What does the phrase hunger not aunt mean. Hunger is not "Swedish" "Buffet" as a test of education


It so happened that the range of my interests is somewhat wider than just computers or web design. In general, it is human nature to be interested in many things, to seek, to find. Why am I? - Sometimes I think about “where did this or that phrase, word or saying come from, known to all of us since childhood. With this little article, I will open a new section "". I will also include in it my previously written note “Ktomado, or creativity in tongue twisters”.

Remember the saying "Hunger is not an aunt"? Of course, there is Yandex and you can ask this question to him. I did it. And he found the answer. And as soon as I referred to the original source, then without any twinge of conscience I will allow myself to quote part of the text:

“Strange expression, right? It is somehow completely incomprehensible why hunger is compared precisely with an aunt, and not with some other relative.

The thing is that we have only a piece, the first half of the proverb. It sounds completely: “Hunger is not an aunt, she won’t bring a pie,” that is, don’t expect mercy from him.

But personally, this explanation does not satisfy me either. In fact, well, why aunt? That she is the closest, dearest and most loving relative? Why, for example, not mom? - In fact, the answer is worth looking for even further, into the depths of centuries. When Rus' was not yet baptized, this saying already existed. Many negative concepts, such as illness or death, should never be called by their proper names, so as not to call out. Death, for example, was called an aunt (it’s clear why not a mother, right?). Of course, many concepts are being replaced, but the original meaning of this proverb is: “to starve, of course, is bad, but it’s still better than death.” Is it really a completely different meaning?

There is another version that seems entertaining to me: "Hunger is not an aunt, but a dear mother." It talks about the benefits of fasting and the dangers of overeating. Well, our ancestors were anything but stupid.

Let me write in this article about one more well-known phrase of V. I. Lenin, which we remember as: "The most important of all arts for us is cinema." This is an example of the most shameless pulling out a piece of a phrase from a whole statement. The meaning is turned upside down if you bring it in its entirety. So, are you ready? In full it sounded like this: "While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us." That is, cinema is valuable as an art, not in itself, but only as an ideological tool to stupefy the population. It seems that modern television with its talk shows lives according to this Leninist testament.

6 comments on “Hunger is not an aunt?”

    Well, about the "ideological tool for stupidizing the population" you turned down. What is the ideology in the film "The Diamond Arm"? Or in the movie Forrest Gump?
    Lenin had in mind that the cinema and the circus are accessible to people of different strata of the population and pass through them an incomparably larger volume of people than an art exhibition.

    • The films you mentioned are my favorite. I love others too. It’s just that when grandfather Lenin issued this slogan, these films did not yet exist. He meant the availability of cinema and the circus for the general population precisely for the purpose of propaganda. Not everyone could read books and newspapers at that time.

Some people are lucky with relatives, and some are not so lucky. Those who are lucky will understand the folk aphorism "hunger is not an aunt." People who are not familiar with good relations with relatives do not realize the full depth of the proverb we are considering. In any case, for those and for others, we will conduct a small study. In it, we will reveal the meaning and significance of the connection of good relatives with hunger.

Knut Hamsun, "Hunger"

Hunger is a terrible state if it sharpens a person long enough. In order not to starve, people steal, sometimes kill. A person needs to eat three times a day, or at least twice. Some manage to eat once a day, but this is when circumstances force them.

Literature provides vivid examples of the fact that hunger is not an aunt. First of all, this is the novel by Knut Hamsun "Hunger". The finale of the novel is quickly erased from memory, but the masterful descriptions of a man who has not eaten for more than a day remain with the reader forever.

The most interesting thing is that Hamsun's character is a journalist. He needs to write in order to eat, but he cannot write a single article because he is hungry. The letters merge. Cramps and pains in the abdomen interfere with work. It is not for nothing that Hamsun is called the “Norwegian Dostoevsky”, because he writes out the ordeals of the hero with amazing psychological accuracy, bordering on meticulousness. A man in a classic novel would agree, not thinking that hunger is not an aunt.

Charles Bukowski

The creator of autobiographical novels, Charles Bukowski, also knew what hunger was, firsthand, because the hero of most of his novels is constantly hungry, but as soon as he has money, they immediately go down in the nearest bar. Nevertheless, Book (as friends affectionately called the founder of “dirty realism”) argues in his writings with two common truths: first, the artist must be hungry all the time in order to create something out of the ordinary; secondly, "a well-fed belly is deaf to learning." Answering both arguments at once, he concludes: a) hunger is not an aunt; b) he personally works better when he eats a good portion of boiled potatoes with meat or sausages.

Sergey Dovlatov

Sergey Dovlatov does not lag behind foreign authors. Somewhere in the vastness of his not too impressive, but sparkling prose, the image of a hungry journalist was lost, who, sitting in the park, lustfully looks at the swans swimming in the pond and is already trying on how best to catch them.

But everything ends well: the hero meets a rich middle-aged lady, who takes care of his food supply. Say: "Alphonse!" And what to do, the proverb “hunger is not an aunt” speaks the truth.

By the way, Dovlatov claims in his notebooks that this story had a real prototype and everything was exactly as described. However, we promised to tell about relatives and hunger, so we will deal with a direct linguistic interpretation.

Relatives and hunger

The saying “hunger is not an aunt” implies that a person has good relatives, and they will definitely feed and caress him if necessary. What can not be said about hunger - it is ruthless and torments a person inexorably until he satiates his womb. Such a blissful picture, probably, was where the saying came from. The situation is pleasant in that a person has relatives who will not let him disappear just like that.

Now, when a person is engulfed in the spirit of competition and greed, all family relationships go to hell. “Man is a wolf to man,” said the Roman sage, and he was absolutely right. Apparently, in ancient Rome, relations between people were not very pleasant.

In other words, we are very happy for those who have somewhere to go. With each turn of capitalism (especially in Russia), a person is rapidly dehumanizing and individualizing. Relationships between people are broken. People turn into islands in the ocean of life, drifting by themselves. Watching such a bleak picture, one involuntarily thinks: what will happen if aunts, uncles, parents suddenly disappear from the world? To whom will the starving wanderer go?

Hunger is not an aunt

(the pie will not slip)

Hungry and the lord of bread will steal.

Wed If they forcibly bring me to a drinking-room, then I still won’t eat! Hunger is not an aunt ... will eat! Take me to the dining room!"

Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 19.

Wed I will enter the hut, if the door is not locked, I will see if there is something to eat! The economy, maybe at least not good, but after all hunger not aunt.

Gr. A. Tolstoy. Book. Silver.

Wed Hunger is not an aunt something needs to be done.

Ostrovsky. Poverty is not a vice. 12.

Wed The family of the poor, and hunger, you know,

Not your brother...

Zhukovsky. Mat. Falcone.

Wed Hunger ist Unger.

Hunger Hunger (merciless, like an ancient Hungarian warrior).

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

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    hunger not aunt- joke. about a strong hunger, forcing you to do something. The saying is part of a detailed expression of a proverbial type, recorded as early as the 17th century. and clear in its content: hunger is not an aunt, she will not slip a pie, that is, an aunt (kuma ... Phraseology Handbook

    Hunger is not an aunt (you won’t slip a pie). Hungry, and lord, he will steal bread. Wed If they forcefully take me to a drinking-room, I won’t eat anyway! Hunger is not an aunt ... she will eat! Lead to the dining room! Saltykov. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

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Hunger is not an aunt!

Semyon was a tall and interesting young man. He immediately rushed, as they say, into the eyes. If a candidate for a public position was sought anywhere, all those present invariably and without hesitation proposed and chose Semyon. Despite the fact that Semyon always desperately refused, gave himself various self-recusals, and at school, and in the pioneer camp, and later at the institute, he was invariably appointed or elected headman, trade union organizer or Komsomol organizer, and if Semyon still managed to escape from such positions , then, at worst, he was elected chairman of the meeting, session, council or committee.

Once Semyon went on a tourist trip to the Baltic republics. A group of tourists from different cities of the Union at the first meeting, without saying a word, immediately elected him the headman. Semyon protested, but could not do anything. Semyon was an obligatory person, and since he was chosen, he tried to fulfill his duties as best as possible. He negotiated with representatives of a travel company, sought to ensure that the group was transported from city to city in a good bus, that the rooms in hotels and camp sites were the best, and in general that all members of the tourist group were satisfied and no one had any unsatisfied claims.

The group visited Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn and, finally, arrived at the final destination of the trip - a camp site, which was located on the shore of a small forest lake. When the bus drove up to the camp site, all the tourists, fascinated by the beauty of the forest and the lake, expressed their desire to live in tents. Semyon, who had all the documents for the group, had to hand them over to the administrator, fill out some papers. Having finished with all this, he asked in which tent he would live.

Yes, choose any, - they answered him, - they are all unoccupied with us.

Like, where are all my bandmates?

They preferred places in the wards in the building of the camp site.

Well, if everyone is accommodated in the wards, then send me to the ward.

We would love to, but there are no more places.

Uh, no, that won't do, I won't live in a tent alone, find me a place in the building.

But we are really busy. But if you insist, we have room in the gatehouse for one person. An electrician used to live there, and then the camp site was connected to the main power line and since then the gatehouse has been empty.

As already mentioned, the camp site was located on the shore of a small forest lake. There was a small beach and a boat station near the camp site building. Vacationers could take boats and ride on the lake at any time. The gatehouse was located on the opposite side of the lake. It was a small wooden house with a bed, a bedside table, a small table and one chair. Semyon liked the gatehouse, and he agreed to live in it. He took one of the boats for personal use, on which he moved across the lake from the camp site to his lodge and back.

Semyon was a young healthy guy, he spent almost the whole day on the lake - he swam, rode a boat. The air was clean, forest. All this stimulated the appetite. On the very first day of his stay at the camp site, it turned out that the food that was given to vacationers was completely insufficient for Semyon. First, he began to find out if there was a grocery store nearby. But it turned out that for several kilometers around there was only one forest. Then Semyon went to the doctor:

I don't have enough food, please prescribe me an increased diet. If necessary, I am willing to pay for extra food.

Unfortunately, I cannot prescribe such a diet for you. As for the purchase of additional food coupons, we do not sell them separately - only together with vouchers for a camp site. So be patient, after six days your stay here will end, leave, go to a restaurant there and eat up to satiety.

Simon was hungry all the time. And he didn't hide it. Soon the entire tour group sympathized with him. Once a woman said to him:

I met this young girl here, she was supposed to come here with her fiancé, but he was detained at work and she thinks that he will not come. But she had two vouchers in her hands and was given two sets of food stamps. One of her sets is missing. On the other hand, she would very much like to ride a boat, but she herself does not know how to row. If you could give her a ride, tell her that you are starving, I think she would be happy to give you extra food stamps.

Semyon was introduced to a girl named Lida. A long boat ride on the lake ended with the fact that they stopped at Semyon's lodge, where he replaced her absent fiancé. As the song says: “Allow me, madam, to replace your husband if your husband is away on business!”.

Lida gave Semyon extra food stamps. Arriving at the dining room for lunch, he said to the waitress:

Here are two coupons for you - give me, please, two starters, two first, two second and two sweet.

I can't do it. If you want, come in to eat first from the first, and then from the second shift.

And Semyon had to eat a snack, first, second, sweet, and then start all over again - again a snack, again the first, again the second and again sweet. And only after that, for the first time in three days, he felt that he had eaten, that he was not hungry.

A year later, when Semyon was with a tourist group on a trip to Romania, the food was extremely poor. And again Semyon was practically starving. There was so little local money that was given out to tourists that it was impossible to buy anything edible. But when the group left the next city, the administration of the restaurant where they ate, arranged a “banquet” for the tourists in farewell. What they didn't realize, however, was that the group was made up largely of Azerbaijanis, most of whom don't eat pork. In such cases, Semyon already knew how to satisfy his hunger, although not in the same way as on a forest lake in Estonia. He sat at the same table with three Azerbaijani women, who immediately gave him the pork chops served to them. After eating four chops, Semyon felt that he was full and would somehow make it to the next city, where there would again be a pork "banquet".

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