10 questions on folklore. Define fairy tale


This lesson is conducted in a playful way using group work. The lesson is accompanied by a presentation, on the slides of which both tasks and correct answers are placed. It can be used both in literature lessons in grade 5 and in literary reading at the initial level.

Purpose of the game: to systematize and generalize knowledge on the topic "Folklore"; check the quality of knowledge.


  • Educational - the formation of practical skills to use the knowledge gained on the topic "Folklore"; enrichment vocabulary; activation of independent activity of students; developing the skill of mutual verification and mutual control;
  • Developing - the formation of independent thinking in the conditions of group work.
  • Educational - to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the opinions of others, composure, clarity of actions in the process of work; instill interest in the study of literature; cultivate tolerance.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, printed tasks.

Rules of the game.

Three teams take part in the quiz and choose a topic for the question. The answer rule belongs to the team that raised their hand first. If the answer is given incorrectly, then the right to answer and choose the next question passes to another team.

The work is presented in the form of a presentation. Slide 2 is the main one, with the rest of the slides on which the tasks are written, they work via hyperlinks with a mouse click. To go to the next step, click on the illustration in the lower right corner.

Questions for the quiz

Blog "Proverbs"

1.Explain the meaning of proverbs.

  • There is no smoke without fire.
  • Whose cow would moo, but yours would be silent.
  • They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

2. Make up proverbs from these words.

  • Twist, be, rope, end, how much.
  • Endure, be, Cossack, ataman.
  • Watch, horse, gift, tooth.

3. Find the wrong word, correct the mistake.

  • The city is not an aunt.
  • There are also peas in the pea planter.
  • The trotter sees the hare from afar.
  • Skill is light, and inability is darkness.
  • The mosquito will not sharpen the braid.

4. How many proverbs are in the poem?

And the proverbs say
That you yourself must learn.
Literate is not the one who can read,
Whoever listens will understand.

And of course, without difficulty - you can’t pull a fish out of a pond.
Remember: the one who wants to know a lot
He shouldn't sleep long.
If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove.

Blog "Mysteries"

1. An excellent catcher, an exemplary weaver. Whoever gets into his yarn, He will die (spider).

2. What is a "lie with a hint" and for all people "with a lesson"? (story).

3. Her heart better than the sun warms. There is no relative of hers. The bird is happy for spring, and the child is happy for her (mother).

4. Without it, the bell is mute. He talks and the head answers. He will bring to Kyiv. (language).

Blog "Epics"

1. According to the description, find out the hero of the epic.

He sits a villain on seven oaks,
On seven oaks, on forty bitches...

2. What instrument was used to accompany the singing of epics? Who from epic heroes played the harp?

3. Name the heroes of epics known to you.

4. Find out the hero of the epic by the description.

And the king sits like a pig,
On nine tables, on ten benches.
And the eyes...
And black-black, and empty-empty.
From three hairs, as from three welts.

And the wearer...
Like a stick-wedge wood splitter.

Blog "Tales"

1.What are fairy tales? How do they differ from each other? Choose the correct answer.

  • magical;
  • household;
  • fabulous;
  • bothersome;
  • gaming;
  • fairy tales about animals;
  • horror stories .

2. What fairy rules do you know?

  • choose what is less valuable;
  • do not be surprised at anything;
  • be kind and responsive;
  • break the taboos .

3. What fairy laws do you know?

  • "No sooner said than done".
  • "Law of the Trinity".

4. Give examples of fairy tale endings.


Presentation for the quiz "Through the pages of folklore"

Option 1

  1. Define folklore.
  1. The genres of folklore include:

A. Bylina B. Story V. Chastushka G. Roman

  1. Define epic.
  1. The main characters of the epic are:

A. Volga B. Alyosha Popovich V. Ivan - Tsarevich G. Ilya Muromets

  1. The artistic techniques of the epic include:

A. Constant epithets B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole D. Moral

  1. Which artistic technique epic is used in the following lines:

The horse jumps from mountain to mountain,

A good horse jumps from hill to hill.

After all, he passed rivers, lakes between his legs,

He jumped around the blue seas ...

  1. Define the genre of fairy tale.
  1. Which of the following characters are the heroes of folk tales:

A. Kai B. Koschey the Immortal V. Alyonushka G. Thumbelina

  1. What was the first task given to his sons by the king in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"
  1. Who is not the hero of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess":

A. Vasilisa the Wise B. Sinbad V. Tsar G. Koschey the Immortal

  1. Define a proverb.
  1. Distribute the proposed proverbs and sayings into two groups “Word”, “Industriousness and laziness”: Patience and work will grind everything. Not everywhere is strength, where is skill, and where is patience.The word is not a sparrow, if you let it out, you won't catch it. The spoken word is silver, the unspoken is gold.It is possible to drown a big deed in small words. Gold is known in fire, and man in labor. A horse is recognized in riding, and a man in work.
  1. Guess the riddle and define this genre:

Fat, wrinkled, two fangs

He looks like an old man.

He lies on the ice - and so what?

The thick-skinned does not freeze ...

At first, like the sun - orange-bright.
Becomes down - fluffy and soft.
Like a white cloud, and only a breath,
Dissolves in just one moment

  1. List the features of the play.

The final test in literature for the 1st quarter.

Option 2

1. Define folklore.

2. Genres of folklore include:

A. Poem B. folk drama V. Fairy tale D. Essay

3. Define the epic.

4. The main characters of the epics are:

A. Volga B. Ivan - Tsarevich V. Dobrynya Nikitich G. Ilya Muromets

5. The artistic techniques of the epic include:

A. Triple repetitions B. Irony C. Hyperbole D. Personification

6. What artistic device of the epic is used in the following lines:

How to wave to the side - so here is the street,

And in another wave away - alley

BUT. Permanent epithet B. Zachin C. Triple repetition D. Hyperbole

7. Define the genre of a fairy tale.

8. Which of the following characters are the heroes of folk tales:

BUT. The Snow Queen B. Koschei the Immortal V. Vasilisa the Wise G. Snow White

9. What is the second task given to his sons by the king in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"

A. sew a tablecloth B. bake bread C. come to a feast D. weave a carpet

10. Who is not the hero of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess":

A. Vasilisa the Wise B. Ivan Tsarevich C. Tsar G. Morozka

11. Define a song.

12. Distribute the proposed proverbs and sayings into two groups "Word", "Industriousness and laziness": Patience and work will grind everything. Not everywhere is strength, where is skill, and where is patience. The word is not a sparrow, if you let it out, you won't catch it. The spoken word is silver, the unspoken is gold. It is possible to drown a big deed in small words. Gold is known in fire, and man in labor. A horse is recognized in riding, and a man in work.

13. Guess the riddle and define this genre:

The first syllable is a simple preposition.
The syllable is the second animal mouth.
If you read the word
You will quickly fall into the abyss!

Amazing Sun:
This sun has a hundred windows,
From those windows they look
Hundreds of black jackdaws

14. List the features of the play.

  1. Compare the text of one of the historical songs with the epic. What elements of the epic narrative, language, artistic features did you find in it? What do you see the differences between the epic hero and heroes historical song?
  2. Plots of historical folk songs based on real events and you-mental incidents with historical figures. But, even referring to events related to history, folk songs use the usual epics techniques: repetitions (“You take, white king, take us with you ...”), constant epithets (red gold), exclamations-addresses (“Oh, you are a goy ...” or “Oh, you are a goy ...”).

    The epic hero-hero was created by folk fantasy. The reader does not try to connect his appearance and fate with a specific historical figure. In historical songs, the characters are always authentic. Here, some liberties and inaccuracies are possible, but all the same, events with real participants are at the heart of the historical song.

  3. Outline the plot of your chosen historical song. What event became the central, culminating event in it? How did you define it?
  4. The song "Pravezh" tells about the fair trial of Ivan the Terrible; the song “Peter I is recognized in a Swedish city” describes the “intelligence” of the tsar in the capital of a state hostile to him.

    You can retell each of them, be sure to use the techniques characteristic of folklore work. "Pra-vezh" reproduces only one episode, and in the song about Peter I a more entertaining story to retell: there is a plot - a description of fees for a secret trip to foreign lands, the wanderings themselves through the "Glass State", recognition of the king , his successful escape from his pursuers.

    All these stages should be conveyed as close as possible to the text of the song. The culmination is the successful reconnaissance of Peter I: "It's not a merchant who walks around the city." Here, a turn characteristic of folklore is used - a negative comparison.

  5. Prepare an expressive reading of one piece (of your choice).
  6. For expressive reading you can prepare not the whole song, but one of its fragments. material from the site

    Often, to prepare an expressive reading, they use a fragment depicting the flight of Peter I from his pursuers.

    You can start with the words: “Take it, take it, peasant, plenty of money ...” - and until the end of the song.

    This small fragment contains not only a story about the events, but also the appeals included in this story: Peter to the peasant, to the sailors and soldiers on the ship, and “chase” to the king. The whole episode should be read quickly, and the appeals cut it into pieces and at the same time only increase the pace of the story.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search

On this page, material on the topics:

  • historical song "Peter I will be recognized in the Swedish city"
  • find epithets characterizing Ivan the Terrible
  • questions and answers about folklore
  • compare the text of one of the historical songs with the epic.
  • questions and answers about folklore

Test. Folklore. Grade 5 1 option

1. Folklore is:

a) special kind creativity, which has retained a connection with ancient thinking and understanding of the word;

b) art created by the people and existing among the broad masses of the people;

c) oral folk art;

d) a set of works on various topics.

a) a riddle b) a song; c) a proverb; d) a story; e) a poem; e) story; g) a fairy tale; h) legend; i) proverb.

a) hyperbole; b) an epithet; comparing to; d) metaphor, e) antithesis

What is a proverb?
a) a figurative combination of words; b) a part of a judgment that gives an accurate assessment of an event or person; c) a complete statement of instructive content.

a) in the accuracy and figurativeness of the statement;

c) a proverb is a complete judgment, a saying is a part of a judgment.

7. What is a fairy tale

a) historical tale

b) legend

c) an entertaining story with fantastic content

G) true story


b) everyday, magical, about animals, heroic


a) patriotism

b) victory of good over evil

c) ridicule of vices.

10. AT fairy tales each character plays a specific role. The protagonist of the tale has assistants. Choose them from the list:

Test. Folklore. Grade 5 Option 2

1. Folklore is:

a) a set of works on various topics.

b) oral folk art;

c) art created by the people and existing among the broad masses of the people;

d) a special kind of creativity that has retained a connection with ancient thinking and understanding of the word.

3 . Which of the following genres are folklore?
a) a riddle b) a saying; c) a proverb; d) a story; e) a poem; e) story; g) a fairy tale; h) joke; i) counter.

4 . What kind literary devices lie at the heart of the mystery?
a) hyperbole; b) metaphor; c) negative comparison; d) epithet, e) antithesis

What is a proverb?
a) part of a judgment that gives an accurate assessment of an event or person; b) a figurative combination of words; c) a complete statement of instructive content.

6. What is the difference between proverbs and sayings?
a) a saying is a part of a judgment, and a proverb is a complete judgment;
b) proverbs are based on metaphor, and sayings are based on comparison;
c) in the accuracy and figurativeness of the statement.

7. What is a fairy tale

a) historical story

b) true story

c) legend

d) an entertaining story with fantastic content

8. Correctly indicate the main groups of fairy tales:

a) fantastic, everyday, about three brothers.

b) everyday, heroic, magical, about animals

c) miraculous, about animals, literary

9. The leading idea of ​​a fairy tale:

a) patriotism

b) victory of good over evil

c) ridicule of vices.

10. In fairy tales, each character plays a specific role. The main character of the tale has pests. Choose them from the list:

Horse, hare, Serpent Gorynych, swan geese, pike, Baba Yaga, bear, Koschey the Immortal, gray wolf.

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