Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich last illness. Mikhail Zadornov suffered from severe pain before his death


Mikhail Zadornov died. Writer, satirist, journalist, presenter. A man who over the course of several decades created a cultural code that was imprinted on the subcortex of several generations. A man whom, it seems, anyone, without hesitation, was ready to let into his home - he was so at home.

A little over a year ago, viewers and friends of the writer noticed that Zadornov looks very bad. The assumptions were the most terrible. Mikhail Nikolayevich himself hid for a long time what was happening to him, but in October last year he nevertheless admitted that he had cancer.

According to media reports, doctors discovered the disease when it was already at the last stage. For a year, Mikhail Zadornov fought for his life: he underwent an operation to remove a brain tumor, he underwent a course of chemotherapy. But, unfortunately, the disease too quickly claimed the life of an artist beloved by many.

As the co-chairman of the Union of Patients of Russia, neurologist Yan Vlasov, previously told Life, tumors of the central nervous system, tumors of the head, especially those located in the skull area, are very difficult to diagnose. Until the doctor "feels" it himself, there is always the possibility that the diagnosis is actually different.

There are cases when the tumor "hangs" for years, and then one fine day it grows three times, and the person can die, he added.

Most likely, Mikhail Zadornov had glioblastoma - this is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. On average, they live with her from nine months to a year, says oncologist surgeon Konstantin Titov.

As the doctor said, unfortunately, malignant tumors are almost always asymptomatic in the initial stages. Especially - education in the brain.

Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, it has a small free space, - said Konstantin Titov. - Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushes the brain tissue apart. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

The oncologist recalled which stars had or have the same disease: singer Zhanna Friske, actor Valery Zolotukhin and others. They also had brain tumors.

- A brain tumor is a fatal tumor. The patient has virtually no chance of a full recovery. We know that the singer Zhanna Friske was treated for a long time with the most modern medicines by the best specialists in Europe and America. Alas, her life could not be saved. Even an operation often does not give any guarantee - the tumor may grow again. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. If we can at least assume what causes lung cancer (most often smoking), then in the case of brain oncology, this is just fate, said Konstantin Titov.

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a popularly beloved satirist, humorist, actor and member of the Writers' Union of Russia. He has more than ten books to his credit, including lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travelogues and plays.

Today, November 10, 2017, it became known about the sad news: 09. 11. 2017 (according to some sources 10. 11.) Russian satirist writer, humorist Mikhail Zadornov died in Moscow.

Actor, comedian-satirist, writer and simply smart talented person Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov (born in 1948) suffered from cancer. At the end of 2016, Zadornov was operated on. According to relatives and relatives, a brain biopsy helped to significantly improve the artist's condition.

From what disease did Zadornov die at the age of 70? Zadornov did not talk about what he was sick with ... Later, information appeared that the artist had brain cancer. For help, Zadornov turned to European luminaries (in the oncology department of the Berlin clinic "Charite" he had a brain biopsy). And then Zadornov warned fans and journalists: it was useless to look for him - he would be treated in the Baltic States, in one of the private clinics in Jurmala he had an operation, a course of chemotherapy and a number of recovery procedures. However, despite temporary success, it turned out that all the efforts of doctors did not bring results.

As it became known in June, he decided to abandon the procedures, which he called exhausting and useless, in order to be in the circle of his relatives.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Zadornov converted to Orthodoxy and took unction:

A few months before his death, Zadornov switched from neo-paganism to Orthodoxy, choosing Archpriest Andrei Novikov as his confessor. In September, he confessed at the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. And on November 8, at the request of the satirist's relatives and friends, Novikov unctioned him.

Before his death, Mikhail Zadornov ordered to bury him in his homeland, in the same grave with his father, and to support the Nikolai Zadornov Riga Library.


On Zadornov's VKontakte page, where in the last months of his life, the satirist's fans left him thousands of wishes for recovery and warm words of support, the comments were closed. His secret concert is also located there - in the Nest of the Capercaillie. A group of admirers of his work continues to function.

From what disease Zadornov died - Latest news about Mikhail Zadornov

The famous artist Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich died in Moscow at the age of 70. In October last year, Mikhail was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. According to experts, oncology of this kind is difficult to diagnose and, as a rule, the disease is detected when nothing can be done.

Most likely, Mikhail Zadornov had glioblastoma - this is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. On average, she lives with her from 9 months to a year, reads Konstantin Titov, an oncologist surgeon.

The doctor says: “Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it. Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushes the brain tissue apart. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

A brain tumor is a fatal tumor. The patient has virtually no chance of a full recovery. We know that the singer Zhanna Friske was treated for a long time with the most modern medicines by the best specialists in Europe and America - alas, her life could not be saved. Even an operation often does not give any guarantee - the tumor may grow again. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. If we can even guess what causes lung cancer (most often smoking), then in the case of brain oncology, this is simply fate.

From brain cancer died: Zhanna Friske and Valery Zolotukhin. Despite modern and expensive methods of treatment, the artists could not save their lives.

Short biography of Mikhail Zadornov: Creativity and personal life (family, children)

Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala, Latvia. He was a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. During his life, he wrote more than ten books in the genre of lyrical and satirical stories, travel notes, and essays. The satirist was very popular among Russians. His concerts were full houses. Zadornov was widely known for his criticism of Western culture and lifestyle.

In 1982, Zadornov made his television debut with the monologue "A Student's Letter Home" about the misadventures of an unlucky student. Two years later, he appeared in the program "Around Laughter" with the monologue "The Ninth Car". It was this life sketch of how two wagons with the same number were mistakenly attached to the next train to Hungary, which later became Zadornov's hallmark.

In the late eighties, Mikhail Zadornov began working as the author of humorous texts for other artists. Many well-known comedians, including Yevgeny Petrosyan, spoke with his monologues, and Zadornov himself regularly shared new observations with his characteristic irony in the new issues of Laughter Panorama, Full House and Satirical Forecast.

A peculiar indicator of the artist's popularity was the fact that on December 31, 1991, it was Mikhail Zadornov, and not Boris Yeltsin, who had not yet had time to assume presidential powers instead of Mikhail Gorbachev, congratulated the inhabitants of the collapsed state.

In the nineties, he also tried himself as a screenwriter and film actor. One of Zadornov's most famous works was the film "I Want Your Husband", filmed in 1992 according to his own script.

A year earlier, he also appeared in the Latvian film Depression with a cameo role as an official, as well as in Viktor Sergeev's film Genius (cameo).

In 2012, Mikhail Zadornov made a pseudo-documentary film “Rurik. Lost true story”, which was later shown by the REN-TV channel.

Since the beginning of the 2010s, Mikhail Zadornov has established contact with fans of his work through the Internet. In addition to the official website, the satirist maintained a blog on LiveJournal, a Youtube channel (Zador TV) and his VKontakte page.

In 2016, Mikhail Zadornov, Alexey Kortnev and Dmitry Kolchin became co-hosts of the author's satirical program "Saltykov-Shchedrin Show". In the airtime, the presenters and guests joked about incidents from real life.

Family life Zadornov

Mikhail Zadornov was officially married once: his wife, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, the daughter of a high-ranking Latvian politician, studied with him at the same school, then was his classmate at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Young people met for several years, and in the spring of 1971 they got married.

Relations in the family went wrong when the artist's career began to rapidly gain momentum. Then Mikhail Zadornov began dating Elena Bombina - with a girl who was 16 years younger than him, and they met at one of his performances (she was the administrator at that festival) in the late 80s.

Subsequently, the woman became his common-law wife. In 1990, Mikhail and Elena had a daughter - Elena Zadornova, the only child of Zadornov. Having inherited her father's artistic genes, she graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI).

The most interesting and funny. Enjoy watching! :)

Mind Russia never! Look Concert of Mikhail Zadornov 2017

Mikhail Zadornov about the Russian national character, which gives rise to our non-logic. It is thanks to this mind that Russia never!

Secret concert of Mikhail Zadornov in the Capercaillie's Nest

Zadornov Concert "Beige oranges"

Concert of Mikhail Zadornov from January 1, 2016! Laughter at the end of the tunnel.

Concert of Mikhail Zadornov from January 1, 2016! Laughter at the end of the tunnel is a fresh collection of bright and bright impressions of Mikhail Zadornov. Summary:
1) Mikhail Zadornov about the New Year.
2) Education reform. Facedesk and the secretary makes an assessment. Managers.
3) Sanctions. Why do we live badly?
4) No, and some kakers. The half-dead must be skipped! A new collection of quotes from the written work of schoolchildren.
5) Malakhov and Kandelaki. Popular TV shows.
6) How our people are kidding
7) Musical pause - Natalia Moskvina.
8) Mikhail Zadornov about politics, news and events. Zadornov about Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. Evgenia Vasilyeva and Anatoly Serdyukov - plunderers of the Motherland.
9) The ruble is falling! Sayings of officials.
10) The situation with Turkey. History of relations between Russia and Turkey.
11) The situation in Ukraine - Saakashvili and his pants backwards. Ancient people of Ukraine.
12) How the USSR helped countries gain independence.
13) Zadornov about America and about Donald Trump.
14) Mikhail Zadornov on the politics of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Mongolia.

Egyptian nights. Watch Concert of Mikhail Zadornov

Once upon a time, very, very long ago, I decided to climb on the Sinai Peninsula to the top of the mountain, where, according to legend, Moses received commandments from the Almighty. None of the TV people believed that such a topic could be of interest to the audience in the hall. But the figures for the nasty word "rating" showed that the TV producers, unlike me, were wrong. The telecast was broadcast on Channel 2, and then on REN TV a very long time ago. Judging by what is happening in the world, I consider it necessary to post it on my YouTube channel right now.

Fresh concert of Mikhail Zadornov from 4.11.2015! New jokes by Mikhail Zadornov on current topics, vitamins of knowledge for those who are ready to accept them, as well as fresh observations and reflections.

New concert by Mikhail Zadornov "It seems that everything is not as bad as it seems" 2015! New jokes about education reform, quotes from the writings of young people, jokes of young people living on the Internet. Zadornov's new story "Ruble Predictions".

Mikhail Zadornov. Concert "It seems that everything is not as bad as it seems", 01.05.15
New book titles are waiting for you, understandable to young people, Zadornov's fresh jokes about officials. A story about how all Hollywood films are made.
Philosophical observation of Mikhail Zadornov about people from the past century and the present century.
The concert is attended by Brandon Stone, Marina Orlova and Sonya Fisenko.

Zadornovosti 2014 - the newest concert of Mikhail Zadornov in 2015! Zadornov's fresh jokes on current topics: corruption in Russia, officials, deputies, merchants, businessmen, gays and the European Union, the USA and Psaki, Ukraine, world news.

Behind the scenes. Preparing for the concert.
Why Zadornov does not make fun of latecomers.
About the Olympics in Sochi, sports officials, commentators.
Only here, in Russia:
- a snowplow shot down a plane;
- a man stole an electric train;
- an ATM was robbed in the Duma, etc.
The laws that the "tatupeds" proposed.
Serdyukov and the thief cat.
About gays and the European Union.
About Ukraine.
Perky 2014.
B. Stone.
World news 2018.
Rulers insulting Russia for centuries.
Slavs are a sunny people.
NATO members and mounting.
Psaki and sanctions.

Mikhail Zadornov "New Year's perky anniversary" STS, part 1

Mikhail Zadornov "New Year's perky anniversary" STS, part 2

Mikhail Zadornov. Concert at the Capercaillie's Nest 13.09.14

Zadornov 2014 Watch the concert: Don't let yourself stall.

Broadcast on REN-TV 01/01/2014
Do not let yourself stall - a fresh concert by Mikhail Zadornov in 2014. You will find sparkling humor above the belt, intelligent jokes by Mikhail Zadornov, which an educated viewer will appreciate. However, Zadornov's concert will also appeal to those who came just to "neigh", "to have a good time", those who know how to laugh at themselves.
Watch on the official channel of Mikhail Nikolaevich

Zadornov 2014 Concert: Don't let yourself be pokemon.

Broadcast on REN-TV 01/04/2014
Mikhail Zadornov "Don't let yourself be pokemon!", 2014. In this concert, Mikhail Zadornov calls on the audience to resist the destruction of our education and the oblivion of our history. Zadornov's speeches are energizing and carry a moral call to good deeds. Zadornov allows viewers to look at problems in life from a different point of view, to laugh at the problem. Without a sense of humor it is difficult to live in the world. The intelligent humor of Mikhail Zadornov helps us overcome difficulties and at the same time maintain good spirits and a perky mood.
Also in the concert "Do not let yourself be pokemon" will be heard the stories of Mikhail Zadornov, which have not previously been read from the stage.

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Tags: Zadornov the best, 2017, 2016, 2015, Zadornov watch concerts, videos.

Mikhail Zadornov is a popular satirist who was known and loved not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Zadornov's monologues have always been topical, full of subtle irony, and their heroes are perfectly recognizable in everyday life, therefore all the satirist's speeches invariably scattered into quotes, gathered many spectators and were held with great success.

When did the career of this bright satirist begin and what was his path to the big stage? Our article, entirely devoted to one of the best comedians on the modern Russian stage, will help you find out all this.

Family, childhood and youth

Mikhail Zadornov was born in the Latvian resort city of Jurmala. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, was a writer specializing mainly in historical subjects. Mom - Elena Melkhiorovna Matusevich - came from an old noble family, was a housewife.

Even at school, the future satirist began to seriously get involved in theater. According to some of his acquaintances, in one of the children's performances, young Mikhail so masterfully played the role of a turnip that he was repeatedly pulled out "for an encore". The next role was a costumed bear in a production based on Ostrovsky's "Profitable Place" - his character had no words, but Mikhail growled so convincingly that he was invited to the drama club on a permanent basis.

Despite the success in the acting field, after school, Mikhail Zadornov decided to enter the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, as there was a good handball team, and the future satirist was fascinated by this game from an early age. However, his further sports career did not work out - once in training he fell and broke his meniscus.

creative path

Zadornov wrote his debut literary work (the unpublished story "Intersection Point") at the age of 18, having been on an expedition to the Kuril Islands (the plot was based on the impressions of the trip). Alas, the story did not impress the editors of the magazine and was not published.

In 1969, Zadornov transferred to the second year of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which he graduated in 1974 with a degree in mechanical engineering, along the way having received an offer from the management to remain at the MAI as an employee. Mikhail agreed, but rather not because of the prospects of becoming a researcher, but for the sake of the Rossiya youth theater at the Moscow Aviation Institute, to which he devoted a substantial part of his student body: he was an actor, he himself acted as a playwright and director. Under his leadership, the theater became famous in the Soviet republics and was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. The life of Mikhail Zadornov was connected with "Russia" until 1980.

The first publications of Zadornov saw the light in 1974. The satirist was published as part of the Yunost magazine, and in 1984 he headed its department of satire and humor. However, already in 1985 he left the post, devoting himself to his own literary career.

The first performance of Zadornov. "Student Letter Home" (1982)

In 1982, Zadornov made his television debut with the monologue "A Student's Letter Home" about the misadventures of an unlucky student. Two years later, he appeared in the program "Around Laughter" with the monologue "The Ninth Car". It was this life sketch of how two wagons with the same number were mistakenly attached to the next train to Hungary, which later became Zadornov's hallmark.

Mikhail Zadornov - The Ninth Carriage (1984)

The audience also fell in love with the then-daring monologue “Open Letter to the General Secretary” - about the preparation of the leadership of a small town for the visit of the Secretary General of the USSR. The very fact that this work, full of satire, was voiced from a television screen, signaled changes in the socio-political life of the country. However, the feuilleton firmly settled in Zadornov's repertoire and sounded just as relevant even after many years.

In the late eighties, Mikhail Zadornov began working as the author of humorous texts for other artists. Many well-known comedians spoke with his monologues, including Evgeny Petrosyan, and Zadornov himself regularly shared new observations with his characteristic irony in the new issues of Laughter Panorama, Full House and Satirical Forecast.

Mikhail Zadornov on the differences between Americans and Russians

In 1988, the first collection of Zadornov's stories, "A Line 15,000 Meters Long", was published as part of the anthology "Crocodile Library". The collection "The Mystery of the Blue Planet" published next was released in a circulation of 100 thousand copies.

A peculiar indicator of the popularity of the artist was the fact that on December 31, 1991, it was Mikhail Zadornov, and not Boris Yeltsin, who had not yet had time to assume presidential powers instead of Mikhail Gorbachev, congratulated the inhabitants of the collapsed state on the New Year.

Despite the fact that in his speeches the humorist often “applied” the leadership of the country and the president himself, this did not prevent him from getting an apartment in the “nomenklatura” house on Osennaya Street, where Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, head of the presidential security Alexander Korzhakov and other high-ranking officials. The fact is that the satirist often played tennis with Yeltsin and managed to make a good impression on the president.

In the nineties, he also tried himself as a screenwriter and film actor. One of Zadornov's most famous works was the film "I Want Your Husband", filmed in 1992 according to his own script. Only three actors appeared in the tape; in addition to Mikhail Nikolaevich, Ekaterina Voronina and Anna Dubrovskaya were involved in the shooting. According to the plot, a young beauty Oksana appears to a woman named Elena, who is preparing to celebrate a porcelain wedding, and offers to buy out Elena's husband, who, as it turned out, has been cheating on his wife for many years. Recognizable "Zadornov's" dialogues and a subtly conveyed imprint of the outgoing era provided the film with recognition and love of the audience.

A year earlier, he also appeared in the Latvian film Depression with a cameo role as an official, as well as in Viktor Sergeev's film Genius (cameo).

1997 was marked by the release of a four-volume edition, which included the best works of the satirist at that time. Since 2000, every year Zadornov presented to the public at least two or three new concert programs. He invariably went on stage in a suit and with papers in his hands, and after the concert he showed the audience his stretch, standing on the twine, or walked on his hands. His schedule of performances was, without exaggeration, crazy: once he had to give as many as 8 concerts in one day.

American Stupidity (2016)

In the early 2000s, the "American" theme became the leitmotif of Zadornov's speeches. Zadornov's trademark phrase "Well, stupid!" and is heard to this day. After the scandal with discrimination against the Russian Olympic team at the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, the satirist defiantly canceled an American visa. Subsequently, “amateur etymology” appeared in his repertoire, as well as frequent criticism of Russian education, the Unified State Examination and the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko in particular.

Mikhail Zadornov on the Unified State Exam and education reform

In 2012, Mikhail Zadornov made a pseudo-documentary film “Rurik. Lost true story”, which was later shown by the REN-TV channel. The tape told about the confrontation between the supporters of the "Norman theory" and those who argued that the Vikings could not rule Russia. His work was criticized, arguing that in recent years it was this pseudo-historical and openly politicized approach that began to prevail in the work of the pop satirist.

Film by Mikhail Zadornov "Rurik. Lost Reality"

Since the beginning of the 2010s, Zadornov has maintained contact with fans of his work via the Internet. In addition to the official website, the satirist maintained a blog on LiveJournal, a Youtube channel (Zador TV) and his VKontakte page. A fairly large part of the satirist's repertoire consisted of the so-called "observers" - notes from life sent by readers.

In 2016, Mikhail Zadornov, Alexey Kortnev and Dmitry Kolchin became co-hosts of the author's satirical program "Saltykov-Shchedrin Show". In the airtime, the presenters and guests joked about incidents from real life.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

In his life, Mikhail Zadornov was officially married only once. His wife, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, the daughter of a high-ranking Latvian politician, studied with him at the same school, then was his classmate at the Moscow Aviation Institute. A beautiful and smart girl knew her worth, and therefore Mikhail had to win her heart for a long time. Young people met for a long time, and in the spring of 1971 they got married.

Relations in a young family went wrong at a time when the artist's career began to rapidly gain momentum. At that moment, Mikhail Zadornov began dating Elena Bombina - with a girl who was 16 years younger than the satirist, he met at one of his performances (she was the administrator at that festival) in the late 80s.

Subsequently, she became his common-law wife. In 1990, Mikhail and Elena had a daughter, Elena Zadornova, the only child of Zadornov. Having inherited her father's artistic genes, she graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI). Zadornov was a vegetarian for many years

Zadornov also spoke about supporting the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement, which promotes the ideology of the so-called "family estates" - plots of land no less than a hectare in size, on which members of the same family can equip their home in accordance with the rules of the eco-community.

Death of Mikhail Zadornov

In the fall of 2016, Mikhail Zadornov admitted to having serious health problems, due to which he had to leave the program "Saltykov-Shchedrin Show" and cancel concerts in the far corners of the country. He did not advertise the name of the disease, but very soon Andrei Malakhov, in his program, inadvertently declassified the satirist's illness - it turned out that Zadornov had brain cancer. Mikhail Nikolayevich did not deny the information, but asked the fans not to make a fuss, adding that he was undergoing chemotherapy and trying to follow the precepts of Daria Dontsova: “The main thing is not to give up and keep yourself in good shape!”.

On October 23, Mikhail Zadornov became ill during a performance at the Meridian Palace of Culture. He was taken away by ambulance right from the concert. Doctors recorded an epileptic seizure on a nervous basis in a man.

At the beginning of 2017, Regina Dubovitskaya spoke about the state of the satirist, who said that Zadornov had undergone a serious operation and a long course of treatment awaited him. “He really wants to return to the audience and delight his fans with books,” she added.

Unfortunately, the treatment did not help, as did the conversion to the Orthodox faith (in early November, Michael was unction in the capital's Church of the Life-Giving Trinity). November 10, 2017 Mikhail Zadornov passed away. He was 69 years old.

Before his death, Mikhail Zadornov ordered to bury him in his homeland, in the same grave with his father, and to support the Nikolai Zadornov Riga Library.

On Zadornov's VKontakte page, where in the last months of his life, the satirist's fans left him thousands of wishes for recovery and warm words of support, the comments were closed. His secret concert is also located there - in the Nest of the Capercaillie. A group of admirers of his work continues to function. On November 15, Mikhail Nikolayevich was buried at the Jaundubulti cemetery in Jurmala.

A friend of the late Mikhail Zadornov, Vladimir Kachan, whom he spoke about more than once in interviews and his books, told reporters about how the satirist courageously fought against oncology. The writer himself and his relatives tried not to share such information with the public, not wanting to draw too much attention to their problems. According to rumors, a few months before his death, Zadornov turned to a famous healer.

Vladimir Kachan confirmed that the satirist really tried non-traditional methods of treatment, but was disappointed in them. A famous healer came to Zadornov, who managed to help Philip Yankovsky. According to rumors, the specialist even advised Mikhail Gorbachev. But he failed to find an approach to Mikhail Nikolayevich.

“We decided that such treatment would not bring harm to Zadornov. As they say, attempt is not torture. The healer came to the hospital, made passes over Misha's head with his hands, and talked about his eminent patients. At some point, Zadornov could not stand it and whispered: “Listen, in my opinion, he drives!” .. I hoped to the end. If Misha has not lost the ability to joke, then we will get out. But ... the miracle did not happen, ”the writer’s friend shared.

Kachan also remembered how his friend's illness began. According to the artist, the development of a serious illness was provoked by a head injury received by Zadornov while skiing in the Alps. Maxim Galkin and other friends rested with him then. When Mikhail Nikolaevich suddenly disappeared, his acquaintances were seriously worried. The satirist was found only three hours later. The right side of Zadornov's face was swollen, and he had to go to a Swiss hospital.

Having learned about the terrible diagnosis, Mikhail Nikolaevich went to Germany to see a famous surgeon who performed an operation on him. The writer was promised that everything would be fine. However, three months later, a new tumor began to grow in him. “She turned off body parts in parts: her legs and arms stopped obeying ... Only the brain worked to the last,” Kachan said.

Relatives of Zadornov believed to the end that he would be able to overcome the disease. The writer showed those around him a cheerful mood. Both beloved women of the satirist - the ex-wife of Velt and the current chosen one Elena - were on duty near his bed, replacing each other.

“Their common grief united them. Misha left hard. Only the closest people, literally a few people, knew about this. The rest were told that he had gone to Riga for treatment. They said this so that no one bothered him. In fact, in recent weeks, my friend has been fading away in a rehabilitation center near Moscow, ”recalls Kachan.

Maxim Galkin visited an old friend and shared news with them. During one of his last visits, Zadornov was already quite weak. The TV presenter, who considered Mikhail Nikolayevich his friend, understood that he did not have much time left.

“At the very end, Misha experienced severe pain and suffered a lot. (...) For the past few weeks, Zadornov has been in a coma. I brought a priest I knew, whom I had difficulty persuading him to give unction. Other priests did not agree, remembering that Misha liked to call himself a pagan. Father Andrei also initially refused, ”shared a friend of the writer.

Recently, Vladimir Kachan found out that Zadornov wrote a will, the magazine reports. "Caravan of stories". The last will of the satirist should be made public this spring.

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