A 2-year-old child does not speak. The child does not speak at the age of three - what to do: personal experience


Every parent looks forward to their child's first word.

However, there are often situations when young parents are concerned that the child has no desire to talk, or there are serious problems in diction that do not correspond to the norm and age of the baby.

Should I pay attention to this and how to deal with this problem?

In the development of phonemic hearing, the child is helped by screams, muttering and buzzing, which he himself directly publishes.

One and a half year old children are already beginning to master onomatopoeic sayings, and having reached the age of two, they repeat phrases consisting of two or three words with great enthusiasm, and also begin to master grammar.

A child's vocabulary increases significantly by the age of three.

If parents do not have any participation in the development of the child's speech, then the baby begins to learn the language only by the age of four.

If the child is isolated from society, then problems in speech can continue until the age of twelve.

Before we answer the question "a child does not speak at 3 years old", let's find out how he should speak at this age.

Norms of speech development at the age of three

In accordance with the norms, the vocabulary of a child who has reached the age of three should be rich enough so that the baby can conduct a dialogue with the people around him.

At this age, the child should be able to briefly talk about himself.: name, age, gender, and also make a simple, meaningful sentence using three to four words.

Also, the kid should be able to replace a noun with an adjective (stone - stone), be familiar with the possibility of generalizing words (a horse and a cow are animals, a T-shirt and a skirt are clothes).

A three-year-old child should be able to correctly pronounce all sounds, with the exception of difficult ones, such as “Ж”, “Ш”, “Ч”, “Р”, “Ш”. The number of words used by a child at the age of three is equal to three hundred, while he understands about one and a half thousand words.

Expert opinion

Domina Valentina Alexandrovna - teacher

Teacher of a children's development center, mother of three children

The dynamics of the child, during the period of speech development, must be given special attention. The vocabulary of the child must be constantly replenished, for this it is recommended to actively communicate with the child and read useful books to him.

Each child is individual, and therefore the development of speech in each proceeds differently. There are several signs that will easily indicate the presence of a delay in the development of speech.

If, having reached the age of three, the child has not yet learned to pronounce five or six sounds correctly, then you should consult with an experienced specialist who will help you understand the reasons for the delay in speech development and, if necessary, resort to the services of a speech therapist.

If the child's speech is too fast, and he also repeats the syllables of a single word, then this indicates stuttering. In this case, the consultation of a speech therapist and a neurologist is required.

It should be taken into account the fact that boys develop much more slowly than girls. Therefore, it is not always a problem with speech in boys that indicates any deviations.

If the child cannot remember the light text, does not perceive the text when reading aloud, and also cannot retell it, then this is the first sign that the child has.

Hearing problems can also affect a child's speech.

This is expressed by the fact that the child cannot determine the source of the outgoing sound, and also makes the sound of music louder than other family members. An experienced psychologist, psychotherapist and pediatrician-therapist will help to deal with this problem.

To talk "silent" you need a lot of patience, attention and love

Often, the cause of the inhibited development of speech can be directly the laziness of the child.

In the absence of physiological and psychological problems in speech development, the child can really speak very little and indistinctly because of laziness.

You can fix this problem by creating situations for the child in which he definitely cannot avoid the answer.

For example, you can ask the child a question about what he wants to eat for lunch or whether he wants to go for a walk with his grandmother.

Having a nod or a short answer is much better than silence. You should also actively discuss with the child what is happening around, then over time the child will become involved in the conversation. Read more about that and read the materials on the links.

With children, you should definitely perform various exercises to develop the muscles of the tongue, also work on pronunciation and intonation, speech volume and correct stress.

Why is the baby not talking?

The delay in the overall development of the child is accordingly reflected in the development of speech.

However, there are several reasons why the child does not want to enter into a dialogue.

All causes of speech disorders can be divided into physiological- associated with problems of the speech apparatus, psychological- due to the characteristics of the child's psyche, the psychological situation in the family and social related to the social well-being of the family.

Physiological causes

  • The first serious enough physiological reason for this is hearing problems..If a child does not hear well, then he directly perceives badly the words spoken by others.

    The beginning of this trouble is a violation in pronunciation, which ultimately leads to a delay in speech development and therefore the child starts talking very late.

  • Also important is the fact that This problem may be hereditary..Therefore, you should not worry if the parents of the child both began to talk late enough. However, if a three-year-old baby does not speak at least in simple sentences, then heredity has nothing to do with it.
  • Prematurity or serious illness in infancy can also be a consequence of a delay in the development of children's speech, since, first of all, it has a negative effect on the infant's nervous system. This also includes hypoxia, birth trauma, and drug intoxication.
  • Problems in the work of the articulatory organs, a shortened frenulum of the tongue, reduced tone of the organs of articulation and facial muscles block the possibility of pronouncing sounds, thereby delaying speech development.

Often the child is not given any specific sounds, such as “Sh”, “H”. But the most difficult is the sound "r". How to teach your baby to pronounce it, read the material.

Social causes

  • The first social reason for the delay in the development of speech in children is the lack of stimulus and motivation.

    Excessive attention and care of parents discourage children from expressing their wants and needs.

    This is due to the fact that parents understand their children by gestures due to anticipation of all the desires of the child, so the child does not even try to express his thoughts with the help of words.

    Here, the main thing is to create motivation for the child.

  • However, the complete lack of attention and care from parents also has a negative impact on the development of speech, since the child has nowhere to learn new words. Everything that surrounds the baby is the background sound of the TV and mobile phone.
  • Children whose family members speak two languages ​​also begin to speak later than their peers. It is difficult for a child to learn the words of different languages ​​at the same time, they can understand their parents, but at the same time not speak.

Psychological reasons

  • The psychological problem is excessive demands. Often there are situations when, after the baby has said its first word, parents insistently demand that the child repeat it again and again.

    It is best to motivate the child, and not create pressure.

  • Children who grow up in abusive and unfavorable families also start talking very late..

    A kid who sees abuse, beatings, screams, swearing of parents and other not recommended family scenes refuses to talk for a very long time, since all this is imprinted on his psyche.

The following video also talks about other reasons for the silence of the child:

Speech disorders

There are a very large number of causes of speech impairment and they occur in both children and adults.

Organic causes of speech disorders include directly all physiological problems: heredity, serious illnesses, prematurity, and the like.

Functional reasons are the pathology of the organs involved in speech. Endocrine causes are responsible for the psychomotor development of children.
It is also worth remembering that in addition to all this, even the environment can influence the development of children's speech.


It is a severe speech disorder, which is accompanied by a disorder of articulation, speech breathing, phonation and intonation of speech, as a result of which speech loses its clarity and clarity.

This violation is not quite common among children, however, in speech therapy it is one of the most common speech disorders.

Dysarthria is also studied by neurologists and psychiatrists, since the mechanism of this disorder involves organic lesions of the nervous system.


Aphasia is the suspension of existing speech, which is caused by organic lesions of the brain and its speech zones.

Expert opinion

Lisova Alina Viktorovna - teacher

Teacher-psychologist of a private development center

This disorder occurs in children who have reached the age of three years and older. Aphasia is a rather serious disorder, since in this case all types of speech suffer, and motor, sensory, and personal spheres are also involved.

The reverse side of this violation is Alalia, which, unlike Aphasia, lies in the fact that problems in the development of speech in the child arose initially.

motor alalia

Motor alalia is a violation in the development of expressive speech and is most often found in boys..

This disorder can be expressed both by the complete absence of expressive speech, and by minor errors in phonetics and grammar.

This syndrome from a motor form can develop into a sensorimotor or motor-sensory one due to damage to the speech centers.

sensory alalia

Sensory alalia is much less common than motor alalia. Most often occurs in a mixed form of sensorimotor alalia or occurs against the background of other disorders, such as dysarthria.

This violation is poorly understood, however, due to the numerous nature of the expression, speech therapists tend to rename this violation into sensory disintegration.

Sometimes the cause of disorders is autism, in order to exclude it, it is necessary to be examined by specialists.


If parents notice violations in speech development in their baby, then first of all you should contact a pediatrician who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and identify potential problems.

These highly specialized specialists, during the diagnostic process, will establish an accurate diagnosis of delayed speech development, regardless of other possible disorders of general development.

Try to develop your child's imagination, so he will quickly learn to speak in words and sentences.

  • Many parents believe that when the child reaches the age of three, he will start talking incessantly, but most often such expectations turn out to be in vain, but catching up is much more difficult.

    Parents should give their children the attention they need from infancy Otherwise, inaction can lead to a long list of underdevelopment.

  • If you had to face problems in speech, and the pediatrician gave a recommendation to contact a speech therapist, then you should pay attention to the qualifications and profile in which the chosen specialist works.

    Each speech therapist has individual qualifications, so someone focuses on the pronunciation of hissing letters, someone relies on the correct pronunciation of sounds.

    But if the child suffers from stuttering, and the speech therapist teaches him to pronounce the letter “Sh” correctly, then this method of treatment will be useless.

  • Parents can directly help their child in the development of speech through the game. These can be simple and uncomplicated games for the development of motor skills for a child, and books can also be a great help in solving this problem.

    The main thing is not to do all this by force, otherwise there will be no benefit from it. Read reviews from other moms on specific classes and start doing them yourself.

An important condition for the formation of personality is the development of speech. How to understand why the child is not talking? When do you need to sound the alarm and which specialist to contact if the child does not speak for a long time?

There is no exact definition of when the baby will speak. Each person is individual, and what is considered the norm for one, will be completely unacceptable for another. This also applies to the development of the child.

The baby can begin to hum and form simple combinations of vowels by 2-4 months. At this age, he copies the intonation of the speech he hears and uses it to communicate with others.

From about 7 months, the baby can begin to babble and master individual syllables. So he tries to repeat the speech that he hears from the people around him. If the cooing does not turn into babbling, it is recommended to have your hearing checked.

Around the age of one year, many children begin to speak simple words consisting of 1-2 syllables, such as "mom", "dad", "give", and master onomatopoeia, such as "tu-tu", "meow".

Table of development of speech skills by age

1 to 2 years

In the period from 1 to 2 years, the baby begins to learn words in large quantities. Basically, these are the names of favorite toys and surrounding objects, less often - the designation of actions. He mainly uses simplified words and onomatopoeia, and understanding of speech is ahead of speaking.

Phrasal speech up to 1.5 years, as a rule, is absent. Only after one and a half years the child begins to build simple sentences of 2 words.

By the age of 2, sentences can already consist of 3 words, but they are most often grammatically unrelated.

Thus, a baby who does not suffer from hearing impairments and perceives well the correct speech of others begins to speak at 14-18 months.

By the age of 2, a child's vocabulary contains between 100 and 300 words.

Over 2 years old

Tell short stories and answer questions based on the text you hear. He understands well the speech addressed to him, and can carry out simple instructions.

The dictionary of a three-year-old child has from 200-300 to 800 words. The constant increase in the dictionary allows you to build phrases, express your thoughts. The kid already says his name and age. However, there may still be problems with the presentation of the content of heard fairy tales or events that happened to the child. At this age, children still poorly pronounce sounds that are difficult to articulate and replace them with simpler ones, so speech is incomprehensible to others. In addition, a sharp increase in the number of words in the active dictionary often leads to grammatical errors.

It is at this age that the questions “Why?”, “Why?”, “How?” usually begin, and there is a desire to constantly communicate. In this case, the baby can pronounce some of the words correctly, and some incorrectly. This phenomenon is absolutely normal for the early stage of the formation of speech.

At the age of 5, the active vocabulary consists of 1900-2200 words, and by the age of 7 it reaches 3500 words. The grammatical structure of speech is constantly being improved, the rules for changing words and combining them in a sentence are assimilated.

What to look out for

All of the above are normal. The development of an individual child depends on many factors. This is the pregnancy of the mother, and heredity, and diseases suffered at an early age. However, if the baby’s speech causes concern among parents, there is no need to postpone a visit to a specialist.

Modeling is a great activity for developing fine motor skills and speech.

Parents should be concerned if their child:

  • by the age of 1.5 he has not mastered simple words, does not know his name and the names of surrounding objects;
  • by the age of 2 does not try to repeat words after adults;
  • at 2.5 years old, he is not able to compose simple two-word phrases;

Delayed speech development corresponds to a certain behavior of the baby. So, if he does not look into his eyes, cannot chew food, speaks indistinctly, makes guttural sounds instead of words, you need to contact a specialist.

Developed speech is the key to successful learning and personality development. You can deal with the child as soon as he begins to understand the speech addressed to him, which happens about 7-8 months. The sooner you start exercising, the sooner you can identify developmental disabilities and deal with them. However, do not overload the child. If the development of speech is far ahead of the norm, this can affect the nervous system. To avoid a nervous breakdown, you need to protect the child from strong emotions. He needs rest, walks in the fresh air and moderate conversations.

Possible causes of delayed speech development

To understand why the child does not speak, you need to contact a specialist. Perhaps one of the most common causes of delayed speech development in a child is hearing loss. When a baby does not perceive speech well, he cannot reproduce it. If the child does not respond to the name and does not say anything, it is necessary to show it to the ENT and pediatrician.

Features of the maturation of the nervous system

Every person is unique. It is useless to compare the success of your child with the achievements of other children. For example, boys later than girls begin to walk and learn to speak. This is absolutely normal.

If a child has a general developmental delay, this also affects speech. Most often this is characteristic of premature or children with a general developmental disorder.

Psychological trauma

The most serious test for the baby is an early separation from the mother. If during the first year of a child's life, the mother had to leave for a long time, this must be told to the doctor. Perhaps this is the reason for the silence. In addition, psychological trauma can cause a situation where the child has stopped talking, although everything was fine with speech before.

Lack of communication

The child must see and hear live speech. For this, a TV, computer or radio is absolutely not suitable. The kid should be involved in the conversation. At the same time, parents should not indulge whims and distort words the way the child himself usually pronounces them, you should not lisp with him and babble like a child. The speech of adults should be measured, calm and intelligible. This will help the child learn the correct pronunciation of words.

The reason for the silence may be pedagogical neglect. This happens when parents do not give the necessary attention to the child. Most often this applies to children from disadvantaged families. When such a child gets into favorable conditions, he quickly catches up.

A special case is the lack of motivation. The child may simply not want to talk. If parents, grandparents indulge all the whims of the baby and guess his whims from a half-word, he simply does not need to learn to speak in order to get what he wants.

How to help your child learn to speak

What to do if the child does not want to talk? Can you talk to him? Certainly. You just need to help him.

First of all, you need to communicate with the child. It is important to remember that the baby begins to speak, trying to repeat the words after adults. At the same time, one should not force him to repeat words. Requests like "say MA-MA" will get you nowhere. It is better if the child becomes a participant in the dialogue and answers questions. It is important to give him time to think and, if he is not yet ready to answer, prompt. Maybe he just doesn't know what to say yet. Then the answer of the mother will be the standard for him. And in no case should you punish him for the wrong pronunciation.

It doesn't really matter what the conversation is about. You can look at pictures in educational books, toys or objects that you meet on a walk. You can speak actions. For example, when a child is going for a walk, you can say how he fastens his shoes or jacket, what clothes he puts on. If he sits down to dinner, you can name the objects with which he is dealing: a plate, a spoon. The main thing is that the speech is clear and correct. It is advisable to speak slowly. Over time, the child will learn to name objects independently.

There are exercises that will help to talk the child. For example, you can read poems aloud and ask them to finish them in rhyme. Be sure to ask him to describe everything that is around. But do not overdo it. The kid should not feel pressure in his voice, otherwise such exercises will cause negative emotions. When performing any exercises, you need to look at the condition of the child. If he is already tired, then it is better to stop the lesson, otherwise he will begin to act up and lose all desire to learn.

A very important factor in the formation of a baby's speech is fine motor skills of the hands. The fact is that the development of fingers and hands indirectly affects the part of the brain responsible for speech activity. Fine motor skills should be developed from the first months of life. You need to do this daily.

First of all, you need to do a hand massage. You should start with the little finger. After massaging each phalanx and fingertips, you need to stroke and massage your palm. You can also massage with a special massage ball. To do this, it must be rolled between the palms, pressed or shifted from hand to hand.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills

It is useful to perform exercises for compression and relaxation of the hands. Very young children cling to the fingers of adults. An older child can be given a sheet of paper and asked to squeeze it as tightly as possible.

For the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations, it is useful to sort out sand or grits. In order to make it more interesting for the child, you can hide some small toy in a jar of cereals or ask them to string beads on a thread. It must be remembered that it is necessary to do all the exercises together, be very careful and not leave the child alone with small objects.

Modeling from clay or plasticine, drawing with finger paints or origami - all this will be useful for the development of the baby. In addition, it is necessary to gradually involve the child in the process of dressing. Let him do the buttoning on his shirt and lace up his shoes.

For the development of motor skills, it is necessary to master finger games. This is very useful, because during the exercises the child hears words that he will be able to repeat over time. First, you should perform all the movements with the hands of the baby. When the child masters the actions, he will perform them independently. If it is difficult for a child to reproduce some exercise, he needs to be helped to fix all the fingers correctly.

It is necessary to approach the issue of speech development in a complex manner. The systematic implementation of exercises and constant communication will allow the baby to talk and prepare him for further learning. It is important not to stop developing the child. By the level of development of speech, one can judge the psyche of the child, since the formation of the psyche, thinking and speaking occurs simultaneously.

What to do if a child at 2 years old does not speak? How to react to parents? Are there teaching methods aimed at developing speech? When does the child say the first word? Which specialists to contact? Read about it in our article.

What time do children start talking?

Usually, by the age of one, babies confidently pronounce the simplest words: “give”, “mom”, “woman”, “dad”. This is the time when the child says his first word, even if unconsciously. By the age of two and a half, the child, in theory, should not only replenish his vocabulary, but also learn how to put simple sentences out of words: “Give me a bear!”, “Let's go for a walk!”, “Buy a ball!”, “Give me a pen!” etc. But what if a child at 2 years old does not speak at all or utters indistinct sounds understandable only to his mother? Why does the baby have "porridge in his mouth" when his peers are already "chirping" with might and main? Is it worth talking about some kind of backwardness in this case, or is such stubborn silence just an individual feature? And most importantly - how to teach a child who has reached the age of two or three to speak?

Reasons for silence

There are many reasons why a child does not speak at 2 years old.

    Hearing damage. When the baby does not hear very well, then, accordingly, he will perceive the speech of others poorly. In more severe cases (up to deafness), the baby may not speak at all or severely distort sounds and words in general.

    Heredity. If, for example, you yourself uttered the first intelligible words late, then there is nothing strange in the fact that a child at 2 years old does not speak. Although, if the baby has not mastered simple sentences by the age of three, it is worth worrying and examining the child.

    Relaxation of the body. Prematurity or a serious illness, for example, can cause a delay in the maturation (development) of the nervous system and, therefore, speech itself.


    Injuries (including birth injuries).

    Severe intoxication.

  1. Postponed operation.

    Wrong upbringing (for example, excessive guardianship, when the desires of the child are literally foreseen).

    Developmental disorders in general.

There are rumors between parents that girls supposedly start walking and talking earlier than boys. In fact, this theory has no substantiated evidence. It happens that a child does not want to speak for two or even three years, and then he suddenly “breaks through” into whole, correctly composed sentences. If the baby perfectly understands what his parents and others are saying to him and at the same time even follows some simple instructions (“come”, “take”, “put”, “sit down”, etc.), then it is likely that about nothing.

Active speech may come on suddenly

If the baby repeats after you the words that you tell him, this does not mean at all that he really learns them. Do not torture, do not force him to say what you want to hear. In some children, imitation may be delayed. Try to invite the baby to talk. For example, ask your child questions more often, do not rush to fulfill wishes (let him voice them). Children have their own rhythms of development. Of course, there are so-called "norms", but one should not forget about individuality. Someone shows teeth later, someone skips the crawling period and immediately starts running. Therefore, if the child does not speak much, do not panic. Just give the little one time. Do not hurry. Do not do for him what he could do on his own (put on slippers, or drink milk, or eat). Does not work? Help. But only in such a way that it is unobtrusive. Encourage your little one to be independent.

And many psychologists also advise turning on the TV less often, since your speech practically merges with the sounds from the TV, respectively, your child perceives your voice as general noise. Therefore, in most cases, it depends on the parents at what time the children begin to speak.

What experts can help?

If a child does not speak at two years of age, find out the reason for the silence. What specialists will be required? First of all, a pediatrician. He will not only conduct a general examination, but also give directions to narrow children's specialists: ENT specialist, speech therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist.

The speech therapist, after testing, will determine the correspondence between the levels of speech and mental development. To confirm or refute, he may send the baby for examination to a neuropsychiatrist.

The task of the lore is to check if there is a relationship between speech delay and problems with the articulatory apparatus (for example, a shortened hyoid frenulum) and hearing. The doctor will examine the oral cavity, make an audiogram.

The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to deal with it. But what if the baby is healthy and intellectually developed? Some experts say that parents should wait up to three years, since this is the age at which there is a sharp jump in all development, and after a long silence the child can speak not just in separate phrases, but in whole sentences. By the way, such children not only do not lag behind their peers in studies, but sometimes even surpass them. Of course, if a child does not speak at 2 years old, one cannot simply wait for this wonderful leap. It is necessary to help him develop according to simple and rather exciting methods.

When should you start teaching your baby to talk?

Definitely do not answer this question. Actually, the learning process, in fact, begins in the womb. It has been proven that the child perceives sounds and reacts to them while still in his mother's tummy. He calms down, “listening” when a woman sings a song or, on the contrary, “fights” when she swears. Psychology is a subtle science, and what is laid down before birth will definitely manifest itself after. Active activities with the baby should begin when the baby:

    tries to explain something with sounds (or gestures);

    not only hears everything, but also understands speech;

    alone with himself, he speaks rubbish, but he pronounces almost all sounds quite clearly.

Relationship between speech development and fine motor skills

Up to six months, the child enthusiastically repeats the facial expressions of the mother who is talking to him. However, this imitation has been weakening since seven months. The kid is actively exploring such a rich outside world, and his attention to his parents is no longer so focused.

It is noticed that speech development runs in parallel with the development of motor skills. Of particular importance lies in the opposition of the thumb to all others. Let the baby roll the ball, teach him to work with plasticine, buy him multi-colored wooden beads (bigger). By the age of one and a half, begin to master more complex manipulations:

    fastening locks and buttons;

    tying knots;

    lacing (not yet about the ability to tie shoelaces on shoes, teach your baby to put shoelaces into small holes), etc.

The movements of the left hand are responsible for the development of the right hemisphere and vice versa. Those joint games that contain elements of finger bending are very useful.

Critical periods in the development of speech function

Doctors distinguish several periods:

    Between the first and second years in speech development, clear prerequisites for speech can be traced. This is the time of "babble" words: "la-la", "nya-nya", "la-la", "ba-ba", etc. Already at this time, you need to think about how to teach the child to speak correctly. Often ask the baby to show a bird, horse, cow, dog, cat, etc. Encourage him to pronounce (sound) actions. The ideal role model is your own. Teach your baby new movements: "sit down", "give", "lay down", "take". Use games in which actions are performed on the command of adults: "Patty", "Magpie-Crow", "Top-Top", etc.

    Between 1.5 and 2.2 years, children try to connect two or even three words. What can a baby usually say at this age? For example, such phrases as: “De woman?”, “Give me a pee”, etc. By this age, the child learns generalized concepts. The word "no", for example, is used in all sorts of situations. Begin to increase the number and narrow the meaning of the words understood by the baby: name the details of clothing (hat, sock, blouse, tights, etc.), furniture, toys. It is important to comment on the actions used: “take a toy”, “put on a shirt”, “fasten a button”, etc. It is desirable to accompany any action of the baby with an appeal.

    By the age of 2.6, the vocabulary of the crumbs begins to grow rapidly. He is already asking himself, pointing his finger at an unfamiliar object: “What is this?” It is difficult to say what time children start talking. If we mean already conscious speech (not a period of imitation), then, perhaps, it is at this age. The child does not pronounce the words clearly enough, often distorts them. And adults, trying to "go down to the level" of the child, also begin to distort their conversation, slowing down the development of the baby's speech. Indeed, why should a child learn to pronounce words clearly and correctly, if they understand it like that? Remember: the baby must hear all the words in the correct pitch! Then by the age of three - three and a half years, he himself will speak quite well. By this age, words will change in cases and numbers, and sentences will become more complex. However, it is impossible to overestimate the requirements, otherwise the child will simply close. By the way, this is one of the reasons why the child does not speak.

    Three years is the time when the child moves to contextual speech. It already requires consistency of attention, memory, analysis, speech and motor apparatus. The mismatch of the central nervous system can cause stubbornness and negativism on the part of the baby. This system is still quite vulnerable, therefore, against the background of stress (even a small one), so-called mutism and stuttering are possible. By the way, disruptions are possible even at 6-7 years old, when the time comes to start development. At this time, the central nervous system is subject to heavy stress and is on the verge of stress.

    If the delay in speech development is not associated with diseases of the central nervous system ...

    If a child at 2 years old does not speak, if he refuses to repeat words after you, if he does not seek help and solves his children's problems on his own, help in the development of speech is definitely needed. Some parents attribute this behavior to obstinacy or early independence and do not hear the “first bells”. Ignoring leads to a lag in speech development. This, in turn, is fraught with aggravation of stubbornness and self-will. Hysterical reactions may also intensify. If a child does not speak for 2.5 years, and adults endlessly pester him with a request to “repeat”, “say”, you can also wait for an increase in negativism. As a result, your child will not only not want to duplicate words, but will also be silent at all. Forget about such requests. At least for a while.

    What to do?

    First, create the conditions in which the child will be forced to communicate. A great option is playgrounds, ideal is a kindergarten. Children there develop faster, because they are not only forced to take an example from peers who are already communicating with might and main, but also somehow express desires and needs. Many children, who were silent for up to three years, suddenly begin to “give out” such complex words as “armored personnel carrier”, “synchrophasotron”, etc. By the way, they often begin to speak alone with themselves, completely refusing to communicate with adults.

    And be sure to keep busy. The development of speech is a painstaking process that requires perseverance, regimen, and patience. Get ready for the fact that you will not be limited to classes with a speech therapist.

    Responsibilities of parents

    Take care of the baby. But turn the lessons into a game. Say the names of the objects that you will see together. If the baby does not repeat them - do not insist, let the training be inconspicuous, unobtrusive. Sincerely rejoice if your child pronounces a new word. Praise him. Do not anticipate all the desires of the crumbs, put leading questions: “What color?”, “Do you want to eat?”, “What is the cow doing?” Moreover, the complexity of the answers increase gradually, starting with a simple one. Read nursery rhymes, fairy tales, sing songs to your baby. And be sure to reproduce sounds (meow, buzz), encouraging attempts to repeat what you just said. Do not lisp - the words should be pronounced correctly, clearly. Comment on the actions (both his and yours). Teach the baby to grimace (stretch your lips, stretch them into a tube, click your tongue), this is an excellent exercise for the articulatory apparatus. If the baby expresses desires with some gestures, correct him by voicing his desires in an interrogative form: “Do you want to drink?”, “Did the toy fall?” etc. Keep a diary in which you will make all the changes: new sounds. This will make it easier to track the growth of speech development.

    Talking games for kids

    This is another significant coin in the piggy bank. This type of activity will appeal to children who like to watch TV. If a child does not speak at 2 years old, pick up discs with such games for him. Learning will turn into real fun!

    Games are designed taking into account the characteristic here and the development of speech, and the expansion of horizons in general. Each age has its own program, which is also divided into topics: pronunciation (“Buzz”, “Tick-tock”, etc.), development of horizons (“Pets”, “Wild animals”, “Who said “mu” here) etc.), development of attention, memory, hearing (“Riddles of sounds”, “Visiting a bug”, “Magician”, “Fairy”, etc.), development of breathing (mainly games with a microphone: “Helicopter”, “Bee ”, “Cake and candles”), speaking and even joint creativity (you can invent big and small stories, compare, name, repeat). Children perceive such activities much better, because they really take place in a playful way. On the one hand, adults do not press, on the other hand, the baby is given independence (of course, under your supervision, but he does not even know about it). There is and which to some extent can replace a speech therapist. This entire collection is called "Learning to speak" for children from 2 to 7 years old.

Speech is the main communication tool that every healthy person uses every day. It is not surprising that the lack of active speech in a child worries parents very much.
“What if he lags behind in development? What if he never learns to speak?
If the child does not speak at the age of 3, certain measures must already be taken to solve this problem. Children's age from one to five is the most plastic for the development and correction of speech, it is during this period that many speech therapy disorders can be corrected.

How speech develops

A newborn child does not know how to talk, he learns this skill in the first years of life. This is how the baby adapts to the world around him. He begins to distinguish between the speech of an adult, which can encourage or forbid, learns to verbally express his desires and thoughts. It is known that children who grew up in isolation from other people later could not learn to speak coherently, despite the fact that the corresponding brain areas were fully formed.

In the formation of speech, three periods can be distinguished:

initial stage

The initial development of speech lasts from birth to about a year. The child learns to understand the speech of adults and the meaning of various words, first tries to imitate individual sounds, starting with the simplest - vowels (cooing). Then the sounds are formed into syllables (babble), then into words. By one year, a child, on average, can already pronounce 5-10 words. At this stage, the passive development of speech ends and the next one begins.

Formation of active speech

In the period from 1 year to three years, the vocabulary, both active and passive, grows sharply. At the age of two, the child begins to use speech for communication, he already puts together phrases of two or three words. At first, the baby pronounces many words incorrectly, but gradually the pronunciation becomes more distinct. The speech of a child at 3 years old should be understandable to an unfamiliar adult, and not just to close relatives.

monologue speech

From three to five years, speech gradually becomes grammatically correct, sentences appear with which the child is already able to coherently talk about some event. Pronunciation gets even better: the baby can understand what sounds he doesn’t get and tries to fix it.

Speech is a complex skill. For its development, the basis is important - correctly formed parts of the brain, on which the understanding of speech and the ability to speak (Broca's area) depend. They mature at different times, so the baby first learns to distinguish speech, and then speak. The first process is associated with the formation of speech hearing (the ability to distinguish words), and the second - with the "training" of the articulatory apparatus.

Speech delay

A delay in the development of speech is associated with a delay in the maturation of the corresponding areas of the brain, insufficient development of the articulatory muscles, or sensory deficiencies. The last factor can be noticed already by the end of the first month of life. During this period, auditory concentration should arise - a specific reaction to the speech of an adult, special attention to it. Based on this process, speech discrimination is then formed. Lack of auditory concentration may be associated with deafness or organic brain damage.

If a speech therapist at the age of 3 diagnosed a child with “delayed speech development”, parents should not immediately perceive this fact as something terrible. This is simply a statement that the child's vocabulary is less than normal, for some reason he is in no hurry to use speech for communication.

A delay is a delay, not a developmental disorder. For most children, such a diagnosis is simply removed when they reach 4–5 years of age, as they catch up with their peers.

Reasons for the lag in the development of speech

All reasons can be divided into two groups: internal and external.

Internal causes

They are associated with brain dysfunction that occurs due to problems in fetal development (for example, Rh incompatibility, fetal hypoxia), due to difficult birth (asphyxia) or brain damage that occurred after birth (concussion, increased intracranial pressure, etc.). d.). It can also be hearing loss. When identifying speech pathologies, this cause must be excluded.

Physiological differences between the sexes matter. For the development of speech, neural connections between the hemispheres are important - in girls they form faster: they have a better developed corpus callosum, which connects the right and left hemispheres. At the same time, studies by Australian scientists have shown that a high level of testosterone in the mother's blood leads to a slowdown in the development of brain areas responsible for active speech. That is why speech disorders in boys are two to three times more common. However, the differences fade with age.

Not the last place in the formation of speech is played by heredity. If the parents started talking late, then the child can develop according to the same scenario.

External causes

This group of reasons is associated with the peculiarities of upbringing and the general situation in the family.

Hyper-custody leads to the child's lack of need to say: why, if he will be given everything anyway?

Another reason for the lag in the development of speech is pedagogical neglect, explicit or hidden. It happens that the family simply does not talk to the child and do not encourage it. It is known that children develop by imitation and repetition of adults. Lack of attention and joint activity slows down the formation of communication skills. If adults include the baby in their conversation, asking questions and encouraging them to answer them, speech problems usually do not arise.

Another problem of our time is the substitution of live communication with electronic devices. Parents who constantly divert the attention of the child with cartoons or computer games impoverish his active experience. And the TV, constantly working in the room where the child is, creates information overload. In this case, the baby simply stops responding to human speech, constantly “clogging” his hearing.

Stress and past illnesses can also cause a temporary delay in speech development at 3 years.

An example from practice: a mother with a 3-year-old daughter turned to a speech therapist. She complains that the child practically does not speak, although she fulfills requests, she can show the objects that she is asked about. In general, the girl is very shy and unsociable, she prefers to play with one and only two or three familiar toys. When collecting information, it turned out that at the age of two, the girl was sent to live with her grandmother for six months, because her mother had a difficult birth, and she was in the hospital for a long time with her second child, and her father worked on a rotational basis. The family has been reunited for six months now, but the girl seems to have “forgotten” even those words that she spoke at the age of two. The stress of moving, coupled with the personality traits of the baby, led to the fact that the child simply closed in on himself.

What to do if the child does not speak

If your child does not speak well or is completely silent at 3 years old, the first thing to do is to undergo a complete medical examination. The neurologist will determine if the child has neurological disorders. The ENT will check the hearing and examine the articulatory apparatus. The psychologist will determine whether the development of the child corresponds to the age norms. A speech therapist will conduct tests that will help assess the level of speech development.

If the reasons listed above are excluded, then everything is in order with the child, and he simply belongs to the category of "silent" children. Such babies can use only non-verbal communication methods for a long time, and then immediately begin to speak in coherent sentences. Silent people have no problems understanding addressed speech, they fulfill all the requests of an adult and are actively interested in the world around them. How to teach such a baby to talk? It is enough to push him in the right direction, calling for a dialogue with households or children in developmental groups.

The role of parents in the development of a child's speech should not be underestimated, especially for mothers. Starting from the first days of life, the baby hears her voice, reacting to the words addressed to him. Direct emotional contact becomes the basis for further development.

There are two groups of parents who react incorrectly to their child's speech problems.

  1. Mom and dad who are too worried that their baby is lagging behind others in speech development. They all ask the same question: “The child is 3 years old, does not talk, what should I do ?!” Although "doesn't speak" most often means "doesn't say what I want" or "doesn't speak as well as his brother at the same age". Parents begin to put pressure on the child, forcing: “Say!”, “Repeat!”, “Repeat again better!”. By this they cause speech negativism in the baby and, as a result, a protest expressed in silence.
  2. The second group are parents who deny that their child may have problems. They say to themselves: “But he is perfectly healthy, he eats and sleeps well, and what he doesn’t say, Einstein didn’t speak until he was five, but he grew up and became famous.”

If you want your baby to speak on time, avoid these two extremes.

Methods for the development of speech in children

There is a technique developed by a teacher and a psychologist O. E. Gribovoy. She wrote a book "What to do if your child does not speak" which gives detailed advice to parents. According to O. E Gribova, the main rule of any activities with a child is that they should give him pleasure and be perceived as a game.

Excellent guide for parents - book E. Yanushko "Help the baby to speak" Designed for children up to three years of age. It talks about the importance of emotional interaction and cooperation between a child and an adult, which allows you to maximize the interest of kids in simple exercises.

In the manual M. Koltsova and M. Ruzina “A child learns to speak. Finger game training " describes the mechanisms of speech development. This will help an adult understand the essence of these processes and manage them. And the part devoted to finger game training tells parents about the development of precise finger movements - fine motor skills.

Exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Some parents do not understand the connection between the development of fine finger movements and speech. The connection here is the most direct - evolutionary. The human brain has progressed in two directions: the complication of manipulative actions with hands and the development of speech. It is these two factors that have determined the progress of mankind. The speech motor area (it is responsible for the ability to pronounce words) and the projection of the hand are located next to each other in the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Therefore, any exercises for the development of fine motor skills entail progress in the development of speech.

For the development of fine motor skills at 3 years old, any exercises are suitable, including manipulations with small details and objects. It is important to engage with the baby for 5-10 minutes every day.

Any exercise should please the baby. If he is not interested in what you offered him, pick up other activities.

Modeling from plasticine and drawing will benefit. Very useful games with "live" and "kinetic" sand. This is a special type of sand made using polymer compounds that does not dry out. You can play with it at home: it does not crumble and does not get dirty.

You can organize games with small toys that you need to take with your fingers. Use Lego sets with small parts. Encourage the fastening / unbuttoning of buttons on clothes, pouring cereals (rice, peas, barley). You can color beans or pasta of different shapes with felt-tip pens. Perhaps the child will like to play with small smooth pebbles, put buttons in a box or string beads on a thread.

In the evening, you can arrange a shadow finger theater and show a fairy tale with your baby.

Olga, mother of Yegor 3.5 years old: “Egor spoke poorly at the age of 3, there was a“ porridge ”of sounds in his mouth. Nobody understood him, and he generally closed himself. In addition to classes with a speech therapist, every evening we played with small objects. With dad, they constantly collected designers, and they played games with cereals with me. They made penguins from white beans, drawing black “tailcoats” for them. I dyed the rice with food coloring, and he poked around in it, looking for small toys from kinders. Progress is evident, Egor is already understood by outsiders.

Massage of the hands will also help in the development of finger movements. It can be done every night before bed. To do this, the baby’s palm is stroked with the fingertips from top to bottom and in a circle, then they move to the back side, doing the same. Fingers stroke from the nail down. After stroking, rubbing movements are performed with the fingertips: in a circle, in a spiral. It is better to use baby cream.

In addition, many children who do not speak even at 3 years old enjoy playing finger games. During the game, it is not necessary to talk, but the actions performed by the fingers and hands contribute to the development of speech.

Games and communication

How to teach a child to talk at 3 years old? At this age, you can do a lot, because the baby already walks, knows how and loves to manipulate different objects, play. All these skills can be used in communication with him.

Encourage your child to talk inconspicuously, asking questions casually, and never scold him if he doesn't answer. Do not ask the baby to repeat something, but simply insert such phrases into all regime moments that would suggest an answer. For example: "Let's get dressed. Please bring your trousers. What did you bring?". Ask alternative questions: “What would you like to pour: milk or kefir?”.

Create situations when the baby needs to ask for something. Do not give him everything at the first gesture, but pretend that you do not understand what he is asking for. In games, ask your child to sing a lullaby to the doll or scold her for bad behavior. Praise the baby for any spoken word and do not correct his mistakes yet.

Reading stories and poems aloud helps to enrich the child's vocabulary. Use books with bright but simple illustrations. Attracting the attention of the child, name the objects depicted, tell what happens to them, what the characters do. Learn a few rhymes and, while saying them, leave the child the opportunity to insert the last word in the line. This simple kindergarden method helps a lot of kids get the hang of it, especially if the rhymes are funny and they really like them.

The vocabulary of the child may be small due to lack of communication in the family . Always comment on all your actions, loudly and clearly name the objects that you show the child. Always say all your actions out loud, tell your baby on a walk about what you see around. Try to speak emotionally, arousing interest in your words and attracting attention. It is important that the child has the opportunity to see the face of an adult, his articulation and facial expressions. Show him your favorite toy, then slowly, almost in syllables, naming and showing parts of the body, tell him what he likes to do: “The bear loves to jump, wash, eat porridge”, immediately demonstrate these actions.

Articulation gymnastics gives good results , which allows you to train the muscles of the lips, palate, tongue, responsible for pronunciation. The lesson becomes an interesting game for the child, as he can “make faces”, repeating the movements of an adult. For example, the “smile” exercise, when you need to keep a smile on your face with closed lips for a while. Or "proboscis" - stretching the lips with a tube. The main thing is to devote to classes you need at least 5-10 minutes a day.

Correctional classes

In specialized kindergartens or groups, in addition to classes with a speech therapist, proven methods of speech development are offered. One of them is logarithmics. It includes singing and pronouncing verses to music, accompanied by hand movements. This complex technique solves many problems at once: it coordinates hand movements, phonemic perception and articulation. Logorhythm develops a sense of rhythm, an ear for music. It allows children to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere, which helps babies open up.

In general, communication with peers is a powerful stimulating factor for the development of speech. The need to communicate with words (unlike parents who often understand without words), negotiate and resolve conflicts leads to the rapid development of verbal skills. Therefore, it is worth considering how to organize an environment for the communication of the baby, whether it is a kindergarten group or developmental activities.

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If a child does not speak at 2 years old, this may signal a possible delay in speech development. And when a child does not speak at 3 years old - a clear sign of its presence. What does lagging behind the established norms of speech development mean.

The difference from other children is that the baby begins to speak, only much later. This is reflected in the formation of the child's psyche and makes it difficult for him to communicate with others. As a result, cognitive processes are also disturbed.

The prerequisites for the development of speech are the needs for emotional communication with parents and other adults.

Speech is one of the important components of the overall development of the child. Such mental processes as memory, attention, thinking and imagination are directly related to understanding the speech of others. Why does it take a lot of effort afterwards. After all, it is necessary to make up for lost time, while the baby did not speak. A serious consequence is the occurrence of mental retardation.

For the timely correction of speech delay, it is important to understand the features of its development.

Stages of speech formation

  1. preverbal period. It starts at birth and lasts up to 6-10 months. It manifests itself in the form of a scream, babble or cooing. Thus, he declares his needs to others. About being hungry, hurting, scared, wet, cold or hot, etc. Up to 5 months, speech addressed to him evokes an emotional reaction in the form of a “revitalization complex”. At this age, they actively listen to the conversation of adults. And although they still do not know how to speak themselves, by the end of this period they already understand from 50 to 100 words. May try to pronounce simple syllables such as "ma", "pa", etc.
  2. stage of speech development. It starts at 8-10 months and lasts up to two years. During this period, the baby begins to understand that sounds can be combined. And use these combinations to meet your needs. For example, call your mother, saying: “ma-ma” ... And also they can already answer questions with gestures. With the help of intonation, they learn to express emotions, such as anger, joy or fear.
  3. Stage of development of speech communication. It starts at two years and lasts up to 6-7 years. The kid has come a long way in order to recognize speech and be able to use it in communication. At this age, the first words already appear. Perhaps even phrases of two to four words. He perfectly understands what he is told and is able to carry out orders. Having mastered a vocabulary of about 300 words, he is able to point to the objects that are called to him.

Table of normal speech development

AgeForm of speech
1–2 monthsA cry that expresses joy or annoyance
2–3 monthsCooing appears, attempts to pronounce the first simple syllables
4–5 monthsAttempts to repeat words after an adult
8 months - 1 year 2 monthsThe pronunciation of the first words consisting of simple syllables (ma-ma, ba-ba, ki-sa ...)
1 year 6 months – 2 years 2 monthsCombines 2-4 words into sentences
1 year 9 months – 2 years 6 monthsThe period of the question begins: “what is this?”
2 years 4 months – 3 years 6 monthsTries to build sentences using numbers
2 years 6 months – 3 years 5 monthsHe actively talks, communicates with toys and can tell about himself (what he does ...)

Required vocabulary table

You can learn more about how to develop vocabulary in preschoolers from the article on.

If your baby does not speak, or speaks poorly, you should find out the reasons for the delay in speech. You can turn to specialists, such as a speech therapist, psychologist, pediatric neurologist, psychotherapist and otolaryngologist. They will help to find the factors that influenced the fact that the child does not speak at 2 or 3 years. And also eliminate them in order to contribute to speech development.

Causes of speech delay


  • Genetics. The process of maturation of nerve cells that are responsible for speech activity is very slow. This immaturity of the nervous system is inherited. This means that one of the close relatives of the child was also in no hurry to join the conversations.
  • Sometimes the baby does not speak due to a general disorder of the nervous system. It manifests itself as one of the symptoms against the background of intellectual delay and motor failure.
  • Hearing impairment. Speech can only be formed by reproducing what is heard. The child does not understand how the words sound. Hearing loss can be congenital. Sometimes it occurs due to injuries of the auditory canal or a severe illness.
  • Brain disease or injury. Occur due to infectious diseases in the prenatal period and during the first year of life. Due to trauma, especially during childbirth. And also with hypoxia.
  • The baby may not speak well because he has poorly developed facial muscles, in particular, the mouth.
  • And also if he has congenital anomalies of the tongue, lips, palate or facial muscles (“cleft palate”, “hare lip” ...).
  • Mental illness. With mental retardation, a characteristic feature is the lag in speech activity. With autism, the baby does not need to communicate with others, all attention is directed inward. Therefore, speech can be very late.


  • Lack of speech. When parents do not pay attention to the child, they do not talk to him. Accordingly, he does not form a need to express emotions or requirements to satisfy his requests.
  • Hyper-care. In the same way, the need for expression is not formed. Why is the baby not talking? Parents themselves do not give such an opportunity. They guess his desires, anticipate them. Because of such overprotectiveness, he does not need to understand something, to try to understand something. Someone else will do it for him.
  • Unfavorable social conditions. They can lead to mental illness, emotional disorders. And, accordingly, to a delay in speech development.
  • Negativism. It usually occurs when the parents put in too much effort to get the baby to talk. They force them to repeat the word they said, scold them when they refuse, beg or punish them. If a child spoke at the age of three, albeit badly, then over time it will stop altogether. Refusal is expressed passively, in ignoring the request. Or actively rejected. The difficulty is that the baby refuses not only to repeat when asked. But he does not speak at all in any situation.
  • Gadget distraction. Excessive passion for TV, computer games or constant watching of cartoons negatively affects the body as a whole. Until the development of autism. It is sometimes convenient for adults that the child is distracted, but the consequences will not be long in coming.
  • Bilingualism. When there are speakers of different languages ​​in the family, it is difficult for the baby. He needs more time to learn to understand both adults. There is a risk that it will combine words from different languages ​​in one sentence. But over time, everything normalizes and will be able to talk on each of them.


  • Fright. The child may stop talking due to stress or fear. Sometimes violations are manifested in stuttering, sometimes children become silent altogether.
  • Unfavorable family environment. If a child at two or three years old is a witness to assault or frequent scandals, then this can affect his mental development. Speech development can be delayed from constantly living stress.


Why else the child does not speak, or speaks poorly, is when a pathology of the nervous system occurs, which leads to speech underdevelopment. It's called Alalia. It is difficult to diagnose, but if detected early, it can be corrected.

There is sensory alalia and motor alalia. With sensory, the baby does not perceive speech, he cannot separate the words from each other. Sometimes you can see how he says the last phrase said to another, or repeats the question. This is called echolalia and is sometimes present in autism. The speech of others sounds in the background, so the brain does not receive enough information. Why does mental retardation occur over time.

With motor alalia, 3 degrees are distinguished, depending on the damage to the brain:

  1. The child does not speak until the age of three, but then the period begins when he speaks in fragments of words, as if “swallowing” the endings.
  2. If the baby understands what is being said, then he himself is not able to put his tongue or lips in the right position to repeat.
  3. May make mistakes in the wrong rearrangement of syllables, use the wrong case. Usually accompanied by undeveloped motor skills, it is difficult for them to make simple movements. Thinking and memory suffer.

Alalia occurs with injuries or brain tumors. With pathology of the central nervous system and difficult childbirth. And also if there was a Rh-conflict with the mother. Why is it important to show the baby to specialists if he does not speak and at least one of the above reasons is present. They will be able not only to prescribe a correction and treatment. And also to distinguish the usual tempo delay of speech from a severe pathology of speech development.

What should parents do if their baby does not speak or speaks reluctantly and badly:

  • In order to develop the speech of the baby, it is important to adhere to a clear daily routine. This means that proper nutrition, alternation of sleep and rest must be present. This will contribute to its full development and health. In a cheerful state and in a good mood, he will be more active and easier to make contact. And accordingly, take the first steps in speech development.
  • Talk to babies and older children more often. Contact him, tell about the world around him, about yourself. Share experiences or joyful moments. This will not only develop his speech, but also teach him to understand himself and his reactions. And also to create a closer and deeper connection in the relationship. Such a baby will grow, feeling the attention and acceptance of loved ones, which will contribute to his normal self-esteem and his own importance to others.
  • If the baby does not speak or speaks reluctantly and poorly, spend more time together, qualitatively and actively. Arrange more often joint outdoor recreation or do household chores together. Taking part in helping adults, the child will try to be like them, which is very motivating to develop speech abilities.
  • Play various games with him, aimed at development. All sorts of light puzzles, cards with animals or objects will replenish his vocabulary and encourage him to repeat the correct pronunciation after you. The main thing is not to put pressure on him, do not force him to avoid negativism. Fascinated by the game, he himself will try to pronounce the words.
  • Offer to complete your sentence. Suitable in cases where the child understands, but it makes no sense for him to talk about his desires, because an adult foresees them. For example, “Today after sleep we will go ...”, “Do you want to eat ...”. It also helps to recognize their needs and understand that parents listen to his opinion and desires.
  • Fine motor skills play a very significant role in activating the speech center. You can do crafts together from dough or plasticine. Kinetic sand for sale, which can captivate even adults. Let him go through cereals and pasta. Prepare space and clothes for finger painting. They develop motor skills and focus on various lacing when the little one tries to thread the tip into the hole. Scatter the multi-colored buttons and beads into a bowl. Tell us about their size in relation to each other and shape.
  • Read fairy tales, tell rhymes, nursery rhymes and ditties. This develops, replenishes the vocabulary of a two or three year old child. And most importantly, it creates a joyful mood. And lullabies relax and evoke a feeling of comfort and security.
  • If the baby does not speak well, visit playgrounds, parks and play centers more often. When he starts playing with a kid who is already talking, he will try to copy him, do like him. These parents are used to understanding and guessing the needs of their child without words. And strangers, especially children, will provoke the speedy connection of the speech center.
  • If the “silent person” is already three years old, and he hardly speaks, then psychologists recommend sending him to kindergarten. In the company of the same preschoolers, he will be able to talk. The main thing is to prepare it for the garden. Explain to the caregivers that the baby does not yet speak and that one should not put pressure on him or demand. And over time, after adapting to new conditions, the little one himself will show a desire to do like the rest of the children.

You can learn more about how to develop speech in preschoolers from the article on. And you may also find speech development exercises useful in the article on.

The sooner you start corrective work, the easier it will be for your baby to speak. In 2015, psychologists and speech therapists from one of the preschool educational institutions in Moscow conducted research with three-year-old children who had speech development delays. The parents of these ten babies adhered to the above recommendations. Basically, the task was to make fakes and stuff for the development of small motorboats. And also read a lot of books, poems and nursery rhymes. A year later, 9 out of 10 children caught up with their peers in speech development.

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