.

You can use face painting to depict mustaches, beards, eyebrows, as well as scars and bruises on faces.

When the team looks right, the facilitator reads out the code of the pirates.

Pirate Code

Each item of this code is nothing more than a small mini-competition or mini-fun.

So let's go point by point.

Leave your name on dry land

Well, a pirate cannot be called Vasya Ivanov or Timofey Ryzhikov. Pirates have sonorous, speaking names. So the children will have to come up with new pirate names for themselves and address each other in a new way all evening.

rough voice

Pirates are invited to use a rough, sea-wind-salted voice to loudly shout “Yo-ho-ho!”

Wash away the dust of the earth

This is a kind of rite of passage into the pirates. We play the game "Wave".

Parents take a large sheet or curtain, or just some piece of fabric and begin to raise and lower it. It's such a wave. And the pirates are invited to slip under this fabric so as not to be covered.

You will walk on the edge of fate

A rope is laid out on the floor. This will be the rope. You need to go through it. In order to complicate the task, the children are blindfolded, and the rope is not laid evenly, but in some kind of loops and zigzags.

Don't forget the sharks

We play the game "Sharks and fishes". Leading "shark", and all the rest "fish". When the leader says “Day”, everyone runs and has fun, as soon as the word “Night” is said, everyone should freeze. Whoever doesn't stop is out of the game.

We lower the loot

Props are required for the contest. An old hat, if there is no hat, then some kind of bucket and coins, for example, five rubles. Coins are given to children. A hat (bucket) is placed at a distance from the participants. The task is to get the coins in the hat.

We load the head

You will need matchboxes, or rather not the boxes themselves, but only their outer parts. These boxes are put on the noses of the participants. The task is without hands, using only facial muscles, to free your nose from the box.

Friends, do not forget to bring your camera) Such funny pirate faces, you are unlikely to ever see again) I found a photo that shows exactly how to put on the boxes.

Pirates are awarded small interesting prizes for active participation in competitions and courage. Don't forget to purchase them.

So, let's loosen up a bit. Now you can sit down at the table, congratulate the birthday man, eat, consider gifts.

Well, after "in the arena" a treasure map appears!

Treasure map

As you can see, there are markers on the map. Each of these marks denotes a competition. For each successfully completed task, the team of sea wolves receives a key to the lock, on which our chest is closed.

Cape Jobs

Host's words: "Hey, pirates! We have arrived at the Cape of Tasks! At sea, it is very important to listen to the captain and correctly follow all his commands! Shall we try?"

Naturally, everyone shouts: “Yeah!!!”

Children are distributed around the room so as not to interfere with each other. The host says: “Dream the deck!” Children pretend they are cleaning the floor.

  • Leading: "Left rudder!" Children run to the left.
  • Leading: "Right rudder!" Everyone runs to the right.
  • "Karma!" We run back.
  • "Nose!" We run forward.
  • "Shoaled!" Everyone sits on the floor.
  • "Admiral on board" Everyone stands at attention.

The leader pronounces phrases, the pirates perform tasks. Phrases are spoken quickly and in any order. I warn you, this is a very fun and noisy competition)

Mystery Peak

At the Peak of Mystery, you can tell the guys riddles on a pirate theme. For example, here are.

And then have a contest.

Preparation required. You need to inflate the balloons, but not transparent ones. Put the key to one of the locks in one of the balls.

Host: “Peak of Mystery is called so because there are solid secrets all around. I don't even know where the other treasure chest key is. Because it's a secret! He might be in one of those balls, find him!”

The balls are placed on the floor, the children use their pops to pop the balls and look for the key)

Sea of ​​Spectacles

Host: “We have entered the Sea of ​​Spectacles! The key will be given only to those who are well acquainted with the sea. How well do you know the sea? Can you show me how you know him?"

The good old game "The sea is worried" is quite suitable here. I hope you remember how to play it. If the memory is already on that one, then you can refresh it by reading.

Bay of Wonders

Host: “Do you know why this bay is called the Bay of Miracles?”

Pirates express their assumptions.

“Hey, no! This bay is so called, because if the ship manages to pass it all, then this is a real miracle! After all, there are solid reefs all around! Can you navigate your ship through them?"

We start the competition "Reefs".

Objects are laid out on the floor in front of the participants, these can be soft toys or cubes. These will be reefs. Then one of the participants is blindfolded and he needs to overcome all the way and not stumble upon a reef. Other participants help him, suggest where to go with the phrases:

  • "Left rudder!"
  • "Right of the rudder!"
  • "Full speed ahead!" and so on.

Any pirate can pass through the reefs.


And here we are at the finish line! And the treasure chest is so close! But suddenly a storm begins!

Host: "Palundra! Storm! Now we will be flooded and we will go to feed the fish! We urgently need to pump the water off the deck!”

We start the competition "Pumps".

All participants are divided into pairs. Players stand close to each other with their backs and grapple with their elbows. In this position, the young sailors lower themselves and sit on the floor with their legs stretched out - this means that the "pumps" are activated. Without outside help, they should get up, then lower again. Water pumping time - 1 minute.

And it just seems that the competition is simple. Try it yourself)

Pirates receive the last cherished key. The locks are opening! The chest is opening! And there… Treasures! Various sweets, sweets, mini-prizes, chocolate coins, lollipops! In general, everything that makes the life of a real pirate sweeter)

Well, at the end of the party, if the boys and girls, oh, sorry, the pirates and pirates have the strength, you can arrange a real pirate disco!

This is for inspiration!

Uffff, like everything) If there are additions, you are welcome to the section for commentators.

Here you can download the Code of Pirates, John Silver's Letter and flags for streamers and decorations of festive dishes.

Do not miss the release of new children's holiday scenarios, it is better to immediately subscribe to the blog news and then you will be in the know.

That's all for today!

Have a wonderful holidays!

Evgenia Klimkovich.


A children's holiday in the style of a pirate party is a favorite among children and a common theme.

Whether you're thinking about how to make a pirate-themed kids' birthday party or are thinking about how to host a pirate kids' party, this article will provide you with a great selection of ideas for preparing a pirate-themed kids' party.

Children's Pirate Party

1. Invitation to a children's pirate party

Invitations to a pirate party can be made by parents in Photoshop or a child with their own hands with the help of their mother. A few weeks before the holiday, send the invitations by mail or hand them in person if it is, for example, an invitation to a pirate in a bottle holiday. Create a festive atmosphere before it even starts - invite guests to meet on the street. Choose a place, draw a map, mark large objects and go on an adventure! With invitations in the form of a treasure map, the kids are already looking forward to the pirate-themed party!

2. Scenario of a pirate party for children

Half the success in holding a children's holiday is the script. Of course, the party itself in the end may not go exactly as it was originally planned, but in this case the script will be useful. Having written a rough plan for a pirate holiday the day before, you definitely won’t lose sight of anything. Try to schedule everything you want to do by the clock - what time the guests will be invited, when is the best time to serve snacks, what games you want to play with the children at the pirate festival, and what props you need to prepare for this. Be sure to set aside time for photos at the children's party, because such a bright and unusual event is being prepared! You can make your own backdrop for photos in the form of a pirate ship and for more fun use pirate photo accessories on a stick.

Book a photographer for a children's party, and in this case you won't have to worry that you didn't have time to take a picture of something, as you were busy with children.

3. Pirate treats for a children's party

Keeping the theme of the holiday, decorate the sweet table and snacks in the style of pirates. Here are some ideas to help you decide how to make a children's table for a pirate party. Cake in the form of a pirate ship or with figurines of pirates, "cake pops" or "cupcakes" with a pirate design.

How to make cake pops - biscuit recipe for kids party.

Bake a sponge cake according to your favorite recipe, crumble it, add a few tablespoons of jam or condensed milk, mix well. The mixture should be sticky enough to form into balls. Cover bowl with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour. Then, with wet hands, roll up small balls, put on a tray and put away again for half an hour, now in the freezer. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath, remove the balls, make a hole in the middle of each with a skewer. To prevent cake pops from falling off sticks, first dip them in hot chocolate and then stick them into the ball. Let the chocolate cool and set inside the ball in the freezer. After that, you can decorate - pour a biscuit on a stick with milk or white chocolate, sprinkle with small nuts or colored sugar sprinkles. You can let the white chocolate cool by fixing the pop cake vertically (stick it into the foam), and draw pirate faces with colored icing.

If the children's party is in the summer, make a pirate ship out of a watermelon or an open shark's mouth and fill it with fresh fruit.

All children love bananas - a little imagination and they turn into little pirates. Another way to decorate bananas for a pirate kids party. Download the monkey template, print it on brown paper, cut out and decorate bananas - little robbers will definitely be happy with such a surprise!

Pizza or puff salad on a flat dish - a treasure map, jelly in cups - a blue sea with an orange boat, a fruit canape with a pirate flag and chicken fillet on a skewer in the form of a real sword, stuffed eggs or "boat" sandwiches - be inspired by ideas, fantasize and invent how to decorate food for a kid's pirate party.

4. Decorating a Pirate Party

For the decor of a children's pirate holiday, a marine theme is suitable - ships, sea, sand, octopuses, fish, turtles and sharks. As well as the obligatory attributes of the pirate holiday - black flags with skulls, treasure chests, ship's steering wheel, black marks, parrots and monkeys, treasure hunt maps and so on.

The main colors that are used to decorate a children's pirate party are red, black and white. Look at examples of decorating a children's holiday of pirates:

5. Pirate costume and accessories

Children love to dress up and act as brave heroes. You can sew a pirate costume or buy ready-made. Or simply complement the image of a child with pirate accessories.

How to dress a child for a pirate party? For example, denim breeches, a striped jumper, a vest, a bandanna scarf and a pirate eye patch that any mother can sew herself.

How to sew a pirate eye patch with your own hands:

From cardboard, you can cut out the frame of a saber for little pirates, glue it with felt and sheathe it.

Master class - how to make a pirate hat out of black construction paper.

Older children can be offered to make a pirate face painting:

6. Games and contests for a children's pirate party

When choosing contests or games for a pirate holiday, be guided by the age of the invited children and the location of the party. In the fresh air, you can spend more active games, and for a home holiday, choose calmer contests.

- “Water and land” - put a “island” hoop on the floor, explain that the space around will be considered “sea”. Children stand around the hoop and, at the command of the host, “Water!” or "Land!" move inside the circle or jump out of it. Confuse children by saying the same command in a row.

- "Raise the anchor!" - Attach a cardboard anchor exactly in the middle of a long rope, tie a stick or pencil on both sides, two participants, on command, begin to wind the rope around the pencil. The one who reaches the anchor first wins.

- "Look out, shark!" - when the leader commands "Day!", all players swim around the sleeping "shark". On the command "night", the players freeze, the "shark" wakes up and hunts. Whoever moves first, the "shark" takes prisoner. The next "shark" is the previous loser.

- Walk the bridge is an outdoor kids party game.

- "Diver" - the player is put on a tight blindfold, the leader puts on the floor an object that the child has not seen before (a fish toy, a shell, an anchor, a plastic bottle, the child is not), the player tries to find an object on the floor, and then guess what he is holding in his hands.

- "Pirate nickname" - pirates do not call each other by name, so at the very beginning of the holiday you can come up with a competition for the most original nickname by the first letters of the last name and first name. And then each hang a badge with his nickname. For example, Sidorov Misha can be called the Bold Sailor.

For younger children, prepare treasure-hunting containers that can be filled with small stones or sand. For the warm season, a pirate gelatin sensory box or an ice "block" with treasures frozen in it, which must be taken out with warm water, is suitable.

So, preparing a pirate party for children is not at all difficult. The main thing is to get down to business in advance and think over everything well. I hope the tips and ideas for celebrating a pirate holiday in this article will be useful to you.

How to organize not just, but a real pirate party, from which everyone will be delighted, read in our material and be inspired by the collected ideas.

Carrramba! The collection of the most notorious bullies is announced! After all, kids love stories about pirates, treasures and adventures. Therefore, turning an ordinary children's holiday, or just into a pirate-style party, is a great idea that will appeal to everyone without exception.

Throw a pirate party with themed décor, food and games, and your children's party will be remembered with admiration for a long time to come.

Pirate party: how to organize a children's party

If you decide that you will arrange a pirate party for your child, to which you are going to invite guests, you should take care of the invitations. Print and fill out pirate-themed invitations, and hand out or mail out to all invitees a few days in advance to get guests ready for adventure and fun.

Be sure to indicate on the invitations to whom it is addressed, the date, time and place of the holiday in the style of pirates.

The decor of the room where the pirate party will take place plays the most important role, so decorations should be taken seriously. Children will be happy to help you with, for example, flags and posters.

Let the appropriate paraphernalia meet the guests at the entrance to the pirate party: a banner with a Jolly Roger, ship rigging, treasure chests.

Pirate costume for a pirate party

Invite the kids to transform into pirates: keep ready scarves, bandanas and cocked hats, pirate eye patches, swords. And for the most desperate - pirate prostheses in the form of a hook. All this can be done with your own hands from cardboard and elastic tape.

You can warn the guests in advance or indicate in the invitation that the entrance to the party is in pirate costumes. And let them not be afraid, because in fact there is nothing easier than.

Menu for a pirate party

At a pirate party, all treats must be exclusively pirated. It is not necessary to master the ship's kitchen. It is enough to come up with marine and robber names for treats and provide them with appropriate decor.

But do not forget that a children's holiday is an active event. Therefore, when planning what to cook for a children's pirate party, choose what you would: small sandwiches, cakes and cookies, fruits and vegetables, cut into slices. In a word, everything that you can grab in your hand and run to play on.

With pirate decor, everything is simple. Pirate party cookies can be baked in "pirate" molds - gold coins, skull and bones, anchors, etc. Caramel and - color with icing sugar, and biscuits and cupcakes - with cream.

Treats to which it is difficult to apply decorations can be supplemented with pirate symbols on skewers. Or just stick a mast with a black sail into the sandwich. Put pirate stickers on bottles of drinks too.

Games and entertainment for a children's pirate party

Well, what a pirate party for children without fun entertainment and treasure hunting. If space permits, hang ropes and rope ladders. Young pirates will race to climb them to get a prize or a treasure map.

By the way, about the treasure map. No pirate party is complete without this attribute. Of course, on the map you can go through a dangerous path and find a hidden treasure. At each of the points marked on the map, prepare a task or a logic puzzle, by solving which, the children will receive a hint for the way forward. You can draw a map yourself, based on your area or the location of the room.

Hidden treasures can also be dug up or fished from the "depths of the ocean". Sensory boxes with sand and toys to help you!

Walking on the board is one of the traditional pirate pastimes. For real pirates, the other end of the board leads into the sea, and at your pirate party it is enough to throw it over an inflatable water pool if the party is being held, or simply between two stools. Whoever stays on the board gets a prize.

Invite your pirates to compete in accuracy: you need to throw cardboard rings on a stand with pirate hooks.

And you can also invite the kids to touch the treasure hidden in the box. Place the prize boxes with a hole for one hand and fill these boxes with dry sand, wet sand, grass, rocks and other fillings. This will be the most fun at the pirate party, you'll see!

We hope that our ideas will help you arrange an unforgettable pirate party for children and adults, which will be talked about and remembered with admiration for a long time to come.

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