Chupacabra attacks people: is the danger real? Ukrainian chupacabra attacks people


Today this month Russkaya Polyana has lost all calmness.

Children refuse to go to school. Parents are in a panic. state farms stopped their production activities. The sky brought down tons of snow because of this event.

The head of the district is in thought. PU students suddenly thought about the meaning of life...

And all the reason ... ... CHUPACABRA! ... an unknown little animal that kills babies, sucks out their blood, after which it adds it to matzah. Although no, these are other animals, and the Chupacabra is quite peaceful, but sometimes it kills the livestock of farmers in both Americas, Ukraine and Russia, in a word, all over the world.

Good question. British scientists, American journalists and cryptozoologists have been struggling with this for several decades. So far, no one has really seen this creature, let alone scientific evidence the existence of this little animal and dream is not necessary. And there is only one reason: the scientific community just doesn't give a shit about it. In general, another urban forest legend.

Pedivikia claims that it all started in the far, far Puerto Rican wilderness in 1975. Harsh farmers began to lose their small livestock, as well as for some reason dogs (well, figly, she is on a leash, she won’t run far anyway - I don’t want to catch it). The poor goats and other cattle looked like they had been eaten by a division of hungry vampires. The dogs died resignedly, as if under hypnosis, the owners then wondered why no one barked, and puzzledly buried the bloodless carcass of the dog. Local reporters, of course, were not too lazy to take advantage of rural legends and conjectures, and it began to spin in such a way that the Chupacabra is now almost the main part of Latin American folklore.

A dozen years after their first appearance, the Chupacabra wound up in sunny California, which hints.

  • Wolf?

The simplest explanation, in fact, is that all sorts of photos and videos of the Chupacabra, of varying degrees of reliability, are hinting at some strange kind of canine, but questions immediately arise that are difficult to find convincing answers. If this is a wolf, then why didn’t he ever touch the meat, and after all, wolves kill only from hunger - they just can’t waste their strength (although wolves have racial dislike for dogs and they can just for lulz fill up a couple of dogs in some village)? If this is a wolf, then why do attacks occur once every two weeks, or even a month (wolf would go hunting at least once every six days)? In general, not convincing.

  • Bald coyote or hyena?

Judging by some notarized photographs, dead "chupacabras" suspiciously look like old, bald coyotes or jackals, which abound in warm countries. It cannot be ruled out that rich eccentrics bring exotic animals from abroad, which, if the opportunity arises, run away. Once in the Dnieper in the center of Kyiv, a crocodile was caught that swam away from the garden pool during the flood period. Also, in terms of size, intelligence and diet, these animals are suitable for the role of chupacabra. However, such living creatures are usually imported in single copies, which is not comparable with the scale of the disaster throughout Ukraine. And judging by the descriptions of our subject, it could only have been brought from another planet.

  • A vampire bat?

Chupacabra looks at you not only as shit, but with some kind of hostility.

Chupacabra on the road

Guro Chupacabra from the Balkans

Yes, sucking blood licking is characteristic of all animals, namely bats special types. But, the problem is that bloodsucking bats are not found all over the world, but only in South America. It is difficult to imagine that they got to Europe and Raska, except perhaps in cozy cages on a comfortable ZOG flight. Then, several times the creature left large footprints. Paw marks. The stride length is 1.1 meters, which eliminates the possibility of confusion with someone else (you still need to look for such a large beast!). So what's the version about bat also disappears.

  • animal unknown to science

Among all versions, this one is the most tenacious. Firstly, anything can be attributed to an unknown animal. Secondly, the Chupacabra operates in several countries at once. So there are at least a few of them. Dozens, or even hundreds. A whole species of chupacabrus vulgaris! Those who saw them tell how the Chupacabra made them vomit and dizzy with one glance, and then, changing color, like a chameleon, dumped them into the forest. And one farmer even said that he did shoot a couple of Chupacabra when they tried to attack his cow. Naturally, he did not provide proofs, since, apparently, they were one of those chupacabras that bottles are collected from garbage dumps. Particularly stubborn scientists put forward a version of a hitherto unknown species PREDATORY SABER-TOOTH kangaroo- paleontologists swear that such people really existed, but only in Australia and offer to look at excavated skeletons,.

  • Alien from parallel worlds

There is a hypothesis of a "branching universe", built by a certain physicist Hugh Everett. It consists in the fact that Parallel Worlds can exist completely independently of each other, but under certain conditions, some objects have the ability to move from one world to another. If all other versions are discarded, we will have to stop at the Everett hypothesis.

  • ugly fucking motherfucker

According to our students, who visited the States on a student exchange, to the question of Mex day laborers: “Who is (such, such) a chupacabra?”, They did scary eyes, spat, cursed dirty and answered: "ugly fucking motherfucker"

  • Chernobyl mutant?

Mutants escaped from Chernobyl, who acquired the ability to suck blood. It remains only to find out how the Chernobyl mutants got to Spain and Puerto Rico in the 1970s.

  • Alien mutant and animal from Area 51

1947 Roswell. New Mexican. The fallen UFO carried in its hold not only them, but also chupacabras as pets of humanoids. Years passed and people on black helicopters took up breeding pets, from time to time walking bloodsuckers in banana and not so republics and scaring people.

In the X-Files episode "The World Turns", the Chupacabras were two racially Mexican brothers who contracted a corprus-like terrestrial mycosis complicated by exposure to an alien enzyme. It all ended badly for them.

At the "Third All-Siberian Congress of Ufologists on contacts with aliens of the 3rd and 4th kind" (Tomsk). A highly scientific two-hour discussion about the possibility of contact in general, contact with a non-humanoid mind, the concept of mind as such, according to the plan of the organizers, was to be crowned documentary about the last ("only yesterday from the UWB") contact between a human and an alien. Immediately after the credits, a self-satisfied Hispanic redneck with a machete appeared, who, not without pride, told the audience from the screen that “with this knife he chopped the Chupacabra!”. The topic of contact was covered by the hysteria of those present.

  • In fact, el chupacabra- part of the old Mexican folklore (rooted back in the dashing times of the Mayans and the Aztecs) and which, through the efforts of the journalists, stuck to the events and heroes of this article. The Indians called him "the mosquito man." In ancient Babylon, there was also a similar demon according to the description - Gallu, who fed exclusively on blood.

We are very grateful to the portal for the kindly provided information.

We also express our indignation at the fact that CHUPACABRA has not been vaccinated against rabies, because there is a high chance that she will bite the mighty of the world this.

P.S. Rumor has it that she has already been bitten.

The animal, about which there are disputes between cryptobiologists and zoologists, is increasingly appearing, in literally words, on people. Reports of the attack of the legendary Chupacabra come from various regions of the world.

But if five years ago it was known that the animal, not yet finally identified by pundits, prefers, as it was “prescribed” by myths and zoologists, to feed on the blood of goats and rabbits, then in last years chupkabra, apparently, got used to it and considers it quite expedient to attack people. Most often this happens in Ukraine.

"AT Ukrainian village Bobrik, in the Sumy region, an unknown creature attacked a local teenager Ruslan Bobrik," the Ukrainian channel 1 + 1 reports. The boy said that he was returning home at about 11 pm, walking not far from railway and smelled a sharp and strong smell of sulfur. And suddenly, unexpectedly - a strong blow to the arm ... The blow knocked Ruslan off his feet, and when his eyes got used to the darkness a little, the guy saw - some big beast was bending over him, which was standing on hind legs. "Like a kangaroo," says Ruslan.

The beast hissed loudly. Suddenly cut through the darkness bright light car headlights - one of the neighbors was returning home by car. The light scared the beast, and perhaps this belated driver saved the life of a teenager.

“It immediately rushed into the bushes, I saw that it was very tall, taller than me. It jumped on its hind legs,” recalls Ruslan. Frightened to death, the guy rushed home, not understanding who attacked him. Already at home I saw him left hand covered in blood, the beast tore the skin with long claws. "I never saw his face, but I'm sure it's a Chupacabra," says the guy.

Ruslan has every reason to believe that the unprecedented creature that attacked him is this very legendary beast - the Chupacabra. The doctors of the local hospital, to which Ruslan turned with injuries inflicted by an unprecedented beast, vaccinated the teenager against rabies, but they cannot give a clear answer to the question - so who exactly is capable of inflicting such wounds.

The only thing they say is that this animal is unknown to them. "Chupakabra", - the local surgeon Vladimir Shtogrin throws up his hands. Ruslan's fellow villagers admit that the creature terrorizes them and they are afraid of him. Once again, when it is dark, they try not to go outside.

The suspicions of local residents about the attacks of the Chupacabra are not groundless. In the village of Vovkovtsy, not far from Bobrik, just recently, a local dog bit an unknown animal, which by all indications resembles a chupacabra.

Ukrainian researcher of the Chupacabra Volodymyr Litovka says that such a species as the Chupacabra could have appeared as a result of a mutation of an animal, and most likely its origin is artificial. Moreover, if earlier there was confidence that the Chupacabra does not grow more than a meter (usually its height is about 70 centimeters), then in this case we are talking about a true giant up to two meters in height!

By the way, the biologist Litovka also examined the corpse of a chupacbra, which was bitten by a dog in the village of Vovkivtsi. In his opinion, it can be assumed that the appearance of the Chupacabra is "the result of someone's selection work using genetics. They have a very mobile hand, consisting of two joints. Therefore, they are like human hand capable of opening the doors of rabbit cages."

Then, in Vovkitsy, at first all the hares disappeared in the forest - hunters complained about this circumstance. Then, when an unknown animal killed dozens of domestic rabbits, locals tried to catch him. It didn’t work out alive, but one day the dog, which the hostess began to tie for the night right next to the crates with eared ones, terrified her prey: the dog bit an unprecedented creature that crept to the rabbits that night.

After a "concilium" with the neighbors, they decided - the dead animal is the same Chupacabra and decided to bury her corpse.

Upon learning that a real Chupacabra had been caught, a pilgrimage of researchers, ordinary hunters and veterinarians began to the place of her burial. The corpse was repeatedly dug up, but no one could say anything sensible. And then the remains of the animal and completely incomprehensibly disappeared.

There were attacks on people in Ukrainian villages both in 2010 and 2011, and their geography is quite large - these are the western regions of Ukraine and its center - the Kyiv region, and the eastern part of Ukraine. The Chupacabra was everywhere and left bloody footprints everywhere.

The "handwriting of the murders" was identical - a silent night penetration into the courtyard, either broken, or, on the contrary, neatly, like a man, open cages and bloodless carcasses of chickens, rabbits, sheep, and other small domestic animals, which the beast neatly "lay out" in rows or heaps. A little later there were reports of attacks on people. Thank God, there were no dead, but the number of people bitten and wounded by claws goes to dozens.

Ultimately, the attacks interested not only biologists and cryptobiologists, but also the police. So, in the villages of the Rivne region, two mobile groups were even mobilized from among the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, however, the security forces could not catch or even see the Chupacabra alive. Chupacabra attacks in Russia were first discussed in 2005, but the statistics of attacks by these creatures in the Russian Federation are many times less than in Ukraine.

In the meantime, a curfew has been introduced at the site of the last “deployment” of the monster in the village of Bobrik, as people fear that the beast will not stop its attacks and perhaps someone will be less lucky than Ruslan, who escaped from the monster’s clutches alive.

Also, locals are waiting for researchers and scientists who are engaged in chupkabras to explore the local swamps - according to local residents, monsters come from them.

Just a legend

Journalists around the world are greedy for sensationalism, so reports of the atrocities of the Chupacabra often adorn the pages of the yellow press. Interestingly, the more they say and write about these monsters, the more eyewitnesses appear who managed to see a rare beast. At the same time, scientists have not yet studied the "goat vampire" for the simple reason that they have not yet been able to get a single chupacabra - alive or dead. Although reports of dead chupacabra have been received repeatedly, upon closer examination, these animals turned out to be ordinary dogs, coyotes, raccoons or pigs. Unusual view these animals were given various diseases, for example, scabies. As a result, the animals lost their hair, covered with tumors and looked somewhat non-standard, like alien animals. However, the results of DNA research invariably pointed to the earthly origin of the animals found.

Although the vast majority of people treat the Chupacabra legend with a grain of salt, panic seizes areas where bloodless carcasses of livestock are regularly found.

Scary rumors are supported by unverified information from the press and the Internet, and people are afraid to go out after dark (like all vampires, the Chupacabra prefers to hunt at night).

Is the chupacabra dangerous to humans?

For a long time thought to be the chupacabra does not attack people, being content with goats, sheep, rabbits and poultry. However, periodically in the means mass media there are reports of human victims of the blood-sucking monster. So, one of the first victims of the chupacabra was the Mexican José Angel Pulido, whose arm was grabbed by the beast. But the Chupacabra did not like human blood: after a short fight, the predator retreated, leaving two round deep wounds as a memory of itself. For a long time, this episode was considered the only case of a Chupacabra attack on a person.

It is noteworthy that predatory animals rarely become cannibals - they try, if possible, not to fight with people, being content with smaller victims. In all likelihood, the chupacabra also avoids people, so few people have seen this animal, and even more so, they have become its victim. However, it is still impossible to completely exclude the possibility of an attack by a predatory beast on a person. So, it is known that animals infected with rabies do not choose whom to attack - a person may well become their victim. Fortunately, rabid chupacabras are not yet so widespread on Earth that they are seriously feared.

And yet, attacks by animals unknown to science on people happen.

In the Ukrainian village of Pyatigory, an unknown animal killed rabbits for two weeks by drinking their blood. Nobody saw the beast itself, but one evening a local resident passing by the cemetery was attacked by an unknown animal that moved in big jumps, like a kangaroo. From horror, the woman lost consciousness, fellow villagers found her only after an hour and a half. A few days later, a similar animal in the nearby town of Glynsk attacked an eighth-grader and knocked her down. The skin of both victims remained intact: the Chupacabra, if it was her, for some reason did not even try to taste the blood of her victims. A raid was arranged on the beast, which ended in failure. There is no evidence that the same beast that sucked blood from rabbits attacked the residents of Pyatigor and Glynsk, but the locals are convinced that a Chupacabra was operating in their village.

Chupacabra means goat vampire in Spanish. This word appeared after a whole herd of dead goats was discovered in Puerto Rico in 1975 - all the animals were not just killed, there was not a drop of blood left in the bodies! The only damage was a small wound on the neck, which veterinarians found in all the dead animals.

The first case marked the beginning of a whole series of incidents, reports of which began to come from the most different countries and even from different continents.

Chupacabra Facts

They began to talk about this creature as if it were real. From Brazil, it was even reported that locals shot a strange animal emerging from the lake. But all these rumors remained rumors. the only real fact there was a massacre of animals going on here and there. In addition to small wounds on the neck, all these cases were united by another inexplicable feature: the bodies of the victims did not stiffen at all, and the blood left in some corpses did not clot, as it should be in case of death.

Every year more and more such facts were recorded. In 2005, the Chupacabra reached Russia. By all accounts, it turned out that the Chupacabra is a vampire that attacks only animals.

But it was not there! In 1996, in Puerto Rico, a monster attacked a local resident. It is difficult to say whether it is about the same creature, but the victim told the following: a small white creature, winged and spiked, suddenly rushed at the woman and tried to bite her neck. Fortunately, the frightened lady managed to dodge.

Another Puerto Rican was attacked in the evening in the park by an incomprehensible animal, which tore his face and neck with its claws. The terrified man stated that it was a white gorilla. One “but” - where did the gorilla come from in this region, besides, it’s also white ?!

More and more people suffered from the incomprehensible whitish monster. Unfortunately, the victims of the attacks could not agree on the description of their offender: according to some, the amazing “something” looked more like a toothy kangaroo, others described it as a reptile or a small dinosaur.

By the way, it is worth considering that it was in South America that from ancient times there were many legends about monsters, strangely reminiscent of their habits of the Chupacabra. These legends are based on something, there is no smoke without fire!

Origin of the Chupacabra

There are a lot of assumptions about the origin of this creature, and all the most incredible. Is it a prehistoric monster that suddenly went berserk and crawled out of its caves closer to people. Whether the product genetic engineering a failed experiment. Or are the chupacabras aliens from the depths of space?

Scientists do not yet have data proving at least one version. Only one fact is alarming: there are hundreds of cases of Chupacabra attacks on animals. And attacks on people are rare, although a person is often a much more attractive prey. Could this being, whoever it is, be as intelligent as we are?

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