Significant events on April 13. April events happened - historical dates


On April 13, 1945, the troops of Marshal Tolbukhin liberated the capital of Austria, the city of Vienna, from the Nazi invaders.


In early April, Vienna was defended by the remnants of eight tank divisions, one infantry division, the personnel of the Vienna military school and up to 15 separate battalions. The basis of the enemy garrison was the unfinished units of the 6th SS Panzer Army. It is no coincidence that the commander of this army, Colonel-General of the SS troops, Sepp Dietrich, was appointed chief of defense of Vienna, who at the same time arrogantly declared: "Vienna will be saved for Germany." He failed to save not only Vienna, but also his life. On April 6 he was killed.

The fascist German command on the approaches to the city and in Vienna itself prepared numerous defensive positions in advance. Anti-tank ditches were dug along the outer periphery of the tank-hazardous areas and various obstacles and barriers were arranged. The enemy blocked the streets of the city with numerous barricades and blockages. Almost all stone and brick buildings were equipped with firing points. The enemy sought to turn Vienna into an impregnable fortress.

As early as April 1, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command set the 3rd Ukrainian Front the task of capturing the capital of Austria and reaching the line of Tulln, St. Pölten, Neu-Lengbach no later than April 12-15 ...

The fighting in the city went on continuously: during the day the main forces fought, and at night - units and subunits specially assigned for this purpose. In the complex labyrinth of streets and lanes of the capital city, the actions of small rifle units, individual tank crews and gun crews, often fighting in isolation from each other, acquired particular importance.

By April 10, the enemy garrison was pinned down on three sides. In this situation, the fascist German command took all measures to keep the only bridge over the Danube that remained in its hands and to bring the remnants of its defeated units to the northern bank of the river ...

Summarizing the experience of hostilities in the previous days, the Military Council of the front came to the conclusion that in order to accelerate the defeat of the enemy grouping, it is necessary to conduct a decisive assault, organizing a clear interaction of all the forces and means involved in it.

In accordance with this conclusion, an operational directive was developed and given to the troops of the 4th, 9th Guards and 6th Guards Tank Armies on April 12, in which special attention was paid to the simultaneity of the assault. In order to quickly complete it, the troops were ordered, after a signal - a volley of "Katyushas" to quickly rush into the attack. Tank units, despite the fire of individual pockets of resistance, had to break through to the Danube as soon as possible. The military council of the front demanded from the army commanders: "Mobilize the troops for a decisive strike with all the means at your disposal and explain that only swift actions will ensure the quick completion of the task." A well-organized and prepared assault on the fortified city was carried out in a short time. By the middle of the day on April 13, the enemy garrison was almost completely destroyed ... On the evening of April 13, for the liberation of Vienna, the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, saluted the troops of the 3rd and 2nd Ukrainian fronts with twenty-four volleys from three hundred and twenty-four guns.

Before the salute, the Moscow radio announcer read out a message from the Soviet Information Bureau, which said: “The Nazis intended to turn Vienna into a heap of ruins. They wanted to subject the inhabitants of the city to a long siege and protracted street fighting. With skillful and decisive actions, our troops thwarted the criminal plans of the German command. Within a few days, the capital of Austria, Vienna, was liberated from the Nazi invaders.

Military memoirs. Ivanov S.P. For the liberation of Hungary and Austria. May 9, 1945. M., 1970


It was, it seems, on the second day of the storming of Vienna. I was at the command post of the 20th Guards Rifle Corps, Major General N. I. Biryukov, when the scouts brought a frail, blond-haired boy in a clay-stained uniform.

He should have been chasing the ball in the yard, but they handed him a machine gun, - the commander sighed. Suddenly hardened: - Shot after all for sure?

Not at all, Comrade General, - the scout reported. - I didn’t have time or really didn’t want to, but I didn’t use the weapon, we checked his machine gun.

When the interpreter arrived and the interrogation began, the prisoner said that the Nazis first sent all the guys from the senior classes of the gymnasium to the construction of defensive objects, and then they gave out machine guns, faustpatrons and threw them against the Russians ... The youth said that he was an Austrian and hated the Germans. They are rapists and robbers. And all the time he asked what would happen to him now. He said that their commander warned that the Russians were shooting everyone.

Translate to the prisoner, - I said to the interpreter, - that the Red Army does not fight with children. We are convinced that he will never again take up arms to fight against the Red Army. But if he takes it, let him blame himself ...

The little boy was overjoyed. He fell to his knees, began to swear that he would never forget how kind the Soviet general and officers were to him. I told him to get up and said:

Perhaps your mother is worried about you? Now you will be fed and you will go home. Take only with you the appeal of the command of the Red Army to the Austrians. Read for yourself, share with your friends and acquaintances. Let them know the truth about the Red Army.

The youth promised to do everything as the Soviet general orders...

Here is the appeal:

“Inhabitants of the city of Vienna!

The Red Army, crushing the Nazi troops, approached Vienna.

The Red Army entered Austria not with the aim of capturing Austrian territory, but solely with the aim of defeating the enemy German fascist troops and liberating Austria from German dependence.

The hour has come for the liberation of the capital of Austria - Vienna from German domination, but the retreating Nazi troops want to turn Vienna into a battlefield, as they did in Budapest. This threatens Vienna and its inhabitants with the same destruction and horrors of war that the Germans inflicted on Budapest and its population.

For the sake of preserving the capital of Austria, its historical monuments of culture and art, I propose:

1. The entire population to whom Vienna is dear should not be evacuated from the city, because with the cleansing of Vienna from the Germans, you will be spared the horrors of the war, and those who are evacuated will be driven to death by the Germans.

2. Do not let the Germans mine Vienna, blow up its bridges and turn houses into fortifications.

3. Organize the struggle against the Germans and protect it from destruction by the Nazis.

4. Everyone actively interfere with the export of industrial equipment, goods, food by the Germans from Vienna and not allow the population of Vienna to be robbed.

Citizens of Vienna!

Help the Red Army in the liberation of the capital of Austria - Vienna, invest your share in the cause of the liberation of Austria from the Nazi yoke!

Military memoirs. Anoshin I.S. On the right fight. M., 1988


In the labyrinth of streets, yards and lanes of an unfamiliar city, our assault groups mastered new tactics in the course of the battle. In particular, since every now and then it was necessary to break through walls and fences, each warrior, in addition to regular weapons, carried a crowbar, pick or ax with him.

The assault group, led by the Komsomol organizer of the company, the Red Army soldier Vovk, approached a large five-story building. While the Red Army soldier Ananyev fired at the windows with a machine gun, Vovk and other soldiers broke into the entrances. Close combat began in the rooms and corridors. Three hours later, the building was cleared of the enemy. Vovk found faustpatrons in the captured ammunition depot. A few hours later, he managed to burn two tiger-type tanks with them. Right there, on the streets of Vienna, Vovk was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In one of the houses, on the second floor, an enemy machine gunner sat down. The calculation of the anti-tank rifle could not get it. Then the fighters Tarasyuk and Abdulov, passing through the yards, climbed onto the roof of this house. Abdulov fastened a long rope to the chimney, Tarasov climbed down it to the window from which the machine gun was firing, threw an anti-tank grenade inside, and it was all over.

The division of officer Kotlikov advanced along the street, from house to house. The enemy entrenched on both sides of it, three-layer machine-gun and mortar fire did not allow our guardsmen to drag an easel machine gun across the street. Then Kotlikov tied a wire to the machine gun and divided his soldiers into two groups. Now they attacked simultaneously on both sides of the street, dragging the machine gun by wire from one group to another as needed.

Initiative and independence in the actions of small units is one of the decisive conditions for success in battles for a large city. That is why we moved so quickly into the depths of Vienna.

Military memoirs. Biryukov N. I. The difficult science of winning. M., 1968

Day of patron and benefactor

Who are the patrons? These are people who disinterestedly invest their capital in the development of art, painting and science. Any citizen who contributes to material well-being in the development of art can be called a patron. This unusual holiday has been celebrated annually on April 13 since 2005. And the date of the celebration was not chosen by chance, and it is associated with a great man - Gaius Cylnius Maecenas, who lived in Rome in the 1st century and was the main guardian of culture under Emperor Octavian. According to historical references, Octavian and Gaius were great friends. The philanthropist especially honored poets and painters, protecting people of art from the attacks of the authorities.

Thanks to Guy Maecenas, all those who wholeheartedly loved culture (artists, writers, musicians, actors, scientists and other talented individuals) and contributed to its development began to be called patrons. The name of the ancient Roman aristocrat has become a household name. The celebration dedicated to the holiday of art takes place annually within the walls of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, and, as a rule, it begins against the backdrop of the famous painting depicting Guy Maecenas.

world rock and roll day

The birthplace of rock and roll is considered to be the United States of America. It appeared in the mid-fifties of the last century. And the first performer of rock and roll (according to most researchers) was the American singer Elvis Presley, who devoted most of his life to this musical genre. A new movement in the field of music arose absolutely spontaneously, in one of the studios in the town of Memphis, where Presley and the band were recording a new album. The hurricane rhythm of rock and roll spread like lightning to all clubs in America.

Today, for many, rock and roll is not just a peculiar trend in music, but also an original dance, the movements of which we can easily recall from some films of the 80s (for example, the film "Back to the Future"). One can also safely “blame” Bill Haley for spreading the mass popularity of rock and roll. It was he who in the early 1950s introduced his own dance-music slang based on a mixture of country, gospel, jazz and boogie-woogie elements. Several of his singles, recorded in 1954, played a key role in spreading the new musical movement. Until that time, rock 'n' roll was just a little-known experiment that existed at the local radio station.

"Rock and roll frenzy" very quickly swept the whole of America, European countries, as well as the Soviet Union. Currently, rock and roll is rightly ranked among the classics, and, as you know, the classics are immortal.

April 13 in the folk calendar

Wonderworker Hypatius

On April 13, the Orthodox denomination honors the memory of St. Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra (Asia Minor). In 325, Hypatius participated in an action to establish the basic tenets of Christianity. Upon returning home, he was caught by the followers of the schismatics, beaten with stones and clubs, and then thrown into a quagmire. Soon the body of the martyr was taken out of the swamp and buried with all honors. According to legend, one of the attackers on Hypatius was a woman. After the incident, she lost her mind, but, having come to the grave of the murdered and repented, the woman received healing. Many miracles appeared at the tomb of the saint.

In Rus', Hypatia was prayed for an addition to the family or getting rid of infertility. The saint also patronized women in childbirth, helping to calm the bleeding and quickly restore childbearing function. They also asked him to expel evil spirits, which, according to legend, on that day began to rage and spoil the mood at home. In some places this holiday was called Fire. Today, women celebrating their birthday had to carry smoldering coals to the ground to light a fire. It was believed that such a rite helped the land inventory to work better and serve its owner longer.

Historical events April 13

For the first time, the famous architect Domenico Fontana managed to stumble upon the Pompeian ruins, formed as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius, in 1599. This happened due to the laying of underground water supply in those places. However, the excavations of Pompeii began in the eighteenth century, and deeper research only at the end of the 19th century. So on April 13, 1895, during regular work, a skeleton was found, among which were mountains of treasures - magnificent rings, bracelets, gold chains with pendants, coins and even precious dinner sets. Everyone was shocked to the core by the skill with which all the jewelry was made and the shining coins were minted.

The riches found were secretly sold to the French. However, as always happens, one of the dealers blabbed. As a result, a scandal broke out, but no one was able to return the lost treasures. After some time, the valuables ended up in the Louvre.

The tests of the first trolleybus in the country were carried out in St. Petersburg. For the first time, the idea of ​​​​inventing such a vehicle was expressed by the German engineer Wilhelm Siemens. Experiments in this area began under the leadership of his brother Werner Siemens. Its first trolleybus was created in 1882. At the same time, the first guiding line was opened in Germany. In Russia, the first trolleybuses appeared in 1902. They were developed by the Frese and K company, founded by Peter Frese. Soon the first tests of the "electric car" were carried out. The new mode of transport, unfortunately, did not take root immediately. Only 30 years later, full-fledged trolleybus routes were introduced.

April 13, 1917- The British government, under the auspices of George V, refused to grant asylum to Nicholas II and his family. George was a close relative of Nicholas. He motivated the change in his position by his unwillingness to contradict public opinion. But the real reason lay in the fact that George did not want to support the family of the Russian emperor, because he considered this business to be quite expensive.

April 13 were born

Joseph Brama(1748-1814) - the famous English inventor. The invention he created - the castle - was presented at one of the prestigious competitions. For more than 60 years, the lock could not be opened until one mechanic coped with the task, with which he took no more than 50 minutes. In addition to the super-lock, Brahma created a hydraulic press, an automatic machine for numbering banknotes, as well as many other useful inventions.

Mikhail Shufutinsky(born in 1948) is a Russian pop singer. For some time he worked as a pianist, and then became the head of the Leisya Song ensemble. Since 1981, continuing his career as a restaurant singer, he began to record his own album. And by the beginning of perestroika, Shufutinsky gained immense popularity in the Soviet Union.

Name day April 13

Name days on April 13 are celebrated by: Innocent, Benjamin, Ivan, Jonah, Maria, Ipaty, Martin, Apollo, Ida.

News of show business.


Ludwig Relshtab- German writer, author of historical entertaining novels, satirist, playwright and music critic.
Dates of life: April 13, 1799 - November 27, 1860.

William Sterndale Bennett- British composer.
Dates of life: April 13, 1816 - February 01, 1875.

Maria Valley(real name Sayushkina, married - Gorlenko) - Russian opera singer (contralto).
Dates of life: April 13, 1868 - December 02, 1919.

Alexander Alexandrov- Russian Soviet composer and choral conductor.
Dates of life: April 13, 1883 - July 8, 1946.

Lawrence Bud Freeman is an American jazz musician.
Dates of life: April 13, 1906 - March 15, 1991.

Ken Nordin(Ken Nordine) is an American voice and recording artist, best known for his series of verbal jazz albums.
Dates of life: April 13, 1920 - February 16, 2019.

Dona Yvonne Lara(Dona Ivone Lara, nee Yvonne Lara da Costa) is a Brazilian singer and composer.
Dates of life: April 13, 1921 - April 16, 2018.

Yosef "Yossi" Banai Yosef "Yossi" Banai is an Israeli actor and singer.
Dates of life: April 13, 1932 - May 11, 2006.

Vladimir Kosma- French violinist, conductor and film composer.
Date of birth: April 13, 1940.

Floyd Miles(Floyd Miles) is an American guitarist, singer and songwriter.
Dates of life: April 13, 1943 - January 25, 2018.

John William "Jack" Casady- American rock musician, bass guitarist for The Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna and KBC.
Date of birth: April 13, 1944.

Brian Pendleton- English musician, member of The Pretty Things.
Dates of life: April 13, 1944 - May 16, 2001.

Lowell George is an American country rock singer.
Dates of life: April 13, 1945 - June 29, 1979.

Alexander Kutikov- Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist and music producer. He performs as part of several musical groups, but is best known as a bass player, vocalist and composer of a rock band.
Date of birth: April 13, 1952.

Nils Olsen- Danish singer, together with his brother Jürgen, is a member of the pop-rock duo Olsen Brothers. They won the competition in 2000.

Jimmy Destry keyboardist for the American rock band Blondie.
Date of birth: April 13, 1954.

Hideki Saijo(Hideki Saijō, born Tatsuo Kimoto) is a Japanese singer and TV star.
Dates of life: April 13, 1955 - May 16, 2018.

Joe Mazolla is the guitarist for the American band Sponge.
Date of birth: April 13, 1961.

Hillel Slovak American guitarist who played in the band What's This? and co-founder of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Dates of life: April 13, 1962 - June 25, 1988.

Igor Bely- Russian poet, bard, one of the founders and active participants of the creative association "August 32".
Date of birth: April 13, 1971.

Sergei Shnurov(Cord) - Russian rock musician, leader of the Leningrad and Ruble groups.
Date of birth: April 13, 1973.

Martha Yandova- German singer of Czech origin, vocalist of the German alternative metal band Die Happy. A participant from the Czech Republic in a duet with Vaclav Noid Barta.
Date of birth: April 13, 1974.

MamaRika(Anastasia Kochetova) - Ukrainian pop singer. Old alias Erika.
Date of birth: April 13, 1989.


Johann Christoph Schmidt- German composer.
Dates of life: August 06, 1664 - April 13, 1728.

Franz Danzi- German composer, cellist and conductor of Italian origin.
Dates of life: June 15, 1763 - April 13, 1826.

Anna Vorobieva(after Petrov's husband) - Russian opera singer.
Dates of life: February 02, 1817 - April 13, 1901.

Olga Schroeder(married Napravnik) is a Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano and contralto).
Dates of life: August 26, 1844 - April 13, 1902.

Cecile Chaminade- French pianist and composer.
Dates of life: August 08, 1857 - April 13, 1944.

Edward van Beinum- Dutch conductor
Dates of life: September 03, 1901 - April 13, 1959.

Ralph Kirkpatrick American harpsichordist and musicologist
Dates of life: June 10, 1911 - April 13, 1984.

Alexander Bronevitsky- Soviet composer and choral conductor. Founder and leader of the first in the USSR vocal ensemble "Druzhba". Husband .
Dates of life: July 08, 1931 - April 13, 1988.

Dorothy Ashby is an American jazz pianist and harpist.
Dates of life: August 06, 1932 - April 13, 1986.


1742 - Handel's oratorio "Messiah" was performed for the first time at Dublin's Music Hall on Easter.

1887 - the premiere of the world's first gypsy operetta "Children of the Forests" staged by the troupe of Nikolai Shishkin took place at the Maly Theater.

1933 - at the Leningrad Theater. Kirov passed the ballet.

1954 - Every year they began to celebrate World Rock and Roll Day.

1962 - the first performance at the Star Club took place.

1967 - behind the "Iron Curtain" in Warsaw, the first performance of The Rolling Stones took place.

more about these musicians and events - .

In early April, Vienna was defended by the remnants of eight tank divisions, one infantry division, the personnel of the Vienna military school and up to 15 separate battalions. The basis of the enemy garrison was the unfinished units of the 6th SS Panzer Army. It is no coincidence that the commander of this army, Colonel-General of the SS troops, Sepp Dietrich, was appointed chief of defense of Vienna, who at the same time arrogantly declared: "Vienna will be saved for Germany." He failed to save not only Vienna, but also his life. On April 6 he was killed.
The fascist German command on the approaches to the city and in Vienna itself prepared numerous defensive positions in advance. Anti-tank ditches were dug along the outer periphery of the tank-hazardous areas and various obstacles and barriers were arranged. The enemy blocked the streets of the city with numerous barricades and blockages. Almost all stone and brick buildings were equipped with firing points. The enemy sought to turn Vienna into an impregnable fortress.
As early as April 1, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command set the 3rd Ukrainian Front the task of capturing the capital of Austria and reaching the line of Tulln, St. Pölten, Neu-Lengbach no later than April 12-15 ...
The fighting in the city went on continuously: during the day the main forces fought, and at night - units and subunits specially assigned for this purpose. In the complex labyrinth of streets and lanes of the capital city, the actions of small rifle units, individual tank crews and gun crews, often fighting in isolation from each other, acquired particular importance.
By April 10, the enemy garrison was pinned down on three sides. In this situation, the fascist German command took all measures to keep the only bridge over the Danube that remained in its hands and to bring the remnants of its defeated units to the northern bank of the river ...
Summarizing the experience of hostilities in the previous days, the Military Council of the front came to the conclusion that in order to accelerate the defeat of the enemy grouping, it is necessary to conduct a decisive assault, organizing a clear interaction of all the forces and means involved in it.
In accordance with this conclusion, an operational directive was developed and given to the troops of the 4th, 9th Guards and 6th Guards Tank Armies on April 12, in which special attention was paid to the simultaneity of the assault. In order to quickly complete it, the troops were ordered, after a signal - a volley of "Katyushas" to quickly rush into the attack. Tank units, despite the fire of individual pockets of resistance, had to break through to the Danube as soon as possible. The military council of the front demanded from the army commanders: "Mobilize the troops for a decisive strike with all the means at your disposal and explain that only swift actions will ensure the quick completion of the task." A well-organized and prepared assault on the fortified city was carried out in a short time. By the middle of the day on April 13, the enemy garrison was almost completely destroyed ... On the evening of April 13, for the liberation of Vienna, the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, saluted the troops of the 3rd and 2nd Ukrainian fronts with twenty-four volleys from three hundred and twenty-four guns.

Before the salute, the Moscow radio announcer read out a message from the Soviet Information Bureau, which said: “The Nazis intended to turn Vienna into a heap of ruins. They wanted to subject the inhabitants of the city to a long siege and protracted street fighting. With skillful and decisive actions, our troops thwarted the criminal plans of the German command. Within a few days, the capital of Austria, Vienna, was liberated from the Nazi invaders.

In 1204, the participants of the 4th Crusade captured the main city of Byzantium, Constantinople, and proclaimed it the capital of the Latin Empire. Starting this campaign against Muslims who did not want to give Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulcher to Christians, Pope Innocent III called on all European monarchs to send their troops to the Holy Land.

Having scolded the Byzantine emperor Alexei III, who had little interest in the holy cause, Innocent offered him to negotiate the unification of the two Christian churches - Western and Eastern, at the head of which he imagined, of course, himself. In Byzantium at that time there was a struggle for power. And one of the contenders for the crown, Isaac II, promised that he would not only fulfill all these requirements, but also give money if the holy army would help him ascend the throne. They helped him, but, unfortunately, Isaac did not have enough money. And then the angry crusaders decided to take them on their own. This was the end of the 4th Crusade.

In 1519, Catherine de Medici was born, the wife of King Henry II of France, one of the most influential persons in France during the wars between Catholics and Huguenots (she is considered one of the organizers of Bartholomew's Night).

After the death of her husband, she was regent for 15 years, her three sons - Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III - were kings of France, and her daughter Margarita was married to the Protestant leader Henry of Navarre, the future King Henry IV. She, like her entire era, is known to the general public primarily from Dumas's novels "Queen Margot", "Countess de Monsoro" and "Forty-five".

In 1748, Joseph Bramah, the famous English inventor, was born.

He put up the castle he had created for a competition, promising a reward of 200 guineas to whoever could open it. For 67 years, no one managed to achieve this, until finally one mechanic managed to cope with this task, having spent 51 hours on breaking. In addition to the super-lock, Brahma also invented a hydraulic press, a banknote numbering machine, and many more useful things.

In 1842, a lawyer and court speaker Fyodor Nikiforovich Plevako was born in the town of Troitsk, Orenburg province.

All-Russian fame for Plevako was brought by the criminal cases of Abbess Mitrofanya, cornet Bartenev, merchant Mamontov. His surname became a household name: "I'll find another Spitter," they said without any irony. Yielding to his colleagues in logic and depth of legal analysis, Plevako surpassed them in figurativeness, emotionality and ingenuity.

The writer Vikenty Veresaev recalled: “They tried a priest who stole church money. The guilt was fully proven. The prosecutor delivered a murderous speech. Plevako stood up pale, agitated and said: “Gentlemen of the jury! For thirty years he has forgiven you of your sins. Once you release his sin, Russian people!” The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.

He even lived in the Kremlin and was called a nobleman behind his back. Lunacharsky wrote a caustic epigram on him:
Demyan, you already imagine yourself
Almost Soviet Bernage.
You are really "b", you are really "g",
But still you are not Bernage.

“As for Demyan Poor, I continue to be in favor,” wrote Lenin in a special letter to the editor, supporting the poet. But under Stalin, Poor fell out of favor and endured a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, he happily escaped the wave of repression and died in 1945.

In 1917, the British government, under pressure from King George V, abandoned the asylum plan for Nicholas II and his family. George (by the way, a close relative of Nikolai) motivated the change in his position by his unwillingness to go against public opinion. In fact, he feared that the content of the Romanovs deprived of their entire fortune would cost the English court too much.

By the way, at the beginning of the next, 1918, at the Russian-German peace talks in Brest-Litovsk, when Lenin readily agreed with any demands of the Germans, Kaiser Wilhelm II (this time a close relative of the wife of Nicholas II) had only to move his little finger in defense of the family Russian emperor, and they would have been saved. But he didn't do that either.

He graduated from the Musical College as a choir conductor, but preferred to work with the choir playing in restaurants, first in Moscow, and then in Magadan. He performed songs from the repertoire of Alexander Vertinsky, Pyotr Leshchenko, as well as musicians who worked in the style of the so-called thieves' folklore. Returning from Magadan, Shufutinsky worked for some time as a pianist in the Accord ensemble, and then became the head of the Leisya, Song vocal and instrumental ensemble, whose repertoire was built mainly on the songs of Vyacheslav Dobrynin. In 1981, Mikhail received permission to travel to Israel, but soon ended up in the USA, on Brighton Beach, where he showed himself in the same role as a restaurant singer. At the same time, he began to record his first albums, which were distributed not only among the émigré community, but also in the Soviet Union.

By the beginning of perestroika, Mikhail Shufutinsky became one of the most popular performers of the emigrant song, and his very first tour in his homeland in 1990 was a huge success.

In 1958, at the I International Piano Competition named after. Tchaikovsky, which took place in Moscow, was defeated by the American Van Cliburn. After that, for many years he became the most popular foreign performer in the USSR, and his record of a competitive performance released in the USA became the first piece of classical music that sold over 1 million copies.

Van Cliburn is a Soviet cultural hero. Photos of the twenty-three-year-old inspired handsome man were sold at the Soyuzpechat kiosks along with photographs of other Soviet cult heroes - actors, polar explorers, and then cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Van Cliburn is even mentioned in the film Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures.

For half an hour, intensive care doctors tried to make the woman's heart work, but the attempts did not lead to anything. 17 hours after her sister's death, Dasha died of intoxication.
They were born in Moscow on January 4, 1950 to Ekaterina and Mikhail Krivoshlyapov. When the mother saw the newborns, she began to have mental problems. Mikhail Krivoshlyapov was Lavrenty Beria's driver at that time. Under pressure from the medical authorities, he signed the death certificate of his daughters and no longer wanted to know anything about them. After two years of treatment in a psychiatric center, Ekaterina was released, and she began looking for her daughters. She was told that Masha and Dasha were dead, but she did not believe. The mother found her daughters when they were already 35 years old, and visited for 4 years, but then Masha and Dasha refused to see her.

Medicine could not miss the opportunity to study such a rare case, and the girls were guinea pigs for many years. For 7 years, the physiologist Pyotr Anokhin studied them at the Institute of Pediatrics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Then they were placed in the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, where their third leg was amputated. There, the girls were taught to move with the help of crutches, they were given an elementary education. The moment when they learned to walk - each of them controlled only one leg - Masha and Dasha called the happiest in their lives.
In 1964, the twins were placed in a boarding school for children with motor problems, located in Novocherkassk. The management of that medical institution treated the sisters as mentally retarded. The medical staff did not pay any attention to chronic nephritis, which both girls suffered from. And although at times the pain was so severe that they screamed at the top of their voices, the doctors remained deaf. In 1970, the sisters fled to Moscow. After living for several years in the dental complex of the capital, they turned to the management of Nursing Home No. 6 to be allowed to settle there. In this shelter they spent the rest of their lives. Shortly before their death, at the invitation of a French firm, Masha and Dasha visited Paris.

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