Life phrases from films. Beautiful phrases from films


The assembly included famous quotes and beautiful phrases from films:

  • I've been chasing you for three days to tell you how indifferent I am to you. Ordinary miracle
  • The most important thing is your life - and it is too short. And too long to walk it alone - fight for your love to the end. Musketeers
  • I love you without knowing why, why, how and from where. Fixing the Adams
  • Everything I do, I do for you. All that is special about me… is you.” Great Expectations
  • I'm like a dog who saw a rainbow. Only other dogs don't believe me. Kate and Leo
  • The main thing in this life is to find your own and calm down. I don't get hurt
  • I was born to kiss you
  • If I knew when I saw you in last time that this is the last time, I would try to remember your face, your walk, everything connected with you. And if I knew the last time I kissed you, that this is the last time, I would never stop. Friends
  • Success is achieved by the one who has a fire in his heart! crazy horse racing
  • If the feeling of love and duty are one and the same, then this is a real blessing. Painted veil
  • Do you know what would make me happy?! Knowing that all this time that I loved you, your feeling for me was real. Vampire Diaries
  • And you wanted to laugh and cry because you felt so happy and scared at the same time that the vision disappeared in an instant... Never kissed
  • Anyone who is looking for his own path must understand that at the beginning there will always be a crossroads ... Thor
  • No matter how far you are, my love will find you." Where Dreams Lead
  • I try to find something pleasant in everyone, even if small detail. Someone can smile pleasantly. There must be something in everyone. Chloe
  • When you pay for a man, you don't have to laugh at his jokes. Sullivan's Journey
  • The problem with time is not lack of it, but the fact that it cannot be returned back. The sky has seen everything
  • Love is when, having lost a soul mate, you realize that this is not a soul mate. This is all one hundred percent ... And it would be better to die than to lose love. Film: It'll be a good hunt
  • He loves me, Harold. He loves me - and this is the most precious thing. Moulin rouge
  • I think I will miss you even in paradise... Little women
  • You never know what awaits you. The main thing is not to give up. Fighter
  • You can erase love from memory. Throw out of the heart - that's another story. " Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • It doesn't matter how people meet. They may be completely different worlds never walk the same paths, but one day they collide and their lives change." Chase
  • Finding a reason for joy is much more difficult than for sadness. People love themselves too much and that's why they suffer. Who will enter the last car
  • It is not given to us to change what happens to us, but we can react differently to events. It is you again
  • Can't fall in love? But life without love is just awful. Moulin rouge
  • My ship is incomparable and proud. And it's almost huge! And he… swam away. Pirates caribbean On the edge of the world
  • Never say never. You can always start over. choristers
  • I don't need tomorrow if you're not around. A fight with a shadow
  • One day you'll know what it is real love she is both bitter and sweet; I think the bitterness is in order to better appreciate the sweetness.” Vanilla Sky
  • Mom says that love is like a bus - the next one will definitely come. We just have to wait." lonely man
  • Defeat is a choice! Victory too. You will only lose if you choose to do so! Tekken
  • Love is when you don't have to say sorry. Love story
  • You only face real loss when you lose someone or something that you love more than yourself.” It will be a good hunt.
  • How great it would be if a prompter sat in every basement window and prompted a biting answer. Then even the most timid person would know what to say. Amelie
  • Fear has great power - it takes away your freedom of choice. Now you let fear decide for you, and then the same fear will again make you change your mind. You don't have to do anything out of fear. Sea inside”
  • Every step, every deed, even the most thoughtful, may turn out to be wrong. Either way, it's better than standing still. Brownie
  • Will you love me until the end of my days? - Not. I will love you until the end of my days. Phenomenon
  • Living is good. Love Formula
  • You just have to try. If you don't try, you'll be wasting your life. Meet Joe Black
  • If you are a person, then love a person, and not some incorporeal dream. Love Formula
  • The more you love, the more you lose your sense of reality! Twilight
  • There is no price for the feeling of love - only one life ... Juno and Avos
  • I know you have no past - let me offer you a future. Angel-A
  • Having chosen you, I will spit on my homeland. I'll change her. But spitting on you - I will change my heart ... I will destroy love. masked man
  • I love you Harry. Thanks to you, I feel like a man. Requiem for a Dream
  • All that is special about me... is you. Great Expectations
  • I did not understand how much I love my home when I did not leave somewhere for a long time. Juneau
  • If she were old and scary, wouldn't it be so bad? Amelie

The selection includes the most beautiful phrases from films: about love, life, beauty, the meaning of life...

Throughout life, a person learns a lot of information, the sources of which he does not always manage to remember. This can be illustrated by the fact that most people in everyday life use movie quotes in conversation without even thinking about it. At the same time, they may not be familiar with this picture, its plot. Where, then, were they heard certain phrases, idioms and why are they stuck so deep in their memory?

Humorous quotes

It's nice to meet a person with an excellent sense of humor who can joke endlessly. In his inexhaustible supply are funny phrases that strike on the spot. Very often they are quotes from films that they once watched.

But they reach us funny sayings not only after watching this or that movie, but also as a result of communication. By exchanging information, a person catches and remembers what he needs or is most interested in. So in the lexicon there are jokes that were previously heard in popular films.

And foreign cinema has sunk into people's souls so much that they are increasingly using them in life. In this way, bringing zest to communication.

Are in great demand funny expressions from the good old films that were first heard from the lips of your favorite movie characters. Thanks to this, they are filled with goodness and will always be reminded of them.

You can cheer up, laugh a lot by reading just a few phrases that were voiced in the cinema by your favorite actors.

life words

People love to quote phrases from films, after they understand their meaning, to face the situation that the movie character lived while saying them. Probably, every person has a film that he is ready to watch again and again, as well as words from it filled with deepest meaning. Some people do not pay any attention to them while watching, while for others they cut into memory.

Catch phrases with meaning are mostly laconic statements of heroes about friendship, love, family, society, being. They can sound in reasoning in which the movie character is trying to find the answer. Every film is separate story, and the ability to break it into lines that are filled with a certain meaning.

Quotes from movies are quite common in real life. They are used to give useful advice to convince the interlocutor of something. Most famous phrases, imbued with meaning, involuntarily penetrate into our vocabulary and are thoroughly fixed in it.

Despite the fact that every year a huge number of filmed by both domestic and foreign directors are released for hire, quotes from them do not diverge to the people like after watching an old movie. Therefore, it is the phrases from them that are most often heard.

There are funny expressions, words with meaning not only in the vocabulary of people who have seen life. The younger generation also uses them, which adopted famous phrases from their parents, read them on the Internet.

To date, the category of movie quotes is very popular. This is evidenced by requests to search engines. In the category you can find funny expressions in which there are both notes of kindness and sarcasm, phrases filled with the deepest meaning, which are difficult to perceive the first time, as well as many others.

Quotes from films that have already become winged can be re-read without getting tired. They have many benefits that are important to derive, and, at times, they can solve further fate person.

Many films go almost unnoticed for us, but quotes from them are remembered for a long time, others, on the contrary, leave an indelible imprint on our hearts, but individual statements are quickly forgotten. Today we remember the most beautiful, sentimental and unfair forgotten quotes one of the films that everyone has seen.

“One day you will know what true love is, it is both bitter and sweet; I think the bitterness is in order to better appreciate the sweetness.”

("Vanilla Sky", Cameron Crowe)

“It’s easier to become a victim of a terrorist than to get married after 40.

It is not true!

It's a statistic."

(Sleepless in Seattle, Nora Ephron)

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

("When Harry Met Sally" by Rob Reiner)

“There will be poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love is the main thing. Not an artificial shadow of love, but love that transforms life. Spontaneous, rebellious, like a heart attack. It will come - and either death or delight.

("Shakespeare in Love", John Madden)

“If you are a person, then love a person, and not some ethereal dream.”

(“Formula of Love”, Mark Zakharov)

“A man without a woman runs wild: a few days of loneliness - and he stops shaving, washing, purring like an animal. It took a man several million years to come to civilization, and you can return to the Neanderthal state in six days.

("Love lives for three years", Frederic Begbeder)

“Maybe we can go back? Will we be born again? It's the only thing we can't have here. Find each other... over and over. Fall in love. Make other decisions. Try again.

How can I find you?

I found you in hell Do you think I can't find you in Jersey?"

("Where Dreams May Come" by Vincent Ward)

“We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing through the windows to the women we love.”

("Irony of Fate or S light steam!", Eldar Ryazanov)

“Fear has great power - it takes away your freedom of choice. Now you let fear decide for you, and then the same fear will again make you change your mind. You don't have to do anything out of fear."

("The Sea Within", Alejandro Amenabar)

“It doesn't matter how people meet. They may be from completely different worlds, never walk the same paths, but one day they collide and their lives change.”

("The Chase", Adam Rifkin)

"We were together - I forgot the whole world."

("Sorry for Love", Federico Moccia)

“If a woman wants something, then she must certainly give it, otherwise she will take it herself.”

(“The Man from Boulevard des Capucines”, Alla Surikova)

“If Amelie decided to dream and live in her closed world, this is her right. For to break one's own life is an inalienable human right.

("Amelie", Jean-Pierre Jeunet)

“And what are we going to do?

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