Salvador gave interesting aphorisms and short quotes. Seven interesting facts from the life of El Salvador Dali


Salvador Dali, (1904-1989), Spanish painter.

A mind without ambition is a bird without wings.

Don't worry about being modern. Unfortunately, this is the one thing you can't avoid, no matter how hard you try.

Don't be afraid of perfection. You will never reach it.

I don't take drugs. I am a drug myself.

Mistakes are almost always of a divine nature. Never try to fix them. On the contrary: give them a reasonable explanation, understand them as deeply as possible. And then you will have the opportunity to ennoble them.

The simplest thermometer of success is the envy of losers.

There are days when I think I'm about to die from an overdose of contentment.

Those who do not want to imitate anything will not do anything.

Painting a picture is either very easy or impossible.

The difference between the surrealists and me is that the surrealist is me.

One thing is clear: I hate simplicity in all its forms.

It is difficult to agitate the king for a monarchy.

The artist thinks with a drawing.

Don't be afraid of perfection, you will never achieve it.

Painting is handmade color photography all possible, ultra-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic samples of concrete irrationality.

Life is harsh, but it is illuminated by the light of Eternity.

Running ahead of History is much more interesting than describing it.

When people ask me what the difference is between a Velasquez painting and a good photograph, I answer seven million dollars.

Thanks to my enemies. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be who I am.

It is good taste that is fruitless - for an artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste.

At six I wanted to be Columbus, at seven I wanted to be Napoleon, and then my ambitions grew steadily.

Is it very difficult to paint pictures?
- It's either easy or impossible.

When I paint pictures, I feel crazy. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.

There is only one difference between a madman and me: the madman thinks he is sane, and I know that I am not sane.

It is difficult to hold the intense attention of the world for more than half an hour at a stretch. I managed to do this for twenty whole years, and moreover, every day. My motto was: “The main thing is that Dali is constantly talked about, even if it’s good.”

Fools want me to follow the advice I give to others. But this is impossible, because I'm completely different.

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxurious hospitals for healthy people.

Enemies I throw flowers - in a coffin.

A new religion can only be founded with the blessing of the bankers.

If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end.

Madness is very nutritious for me, and it grows out of buffoonery. I have never been able to resolve the fatal question: where does pretense end and sincerity begin?

Without Velasquez there would be no french impressionism, without Picasso and Gris there is no cubism, without Miro and Dali there is neither surrealism, nor everything that came from it.

It is good taste that is fruitless - for an artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste. Take the French - because of good taste, they are completely lazy.

Running ahead of History is much more interesting than describing it.

Being mediocre, there is no need to go out of your way, proving that you are mediocre. This is so noticeable.

At the age of three and a half, I wanted to become a cook, mind you, a cook, not a cook. At the age of seven I desired to become Napoleon, and since then my pretensions have steadily increased.

At the age of six I wanted to be Columbus, at seven I wanted to be Napoleon, and then my ambitions grew steadily.

Great geniuses always produce mediocre children, and I do not want to be a confirmation of this rule. I want to leave only myself as a legacy.

Even the great psychologists could not understand where genius ends and madness begins.

Enemies I throw flowers - in a coffin.

Everything I promise, I do - someday. Everything I want comes true - sooner or later.

All my life my obsession was pain, which I wrote countless.

You neglect anatomy, drawing, perspective, all the mathematics of painting and coloring, so let me remind you that these are more signs of laziness than genius.

Gala is my only muse, my genius and my life, without Gala I am nobody.

hero if he real hero, always on its own. A hero is one thing, a servant is another.

Heroism is my occupation.

Dali is a drug that you can no longer do without.

Childhood is drawn to insects. They are curious, they generate in the soul a craving for violence against themselves and nature. And this is already an incentive to creativity.

First, learn to draw and write like the old masters, and only then act on your own - and you will always be respected.

For the artist, every touch of the brush on the canvas is a whole life drama.

I don't understand voluntary idiocy.

Don Quixote was a crazy idealist. I am also a madman, but I am also a Catalan, and my madness is not without a commercial streak.

I think it was no easier for me to be born than it was for the Creator to create the Universe. At least he then rested, and all the colors of the world fell on me.

I think that now we have the Middle Ages, but someday the Renaissance will come.

Fools want me to follow the advice I give to others. But this is impossible, because I'm completely different.

If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end.

If you keep thinking, "I am a genius," you will eventually become a genius.

If you refuse to study anatomy, the art of drawing and perspective, the mathematical laws of aesthetics and color, then let me tell you that this is more a sign of laziness than genius.

If we are interested in anything, it is only a miracle.

Also in early childhood I have acquired a vicious habit of considering myself different from everyone else and behaving differently than other mortals. As it turns out, this is a goldmine!

Painting is a color photograph made by hand of all possible, super-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic samples of concrete irrationality.

Painting and Dali are not the same thing, as an artist I do not overestimate myself. It's just that others are so bad that I turned out better.

Life is harsh... but it is illuminated by the light of eternity.

The envy of other artists has always served me as a thermometer of success.

Playing genius, you will not become a genius, unless you play too much.

Art is a terrible disease, but it is still impossible to live without it.

With art I straighten myself and infect normal people.

What I really am, only a few know.

No matter what nonsense you are talking about, there is always a grain of truth in it. Bitter truth.

When all the geniuses die, I will remain in splendid isolation.

When feelings overwhelm me, I turn into a uniform idiot.

When people ask me what the difference is between a Velasquez painting and a good photograph, I answer: "Seven million dollars."

When people ask me: "What's new?", I answer: "Velasquez! And now and forever."

When I paint pictures, I feel crazy. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.

A mosquito that bites into your thigh in the early morning can serve as lightning that will illuminate horizons that have not yet been explored in your skull.

Communism is steadily degrading. Judge for yourself: Marx was unusually hairy, Lenin wore a beard and mustache (although not so magnificent), Stalin had only a mustache, and Khrushchev didn’t even have that.

Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. And not to love - it does not work.

I love journalists! They also contribute to the cretinization of the population. And they are doing great with it.

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxurious hospitals for healthy people.

I swear by pain. Pain is my passion. Pain is my mania. I will write about her until death.

Why have I never met a woman who is both well-groomed and beautiful? Maybe they don't exist? - Salvador Dali

Neither philosophers nor psychologists can point the line between genius and madness.

I never understand what I'm doing Here with food - everything is simple. I know what I'm eating.

I am an egoist. Arrogant egoist. The mood is constantly changing. I'm impossible to please. I am a servant of anarchy. I am the ruler of the world.

Salvador Dali: There is no shame in getting rich. It should be a shame to leave children hungry.

Life would be disgusting were it not for the light of eternity.

I am so used to playing, hiding myself behind a wall of sarcasm, that I often cannot understand - where am I real, and where is the me who is not me at all?

There is no magic in things. The magic lies in the connections between them.

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes by Salvador Dali read on the pages:

Magic is not in the things themselves, but in the relationships between ordinary things.

Everything beautiful should be edible!

Submit to what you don't have to submit to.

All I do is ruin my paintings. And then I say I did what I wanted.

Picasso told me: “Art is the child of orphanhood and melancholy. Others write their lives, I paint pictures.”

Life is harsh, ... but it is illuminated by the light of eternity.

Well, humanity will go into space - so what? What is space to him when eternity is not given?

The mechanism was originally mine personal enemy, and as for watches, they were doomed to spread or not exist at all.

A mosquito that bites into your thigh in the early morning can serve as lightning that will illuminate horizons that have not yet been explored in your skull.

I declare with all responsibility: I have never joked, I am not joking and I am not going to joke.

The difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.

Heroism is my occupation.

I have always seen what others have not seen; but what others have seen, I have not seen.

Heroism is my occupation.

I am grateful to fate for two things: for the fact that I am a Spaniard, and for the fact that I am Salvador Dali.

While everyone is looking at my mustache, I, hiding behind them, do my job.

I love transatlantic ships. These are luxurious hospitals for healthy people.

Feeling is trite in nature. This is the lowest natural element, a vulgar attribute of everyday life.

According to the law of compensation, the postulate of instability of equilibrium and the principle of heterogeneity, the lack of something ultimately gives new system relations.

At the age of three and a half, I wanted to become a cook, mind you, a cook, not a cook. At the age of seven I desired to become Napoleon, and since then my pretensions have steadily increased.

What I really am, only a few know.

I am for the monarchy, for this is my royal will.

Don't be afraid of perfection. You cannot reach it.

I love life unbelievably.

I am called Salvador - the Savior - as a sign that in a time of menacing technology and the prosperity of mediocrity, which we have the honor to endure, I am called to save art from emptiness.

Truth walks in deep steps.

I am grateful to fate for two things: for the fact that I am a Spaniard and for the fact that I am Salvador Dali.

No matter what nonsense you are talking about, there is always a grain of truth in it. Bitter truth.

While the whole world is looking at my mustache, I, hiding behind them, do my job.

Being mediocre, there is no need to go out of your way, proving that you are mediocre. This is so noticeable.

I love smart enemies.

Fashion is something that can go out of fashion.

Running ahead of history is much more interesting than describing it.

Irony is an indispensable aesthetic component of thinking.

When all the geniuses die, I will be left in splendid isolation.

Do not try to cover up your mediocrity with deliberately careless painting - it will reveal itself in the very first stroke.

I'm not looking, I'm finding.

Modesty is my natural flaw.

The world will have to make room a little, and the question is whether it will accommodate a genius!

Mistake is from God. So don't try to fix the mistake. On the contrary, try to understand it, feel its meaning, get used to it. And there will be liberation.

Please tell me, why should a person behave exactly like other people, like a mass, like a crowd?

Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. And not to love - it does not work.

When feelings overwhelm me, I turn into a uniform idiot.

It is difficult to attract attention even for a short time. And I indulged in this occupation every day and hour.

I'm perfectly normal. And the one who does not understand my painting is abnormal, the one who does not like Velazquez, the one who is not interested in what time it is on my spread dials - they show the exact time.

I don't care what the critics say. I know that deep down they love my work, but they are afraid to admit it.

I am a Christian and a Catholic, but to be an artist, neither is required.

Since I do not possess this or that virtue, compensation is due to me.

Even in early childhood, I acquired a vicious habit of considering myself different from everyone else, and behaving differently from other mortals. As it turns out, this is a goldmine!

I would not buy any of my paintings.

My spelling put my father in a trance. Once I made four mistakes in the word "revolution". And the father uttered a significant phrase: “There's nothing to be done. He will die under the fence.”

Everything that I don't understand fascinates me. In particular, books on nuclear physics are mind-blowing text.

No matter what nonsense you are talking about, there is always a grain of truth in it. Bitter truth.

If we are interested in anything, it is only a miracle.

You neglect anatomy, drawing, perspective, all the mathematics of painting and coloring, so let me remind you that these are more signs of laziness than genius.

We have the right to demand at least one thing from a sculpture - that it does not move.

A work of art does not arouse any feelings in me. Looking at a masterpiece, I am ecstatic about what I can learn. It doesn't even occur to me to spread in tenderness.

If you keep thinking, “I am a genius,” you will eventually become a genius.

At the age of six I wanted to be a cook, at seven I wanted to be a Napoleon, and then my ambitions grew steadily.

The other day I heard the following dialogue: - Are you a homosexual? - In a way, yes. On the mental level, I prefer to deal with men.

Dali is a drug that you can no longer do without.

When I suffer, I enjoy myself. This is my old custom.

If you think all the time: I am a genius, in the end you will become a genius.

The peculiarity of my genius is that it comes from the mind. It's from the mind.

When all the geniuses die, I will remain in splendid isolation.

With art I straighten myself and infect normal people.

I think it was no easier for me to be born than it was for the Creator to create the Universe. At least he then rested, and all the colors of the world fell on me

Form is a special reaction of matter subjected to pressure.

I can give great lessons painting. Also cutting and sewing.

Great geniuses always produce mediocre children, and I do not want to be a confirmation of this rule. I want to leave only myself as a legacy.

It is usually thought that bad taste cannot produce anything worthwhile. In vain. It is good taste that is fruitless - for an artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste. Take the French - because of good taste, they are completely lazy.

I don't understand voluntary idiocy.

Receptions are given for those who are not invited.

If you keep thinking, “I am a genius,” you will eventually become a genius.

I have always said that honey is sweeter than blood. And not vice versa!

Dali said: "It is generally thought that bad taste cannot produce anything worthwhile. In vain."
What do you think?

and here's another... "It is good taste that is fruitless - for an artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste. Take the French - because of good taste they are completely lazy."

The Persistence of Memory. 1931

Dali quotes - About the mustache:

1. My mustache is joyful and full of optimism. They are akin to the mustache of Velasquez and are the exact opposite of the mustache of Nietzsche.

2. My mustache keeps growing - as does the power of my imagination.

3. The shape of the mustache is historically determined. Hitler couldn't have had any other mustache, only this swastika under his nose.

Hitler's Mystery 1937

4. While everyone is looking at my mustache, I, hiding behind them, do my job.

private hallucination. Six appearances of Lenin on the piano. 1931

Dali Quotes - About Art:

1. Art is a terrible disease, but it is still impossible to live without it.

2. With art I correct myself and infect normal people.

3. The artist is not the one who is inspired, but the one who inspires.

Metamorphoses of Narcissus. 1936-1937

4. Painting and Dali are not the same thing, as an artist I do not overestimate myself. It's just that others are so bad that I turned out better.

5. I saw - and sunk into the soul, and spilled through the brush onto the canvas. This is painting. And the same is love.

6. Art is a terrible disease, but it is still impossible to live without it.

7. For the artist, every touch of the brush on the canvas is a whole life drama.

Endless mystery. 1938

8. My painting is life and food, flesh and blood. Don't look for intelligence or feelings in it.

9. Through the centuries, Leonardo da Vinci and I extend our hands to each other.

10. I think that now we have the Middle Ages, but someday the Renaissance will come.

11. I am a decadent. In art, I'm something like Camembert cheese: just a little overdose, and that's it. I, the last echo of antiquity, stand on the very edge.

Ghost sexual attraction. 1932

12. A work of art does not awaken any feelings in me. Looking at a masterpiece, I am ecstatic about what I can learn. It doesn't even occur to me to spread in tenderness.

13. Landscape is a state of mind.

14. Painting is a color photograph made by hand of all possible, super-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic samples of concrete irrationality.

Gala's portrait. 1932-1933

15. My painting is life and food, flesh and blood. Don't look for intelligence or feelings in it.

16. A work of art does not awaken any feelings in me. Looking at a masterpiece, I am ecstatic about what I can learn. It doesn't even occur to me to spread in tenderness.

17. The artist thinks with a drawing. (I wonder... what he was thinking when he drew this... drawing...):

The wreckage of a car that becomes a blind horse chewing on a phone. 1938

Premonition civil war (original name- "Soft construction with boiled beans"). 1936

18. Do not try to cover up your mediocrity with deliberately careless painting - it will reveal itself in the very first stroke.

19. First, learn to draw and write like the old masters, and only then act on your own and you will be respected.

Autumn cannibalism. 1936

"My goal? Systematize the confusion and make a contribution to the complete discrediting of reality ”- Salvador Dali. genius Spanish artist Salvador was awarded the title of the most extravagant man in France.

  • None other than Dali came up with the logo " Chupa Chups." Today, this image, albeit in a slightly modified form, is recognizable on the company's lollipops. Salvador Dali was crazy about sweets and did not take money for the development. For his work, he demanded a box of candies every day.
  • Dali was not only an artist, but also an inventor. artificial nails, which are now so popular, he also came up with. Initially, small mirrors were built into them to look.
  • Bassin near Dali's house and Port Lligate will go down in history. The guests anticipated the pleasure of diving into this magnificent reservoir in advance. What was their surprise when, standing at the edge of the pool, they realized that its bottom was covered with sea urchins! But whoever still dared to dive and swim, then noticed with relief that sea ​​urchins separated from the rest of the pool by a glass bottom.
  • Dali was always besieged in the restaurant by visitors, whether they knew him or not, being delighted with meeting a celebrity. Salvador Dali always waited for the invariable question: "Can I sit at your table?". Seriously, in an icy tone he answered: “Of course. Put five thousand dollars on the table or get out of here". Some agreed, and Dali, without a twinge of conscience, put money in his pocket.
  • Dali liked to stay at the famous Hotel Meurice in the center of Paris, on Rue Rivoli. It turns out that when he checked into the hotel, a whole floor was reserved for him, since the artist liked to ride a bicycle through the corridors. Still, in search of inspiration, the artist also demanded that a herd of goats be delivered to the hotel, which he shot with blank cartridges. The artist also came up with own tradition departure from the hotel. He threw new shiny bronze coins under the wheels of the car and claimed that he was "rolling around Paris on gold."
  • Even after his death, the outrageous artist left many mysteries. Only a few people know where the brilliant artist is actually buried. The main version is that the body of the artist, according to his last will, was walled up in the floor in the Dali Museum in Figueres. And if you visit, you will be shown a sign with the inscription that there, under your feet, lies the embalmed corpse of Salvador Dali.

Salvador Dali quotes about himself

“At the age of six, I dreamed of becoming a chef. At seven, Napoleon. However, with age, acquiring wisdom, I realized that the highest dream is to become Dali.

“All my efforts, every day, always, are subordinated to a single goal: to be able to be Dali.”

“In my life, there are extremely rare cases when I humiliated myself by dressing in a civilian suit. I have always preferred to wear the Dali uniform.”

“If you start playing genius, you will certainly become one!”

"My whiskers, like two sentries, guard the entrance to my personality."

“I don't care what others think. The only thing that matters to me is that everyone around is talking about Dali. Even if they speak well of him.”

“Already as a child, I decided to walk through life a little bit of a multimillionaire.”

"There comes a moment in every man's life when he admires me."

"I am the reservoir of genius."

"My goal? To systematize the confusion and make a contribution to the complete discrediting of reality.

“And this is undeniable: everything, absolutely everything that I say here, remains on my conscience, on no one else.”

“While everyone is looking at my mustache, I, hiding behind them, do my job.”

“It’s hard to get attention, even for a little while. And I indulged in this occupation every day and hour.

“Suffering, I have fun. This is my old habit."

“I have always seen what others have not seen; but what others have seen, I have not seen.”

"I'm obscenely in love with life."

Quotes and sayings of Salvador Dali about art

“I straighten myself with art and infect normal people”

“My painting is life and food, flesh and blood. Don't look for intelligence or feelings in her."

“Surrealism is not a party, not a label, but a unique state of mind, not constrained by either slogans or morality. Surrealism is the complete freedom of a human being and his right to dream. I'm not a surrealist, I'm a surrealist."

“Art is a terrible disease, but it is still impossible to live without it.”

The artist is not the one who is inspired, but the one who inspires.

« It was necessary to return to tradition both in painting and in everything else. All other paths lead to a dead end. People have already forgotten how to draw, write, compose poetry. Art is steadily slipping lower and lower and becoming more and more monotonous, because it focuses on common international patterns. Ugly and shapeless - these are the main characteristics of such art, these are the symptoms of the disease.

“Painting is a hand-made color photograph of all possible, super-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic samples of concrete irrationality.”

“When I write, I myself do not understand what meaning is contained in my picture. Do not think, however, that it is meaningless! It's just that it's so deep, so complex, casual and whimsical that it eludes ordinary logical perception.

“If you refuse to study anatomy, the art of drawing and perspective, the mathematical laws of aesthetics and color, then let me tell you that this is more a sign of laziness than genius.”

“The limit of stupidity is to draw an apple as it is. Draw at least a worm tormented by love, and a dancing lobster with castanets, and let the elephants flutter over the apple, and you yourself will see that the apple is superfluous here.

“Is it very difficult to paint pictures?
"It's either easy or impossible."

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