Sayings of famous artists. Aphorisms and quotes about art and culture


In order to become a good artist, you even have to sleep with an album and a pencil. It is necessary to draw and draw from life.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi

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The picture is a song without words.

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon

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Painting is a quiet art, and this, in my opinion, is its considerable merit.

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The art of drawing and painting itself are nothing but tools that contribute to literature and, consequently, to the enlightenment of the people.

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov

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Painting is quite concrete art, it can only be an image of really existing things. It is the language of nature, the language of the visible world. What we do not see, non-existent and abstract, does not belong to the field of painting.

Gustave Courbet

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The portrait should be a picture and a characterization of the face.

Ilya Efimovich Repin

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Paint a picture, every part of which is equally important.

Chuck Close

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The picture carries no more message or meaning to us than a wonderful piece of Venetian glass or a blue tile from a Damascus wall: it is only a beautifully painted surface.

Oscar Wilde

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If they say about the picture: “It can be seen that they did a good job on it,” it means that it is not finished.

James Whistler

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Painting cannot be smelled.

Harmens Van Rijn Rembrandt

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Painting lasts in its own way.

Martin Heidegger

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Painting is the most beautiful of all arts, it combines all sensations, at the sight of it, everyone can create a novel at the behest of his imagination, with the help of one glance, fill the soul with the deepest memories, no effort on the part of memory - everything is captured in an instant.

Paul Gauguin

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Regimes that oppose "degenerate" painting rarely destroy paintings: they hide them, and there is a kind of "who knows" in this, which turns almost into recognition.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Each of my paintings should say something, at least that's why I write them.

Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin

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If a picture excites talk, and even lively, it means that there is something in it, therefore, art can play a role of a somewhat higher order than the decoration and fun of life.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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The idea of ​​a universal, total, fully realized painting is meaningless.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Do not allow the price of a painting to determine the value of the painting, there will be time, the painting itself will determine its price.

John Ruskin

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Give me my umbrella - I'm going to see Constable's paintings.

Henry Fuseli

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In painting, who, having drawn a face, adds something else, he makes a picture, not a portrait.

Blaise Pascal

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Painting is the art of expressing the invisible through the visible.

Eugene Fromentin

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Only a sense of responsibility gives strength to the artist and multiplies his strength tenfold, only a mental atmosphere, native to him, healthy for him, can raise a person to pathos and high spirits, and only the confidence that the work of an artist is both necessary and dear to society helps to ripen exotic plants called paintings. And only such pictures will be the pride of the tribe, and contemporaries, and descendants.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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It's not about learning to draw, it's about learning to think.


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Appearance in the picture has no value in itself and must depend entirely on the idea.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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This lady can already choose for herself whom she impresses.

Faina Ranevskaya

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Painting is capable of inventing reality without seeing it.

Roland Bart

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From all of us painting schools, regardless of their character, will always demand that their works excite the soul, elevate and enlighten the mind.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

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A painting that does not follow the canons of nature becomes a grotesque.

John Dryden

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I love women with my brush.

Auguste Renoir

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The painter's world is almost the world of a lunatic, because it is completely complete and whole, while being only partial. An artist's vision is a kind of continuous birth. Depth is the third dimension derived from the other two.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Painting allows you to see things as they once were, when they were looked at with love.

Paul Valery

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The artist always leaves too many paintings. He has one serious enemy - his own bad paintings.

Henri Matisse

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Mankind has always cherished those works of art, where possible completeness drama expressed human heart or simply the inner character of a person. Often the image of one character alone is enough for the name of the artist to remain in the history of art.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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Successive actions cannot, as such, become the objects of painting, it must be content with simultaneous actions or bodies that, by their position, make it presuppose action.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

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Each work of sculpture or painting must express some great rule of life, must teach, otherwise it will be mute.

Denis Diderot

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Painting! I am ready to repeat this word to the point of exhaustion, it has a strong influence on me, this word is my electric spark, when I pronounce it, I turn into some kind of internal shaking. In talking about her, I ignite to the last degree.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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Painting is a cross between thought and thing.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The world of colors is opposed to the world of meanings.

Jean Baudrillard

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Genuinely good painting enchants us until others begin to praise her.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

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The art of Picasso is a powerful religious temptation, a test of faith. Picasso is terrible because he is demonically authentic.

Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov

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A worthless painting is a work of nothingness.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

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Without an idea there is no art, but at the same time Moreover, - without living and striking painting there are no paintings, but there are good intentions and nothing more.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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What are portraits for? To give an idea about this or that person. But what kind of performance will it be when in the portrait everything from the first to the last thread is a lie and fiction? Why such a portrait! Let it not be better at all.

Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov

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Russian painting is just as fundamentally different from European art as is literature. The point of view of our artists - whether writers or painters - on the world is preeminently tendentious.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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Painting is too weak to depict a person.

Charles Lam

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Whatever the dignity of my brush, I still cannot agree that it should serve such a cause, the truth of which I do not recognize.

Alexander Andreevich Ivanov

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The world is ultimately around us, not in front of us. The depth of the pictorial image comes from nowhere, settling down, growing on the canvas.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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The artist transforms the world into painting, giving him his body in return.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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I would never have taken up painting if women hadn't had breasts.

Auguste Renoir

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Of all the arts to which a genius devotes himself, painting undeniably requires the greatest sacrifice.

Jacques Auhi David

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What a miracle - to admire in painting what you do not admire in reality!

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

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Paints are traditionally filled with moral and psychological meanings.

Jean Baudrillard

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In painting, as in other genres of art, there is not a single technique that could be adjusted to a verbal formulation.

Auguste Renoir

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Any engraving of Callot can become the very one without which I will not have a “full Callot”.

Jean Baudrillard

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The picture should not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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One critic wrote that my paintings have no beginning and no end. He didn't mean to compliment, but he did. It was an excellent compliment.

Jackson Pollack

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Pictures should not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Each picture must be one of a kind and must be a new image in a series of representations of the human mind about the world.

Henri Matisse

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Like literature, the art of painting tells whatever it wants, but with the advantage that the perceiver of painting immediately recognizes the prelude, the development of the action, and the denouement.

Paul Gauguin

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Painting is an art in which the artist depicts passion through facial features and posture and excites the viewer with his attitude to the subject, sympathetic and ironic.


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Let painting breathe life, I seek wisdom from the poet: But let polygyny reveal the secrets of the soul.

Johann Friedrich Schiller

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For a creative artist, there is nothing more difficult than to draw a rose, because first he must forget about all the roses drawn before.

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty remarks about painting. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and well-aimed phrases of masters conversational genre, ingenious words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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A shameless artist is a subject who, pretending to be a seducer, lures a girl into his workshop and paints her there.
Karl Kraus.

What I hear doesn't matter; What matters is what I see, especially when I close my eyes.
Giorgio di Chirico, surrealist painter.

One artist took his model apart.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

In the phrase “Picasso's paintings are daub! raquo; nothing is said about Picasso, but about the speaker - everything.
Jean Cocteau.

Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend.
John Sargent.

At one sight of the museum, the legs give way from fatigue.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

Give me a museum and I'll fill it.
Pablo Picasso.

AT contemporary art it is easy to understand: what hangs on the wall is a painting; what can be seen from behind is a sculpture.

An amateur is a person forced to work somewhere in order to be able to paint. A professional is a person who has the opportunity to paint because he has a working wife.
Ben Shan.

A landscape painter can work calmly - nature never insists on similarity.
Ramon Gomez de la Serna.

Kokoschka drew me: acquaintances will not recognize, but strangers will recognize.
Karl Kraus.

Modern painting is when you buy a painting to close a hole in a wall and you come to the conclusion that the hole looks better.
Robert Orben.

Museums are cemeteries of art.
Alphonse de Lamartine.

When I paint pictures, I feel crazy. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.
Salvador Dali.

A primitive artist is an amateur whose paintings sell well.
Ann Moses.

Museum: Sunday residence of the masses.
Modified Vladislav Lorants.

Every artist who depicts the sky as green and the grass as blue must be sterilized.
Adolf Gitler.

I will write you more similar than you are.
Max Liebermann, German artist.

A good portrait is not one that looks like a model, but one that does not look like anyone else.
Jean Prevot.

The artist writes not what he sees, but what others will see.
Paul Valerie.

Nothing reminds me of a brothel more than a museum.
Michelle Leiris.

From a certain moment, the picture becomes only a background for the artist's signature.
Leshek Kumor.

Paintings are bought not because they are liked; on the contrary, people like paintings because they are bought.
George Feido.

Lessing says: "If Raphael's hands are cut off, he will still remain a painter." In the same way, we could say: "If Mr. "N." cut off his head, he would still remain a painter, ”he would continue to paint even without a head, and no one would notice that he did not have a head at all.
Heinrich Heine.

Rearing horses in the paintings of the old masters look like kangaroos.
Mark Twain.

A good artist can draw a runner without legs.
Karl Kraus.

It doesn't matter how badly you draw, as long as you draw differently than others.
George Moore.

If somewhere in british museum there was a cozy room with no more than twenty exhibits, with good lighting, comfortable chairs and a sign inviting you to smoke, I think I would not leave the museum.
Joseph Priestley.

I have nothing against non-objective painting, as long as the subject of the artist is visible.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The last fool can paint a picture, but only the smart one can sell it.
Samuel Butler.

A painting in a museum hears more nonsense than anyone else in the world.
Edmond Goncourt.

There are things you need to see to know that they are not worth watching.
Ryszard Podlevsky.

It's easier to get to heaven than to write them.
Jan Cybis.

You ask, sir, in what institution it would be most appropriate to place the pictures you painted. May I suggest you an asylum for the blind.
James Whistler.

If people knew as much about painting as I do, they wouldn't buy my paintings.
Edwin Landseer.

A painting that is praised by more than ten percent of the public is to be burned.
George Bernard Shaw.

This artist has a great future ahead of him.
Some French critic.

The sculptor must express mental activity in appearance. Socrates

To paint a beauty, I need to see many beauties... Raphael

Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard. Leonardo da Vinci

The painter argues and competes with nature. Leonardo da Vinci

The painter who sketches meaninglessly, guided by the practice and judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them. Leonardo da Vinci

Vasari, showing [Michelangelo] one of his paintings, said: "I spent little time on it." “It is visible,” was the answer. Michelangelo

Painting is jealous and demands that the person belong to it, wholly. Michelangelo

To paint without having an innate talent is the same as throwing a seed into the waves. P. Veronese

First of all, the painter must have in his mind good idea about what he intends to do. But what is an idea? ... the idea of ​​​​a painter is that image that, before taking shape in a drawing or in a picture, arises in the mind suddenly in relation to this story. D. Armenini

What is it complex art- painting. I express in one sentence what the artist sketches with difficulty during the week, and his grief is that he knows, sees and feels like me, but cannot express it and therefore does not know satisfaction ... D. Diderot

Artists, if you are jealous of the glory of your creations, here is my advice to you: stick to pure plots. Everything that vice preaches to man is doomed to destruction, and the more inevitable it is, the more perfect the creation. Almost none of the obscene and beautiful engravings that Giulio Romano executed after the plots of the shameless Aretino have survived. Honesty, virtue, chastity... petty remorse, prompted by prejudice, sooner or later, but will take up arms against immoral works. D. Diderot

Painting also knows flattery; at first glance, this flattery captivates, but soon becomes boring. D. Diderot

[ancient artist said] to a student who painted an overdressed Elena: “You didn’t know how to paint her beautiful, and therefore painted her richly dressed” ... G. Lessing

If you want to judge works of art, then first pass by what indicates perseverance and labor, and pay attention to what is created by the mind ... An image made with great painstaking work by a painter or sculptor can be compared in this respect with a painstakingly compiled book. For just as greatest art is not to write learnedly, so a finely and smoothly painted picture does not yet indicate a great artist. I. Winkelman

Man is the highest, primordial object of plastic art! W. Goethe

As a gift of prose to a speaker,

Rhymes are a gift to you, poet, -

Roses of life, young rose

The painter needs color.

Let her stand, sparkling

incomparable beauty,

The thought of life is exciting

Fresh beauty alive! W. Goethe

It is one thing to convey a face in those superficial and external features that the face of a person calmly sitting in front of a portraitist shows him precisely in this moment, and it is quite another thing to be able to portray those true features that are the expression of the real soul this person. For the ideal requires that the outer form itself should correspond to the soul. Hegel

Painting is an art in which the artist depicts passion through facial features and posture and excites the viewer with his attitude to the subject, sympathetic or ironic. Stendhal

It's not about learning to draw, it's about learning to think. Stendhal

Style in painting is a special manner of each master, peculiar only to him alone, to say the same things. Every great artist was looking for techniques that could cause in the soul that special impression that seemed to him main task painting. The choice of colors, the way they are applied with a brush, the distribution of shadows, some details, etc. enhance the style of the drawing. Stendhal

If an artist, like a photographer, reproduces only external features, if he writes off only lines, without referring them to a general character, it is not worth even talking about him. In facial features, he must first of all look for spiritual resemblance: that is the whole point. In a word, the features should be expressive, i.e. to reveal to us the soul of the model... the task of the artist is to separate truth from pretense. O. Rodin

Everything in art is ugly, everything that is insincere, artificial, everything that wants to appear beautiful and beautiful, and not characteristic, everything petty, refined, everything that smiles for no reason, coyness without need, swaggers and puts on airs without reason ... everything that lies. When an artist, wanting to “make it more beautiful”, depicts spring more green, sunrise more pink, young lips more scarlet, he creates a disgrace, because he is lying. When he hides the grimace of suffering, the decrepitude of old age, the abomination of debauchery, when he smoothes nature, blurs, dresses up, moderates it, in order to please the public, he creates an outrage, because he is afraid of the truth. O. Rodin

Of all artwork a bust and a portrait require the greatest insight... A good bust is tantamount to a whole biography. Each bust of Houdon, for example, is worth a chapter from some memoir: era, race, rank, individual character - everything is indicated in it. O. Rodin

Painting is a very specific art, it can only be an image of really existing things. It is the language of nature, the language of the visible world. What we do not see, non-existent and abstract, does not belong to the field of painting. G. Courbet

In a portrait made by a great painter, a person is more like himself than even his reflection in a daguerreotype, for great painter with sharp features he brought out everything that is hidden inside that person and that, perhaps, is a secret for this person himself. V.G. Belinsky

A portrait painter who no longer wants to express in a portrait the character, the history of a person - what kind of portrait painter is this, what kind of artist is he, where is he good for? Wouldn't his works be worse than the last most insignificant photograph? V.V. Stasov

In portraits famous people one should stick to the image of such as and by what he deserved his fame. I.N. Kramskoy

It seems to me fair that the artist should be one of the most educated and developed people of his time. He is obliged not only to know at what point development is now standing, but to have opinions on all questions of concern to the best representatives societies, opinions that go further and deeper than those that dominate at the moment, and in addition, have certain sympathies and antipathies for different categories of life phenomena. I.N. Kramskoy

Our job is content. The face, the soul of a person, the drama of life, the impressions of nature, its life and meaning, the spirit of history - these are our themes ... our colors are a tool, they must express our thoughts, our coloring is not graceful spots, it must express the mood of the picture to us , her soul, he must arrange and capture the entire viewer, like a chord in music. I.E. Repin

The portrait should be a picture and a characterization of the face. I.E. Repin

Here you draw a body that looks like a well-worn rag doll, and furnish it with a huge egg-shaped head with approximately human features and large burkalas, and sign something like "Eternity" or "Thoughtfulness." Of course, many will swear, but there are refined donkeys who, staring at the ground with their foreheads, will say: “There is something here after all.” A.V. Lunacharsky

Woe to the artist who seeks to show his talent and not his picture! Indeed, it would be ridiculous if the artist's most important thing was his hand. R. Rollan

When you wander among nature, you see movement in the field, in the forest, in the clouds, everything breathes, everything lives, and how clear, this is simply a manifestation of life! How much bliss, happiness to see in summer how the sun floods fields, forests, waters and sky with its rays! The smell of the earth, the aroma of the forest - what a charm it all is! There is a passionate desire to convey this on canvas. To convey the manifestation of life, its thrill. It is here that one has to experience a series of charms and disappointments. It is difficult, oh, how difficult it is to convey what you see and what you feel. But what high pleasure experiences the artist when he succeeds in giving a piece of real life! V.N. Baksheev

Works visual arts man lives not only in the halls art galleries and museums. How valuable is a silent conversation and alone with oneself, when canvases and statues come to life in the heart. It is only necessary not to close the doors to the temple of beauty in front of you, not to rob yourself, but to constantly train your taste, as well as your muscles. S.T. Konenkov

Aphorisms and sayings about artists

Aphorisms and sayings about artists

L. Aragon
Beautiful painter maybe a wonderful person.

L. Aragon
Face artist manifests itself in its inconsistency.

If someone smears the most the best paints in a mess, he cannot even give such pleasure as a sketched drawing with chalk.

V. G. Belinsky
For true artist Where there is life, there is poetry.

L. Beethoven
Authentic painter devoid of vanity, he understands only too well that art is inexhaustible.

A. A. Blok
Direct duty artist show, not prove.

A. A. Blok
A business artist— to restore communication, to clear the horizons from that disorderly heap of insignificant facts that, like a windbreak, block all historical perspectives.

Paul Valery
Painter writes not what he sees, but what others will see.

We need artist even in the moment of the greatest happiness and the greatest misfortune.

Outstanding painter often can not judge either their own or other people's works.

In every artist a sprout of boldness has been planted, without which not a single talent is conceivable.

Salvador Dali
Painter thinks with a drawing.

Denis Diderot
Two qualities are needed artist: a sense of morality and a sense of perspective.

Denis Diderot
Why are the works of ancient artists so majestic? Because they attended philosophical schools.

A. Dumas son
He holds in his hand a chisel, pen or brush, painter really deserves this name only when it inspires the soul in material objects or gives form to spiritual impulses when, in a word, he idealizes the real that he sees and realizes the ideal that he feels.

V. M. Doroshevich
Happy is that artist - writer, painter, actor - in whom his time will be reflected, as the sky is reflected in calm water.

A. Camus
Misfortune artist in the fact that he lives not quite in a monastery, and not quite in the world, and he is tormented by the temptations of both lives.

A. Camus
When painter decides to share the fate of all, he asserts himself as a person.

A. Camus
The freedom of art is cheap when its only meaning is peace of mind. artist.

I. N. Kramskoy
...painter is a servant of truth. This is his purpose.

I. N. Kramskoy
... the highest court for artist there has always been and will be the impression that thousands of viewers endure from the picture.

G. Courbet
Genuine artists are those who begin where their predecessors left off.

Leonardo da Vinci
Where the thought does not work together with the hand, there is no artist.

Leonardo da Vinci
Where the spirit does not lead artist, there is no art.

Leonardo da Vinci
Pitiful is the master whose work is ahead of his judgment; that master advances to the perfection of art whose works are surpassed by judgment.

Painters they write with the eyes of love, and only the eyes of love should judge them.

A. Matisse
Significance artist measured by the number of new signs that he introduces into the plastic language.

Somerset Maugham
Artist, painter, the poet or musician, with his sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense; but this is a barbaric satisfaction, it is akin to the sexual instinct, for it gives itself to you as well.

George Moore
It doesn't matter how badly you draw, as long as you draw differently than others.

A business artist- give birth to joy.

Pablo Picasso
Everyone has the right to change, even painters.

Pablo Picasso
Beginner artist only a few people understand. Famous - even less.

Pablo Picasso
Painter is a person who writes what can be sold. A good painter is a person who sells what he writes.

Mikhail Prishvin
No sense of modernity painter will remain unrecognized.

Mikhail Prishvin
There is an obligatory moment in creativity when painter judges the whole world by itself.

Kozma Prutkov
Encouragement is also needed. artist, as rosin is necessary for a virtuoso's bow.

Auguste Rodin
True painter expresses what he thinks, not afraid to face age-old prejudices.

Ramon Gomez de la Serna
A landscape painter can work calmly - nature never insists on similarity.

V. V. Stasov

Anything piece of art there is always a true mirror of its creator, and no one can disguise his nature in it.

V. V. Stasov

V. V. Stasov
...nothing for artist more dangerous than constantly sitting on copies. Here all independence is being killed, and it is only through this that one must live. painter; for its manifestation, he only has to work. The most moderate original work more expensive and more important than the most excellent copy. Whoever does not intend to do his own thing does not even need to touch art.

V. V. Stasov
In the image of the truly known and existing, all the power and meaning of the present artist...

V. V. Stasov
leave artists in peace from the very beginning, do not touch either their feelings or their thoughts, and each of them will certainly be national. It's too natural and simple, everyone is born with it. Do not touch the flower and the tree, do not bend them in any direction, and they will always turn towards the sun. From there life goes on for them.

"Thyssen's Law"
Great painter- it's dead painter.

O. Wilde
For artist moral life man is only one of the themes of his work. The ethics of art is in the perfect application of imperfect means.

When excellent abilities in the arts do not go unrewarded, then undoubtedly and soon people will appear who will bring them to perfection.

Quintus Horace Flaccus
You know painter that simplicity and unity are needed in everything.

G. Flaubert
Painter must be present in his work, like a god in the universe: to be omnipresent and invisible.

A. France
Painters must show us how good life is. Otherwise, we would have doubts.

A. France
Art was threatened by two monsters: painter, which is not a master, and a master, which is not artist.

A. France
There is no need to be especially afraid to attribute artists past the ideal they never had. Admiration is impossible without an admixture of illusion, and to understand a perfect work of art means, in general, to re-create it in your inner world.

Edward Morgan Forster
“First think, then speak” is the motto of criticism; “First speak, then think” is the motto of creativity.

Stefan Zweig
No one painter can not be artist day by day, all twenty-four hours a day; all the true imperishable that he manages to create, he creates only in a few and rare moments of inspiration.

F. Schiller
Highest praise artist- when we forget him for his works.

R. Schumann R.
To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose artist.

M. Ebner-Eschenbach
Painter should take care not that his work finds recognition, but that it deserves it.

Created 23 Mar 2011

Even the ancient philosophers admired the human ability to create. Some considered it a gift from God. To others, this feature seemed like a curse. There were no indifferent people.

What do they think about this creative personalities? Sayings and quotes about art, with the help of which great people once expressed their opinion, will help to understand.

Creativity and the universe

The modern pace of life leaves a person very little time to enjoy the beauty of the world. Sometimes only real creators manage to distract people from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, draw their attention to true values and make you think about eternity. Many great quotes about art are devoted to this topic.

On the role of painting

True artists always have something to say to the world. From the depths of their consciousness, they bring to light original thoughts that amaze, delight and inspire others, once again reminding them of creativity embedded in every person.

Introducing some quotes from artists about art that may pique the interest of the reader.

Quotes from great artists about art and themselves

On the role of music

Art writers

No less remarkable is the art of writing. Aphorisms, quotes and sayings famous authors- a clear confirmation of this.

O essential role art in the life of society was spoken by many outstanding minds of mankind. The works of writers, philosophers, scientists and public figures. speak out different opinions, which, in fact, come down to a general conclusion: without the ability to see the beautiful and create, a person will lose his essence. We bring to the attention of the reader quotes about art, as well as the sayings of great people on this subject:

  • Art is the daughter of freedom. (Friedrich Schiller).
  • My imagination cannot create a picture of a more complete happiness than to continue to live for the sake of creativity. . (Clara Schumann).
  • Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. (Viktor Pinchuk).
  • The skill of the writer lies in revealing what the reader believes. (Gustave Flaubert).
  • Creativity allows itself to make mistakes. Art knows which ones to keep. (Scott Adams).
  • Culture is the only thing left when the rest is forgotten . (Eduard Herriot).
  • Creativity is the only way to escape without leaving home. (Twyla Tharp).
  • Culture is an art raised to a multitude of beliefs. (Thomas Wolfe).
  • A beautiful body perishes, but it is eternal if recreated on the artist's canvas. (Leonardo da Vinci).
  • For me, creativity is an opportunity to give people a way to look at things in a different way. the world. (Maya Lin).
  • Art is the engine of culture . (Nicholas Roerich).

Creativity and progress

The following quotes are about art and its inseparable connection with science also show a significant role of the creative component in the development of human society.

Architecture is music frozen in stone

Creativity surrounds man everywhere. Architecture is one of its most ancient areas. And although there are few quotes about art embodied in stone, they are all the more interesting.

  • Modern architecture is the art of filling space. (Philip Johnson).
  • Architecture is visual art where buildings speak for themselves . (Julia Morgan).
  • Architecture - Residential Sculpture . (Constantin Brancusi).
  • Architecture is the pursuit of truth. (Louis Kahn).
  • Life is architecture, and architecture is a mirror of life. (Yu Ming Pei).
  • Any work of architecture that does not express calmness is a mistake. (Louis Barragan).

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