Heart of a dog Philip Philippovich Transfiguration. Prototypes of Philip Philipovich

The image of Professor Preobrazhensky in the light of the mysteries of the "Heart of a Dog"

The film "Heart of a Dog" By work of the same name M. Bulgakov was first shown on Central Television Soviet Union November 19, 1988. As far as I remember, it became a very important film event. The entire population of the USSR clung to the blue screens, following the ups and downs of the dog Sharik in the guise of citizen Sharikov.
But the main character was a professor who performed a miracle of transformation. But it was not so much the plot that fascinated me, but the well-aimed and caustic characteristics of our, as it seemed to us then, Soviet reality. Professor Preobrazhensky performed National artist Evgeny Evstigneev, so brightly that it is difficult to imagine anyone else in this image (although there is another, foreign film Heart of a Dog), Evgeny Evstigneev was so wise and convincing in this role
The other day, Evgeny Alexandrovich Evstigneev (October 9, 1926, Nizhny Novgorod, RSFSR, USSR - March 4, 1992, London, UK) would have celebrated its 90th anniversary.
But for us, the audience, he remains alive in the film roles he embodied, and above all in the role of Professor Preobrazhensky.

Such venerable actors as Leonid Bronevoy, Mikhail Ulyanov, Yuri Yakovlev, Vladislav Strzhelchik fought for the right to play Professor Preobrazhensky in the film directed by Vladimir Bortko, but Evgeny Evstigneev won.
Despite the fact that Yevgeny Aleksandrovich had not read the story “Heart of a Dog” before working on the picture, he was so organic in the role of Philip Philippovich that this work became one of the best in his film career. The son of the actor, a well-known cameraman, director and producer Denis Evstigneev recalled: “This film arose in my father’s life at the right time and literally saved him.
Dad was worried difficult period when he was retired at the Moscow Art Theater. Difficulty agreeing to work in the "Heart of a Dog", he then just lived it. I don’t know what was on the set, but he constantly talked about his role, played something, showed some scenes ... At that moment, the picture became a support for him.

This post presents quote image and the characterization of Professor Preobrazhensky in the story "Heart of a Dog", i.e. description of the appearance and character of the hero in quotations from the story, but figuratively, Yevgeny Evstigneev, who plays this role, still appears figuratively.

The full name of the hero is Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky:
"... I wish you good health, Philipp Philippovich..."
"... Are you kidding me, Professor Preobrazhensky?.."

The age of Professor Preobrazhensky is 60 years old:
"... I'm 60 years old, I can give you advice..."

Professor Preobrazhensky's father was a cathedral archpriest:
"... Father is a cathedral archpriest..."

The appearance of Professor Preobrazhensky:
"... gentleman, with a French pointed beard and a gray mustache, fluffy and dashing, like French knights, but the smell of a blizzard from him flies nasty, like a hospital. And a cigar...
"... in front of a mirror on the wall, he straightened his fluffy mustache ..."
"...Kick me with your felt boots, I won't say a word..."
"... helped to take off a heavy fur coat on a black-brown fox with a bluish spark..."

"... After taking off his fur coat, he found himself in a black suit of English cloth, and on his stomach a golden chain sparkled joyfully and dimly..."
"... eyes shining like the golden rims of his glasses watched this procedure..."
"...The nostrils of his hawk nose flared..."
"...His hawkish nostrils flared..."

"... His trimmed gray hair was hidden under a white cap..."
"...Philip Philippovich spread his short fingers wide..."
"...Philip Philippovich's face became terrible. He bared his porcelain and gold crowns..."
"... laughed so hard that a golden picket fence sparkled in his mouth..."
"... a heavy thought tormented his scientist with bleeps on his forehead ..." (bleeps - bald patches)

"...Philip Philippovich was in his azure dressing gown and red shoes..." (at home)
"... He came out in the well-known azure robe..."
"...kissed his fluffy, highly smoky mustache..."
"...Preobrazhensky patted his neck, which was steep and prone to paralysis..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is an imperious and energetic person:
"... The former imperious and energetic Philip Philipovich, full of dignity, appeared before the night guests ..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a man of character:
".. "This is a guy," the dog thought in delight, "all in me. Oh, he's nibbling them now, oh, he's nibbling. I don't know yet - in what way, but he's nibbling like that ..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a hot-tempered person:
"... said Philipp Philippovich, - my dear, I sometimes yell at you during operations. Forgive the old man's temper ..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a man of his word:
"... I never speak to the wind, you know that very well..."

Professor Preobrazhensky - fair man. He does not leave colleagues in trouble:
"... to leave a colleague in the event of a disaster, but to jump out on a global scale yourself, I'm sorry ..."

Professor Preobrazhensky worked at the department at the university:
"...Philip Philippovich," he exclaimed with feeling, "I will never forget how I came to you as a half-starved student, and you gave me shelter at the department..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a member of the All-Russian Surgical Society:
"...if in Bolshoi Theater there was no "Aida" and there was no meeting of the All-Russian Surgical Society, the deity was placed in the office in a deep chair ... "

Professor Preobrazhensky is a world-famous surgeon:
"...Philip Philippovich, you are a value of world significance..."
"...if you weren't a European luminary..."
".. "He has no equal in Europe ... By God!" Bormental thought vaguely..."
"...Prof. Preobrazhensky, you are the creator..."

Professor Preobrazhensky - outstanding personality and the great scientist:
".."but the personality is outstanding.."
"... You are a great scientist, that's what! - Said Bormental ..."
"... Do you really think that I produce them because of money? After all, I'm a scientist after all..."

Preobrazhensky conducts incredible experiments on people and animals:
"... So that one day the cutest dog turn into such scum that your hair stands on end ... "

Perhaps the prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky was for the author his uncle, mother's brother, Nikolai Mikhailovich Pokrovsky, gynecologist. His apartment coincides in detail with the description of Philipp Philippovich's apartment, and besides, he had a dog. This hypothesis is also confirmed by Bulgakov's first wife, T. N. Lappa, in her memoirs
“When I started reading Heart of a Dog, I immediately guessed that it was him. Just as angry, he always sang something, his nostrils flared, his mustache was just as magnificent. He was then very offended by Michael for this. Nikolai Mikhailovich was distinguished by an intractable, quick-tempered character. However, the similarities are limited to these details. Pokrovsky did not conduct scandalous experiments.

as prototypes literary character Professor Preobrazhensky are called several real doctors.

Sergei (Samuel) Abramovich Voronov(July 10, 1866, Voronezh, Russian empire- September 3, 1951, Lausanne, Switzerland) - French surgeon Russian origin. He is best known for a technique he developed in France in the 1920s and 1930s for grafting monkey testicular tissue onto human testicles. However, his work soon fell out of favor and he became a target for ridicule.
IN late XIX century, Voronov injected himself under the skin with an extract of ground dog testicles and guinea pig. These experiments fell short of his hopes of raising hormone levels to delay the aging process.
The rest of Voronov's experiments were a continuation of this initial experience. He went on to transplant the testicles of executed criminals into millionaires, and when demand exceeded his supply capacity, he began using tissue from monkey testicles.

A sensational discovery. At the French Medical Academy, our compatriot, Dr. Sergei Voronov, made a sensational report about the operation he performed in his clinic on a 14-year-old idiot boy. From the age of six, the mental development of this boy stopped, and all the signs of abnormality and cretinism were clearly indicated: an extinct look, dullness and incomprehension of the most ordinary things. Voronov inoculated this boy with a monkey's goiter. The success exceeded expectations. The boy's eyes came to life, appeared mental capacity, understanding, curiosity.

Alexey Andreevich Zamkov(1883 - October 25, 1942, Moscow) - Russian, Soviet doctor, surgeon, therapist, urologist, creator of the world's first industrial drug for hormone therapy "Gravidan". Husband of the famous Soviet monumental sculptor Vera Mukhina (married in 1918).
Gained fame after he created in 1929, the drug Gravidan in clinical trials (on the Red Army) gave a noticeable positive effect in the treatment of a number of diseases. Well-known Soviet politicians and cultural figures - Molotov, Kalinin, Clara Zetkin, Maxim Gorky and others - became Zamkov's patients. In 1938, his institute was disbanded. Zamkov fell seriously ill, he had a heart attack, and 4 years later the second, after which, at the age of 59, he died.
Buried in Moscow Novodevichy cemetery. On the grave there is a monument to the work of his wife, Vera Mukhina, with the inscription: "I did everything I could for people."

Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov(July 20, 1870, Shchigry, Kursk province - March 20, 1932, Alma-Ata) - Russian and Soviet biologist specializing in artificial insemination and interspecific hybridization of animals. Participated in attempts to breed a human hybrid with other primates.
Conducted experiments on artificial insemination of female chimpanzees with human sperm, and attempted to carry out the insemination of women with monkey sperm in Sukhumi.
During the political purge in the Soviet scientific society, Gorbunov was exiled to Alma-Ata, where he worked, retaining the title and position of professor at the Kazakh Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute until his death from a stroke on March 20, 1932.

And about the "daddy" - you are in vain. Did I ask me to do the operation?
A pretty thing: they grabbed the animal, slashed the head with a knife ...
And I, maybe, did not give my permission for the operation.
And so are my family.
I may have the right to sue.

Explain to me, please, why is it necessary to fabricate Spinoza artificially, when any woman can give birth to him at any time?

Mankind itself takes care of this and in the evolutionary order every year stubbornly, singling out all sorts of scum from the mass, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses who adorn Earth.

Realize that the whole horror is that he no longer has a dog, namely human heart. And the most lousy of all that exists in nature.

Professor Preobrazhensky is a hardworking person:
"... Doors opened, faces changed, instruments rattled in the closet, and Philipp Philippovich worked tirelessly..."
"...After all, for five years I have been sitting, picking out appendages from the brains ... You know what work I have done - it is incomprehensible to the mind ..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a man of facts and observation:
"... My dear, you know me? Don't you? I am a man of facts, a man of observation. I am an enemy of unfounded hypotheses. And this is very well known not only in Russia, but also in Europe. If I say something, it means that there is a certain fact at the basis from which I draw a conclusion ... "

Professor Preobrazhensky is a stubborn scientist. He is always researching something.
"...Hands in slippery gloves important person immersed in a vessel, took out brains - a stubborn man, persistent, he always achieved something, cut, examined, squinted and sang ... "

Preobrazhensky - teacher and friend of Dr. Bormenthal:
"... That's what, Bormenthal, you are the first student of my school and, moreover, my friend, as I was convinced today..."

Preobrazhensky is familiar with important officials:
"... if you were not a European luminary, and you would not be interceded for in the most outrageous way<...>faces that I'm sure we'll explain later, you should have been arrested..."

The first edition of "The Heart of a Dog" contained almost open allusions to a number of political figures of that time, in particular, to the Soviet plenipotentiary representative in London, Christian Rakovsky, and a number of other functionaries known in the circles of the Soviet intelligentsia for scandalous love affairs.

Professor Preobrazhensky is a wealthy man:
"...However, apparently, chickens do not peck money with him anyway ..."

Professor Preobrazhensky lives in Moscow:
"... Since 1903 I have been living in this house. And so, during this time until March 1917 there was not a single case ..."

Preobrazhensky lives in the "Kalabukhovsky house" on Prechistenka:
"... Does Karl Marx say somewhere that the 2nd entrance of the Kalabukhov house on Prechistenka should be boarded up with boards ..."

Moscow, Prechistenka street, 24/1 ("Kalabukhov house"). Architect Semyon Kulagin. 1904

It is generally accepted that the main prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky's dwelling was the profitable house 24/1 at the corner of Prechistenka and Obukhov Lane, built according to the project of the architect S. F. Kulagin in 1904 on the site owned by E. S. Pavlovskaya. The house is a five-story massive building with rusticated cladding on the first floor. On the facade facing Obukhov (since 1922 - Clean) lane, there are two high windows that unite the second and third floors. Several windows along the façade on Prechistenka are decorated with porticoes with semi-columns.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Bulgakov's two maternal uncles, doctors Nikolai Mikhailovich and Mikhail Mikhailovich Pokrovsky, lived in this house. The first of them became the main prototype of F. F. Preobrazhensky. In the Moscow address and reference books of the pre-revolutionary and first post-revolutionary years, the same address of the brothers appears differently: “Pokrovsky N. M. - female diseases- Obukhov lane, 1, apartment 12 "and" Pokrovsky M. M. - venereal diseases - Prechistenka, 24, apartment 12 ".

In the film version of "The Heart of a Dog", filmed in Leningrad, the role of "Kalabukhovsky" was played by the house 27-29 on Mokhovaya Street - the former apartment building of the Rossiya insurance company, built in the style french renaissance designed by architect L. N. Benois at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century.

Petersburg, st. Mokhovaya, 27-29

Preobrazhensky lives in a 7-room apartment. This is where it works:
"... You alone live in seven rooms..."
"... I live and work alone in seven rooms," replied Philipp Philippovich, "and I would like to have an eighth room. I need it for a library..."

Zina, there in the waiting room... Is she in the waiting room?
- In the waiting room, green as vitriol.
- Green book...
- Well, now shoot. She is official, from the library!
- Correspondence - is called, as it is ... Engels with this devil ... In her stove!

Moscow local historian and Bulgakov historian B.S. Myagkov points out that Pokrovsky’s apartment initially had five rooms, but after the arrival of his nieces in 1920, one of the large rooms was partitioned off, resulting in seven rooms. Pokrovsky's nieces, Alexandra Andreevna and Oksana Mitrofanovna, lived in this apartment until the end of the 1970s.
Pointing out that the description of the seven-room apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky coincides in detail with the apartment of Pokrovsky, B. V. Sokolov makes the observation that “in the address of the prototype, the street names are associated with Christian tradition, and his surname (in honor of the feast of the Intercession) corresponds to the surname of the character associated with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

The vestibule of the "Kalabukhovsky house" with a marble front staircase and the mezzanine, where the " luxury apartment» Preobrazhensky, borrowed by Bulgakov from the building opposite 13/7, building 1 at the intersection of Prechistenka and Lopukhinsky Lane.

Dokhodnyydom Ya. A. Rekka. Moscow, Prechistenka, 13/7
The imposing building at 13 Prechistenka Street in Moscow, on the corner with Lopukhinsky Lane, was built in 1911 by order of a trade and construction company managed by the “developer” Yakov Rekka. The project was developed by the architect G.A. Gelrich in the style of Moscow Art Nouveau.

The house has a luxurious exterior: the first two floors are lined with relief masonry; the facade is decorated with stucco decorations; faceted forms of bay windows; balustrades on arched loggias. In addition, the house has a landscaped patio.

Before the revolution, two apartments on the last, sixth floor of the house were occupied by a relative of the Faberge jeweler Alexander. The surname of Anna Frantsevna Fougère, the jeweler from The Master and Margarita, is consonant with the surname of Faberge. Although she "lived" in an apartment on Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10 (the writer himself lived there and where his museum "Bad Apartment" was created), but interior decoration premises corresponded to the situation in former rooms Alexandra Faberge: a huge chandelier on a chain (one of the characters, Behemoth the cat, swayed on it); a fireplace with a beautifully made cast-iron grate; wooden sofas located on the landings; description of the main entrance to the building.

Entrance of the house J. A. Rekka. Moscow, Prechistenka, 13/7

After the revolution, the house was "compacted". Faberge ended up in exile, and Bulgakov's acquaintances, artists from the group " Jack of Diamonds". Bulgakov liked to visit them. Part of the interiors of Professor Preobrazhensky's apartment was borrowed from their home.
The interiors were richly decorated and planned according to the needs of wealthy clients: huge furnished apartments with up to seven rooms, oak parquet, high ceilings with stucco decorations, a front staircase made of marble.

interior with adjacent tenement house Pertsov in Moscow.

Together with the mezzanine, which is absent in house 24, other realities related to house 13 were borrowed for the Kalabukhov house, - the glass door of the front door, at which the porter was on duty with a “band with gold galloons”, gray marble steps in the lobby, a carpet on the stairs, oak hanger, "galosh rack". House 13 also corresponds to the number of apartments on the stairs of the Kalabukhov building: “Notice that there are 12 apartments here ...” - says Professor Bormental. There were 8 apartments in the building of 24.

Modern front staircase

Why was the carpet removed from the front stairs? Does Karl Marx forbid carpets on the stairs? Does Karl Marx say somewhere that the 2nd entrance of the Kalabukhov house on Prechistenka should be boarded up and people should walk around through the black courtyard? Who needs it?
Dog's heart. Ch. 3

There certainly was no such decoration in the house on the corner of Prechistenka and Chisty (Obukhov) Lane. And the reference to the number of apartments - the number 12 - exactly corresponded to the house on Prechistenka Street, 13.
This elite club house now has 15 apartments. Reconstruction tenement house Rekka, built by the architect Gustav Gelrich. The apartment has a working fireplace. Wonderful panoramic views of the Kremlin and the historical center of Moscow. Ceilings 3.8 meters. Round the clock security. (From the announcement of the sale of apartments).

“- Did they move you into the apartment of Fyodor Pavlovich Sablin?
- Us, - answered Shvonder.
- God! The Kalabukhovsky house is gone! Philipp Philippovich exclaimed in despair and threw up his hands.

Dog's heart. Ch. 2
The professor repeats it again, hearing sounds coming from "somewhere above and from the side" choral singing new neighbors - "residential comrades":

"- Again! Philipp Philippovich exclaimed sadly, “well, now, therefore, the Kalabukhov house is gone. We'll have to leave, but where, you ask? Everything will be like clockwork. At first, singing every evening, then the pipes in the toilets will freeze, then the boiler in the steam heating will burst, and so on. Cover Kalabukhov!
- Dog's heart. Ch. 3

House committees, which Professor Preobrazhensky complained about, and one of which was headed by Shvonder, really worked very poorly after the revolution. As an example, we can cite the instruction to the residents of the Kremlin dated October 14, 1918: “[...] house committees do not at all fulfill the duties assigned to them by law: the dirt in courtyards and squares, in houses, on stairs, in corridors and apartments is terrifying. Garbage from the apartments is not taken out for weeks, stands on the stairs, spreading the infection. Stairs are not only not washed, but also not swept. Manure, garbage, corpses of dead cats and dogs have been lying in the yards for weeks. Homeless cats roam everywhere, being constant carriers of the infection. The “Spanish” disease is circulating in the city, which has entered the Kremlin and has already caused deaths ... "

May I ask you why it smells so disgusting?
Sharikov sniffed the jacket anxiously.
- Well, well, it smells ... you know: in the specialty. Yesterday they strangled cats, strangled them.

Professor Preobrazhensky is a smart and self-confident person:
"... After that, we had a conference with Philip Philipovich. For the first time, I must confess, I saw this confident and amazingly smart person confused..."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a sane and experienced person:
"... there is no such counter-revolution in my words. In them common sense and life experience...

Professor Preobrazhensky does not like the proletariat:
“.. – You are a hater of the proletariat!” the woman said proudly.
"Yes, I don't like the proletariat," Philipp Philippovich agreed sadly..."

What is this ruin of yours? An old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the windows, put out all the lamps? Yes, it doesn't exist at all. What do you mean by this word? It's this: if I, instead of operating every night, start singing in my apartment in a choir, I will be devastated. If, on entering the lavatory, I begin, pardon the expression, to urinate past the toilet bowl, and Zina and Darya Petrovna do the same, devastation will begin in the lavatory. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads.

Do not read Soviet newspapers before breakfast.
- Well, there are no others.
- Don't read any.

Dad is a forensic investigator ...
- Duck is a bad heredity!

Something you hurt me painfully, dad.
- What?! What a dad I am! What kind of familiarity is this? Call me by my first name.
- Why are you all: don’t give a damn, then don’t smoke, don’t go there. Clean, like a tram. Why don't you let me live?

Document, Philip Philipovich, I need it.
- Document? Damn... Or maybe it's... somehow...
- It's - I'm sorry. You know, a person without documents is strictly forbidden to exist.

But I'm not Isadora Duncan! I'll have lunch in the cafeteria and operate in the operating room!

Cold appetizers and soup are eaten only by the landowners who were not cut to pieces by the Bolsheviks. A more or less self-respecting person operates with hot appetizers (Preobrazhensky).

Professor Preobrazhensky is a law-abiding citizen:
"...Never commit a crime, no matter who it is directed against. Live to old age with clean hands..."

Professor Preobrazhensky does not like to fuss and rush:
“... The one who is in no hurry anywhere is in time everywhere,” the owner explained instructively. “Of course, if I started jumping around meetings and singing all day like a nightingale, instead of doing my direct business, I ripe..."

Professor Preobrazhensky does not like violence:
“... You can’t fight anyone,” Philipp Philippovich was worried, “remember this once and for all. You can only act on a person and an animal by suggestion ...”

Professor Preobrazhensky loves music. For example - the opera "Aida" by Verdi:
"... today in the big -" Aida ". And I haven't heard for a long time. I love ... Remember? Duet ... tari-ra-rim ..."

Preobrazhensky loves to sing songs:
(for example, "From Seville to Grenada" and "To the banks of the sacred Nile")
"... examined, squinted and sang: "To the banks of the sacred Nile ..."
"... Singing as usual, he asked: "What are we going to do now?" And he himself answered literally like this: “Moskvoshveya, yes ... From Seville to Grenada ...".."

Professor Preobrazhensky is a lonely man:
"...In fact, I'm so lonely..."

“This one eats plentifully and does not steal, this one will not kick, but he himself is not afraid of anyone, and is not afraid because he is always full.” (Sharik)

P.S. The story was first published abroad in 1968, and in our country it saw the light only during perestroika. The publication of "The Heart of a Dog" took place in the June issue of the magazine "Znamya" for 1987, and in November of the following year the premiere of the television version of the story took place.
In 1990, the film director Vladimir Bortko and Evgeny Evstigneev, who played the role of Professor Preobrazhensky, became laureates State Prize RSFSR named after the Vasiliev brothers.

The hero of the story "Heart of a Dog" is Professor of Medicine Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky. He deals with the then fashionable problem of human rejuvenation. We must pay tribute to the talent of the scientist. He is known for his work abroad. Hard worker: receives patients, and then, in the evening, studies medical literature. The professor is no stranger to small earthly joys: he loves to eat deliciously, to shine in a respected society in expensive clothes, to chat with his assistant Bormental on various slippery topics. In a word, a typical intellectual who Soviet authority has not yet had time to finally block, as they say, oxygen. However, such a scientist suits the Bolsheviks quite well: he is not involved in politics.

The main events unfold after the appearance of the mongrel Sharik in the house of the professor. His character miraculously consonant with "homo sovieticus": the dog is ready for anything for a piece of sausage, he has an absurd and aggressive character. Passing by the porter, Sharik thinks: "I wish I could nip him on the proletarian callused leg." And he looks at the stuffed owl with such feelings: “And this owl is rubbish. Insolent. We will explain it."

The professor, who is fascinated by science, does not notice what kind of monster he has brought into the house. As an experiment, he transplants human seminal glands to Sharik, dreaming of doing good to humanity. In front of the astonished scientist, the dog gradually turns into a man.

Sharik, or already Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, quickly finds himself in human society their social niche. Everything happens as in the Soviet state: the lower classes, having seized power, begin to crowd out everything that previously occupied this social living space. As a result, his "parent" Preobrazhensky himself almost finds himself on the street, and only his old connections save him from Sharikov's lawlessness.

Bulgakov shows psychological type Russian scientist, who has not yet encountered all the "charms" of the Bolshevik regime. His fur was still being stroked. But he, carried away by his developments, did not notice that he himself created such a representative of harsh power.

The ball literally squeezes the scientist out of the world. Behind the ridiculousness of the plot lies the deep tragedy of the Russian scientific intelligentsia, which in those years unwittingly helped the Bolsheviks to strengthen their positions. The Sharikovs gradually advanced to all the highest echelons of power and began not only to poison fate normal people but also solve it. They began to define foreign policy countries.

The professor, in late remorse, complains about his mistake: “I cared about something completely different, about eugenics, about improving the human race. And here I ran into rejuvenation. Realizing your fatal mistake, the professor becomes a participant in the crime: on the advice of Bormental, they decide to get rid of Sharikov and free humanity from this nightmare.

The professor decides to have one more operation and returns Sharikov to his previous state.

The ending of the story, however, is not prosperous, because outside the walls of the professor's house, where the dog Sharik is peacefully dozing, there are many people infected with Sharikov's microbe, and they will still do many bitter deeds in the country.

Characteristics and description of the main characters of M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" with quotes

The story of M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" is rich in colorful and interesting characters. The heroes of the work can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first is Professor Preobrazhensky and his entourage. They are characterized by intelligence, honesty and decency. The second group includes Sharikov, Shvonder and other members of the House Committee. They are aggressive and cruel, have very vague notions of morality and justice, although they advocate in every possible way for its restoration.

Characteristics of Professor Preobrazhensky with quotes

Professor Preobrazhensky is one of the main characters in the story. Philip Filippovich is a brilliant doctor, a talented scientist, a "European luminary" of medicine. He lives in seclusion in a Moscow apartment and is engaged in rejuvenation operations for wealthy and "powerful" clients. He is a representative of the old Moscow intelligentsia, a champion of high morality and humanism. He sharply spoke out against the use of brute force and coercion:

>“Weasel, sir. The only way that is possible in dealing with a living being. Terror cannot do anything with an animal, at whatever stage of development it may be. This I affirmed, I affirm and I will affirm. They think in vain that terror will help them. No-sir, no-sir, it won't help, no matter what it is: white, red and even brown! Terror completely paralyzes the nervous system.

“You can’t fight anyone! ... You can only act on a person and an animal by suggestion.”

Professor Preobrazhensky embodies the outgoing pre-revolutionary era and its culture. He often criticizes the new government and the order that has come with it:

“... until March 1917 there was not a single case ... - that at least one pair of galoshes would disappear from our front door below. ... In March of the seventeenth year, all galoshes disappeared, including two pairs of mine, three sticks, an overcoat, and a samovar from the doorman "

“At first, every evening singing, then the pipes in the toilets will freeze, then the boiler in the steam heating will burst, and so on.”

He is entirely on the side of the old times, when "there was order" and he lived "comfortable and good." He believes that it is necessary to educate people in elementary culture and the devastation will disappear by itself. However, the professor's philosophy goes awry when he runs into Sharikov. All his attempts to educate and educate his creation lead to nothing but increasing aggression and mistrust.

Preobrazhensky repents of his failed experiment: “I ran into this operation like a third-year student.” He sees before him not a new human being, but a “resurrected” thief-recidivist Klim Chugunkin. Over time, the professor begins to understand the horror of the current situation and feels responsible for its consequences:

“I wanted to do a little experiment after I received an extract of the sex hormone from the pituitary gland two years ago. And instead, what happened, my God! These hormones in the pituitary gland, oh my God ... Doctor, in front of me is stupid hopelessness, I swear I'm lost.

By carrying out the "reverse" operation, the professor wants not only to protect himself from Sharikov.

“Shvonder is the biggest fool. He does not understand that Sharikov is an even more formidable danger to him than to me. Well, now he is trying in every possible way to set him on me, not realizing that if someone, in turn, sets Sharikov on Shvonder himself, then only horns and legs will remain of him!

Characterization of Bormental with quotes

Bormental Ivan Arnoldovich- one of the main actors story by M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog". Dr. Bormental is an assistant, assistant and friend of Professor Preobrazhensky. He is young, handsome, tall and a fairly strong physique: "Handsome-bitten - he was already without a bathrobe, in a decent black suit - shrugged his broad shoulders."

Ivan Arnoldovich is smart and well educated. Has high moral character, fundamentally honest and noble. He is a worthy student of Professor Preobrazhensky, treats him with great respect and admires his genius. Through the image of Dr. Bormental, a representative of a new generation of intellectuals is shown.

After the experiment, he enthusiastically watches the reincarnation of a dog into a man. However, over time, he begins to notice in Sharikov the rapidly developing features of Klim Chugunkin. Bormenthal, for his part, tries to reason with the insolent and protect the professor:

“Don't worry, Philip Philipovich. I myself. You, Sharikov, are talking nonsense, and the most outrageous of all is that you speak it categorically and confidently. Of course, I do not feel sorry for the vodka, especially since it is not mine, but Philip Philipovich's. Simply, it's harmful. This is one, and the second - you behave indecently even without vodka.

By nature, the doctor is quite quick-tempered, decisive and, if necessary, is able to use force. He reacts more sharply to boorish and aggressive behavior Sharikov.

“... To be quieter than water, lower than grass. Otherwise, for every ugly trick you will deal with me. It's clear?"

Bormenthal is devoted to his teacher and is ready to help in the most risky situation, regardless of the consequences.

“Then, dear teacher, if you do not wish, I myself will feed him arsenic at my own risk. To hell with him, that dad is a forensic investigator. After all, it's your own experimental being, after all."

Characteristics of Schwonder with quotes

Shvonder- one of the heroes of the story M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"; representative of the proletariat, chairman of the house committee. The author describes the hero with undisguised irony and sarcasm. He and his associates are shown prominent representatives"devastation", which is so criticized by Professor Preobrazhensky. Little is said about Shvonder's appearance, only modest clothing and "A quarter arshin of thick, curly black hair."

The chairman of the house committee clearly feels hatred for class enemies in the person of Preobrazhensky and Bormental. He and his comrades want to expropriate one room from the apartment, with obvious disapproval of the professor and his lifestyle.

“... the general meeting, having considered your question, came to the conclusion that, in general, you occupy an excessive area. Absolutely excessive. You alone live in seven rooms.”

Shvonder is a great champion of bureaucracy. For him, having the appropriate document is vital.

“Quite strange, professor,” Shvonder was offended, “how do you call documents idiotic like that? I cannot allow an undocumented tenant to stay in the house, and not yet registered with the military by the police. And suddenly a war with imperialist predators?

The conflict between Shvonder and Professor Preobrazhensky is a conflict between the intelligentsia and the lumpen proletarians. Shvonder and those like him stand up for the rights and freedoms of the working class, but in reality they only sow lack of culture, devastation and blind adherence to senseless laws. They pretend to be hard workers, but in reality they are just idlers. What is the value of the "evening singing" that so indignant the professor.

Sharikov is interested in Shvonder from a practical point of view, for him he is just another tenant. Shvonder is closely engaged in his "education" - he inspires him with the idea of ​​a proletarian origin, the need for documents and registration, finds him a job by vocation, gives him the idea to write a denunciation of the professor.

Characteristics of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov with quotes

Sharikov Polygraph Polygraphovich- one of the main characters of M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog". At the beginning of the story, Sharikov is just a good-natured yard dog, who is picked up by Professor Preobrazhensky. He heals the wound of the dog and treats him well. Sharik is happy with life.

“They take care of me,” thought the dog, “very good man. I know who it is. He is a magician, a magician and a magician from a dog's fairy tale ... "

As a result of the pituitary transplant experiment, Sharikov is born. At first, the professor thought that he managed to create a human being, but it soon becomes clear that, in fact, he managed to "resurrect" the criminal Klim Chugunkin.

“You are at the lowest stage of development,” Philipp Philippovich shouted, “you are still an emerging, mentally weak being, all your actions are purely bestial ...”

Sharikov is immoral and stupid, he has neither honor nor conscience. He is devoid of even the rudiments of morality and nobility. My new life he starts playing the balalaika, drinking and cursing. He sticks to women and spoils furniture, arranges a flood in the apartment. From the dog Sharik turned out "Such scum that your hair stands on end." Sharikov receives the support of the authorities in the person of Shvonder, who sees in him a proletarian and a full-fledged member of society. From the dog, Sharikov, perhaps, only had a dislike for cats. Shvonder finds a job for him to his liking - now he is in charge of the department for catching cats. But even here Sharikov shows cruelty that is not characteristic of either animals or people.

Professor Preobrazhensky steadfastly bears the tricks of his ward and at first hopes for his re-education. But the behavior of the man-dog is deteriorating every day. Sharikov crosses all boundaries when he writes a denunciation of the professor and threatens to kill him.

“But who is he? Klim, Klim! .... Here's the thing: two convictions, alcoholism, "divide everything", a hat and two gold pieces were gone ... .. A boor and a pig ... "

Preobrazhensky performs a “reverse” operation, and the kind, affectionate dog Sharik returns to the world again. In the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, the author, as it were, draws a line, the conclusion: "Science does not yet know a way to turn animals into people." And the real beast was not the dog Sharik, but the soulless and cruel Klim Chugunkin.

The assessment of the representatives of the intelligentsia in Bulgakov's story is far from unambiguous. Professor Preobrazhensky is a famous scientist in Europe. He is looking for means to rejuvenate the human body and has already achieved significant results. The professor is a representative of the old intelligentsia and professes the principles of morality and morality. Everyone, according to Philipp Philippovich, in this world should do their own thing: in the theater - to sing, in the hospital - to operate. Then there will be no destruction. And reach material well-being, life's blessings, position in society and respect can only work and knowledge. It is not origin that makes a person a person, but the benefit that he brings to society. Beliefs, according to the professor, cannot be introduced into consciousness by force: "Terror cannot do anything."
The professor does not hide his dislike for the revolution and the new revolutionary order. He does not accept the new rules of life. Scientific research, his favorite work is most important for him, so he has to compromise with the new government: he treats its representatives, and it provides him with tolerable living conditions and relative independence. Open opposition to the authorities would mean deprivation of an apartment, the opportunity to work, and perhaps even life itself. The professor made his choice, many patients turn to him. Preobrazhensky is sure that those who work have the right to normal conditions labor and rest. How educated and man of culture, the professor believes that a living being should only be treated with caress. To his student and assistant Bormental, he gives a cautionary order: “Never commit a crime, no matter who it is directed against. Live to old age with clean hands."
Self-righteousness, high cultural level, talent and the scale of his personality allow him, in the conditions of a difficult critical era, not only to save his life, but also to emerge victorious from a clash with the house committee and Shvonder.
IN political views professor a lot of contradictions. Being engaged in science, he lives in isolation, is interested in theater, deliberately fences himself off from problems. Revolutionary upheavals irritate him and interfere with his work. Fighting with Shvonder, the professor did not yet fully understand what a terrible, destructive force in his person was allowed to power, how dangerous balls of all stripes are. The scientist naively believes that a policeman, assigned to each person, can immediately restore order in the country. But in the new government, the role of policemen is performed by shvonders and balls, ready to destroy both culture and objectionable people.
Bulgakov warns mankind against irresponsible experiments, leads to the realization of the danger of forcing the laws of evolution. This story is still relevant today. Writer calls main reason of all human ills: certainty in knowledge absolute truth and in their own infallibility.
Note that neither the professor nor Dr. Bormenthal thought of creating man. What happened as a result of their experience - scary monster which is impossible to re-educate. To the credit of the professor, he understood before Dr. Bormenthal the whole horror of such " side effects". The doctor claimed that the laboratory creature " dog's heart”, that is, it has more canine qualities left in it. The professor says that Sharikov has the “human heart” of Klim Chugunkin, with all the ensuing consequences. It is no coincidence that the name of Sharikov after the publication of the story turned into a household name.
Professor Preobrazhensky repented of his actions: “If anyone<…>laid me out here and flogged me—I would, I swear, pay five chervonets!<…>Damn it… After all, I spent five years in prison picking out appendages from brains. So, as a friend, I’ll tell you, in secret, of course, I know you won’t shame me - the old donkey Preobrazhensky ran into this operation as a third-year student ... You know what work I did, it’s incomprehensible to the mind. And now the question is, why? To one day turn the sweetest dog into such scum that your hair stands on end!<…>Here, doctor, what happens when the researcher, instead of groping and in parallel with nature, forces the question and lifts the veil!
The terrible results of the experiment make the professor conclude that experiments to "improve" are inadmissible human nature: “Explain to me, please, why it is necessary to artificially fabricate Spinoza, when any woman can give birth to him at any time! .. After all, Madame Lomonosov gave birth to this famous one in Kholmogory!”; "Humanity takes care of itself<…>and in the evolutionary order, every year, stubbornly, singling out all sorts of scum from the mass, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses who adorn the globe.
In the epilogue, the scientists, brought to nervous exhaustion, saving their lives from Sharikov, who attempted on them, perform a second operation, turning the monster they created into a dog again. Everything returns to normal. ends his poignant tale with the words:
“In the distance, flasks tinkled dully. The bitten one was cleaning up the cabinets in the examination room.
The gray-haired wizard sat and sang:

- To the banks of the sacred Nile ...

The dog has seen terrible things. An important person plunged his hands in slippery gloves into a vessel, took out brains, - a stubborn man, persistent, he always achieved something, cut, examined, squinted and sang:

- To the banks of the sacred Nile ... "

The professor's research, like that of other scientists around the world, continues. The end of the story is left open.
The polyphonic sound of the story is given by the change of narrators: internal monologue Sharik is replaced by the narrator's speech, and as an insert, Bormental's diary is given. This allows you to give the story a multidimensional meaning, and readers to get acquainted with the position of several characters in order to form their own opinion about the events. It becomes clear that the position of the author-narrator is close to the position of Sharik, the doctor and the professor, but there is no complete coincidence in the assessment. Behind satire, humor and grotesque, Bulgakov hid important moral and philosophical problems. He wrote about the relationship between evolution and revolution, moral choice a person and especially a scientist, about the fate of the intelligentsia, about the new government. The writer believed that the world is contradictory, changing every second, a person still knows too little to allow himself to irresponsibly interfere with the laws of nature, all the more so to change them at his whim.
"Heart of a Dog" was the last satirical story in Bulgakov's work. It has been banned for sixty years. Later, the story was repeatedly reprinted and was skillfully filmed by the famous director A. Bortko. To this day, it arouses the interest of readers of various internal aspirations. The problems raised in the story are also relevant for the people of the 21st century. The writer bitterly writes about the imperfection of man, regrets that the society of happiness and harmony is still only a dream.

Professor Filipp Filippych Preobrazhensky, who is a brilliant doctor and an outstanding scientist, is one of central characters Fantastic novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog". A world-famous luminary and a talented experimental scientist plans to transplant the pituitary gland and human testicles to a stray dog ​​Sharik, and brilliantly brings his plan to life. What came out of this the reader will learn in the story, in which Professor Preobrazhensky plays the key role of the creator, and then the educator of the Polygraph Polygraph Sharikov, who appeared as a result of the experiment.

Characteristics of the hero

(Evgeny Evstigneev as Professor Preobrazhensky, feature film "Heart of a Dog", USSR 1988, the film was shot in sepia color)

The action of the story takes place in Moscow in 1924 after the Bolsheviks led by Lenin came to power in the country. An outstanding medical genius lives in a huge seven-room apartment in the center of the capital and is engaged in research in the field of rejuvenation of the human body. It's pretty old man 60 years old with a French pointed beard and a lush curled mustache, soaked through with the smell of tobacco and the hospital. Thanks to his mind, talented hands and diligence, he achieved high position in pre-revolutionary society and was a fairly wealthy and respected person. Apparently he got a good education, is the carrier high culture. He considers the Bolsheviks who came to power a temporary phenomenon and supports the "old order", because under him he lived very well. He considers the lack of elementary culture to be a misfortune for the proletarians, the ruin will only come to an end when at least elementary rules of education and culture are instilled in them.

The professor lives alone and in solitude, occupies himself exclusively with work and research activities. His only friend and colleague is the young assistant Dr. Bormental, who is very devoted to his teacher and becomes a real support and support to the professor in his difficult struggle with the presumptuous Sharikov.

(Dog as Sharik. rare photo from the filming of "Heart of a Dog" in 1988)

Professor brings home stray dog Sharik and transplanting him the pituitary gland and testicles of the brawler and recidivist thief Klim Chugunkin, who died in a drunken fight, end up with a terrible rude, impudent and troublemaker Polygraph Poligrafych Sharikov. An opponent of violence, a sane and experienced professor is trying to re-educate the creation of his own hands, instill in him a reasonable, kind and eternal, but suffers a complete fiasco. It comes to threats with the use of weapons and the conflict between Preobrazhensky and Sharkov, which is his complete antipode, reaches its climax. Then Preobrazhensky realizes what a mistake his thoughtless intervention in nature was and, together with Dr. Bormental, performs an operation to turn Sharikov back into a dog.

The image of the hero in the work

Professor Preobrazhensky in Bulgakov's story is the embodiment of the outgoing pre-revolutionary era and its culture. An outstanding Russian scientist who is accustomed to respect and honor in past life, he has not yet encountered the power of the Bolsheviks and does not know their attitude towards the former. Unwittingly, he creates with his own hands typical representative new government, which immediately begins to squeeze the scientist out of the world. This was the deep and terrible mistake of the Russian intelligentsia, which unknowingly helped the Bolsheviks strengthen their power, and then they also became the main initiators of their destruction.

Realizing his fatal mistake, the professor tries to fix everything, and at first glance he succeeds. However, the end of the story is not at all optimistic, because millions of people live in the country, in which Sharikov is still dormant, but when he wakes up and goes outside, he will do a lot of trouble.

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