How to clean the wall in contact. How to quickly delete all entries from the wall "VKontakte" How to clean the wall with greasemonkey


After registering in contact and performing certain operations, users are faced with the urgent question of how to clean the wall in contact, located on the main page plan.

Clear the wall in contact

It is impossible to completely remove the wall, since its function is a distinctive feature in contact. You can block the functionality of the wall and limit the delivery of unwanted messages. This is done from the account menu by editing "My Settings". Find "Privacy", enter "who is allowed to leave a message" and select the desired category. There is an option to leave yourself, or you can allow a few trusted friends. Then click "Save" to confirm the settings.

First you need to pause the receipt of new inscriptions. You need to go to your account, then in the menu, select the option "My settings". Next, open "Privacy". Point to: "Who is allowed to post on the wall", click "Only me" and "Save". Received protection from spam, as well as new inscriptions. This method is good to use at the very beginning of using the network. You can use one of two main methods to delete entries.

The easiest way to clean

This is the most reliable and popular method of manual removal. This option is suitable when you need to delete individual wall entries:

  • a specific wall entry is selected with the mouse cursor;
  • click on the cross that appears at the top right.

After that, the entry is deleted. So you can delete all entries, especially if there are few of them. Otherwise, it will take precious time.

In case of an error, it is possible to restore the record. To do this, click on the “Restore” message that appears (it appears after deletion). Restoration can only be performed immediately, before the page refresh has occurred (any transition), then the inscription is permanently deleted.
When you need to clean the wall in contact quickly and immediately, this option does not suit you.

The scripting method

There are scripts for different types of cleaning. You need to find the right script: different scripts perform different degrees of cleaning. There are scripts that remove everything or remove something specific. In the search engine, you need to type something like: "scripts for cleaning the wall."

Whatever degree of purification is needed, the sequence of actions is the same: you need to open Mozilla. Then go to "Tools". Activate "Greasemonkey" via "Manage plugins". Select the desired script and run it.

Used to quickly delete all wall entries. This feature is not available on the social network. To do this, you need to know how to clear a wall in contact using the Firefox browser add-on - Greasemonkey. To perform wall cleaning, you need to launch a browser. This Firefox application can be downloaded.

Or install "Greasemonkey" by selecting "Tools" from the menu and opening "Add-ons". At the top of the page that opens, enter the name "greasemonkey", and click on "Execute". In the search results, select the desired option and click "Install Now". Restart your browser by clicking Reload Now. Next, select "Toolbar", click the program logo, run it and select "Manage scripts" from the menu.

In the search window, enter the necessary script and add to yourself. Next, go to the desired page in contact and the process will go by itself: the cleaning of the wall begins. As long as "Greasemonkey" is enabled and the deletion script is installed, the cleanup operation is always performed when the page is visited. The process is automatic and to stop, it is necessary to disable, but it is better to delete the script at the end of the cleaning.

Sometimes some users want to change something on their VKontakte page and they start looking for information on how to quickly clear a wall in VK. Most often this is due to the fact that a person simply grows, matures and becomes ashamed of his past posts or for some other reason.

In any case, the fact is that it is impossible to immediately completely delete all the posts on the wall in VK in the standard way. Themes have a button to delete one post, but you can't delete them all together. Moreover, the design of the site has recently changed, and not everyone knows about the old functions in the new VK. Therefore, now we will analyze some very simple, but effective ways that help you delete all entries.

With a special script

Let's say right away that most of the methods are performed without programs. For example, this method only requires the presence of the Opera browser, Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser. At the same time, cleaning the wall is the same everywhere. This script can be downloaded from this link. The contents of the file just need to be copied. The following will describe how and when to do this.

It has long been known in the world of developers. To use it, you need to do the following:

  • Go to your Vkontakte page and right-click anywhere in it. In the drop-down menu, you need to select the item related to viewing the page code. It may have different names in different browsers.

Important: You need to go exactly to the page, that is, where the wall is visible, not to the news, not to the messages, but to the page (the “My Page” item).

  • In the code window, go to the "Console" or "Console" tab (depending on the browser language). Below you will see the cursor at the beginning of the line. Actually, there you will need to enter the script shown above. It can be directly copied from here and pasted there. After the script is inserted, it remains just to press Enter and wait for the deletion to complete.

Wall cleaning will occur as follows: one record every second. The user will be able to observe this process. Immediately after the last entry is deleted, we need to reload the page so that our script does not continue to work, otherwise it will look for entries that do not exist and, accordingly, will generate an error. This method was tested on the new VK design and it works very well.

This script also works in Mozilla Firefox. True, there you need to find not the item associated with the element code, but the item “Explore element”. Next, almost the same window will open, as shown in Figure 2, only below. There, too, you need to go to the "Console" or "Console" tab, enter exactly the same script and press Enter. This is how it all looks.

Important: The Mozilla Firefox system may not allow you to enter commands unknown to it, including those that allow you to completely clear the VK wall without programs. In this case, a corresponding message will appear there. Therefore, first you should write “allow” in the console, press Enter, and then enter the same script.

Another script

If the method described above does not work, there is another. It's pretty much the same and works just as well in most cases. Only here you no longer need to go into some code and look for some tabs there. Actually, the script we need can be downloaded.

You need to paste it into the address bar and also press Enter. This is how it all looks like.

As practice shows, in some versions of browsers it turns out to delete entries in the new VK in this way. Therefore, if nothing happens after running the script, an error appears, or some other unforeseen consequences occur, you just need to open the same page in another browser or update your existing browser.

At the same time, it is also very important to be on your page - not in photographs, not in the news, and not on someone else's page, but only on your own. Otherwise, nothing will work.

Greasemonkey script

The previous two methods involved using scripts and are the easiest to use. If for some reason they did not work, there is a third way, which is more complicated. Here we need the Mozilla Firefox browser and its add-on called Greasemonkey.

To download it, you need to go to the app store. To do this, open the menu of additional functions and click on the "Add-ons" button. Their location can be seen in Figure 5.

Then everything is very simple - enter "Greasemonkey" in the search, go to the application page and click the "Add to Firefox" button. You can also just follow the link of this add-on, here it is.

Now you need to go to your page in VK, that is, log in and go to the "My Page" item. Now in the upper right corner you can see a small picture of a monkey. This is the installed Greasemonkey extension. Click on the down arrow next to it and in the menu that appears, click "Create script".

In the window that opens, write the name description and namespace (you can set any). Click "OK". We get directly to the script entry page. There you should copy what is in this file here. This is the script we need.

Important: After running this script, every time you enter a page in VK, it will be launched and all messages, respectively, will be deleted. Therefore, it is better to turn off Greasemonkey after it has been executed. To do this, simply click on the monkey picture in the top bar of the browser.

A few more words

Previously, there were many more ways to clean the wall. But only a few of them work on the new VK design. This can be done both from the phone and from the computer. Now it is not possible to perform this task from the phone. On the old design, it was very convenient to use the VKopt toolkit. The three methods described above have been tried, so there is no doubt about their performance.

A small visual instruction for entering one of the above scripts is shown below.

The developers of VKontakte did not introduce buttons or something like that to completely clear the wall, and even more, they oppose the use of such a method, arguing that the attacker who took possession of the page should not delete all important information in one fell swoop. In practice, deleting records one by one causes significant discomfort, especially if there are many of them.

A situation is created when there is no official method, but there is a need, against this background the question arises of how to quickly clean the wall in VK. Of course, our masters have found a solution for such a situation, and there are several of them. All methods come down to two main actions: using a special script or application. We will consider such moments by citing the methods that are working today.

Before you completely clear the wall in VK, it is better to make sure that you have access to the page and the mail and phone associated with it. This is necessary to make sure that you retain control of the page, since such a removal may attract unnecessary attention, in fact this is unlikely, but still.

How to clear a wall in VK using a script?

Some of the methods that worked before in the old design are already in the past. However, new and effective options for deleting entries have come. Consider a few code examples, suddenly some will not work after a while:

  1. Open VK in Chrome, Opera or Mozilla;
  2. Before you clear the wall in the new VK, you need to scroll the page to the very beginning, otherwise the code will not completely remove the elements. The best option to do this is either by pressing the End button, or at the top of the page, press the wheel on an empty space, then move the mouse cursor down and as the distance from the click increases, the scroll speed will increase;
  3. In an empty space, right-click and select "View Element Code", this is the last item, and it may have a different name depending on the browser;
  4. In the new panel, click on the "Console" tab;
  5. Paste one of the scripts into the active field:
  • var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall()(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);
  • for (var i=1;i<530;i++){document.getElementsByClassName(‘post_delete_button fl_r’)[i].onclick();} – где 530, является число записей на странице.

You need to use one script of your choice and, if it does not work, add another. At the moment, the methods are working, since VK is developing, then along with the redesign or the introduction of new functions, working scripts will change.

How to clear the entire wall in VK at once using applications?

There are not so many programs in the Google Store that allow you to achieve the desired result, but they are. We do not consider dubious extensions from the outside, since in addition to the desired function, they can be stuffed with many more unnecessary or even harmful.

Application for cleaning the wall in VK - VkOpt

Let's talk in more detail about the proven programs. So, the program that removes entries from the VK wall, which has proven itself well, is called VkOpt. The extension, among other things, includes the function of completely cleaning the wall, for this:

  • Install the extension for the selected browser by finding it on the site;
  • Go to the VK page;
  • Now there is an additional active element "Actions". Click on it and select Clear Wall.

How to clean a wall using the VkBot app?

In a similar way, you can clean the wall using the VkBot application - this is a multifunctional program that allows you to perform many routine actions automatically, among which there is a complete removal of the wall. To use this method you need:

  • Download the VkBot utility;
  • After starting in the window, enter your login and password, in this case, it is safe. The program has been around for a long time and has not been caught in any fraudulent activities;
  • Go to the "Profile" section;
  • Now select "Clean" and you will see "Clean Wall". Deleting takes a certain amount of time, which increases as the number of records increases.

After performing any of the methods described in the article, you will receive a completely clean VK wall, which in turn will help save precious traffic on uploading records.

The developers of Vkontakte took care of the users so that in the event of a hack, the scammer could not cause maximum damage to the page, but as often happens, this “concern” brought a lot of inconvenience to the owners of pages with a long history. As a result, you have to use crutches to perform the necessary actions, but despite this, this possibility still exists.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to completely delete posts from the VK wall?”, You can ask them in the comments

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For over 3-4 years now. During all this time, a lot of posts that you reposted or published yourself could have piled up on your wall. One day you will want to delete them all and clear your wall of old posts. Now we will tell you how to do it in 10 seconds, even if you have a lot of posts on your wall.

How to clean the wall in Vkontakte through the Google Chrome browser?

For this method, no programs are needed, and beyond knowledge of programming is also not needed. We, as usual, simply use the entrance to "View code". And so we open that VK page on which you want to delete all the posts on the wall. Right-click on the wall itself from the top and select "View code".

In the open window, go to the tab Console, and put the cursor at the very bottom of all codes.

Then copy this code and paste it there. After we press Enter:

var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall()(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);

The script will automatically start deleting entries, then just restart your computer and everything will be deleted, and your wall is empty. If the script doesn't run on , try on .

There is also another way to clean the records from the wall on the VK page. Via plugin vkopt. It is very easy to download the plugin just by typing it in the search.

After installing the plugin, restart the browser and go to your wall. Entering the tab "All entries" and in paragraph "Actions" choose "Clean Wall"

Cleaning will happen within 20-30 seconds depending on your number of records.

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