September 25 circle of light schedule. Announcements


The largest event and tourist pearl of the Moscow autumn, a holiday that residents and guests of the capital are waiting for every year - the VIII Circle of Light Festival - plans to become the most striking open-air event of 2018.

The festival will begin on September 21 on the Rowing Canal with the Carnival of Light multimedia show, which will tell the audience a mysterious story about a wandering holiday that comes to the city at nightfall, gives its viewers an unforgettable performance and disappears with the first rays of the sun. On September 22 and 23, the public will be able to watch reruns of Carnival of Light.

On September 25, this site will host the closing of the festival dedicated to the cross year of Japan and Russia. Spectators of the final performance will be surprised by a 40-minute show of Japanese pyrotechnics, known throughout the world for its unique beauty and scale.

On Theater Square this year, the facades of three theaters will be used for light shows: the Bolshoi, Maly and RAMT. The three buildings, joined together like a triptych painting, will create a panoramic 270-degree video projection. During the festival, you can see the new show "Spartacus", as well as light novels "Celestial Mechanics" and "Timeless". In addition, the facades of the leading theaters in Russia will show the works of the finalists of the Art Vision international competition in the Classic nomination.

Circle of Light in Moscow parks

For the first time in the history of the Circle of Light, two tourist sites in Moscow will become the venues of the festival at once: the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve and the Museum of Victory on Poklonnaya Hill, and, according to tradition, the festival will once again fill Tsaritsyno Park with light.

The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve invites everyone to the space of impressions. The vast territory of the park will turn into a world of extravaganza. Before the eyes of the guests, fairy-tale masks and mysterious animals will come to life, golden fruits will grow on the trees, the carriage with Cinderella will become a pumpkin, and Ole Lukoye will invite the audience into the world of dreams.

The façade of the Museum of Victory on Poklonnaya Gora will feature light novels dedicated to the military past of Russia, the city of Moscow, as well as a fifteen-minute VJing (audiovisual performance) to the music and songs of the war years.

The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve will become an amazing space of light for the duration of the festival period, the public is waiting for two completely new works that will be shown on the facade of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace. One of them is the story of a bird that, together with the audience, will travel to the famous corners of the globe. The second is an audiovisual performance about the world of the future, in which nature and technology coexist harmoniously. The futuristic theme of the festival venue in Tsaritsyno Park will be continued by the BIONIC PORTAL installations - portal structures to the world of the future, created from LED tubes and harmoniously integrated into the natural environment of the park area. Thanks to augmented reality technology, they can be easily read using the cameras of mobile devices, on the screen of which animals will appear - possible inhabitants of the ecosystems of the future.

In addition, on September 24, People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov will perform an author's concert accompanied by light video projections on the stage in front of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace. Also, the festival site will become part of the program of the Art Vision international competition. The finalists of the competition in the nomination "Modern" will present their works on the facade of the palace.

Fans of club music on September 22 will be waiting for the Mir concert hall, where an international light and music party will take place - a competition between VJs from different parts of the world - contestants of the third nomination of the Art Vision contest - VJing.

As part of the educational program on September 22 and 23 at the Digital October Center, leading experts in lighting design and video projection from all over the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the pitfalls of the organizational process, and discuss technical innovations and current trends. The program includes workshops, panel discussions and lectures.

Entrance to all venues of the Circle of Light festival is free.

For events in the Mir Concert Hall and the Digital October Center, you must register on the website Registration opens two weeks before the festival start date.

The Moscow International Circle of Light Festival is an annual event where lighting designers and experts in the field of audiovisual art transform the architectural image of Moscow using projection techniques on objects. The facades of the symbolic buildings of Russia - the Bolshoi Theatre, Manege, Moscow State University, VDNKh and others - appear as canvases for large-scale colorful video projections. Admission to all festival venues is free.

Under the auspices of the Circle of Light festival, an international competition for video mapping and VJing Art Vision is held. Applications are accepted in three categories:

Classic architectural video mapping


During the festival there is an educational program. It includes lectures, panel discussions, master classes from world lighting designers. All educational events are free to attend, but pre-registration is required.

The Circle of Light festival has been held annually since 2011. During this time, the audience of the festival has grown 30 times - from 250 thousand people in 2011 to 7.5 million - in 2015. Last year the festival was visited by more than 100 thousand tourists. It is expected that this year their number will exceed 150 thousand people.

The grand opening will take place on September 23 on the facade of the main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, where more than 200 powerful light projectors will create a video projection with an area of ​​over 40 thousand square meters. meters and a total luminous flux of more than 4 million lumens. Two light performances will be shown - "Keeper" and "Unlimited Moscow State University". Each festival evening will end with a pyrotechnic show.

The closing of the festival will take place on September 27 at the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye. This year, in addition to fountains, fire burners, lasers and lighting devices, a large-scale video projection will be used in the performance.

Venues and schedule:

September 23 - 25 - Moscow State University (MGU), Main Building
September 23 - Opening of the festival
September 24, 25 - Show

Two light performances with a total duration of about 50 minutes will be presented on the facade of the Main Building of Moscow State University. More than 200 powerful light projectors will create a video projection with an area of ​​over 40,000 square meters.

The first performance "Boundless Moscow State University" will invite you on a journey through the world of knowledge, full of mysteries, hidden within the walls of the university. The legendary founder of Moscow State University, M. Lomonosov, will take you through the amazing spaces of various sciences and tell you what secrets the famous skyscraper on Sparrow Hills hides.

The second performance "Keeper" is an exciting animated story timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Russia's protected areas. The characters were voiced by Russian actors, musicians and TV presenters: I. Okhlobystin, A. Kortnev, N. Drozdov, L. Milyavskaya and others.

Each festival evening will end with a pyrotechnic show. For three days, the sky over the Sparrow Hills will be painted with more than 19 thousand multi-colored fireworks.

A multimedia show has been prepared for the Rowing Channel, which will exceed all the wildest expectations. This year, in addition to fountains, fire burners, lasers and lighting devices, a large-scale video projection will be used in the performance. Especially for this, a whole mini-city with a height of more than 50 meters will be built on the spit of the Rowing Canal.

To the accompaniment of hits from different years, viewers of the musical multimedia show will meet the morning in a quiet resort town, plunge into the hustle and bustle of the day in a million-plus city and spend the evening in an ever-awake metropolis.

A separate surprise will be a laser show on the surface of a line of fountains that will connect the banks of the Rowing Canal with a giant bridge.

On the façade of the world-famous symbol of Russian culture, the best lighting scenes of the past years (“Swan Lake”, “Karmen” and others) will be shown. The organizers of the festival also prepared a premiere dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema.

The usual classical facade of the Bolshoi Theater will turn into the scenery of everyone's favorite films, such as "Merry Fellows", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", "White Sun of the Desert", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" and "Kin-dza-dza".

The theme of cinema, but already of the world, will be reflected in their works by the participants of the Art Vision contest in the Classic Architectural Video Mapping nomination. Spectators will also be able to see their colorful projects on the facade of the Bolshoi Theater on all days of the festival from 23 to 27 September.

September 23 - 27 - Light Park
September 23 - 27 - Pyrotechnic waterfall
September 24 - concert of the art group "Turetsky Choir"

VDNKh will be transformed into a Park of Light for five festival evenings. Well-known world lighting designers will decorate its territory with author's light installations:

"Incandescence" is a multimedia project by French artist Severine Fontaine, which for six minutes demonstrates the evolution of the role of light in human life.

"Fire Tornado" from Kinetic Humor (Netherlands) is able to amaze even the most daring imagination with the power of the forces of fire and wind. The fire of a small burner, swirled by a special system of fans, turns into a buzzing fiery whirlwind about 10 m high.

Interactive installation "Angels of Freedom" presented by the Berlin Light Festival. Five pairs of luminous wings with a span of more than 5 m will provide the most beautiful photos.

The "Pyrotechnic Falls" or "Cold Fire Show" from Italy is a slice of the new year in September.

In addition, on September 24, VDNKh will host a concert by the Turetsky Choir art group. Guests of the festival will hear their favorite songs from Soviet and foreign films accompanied by bright light video projections on the facade of Pavilion No. 1.

On the remaining days of the site's operation, video projections to the songs of the Turetsky Choir will be cyclically broadcast in recordings.

Also on the facade of the First Pavilion of VDNKh, the finalists of the Art Vision competition in the Modern nomination will present their works.

The finalists of the Art Vision competition in the VJing nomination will perform here. The winner will be the one who manages to assemble the best visual effects for the first musical composition from previously prepared fragments in real time.

The evening will end with the performance of the Art Vision jury member, VJing master Johnny Wilson, Spain.

As part of the educational program on September 24 and 25 from 11:00 to 18:00 at the Digital October Center, lighting design and video mapping experts from all over the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the pitfalls of the organizational process, and discuss technical innovations and current trends.

The program includes workshops, panel discussions and lectures.

Attention! The program is subject to change.
Be sure to check the schedule before your trip.
Admission to all events is free.
Entrance to the stands near Moscow State University and on the Rowing Canal by invitation.
Pre-registration is required to participate in educational programs at Digital October and to enter the Izvestia Hall concert hall.

Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" - one of the largest and most popular city festivals in Moscow, a grand celebration of light, during which talented lighting designers and audiovisual art specialists from around the world transform the architectural appearance of the capital.

Skillfully applying the technique of video mapping and modern multimedia technologies, the craftsmen turn the facades of the symbolic buildings of Moscow into screens for large-scale video projections. Colorful video projections, light installations and bright multimedia shows using light, fire, lasers and fireworks - all this can be seen at the festival venues for free!

In 2018, the Circle of Light will be held for the eighth time.

Over the years, it has turned from a local Moscow holiday into a major international event - one of the most popular festivals of light, which attracts tourists to Moscow not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries. The achievements of the festival have been included in the Guinness Book of Records several times: for the largest video projection in 2015 and 2016, as well as for the largest light output when projecting an image in 2016.

Venues of the festival "Circle of Light" 2018

Light shows as part of the Circle of Light festival program will be held at 6 different venues in different parts of the city. Among them will traditionally be the Theater Square with the building of the Bolshoi Theater, as well as the territories of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve and the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye that are familiar to the audience. New venues that have never been used at the festival will be the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora and the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

. Rowing canal "Krylatskoye"

September 21: opening of the festival; September 22-23: multimedia show; September 25: closing of the festival.

On the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye, festival visitors will be shown a large-scale multimedia show "Carnival of Light", which combines the possibilities of light and laser projections, choreography of fountains, fire and pyrotechnic effects. The spectacle promises to be truly grandiose: a structure of 12-meter cubes will be erected along the canal spit to demonstrate video projections, over 250 straight and 35 rotating fountains will be placed on the water, and more than 170 fire burners of various modifications will be installed on pontoons. The show will be shown at the opening of the festival on September 21 and will be repeated on September 22 and 23.

Here, on September 25, the closing of the festival will take place, which will be celebrated with a 40-minute musical and pyrotechnic show, accompanied by video mapping: it will involve Japanese pyrotechnics, including large-caliber charges, the opening diameter of which in the sky reaches almost 1 kilometer!

. theatre square

For several years of the festival, the Circle of Light has become its traditional venue: if the rest change annually, then light shows are held here every year. Initially, the show was shown on the facade, but in 2017, 2 buildings were used for it at once: the Maly joined the Bolshoi Theater. This time, the spectacle will become even larger, and the facades of 3 theaters will be used to demonstrate video projections at once: the Bolshoi, Maly and Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT)!

A panoramic 270-degree light novel about Spartacus, his struggle for personal freedom and spiritual liberation was prepared for the audience. Among other things, there will be shown 2 light shows from the program of last year: "Timeless" and "Celestial Mechanics", as well as the works of the finalists of the ArtVision international competition in the "Classic" nomination.

. Victory Museum

The Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora is a new venue for the Circle of Light festival, which has never been used before. The facade of the museum will show light novels dedicated to the military past of Russia and the city of Moscow, as well as 15-minute VJing to the music and songs of the war years.

One of the short stories - "Designers of Victory" - tells about the designers, whose inventions became the achievement of world technical thought and brought victory in the Great Patriotic War closer. The light show consists of three parts dedicated to the Navy, Air Force, as well as armored and automotive vehicles. The second short story tells about Moscow - the heart of Russia; she will tell about how the Russian lands were united around the capital, and will show the audience the nature of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, the breadth of Russian rivers and the landscapes of Crimea.

. Tsaritsyno

September 21-25: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations using augmented reality technology; September 24: performance by Dmitry Malikov, accompanied by video projections.

Two new works will be shown on the facade of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace: the story of the Phoenix bird "Palace of Wanderings" and an audiovisual performance about the world of the future. Thanks to augmented reality technology, they can be counted using cameras of mobile devices, on the screen of which animals will appear - possible inhabitants of the ecosystems of the future. On September 24, a performance by People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov will take place on the stage in front of the palace, which will be accompanied by video projections on the facade of the palace.

Also on the facade of the palace you can see the work of the finalists of the international competition Art Vision in the nomination "Modern".

. Kolomenskoye

The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will turn into a space of sensations: fabulous light installations will appear in the park, and video mapping shows will be shown on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence.

. Digital October

As part of the educational program of the festival at the Digital October Center, leading experts in lighting design and video projection from all over the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the "pitfalls" of the organizational process and discuss various technical innovations.

. Concert hall "Mir"

In the concert hall "Mir" fans of club music will enjoy an international light and music party - a competition between the participants of the Art Vision contest in the "VJing" nomination.

Festival program

The program of the Circle of Light 2018 festival includes large-scale shows for the general public at the Grebnoy Canal, Teatralnaya Square, Poklonnaya Gora and Tsaritsyn, as well as events for a narrower audience at the Digital October Center and the Mir Concert Hall.

Rowing Canal: opening ceremony of the festival - multimedia show "Carnival of Light" (20:30 - 21:30);

Teatralnaya Square: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Museum of Victory: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Concert Hall "Mir": holding the competition Art Vision - "VJing" (22:00 - 00:00);

Rowing Canal: multimedia show "Carnival of Light" (19:45 - 20:45);

Teatralnaya Square: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Museum of Victory: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Kolomenskoye: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations (19:30 - 23:00);

Digital October: educational program (see the schedule on the festival website).

Teatralnaya Square: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Museum of Victory: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: performance by Dmitry Malikov accompanied by video mapping (20:00 - 21:00);

Kolomenskoye: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations (19:30 - 23:00).

Rowing Canal: closing of the festival - musical pyrotechnic show accompanied by video mapping (20:30 - 21:15);

Teatralnaya Square: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Museum of Victory: cyclic video mapping demonstrations (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Kolomenskoye: cyclic video mapping demonstrations, light installations (19:30 - 23:00).

Entrance to the open areas of the Circle of Light 2018 festival is free (except for the stands), to visit the program in the Mir Concert Hall and the Digital October Center, advance registration is required.

You can see more detailed information about the festival, learn more about its venues and their schedule, as well as clarify other details of interest on the official website of the Circle of Light festival:

Published on 21.09.18 00:07

Opening of the festival "Circle of Light" in Moscow 2018: program of events on the official website, where to watch and much more read in the TopNews material.

"Circle of Light" in Moscow 2018: a colorful festival will be held in the Russian capital

From September 21 to 25, 2018, Moscow hosts the international festival "Kryg of Light" - an annual event in which lighting designers and experts in the field of audiovisual art from all over the world will transform the architectural appearance of the capital.

The festival began in 2011, and every year it only expands its horizons. The number of venues is growing, and the mastery of visual effects, and the number of spectators who do not get tired intcbatch share your photos, videos and real emotions on social networks. Among the visual effects of the festival are streams of light, video projections, laser shows, light performances and pyrotechnic performances. Water and fire special effects are also used. The scale of the performances is also striking - in 2017, a show on the main building of Moscow State University. Lomonosov has exceeded 40,000 square meters. This year, light performances will be shown at seven venues. The best masters of video mapping will demonstrate their skills.

Admission to all festival venues is free.

The program of the festival "Circle of Light 2018"

The venues for the Festival of Light 2018 in Moscow will be the Rowing Canal, Teatralnaya Square, Tsaritsyno, the Victory Museum, the Digital October Center and the MIR Concert Hall.

Rowing canal (opening)

September 21 The opening of the festival will be the multimedia show "Carnival of Light", which will combine the amazing possibilities of light and laser projections, choreography of fountains and fire, grandiose pyrotechnic effects.

This time, a structure of 12-meter cubes will be erected along the spit of the Grebnoy Canal for video projections, over 250 straight and 35 rotating fountains will be placed on the water, and more than 170 fire burners of various modifications will be installed on pontoons.



theatre square

Theater Square this year will use the facades of three theaters at once for light shows: the Bolshoi, Maly and RAMT. Three buildings will create a panoramic 270-degree video projection.

During the festival, an allegorical light novel about Spartacus, the story of his struggle for personal freedom and spiritual liberation will be shown here. It will also be possible to see two light shows of the festival last year - "Celestial Mechanics" and "Timeless", the works of the finalists of the international Art Vision competition in the "Classic" nomination.








This year in Tsaritsyno, the audience is waiting for two new works that will be shown on the facade of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace: the story of the Phoenix bird "The Palace of Wanderings" and an audiovisual performance about the world of the future.

Thanks to augmented reality technology, they can be easily read using the cameras of mobile devices, on the screen of which animals will appear - possible inhabitants of the ecosystems of the future.

On September 24, a concert by People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov will take place on the stage in front of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace. The maestro's performance will be accompanied by video projections on the facade of the palace.

This year, the festival site in Tsaritsyno will become part of the program of the Art Vision international competition. The finalists of the competition in the nomination "Modern" will present their works on the facade of the palace.







How to get there: st. Dolskaya, 1, metro station "Tsaritsyno", "Orekhovo".

Victory Museum

For the first time in the history of the Circle of Light, the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora will become the venue for the festival. The facade of the building will show light novels dedicated to the military past of Russia, the city of Moscow, as well as fifteen-minute VJing to the music and songs of the war years.

One of the video mapping works, "Constructors of Victory", is dedicated to the designers who glorified Russia. Their inventions became the achievement of world technical thought, and participation in solving the problems of creating defense equipment brought the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War closer. The light show consists of three parts dedicated to the navy, air force, armored vehicles and automotive technology.

The second light show about Moscow - the heart of Russia. It will tell about how the lands and territories around the capital grew and united over the centuries. Spectators will make a journey over our vast homeland, see the nature of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, admire the breadth of our rivers and the landscapes of Crimea.



Concert hall "Mir"

On Saturday evening in the concert hall "Mir" fans of club music will be waiting for an international light and music party - a competition between VJs from different parts of the world - contestants of the third nomination of the Art Vision contest - "VJing".


Digital October

As part of the educational program at the Digital October Center, leading experts in lighting design and video projection from all over the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the pitfalls of the organizational process, and discuss technical innovations and current trends.

The program includes workshops, panel discussions and lectures.


Rowing canal (closing)

The closing of the festival will be dedicated to the cross year of Japan and Russia. Spectators of the final performance will be surprised by a 40-minute show of Japanese pyrotechnics, known throughout the world for its unique beauty and scale. Large-caliber charges will be involved in it, and the opening diameter of the largest of them will reach almost 1 kilometer in the sky!



The official website of the festival "Circle of Light" 2018 -

Circle of Light in Moscow. VIDEO

The pyrotechnic show will take place on September 25, and Japanese masters will perform at the closing ceremony of the VIII Moscow International Festival Circle of Light. The best angle will open from a comfortable boat on the Moscow River. On this day, we launch routes from two berths: "Kiev Station" and "Fili". Pyrotechnic charges are installed along the entire route and will illuminate historical monuments, Moscow State University, Luzhniki sports complex and much more with their volleys.

In addition to fireworks, the ticket price includes a walk and sightseeing of the beauties of the capital. You will observe the volleys from a distance of 400 meters.


Motor ships heading to the fireworks festival will depart from different berths at different times.

From the "Kyiv railway station" the flight will depart at 19:00. Guests will sail along the Moscow River, stop at 20:30 to watch the fireworks from the best angle and return to the place of departure at 22:30.

The second ship starts from the Fili pier at 19:45. It will finish its flight at 22:30 at the International Exhibition Pier near metro stations. Those who wish can get off at the Fili pier at 22:00.

The routes are built in such a way that guests can see the picturesque places of the capital. Motor ships will run in the evening, which will give the trip a special charm. Soft twilight light, the first lights of the city at night - by the end of the trip the capital will sparkle with other colors. You will see Moscow at night and understand why Moscow never sleeps.

A boat trip is a convenient way to get to the ceremony site. You will be in a privileged position. Avoid traffic jams in the city center and crowded transport when people pour into the holiday. Comfortable seats, excellent visibility, no crowds and great shots for Instagram. Take your loved ones and be calm for their comfort.


Motor ships will make a stop near the Rowing Canal and Ostrovnaya Street. The climax of the walk will come - the first charges will fly into the sky. Passengers will enjoy a 40-minute show timed to coincide with the closing of the festival. A spectacular performance is guaranteed, because the best pyrotechnicians in Japan will be responsible for it.

From the deck of the ship a magnificent view will open. We will stop just 400 meters from the fireworks launch site. The shells will fly high into the sky and open up to one kilometer in diameter. The night sky above the heads of passengers will sparkle and sparkle, reflected in the waters of the Moscow River.


A sightseeing boat trip is an opportunity to get into the heart of the capital and see the sights. During the trip, you will see historical buildings and modern skyscrapers. Passengers will be able to see how Moscow lives and develops.

The flight will pass by the central streets and such picturesque places as the Fili-Kuntsevsky Forest Park. A separate topic is the various Moscow bridges: railway, pedestrian and multi-lane. One of the most curious objects is the Bagration bridge with a covered gallery, rows of shopping pavilions and an observation deck. It connects Krasnopresnenskaya embankment with the Moscow City complex, which has become the hallmark of the modern capital - after sunset, the skyscraper complex looks especially good.

Motor ships: spaciousness and comfortable conditions

A boat trip is a measured swaying on the waves and a cool breeze. You will spend time in a pleasant company, swim against the backdrop of the beauties of the capital and enjoy the fireworks. In order for our passengers to spend their time in comfort, we send new and modernized ships on flights.

Motor ships of the Moscow and Stolichny types ply along the Moscow River. These are modern Russian vessels, as well as motor ships that have been modernized and built according to Soviet designs. Wide decks can accommodate up to 150 people, so a large group of people can book a trip, for example, for a corporate party. In addition, a boat trip and fireworks are an opportunity to take wonderful wedding photos.

The decks are equipped with tables and comfortable passenger seats. The cafe-bar offers visitors a menu with soft drinks, beer and light snacks. Visitors can bring stronger drinks on board with a receipt from the supermarket.

Who is the trip for?

  • Tourists. Closing of the festival "Circle of Light" - an opportunity to see the city from a beautiful angle and end the day with a magnificent fireworks display. The walk and pyrotechnic show will be remembered by the guest for a long time.
  • Families with children. Watching the pyrotechnic show from the deck of a ship is a great way to spend an evening with your family. This way you can celebrate the wedding day or the birthday of the child. Adults and children will be delighted.
  • Companies of friends. Why not spend this evening in a friendly company. After the fireworks, you will be dropped off at the pier in the center of the night city, and you will be in a good mood to continue exploring Moscow already on land.
  • Couples in love. A walk overlooking the evening Moscow is always romantic. Fireworks can be an unforgettable surprise for the second half.

How and where does the Circle of Light fireworks end?

After the fireworks, a comfortable boat will take you to the landing site corresponding to your ticket.

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