What to do to not get sick. Seasick in the car: who is to blame (and what to do)


The vestibular apparatus is different for everyone, but what to do if you get motion sickness in a car or bus, and the ride is long. Even worse, when the trip makes the child sick.

To help you, we have found all the recipes, secrets, exercises and other folk remedies that can be used in order not to get sick. This 35 effective ways that will definitely save you on the road.

1. Matches or toothpicks

In order not to get sick on the road, you need to hold a toothpick or a match in your front teeth (a match is certainly safer, but not gray inside). This action will distract from the cycle of motion sickness, which will reduce the manifestation of symptoms.

2. Ice

A great way to combat motion sickness is cold (ice pack for the head and neck). You can just use a cold bottle of water.

You can also put ice packs wrapped in a terry towel on the solar plexus and base of the skull and hold for 15 minutes.

3. Apple

Cut a sour apple into slices and nibble lightly when you feel nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms of motion sickness.

4. Ginger

An effective remedy for motion sickness is ginger. It slows down the movements of the walls of the stomach.

Take a ginger root, peel it and cut off a small piece by sucking on it or chewing it lightly during the trip. You don't have to ingest ginger root if you don't like the taste.

5. Powdered ginger

Another way is to use ginger powder. There are ready-made, and you can cook it yourself, just rubbing the ginger root. You need to take it in the amount of one gram an hour before the trip.

6. Acupressure

Acupressure can help with motion sickness symptoms. For example, massage in a circular motion, press or rub the area of ​​the ears, palms and wrists.

7. Acupressure above the upper and lower lip

Not bad helps acupressure.

  1. Press your index finger on the dimple above the upper lip so that you feel pain. And massage in a circular motion without moving your finger from the selected point. That is, you do not need to rub, but move your finger along with the skin above the lip.
  2. Then the same thing needs to be done by pressing on the point immediately below the lower lip.

8. Point under the earlobe

Another point is under the earlobe. When you feel that you are still seasick, you need to quickly press this point for several minutes.

9. Apple Ginger Drink

And this is a recipe from the famous doctor Komarovsky: cut two apples into cubes, grate some fresh ginger and pour a couple of glasses of boiling water over it. The drink should be drunk chilled, preferably with ice.

10. Tea with mint and ginger

Take with you on the road tea with mint or ginger, water without gas, adding lemon juice to it. Sour drink refreshes, suppresses nausea.

11. Pickles

An excellent solution to the problem of motion sickness is pickled cucumber. Only it should not be eaten, but sucked during the trip, when nausea begins.

12. Bracelet from motion sickness

On sale there is a bracelet from motion sickness. Its action is based on acupressure - pressure on certain points that affect the corresponding organs. The bracelet acts on the point on the wrist, which is associated with the digestive organs.

There are also bracelets for children. They do not contain any medications, are comfortable and are perceived by the child as a toy. In rare cases, the bracelet may cause sweating and slight swelling of the wrist. In this case, you should temporarily remove the product from your hands.

13. Tea with lemon and mint

Brew tea (1 teaspoon of mint to 1 cup of boiling water). It must be insisted for half an hour. On a trip, drink with a lemon bite.

14. Tape the navel

An interesting and unusual method. It is necessary to seal the navel with a white adhesive plaster (crosswise) before traveling, so that it is completely covered with a plaster. Unbelievable, but really helps with motion sickness.

15. Wine with salt

Prepare a wine drink. Dilute 1 tsp. table salt in a glass of water and add the resulting salt water to 100 ml of dry red wine. Use this tool immediately before the trip.

16. Elastic wrist band

And this is the way of sailors. Tighten your wrists with an elastic bandage. Because of this, a pressure drop is created, which prevents the onset of motion sickness symptoms. In addition, the bandages will affect a point on the wrists that will prevent nausea.

17. Item in the left hand

Another folk method that does not require special preparation. Simply, before the bus starts moving, hold a small round object (pebble, ball) in your left palm and do not open your palm during the entire trip.

18. Bite your tongue

This method also helps - bite the tip of the tongue and hold. Of course, the method is only for adults or teenagers, and, moreover, the road must be free of bumps and potholes.

19. Salted crackers

Take salted crackers on the road. At the first sign of nausea, start sucking them one by one.

20. Lower your head between your knees

And now - one effective exercise.

  • If you start to feel sick, but there is no vomiting yet, then lower your head between your knees, in this position breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Another option is to tilt your head between your knees, lower. Then sharply raise it after 5 seconds. Repeat the procedure several times.

21. Infusion of oats

A good recipe for motion sickness is an infusion of oats. Preparing is simple: pour 1 tablespoon of oats with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain. Start giving your child 1/4 cup 2 times a day 3-4 days before travel.

22. Spinach juice

Juice from fresh washed spinach is prepared using a juicer. Also, like the previous recipe, start giving to the child in 3-4 days or drink one quarter of a glass 2 times a day.

23. Swallowing movements

During the trip, it is advisable to swallow as often as possible: the ideal solution would be a cold drink that you need to drink in small sips or mint candy (mint has been scientifically proven to suppress the feeling of nausea, and sucking will lead to swallowing).

24. Sing out loud

Another unusual way to get rid of motion sickness from a German professor is songs. If your child complains about being sick, try distracting them by, for example, singing a song with them. Sing loudly and cheerfully.

25. Citrus

Citrus fruits relieve nausea well: suck on an orange, tangerine, lemon wedge or lemon, or put a lemon peel on your cheek.

26. Essential oil

Drip peppermint essential oil on a tissue and sniff it during nausea. A more convenient option is to put a cotton ball with drops of oil in a special aromatherapy pendant and put it on your neck. Essential oils can be used different: mint, chamomile.

27. Dry tea leaves

Also during the trip from motion sickness will help chewing dry tea leaves of green tea.

28. Honey with essential oil

For a child, you can use this recipe: mix 1 teaspoon of honey with a drop of peppermint essential oil. Let the baby dissolve such sweetness in his mouth, and then drink it with cool water.

29. Ammonium chloride

Take a cotton swab and moisten it with ammonia, smell it.

30. Drinking in small sips

As a drink, use mineral water without gas or sour juice - you need to drink in small sips.

31. Breathing exercises

If during the trip you feel unwell, dizzy or suddenly nauseous, take a few deep breaths through your nose and long exhalations through your mouth, then imitate a yawn several times by inhaling through your mouth.

32. Shake your head

Another exercise for motion sickness is shaking your head. Shake your head from side to side ten times. Just not too intense! If you feel dizzy, then just shake your whole body slightly.

33. Lollipops

You can use the time-tested method - lollipops. They really help to cope with motion sickness, but only if it is mild.

34. Gum

Some people find chewing gum helps. But if you start chewing it on an empty stomach, you can get sick even faster. This is due to the fact that chewing gum contributes to the intensive secretion of gastric juice.

35. Medicines

When motion sickness, nausea appears as a result of signal transmission by the vestibular apparatus of the central nervous system. In this regard, the main task of drugs for motion sickness is to prevent such a signal.

  • Vertigochel. A German drug that is not directly intended against motion sickness, but is often used for quite serious illnesses that are accompanied by vomiting, nausea and dizziness.
  • Avia-Sea. Russian homeopathic preparation, which is aimed at weakening the irritating effect of the vestibular apparatus on the body. It is used for symptoms of nausea, vomiting and other signs that are directly related to the movement of any type of transport, it is a good prophylactic. Sold in the form of granules and caramels. The shape of caramel clearly indicates that the drug can be used not only by adults and children.
  • Dramina. Croatian drug, which is prescribed for nausea, dizziness and other symptoms of various origins. Although in most cases this drug in the form of tablets is recommended for prophylactic use in patients suffering from symptoms of motion sickness in transport. It can be taken by babies from the age of one. At the same time, one should not forget that the drug enhances the effects of antidepressants, hypnotics and alcohol.
  • Meclozin. This American-made antihistamine is aimed at preventing vomiting. There are side effects that, quite strangely, are expressed in the same symptoms that are being fought: vomiting, dry mouth, drowsiness.
  • Validol. The composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients. These are valerian, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, which our parents already know, and a solution of menthol in a specific valerian ester, which has a sedative effect, eliminating nervousness and irritability, and, in addition, an antispasmodic and coronary dilating effect. In some cases, the drug is indispensable, so this is when motion sickness in transport (also during seasickness), with toxicosis, as it removes nausea. But patients with high blood sugar should be treated with caution.

Transport behavior preventing motion sickness

Here are some simple tips on how to deal with nausea in the car while driving.

  1. If possible, sit in the front seat or in the middle of the back row so that you can see the road in front of the car. Follow the road through the windshield, not through the side windows.
  2. While driving, keep your head straight - fix it in position using a pillow or head restraint.
  3. Ask the driver to turn on the air conditioner with the recirculation mode turned off.
  4. It is advisable to sleep.
  5. Do not use a smartphone, tablet, game console with a screen that is on your lap. The same applies to books. Reading in a car very often leads to motion sickness.
  6. Do not sit in vehicles against traffic.

How to prepare for your trip

  1. It must be remembered that before absolutely any trip (going out to sea, flying on an airplane), you should not drink a lot of water and eat tightly.
  2. Alcoholic drinks before the trip or during the trip must be completely excluded! Even the so-called "weak" drinks are excluded. These are beer, shakes, champagne, low-alcohol cocktails, dry wines.
  3. Before the trip, engage in positive self-suggestion. To do this, master the basics of auto-training.
  4. Half an hour before your trip, it will be great to drink something soothing. For example, valerian tincture or tablet, mint tea, motherwort tea, or other sedative, preferably herbal, if you do not have any other drugs prescribed by your doctor

Exercises for the vestibular apparatus

Perform these movements 1-2 times a day, starting with 1-2 minutes and gradually increasing the time of gymnastics to 5-10 minutes. At first, the movements should be slow, smooth, then they should be complicated by accelerating the pace. At the beginning of classes, perform each exercise 2-4 times, later increase to 12-16.

  1. Starting position: stand up straight, lowering your arms along the torso.
    Tilt your head forward, then back. Make a rotational movement of the head to the right and left.
  2. Starting position: stand straight, arms bent at the elbows, lie on the belt.
    Turn your torso to the right and left, tilt forward and backward.

  3. We rotate the body around its axis (2–4 turns to the right and left). Keep your head straight or tilt to the shoulder.
  4. Starting position: as in the second exercise.
    We jump on the floor or on a trampoline (low, medium, as high as possible) on two or one leg with simultaneous rotation of the head.

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Motion sickness (motion sickness) in transportation is a common problem faced by many people. It is caused by a mismatch between the eyes and the inner ear. The inner ear tells the brain that the body is moving, while the eyes tell the body that the body is still. Because of this contradiction, many symptoms of motion sickness arise. And although there is no cure for this problem, there are ways to alleviate it a little.


How to deal with symptoms

    Get some fresh air. Some people report that fresh air helps to soothe the symptoms of motion sickness. Just open a window or window, and you may already feel better. If the condition does not improve, stop the vehicle (if possible) and get out for fresh air. Air, as well as stopping traffic, can improve the situation. In warm weather, some people benefit from turning on the air conditioner, while others feel better if they turn it off and breathe regular air.

    Block the review. Often motion sickness is caused by movement outside the vehicle. For this reason, you may feel better if you close the review. Alternatively, the same result can be achieved with the help of special glasses from motion sickness.

    • To feel lighter, you can simply close your eyes, especially if you can fall asleep.
    • You can also try sunglasses or a sleep mask, which will block vision enough to soothe motion sickness symptoms.
    • Dry or tired eyes can also contribute to motion sickness. In this case, try using eye drops or splashing water on your face. It may also be helpful to remove your contact lenses and put on glasses instead.
  1. Use products that contain ginger. They help some people relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. You can try ginger gum, ale, biscuits, and many other ginger products. If you're prone to motion sickness, keep one or more of these products on hand in case you get sick.

    Eat something dry. Some studies have shown that dry foods, such as lean crackers or crackers, can help relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. This is because dry food absorbs excess acid in the stomach.

    Try massage of biologically active points of the skin (acupressure). Applying pressure to certain parts of the body can help treat the symptoms of motion sickness. This is especially true of the massage point MC.6 Nei-guan, located on the underside of the wrist, by pressing on it you can relieve indigestion.

    • To find this point, locate the area where the watch is usually located. Find the middle point on your wrist. It is a small "depression" in which you can feel the tendons. If you press on it with your fingertip, relief should come in about 10 seconds.
    • If you have a wristwatch or a tight bracelet/wristband, you can make an acupuncture bracelet out of them. Roll a small piece of cotton, paper, or something that looks like paper (such as a chewing gum wrapper) into a pea-sized ball. Place under the bracelet in the area described in the paragraph above.

    How to prevent motion sickness in transport

    1. Prevent nausea due to motion sickness. Do not travel with a full or empty stomach. As a general rule, nausea worsens when the stomach is full, so you should not eat heavily before the trip. Any food that is not well absorbed by your body should be avoided. These can be foods that overload the stomach, as well as spicy or fatty foods.

      • Some people also find it difficult to travel on an empty stomach.
      • Also, don't keep strong-smelling food in your car to prevent nausea.
    2. Sit where you feel the least movement. Since motion sickness is the result of a mismatch between the movements you experience and what you see, choosing a location where you will feel the least (or no) motion will help prevent motion sickness. As a rule, the front seat in the car is best suited.

      • Never sit in the opposite direction from the movement. You may be rocked.
    3. Avoid visual stimuli that cause motion sickness. Some things that contribute to motion sickness are visual in nature. For example, you should not read in the car while traveling. Movement makes it difficult to concentrate on words, making reading while driving dangerous for those suffering from vehicle nausea.

      • To minimize the effects of motion sickness, try to keep your eyes fixed on one point while driving.
      • If you ride with someone who has motion sickness and see them getting sick (or if you just talk about it), it can cause nausea.
    4. Use medication. However, keep in mind that motion sickness tablets are recommended to be taken as directed by your doctor. He must choose an effective and safe remedy, since some drugs have side effects and contraindications for use. Typically, motion sickness medications include anticholinergic (anticholinergic) agents, antispasmodics, and sympathomimetics. Most of them contain a medication such as meclizine, which is an antiemetic, as well as an antihistamine and antispasmodic. It specifically targets the area of ​​the brain responsible for movement, helping to prevent motion sickness that people may experience while riding in a car (and other vehicles).

      • If you have a particularly bad case, your doctor may prescribe scopolamine, which can be taken by mouth, intravenously, or topically (on the skin).
      • Always discuss drug interactions and side effects with your doctor or pharmacist before using prescription drugs.
    5. Eat ginger. Ginger can be used as an alternative medicine that is effective in preventing motion sickness in some people. To prevent symptoms, you can mix half a teaspoon (2-3 grams) of ginger powder with a glass of water and drink it or take 2 ginger capsules 20 minutes before your trip.

    6. Always warn the driver when you begin to feel unwell.
    7. Breathe deeply to calm down. Make the muscles move monotonously to alleviate your condition.
    8. Do not close your mouth while vomiting, otherwise the vomit will eventually come out through your nose.
    9. Sleep! If you can’t fall asleep, try taking some sleeping pills, for example, melatonin (in Russia and the CIS countries it is produced under the trade name Melaxen, but on the Internet, for example, on Iherb, you can order it cheaper).
    10. If you have experienced this problem before, carry a plastic zippered bag with you.
    11. If your itinerary involves driving on winding roads, plan time for breaks.
    12. Some people sometimes find it helpful to hold their wrist. Acupuncture bracelets (with balls in the middle to target specific points) can help control motion sickness.
    13. Avoid large traffic if possible. You obviously won't get better if you start and stop every now and then.
    14. Snack on crackers/crackers if you feel nauseous.
    15. If you think you might vomit, take a bucket or something with you so you don't stain the interior of the vehicle.
    16. If you feel sick, open a window or take a break by stopping at a gas station or a designated spot on the track for some fresh air.
    17. Swallow. Typically, people open their mouths or simply breathe. The process of swallowing (temporarily) gives great relief.
    18. Sit quietly and focus on one subject. Don't move your head too much.
    19. Try drinking carbonated drinks like 7Up or Sprite. This will help calm the stomach.

Seasickness is mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates dating back to the 5th century BC, and is still surrounded by legends, myths and rumors. Some of them are true, and some are nothing more than idle speculation. Sergei Sinitsyn, the founder of the Friendship Regatta company, an active captain-instructor, who has several dozen sailing trips and hundreds of satisfied passengers, talks about the causes and symptoms of seasickness, how to prepare for a trip, as well as remedies for motion sickness.

First, seasickness is only called "seasickness". It has the same relation to maritime transport as it does to cars, trains, and even ordinary swings or attractions, that is, all those places where motion sickness occurs. It is all to blame for the peculiarity of the reaction of the brain (cerebellum) to unusual conditions. The legs are on a hard surface, and the organs of perception feel the roll. The brain gives a signal to the body that something is wrong, as a result of which the latter begins to cleanse - the person begins to feel sick.

Secondly, seasickness does not manifest itself in everyone and not in all cases. For example, you can get motion sickness in a car or while riding a swing, and at the same time motion sickness will be completely absent when traveling on a sea liner or yacht. Moreover, there are times when a person gets seasick on a cruise on a large ship and does not cause any inconvenience when sailing on a small boat.

Babies and the elderly are less susceptible to motion sickness. The former have not yet fully formed the vestibular apparatus, while the latter are not able to deal with drowsiness, and sleep relieves all symptoms like a hand.

The most vulnerable to motion sickness are children from 2 to 12 years old. It is at this age that they are most often swayed in a car, but at sea everything can be exactly the opposite.

Even the race of the traveler affects the appearance of motion sickness symptoms. For example, representatives of the Mongoloid race are heavier than Europeans and blacks suffer from seasickness. Studies say that motion sickness in the first increases the level of the stress hormone, and, as a result, blood pressure rises.

In addition, scientists have found that motion sickness is inherited, as it depends on the human genome.

Finally, the occurrence of seasickness depends on the intensity of the oscillations of the ship or vehicle. However, the risk also increases if during the trip you are in a stressful situation, the emotional state is unstable, the cabin, car, train or any other room is not sufficiently ventilated, and it is quite stuffy inside. Seasickness is provoked by pungent odors - tobacco, engine oil, kerosene, gasoline, alcohol and others.

And, of course, it is better to sit in the middle and aft parts of the vessel, closer to the turning / pitching point, where there is less motion sickness, and in the front passenger seat - in the car.

The good news is that people can get used to rolling, and seasickness can recede with some simple safety precautions.

Symptoms of motion sickness and first aid for motion sickness

According to experts, there are more than twenty symptoms that travelers manifest to one degree or another. The main ones are dizziness, headache, bowel disorder, increasing in intensity nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating and salivation, frequent, deep and irregular breathing, drowsiness and yawning, low or high blood pressure, loss of spatial orientation, irritability and tearfulness, especially in children.

If you find yourself or your loved ones symptoms of seasickness, the first thing to do is not to get scared, get distracted and remember our advice. If you are on a seagoing vessel, contact the captain or crew members. They will tell you exactly what to do.

Drink more water. Regular drinking water, water with lemon and any other non-carbonated drink should be drunk in small sips. Water will not only replenish fluids in the body, but also help to cope with nausea. Great things to add to water are ginger, lemon, and cardamom.

Go to bed. Or limit your visual activity. In a dream, no one has yet been swayed, and the body and brain relax. If you close your eyes and can’t sleep, then it’s better to watch the horizon, where the movement is not so felt. Maritime law says that a sailor must use every free minute for recreation.

Get busy. If you are traveling on a yacht, the captain will definitely give you the opportunity to help the crew, put you at the helm or puzzle with something useful. It is not recommended to read books, look at the phone, cook in the galley. Listen to music or an audiobook with your eyes closed, have some fun, take your mind off your fears, and try to relax.

Observe. The advice is simple and therefore not always feasible. Preference in any trip should be given to easily digestible food, to refrain from heavy fatty foods. A light dish is recommended to be eaten 1.5-2 hours before going to sea or traveling by car. It is best not to travel on an empty or full stomach.

It is believed that alcohol in small quantities able to deal with motion sickness. This is true, but only small doses help, and they are quickly processed by the body. To prevent the symptoms from returning, the blood alcohol content must be constantly maintained, which is contrary to safety regulations on a ship or when traveling by car. We still recommend that you stop drinking alcohol on the eve of the trip.

If the above steps do not help, the symptoms of motion sickness persist, take a medication or use folk remedies. (Even before the trip, you should consult with your doctor, read the instructions for use of the drug and, if possible, check for individual intolerance.)

On board a yacht or other small sea vessel, taking medication is possible only with the consent of the captain. The fact is that most of the tablets from motion sickness are sedatives, that is, affecting the nervous system, so the person becomes sleepy and is not able to fully participate in the management of the vessel.

There are several ways to stop seasickness - these are tablets, patches, homeopathic remedies and biologically active food supplements.

Antihistamines are used as remedies for motion sickness (they are familiar to us as allergy medicines) - Pipolphen, Suprastin or Dimedrol, as well as motion sickness tablets - Kinedryl, Bonin, Aviamorin, Dramina ". Many of them can cause drowsiness and inhibition of the nervous system. The composition of "Kinedril" includes caffeine, which does not allow the nervous system to "slow down". These drugs do not act immediately, so it is recommended to take them at least an hour before traveling by car or going to sea.

Homeopathic preparations and dietary supplements - "Aeron", "Bellaspon", "Bellataminal", Nux Vomica, "Vertigoheel", "Avia-Sea", "Fellow Traveler". And from nausea and feelings of anxiety, validol and valocordin, mint extract or mint tea will help.

Sailors empirically found another way to combat seasickness. Before the trip, you need to tighten your wrists with elastic bandages, tightly, but carefully, so as not to pinch the vessels. The bandages will create a pressure drop and will constantly act on a specific point in the wrist area, which will help overcome nausea. If you are still seasick, for several minutes rhythmically press with a fingernail or a match on a point under the earlobe.

  • Designate an observer. In the event of nausea, passengers rush to the side of the yacht with sudden movements, while their coordination is already impaired, and it is important to keep them in sight at all times. Sometimes help is needed: to warm a person, just give water.
  • Prevent falling overboard. Put on a life jacket, harness and fasten it to the structural elements of the vessel. In addition to nausea, a person may also experience embarrassment, and in an attempt to hide from others and weakness, a person may fall overboard.
  • Moral support. Vertigo is accompanied by weakness of the body, but there are cases of joking and ridicule. Such manifestations must be strictly suppressed, since everyone can get sick, and a friendly atmosphere and mutual assistance of the team will help make the trip a safe one.

How to prepare for travel: prevention of motion sickness

By planning a long trip, by sea or by land, you can prevent seasickness and reduce its symptoms.

Train your vestibular apparatus. Special physical exercises, volleyball, swimming, trampolining, exercises on sports equipment, a treadmill suppress unpleasant vestibular reactions and improve orientation in space.

Load the vestibular apparatus by actively moving your head in different directions. Training is carried out every day in the morning before meals. The key to success is a fast pace (about 120 movements per minute). After a 30-second workout, a pause should follow, approximately 5-7 seconds. The whole complex takes no more than 8 minutes, for beginners - no more than 2 minutes. First, the movements are performed while sitting, and on the third or fifth day - standing.

Do not forget to warm up before training exercises. The amount of training is individual, but it is believed that if you are able to make circular movements 15 times in one direction, and then in the other, then motion sickness does not threaten you.

Watch your nutrition. Limit the consumption of fatty foods, alcohol two to three weeks before the trip. Establish water exchange processes in the body. Train yourself to drink at least 2 liters of water. Saturate the body with vitamin C, take a lemon, fresh or candied ginger with you on a trip. Mint candies, chewing gum also soften the effect on the vestibular apparatus, but the effect does not last long.

Get used to rolling gradually. It would be nice to get used to the pitching, to ride, for example, on a river tram. If you plan to go out to sea on a yacht, then the first night must be spent on a boat that is in the roadstead, in order to also allow the body to get used to the new conditions.

Tune in to a positive wave. A stable emotional state and confidence that nothing can prevent you from enjoying travel, positive company and unity with nature will relegate the disease to the background.

Comment on the article "What to do if you get sick in a car or at sea?"

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Sickness in transport ((. Medical issues. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Sickness in transport. Medicines. Children's medicine.

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Even if he gets sick in the car, it is not necessary that he will be sick on the plane, believe me, I worked as a flight attendant. Take new toys with you, some small change and give out every 30 minutes. new.During takeoff and landing, give your child simple non-carbonated water to drink...

Sicks in transport. . Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. A 3-year-old child is very sick in transport, especially in a car. Is there any way to avoid this.

Motion sickness in transport. . Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Is this reaction to the trip will remain for life??? Are there any ways to avoid travel sickness?

For some people, any trip becomes just flour. Constant malaise and the desire to be outdoors in a calm environment is almost impossible to realize. When you get sick in the car, what to do will be prompted by a specialist who understands the intricacies of the work of the vestibular apparatus.

Why does he get sick in the car

This state is not good. And most people encounter it in childhood, as up to 52% of children under the age of 12 suffer from it. If for some such a malaise disappears and with age they move perfectly on any type of transport, then for the other 10% this problem becomes a companion for life. Almost any trip is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and ailments.

It is worth figuring out why it sways in the car and kinetosis occurs. For the first time, such a state began to arise several centuries ago among people traveling on ships. Only with time, when other modes of transport also appeared, could it be boldly stated that such a state arises with regular and uniform vibrations.

Comprehensively answering the question of why motion sickness in the car will help directly to the "hero of the occasion" vestibular apparatus. As soon as the body changes, the movement in the crystals of the vestibular apparatus irritates the hairs and this signal goes to the brain. And in this case, the brain receives conflicting information from almost all the senses. As a result, the receptors of the vestibular apparatus signal that the body is not mobile, and the organs of vision, in turn, perceive the endless movement and various vibrations. This mismatch of signals from different organs leads to nausea and dizziness.

This problem often occurs even in people who are not predisposed to kinetosis. If a couple of hours before the trip a person was present at a plentiful feast, then he was sure to get sick in the car, sick. What to do in this case depends on the situation.

  • If possible, it is worth giving him time in the fresh air.
  • Do not look out the window, read or watch a laptop.
  • Close your eyes and lean on a chair.
  • Take deep breaths in and out.
  • Drink clean water.
  • Try to relax.
  • Suck on a slice of lemon or take vitamin C.

Of course, these methods are not always effective, but it is worth noting that in most cases, they help and stop the attack of nausea.

The child is motion sick in the car, what to do?

In this case, you should be prepared for the fact that until the baby’s vestibular apparatus returns to normal, practically nothing can be done, since discomfort will be present during almost every trip. Some argue that if a child is motion sick in a car, experience will tell what to do. Although, in this case, it is worth trying to teach the baby to travel in a car from the first months of life. It is then that the baby develops resistance to dimensional fluctuations. He perceives them literally with delight, as motion sickness helps him fall asleep. Therefore, in the future, after observing the surrounding picture through the window, he will calmly fall asleep.

If it was not possible to prepare the vestibular apparatus, then you should not forget about such precautions:

  • Do not feed your baby at least 3 hours before the trip.
  • Keep a bottle of clean water handy.
  • At the first sign of motion sickness, give a sour candy to suck on.
  • Close the blind so that the baby cannot see the constant movement of the car.
  • Any sour fruits are welcome.
  • Stop the car and walk on a flat surface until the baby is completely calm.
  • Take a pill for motion sickness.

Almost always, these funds are effective if the child is motion sick. The pediatrician will also tell you what to do. He will prescribe weak medicines and tell you how to strengthen the child's vestibular apparatus.

An adult gets sick in the car, what should I do?

This problem happens to the older generation much less frequently. However, you still need to be prepared for it. When an adult cradles in a car, what to do should be decided according to the circumstances.

  • If possible, lie down and close your eyes so as not to observe the vibrations.
  • Chew on ginger.
  • Drink cool clean water.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Take a pill.
  • Go out for a walk outside.

In principle, the mechanism of action is the same as with a child, since without preparing for the trip in advance, there can be no talk of a favorable state of health.

The dog is motion sick in the car, what to do?

This problem is typical for many pets. If the dog is motion sick in the car, what to do: practice. Or rather, teach from puppyhood to long trips. Let initially it will be ten minutes, but still gradually the puppy will understand, as a result of which he moves. If, nevertheless, kinetosis continues to bother, then it is worth removing all annoying objects from the passenger compartment. After all, any foreign smell can lead to adverse consequences.

Most often, if the symptoms of motion sickness do not go away, you have to resort to medication. In this case, veterinarians recommend the use of antihistamines. "Dimedrol" or "Dramina" not only soothe, but also depress the condition of the dog. She simply falls asleep during the trip. Of the drugs used by veterinarians, it is worth recommending "Reisfit" or "Sereniya". Although, if the problem is ripe, it is better to take the dog to a specialist and consult on all issues.

What to do to prevent motion sickness in the car: medicines

This is a very serious question and it is necessary to prepare well in order to definitely know what to do so that you do not get sick in the car. Medicines are offered one spectrum of action. And it is worth choosing the most optimal for yourself.

  • "Bonin". Excellent antiemetic effect. In addition, it has a calming and anti-allergic effect. Chewable tablets have a long-term effect. After taking even one, the effect is fixed for almost a day.
  • "Dramin" perfectly copes with vomiting, nausea, dizziness. But, in no case should it be taken together with alcohol or sleeping pills, since the effect is enhanced many times.
  • "Avia-Sea". Excellent fights against dizziness, vomiting and nausea. Due to the fact that it is a homeopathic remedy, it has a cumulative effect. And this means that the effect will be achieved only if the pill is taken at least 30 minutes before the trip.
  • "Vertigoheel". Perfectly fights all the symptoms of motion sickness. It is preferable to take this homeopathic remedy on an empty stomach.
    Knowing what to do so that you don’t get sick in the car, you should take medicines in advance and preferably on an empty stomach. In addition, it is better to stop taking alcohol and other pills in order to avoid worsening the condition.

Seasick in the car, what to do: folk remedies

Despite the fact that problems with the vestibular apparatus are very common, both in adults and in children, nothing extraordinary has been invented. You need to know if you are sick in the car, what to do. Folk remedies that have been used for many years are as follows.

  • Ginger root b. It is worth chewing small plates before and during the trip.
  • Lemon, orange, tangerine, apple. These fruits perfectly help to cope with the problem and return to normal health.
  • Warm tea with lemon and honey. Mint must be brewed in advance. Drink in small sips, alternating with lemon slices.
  • Dry brew. It is necessary to chew dry green tea leaves throughout the trip.

Despite the fact that there are not so many folk remedies, they are really effective. It is worth using them as needed and then the problem can be cured.

Do not worry when you get sick in the car. What to do and how to deal with this problem can always be decided in advance. The main thing is to "harden" your vestibular apparatus and then you can no longer worry about problems.

The feeling of nausea and motion sickness in transport gives a person a lot of inconvenience, because modern life is hard to imagine without car trips.

Nausea in the car is a common feeling that both adults and young children can experience.

Why is this happening? The pathology under consideration is associated with weakness of the vestibular apparatus and may worsen before a long trip. But do not be afraid, because almost any problem can be eliminated.

Why does a person get sick in a car

The work of the vestibular apparatus is based on maintaining balance.

In order to achieve this, several resources of the human body take part in the process: from the skin to the inner ear, which gives special signals - indicators for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

The vestibular apparatus has the following structure: tendon receptors, vision and inner ear - all these components carry information to the brain about the position of the body at the moment.

The brain processes this data and aligns the sensitivity of the receptor.

While driving, the inner ear and muscle receptor tell the muscles to contract and the eyes signal movement.

Such a phenomenon leads to a kind of contradiction, as a result of which the brain interprets the information incorrectly, and the person feels nauseous.

Experts identify several main factors that can provoke motion sickness in the car.

The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  1. Fear of anything.
  2. Bad ventilation.
  3. Carrying a child.
  4. Heatwave.
  5. Emotional overload.
  6. Fatigue, loss of strength.

In addition to these reasons, a person often feels sick during apathy, depression, or poisoning with alcoholic products.

It is worth clarifying that the causes of motion sickness apply to children. Therefore, they, too, may be disturbed by unpleasant signs. Why this happens is still not known.

Symptoms of motion sickness

The phenomenon under consideration has several characteristic symptoms. They are:

  1. Constantly increasing dizziness.
  2. Nausea and subsequent vomiting.
  3. Pain in the head.
  4. Increased weakness.

In addition, a person has pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. A similar sign is accompanied by loss of appetite and problems with sleep.

Do not forget that people tolerate motion sickness in a car in different ways: some experience complete indifference to the environment, and some experience severe overexcitation.

Very often, the two states under consideration go in a complex, periodically replacing each other.

How to prepare your body for a long trip

What to do to people who are motion sick in the car? There are certain guidelines that you should follow. They are:

  1. A few hours before the intended trip, it is better to refrain from eating and not exercising. This is due to the fact that the overflow of the stomach often leads to the fact that a person is sick.
  2. People are not recommended to watch videos or read books, because the eyes should not be strained. You need to watch the movement through the windshield for a more stable picture.
  3. To avoid symptoms of nausea, the body must receive oxygen. To do this, put your head on the headrest and try to breathe deeply.
  4. The driver must know that he has a passenger in his car with an unstable work of the vestibular apparatus, so he should not make sharp maneuvers, start abruptly or brake.

It is very important to remember that people of advanced age or hypertension should definitely consult a doctor in the event that they are severely motion sick.

This should be done in order to prevent such a dangerous condition as a stroke, the symptoms of which are similar to those of motion sickness.

How to avoid motion sickness in transport

One of the easiest ways to solve a problem is self-hypnosis. As mentioned above, seasickness occurs because the brain does not know how to respond to the environment.

If a person convinces him that the body is not in danger, then this can help eliminate panic and nausea.

But self-hypnosis does not always work, so many people have to decide on more effective measures. They are:

  1. A person who is rocked in a car should sit in the direction of travel. It is better to always take the front seats, next to the driver.
  2. It is recommended to focus on any one point or simply cover the window in the car with a curtain. In this case, the causes of motion sickness will not make themselves felt.
  3. To prevent nausea, you can massage the ears, palms or soles of the feet.
  4. In order to prevent nausea, you need to make an infusion of ginger. If you can not buy ginger, then you can use mint.
  5. Experts recommend chewing gum or sucking on a lollipop. Such goodies should always be in the purse of people suffering from seasickness.

It is mint sweets that normalize the work of the vestibular apparatus, relieve drowsiness and give the body vigor.

Currently, pharmacies have a large number of special medications that can stop attacks of nausea and completely save a person from the manifestation of rather unpleasant symptoms.

If improvised means do not help, and the child does not feel well, then he can be given Dramin, a drug that is allowed for children from 3 years old.

Ways to deal with motion sickness

  1. Hardening of the vestibular apparatus. This procedure is allowed for both adults and children. To train the vestibular apparatus, you can use a rocking chair, forward-backward bends, a swivel chair in the office, or a children's swing outside. Such gymnastic exercises are recommended to be done to strengthen the vestibular system, eliminate the feeling of discomfort while traveling in a car.
  2. Complete rest. Why do experts advise you to sleep well before a long trip? It is sleep that invigorates the body, gives it strength to fight various ailments.

A person should think in advance about exactly how to prevent motion sickness: stock up on lollipops, medicines and learn the rules of behavior in a car.

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