Anniversary of my Mom. Scenario


Scenario 70 years.
Moderator: Let me take the floor today!
We're here for the anniversary
You are a dear person!
The age of wisdom is seventy years
It came, as always, unexpectedly.
There are many more victories ahead.
The book of life has not yet been read.
May this world be for you again and again
Gives everything only the best!
May love live in your heart
Kindness, generosity, generosity!
You are not tired of being kind and gentle, you remained beautiful even at 70,
You have achieved everything, raised children,
And we wish you further victories.
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn, and autumn warm more reliably than summer.
A little seventy at all -
I affirm for a reason:
After all, if you count from a hundred -
You get only 0.7.
And life, inside and out,
Can give you a lot.
Missing 0.3
You still need to catch up.
In short, the goal is clear - forward
The way is open and direct.
And what then, after a hundred, awaits ...
There will be a hundred - we'll see!
So, friends, for the Anniversary,
So that everything comes true, and everything happens!
Years make us wiser -
To spite the enemies, to the mercy of friends!
Well, now that everyone is sitting at the table,
We'll pour more stacks.
And the first toast is ready:
We drink for the birthday boy!
Well, what about the Guests, they stood up together, raising their glasses cheerfully! Let's wish the hero of the day happiness, shout together three times: "Congratulations!". Let's drink a healthy toast to the bottom!
Name (...) - triple: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray! Birthday toast!
Host: Dear friends! As you know, between the first and second ...
Well, while you are eating and drinking, of course, there are those among you who adhere to the principle “there is not a big gap between the 1st and 2nd”, I would like to report the forecast of today's celebration:
Cloudy expected today, anniversary hurricane with wine and vodka
The temperature above the table is 40, the air is filled with fun.
My head is foggy at night, clearing is possible in the morning.

They also say that they don’t go to a strange monastery with their own rules, and therefore I want to read out the rules of conduct for today’s celebration for some guests.
1. Uncle ..., we ask you to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
2. ..., you must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation.
3. .., after the 10th glass it is desirable to sing, but it is undesirable to get into the neighbor's plate with your elbow.
4. Aunt ..., I ask you not to lose heart, to dance until you drop.
5. …, you can't dance standing up, dance sitting down.
6. .. put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in the neighbor's pocket
7. ... remember: drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom.
8. Aunt ... undertakes to sing until tired
9. ... it is strictly forbidden to meet under the table or on the roof.
So while we were drinking, our pigeon mail brought us NEWS from the KREMLIN (a scroll with a message in it):
Anniversary Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
For great services to the Fatherland in the field of human relations, give (Protskaya Larisa Nikolaevna) a valuable gift in the form of a gold bar weighing 70 g from the country's gold reserves. Concerned about the safety of the hero of the day, I order:
1. Transfer the gift to a Swiss bank for a period of 30 years.
2. Give the hero of the day the key to the vault of the Swiss bank.
3.Admission to the bank is allowed only personally to the hero of the day on the day of his centenary.
4. Gift by inheritance is not transferable.
5. In view of the foregoing, to oblige (Prtskaya Larisa Sergeevna) to live to be a hundred years old and in good health to come to a Swiss bank without the help of accompanying persons.
(Date of). Kremlin. The president.
(a drawn key is taken out and given to the hero of the day on a string)
Host: Thank you Mr. President for his congratulations, and I propose to drink for the last paragraph of the decree: live to be a hundred years old in good health. Toast.
Telegrams arrived today for the Jubilee. Read out.
Dear guests! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were many congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him.
I announce the anniversary roll call, friends. You are only allowed to shout "no, no, no" and "yes, yes, yes"
We gathered for the anniversary ... (Yes, yes, yes). Shut up and mourn ... no, no, no. To drink, to eat……(Yes, yes, yes). We will all have fun ... ... (Yes, yes, yes) We will try to get drunk ... no, no, no. Let's show off a little ... ... (Yes, yes, yes). Are there many funny people among you? ……(Yes Yes Yes). We will congratulate Nina ... ... ... (Yes, yes, yes). And who will start? .... (me, me, me).


The host writes congratulations on a sheet in advance and cuts this sheet into pieces before the start of the competition. If the hero of the occasion is a man, then the “pieces”

How we love you
How We Appreciate You
And about that we sing
At this wonderful hour!

Gypsies and a bear to the appropriate music approach the hero of the occasion and bring him a glass and bread and salt.

Gypsy. Ah, gray-winged dove, my clear falcon. Please us and your guests with a gypsy with an exit. And you, precious guests, clap louder, but do not forget to fill your glasses!
The birthday boy is dancing a gypsy girl. Then the leader involves the rest of the guests in this dance.

Gypsy. And now, dear guests, look how our little bear is dancing. And let everyone put some little thing in his hat and treat him, no matter what.
A bear with a hat goes around the guests and begs for something tasty: vodka, cucumber. And if it works, then money. Guests put various little things in a hat: watches, pens, rings, and so on.
After that, a game of forfeits is played.

Gypsy. And I also have a hat, but not a simple one, but a magic one: it knows what your guests think about you, it will read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!
The guests pull the prepared papers from the gypsy, and the gypsy “voices thoughts”.

1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent
2. The spool is small, but expensive.

9. You are my fallen maple ...

13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open, sim-sim, surrender.
17. I will take you to the tundra.

Other similar variants of thoughts can be found in the paragraph advice and predictions.

The host thanks the gypsies for all the predictions, invites the "camps" to join the company and announces a competition for the best toast in honor of the birthday man. They can be found in the "birthday toasts" section.
Competition "Sing a song"
The guests are divided into 2 teams, the task is given to perform a song, whose team starts and sings faster, that one is the winner.
Start the children's song...
Start the war song...
Russian folk song begin ...
Pioneer song start ...
Komsomol song start ...
Start the song with a female name ...
New Year's song start ...
Start a song about your birthday ...
Host: So that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to refresh yourself a little!
Leading: Usually on such a big day,
Which is called a birthday.
Friends with an open mind
You are congratulated.
You will be congratulated……….
Host: And now a question for the birthday girl: What was your childhood dream?
To be in a fairy tale? I think that we will help you realize your dream and show you our fairy tale.
TALE (Instant performance)
King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimistic king. Once the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms, generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a multi-colored butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will show his tongue to him. That will make a face. In general, the word indecent will shout. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and she flew away into the thicket of the forest.
And the king laughed and galloped on. Suddenly, a little hare jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the pose of an ostrich, that is, head down. The bunny was surprised at such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's paws shook. And the hare screamed in an inhuman voice.
And just then the fox was returning from the night shift from the poultry farm. Brought a chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, but in surprise she let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be insolent. She cackled with delight, gave the fox a crack, so much so that she clutched her head in pain.
And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked at his soft spot. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of fear of such a fox, jumped on its paws and grabbed it by the ears. The fox here abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.
And the king and the brave hen also jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They rode off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know this, but I think that he will definitely pour it for her. As well as all the guests present.
Host: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened ... pours it !!!
Dances, games, competitions. Competition: Monkeys.
When the party is in full swing, you can move on to more daring contests. For the "Monkeys" contest, 2 participants are called. Their hands are tied behind their backs, and an unpeeled banana is placed on a plate in front of them. The task of the players is to peel and eat a banana without the help of hands.

How many parrots do you have?
A man measures a woman's height with "five" or "fingers". It is most likely not worth multiplying the result obtained by the length of the finger: this fuss was not started for this. Moreover, a woman can both stand and lie down during the measurement.
Those who want to receive a big prize lie down on the sofa and cover themselves with a blanket. The rest think of an object that the player will have to remove from himself. He tries to guess what is hidden, and if he is mistaken, he takes off the very thing that he called. In the end, there is practically nothing left on it, because it was made up - a bedspread! At the initiative of the host, this word is written down on paper even before the start of the game.
The couple is offered a glass of juice and a banana. The man should drink the juice, and the woman should eat the banana. Moreover, the glass at the same time is clamped by the knees of a seated woman, and the banana is clamped by the knees of a seated man.
Make a wish
This is probably the most fun and joyful
contest. He prepares in advance. We take the most
regular balloons. We write on paper
tasks. Tasks can be different. First the first bursts
ball, a piece of paper is poured on it
task. The participant completes the task. Then
The guests are seated at the tables.
Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished desires. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The host walks around the guests with a bag in which there are fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is golden, and offers to choose any without looking into the bag. The owner of the "goldfish" has the right to voice his three wishes by choosing them among the cards offered by the host But before that, he names any "performer" among the guests.)

1. I want a toast to be made in honor of the hero of the day, in which the word “Birthday” would appear three times.
2. I want any item on the table to be given to the birthday man as a memorable gift with meaning.
3. I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
4. I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.
5. I want you to sing the motive of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

Happy birthday, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
You are an honest and wonderful boss!
We wish you a lot of joy in life
Never be sad in vain.

Let your ideas succeed
May wishes and dreams come true!
May your career only go uphill
Life will be wonderful
like flowers!
1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent.
2. The spool is small, but expensive.
3. Drink, drink, but understand the measure.
4. I like that you are not sick of me.
5. Do I love you, I don't know, but it seems that I do.
6. And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.
7. What can I give you, my dear man?
8. I got drunk drunk, I won’t get home ....
9. You are my fallen maple ...
10. We have already played the first half.
11. It's not evening yet, it's not evening yet, the road is still bright and eyes are clear.
12. I don't sleep well at night because I love you.
13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open, sim-sim, give up.
17. I will take you to the tundra.
18. An old friend is better than two new ones.

Song for the birthday girl
Talent and beauty do not meet so often!
Oh, God, how your spring suits you now!
Let winter be in the yard
But you are in February
Still beautiful and slim!

We are watching Anna's life,
And we read with fascination
Beautiful, unfinished novel about love, no change.
May your happiness never end!
We want to wish you now
So that it is clear and cloudless in your family!

Today is your birthday, which one is hard for us to say!
We know you did great on this part of the journey!
There is a friendly family
Colleagues and friends
You look no older than thirty!

We congratulate you today
And from the bottom of our hearts we give you
Beautiful symbolic envelope
From friends as a token of love!
For you to choose a gift
And at the same time you remembered us,
All our meetings, our holidays,
And our Se La Vie!

At this rather respectable age of 70 years, on the one hand, women feel sad that the rally has already passed, but on the other hand, you can please your mother with various surprises, which will make her certainly rejoice at such a holiday - because she has such wonderful children like you!
Celebration organization
First, let's decide - who will deal with organizational issues? Such work is quite within the power, for example, of the daughter of the hero of the day, who can be helped by her own children. The team for solving all organizational issues has been found, let's move on to the process itself. First you need to decide on the premises in which the festive event in honor of the 70th anniversary of the mother will be held.

Then you need to make a list of guests who will need to send out invitation cards. And in them, be sure to indicate at the end: “We invite you to the festive event of our (full name) mother!”, And also indicate the location of the anniversary and the time of its holding. If you decide to organize an unforgettable holiday for your mother on her 70th birthday, then you also need to pick up wonderful poems that you will recite during the holiday. And don't forget the gift!
Gifts for the most beloved mom
It is very difficult to choose an original gift for mom, because it is necessary to proceed from the preferences of your mother and her passions. But we will help you in this difficult matter, so let's look at the most pleasant, necessary and original gifts for mom for her 75th birthday:
 An ideal gift for mom would be a computer, laptop or netbook, which you can add some elegant and bright detail. For example, buy a state-of-the-art mouse that your mom is sure to love. By giving such an original present, you can also always be in touch with your mom, this is especially important if you live far away from each other. In addition, your mother can find her old friends and communicate with them via the Internet, and can also follow the latest news in the world.
 If your mother follows a healthy lifestyle or is just an active woman, then a subscription to the opera or theater will be a truly wonderful gift, which will give your mother the opportunity to visit her favorite performances. Another subscription that any woman will like is a subscription to the SPA salon, where she can take advantage of restorative and rejuvenating procedures, visit a beauty salon.
 Colorful and comfortable underwear can also be an ideal gift.
 Any anti-aging cosmetics - various creams for day or night care, masks, and so on.
 A comfortable massager or orthopedic pillow that will help your mother to have a good rest and relax on it.
 Buy a book by your mom's favorite author, stylish glasses, and you can pre-order an oil portrait of the birthday girl.
 If you know your mother's preferences and will not be mistaken in size, then you can safely buy a beautiful evening dress for her, which she can wear to go to the theater.
 Any gold jewelry that will appeal to any woman.

The holiday starts in the morning
You can surprise your mom with little surprises in the morning. For example, before your mother gets up, decorate the room with a garland of congratulations and wishes. Hang the garland in front of her bed. She will be delighted with such a surprise. Or buy 75 beautiful roses and put them in her room, mom will be very happy about this too.
Scenario of the anniversary of 70 years to mom "Mommy is sweet and beloved"
The script for the 70th anniversary of mom called “Mommy is sweet and beloved” is very simple and at the same time quite colorful and unforgettable. To organize such a chic banquet, you need to prepare a beautiful table, which you must decorate with your mother's favorite flowers, and also include your mother's favorite dishes in the menu. Not necessarily all dishes, you can choose your favorite dishes. Table setting must be arranged correctly so that the result is a chic table. You can also place name plates on the table so that guests know where to sit.
This anniversary scenario is aimed at showing your mother how much you all love her and how dear she is to you. You can lead the anniversary celebration. After all the guests have gathered, make an introduction.

“Hello our dear guests and beloved mother! Today we are all gathered here to celebrate the 70th anniversary of (the name of the hero of the day) on this amazing bright day. At first, I would like to read a poem for my mother myself.
The daughter of the hero of the day reads a beautiful poem to her:
"It's pretty hard to put into words
What I feel now...
Not a single verse
Don't surprise me.
I love you very much
I want to always be like this
Beloved, sweet and beautiful!
Be always happy with us!
And also lived quietly,
She has always been healthy and strong.
Always been so happy.
Happy Anniversary Dear Mom!
And now the guests can congratulate the hero of the day and give her gifts to the melodic composition.
“And on this high note, I invite you, dear guests, I invite you to participate in an exciting competition.”
Competition "Dedicated to the birthday girl"
All guests who must be divided into two teams participate in the competition. Each of the teams creates their own wall newspaper with various congratulations and eulogies in honor of the birthday girl. For example, you can write the following type of poem:
“Our hero of the day loves for the winter,
Prepare cherry jam.
They feed us all!
Do you remember how you and I
How much sorrel and lemon balm dried!
We love to read a book
And watch our series
We always have fun with you!
Or the following verse:
“Congratulations on your 70th birthday,
With this wonderful date!
At this age of ours
Life is just beginning!
We have many bright days ahead of us!
Happy, bright and cheerful,
From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish
Everyone be so cheerful
Rejoice with your beautiful smile!

After all the congratulations, the hero of the day will choose the one she likes the most, and the presenter presents a gift to the winning participant.
"And now, dear guests, let's see what characteristics of our birthday girl you wrote on the invitation cards that were sent to you in advance."
We read out all the characteristics, according to the guests:
1. The most energetic
2. Sole of company,
3. good man,
4. brave woman,
5. Loving and caring mother,
6. real wife,
7. And so on.
With the help of these characteristics, the hero of the day can find out what friends and relatives consider her to be. And now cheerful music begins to play and all the guests dance. And at the end of the festive event, we bring out a huge beautiful cake that you yourself baked and decorated with flowers and the inscription 70. Mom will blow out the candles and make a wish.

Mom's birthday script


Today is a wonderful, glorious day
We congratulate dear person.
We are not too lazy to say words of love,
May your happiness last for more than a century.
When it's damp and dark outside
We want to warm up in our father's house.
And so that mom escorted us out the window,
And to be met on your own doorstep.
Here the children have grown, and the grandchildren have risen,
And the time somehow quickly flew by.
We gathered for the anniversary, mothers,
So that she does not regret what she has lived.
We will not talk about sad, bad things,
Today is a day of fun and care.
And the entrances to the house are open for guests,
For chefs and musicians, work is here!


Today our mother turns a certain number of years. I can't even believe it! Just like recently we went to school, and my mother ironed our uniform and checked our homework. And now we also accompany our children to the lessons, and our mother and part-time grandmother also worries about us. Teaches mind-reason, bakes pies, treats with sweets. As once upon a time, in our beautiful childhood. Thank you mom for everything. Adult children, with their successes and failures, have become the result of your labors. The main thing is that we do not forget you and love you. Health to you mom, but otherwise your family will help you.

D. Malikov's song "Happy birthday, mom!" sounds. Sl.T.Dashkevich, music. D. Malikov.


Her granddaughter also wants to congratulate the hero of the day. We give the floor to the younger generation!


We live together, grandmother and I,
We play, have fun and read.
And we love to celebrate birthdays
And the days fly by, we don't notice them.

And somehow imperceptibly, by chance,
Grandma survived until her birthday.
Today she invited us to tea,
I put a lot of sweets in a vase.

And I'll give her a gift
I'll put on a new dress with polka dots.
I will beautifully lay a braid on my head,
And eat jam a lot of spoons.

I won't leave grandma alone
In this difficult hour, alone with the guests.
I'll look after the anniversary here,
And I'll shake my bones in the dance!


It's time to fill the glasses and raise a toast to our dear ... !
The guests shout “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!


Granddaughter recently demanded dancing. Please! Musical pause! And to make it even more fun, we will hold a small competition. All pairs of participants on the dance floor must hold a balloon with their stomachs. The pair that misses the ball is eliminated from the court.


Let's take a break and work with spoons. I will ask everyone to take their seats. And an ensemble of spoon-makers enters our stage! For our hero of the day, a musical composition called “a lamb has settled in our house” sounds!

Children come out and play some simple melody on spoons.


After listening to the spoon-makers, we ourselves are ready to work with them.

Pour glasses and listen to congratulations the song of the Buranovsky grandmothers "I'm beautiful!"


Most grandmothers like to guess. We will change this state of affairs and tell fortunes to our birthday girl ourselves.

A gypsy fortuneteller comes out with a deck of cards and asks the hero of the day to shuffle the cards. Then he lays them out and interprets the pictures in a comic way. Then he changes the deck and approaches the guests. On the reverse side of the cards there are inscriptions (high expenses for diapers, winning the lottery, waiting for guests, mice will eat potatoes, another grandson will appear, etc.). Guests draw a card and read what is written.


The children present at the anniversary demand a competition for them. Let's ask all young people to come to the center of the hall! Here is a sheet of paper and a marker for each of you. You must draw a birthday girl with your eyes closed. Whoever does better gets a big bottle of cola!


Now it's time to distinguish the strong half of our holiday! I warn you, the competition is very difficult. Here's a big mug of beer for you. But you need to drink it through a large diameter straw. The winner receives a bottle of elite Czech beer!


Our evening continues! Musical congratulations of the stars of domestic show business sound!

Mom's birthday script finished, have a nice holiday!

It will help you diversify the program of the evening.

On a holiday for a loved one, we strive to organize a celebration that would meet the taste of the hero of the day. And what is the recipe for a good holiday, of course, a well-prepared script? Let's look at it step by step and prepare a script for mom's anniversary at home.

And the first component is, of course, the guests. Dear relatives and close friends, old colleagues - everyone wants to express their respect and congratulate the birthday girl. The format of the holiday is built from the number of invitees.
This is followed by a pleasant meeting place for the birthday girl. It can be my mother's favorite restaurant, a water trip for the whole company, an anniversary bachelorette party in the sauna and, of course, no one has canceled a cozy home feast.
As we have already determined, the main ingredient of a good holiday is a funny and sincere scenario that will allow you to spend an unforgettable anniversary for both mom and adored grandmother. In fact, only you are able to cope here, because no one else, except you, loves and knows your mother so much in order to hold a really interesting event. As a help, our website provides a ready-made script for the anniversary for mom in the family circle, which will easily become the basis for your ideas.

Festive scenario "Conversation with happiness"

In the script for the anniversary for mom below, the daughter is the host.
Everyone, including the birthday girl, gathers at the festive table. A wish book should be placed on a separate table, which guests fill out during the celebration.

Presenter: Good afternoon, bonjour, hello!
Everyone welcomes our house!
We are celebrating today
Congratulations and let's eat!
Our guests will help us
This case is not easy!
Dear Mom!
Happy anniversary day!
So few years have passed
About that, we will sing!

The minus of the song “Conversation with Happiness” is turned on, guests need to distribute pre-prepared words of the song.

Anniversary suddenly in silence
Came to us for the evening.
Every year, look around
Colored with colors.

And worries round dance,
There are grandchildren nearby.
Well, mom is blooming,
Looks so young!

Chorus: In the power of the spirit, believe this!
It's all clear to us now
You stubbornly argue with fate.
We sing admiring you.

You went through the life of the field,
Every step I took, loving,
We know it was not in vain
It was not in vain.

Without your smile
Without tenderness and light
Shut up for a long time
Life in this world!

You give a good look
How beautiful you are!
So everything is on the way
It was not in vain.

May this day eclipse the moon with the radiance of lights,
You, mother, do not count the minutes that have escaped you.
You smile cheerfully and boldly,
And enjoy life happily every day!
We start the celebration as it should be,
It is proposed to fill all the glasses!

dating game

The host needs to know the names of all the guests in advance and group them, if possible, in order to fit them into the anniversary script, and mother's guests get to know each other.

Presenter: It's time for us all to get to know each other! And who is already familiar, remember the names of all those gathered!

A sparrow walked on the roof,
Gathered my friends
A lot of us gathered today
Anya (Dimochki, etc.) will get up now.

Presenter: Dear guests, it’s impossible to cheat on our anniversary, today everyone is having fun and joking! To be on the safe side, let's take a solemn anniversary vow together!

An oath for guests in honor of the anniversary. It can be passed in a circle so that everyone can read out a line.

We swear by the flowers we brought with us
We swear by sweet candies,
We swear by toasts, they have a direct intention,
And our worthy gifts!

We swear by the fork and the spoon,
We swear by clean potatoes!
We swear by holiday jokes
And also good wishes!

We swear to express love all evening!
Will appear again next year!
We will always respond to the call of the hero of the day!
We swear to that from the bottom of our hearts!

Presenter: Happy birthday, dear mom!
How beautiful you are!
Kind, smart, smart,
The happiest in the world!
God sent you from heaven to us,
And in your honor, we raise this glass!

This is followed by a video or an animated gallery of photographs of the birthday girl from birth to the present, a short digression into the life story from the presenter. Just choose the most beautiful mommy pictures so as not to disappoint her.

Slideshow of mom's photos

A good example of a slide show that was designed for the anniversary of my mother and part-time grandmother

table break

Presenter: Now, please take a moment!
The word is taken by a man of high rank!

Congratulations from husband and part-time dad

The husband of the hero of the day recites poetry and announces a toast.

In a small kingdom called "Family"
The holiday sounds with increasing force.
And Happy Anniversary Queen
The faithful husband is in a hurry to congratulate!

I'm sorry, dear, sometimes I don't know myself
How careless I am.
But you are so wise, my golden one!
How grateful I am!

I want to glow with happiness
Live in harmony and love!
And I am your protector in bad weather.
But take care of yourself too!

I confess, you all get better with age,
Your smile calls my heart!
I'm in love with you, let everyone know it!
You are a flower descended from heaven!

Game "Recognize the guest"

The host prepares short and accurate descriptions of all guests on cards in advance. Notes about the profession, character traits, hobbies, etc. For example, "The Queen of the Mountain Peaks", "A strict director, but a musician in his soul", "A first-class cook and a businesswoman in one bottle." The presenter walks around with a hat on the guests, each pulls out a piece of paper and reads into the microphone, trying to determine who they are talking about. Hints are allowed.

Congratulations from children and grandchildren

Chrychalka in honor of the birthday girl

Who is the most beloved in the world?
Who is appreciated by both grandchildren and children?
She sits now between us -
Our mom is top notch!

Who can do everything at home
And in the work of all faster?
Answer, this time -
Our mom is top notch!

She is dexterous as before, she dared in her soul,
How did she manage to get so prettier over the years?
Let's say it again together:
Our mom is top notch!

presenter: Gentlemen, guests, let's raise the cup,
For the one who is more beautiful to us all!
Who is dearer to us all in the world at this hour!
In honor of whom the glorious Jubilee is walking!

The game "Why did I come to the Jubilee?"

This headdress is uncensored
Tell the whole truth about the guests.
And the secret sides of nature
Will openly show us!

The presenter passes from one guest to another, puts a hat on his head and reads out the “thoughts” from the list.

  1. What is there to talk about for a long time, Time to spend with you!
  2. I'll dot the i - To drink half a barrel of wine!
  3. I confess to you, without hiding, I want to play the balalaika!
  4. Today I came to make noise! I will sing out loud!
  5. To be honest, I'll sleep under the table!
  6. My answer has long been worked out: I came to you as a master of jokes!
  7. Do not hold back a smile And dance lezginka!
  8. I can give such an answer: I will help you with cleaning!
  9. What is there to hide the truth, I came to you to take a shower!
  10. I came to you here To audit the table!
  11. I won't hide anything from you, I dream of a sandwich with caviar!
  12. And there is no need to guess - Until you drop to dance!
  13. Salute the hostess - Eat a bowl of salad!
  14. In order not to be bored at home, I'm going to visit again!
  15. I want to catch an envious look And show you my outfit!
  16. How to deal with the answer? I like the hero of the day!
  17. And I, as the most polite guest, brought a gift for the hero of the day!
  18. Today, a celebration to match Your verse I can read to you!
  19. In honor of the festive title For the hero of the day, I will fulfill a wish!

Presenter: And now calmly, slowly
We're going out to dance!
So the soul asks for music!
And the legs are dancing!

dance break

Presenter: I invite friends
Surprise all guests!
So confess your love to the birthday girl,
So that no one can move!

Congratulations from friends

And in the land of the Aztecs, and in the fogs of England
Until the hour until the heart stops beating,
People will honor and respect the family,
I tell you this without a doubt!
Let's drink to a strong, powerful family!
Let him go down in history with good glory!

table break

Presenter: I announce a common dance!
We will sweep across the planet
I hope you know all the dances?
Hold hands like in ballet
And keep up with the music!

The dance consists of musical passages: Sirtaki, Scottish Folk, Indian Folk, Polka, Lezginka, Kamarinskaya, Barynya.

table game

Guests are given a colored sheet of paper, a pen and several scissors on the entire table. The birthday girl also takes part.

Presenter: Dear guests, mother! I ask you to trace your palms along the contour on these sheets, and then cut out the silhouette. (Cutting process) Now we will mix everything, and let everyone take one cut sheet for themselves. Next, you need to write a good wish on it, the date of our anniversary and return it back to the table. (Wishing process) And now I ask you to take any card for yourself as a keepsake of the glorious anniversary meeting.

And we fill our glasses!
It's time for congratulations!
Our hero of the day you bloom,
And 50, and 100, and 200 years live!

Action with guests – Georgian choir

Presenter: Mommy, a Georgian choir came to your anniversary from a sunny country!

Dear guests, we are divided into 4 groups! (The presenter gives out the attributes of the choir). The task of each team is to rhythmically pronounce or sing their words without stopping. I will conduct and tell you when the next group will join. Let's start with a little practice.

(The host conducts a rehearsal with four guests, and then they all sing together).

1st batch: Un-tsa, un-tsa, un-tsa, un-tsa!
2nd batch: Tumba-qui-tumba-qua!!

3rd game: Spiers-wili-wadze-tumba-quili!!!
4th batch: Anniversary! Do not regret gifts!

Anniversary cake

Everyone has been waiting for this guest
They even refused compote!
Louder, louder applause!
Such a sweet moment!

To the music, they bring out a cake with candles. The guests sing "Happy birthday to you!", the hero of the day blows out the candles.

Dear birthday girl!
Delicious pie boldly cut,
Serve fragrant tea.

Competition "Farewell Dance"

Presenter: I invite everyone to the most beautiful evening waltz! This is both a dance and a competition at the same time! The couple with the longest flame wins!

Music begins, and sparklers are distributed to each couple. The winners are awarded a bottle of wine with a photo of the hero of the day.

So the festive evening ended
Let those candles flicker through the years.
On the whole Earth you will not find another such
Romantic, wise, young,
harmonious and happy
And besides, stunningly beautiful!
Dear mother, do not be sad at all,
For the years that have gone, do not be offended!
Look bravely, with joy
The calendar sheets!
Fate has planned for you
Realize dreams!
And always remember, dear,
For us, you twinkle like a star!
We wish well-being to all
And we invite you to the next anniversary!

The slow favorite song of the birthday girl sounds and fireworks-fountains are lit.

Anniversary props

  1. Festively decorated book of wishes;
  2. Minus the song "Conversation with Happiness" (from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession") and a text for guests;
  3. Competitions: cards with descriptions of guests, a wizard's hat, colored paper, pens, a few scissors, a bottle of champagne;
  4. Musical cutting from the dances of the world;
  5. Attributes of the choir: ties, bow ties, as well as caps, false mustaches;
  6. Bengal fires, fireworks-fountains.

Mom's birthday video

Of course, it would be best to prepare your own script for the anniversary of your mother or grandmother, but I hope our example helped you draw up a structure for organizing a holiday for yourself and peep a couple of interesting competitions.

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