Russian Book Chamber: we were, we are, we will be! an indispensable element in book publishing. work of print media


Yesterday, like a bolt from the blue, the news about the resubordination of the Russian Book Chamber to the department of ITAR-TASS sounded. What does this mean for the industry and the RCP itself? - In my opinion, this is a disaster. With the same success, it was possible to transfer the RCP to the Spartak football club or the Pyaterochka chain of stores. What does ITAR-TASS have to do with what the RCP is doing? What do they understand in the activities of the RCP? Now everyone is in a state of shock: the workers of the RCP themselves, who knew nothing before yesterday's decree, the ministries of the Russian Federation, who knew nothing, the library community, who do not understand how to get books now, publishers and archivists. No one knew anything about the upcoming reshuffles. Moreover, the meaning of this action is not clear. This is more like tyranny: I turn what I want.

Since many people do not know what the Book Chamber does, I will tell you a little. Partially the information is taken from two magazines "The Book Industry" and "University Book".

The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Russian Book Chamber" was established in Petrograd in 1917. Among the tasks of this national bibliographic agency: maintaining statistics and archiving printed publications published in the Russian Federation, replenishing the funds of the country's leading libraries with legal copies from publishers, assigning national and international standard numbers (UDC, LBC and ISBN), administering the Russian bibliography data bank , scientific research in the field of book publishing, etc.

Every year, the Russian Book Chamber processes 0.7-1.2 million publications, and the General Alphabetical Catalog of the Russian Communist Party includes more than 30 million bibliographic records about printed works published since 1917. In addition, the RCP publishes a number of state bibliographic indexes, including "Book Chronicle", "Chronicle of Journal Articles", "Chronicle of Newspaper Articles", "Chronicle of Abstracts of Dissertations for Candidates and Doctors of Science", "Music Chronicle", "Chronicle of art publications, etc. The RCP also publishes the Bibliography magazine, the Research and Materials series of books, and the Yearbook Books of the Russian Federation.

Here is what Elena Borisovna Nogina, director of the RCP, says (hereinafter I quote E.B.'s interview given to the Universitetskaya kniga magazine): "The uniqueness of the Chamber is that it is an information, archival, scientific and methodological center that not only serves all branch of the domestic book business, that is, publishers, booksellers, librarians, bibliographers, authors, editors, etc., but also serves as a link for them. any library - all domestic publications, without exception, should be kept, regardless of subject matter, specialization, volume, etc. The funds of the RCP were replenished even during the years of the war and other social upheavals, they were not subjected to Stalin's "purges", were not transferred to anyone, so that now they are more than twice the size of the largest libraries in the country.For example, the RSL has 45 million items, with a third of them - foreign publications, and in the Chamber - more than 88 million items, and all domestic. By the way, this is the world's largest fund of Russian-language publications.

E.B. Nogina: "I have been working here for thirty-six years, I have gone from the position of a senior researcher (in the department for the development and implementation of an automated system for thematic master planning and coordination of literature release) to the director's chair."

"As for priorities, today, in a market economy, not only the state bibliography is important, not only printing statistics, but also other information - more specialized in relation to the needs of the book market. The RCP should strive to provide interested publishers, booksellers, any users (collective or individual) the most prompt and complete publishing and bookselling information about new products (already released or on the verge of release). ""). It is a database of bibliographic descriptions of books supplemented with commercial information (price, addresses and phone numbers of manufacturers or sellers). In addition, the RCP, together with the Russian Book Union (RCS), will continue the project "Unified Industrial Commodity Register" (EOTR), ensuring the preparation of operational bibliographic and bookselling information about new editions of the country".

In the Chamber, the transfer of its printed catalogs to electronic media is very relevant. Allocation of state investments in 2009 as part of the implementation of the activities of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2006-2011)" allowed the RCP to begin work on the digitization of the funds of the National Book Depository. This work is currently being carried out in two directions. Firstly, a complete electronic catalog of bibliographic descriptions of all publications available in the depository from 1917 to the present day is being created. Secondly, a national electronic archive (electronic depository) of the full texts of publications available in the repository is being created to ensure the safety of the national fund of publications in the form of electronic copies and its availability using modern means of searching and transmitting information. So far, we have only taken the first steps on this long and difficult path. Much here, of course, depends on external financing.
I really hope - and I will do my best to ensure that the people who make the relevant decisions take into account the uniqueness and significance (not only for our country) of the gigantic information and cultural potential that our National Depository has. We simply must save it for posterity!

So what exactly does the RCP do.
All, all, all printing houses of the USSR and Russia are obliged to send samples of their products to the RCP. These are books, brochures, posters, postcards, maps, labels, stamps, posters, announcements and even menus. EVERYTHING that has been printed in a typographical way since 1917 has been collected in the RCP.
The Chamber's employees accept products, assign a state registration number to each product, describe it and send several copies to the largest libraries. Some products are only in a single copy, they are stored only in the RCP archive. Many types of products are not needed by libraries (for example, labels), so they are stored only in the RCP. Those. this is a unique repository of everything that has been published in the USSR and Russia for almost a hundred years. There is something that is not found anywhere else in the world. And this is our story.
Second. The RCP systematizes, describes and digitizes its archive. If they are ever given permission, then we can access the entire archive and easily find everything we need. At the same time, the RCC created a search system by description. After all, not all products have an ISBN or it may be incorrect. Try to find all editions of The Three Musketeers if the ISBN is unknown.
Third. The Book Chronicle is being published - an inventory of the entire archive since 1917.
Fourth. This is a study of the book market. Without such monitoring, no industry in the world can now exist.
Fifth. Providing publishers with an ISBN number.

Without point five, no one dies. The functions of providing the ISBN can be delegated to someone else (though why) or the task can be solved in some other way. This is a problem, but not the main one. Things are worse with the archive. Even during the years of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, printing houses tried to transfer their products to the RCP. Now the entire archive may perish.
But the most obvious and incredible thing is that no one knew about the decision of the President. Those. It was decided arbitrarily, without consulting with experts. The director general learned about the liquidation of her department from the media. The Federal Press Agency and the Ministry of Culture know nothing and are completely confused. “I’m hearing about this for the first time,” Nogina told the Izvestia newspaper. “And what does ITAR-TASS have to do with it if our chamber deals with books?! There was a lot of talk about the merger of the Russian State Library and the RCP, but never about ITAR-TASS.” didn't go." Those. who governs the country and how?

Special bewilderment of experts and professionals in the book business was caused by the fact that in the presidential decree the functions of the RCP are described in one paragraph concerning the implementation of the law on legal deposit - the document proposes to entrust these functions to ITAR-TASS and VGTRK. The President instructed the government to develop the relevant amendments to Law No. 77-FZ “On the legal deposit of documents” within 15 days. Other functions of the Book Chamber, in particular, the assignment of ISBN, are not mentioned in the presidential decree.
It remains unclear to whom all the other functions of the Book Chamber, including the maintenance of industry statistics, the organization of the work of the state press archive, and the formation of a bibliographic base, will be transferred.
The destruction of a relatively well-functioning national bibliographic system would be pure madness.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was one of the largest book publishing countries in the world (Photo: Glenkar, Shutterstock)

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was one of the largest book publishing countries in the world. However, the developed book industry was within the strict limits of tsarist censorship. Therefore, one of the first acts of the Provisional Government after the revolution of 1917 was the abolition of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs.

() In 1917, in Petrograd, by a decree of the Provisional Government, the bibliographic institution "Russian Book Chamber" was created - the first state institution in the world created specifically for the registration of printed works.

The main functions of the institution were defined as follows: registration of all current press in Soviet Russia, as well as printing houses, lithographs and other similar establishments; the formation of a book fund to supply state institutions and book depositories with all printed works published in Russia.
In 1920, the Chamber was transferred to Moscow and reorganized into the Russian Central Book Chamber, and in 1936 it was transformed into the All-Union Book Chamber, which became the center of state bibliography and printing statistics in the USSR, a research institution in the field of bibliography, book science and publishing.

Having inherited from the tsarist Main Directorate for Press Affairs only the Book Chronicle, during the years of Soviet power, the chamber covered all types of printed matter produced in the country with bibliographic registration. She systematically published bibliographic journals, yearbooks, bulletins, collections, conducted extensive reference and bibliographic work at the request of government agencies and various organizations.

In 1992, the institution again became known as the Russian Book Chamber. By a presidential decree, it was entrusted with the functions of a center for state bibliography, archival storage of publications, press statistics, international standard numbering of printed works and scientific research in the field of book business.

Also, the Russian Book Chamber of the Order of the Badge of Honor carries out state registration of all types and types of domestic publications, publishes collections, magazines, yearbooks, replenishes the State Archive of the Press of Russia, distributes mandatory copies among the country's largest libraries, almost completely providing them with free acquisition of domestic publishing products.

Every year about a million publications are processed in the technological mode using modern electronic means in the Chamber. The information received is communicated to consumers through the distribution of state bibliographic indexes (chronicles), centralized cataloging cards, and the organization of automated reference services by subscription.

The Book Chamber is not only the main registration center in Russia in the field of bibliography, but also a major research institute. The Chamber represents the Russian book industry in international organizations: UNESCO, ISDS, Index Translationum. The Book Chamber also interacts with national libraries and information centers in many countries of the world.

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State educational institution of higher professional education



Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Management department

Sidorova Sabina Nikolaevna

"Russian Book Chamber"

Control work on the discipline "information heuristics"

1st year full-time students of the specialty

080504 State and municipal administration

group Go -11

Work checked

Ph.D. Lavrenov V.I.


1.History of the Russian Book Chamber…………..………………………………5

2. The main functions of the activities of the RCP………………………………………… 7


List of references and sources used……………………….…..11


At the beginning of the century, Russia was one of the largest book publishing countries in the world. In 1913, more than 30,000 titles of books and pamphlets were published on its territory (within the borders of the former USSR), with a total circulation of about 100 million copies. In terms of quantitative indicators, Russian book publishing was second only to Germany and significantly outstripped such countries as England, France and the United States. However, the developed book industry was in the tight grip of autocratic censorship, hand and foot entangled and the literary process, and publishing, and printing production. The Main Directorate for Press Affairs within the Ministry of the Interior of Tsarist Russia and its subordinate institutions in the field, " obsessed,- as contemporaries wrote, - one desire - to stifle any free thought and is only occupied with ensuring that there is as little as possible the printed word in Russia, leaving in complete disregard other functions that had nothing to do with censorship, but which cannot but be recognized as of great national importance ". These also included the registration of printed works, which, if the case was properly set up, should have given a picture of the cultural state of the country.

That is why one of the first acts of the Provisional Government, prompted by the demands of the democratic public immediately after the February Revolution of 1917, was the abolition of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs. The Special Commission created on this occasion, chaired by the Commissioner of the Provisional Government, Count D.P. Kapnist, prepared a note stating that the abolition of the Main Directorate did not raise any doubts, "heavy guardianship imposed by the overthrown regime on Russian public life was the most sensitive and intolerant in its manifestations in relation to human thought and the spiritual creativity of the people" .

The commission stated that in this area the struggle of tsarism against the public reached extreme tension, and the activities of the organization that led all censorship institutions aroused the most acute and undisguised hatred.

In accordance with the proposals of the Kapnist Commission, on April 27 (May 10), 1917, a decree of the Provisional Government "On Institutions for the Press" was adopted, by which the Main Directorate for Press was abolished, and instead a bibliographic institution of a completely different kind was created, which was called "Book Ward".

1.History of the Russian Book Chamber

The Russian Order of the Badge of Honor Book Chamber is a national center for state bibliography, statistical accounting and international numbering of publishing products, standardization and scientific research in the field of book business, a national repository of legal copies of all printed publications published in the Russian Federation. The Russian Book Chamber was founded in 1917. The Chamber carries out state registration of all types and types of domestic publications, distributes legal copies among the country's largest libraries, almost completely providing them with free acquisition of domestic publishing products.

The variety of publishing products of our country is reflected in the state bibliographic indexes regularly issued by the Chamber (“Book chronicle”, “Chronicle of abstracts of dissertations”, “Cartographic chronicle”, “Chronicle of reviews”, “Chronicle of art publications”, “Music chronicle”, “Chronicle of journal articles” , "Chronicle of newspaper articles"), statistical yearbooks and other information publications. The Chamber also forms electronic data banks.

The Chamber has been and is one of the main guarantors of the preservation of the book memory of the nation, since, unlike libraries, which usually have a certain acquisition profile, it collects all published printed materials. The depository of the Chamber is designed for eternal storage and exhaustive completeness of incoming publishing products in the form of legal copies of books, brochures, magazines, newspapers, posters, posters, abstracts of dissertations, postcards, etc., etc. The press archive has more than 82 million items, which is almost twice as much as the largest Russian libraries. It acts as a kind of insurance library fund and a repository of little-sought literature.

The Book Chamber contributes to maintaining and raising the level of book culture by developing and implementing various national publishing design standards, conducting scientific research (including forecasting) of the book market, reading problems, and the place of books in society. Many of her proposals and recommendations have already been put into practice or accepted for execution within the framework of Moscow and federal programs to support book publishing and reading.

2. The main functions of the activities of the RCP

As a national center of state bibliography, the RCP performs such important functions as:

· bibliographic registration, accounting of all types of printed works published in the country and for all branches of knowledge, and other replicated products (audio and video materials, disks, etc.);

· release of the State Budgetary Institution of Ukraine system and the information bulletin "New Books of Russia"; acquisition of library collections (based on the legal deposit system);

· centralized cataloging (issue of printed bibliographic cards for catalogs and file cabinets of various libraries);

retrospective accounting of printed materials; development of standards and other regulatory documents; print statistics; storage and use, as well as restoration of the lost parts of the National Depository (State Archive of the Press);

maintaining a reference and bibliographic apparatus; reference and bibliographic services for organizations and institutions, libraries on issues related to the industry (printing, book business), problems of state bibliography, etc.

Traditionally, the RCP performs the functions of the largest research institution and the organizational and methodological center of the industry. Being a research institute by status, the RCP is engaged in the study of general problems of bibliology (for example, the collection "Book. Research and Materials" has been published for years). Being an organizational and methodological center for the book chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the RCP pays much attention to the unification of methodological decisions on bibliographic selection, compilation of materials reflected in the State Budgetary Institution, their classification, equipping republican State Budgetary Institutions with auxiliary indexes, etc.

These functions are performed by the relevant divisions of the RCP. For example, along with departments of the RCP as a national bibliographic center, it also has a Center for Information and Publishing Technologies (CIIT), which, together with the Liberea publishing house, publishes the catalog “Books in stock and printing” (RussianBooksinprint), the editors of the Bibliography magazine, the publishing house Book Chamber International, Book Institute and others.

At the same time, the RCP also has new functions due to the peculiarities of the current stage of development of the state bibliography - the active development of network technologies, the completion of the project "Current National Bibliography - on the Internet" (implemented jointly with the RSL and the NLR with the support of the Open Society Institute); retroconversion programs for catalogs and the State Budgetary Institution (since 1917); modernization and updating of information retrieval languages, subject and classification schemes, communication formats (in accordance with the requirements and specifics of industries, as well as taking into account international standards); continuation of work on creating a database of authoritative (normative) files; conducting fundamental scientific and applied research in the field of book business and information technology; implementation of the project "Electronic resources of the RCP"; improvement of the national information system "Books in stock and printing"; implementation of a project to create a RCP website on the Internet.


State bibliographic indexes occupy one of the main places in the system of scientific and technical information. Almost any type of publication that appeared in our country is reflected in one chronicle or another. They are not only reliable sources of bibliographic information, but also serve as the basis for the creation of other types of bibliographic aids (scientific auxiliary, advisory), for the bibliographic work of libraries.

Indexes of the federal and regional levels differ in the principles of selection of reflected works of print - by place of publication and language. Bibliographic descriptions of printed works that were published in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (except Russian) and are reflected in the indexes of the Russian Communist Party are given in Russian. In regional editions, bibliographic records are given in two languages: in the original language and in Russian. Thus, the state bibliographic indexes of the regional book chambers help readers to better navigate the printed works published in the region, supplementing the bibliographic indexes of the RCP.

When searching for information on chronicles, the following should be taken into account: the work of printing is reflected in them separately, by type; for bibliographic aids, a unified classification scheme for printed works has been adopted; auxiliary indexes in most cases are built according to the alphabetical principle and help to find printed works of a certain type in the aspect of interest to the reader with the least amount of time.

The efficiency and economy of many processes of press statistics, book publishing and book distribution depend on the state of the state bibliography. That is why the Russian Book Chamber is constantly improving the scientific, methodological and organizational support of the state bibliography.

List of references and used sources

1. Vlasova R.P. Scientific and Bibliographic Archive of the Russian Book Chamber /R.P. Vlasova // Bibliography. - 2001. - No. 2. - S. 88-93.

2. Tenth International Conference on Book Science: On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Communist Party / / Book Review. -2002. - No. 21.

3. The Russian Book Chamber and the Buk Chamber International Publishing House present ... / / Education and Society. -2002. - No. 1.

4. - Encyclopedia on-line.

5. - Database of legal documents.

6. www.bookchamber.ru_ - Official site of the Russian Book Chamber.

Tenth International Conference on Problems of Book Science: To the 85th Anniversary of the RCP//Knizhnoe obozrenie.-2002.-No.21.

Vlasova R.P. Scientific and Bibliographic Archive of the Russian Book Chamber /R.P. Vlasova // Bibliography. - 2001. - No. 2. - S. 88-93. _ - Official site of the Russian Book Chamber. - Encyclopedias on-line.

Tenth International Conference on Problems of Book Science: To the 85th Anniversary of the RCP//Knizhnoe obozrenie.-2002.-No.21.

1917 is not only the year of the February and October revolutions, but also the year of the formation of the Russian Book Chamber (RKP). The Provisional Government, which came to power, liquidated the Main Directorate for Press Affairs as an organ of state censorship, adopting two decrees on April 27 (May 12), 1917. The first of them - "On the Press" - declared freedom of the press and trade in printed products, and also established the rules for registration and the procedure for issuing publications. In the second - "On institutions for the press" - it was announced the creation of the Book Chamber.

Authors: Elena B. NOGINA, Director of the Russian Book Chamber - a branch of ITAR-TASS; Konstantin Mikhailovich SUKHORUKOV , Deputy Director for Science of the Russian Book Chamber - a branch of ITAR-TASS.

ABOUT The main activity of the Book Chamber was the modified system of legal deposit (MA). The mechanism of its action, the quantitative composition and distribution of printed works were determined by the decree "On the Press". Within a day after the publication of any publication, the printing house was obliged to provide the local provincial or district commissioner of the Provisional Government (or the person replacing him) with eight copies. One copy remained in this commissariat, and the remaining seven were forwarded to the Book Chamber, which sent four of them to the largest libraries, leaving three for their own use.

The first director of the Book Chamber, which was then based in Petrograd, was a prominent bibliographer and literary critic S.A. Vengerov.

The Book Chamber quickly went through the process of formation, turning into a generally recognized specialized bibliographic center in Russia. However, the severe crisis associated with the First World War and the Civil War, as well as the elimination of almost all levers of local power, led to increased anarchy in the field of book publishing and state bibliography.

Urgent and drastic measures were finally taken to reorganize the near-defunct system of publication registration. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of June 30, 1920 "On the Transfer of Bibliographic Affairs in the RSFSR to the People's Commissariat of Education" proclaimed a new program for the development of bibliographical affairs in the country, emphasized its state importance and formulated new organizational principles relating to legal deposit. In essence, all subsequent decisions of the Soviet government in this area were a deepening, modification and development of this document. The decree emphasized that only the MA system could provide a real basis for a registration bibliography, thus they were again linked into a single whole.

To implement this decree, the People's Commissariat of Education issued on August 3, 1920 a resolution "On the mandatory registration of printed works", which provided for the creation in Moscow of a new bibliographic body under the State Publishing House - the Russian Central Book Chamber. Almost simultaneously, the chamber in Petrograd was transformed into the Institute of Bibliology, dealing, among other things, with the problems of retrospective bibliography of Russian books.

Since then, the Russian, and then the All-Union Book Chamber has repeatedly changed addresses, names, departmental affiliation, but has always honorably fulfilled all the duties assigned to it by the state and the book community, and the conditions for its activities have rarely been easy.

November 30, 1992 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, the All-Union Book Chamber was transformed into the Russian Book Chamber (RKP). It was assigned the functions of a center for state bibliography, archival storage of publications, development of publishing standards, press statistics, international standard numbering of printed works and scientific research in the field of book science and bibliography.

On December 9, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree “On Certain Measures to Improve the Efficiency of the State Mass Media”, according to which the Russian Book Chamber (RKP) was to become a branch of ITAR-TASS. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2014 No. 1182 assigned to the RCP its new status, as well as new functions that are assigned to ITAR-TASS in connection with the transformations.

The Chinese sage Confucius did not want anyone to live in an era of change, and in our conditions the situation was further complicated by the associated economic downturn and the ongoing crisis in the sale of books. All this caused an increased interest in the fate and prospects of the Russian Book Chamber in such unusual circumstances for its almost century-long history.

The excitement of our long-time colleagues and partners (and these are publishers and booksellers, libraries and authors, bibliographers and millions of readers) is quite understandable and justified, given the long-standing Russian tradition: if something is broken, then to the ground, without thinking about the consequences. But, judging by the results of the almost three-year "alliance" of the RCP with ITAR-TASS, the book community should not yet be afraid of "revolutions" that threaten to break the whole huge and complex system that has developed over the long years of interaction between the RCP and all branches of the book business and its own clients - users not only from Russia, but also from many countries of the world.

Today we can safely say that the RCP remains the main scientific and methodological center of the Russian book business. The main statutory functions of the chamber are: the state bibliography and press statistics, the eternal (archival) storage of the book memory of the nation and the continuous replenishment of the funds of the country's leading libraries (due to mandatory copies received in the legally established quantity), the issuance of state bibliographic indexes, scientific monographs and collections, and also the journal "Bibliography and book science", development and revision of state standards in the field of book business, instructive and methodological assistance to library and bibliographic institutions, publishing and bookselling structures. In addition to the above, the chamber now includes not only the National Agency ISBN and ISMN (international standard numbers - the main identifiers of book and music publications, respectively), but also since 2016 the ISSN Agency (standard numbering of periodicals, serials and continuing publications), and also conducts a multifaceted scientific and scientific information work.

Of course, the process of entering the RCP into ITAR-TASS could not be simple and easy, and did not become so. The addresses of the production building and the directorate of the chamber are changing (the latter moved to Tverskoy Boulevard recently - in January 2017). At the same time, we managed to achieve the main thing - to keep the majority of the workforce, and these are sometimes truly unique specialists who are almost impossible to replace. Some, of course, could not resist more generous salaries and promises of a stable life in other structures, but we are not offended by them (especially since some of them have already regretted their decision more than once). As for the backbone, and this is more than 90% of the approximately 200 specialists, they officially went to work at ITAR-TASS.

From January 1, 2015, all state bibliographic indexes are published under new names, since the RCP, being a branch of ITAR-TASS, has lost the rights to the traditional names of its own indexes. The word “chronicle” has been removed from the index names, and now they are registered under the following names: “Books of Russia” (instead of “Book Chronicle”), “Russian Art Editions” (instead of “Chronicle of Art Editions”), “Russian Musical Editions” (instead of “Notnaya chronicle"), "Russian Cartographic Editions" (instead of "Cartographic Chronicle"), "Articles from Russian Journals" (instead of "Chronicle of Journal Articles"), "Articles from Russian Newspapers" (instead of "Chronicle of Newspaper Articles"), "Reviews from Russian editions" (instead of "Chronicle of reviews"), "Abstracts of dissertations" (instead of "Chronicle of abstracts of dissertations"), "Journals and newspapers of Russia" (instead of "Chronicle of periodicals and ongoing publications. New, renamed and discontinued by the publication of magazines and newspapers") , "Annual Bibliographic Index of Books in Russia" (instead of "Books of Russia. Yearbook"), "Bibliographic Manuals of Russia" (instead of "Bibliography of Russian Bibliography").

The periodicity of state bibliographic indexes is preserved: “Books of Russia”, “Articles from Russian Journals”, “Articles from Russian Newspapers” are published weekly; "Abstracts of dissertations" and "Reviews from Russian newspapers" - monthly; "Russian art publications", "Russian music buildings", "Bibliographic aids of Russia" - quarterly. Once a year, the indexes "Russian Cartographic Editions", "Journals and Newspapers of Russia" are published; 11 volumes of the Annual Bibliographic Index of Books in Russia are published during the year.

Each printed and electronic state bibliographic index of the RCP is equipped with a convenient search engine, including a system of auxiliary markers. All publications contain a name index and a number of others relevant to a particular state bibliographic index.

In addition to state bibliographic indexes, the Russian Book Chamber continues to publish the oldest scientific journal on bibliography and bibliography - under the new name "Bibliography and book science" (instead of the previous journal "Bibliography").

Let us dwell in more detail on the results of the work of the chamber as part of ITAR-TASS and the immediate prospects for the activities of the RCP.

The main areas and directions of production activities, as well as analytical, research and methodological developments of the Chamber in these years were as follows.

1. Maintaining state bibliographic and statistical records of the country's printed publishing products.

2. Exchange of information and joint publication of statistical yearbooks on the press of the CIS countries in order to maintain a single information space for scribes.

3. Improving the legislation on book business in general and on legal deposit in particular.

4. Modernization of the technological complex, improvement of the electronic component of the information, bibliographic and statistical resources of the industry in accordance with changes in legal deposit legislation, state policy priorities and global trends in the development of the book business.

5. Monitoring the quality of editorial and publishing design of printed products in accordance with the requirements of GOST SIBID.

6. Development and improvement of the international standard numbering system and other elements of identification of printed and electronic publications, as well as authors of various publications to streamline registration and record information about them.

7. Creation of new and revision (updating) of existing standards of publishing design, OE typology, statistics and description of publishing products, as well as information support for book sales processes.

All of the above is somehow connected with federal legislation on legal deposit of documents. The relevant law, adopted in 1994, is subject to some changes and additions almost every year. Its latest edition is reflected in the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 278-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Legal Deposit of Documents””. The main innovations - and not only for the chamber, but primarily for publishers - are that from January 1, 2017, publishers are required to send electronic copies of the original layouts of all their printed publications to the RCP and the RSL (in the law they are called obligatory copies of printed publications in electronic form). Also, the new version of the law indicates the need for the Government of the Russian Federation to approve a new Regulation on the National Depository of Domestic Printed Publications.

The specialists of the chamber adequately and extremely quickly solve both tasks added to the traditional functions of the RCP. The technological chain for processing and entering data on electronic copies into the data banks of state bibliography and statistics has already been launched, and the above Regulation has been submitted for approval to the final authorities. At the same time, a personal account has been created on the RCP portal for each publisher - legal deposit depositor. The procedure for working with an electronic copy is extremely simple and convenient for both parties. The publisher (legal deposit provider) fills out the registration form on the site, receives a login and password to enter the personal account, and then acts according to the instructions.

By uploading the original layout file of his book (with the title and ISBN) to the database, the publisher certifies the upload with his digital signature. In return, he receives a bibliographic record for the downloaded book (in ONIX format) and the state registration number of this publication. At the same time, the publisher has the possibility of free access to the full version of the electronic catalog of its own publications and verification of the content of any of its publications in case of legal disputes about intellectual property.

Banks and databases of the RCP can rightly be called unique in terms of completeness, accuracy and efficiency. On their basis, a multifaceted reference and information work is carried out, which - on such a scale and with such a degree of responsibility - is not capable of being carried out by any library, bibliographic or scientific information institution, because none of these structures owns the amount of information that is at the disposal of the RCP. The Chamber issues about 20,000 certificates a year. Customers of information are legislative and executive authorities, courts, publishers, authors, scientists and specialists in various fields of activity.

In the chamber - unlike any library - all, without exception, domestic book, periodical and other publications, regardless of subject matter, specialization, volume, etc., should be stored (in one copy). The legal deposit funds (MA) of the RCP began to form in May 1917. and were replenished daily even during the years of war and other social upheavals; they were not subjected to Stalin's "purges", were not transferred to anyone, so that now the funds of the chamber are more than twice the size of the funds of the country's largest libraries. For example, in the RSL there are 45 million items, with a third of them being foreign publications, and in the Chamber - more than 85 million items, all domestic.

The structure of this world's largest fund of both Soviet and purely Russian and Russian-language publications is as follows: books and brochures; abstracts of dissertations; periodicals and continuing publications, which include various magazines, works, almanacs, bulletins, collections, information publications and newspapers issued by organizations of various sizes (from national to regional, city, factory, university, etc.); notes; maps, atlases and other cartographic publications; art publications (book, i.e. albums on art, medicine and technology, and sheet, i.e. art calendars, posters, posters, postcards, reproductions, engravings, etchings, prints, etc.); small printed materials for special purposes, limited duration or scope (instructions, programs, plans, schedules, guidelines, official and administrative documents, information posters and posters).

The OE archive was kept in different rooms of the RCP in different years. The “Mozhaisk” period in the history of the current National Depository begins in December 1988, when the State Commission commissioned two book depository buildings of 30 thousand square meters each. m each. These premises were designed and built to meet all the necessary requirements and using the most advanced technologies. As a result, today and in the future, not only various storage modes for various printed products are reliably provided, but also the maximum automation of all processes of their movement and the most operational search. Unlike libraries, OE RCPs are not handed out to readers, but are very widely used for exhibitions, expositions and other events to promote Russian book culture. The depository of the RCP is a guarantee of preserving the book memory of the nation.

In addition to the universal resources of bibliographic and statistical information, the RCP can provide interested authors, publishers, booksellers, any users (collective or individual) with prompt and complete publishing and bookselling information about new products (already released or on the verge of release). The best known of these resources is the Books in Print system.

The RCP is the direct successor to the All-Union Book Chamber, which for many decades was the head organization for all book chambers of the then Soviet republics. After the collapse of the USSR, the chamber (no longer All-Union, but Russian) successfully continued the traditions of methodological guidance for the activities of its partners. Largely due to this coordinating function of the RCP in the CIS space, it is possible to maintain "book unity" in all the main parameters and characteristics of the book business.

In 2016, the RCP processed (sorted, registered, sent to the libraries-depositories of the MA and sent to the National Depository) about 1.7 million books, 7.5 million copies. newspapers, 1.9 million copies. magazines, 30 thousand copies. art publications, 4 thousand copies. music publications, 3 thousand copies. cartographic publications and more than 200 thousand copies. abstracts of dissertations.

The RCP has formed and constantly replenishes the data bank of the state bibliography, which already contains more than 8 million bibliographic records.

No less important is the state press statistics, which is also carried out by the chamber and is the most reliable, most operational, complete and multifaceted in comparison with similar data from the leading book publishing powers.

Further plans for the development of state bibliographic and statistical accounting of publications include a phased expansion of the list of objects through online electronic publications, publications using the "print on demand" technology and other new types of publishing products that are not yet covered by the current legislation and the statutory functions of ITAR-TASS.

The functions, tasks and areas of activity of the RCP can be transformed in accordance with the changes in the information needs of our state and society, the status of books and book culture, as well as the modernization and development of publishing technologies and the repertoire of print and electronic publications. However, the priorities and objectives of such activities should be unchanged and ensure:

· maximum efficiency and economy of technological processes and possibilities of using the final results and products of state registration of publications;

· systematic implementation, i.e. effective interaction of all subjects of the book business in the interests of our state and society, organization of information support for vital sectors of the economy, science, culture, and education;

· high quality and reliability of state bibliographic and statistical information, constant development of the reference and retrieval apparatus for accumulated current and retrospective information resources, full compliance with laws and state standards, development of mutually beneficial cooperation and information exchanges both within the country and at the international level.

For the most successful solution of these tasks, the Book Chamber must quickly integrate into the information agency system - to the mutual benefit of the parties. After all, TASS is a state structure with a long history (114 years against our 100), appropriate authority (there is no need to specifically talk about the degree of popularity of the TASS brand) and appropriate resources in its areas of activity. Based on the integration of the resources of two reputable information institutions, one can and should talk about real opportunities for creating new technological and information products, including electronic ones, about expanding vertical and horizontal ties, including international ones, about entering new channels and a new level of information dissemination, primarily state-priority and socially significant.

The uniqueness of the RCP lies in the fact that the chamber not only serves information requests from the subjects of our book business, but also acts as a coordinator and integrator of various actions aimed at uniting the commercial and non-commercial interests of the subjects of the book market and Russian society, developing a common position and strategies for the activities of the book community in the context of the crisis of book culture and reading that develops personality.

All this allows us to say that the RCP will continue to try to serve the interests and demands of all - equally - branches and subjects of the book business. No other organization in Russia has such extensive, deep and diverse relations and connections with book culture in the broadest sense of the term, in the combination of its material and spiritual components, traditional and new in its development. We have something to be proud of, and we have the potential for further development in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Recall, according to the decree "On some measures to improve the efficiency of the state media", the federal state budgetary institution of science "Russian Book Chamber" is liquidated with "the subsequent transfer of the property assigned to it on the right of operational management to economic management" ITAR-TASS.

The presidential decree on measures to improve the efficiency of state media also provides for the liquidation of RIA Novosti and the creation of the Rossiya Segodnya agency on its basis.

The directorate of the RCP states that the decision to liquidate "was a complete surprise for the entire team" and "was not discussed or agreed with us beforehand." The statement also notes that there were no claims against the RCP regarding the performance of statutory functions.

“The liquidation of the Chamber, that is, the destruction or transfer of its functions “into the wrong hands,” can lead to unpredictable consequences for the domestic book business,” the directorate of the RCP believes.

“RKP is the scientific and information center of the Russian book business. The main statutory functions of the Chamber are the state bibliography and press statistics, the eternal (archival) storage of the "book memory" of the nation and the replenishment of the funds of the country's leading libraries (due to legal copies received in the legally established quantity), the publication of state bibliographic indexes and a scientific and methodological journal, development and revision of state standards in the field of book business, instructive and methodological assistance to library and bibliographic institutions, publishing and bookselling structures. Also, the Chamber is a national agency of ISBN (international standard book number - the main identifier of a printed publication), conducts scientific and scientific information work, ”the leadership of the chamber reports.

“In connection with the foregoing, we hope that a reasonable decision will be made to preserve the Chamber and its staff for the further performance of its functions (in many respects unique for world practice), even within the framework of a new organizational structure,” the statement says.

The Directorate of the Russian Communist Party emphasizes that until the official deadline for reorganization, the Russian Book Chamber retains - in full and without changes - the current procedure and mechanism for fulfilling its statutory functions.

The chief librarian of the Central City Children's Library named after A.P. Gaidar, Tatyana Rudishina, told Business FM that, most likely, this was a mistake. She hopes that the decision will be canceled: “It's a whole classification system for science. And ITAR-TASS is the media. The museum and the library also have a lot in common. But at the same time, each has its own functions. The Book Chamber is an established institution with many functions. Every day there are books, every day there is a count of these books.

Maria Poryadina, senior researcher at the Russian Book Chamber, noted in an interview with the publication that the role of the RCP is spelled out in the legislation, and in order to change something, the law needs to be changed.

The Russian Book Chamber was founded in 1917. This is a national bibliographic agency that carried out bibliographic and statistical accounting of publications published in the territory of the Russian Federation, archival storage of publications, international standard numbering of printed works and scientific research in the field of book business. Every year, 0.7-1.2 million publications are processed in the technological mode using modern electronic means in the RCP.

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