We lose weight dancing oriental dances. Oriental dances for weight loss


Cardio training makes the heart and lungs work harder, actively saturating the body with oxygen. This process is closely related to the metabolism, which begins to accelerate, contributing to fat burning and weight loss. Dancing in oriental style imply continuous movement to music, which is also a cardio load. On average, for a dance session (60 minutes) you can burn 400-450 kilocalories.

Oriental dances for a figure

The ideal option the female figure is considered the type of " hourglass". Most sports complexes for women are aimed at bringing the body curves closer to this type - making the waist thinner, removing the stomach, and shaping a neat line of the hips. Eastern dance for weight loss, they “work” in the same direction - due to the rhythmic contractions of the abdomen, the rectus and oblique muscles are pulled up, and the smooth progressive movements of the hips form their graceful bend.

Oriental dancers actively use their hands - this gets rid of hanging triceps, tightens other muscles. Due to the development of the shoulder girdle, the muscles that support the chest are also pumped and become stronger. Fat deposits in problem areas begin to melt, giving way to muscle tissue. In order for work on yourself to bear fruit, in addition to dancing, it is desirable to optimize the diet.

The positive impact of oriental dances on women's health

In addition to the obvious benefits for the female figure, oriental dances have health benefits. Regular exercises bring a positive effect, affecting different organs and systems:

  • Due to the work of the legs, blood circulation is activated on the outer surface of the thighs, buttocks. It tones the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  • Oriental dance for weight loss - good way to form a beautiful posture, learn to control the body - during training, you need to maintain balance, move smoothly.
  • The external and internal muscles of the pelvis are tightened, which is the prevention of urinary incontinence in women. Due to the work of the pelvic and abdominal muscles, the gastrointestinal tract is massaged, which improves intestinal motility and eliminates constipation.
  • Cardio loads strengthen the heart muscle, are useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Saturation of muscles with oxygen contributes to increased performance, which has a positive effect on other areas of life.
  • Oriental dance is a series of well-tried and verified movements that train endurance. Such workouts relieve stress, so they are recommended for nervous, not always balanced people.

The main movements of oriental dances for weight loss

In order to achieve a result - learn to move beautifully to the music, acquire graceful forms and feel positive influence for health - you need to exercise regularly. It is recommended to dedicate three days a week to training, duration - 45-60 minutes. At the same time, before starting intense loads, spend 10-15 minutes preparing the muscles, warming them up - swinging your legs, tilting your torso. This will avoid sprains and injuries, and more effectively work on losing weight.


The basic movement that is present in almost all types of oriental dances is the horizontal eight:

  1. To perform it, take a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart, then push your right thigh forward, slightly turning the body. The upper body remains motionless.
  2. Make a semicircle with your right hip, moving backward in a horizontal plane. As soon as the right thigh is at the rear extreme point, the left moves forward. Then a similar semicircle is made with the left thigh.
  3. The figure eight forms a rounded line of the hips, contributes to the weight loss of problem areas.

rocking chair

Another key element of oriental dance is a rocking chair:

  1. Stand straight, feet together, slightly bent at the knees. Push the hips forward a little so as not to injure the spine.
  2. Raise one thigh, straightening the leg, at the same time bend the other leg at the knee. This movement is made non-stop - the hips sway up and down without accents and stops.
  3. The rocking chair stimulates the work of the intestines, tightens the stomach and buttocks.


In oriental dances, there are several types of waves - hips, chest, whole body:

  1. The easiest way to hone the wave at the wall is to prepare the muscles involved in this exercise. It is necessary to face the wall at a distance of 10 cm, then slide along it with the upper part of the chest, then with the stomach and hips, gently bending. Make sure that a small part of the body touches the wall.
  2. Repeat the same wave movement, sliding along the wall with your back.
  3. The wave trains flexibility, develops the spine.

Belly punches

Classics and business card of dances:

  1. To perform this movement, stand up straight, bend your legs slightly at the knees.
  2. Imagine that a rope is tied to the stomach, for which they pulled it up. Then sharply raise the lower abdomen in the direction of movement of the imaginary rope, while the muscles of the buttocks are drawn in, and the stomach tenses.
  3. "Belly punches" have the opposite movement - "butt kicks".
  4. Exercise is effective for getting rid of the abdomen, losing weight in the buttocks.


This type of movement is a famous element of oriental dance, its peculiar decoration. main feature shaking is the effect it produces on the viewer. At the same time, it requires almost no effort from the dancer; during the shaking, you can relax a little. There are many variations of this element, but they all have common feature- shaking affects the lower body:

  1. To perform Brazilian shaking, you need to stand up straight, transfer your body weight to your socks.
  2. After that, you can start a movement that imitates walking in place, but do not tear your socks off the floor. The knees are slightly bent and unbent, but not completely. Gradually increase the pace, and decrease the amplitude.
  3. This kind of shaking looks good from behind - the buttocks are shaking like jelly.


Eastern dance - perfect way relax, learn to control your body and achieve weight loss in problem areas. This is one of the few activities that does not have an age limit. At the same time, belly dancing for weight loss is not recommended in the following conditions:

  • during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester;
  • after injury or surgery;
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with pulmonary insufficiency;
  • in the presence of a hernia (umbilical, white line of the abdomen) in a severe stage.


4.1 out of 5

Any woman dreams of a beautiful, toned figure, and today it is quite easy to do with the help of all kinds of complexes. exercise. However, not every person has the willpower and perseverance to monotonously repeat the same raises of arms, legs and other exercises day after day. Especially for such ladies, we offer you to get acquainted with the bewitching belly dance for weight loss.. Beautiful smooth movements will help to make the figure embossed and feminine. During dancing, you can relax your body and soul, while getting rid of excess wrinkles and sagging belly.

A little about the history and essence of belly dance for weight loss, reviews

Graceful dances have long been calling card Eastern countries, where beauties constantly indulge their men with sexy, inviting movements. Regular workouts help to acquire a narrow waist and expressive rounded hips, but their advantages do not end there. It turns out that belly dancing helps increase blood circulation in stressed areas, strengthen muscles and burn fat. a large number of fat reserves.

In addition, women who leave feedback on belly dance for weight loss claim that he helped them get rid of a number of problems in gynecology. How can this be? Due to constant stress and training, blood flow and intra-abdominal pressure increase, which prevent the formation of adhesions and help to quickly undergo rehabilitation after the treatment of inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

With the help of belly dancing, you can prevent the development of infertility associated with impaired patency of the uterine tract, abortion, inflammatory diseases, weakening of the contractile function fallopian tubes. Modern doctors who have knowledge about the benefits of belly dance for weight loss for women's health recommend that their patients attend classes regularly. This method of treatment and prevention is perfect for both young girls and women who have reached adulthood.

Belly dance for weight loss: we have fun and burn those extra pounds

Anyone who has even caught a glimpse of what movements are made during belly dancing should have noticed how actively the abdominals, hips, neck and arms are involved in this process. From the outside it may seem that it is easy to perform all these rotations and keep your hands on weight while dancing. However, try yourself for 15 minutes to stand with arms outstretched, holding them parallel to the floor, and you will understand how much stress the shoulder girdle and arms are experiencing.

What are the benefits of belly dancing for weight loss? Among the positive points are the following:

  • thanks to numerous movements of the hands, plasticity, the work of the joints improves and tension is removed from the neck;
  • the constant work of the neck muscles improves the flow of blood to the brain, delivering oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity person;
  • simple hip thrusts effectively remove cellulite from the buttocks, tighten muscles and skin, accelerate the process of losing weight at the impact sites;
  • smooth swings strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, abs and thighs;
  • frontal thrusts are of particular benefit in strengthening the abdominal muscles, which also solve a number of gynecological problems.

Belly dance for weight loss for beginners: basic recommendations

What do the most spectacular dancers look like? They have a small but very elastic tummy. Of course, the folds and sides hanging through the skirt will not be able to attract any man, but the tight belly and beautiful breasts give a woman a special charm and expressiveness. If you do not want to sit on any diets, but at the same time are actively engaged in belly dancing for weight loss for beginners, then in the end you can get a tight tight figure. It also looks very attractive and feminine.

If your main goal is to burn fat folds and intensive weight loss, then you need to combine belly dancing for weight loss with diets. To lose weight quickly, you should follow proper nutrition and regularly attend classes. Reach desired results discipline and a sense of pleasure from their own movements will help. It is best to work with a fitness instructor, but if this is not possible due to any circumstances, then video tutorials are quite suitable.

Belly dancing for weight loss for beginners dance clubs they won’t suit you, because they teach you to move, and not to improve your figure. It is very difficult to master the technique remotely, but by studying various techniques, you will comprehend the essence of each movement and gradually learn to correctly focus your attention on important details.

Basic belly dance moves for weight loss

If you decide that oriental dances - best method getting rid of extra pounds, then you need to start to master basic movements. Without them, it will be impossible to continue training and make a single harmonious dance. It is with these exercises that the study of belly dance for weight loss in fitness centers begins.

Exercise "Eight": this exercise very well burns folds on the stomach, cellulite on the thighs and shakes the oblique muscles of the abdomen. To perform the Figure Eight, you need to imagine that your hips are a pencil with which you draw the number eight in the air. In belly dancing for weight loss for beginners, there are two types of this exercise: vertical "eight" and horizontal. When performing a vertical variation of the exercise, the figure eight must be visually drawn on the wall. The second involves drawing on the floor. These are very beautiful and simple movements that must be performed in different sides and in turn.

Wave exercise. This simple exercise is quite within the power of any girl and woman. Fitness trainers recommend learning how to do full and bottom waves. The lower wave must be done only with the legs and hips, without involving the waist and chest in the process. When performing the upper wave, the whole body is involved: first the head moves forward, followed by the chest, waist, hips and legs. This is a very smooth and erotic movement, which is suitable as a warm-up of the body before starting classes.

Exercise "Shaking the hips." Few beginners can do this exercise the first time, however, regular performance of “shaking the hips” in belly dancing for weight loss perfectly drives fat from the hips, waist and sides, tightening sagging skin. To perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides and slightly bend your knees. Once in the starting position, gently lift one hip and lower the other slightly. Change the position of the hips in a smooth motion. This exercise must be performed at a very fast pace, but when mastering belly dance for weight loss, you can practice at a slow pace, the main thing is to master the technique. Do the Hip Shake for three minutes and notice how much the muscles in your legs and hips tense up.

Physical activity is good for any body. But if men like strength training, then most women prefer dance programs. There are many of them, they are diverse, as they say, for every taste. One of the popular destinations is dancing for weight loss at home. Videos of such lessons have long taken their place among the arsenal of losing weight at home. Dance programs for weight loss differ in many ways. When choosing your own, you need to consider physical form, load intensity, musical preferences and much more.

Among the popular modern dance styles the following can be distinguished:

  • Eastern dance,
  • indian dance,
  • latina,
  • step dance,
  • strip dance,
  • hip-hop,
  • club dances,
  • ballroom.

More and more schools of tango can be found. It is not difficult to assume that hip-hop is more popular among the youth audience, however, as well as club dancing or strip dancing. To tango, as to any classic, it gravitates more the older generation. But, oriental dances are in favor with ladies of any age.

Do you want to understand what dance program yours, what kind of dances do you need for weight loss? Video lessons for beginners will give an idea of ​​the intensity of the load, the plasticity of movements and direction musical accompaniment. Wang tedious more traffic and incendiary rhythms- choose latin or hip-hop, you gravitate towards smooth pas and lyrical music - your element ballroom dancing. But if you are close to oriental tunes, bewitching, alluring and smooth movements, feel free to take on oriental dances.

Dancing for weight loss at home

It is somewhat unusual to dance the tango at home or learn the movements at the pole. But belly dancing is quite suitable for homework. Moreover, the lessons of oriental dance for weight loss, the videos of which are not difficult to find, are designed for any level of training. Even if you have never danced, you will master the initial skills quickly enough. Further, everything will go only on the rise. From lesson to lesson, you will feel more confident, learn to enjoy not only physical activity, but also the fact that you can do what seemed unattainable yesterday.

Remember, whatever your body is this moment, it should not become a reason for refusing to dance. The grace of a woman sometimes means much more than her volume!

What dances help to lose weight quickly?

Without a doubt, the most intense dances give the fastest results. Breakdance holds the palm, fast ballrooms, such as quickstep, cha-cha-cha, jive. But, despite the fact that oriental dances do not give such an immediate effect, they are most useful for female body. Yes, there is no such intense and power load, but flexibility and coordination develop, plasticity improves and muscles that make a woman a woman are trained. There is an opinion that ancient oriental dances are not only a way to attract male attention, but also a kind of medical procedure aimed at improving women's health.

Oriental dances for weight loss at home

When choosing which dances to do to lose weight, pay attention to oriental dances. With regular exercise, if not immediately, but you will begin to lose weight. The load is distributed in such a way that the muscles are tightened in the most problematic places. Hips and buttocks become more and more attractive from time to time, arms and shoulders become more expressive, waists become thinner and thinner.

You can dance at home for weight loss different dances. Studying from the video, first look at everything carefully, do not try to immediately repeat complex movements. After all, if something doesn’t work right away, it will be quite difficult psychologically to force yourself to repeat it. Remember Golden Rule: from simple to complex. Only having mastered the lesson well, it is worth moving to a more difficult level.

It is not for nothing that those who chose belly dancing for weight loss do not begin their reviews with how much their weight has decreased. Most of the fans Eastern movements talking about getting better general state and not only physical. Mood, perception of the world, awareness of her place in this world change as the woman begins not only to copy the movements of the teacher, but to dance. After all, dance is creativity, if you want, even philosophy. Dancing, we do not just pump muscles, we improve spiritually, no matter how trite it sounds.

Video lessons for beginners: Oriental dances for weight loss

Lesson 3

To achieve the best effect, it is quite possible to combine oriental and fast dancing for weight loss. Even so, depending on the mood, today is a belly dance, and tomorrow is an incendiary cha-cha-cha. More vigorous dancing will give additional physical activity, and the eastern ones will help develop flexibility and smoothness of movements.

It is important to note that, as in any other case, the regularity of classes is the basis of the basics. Even if you are not in the mood, try it, make an effort on yourself, but do not skip workouts. One, two, three, and now you don't feel like it at all. Do not look for excuses for yourself, do not come up with excuses - just get up and dance, in a few minutes you will forget about your “I don’t want to”.

Dance belly dance for weight loss. The video will help you not only put your figure in order. Video lessons will teach you the basics, as you progress, you will learn new movements. The time will come, the teacher on the screen will become the source of your creativity. You will learn not only to repeat, but also to improvise or build own line dance.

Since everything new and beautiful is very interesting and attracts people, belly dancing has become very popular in Russia for some time now, not only women, but also men. This type of dance came to us from the countries of the Middle East, which is why it is often called oriental.

main feature lies in the fact that it mainly involves the stomach, and the rest of the body only complements and decorates the movements, turning them into a real erotic dance.

In the East, since ancient times, belly dance was considered not a means for losing weight, but the main art of seduction, with the help of which women charmed and seduced their men, and more recently, our Russian beauties have been actively using oriental charms for the same purpose.

Thanks to the flamboyant and revealing outfits, belly dancing is now seen more as a mesmerizing show to make money on, or as part of a fitness routine.

What are the benefits of belly dancing for the body?

To begin with, it is worth noting that this particular dance is the most in a positive way affects women's health.

  1. First of all, thanks to classes, you can get rid of many gynecological diseases, which is due to the active flow of blood to the genitals.
  2. Secondly, strengthen and give elasticity to the muscles involved in childbirth.
  3. Thirdly, lose weight and turn your figure into a real masterpiece with slim waist, elastic booty and taut muscles on the arms and legs.

Same normalizes metabolism, and this contributes to the improvement of the condition of hair, nails and skin. Unlike other dances, due to the smoothness of all movements, belly dance eliminates various injuries and sprains, so even pregnant women can practice it, of course, under the guidance of the attending physician. And, of course, it gives a woman confidence in herself and in her attractiveness, thereby improving her mood and increasing self-esteem.

Is belly dancing effective for weight loss?

Besides being a belly dance burns approximately 400 kcal per hour of exercise- it contributes to the fact that a woman begins to eat less food than usual. All this is due to the good mood that is created in the dance, because when a person is happy, he does not need to look for antidepressants, which are often products, especially starchy foods.

Oriental dances may well replace the usual fitness, which many people go to without great fun, perceiving it as the only measure for weight loss. In contrast, belly dance improves the figure and teaches to move beautifully, which allows the practitioner to feel like a real seductive woman.

If you want to not only lose extra pounds, but also pump up muscle mass, then you can combine classes with some strength exercises.

On this issue, it is best to consult with a trainer so that he recommends and makes up a complex just for you, based on individual physical training.

The only thing worth considering for weight loss is to combine classes with balanced diet and don't start exercising on a full stomach.

Where to learn dancing?

Absolutely any girl can learn belly dancing, because everyone wants to be desirable and seductive for her man. There are several options to master oriental skills,

  1. First of all, you can enroll in courses where you will study in a group,
  2. Secondly, you can master the course yourself by purchasing a special disk with a training program.

Thus, everyone chooses for himself the most acceptable option both at will and for money. Of course, doing at home is much more profitable than in the studio, however, who likes what.

Now in the markets or in shops there is always an oriental department where you can buy all the necessary attributes for classes: a suit with coins, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. At home, you can not only learn the basics of this erotic dance, but also apply imagination by adding some elements, for example, a scarf, a candelabra, a saber, as oriental mistresses do.

If you want to definitely engage in a group, then on the Internet you will definitely find many dance schools that teach, including oriental ones. Usually you can sign up either for a one-time visit or, if you like, purchase a subscription for a month.

Contraindications for belly dancing

On initial stage Belly dancing has no special contraindications - it is suitable for almost everyone for weight loss, however, as the intensity of the classes, several factors should be taken into account. For example, not recommended to do certain movements for people with heart failure, musculoskeletal problems, spinal disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and individual features, for example, contraindications for stretching and deflection.

It is important to take into account age features, thus, after 50 years it is best to limit yourself to light dance elements without strong shaking and hitting.

In general, with the right approach, oriental dances do no harm, but only one benefit, especially for the fair sex.

Basic movements (exercises) of belly dance

Rocking chair. It consists of moving the hips up and down. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, begin to raise your hips without turning your body.

Wave. In this exercise, only the hips are involved, and the upper part remains without movement. Describe a circle with your hips from top to bottom, while taking small steps forward.

Eight. You need to mentally imagine a figure eight at waist level and describe it with your hips. The figure eight in the belly dance can be deep - for slimming the sides, in this case the hips are retracted to the side as much as possible and rise up.

Circles. They can be performed with both hips and chest. In both cases, you need to describe a circle with the maximum possible deflections.

Strikes to the stomach, buttocks and thigh. Throw the stomach up due to the movement of the hips, after which it should lower in a relaxed position and return to its original position. When hitting the buttocks, it is necessary to sharply raise them and fix them for a moment. When hitting with the hip, you need to bring one hip up as much as possible and also fix this position.

Pendulum. Bring the right thigh to the side, and then up towards the armpit, lower it diagonally down and do the same with the left thigh.

Shaking. They can be completely different. Allocate shaking of the stomach, arms, hips, as well as vertical shaking and shaking on the go. In all cases, it is a vibrating movement. At first, it will not be possible to perform it for more than one or two minutes, because the pace is lost very quickly, and all the muscles get tired. However, over time, this exercise will not present any difficulty for you. By the way, some dances generally consist of one shaking and last for 10-15 minutes.

Belly dance for weight loss for beginners

To maximize the effectiveness of belly dancing, you must consider a few basic recommendations:

Do not forget that even the first lesson costs money, so if you want to not only sign up, but also attend it, take your wallet with you.

This great opportunity“combining” the useful with the pleasant. This is a great replacement for all diets in the world! Didn't believe? Hurry up to check out the dance for weight loss! "Dance and lose weight!".

Girls, try to dance! The fact is that beautiful movements burn much more calories than a regular dance (which is danced for the sake of "excuses"). What does it take to learn how to dance well?

  • Feel every musical note! Music must be felt completely (to the very depth).
  • Set yourself up for pleasure and excellent results. If the "tuning" does not happen - wait for better times.
  • Buy a short top (the stomach in it should be completely open) and sports pants (made of light fabric) or a skirt. We have listed the clothes in which you will feel most comfortable.
  • Before class, treat yourself to light snacks. Such products, dishes and drinks are suitable: natural yogurt, fat-free kefir, mashed soup (vegetarian), fresh vegetables, fresh fruits.
  • Keep track of your calorie intake. On the days when you should be exercising, your "calorie figure" is five hundred. On weekends - three hundred (if you do not follow diets).
  • Never dance barefoot! You need to do it either in socks or in light shoes.
  • Decorate your hips with a ringing handkerchief. Such items will emphasize the grace of your figure and cheer you up.

Accessories needed for belly dancing:

  • Drums (small)
  • Sabers
  • Fire
  • Wings
  • Sagat (metal discs)
  • Handkerchief (transparent, long)
  • Tambourine

There are several types of dances (classical and "non-standard"). Choose the first option, as it is aimed at healing and supporting the body in good shape. Belly dancing involves not only the movement of the abdomen, the whole body moves! Each movement is responsible for "its" action, achievement, weight loss:

  • Hand movements liberate the entire shoulder girdle, train plasticity, relieve tension in the neck and hands.
  • Swinging the hips helps to lose weight in the "area" of the buttocks, lower back, abdomen and legs.
  • Raising the hips gives elasticity to the buttocks and abdomen, massages the internal organs, “gives” relief to the whole body.
  • Head movements also play a “beneficial” role: they bring blood pressure back to normal, improve blood circulation, and completely relieve migraines and headaches.

A low-calorie diet that goes great with belly dancing: a 3-day menu

The menu lists kilocalories:

First day



  • A few slices of bread (ninety-nine)
  • A glass of carrot juice (thirty-six)


  • Smoked cod (forty-six)
  • Plate of barley gruel (ninety-two)
  • Five tablespoons of pasta (thirty-nine)
  • glass of water

Afternoon snack:

  • Grapefruit (sixty-seven)
  • glass of water


  • Any low calorie salad
  • A glass of water

Second day


  • Tea without sugar
  • Apple (forty-two)
  • A glass of butter (ninety-five)
  • Half a slice of processed cheese (one hundred twenty-eight)


  • glass of water
  • Apple (forty-two)
  • A few slices of bread (ninety-nine)
  • Two pieces of pork (forty-five)


  • A piece of boiled meat (two hundred)
  • glass of water
  • A plate of vegetable soup (sixty-two)

Afternoon snack:

  • Banana (ninety six)
  • A glass of water (as much as you like)


  • Yogurt (fifty one)
  • Eggplants (twenty-four)
  • A few pieces of pork (forty-five)

Third day


  • Multifruit juice (fifty two)
  • Tea with honey (thirty-two)
  • Portion of tomato soup (eleven)


  • glass of water
  • A serving of beetroot (twenty-nine)


  • A glass of water
  • Sour cabbage soup (twenty-two)
Afternoon snack:
  • Fruits (as much as you like)
  • Several glasses of water


  • Tea without sugar
  • glass of water
  • Portion of crumbly buckwheat (ninety-eight)

Do not “sit” on such a diet if its menu does not suit you at all. and not only. Use the foods you love, but most importantly, make the most of your dancing time! Best Dance belly is the dance that "happens" on fresh air and not indoors.

Belly dancing will help you get rid of four hundred kilocalories per hour. Dancing is not only a great "remedy" from excess weight! It turns out that they save women from many psychological problems. Any belly dance is not capable of "lightning" weight loss. But the result will definitely come to you!

Most of the movements are performed on slightly bent legs. This "nuance" allows you to use dance moves all muscles. Belly dancing does not pump up the muscles, because the movements in the dances are repeated and amaze everyone with their smoothness and "airiness". Each belly dance keeps the body in good shape, “charges” the body with adrenaline, and significantly improves metabolism.

Do not be upset if everything does not work out for you and! You can master any dance for weight loss. The main thing is the presence of great desire and spiritual harmony. If something bothers you, thoughts will constantly distract you.

Do not dance if you are taking any medications. The dance will wait for you, but health must be protected in time.

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