Oriental dances for those over 50. Zumba for older people, for those who have never exercised

I decided to shake the old days here, run to the dances, as they were in our time, but first, a preamble.
I don’t live alone, but in a very close company. I have 5 children and 5 grandchildren. 3 granddaughters, 2 sons and 2 daughters-in-law live with me, and, therefore, no one has canceled me. If you remember the knowledge of arithmetic, you can calculate that we there are 8 showers in this terrarium. My apartment is 30 square meters, 3 rooms, it would be quite suitable for one family, but not as big as ours. One thing pleases, our house is Khrushchev, and someday, our government will take pity on us and our house will be settled but when? in Moscow they have been doing this for 10 years, but in our city with a regional destiny, things will not get off the ground. After sitting and thinking at my leisure, I decided to get married. what? I’m still a girl, and the city is not small, there’s something to be found. And where we can meet someone, the Internet is canceled, for 3 years being on all sorts of sites I have never met anyone. No, all sorts Of course, there were offers, such as meetings in the daytime on someone’s territory, but this lifestyle does not suit me, firstly, I don’t like young people, and secondly, my goal is different. I signed up for a couple of dating clubs, while the requirements me the most minimal, age over 70, so as not to pester with caresses, my own housing, albeit in a communal apartment, and then everything is tolerable. And what kind of face should he have? those who have been to the south have seen plywood compositions with cut holes for the head. so any head from this slot would suit me if it had at least some kind of housing. one thing was unacceptable to me: alcohol lovers do not suit me for any gingerbread. pensioners were quickly found there on my head, all widowers, as if by selection, everyone has problems with children, so they live alone. but when it came to a serious acquaintance, none of them could make a serious decision, everyone was pulling something and was afraid. and that's when I remembered dancing. in our youth, we danced at evenings who were over 30, the audience there was different, though I was not 30, but 24, but the contingent there was up to 60. Now the situation is different. we have discos for those who are over 40, over 50, etc. I found a cultural and leisure center on the Internet and went there. I am 54 years old, I fit the age limit, the grooms are alive and already there. that time I came and saw such a picture, grooms from 60, ladies too. I must say that some of our ladies either suffer from a lack of taste or do not have a mirror at all. If I, a girl of not fragile build, despite the growth of a inch, is still a little heavy, then I try to dress in such a way that would not shock the public. what are people to blame for, to look at all my roundness, and then swallow validol? dancing ladies, all almost with an open back to the waist, arms and short skirts. a girl under 70, parchment skin hangs from her arms and back, is heavily dotted with age spots, and she dances with a happy look under the condemning looks of other, more dressed ladies. So, all these ladies were in great demand, and I sat for 3 hours, and no one me didn't invite. What's the secret? but on the other hand, I laughed plenty while watching people. one couple was like this, a gentleman of small stature, about 150 cm, all in medals and badges and a lady taller than him, who danced on her own, hastily moving her legs, and he trudged after her like tied. the second, noticeably tipsy (there is a buffet), invited everyone in a row, and when the lady agreed, he tried to lean against the column, and the lady was already dancing on her own. in the end, he got so drunk that he already invited the gentlemen to dance, without making out who was in front of him. By the way, an interesting observation, ladies willingly dance with each other, but I have not yet seen gentlemen doing this activity. there are still a couple of three couples who danced in their youth, and here they show "high art" when they dance, all part, because they rush like a hurricane, sweeping away everyone in their path. True, they don’t always fall into time, but this is already the tenth thing. after sitting uncovered to the end, she trudged home with sad thoughts. However, the next Thursday she went there again. during this time I shared my impressions with my friends, and they suggested smart thoughts to me, one said that I needed to expand the search and start with men over 50, the second said that they were all either blind or drunk that they did not notice such a colorful person as me and me they almost calmed me down, so I continued the search. And then a miracle happened, after the second dance, an imposing man approached me and invited me to dance. And I must say that in my old age I became very polite, and after the dance ended I thanked him . people, what does a simple human thank you do with people? they have tears in their eyes from this word. the famous Russian writer was right when he said the famous "Nothing costs us so cheap and is not valued by us as dearly as politeness" the gentleman invited me again , and so we danced all evening. Of course, we talked and such a smart girl like me didn’t have to strain to understand that my gentleman was much dumber than me, and that he had very little experience in communicating with women, but ... I remembered that my marriage should be calculated and it means too much to demand from a man and you have to give too much. He walked me to the subway and asked for a phone number, tomorrow we will meet outside the dance evening, but that's a completely different story. who is waiting continuation, it will be.

In the meantime, like yourself unconditionally - the most important quality for women of all ages. As I said Hollywood star and three-time Olympic champion in figure skating Sonya Henie: "People will not give you a penny more than you value yourself." And oddly enough, we often forget to appreciate and love ourselves, and for many it is completely difficult to do this, because the forms have lost their former ideality and complexes have replaced self-confidence. Maybe this habit of forgetting about oneself and forming a special female breed called "aunts"?

The problem needs a solution. And dancing for those over 30 will help find it. In fact, not only “over 30”, but also “over 40” and “over 50”. No, no, we don't mean those "over 30" discos that involve stomping along to the music in the hope of having fun and meeting a couple.
We are talking about those dances over 30, which for a woman become a way to regain self-confidence, re-evaluate her beauty and femininity, tighten her figure, return a smile to her face, and in her heart a complete and unconditional love for herself and for life.

Flamenco, Argentine tango, latin solo, belly dance - the choice is yours.
The main thing is not to be ashamed of anyone, do not be afraid to be clumsy at first. Dancing is cool and soon you will see for yourself as soon as you take a couple of lessons.

Before we “go over” dancing for someone over 30, let us recall that each age gives its own attitude. You may not want to twist your booty in an incendiary salsa, which, however, is not a fact. We must try, "eat" a couple of dances. Maybe you will like salsa, but at the same time it will allow you to lose 10 years internally first, and then externally. Appearance - she, you know, is very predictable in her habits: she pulls herself up for internal state like a released spring.

And yet, for those who do not want to break out of the classics of their age, or perhaps simply do not have physical capabilities and the desire to strain themselves with intense movements, they definitely need to dance! And you should choose from the following dances.

Perfect for those over 30 Eastern dance. Classical bellydance and its varieties, tribal or indian dance. We have already talked in detail about belly dance) and - one of the most interesting dance styles.

Bellydance can be done by anyone who wants to restore flexibility to their body, tighten muscles, have fun, relieve back pain, open up new side their femininity, as well as to learn an exquisite way of seduction (but what? Is it going to be superfluous?).

tribal same - absolutely special kind dance, born in America, but at the origins of it stands true Eastern tradition. Tribal is suitable for those who want to gain self-confidence, inner independence, learn how to move beautifully and control their body. All the listed "bonuses" that belly dance gives can also be attributed to tribal.

Speaking of seduction. Let's step back for a moment and think about why. Oriental women(Turkish women, Indian women) were they first taught to take good care of themselves, dress beautifully, choose jewelry, paint their eyes, dance, seduce with movement and look? All these beautiful traditions of the hammam (oriental bath), where the body was soothed so that a delicate aroma always emanated from it, and the skin looked like a peach. It would be primitive to think that all this was only in order to please a man. First of all, this approach formed a woman who loves her body, confident in her beauty. Then, it was the art of being always interesting, due to which a strong family. Why, then, are we sometimes so dismissive of the need to fill our own life interesting things? Indeed, in the end, this will always entail the interest and respect of a man, and, as a result, a strong relationship.

So, we dance oriental dances, use their plasticity, languor, mystery in Everyday life. You can play and seduce your man. This is a great life experience, an unusual leisure that will benefit both of you.

If the East is not impressive or far from your worldview, you can choose. This dance is for natures strong, emotional, and…. on the contrary, modest and enslaved. The first - flamenco will allow you to throw out emotions, let off all your steam and blow up all the gunpowder accumulated at home and at work, to voice all your claims to life in dance. With the help of flamenco, you can "swear", you can become arrogant, you can be rebellious. Very complex emotions that sometimes do not have to be expressed in life - express by dancing flamenco.
And in contrast to those who hold the storm in themselves, modest and insecure, quiet and enslaved, in flamenco at first they will feel like real lady and then quickly learn not to be afraid of themselves or those around them. This dance makes you "get up from your knees", take a deep breath. After a few lessons, self-confidence and a desire to continue and continue dancing flamenco will come. This fire will spare no one. You can’t smolder in such a dance - you just have to burn! Bright and emotional.

Relevant as never before and accessible even to home schooling by video lessons. If you're into dancing for the over 30s but don't expect to find a partner for your passion, solo latin is the best you can think of. Several directions: merengue, cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, and - the solo program is amazingly diverse. Graceful gait, beautiful posture, zero stiffness and tightness, minus ten kilograms - this is the minimum that you will gain along with solo latin lessons.

For those over 30, to start dancing means to start living again!

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