The name of the script for Valentine's Day. Scenes for Valentine's Day funny and funny


Valentine's Day has been celebrated in our country for more than 10 years! Therefore, it has become a good tradition to hold events dedicated to this holiday. Many remember school parties with cute contests and songs.

Arrows of Cupid. Scenario for a holiday in high school

Here you will need 10 people (5 guys and 5 girls). The hall should be decorated in the appropriate style - garlands of paper hearts, "flying" cupids, and so on.

First you need to prepare:

  1. 2 bags in which to put pieces of paper of different colors. The bags must be the same in terms of a set of colors.
  2. leaflets with the inscriptions: "I want a huge bouquet of red roses", "Do you think I'm fat?", "Darling, my mother comes to visit us for the weekend!", "Let's go to the ballet", "Will you go shopping with me ?
  3. 10 album sheets, 5 scissors, 5 glue sticks, 5 rolls of tape.
  4. 5 servings of ice cream, 5 dessert spoons and 5 aprons
  5. Prizes for participants.

To the music of Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You, the Cupid host enters the stage. The music is muted, the host says:

“Hello, dear guests! Today our holiday, as you already understood, is dedicated to a wonderful holiday - St. Valentine's Day! From time immemorial, love has been considered the most tender and selfless feeling that is capable of miracles. Everyone who has ever experienced it knows that my arrows hit right on target!

Now I invite 10 people, 5 guys and 5 charming girls, to the stage!”

Each of the participants takes 1 leaflet from the bags. Girls from the first, and guys from the second. Those whose colors match will be considered a pair.

“Remember the times of great poets, when gentlemen dedicated entire poems to their beloved lady! So now, in each pair, the gentleman must write to his chosen one a few lines that describe his feelings.

The music, muted earlier, resumes again and the guys are taken to the task.

“Awesome! Romance hasn't run out yet! And in our time there are worthy gentlemen who can surprise their lady! Now it's the girls' turn! As you know, one of the main criteria for a strong relationship is complete mutual understanding. Girls are more often quick-witted, so this task is for you. You need to convey to your partner without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, what is written on your paper. Each couple gets 3 minutes to do this.

“Well done, no one doubted the female ability to win. And on the shoulders of the guys fell the mission to constantly surprise their loved ones. After all, everyday life can bore cute girls. Now each of you will be entrusted with an important task: to surprise your soul mate from improvised means. You are given 2 sheets, scissors, adhesive tape and a glue stick. What to make of them depends entirely on your imagination. You have 3 minutes to do this. Time has gone…”

“Once again I was convinced that today's youth is very talented! This competition will introduce newly-made couples closer. Who knows, maybe fate will turn to you with luck and my arrows will reach you. So, the famous saying goes - the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! Now we will check it in practice. Young people, now your ladies will feed you dessert. And you better wear aprons so as not to get dirty. Girls! Your task is to scoop up a spoonful of ice cream, take the handle of the spoon with your lips. Thus, you need to feed your partner with ice cream. The winner is the one who eats a serving first with the least loss of dessert.

“What economic and caring girls we have! Guys with such beautiful ladies will never be lost! Now all participants will be awarded memorable prizes. There are no winners and losers here. Love won our competition! And our evening, meanwhile, is coming to an end. Love, dear friends, and be loved! Do not be shy about your feelings and accept them with dignity! Now the most reverent stage of the holiday begins for you - a disco. New couples! Don't go far apart! You look great! Good evening, dear friends! Until we meet again!

Scenario for Valentine's Day in a large team

A romantic and very beautiful plot will tell the viewer the history of the holiday and immerse in the most tender feelings and a warm atmosphere.

The room for the celebration needs to be decorated appropriately - a lot of garlands of hearts, hang signs on the walls with quotes from great romantics about love. Also set up a mailbox for valentines. Postcards should be delivered to the addressees by several postmen, dressed as cupids.

The light in the hall is dimmed, candles are lit, a spotlight is lit and illuminates the path of the presenter. To pleasant romantic music, the presenter begins to broadcast:

“We sat with an angel just now for tea,
I was pinned down and unsure next to him
Questions of darkness, thoughts of a hundred bursting,
As he said suddenly: - Let's talk!

I know all your innocent secrets
You are right somewhere, and where it is unnecessarily and vulnerable,
Not authorized to answer to you
Unfortunately, I'm just a cherub.

- Then answer me one worldly question,
Il advise how it is possible to do!
I disbelieved in earthly love, there is no faith,
Could you teach your soul to love?

- I asked a difficult task ... Here is a dilemma ...
Heart love is the hardest to find
Even in antiquity, poems were written to her,
And the enemies fought to the last drop.

I will help the inconsolable soul today,
This is the cup for the salvation of the soul,
Having drunk it to the bottom, you will open a wonderful world
Or vice versa - you will become the property of darkness.

Time to say good-bye! Right, the choice is yours!
Take a deep breath and drink it to the bottom!
Be merciful and find great love
Be meek and fate will make friends with you.

The light went out and a theater of shadows appears against the background of a white wall. The famous "Ave Mariya" plays. The priest begins the wedding ceremony. The happy couple is replaced by another. How unexpectedly soldiers break into the church and take the priest away… The music stops.

“In ancient times, when men had to serve for a quarter of a century, marriage at a young age was prohibited by law. And lighting it in the church threatened with the death penalty! But love cannot be locked up. Feelings are timeless! A priest who blessed the couple in defiance of the law was caught by the authorities and executed. It happened many centuries ago, on February 14th. Many do not believe that this holiday is real! But we know that Saint Valentine always helps people build their love from above.

"What is love? It is difficult to answer unambiguously. Everyone interprets this concept in their own words. However, everyone who has ever been gripped by this feeling knows about butterflies in the stomach and a unique desire to live, create, love! And now a question for the guests: What do you think love is? Can you share these wonderful experiences with us? Answers are heard from the audience ...

“Dear friends, we remind you that we have love mail! At the end of the evening, we will sum up the results and the one who collects the maximum number of valentines will receive a memorable prize! And now I'm announcing a reading contest.

Participants read poems about love, the jury selects the best and awards prizes.

“Each of us, since childhood, got acquainted with the famous works about love. Who remembers them? Let's remember the most romantic ones. The audience responds to the leader.

“Well, friends, let's move on to active competitions. I invite 5 men and 5 beautiful ladies to the stage. Each gentleman must confess to the chosen one in love with a song. Just remember, you have to come up with it yourself. The motive may be known!”

There is a competition, prizes are awarded.

“Now I invite new couples to the stage. The competition is called "Shadow Pantomime". You will have to portray the last moments of Desdemona's life. The most believable scene wins."

The competition is held with the determination of winning places and the presentation of gifts.

“And now it’s the turn to strain your brains and vocal cords! The competition is called "Drinking your neighbor." Participants stand side by side and take turns singing 1 line from famous love songs. It is important that the songs are not repeated. Those who cannot remember the appropriate lines within 15 seconds are eliminated from the game. »

“In conclusion, I would like to hold a competition for the best declaration of love. I will ask 5 men and 5 girls to come out. » The leader collects pairs himself. The gentleman in an original way, guided by his imagination and vocabulary, confesses his feelings to the chosen one. The winner is determined by the audience, according to the most thunderous applause.

“You can talk about love forever! But everything ends sometime. And so our concert comes to an end. Now I invite all the guests to the stage for a romantic dance. Cavaliers invite ladies. I wish you a good evening and more love! Until we meet again! The music is Sergey Mazaev "I love you to tears."

Valentine's Day for two

If you live with your soulmate, then the celebration begins in the morning. Prepare him a cup of coffee with his favorite croissant. Get out of bed and spin in a passionate dance. After a shower (this may be a joint visit to the bathroom), read your own poems to your beloved or quote great poets.

Of course, the most important part falls on the evening. During the day you can visit the cinema, cafe or favorite park where you met. But by the end of the day, prepare your soul mate with the most important surprise.

First, prepare your outfit. It can be an erotic costume of a cat, cupid, or just an evening dress or costume.

Secondly, a delicious dinner. It should be something light but satisfying, such as a vegetable salad with meat, sushi, or just fruit. Overeating this evening is not worth it, because it has a passionate continuation ... A bottle of good wine must be present.

Sprinkle fresh rose petals on the bed, turn on pleasant music and meet your loved one fully armed.

Pre-prepare hint hearts, which then need to be placed in the correct order and hide the gift in their direction. Invite the other half to follow them. Such an unusual presentation of a present will pleasantly surprise the addressee.

Make some pretty hearts on which you can write some potential wishes for your loved one. For example, an erotic massage, a day out in nature, or a trip to the garage with friends. Offer to draw one or more options at random. This will be the second surprise.

The third gift will be, of course, yourself. Turn on your fantasy and seduction here!

We wish you a great holiday! Love and be loved!

12.02.2019 | We looked at the script 150 Human

Event goals:

promote the development of creative activity of students;
help build interpersonal relationships between boys and girls;
contribute to the formation of intellectual potential.

High feeling...

The script for the day of all lovers of the school "Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day"

11.02.2019 | We looked at the script 215 Human

Equipment: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, fragments of a cut paper apple, scissors, threads and a needle, buttons, balloons (according to the number of pairs), words cut into letters (in balloons), whatman paper.

Scenario for Valentine's Day at school

06.02.2019 | We looked at the script 375 Human

Hall decoration:

The stage is decorated with a voluminous heart made of paper, along the edges of the Cupid, hearts are hanging on the walls of the hall, on which love poems are printed (appendix), there is a box for “valentines” on the table, beautiful melodious music sounds, at the entrance to...

Scenario for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren

01.02.2019 | We looked at the script 469 Human

Actors: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by the number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (by the number of children), cocktail straws, ...

The scenario of the game program for Valentine's Day

26.01.2017 | We looked at the script 4204 human

Love, love, we believe in you with hope,
Our doors are open for you in our hearts.
But, if you do not knock, then where to meet?
And what is love, who will answer us?
How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us discovers ...

Valentine's Day. Field of Dreams

26.01.2017 | We looked at the script 2688 Human

Love is the fifth time of the day,
Not evening, not night, not day and not morning.
You will come - and the sun shines at midnight,
You will leave - and the morning is darker than the night.
Love is the fifth season of the year
She is not autumn, not spring, not summer,
She is not winter, but what you ...

The script for Valentine's Day for teenagers "At Twilight"

11.02.2013 | We looked at the script 6277 Human

If you are fans of the movie "Twilight" and have nothing against vampires, then the script for Valentine's Day for teenagers "At Twilight" is for you.
First you need to decorate the room where your party will take place. To do this, create in the room ...

Host: Good evening!
Host: Hello!
Host: Tonight we dedicate the eternal theme - love!

Host: And we have a wonderful reason for this. It's Valentine's Day!

Host: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on 14 ...

"Valentine's Day". Scenario for schoolchildren

08.02.2013 | We looked at the script 9471 Human

(The lights are off. Slow solemn music sounds. Girls in white tunics appear. Each has a lit candle in their hand. They dance.)
VOICE-OVER: On February 14, 270, the Christian martyr Valentine, who committed what was forbidden by the Roman...

class hour "From love is born love"

12.02.2012 | We looked at the script 4825 Human

(the melody of L. Fe sounds. “Love Story”, slide No. 1.
Two presenters appear with candles in their hands).

Presenter: Love, were you born from suffering? ...

"Valentine's Day - Script for Valentine's Day.


Dear friends! How do you think, are there ordinary miracles in the world? After all, if a miracle

So it's extraordinary. If ordinary

Therefore, it is not a miracle at all. But we are talking about love. Boys and girls fall in love with each other, and this is common. They quarrel, which is also not uncommon. You can talk about love, and tell fairy tales, and sing songs.

Love isn't everything: not bread and not water,

Not a roof in the downpour, not naked clothes,

Not a trunk floating towards the drowning when

Already exhausted strength and hope.

Love does not replace air

When there is not enough breath in the lungs.

Does not splice the bone, does not purify the blood,

But without love, sometimes they die ...

And if the strength of the feelings of a young man and a girl reaches a high intensity, then it begins to work miracles, which is both surprising and unusual! Science gives the following explanation of love: it is an intimate deep feeling, aspiration for another person. In ancient mythology and poetry

Cosmic force, like the force of gravity, always has a beneficial effect on the beloved. Everyone experiences this wonderful feeling at least once in their life.


Tell me, who did love make you in life? The answer must be "A".

How do they live in love? The answer must be "R".

What has love created? The answer must be "D".

How do they flatter in love? The answer must be "O".

What gives love? The answer must be "B".

Everyone who answers the questions gets souvenirs.


Well, now you can take up the general work. There is an ancient legend that the apple caused the love of the first man and woman. The Lord, terribly angry, tore the apple into small pieces and scattered it on the ground. And now lovers go and look for those pieces that are most suitable for each other.

Several couples are invited to the stage, each of which must collect their apple in 1 minute. Then the same couples are given a piece of paper with a heart outline in the middle. It is necessary to draw a picture, including a heart in it, and come up with a funny caption for it.


The "postman" collects "valentines" and delivers them to the recipients, and they must guess who they received the card from. A tree of hearts appears on the stage (an artificial Christmas tree, a home-made tree made of wire and paper, or half-blown, pre-assembled tree branches). Each couple takes turns tearing off a heart card from him, which says: Alyonushka - Ivanushka, Kid and Carlson, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, etc. The couple depicts these heroes, the audience must guess who they are talking about.


Name 2 male and 2 female names that are translated from ancient languages ​​as the names of flowers. The first pair calls male names, the second


Rose (lat.)

Viola (lat.)

Oia (Greek)

Flor (lat.)

Laurel (lat.)

laurel tree

Stepan (Greek)



Remember Cinderella's first ball. There, at the ball, she first met the prince, and they fell in love. But at the same ball there was another little noticeable case. When the king cheerfully danced the mazurka with Cinderella, his button suddenly came off. A trifle for a common man, but not for a king. There would be a scandal if it were not for the skillful hands of Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls were in the place of Cinderella, she would do the same. I think that there are no white-handed women among the contestants, and they will prove it to us now. Among the many different buttons in the box, you must choose the one that, in your opinion, is suitable for the royal camisole, and quickly sew it to the fabric. 3 minutes are given.

Assistants present the work to the court of the hall. The phonogram "Habanera" from Bizet's opera "Carmen" sounds.


What is the name of this work? Who is its author? ("Carmen", Bizet).

Who wrote the novel "Carmen"? (P. Merime).

Who first performed the main part in the ballet "Carmen Suite"? (Maya Plisetskaya).

Who wrote the music for the ballet? (Rodion Shchedrin).

Couples on stage are offered excerpts from the works of Russian and foreign classics. According to the description of the characters, as well as the dialogue between the lovers, you need to guess the time of writing the novel, the author, and the title.

W. Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet".

I. S. Turgenev. "The day before".

L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace".

Stendhal. "Red and black".

V. P. Astafiev. "Starfall".

V.V. Vishnevsky. "An Optimistic Tragedy".


What celestial body has two names: one masculine, the other

Feminine? (Moon


A modern woman has a thousand and one duties. She needs to be both the guardian of the family hearth and the decoration of her whole life, and constantly hold the reins of government in her gentle feminine hands so that a man in a moment of weakness does not stumble and turn off the true path. On Valentine's Day, do not skimp on heartfelt words for your loved ones. Here is how one young man expressed his feelings in verse:

beloved girl,

Which is better not

On Valentine's Day

Ready to wish:

Health, happiness,

many victories,

The warmth of friends

Yes, just gentle words!


1. What does the name Valentine mean? (Lat.

strong, healthy).

2. "You can fall in love many times, but love only once ...". This is from Kalman's operetta Silva. What do you think?

3. "I remember a wonderful moment." Did you have such a moment? What should a girl be like to evoke such feelings?

4. "Love will come unexpectedly ...". Or do you think that you still need to prepare for such an event?

5. One of the musical heroes claims that "the heart of a beautiful woman is prone to treason." Do you join this or do you have your own point of view?

6. "Love is never without sadness ...". How do you feel about this statement?



Couples on the stage are located at different ends of it. In front of them is a labyrinth of chairs, ladders, tubs of flowers, and various objects. Each girl blindfolds a young man and guides him through the labyrinth. The first pair to overcome it without moving the objects wins.

"Arrows of Cupid"

Young men are given a bow and arrow, the most ancient instrument of the god of love, guarding the interests of love. They shoot at paper targets with comic portraits of girls or at daisies with their names. Where they get, with that fate and in life to be.

"Valentine and Valentine"

Question to both couples on stage (winners of two games):

Name famous people named Valentine or Valentina.

Gaft (artist), Kataev (writer), Levashov (composer), Nikulin (artist), Pikul (writer), Serov (artist), Tereshkova (cosmonaut), Yudashkin (fashion designer), Vladimirova (actress), Grizodubova (pilot) ), Legkostupova (pop singer), Leontyeva (television announcer), Malyavina, Serov, Talyzina, Titova, Telichkina (actresses), Ponomarev (singer), Tolkunova (singer), Matvienko (politician).

The winner is the one who last names the name.

"Find a Pair"

4-5 couples are invited to the stage. Each is given a card with one name of famous literary and musical characters written on it. It is necessary to find your partner as soon as possible, go to the microphone and name the names of the duet.

Margarita, Eugene

Tatiana, Tristan

Isolde, Cavalier de Grieux

Manon Lescaut, Ivanhoe

Lady Roventa, Maurice Gerald

Louise Poindexter (M. Reid "The Headless Horseman"), Don Quixote

Dulcinea, Kai

Gerda, Anthony

Cleopatra, Ruslan

Lyudmila, Pechorin

Bela, Chatsky


Friends, our evening has come to an end. Valentine's Day

One of those holidays without which life would be poorer. So let this holiday bring sincere and bright feelings, kindness, understanding and love to relatives, friends and relatives in our hearts, in our families. Be happy!

Methodological aids, documents, presentations. Cool hours and scenarios. Lesson planning. Scenarios. Everything for a young teacher, teacher and class teacher. Scenarios and scenes for Valentine's Day. Valentines. Congratulations. Poetry. Toast. Scenarios and scenes for Valentine's Day.

  • Script for Valentine's Day - Script for Valentine's Day
  • Class hour on the theme "Valentine's Day" - Scenario for Valentine's Day
  • Valentine's Day Script - #1 - Valentine's Day Script
  • Love Songs - Scenario for Valentine's Day
  • Through Cupid's Mouth - Valentine's Day Scenario
  • Beautiful Love Tournament - Valentine's Day Scenario
  • Valentine's Story - Valentine's Day Scenario
  • Valentine's Day - script for children 5-8 years old on Valentine's Day
  • Valentine's Day - Script for Valentine's Day
  • All for love! - script February 14 for adults. Scenario for Valentine's Day
  • Valentine's Day - script for students. Scenario for Valentine's Day
  • Love is above everything on earth - a script for students. Scenario for Valentine's Day
  • Love at first sight - scenario for students on Valentine's Day
  • Love at first sight - scenario for Valentine's Day for high school students
  • Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day Scenario
  • It all starts with love - an evening of family fun
  • Sketches from family life - script for Valentine's Day
  • Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day Scenario
  • Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day scenario February 14
  • Corporate holiday - Valentine's Day - February 14 script for corporate
  • All ages are submissive to love - February 14 script
  • Valentine's Day - February 14 script for school
  • Valentine's Day- script February 14 for grades 9-11
  • It all starts with love-2 - script for valentine's day
  • A fascinating journey into the world of love - valentine's day script
  • For lovers - valentine's day scripts
  • Valentine's Day Theatrical Performance - Valentine's Day Scripts
  • Love at First Sight - February 14 script for high school students
  • Valentine's Day - February 14 scenario
  • Tram of love - script show program for February 14
  • Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day - scenario February 14
  • Let's meet the holiday - mini scenario
  • Great, eternal temptress love! - script show program
  • For all lovers - scenario show program for Valentine's Day
  • It all starts with love - Valentine's Day scenario for a family holiday evening
  • Through Cupid's Mouth - Valentine's Day Script for Adults
  • Valentine's Day - classroom script
  • Valentine's Day Fun - Multiple Games for Valentine's Day
  • Romantic day - scenario February 14 for adults
  • Valentine's Day at the Firm - St. Valentine's Day Scenario
  • Worn shoes - the script for the fairy tale play for Valentine's Day
  • Valentine's Day scenario for students: "Love Mosaic"


    Education of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, mutual respect for girls and boys, ethical standards of behavior.

    Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.

    Equipment. For the first part of the class hour: whatman paper (or glued two sheets of whatman paper) sheet, lined into 9 cells. Numbers are written in the cells - the top row is 1, 8.4; medium - 6, 2, 9; lower - 3, 7, 5; two multi-colored flags; a set of plates with body parts, for example: "Head", "Legs", "Hands", "Waist", etc.; easels or tables on which you can draw, a set of felt-tip pens, two hoops, a set of small children's toys.

    For the second part: leaflets in the form of hearts with questions (two sets of 5 pieces each), a set of felt-tip pens, a set of "valentines" (at least 10 pieces).

    Musical accompaniment - audio recordings of love songs, funny dance melodies.

    Examples of wishes and congratulations of students on valentines:

    Spilled with happiness

    star showers

    You just hope

    Believe, love and wait.

    I want to be young in life

    The road you took

    Did not become a narrow path.

    I wish you more love

    Huge, clean as a tear,

    And to smile in life

    Your happy eyes!

    It's cold outside that day

    But it's warm, reliable for me with you,

    I will give you a bouquet of huge roses,

    I ask you to be with me.

    And let it be winter outside

    You will stay for me in the spring,

    Valentine will die of envy today,

    After all, I'm the only one so happy on earth!

    Congratulations my love

    Happy venerable Valentine's Day.

    He gave hope to lovers

    Connected by secret marriage.

    And died for the lovers. For us.

    We honor his deeds to this day.

    This is a celebration of hope in love.

    Valentines are like bullfinches

    Red-breasted birds of winter

    They bring us the approach of spring

    And hope for loving hearts.

    On this day, the way is open to miracles.

    Be beautiful like Malvina

    To fall in love with Pinocchio,

    Artemon took me to the cinema

    And Pierrot wrote poetry.

    I'm just not hiding in front of you,

    I will share my great secret:

    Loving you, I will descend into grave dust

    And I will rise from the dust for you.

    I will become a century, drooping in soul,

    Remember you with sadness

    Because you are!

    Because I am like that!

    All decency standing on the edge,

    Not contrary to all worldly alignments!

    You "lost" your head,

    Rather, they put me next to mine.

    I'm ready to follow you

    And the notoriety will not bother you at all ...

    But where would you get your own heads,

    To "lose" them left and right?!

    Preliminary work.

    Two teams are formed in the training group - girls and boys (8-9 people each). Jury members are selected. The playing teams are instructed to "homework" - to stage a clip of any love song (up to 3-4 minutes). The program is led by two hosts (preferably a guy and a girl). It is better to spend a class hour in the assembly hall of the USPO.

    The course of the classroom.

    Introductory conversation of the class teacher about St. Valentine's Day.

    Among the ancient Slavs, February bore the apt name "lute". Gloomy, blizzard, sometimes with real severe frosts, sometimes with nasty sleet, this month evokes far from the most pleasant associations. But in England, America and other countries, the word "February" evokes cheerful and pleasant thoughts. And this is not at all due to the difference in climate, but to the fact that February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day.

    This holiday has no deep religious basis. Its history is unusually romantic, and this day got its name from the name of the Christian martyr Valentine, who was sentenced to death by the Roman pagans. In the III century. n. e. Roman emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentine did not heed the decree and secretly married young lovers. Having learned about the "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

    In prison, Valentine, deprived of sacred books, whiled away his leisure time writing notes to the jailer's daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. Young people fell in love with each other. Despite the cruel circumstances and imminent death, Valentine did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with a brief phrase “from Valentine”, which later began to mean eternal affection and fidelity. The date of the death of a priest who betrothed lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates became known as the “gates of Valentine”.

    Later, the church ranked him as a clique of saints, and the lovers chose him as their patron.

    Since Rome was still largely pagan in those days, for many, Valentine's Day merged with the ancient feast of the Lupercalia. It took place on February 15 in honor of the Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman hill Palatine. All the rituals were performed by Luperk priests, who sacrificed a goat and a dog to the Faun. After that, they ran around the Palatine, lashing the oncoming women with whips cut from the skin of a sacrificial goat, which should have contributed to their fertility.

    According to legend, on this day, birds pick up a pair for themselves, and the forests are filled with ringing bird voices. Lupercalia was also a holiday for lovers, it was patronized by the goddesses Juno and Fauna, who favored women and marriage. There was a kind of youth festival. The girls threw beautifully designed letters into the vessel, and the boys pulled them like lottery tickets, and in this way they chose a friend and girlfriend for the next year.

    Invading Britain, the Romans, among many festivities and customs, introduced the day of St. Valentine.

    The choice of a couple by lot was widely used in its time. The names of marriageable girls, written on pieces of paper, were placed in a special box, from which they were pulled out by potential suitors. And the priests, wanting to give this some religious overtones, sometimes replaced the names of real brides with the names of saints.

    In England, Valentine's Day began to be accompanied by the secret delivery of gifts and cards "with meaning."

    The tradition of writing messages on Valentine's Day has survived to this day. Having written touching words of love to his beloved, Saint Valentine could not have imagined that they would turn into a huge number of love notes in verse and prose, serious and playful, from young to young and from old to old. After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to love! Ads in the newspaper, both with an expression of love and even with a marriage proposal, as well as playful, often encrypted messages, the key to which only the initiates know, became a kind of congratulations on Valentine's Day.

    On Valentine's Day, the demand for flowers increases dramatically, especially roses. The custom of presenting on the feast of St. Valentine bouquet with a special message was borrowed by the British from the gallant French in the early 18th century. and reached the peak of fashion in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). A young man in love expressed his feelings to his chosen one with the help of a carefully selected bouquet, where each flower had its own meaning.

    And yet the flower emblem of St. Valentine is considered a red rose. It is believed that the beginning of this tradition was laid by Louis XVI, who presented red roses to Marie Antoinette that day. And if on February 14 you are suddenly delivered a bouquet from a loved one or a friend from abroad, experts will try to decipher it in a modern way. If you get anemones, your friend says "Don't you think it's time we got back together", carnations - "I feel a surge of desire when I see you", chrysanthemums - "I know you're a hard nut to crack, but I'm ready wait", daffodils - "I love your mind, not your body", irises - "I'm on fire!", lilies - "Our relationship is colossal ...", orchids - "You are one in a million", tulips - "I I love you madly and I don't care if anyone knows about it."

    The rose remains an open declaration of true love.

    It is probably unnecessary to explain why the accepted symbolism of this holiday is the image of the heart. Two presenters appear on the stage.

    Lead 1.

    Love love...

    Mysterious word!

    Who could fully understand you

    Are you always old or new in everything?

    Are you a languishing spirit or grace?

    Irrecoverable loss

    Or enrichment without end?

    Hot day, or the shadow of a sunset,

    Or the night that devastated the hearts?

    Or maybe you're just a reminder

    About what inevitably awaits all of us:

    Merging with nature, with unconsciousness

    And the eternal world cycle.

    A. Apukhtin

    Lead 2. How familiar are these words about love. But no matter how many times you listen to them, on Valentine's Day they sound especially. Here listen....

    (Three boys and a girl come out. They take turns saying words of love, referring to any girl or boy in the hall.)

    1st youth:

    The old legend lives on

    And I believe that it is undeniable.

    We need a story like this

    So that once a year, on Valentine's Day,

    I could confess my love to you:

    You are not better on earth.

    On Valentine's Day

    I have decided to confess to you

    That I loved you for a long time

    I need you so much!

    2nd youth:

    Maybe we can get closer?

    Whatever I can, I will give you everything.

    Together we will be better.

    I swear I won't offend!

    If I open up

    On Valentine's Day

    Like a decent man

    Won't you deceive me?

    I'd rather accept rejection

    Than a deceit of love from you.

    I send a valentine

    In the form of my heart.

    But take a look at the picture

    You will find yours there.

    After all, there are miracles:

    There was a heart, there were two.

    Young woman:

    Tired of being a stranger.

    I will open up to you - come what may!

    Adults do not fit

    Time is valuable to pull.

    Tired of being alone.

    Maybe meet me?

    I invite you for tea

    I promise a glorious evening.

    3rd youth:

    It's hard for me to love you

    There is no love in return.

    I want to erase your trace in my soul,

    But apparently not.

    Shed even a tear

    For a simple Valentine!

    1st youth:

    On Valentine's Day

    I am in love and you are loved.

    How I wish you

    She confessed her love to me.

    All troubles will come to an end -

    And we'll go down the aisle.

    Young woman:

    Don't talk about love!

    You can spoil everything with words.

    You prove it with deeds

    Eyes, tenderness, lips,

    Shower with fragrant flowers,

    Don't talk about her...

    2nd youth:

    On Saint Valentine's Day

    I confess: I love you

    And I hope for reciprocity.

    You answer me. I'm looking forward to it.

    On Valentine's Day

    Congratulations are required.

    With freedom now you!

    Everything, the supply of love has dried up.

    3rd youth:

    On Valentine's Day

    Can't hold back the avalanche

    Feelings that overwhelmed me

    Opening a secret gateway

    And my love strives

    Passionately foaming and rushing

    To the best on earth!

    Delightful! To you!!!

    1st youth:

    How many different valentines

    Spinning in snowy February.

    One of them is mine for you

    Either from snowflakes, or tears.

    Depends only on you.

    Let's melt the snow and spring

    We will soon call in a blizzard,

    Leave in feelings forever

    Love wonderful years

    2nd youth:

    Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you:

    You are the most dear to me

    There is no favorite, never will be.

    Saint Valentine is honored by the Earth,

    The planet has gone crazy with love.

    And I go, wanting only you.

    My love, save me soon!

    I believe in the magic of love

    In her mysterious power

    And on Valentine's Day

    I send you my impulses.

    3rd youth:

    Saint Valentine on this day allows

    To those who confess their love, who do not yet know

    What other way to choose to open

    Bare your whole soul and love.

    With hope I give you a Valentine.

    Do not laugh! Saint Valentine does not forgive

    A mockery in love. 'Cause when you love

    In response, you will receive a mockery with a boomerang.

    Lead 1. In general, what is love?

    Lead 2. Probably no one knows this except our hearts and ... except the participants in our today's game.

    Lead 1. Tic-tac-toe is a child's game, but today February 14th is Valentine's Day, so our Tic-Tac-Toe is about love. And in the game, you guessed it, the beautiful half of humanity is girls. (A team of girls enters the stage shi to the blackboard.)

    Lead 2. And the other half are boys. (Team of boys exits.)

    A draw is held: who will draw “zeros” in the cells of the poster, and who will draw “crosses”.

    Lead 1. So, we begin our slightly humorous, slightly serious, in general, student competition of lovers. Naturally, the first contest is a contest of acquaintance or greeting of teams. Well, if our competition is humorous, then the greeting will be the same.

    Attention, condition: we will ask both teams to line up face to face opposite each other. In the teeth of each - a match (without a head). The guys have a ring on the match. It is necessary to “pass” the ring to the girl without the help of hands, that is, to move it from the match of the young man to the match of the girl. The jury strictly monitors the actions of the players. The second and subsequent young men can start their "work" only when the ring of the first young man is on the girl's match.

    The winner is the team that, according to the jury, made fewer mistakes and completed the task more accurately and faster. So we started...

    (A joke contest is underway.)

    Lead 2. Now we are convinced that the teams are ready for the competition - they not only got to know each other, but also got ready for the comic student competitions of "in love".

    Presenter 1. Where does love begin?

    Lead 2. From the ideal. And now the task: girls must draw a portrait of an ideal man, and boys - an ideal woman. We will draw the whole team, each of the participants has his own part of the general portrait. And what happens - an ideal or a caricature - we'll see.

    Team members pull sheets with the names of the parts of the body that they will have to draw (for example, an arm, leg, head, shoes, hairstyle, etc.), take places in different corners of the audience or stage.

    On the other side of the stage (or audience) there are easels - in front of each team there is an easel or a piece of drawing paper attached to the surface. On a signal, the participants take turns running to the easel and drawing. It's not about speed, it's about quality. The winning team draws their sign in cell 1.

    Leading 1. We are together.

    Late hour.

    Silence enters the room.

    How old are we all

    The first date is on.

    Lead 2. The first date is the beginning. The first date is unforgettable, especially the one that the teams will show us now.

    Situation for girls: “Hot summer morning. Small lake. In the middle of the lake is a boat, there are two in the boat: he and she. They selflessly admire nature. Suddenly, water began to flow into the boat. A young man and a girl frantically scoop out water, and it keeps coming ... "

    Situation for young men: “Beautiful summer morning. Sochi, you are far from the city, on the beach. Hot sand, warm sea. You are fine, you are sunbathing. Suddenly you hear a woman's voice. Turn around and what? You see a woman standing shoulder-deep in water. She says that her clothes were stolen from her and she is completely naked, so she cannot get out of the water. When you turn around, you don’t find your clothes either. ”

    Teams offer a way out of this situation. (Each team can present their version in the form of a story or stage a situation. It all depends on the plan of the organizers of the holiday.) The winning team draws their sign in cell 2.

    Lead 1. Well, our teams have mastered the sense of humor well. But the next competition will certainly reveal the presence of student humor among girls and boys. The competition may seem complicated, so let's make it out of the standings. So - a competition of student jokes dedicated to Valentine's Day ...

    Lead 1. Our next competition is music. Music has always accompanied both love and happiness. Therefore, the secret of happiness is simple - you have to love. When a person loves, he sings, and sings, of course, about love.

    Lead 2. We invite you to play musical football.

    Teams will take turns singing a line from a song that contains the word "love". (The team that sang the last song fills in cell 3.)

    Lead 1. It all starts with love, and often ends with legal marriage. The symbol of marriage is, of course, wedding rings. An engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry, it will tie you in marriage forever.

    Lead 2. We also have our own wedding rings.

    Teams join hands, and the first team members receive a hoop. The whole team, without breaking the marriage bond, that is, without disengaging their hands, must go through the hoop. Whoever does it faster will win.

    The first players raise the hoops a meter from the floor, the leaders can do this too. The winning team puts their sign in the box with the number 4.

    Lead 1. Love, where have you taken me? Of course, it’s not bad to relax in the Canary Islands, and I will certainly be there, I’ll just take a song on the road.

    Lead 2. No, it's better to go to the Canary Islands with a cruise surrounded by stars.

    Presenter 1. So let's do it.

    The teams received their homework: to stage a clip of any song on our today's topic. So, on board our ship...

    Teams take turns showing clips. In this competition, the winner is determined by the number of applause from the audience. The sign is placed in cell 5.

    Lead 2. Often he says to her: “We will not register, my bird, because there is such a fuss with divorces ...” But if he and she have already tied the knot, then this is already a real family.

    Lead 1. Life in a family is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance, it is no coincidence that the word "spouses" means "going in the same harness." Nothing brings a family together like a joint business activity.

    Lead 2. We have a small household quiz, and the girls will answer the men's questions, and the boys - the women's.

    Questions for girls

    1. What is shred?

    a) firewood for kindling;

    b) woodworking waste;

    c) wooden sticks used for fixing plaster. +

    2. What is done with a jigsaw?

    a) measure;

    b) undermine;

    c) cut out. +

    3. Homeland "Chrysler" ...

    a) Austria

    c) Great Britain.

    4. Radicchio is...

    a) brand of the car;

    b) plant - lettuce chicory; +

    c) the name of the sports club.

    1. Bucanary is...

    a) men's trousers;

    b) men's shirt; +

    c) boots.

    Questions for boys.

    1. How many grams of rice are in one tablespoon?

    2. Praline is...

    a) type of clothing;

    b) a cosmetic product;

    c) nut filling for sweets. +

    3. Bardotki are ...

    b) tights;

    c) blouse. (The second name is "busts" - blouses reduced to the size of bras.) +

    4. Poultry is plucked...

    a) top to bottom +

    b) from bottom to top;

    c) across.

    5. Vapazon is...

    a) gem

    b) a device for irrigating the face with steam; +

    c) cosmetics.

    The winner is determined by the number of correct answers. Representatives of the winning team put a sign in the sixth cell.

    Lead 1. The key to the successful existence of a family is a decent budget and a great ability to increase it.

    Lead 2. And for this, spouses must be earners. Everything in the house, everything for the family. Choose the most enterprising in your team and listen to the task.

    Presenter 1. We blindfold your "earner" and he must bring home as many toys as possible. But you will have to collect them only by listening to your “cold - hot” commands.

    The contest lasts three minutes. Commands suggest the direction of the search. The number of collected toys is counted and cell 7 is filled.

    Lead 2. Family life, as you know, is not without its “charms”. The best of them are scandals.

    Presenter 1. Thanks to them, people either become philosophers or pay alimony.

    Lead 2. The nature of the scandal is simple: word for word, and then, you see, we move on to decisive action.

    Presenter 1. Bring in the black box! In the black box - a useful attribute of the scandal. The first team to name this item will win.

    Lead 2. We will make it easy for you: each team has the right to ask three questions in turn, but those that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.

    The black box can contain a rolling pin, a frying pan, a wooden spoon, an iron. The guessing team puts its sign in the eighth cell.

    Lead 2. From non-compliance with safety precautions, a person can not only die, but also be born. The decoration of the family, the flowers of life are children.

    Lead 1. As they say: little kids are little troubles, big kids are big troubles. The teams will now have small children, and the task will be big. You will have to compose a new lullaby to the old tune.

    Lead 2. Remember "Bayu-bayushki-bayu, do not lie down on the edge"? It is necessary not only to compose a lullaby, but also to sing it using the relay method - each line by line - carefully passing your baby from hand to hand.

    Whoever does it better will write his sign in cell 9.

    While the teams come up with a lullaby, the hosts play a game or a quiz with the audience. After the lullaby is performed, the last cell of the table is filled, the results of the game are summed up, the winning team is awarded.

    Presenter 1. Believe in the great power of love!

    Holy believe in her victorious cross,

    In her light, radiantly saving!

    Lead 2. A world mired in mud and blood!

    Believe in the great power of love!

    Presenter 1. But our meeting is not over yet, we want from each team to invite five people to participate in another program - "Love at First Sight" and determine the perfect couple. Think about who will participate.

    Lead 2. Of course, you remember that today we have gathered with you to talk about love...

    About love at first sight, and maybe at second sight... Do you believe in love at first sight? Me too. And in general, I think that love and school are inseparable things. After all, as a rule, the first love visits a person precisely at school age. What is love?

    Lead 1. Love is a truly human feeling. She became known to the human race from the moment of its birth.

    Lead 2. We can read about love in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel "Eugene Onegin". We can learn about love from a school history course. After all, it is historians who acquaint us with the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who abandoned secular life and luxury, went to distant Siberia for hard labor, where their husbands were exiled.

    But let's not go into history ... But rather, let's turn to poets. After all, they sing of love.

    Lead 1.

    Love. We read about it in books.

    Love. We couldn't understand this.

    But little by little the boys matured

    And they have grown up to it.

    And remember - we did not want to know her,

    And often choosing paths for her,

    We counted her to thirteen years old

    A feeling that everyone despise.

    R. Rozhdestvensky, "Love"

    Lead 2. But remember, friends, that we have gathered in this hall to choose the perfect couple. We welcome our participants, who will make up, so to speak, a “couple” for our participants.

    (Five participants exit.)

    Presenter 1. Our participants ... We greet them with thunderous applause ... (Five participants come out.)

    Lead 2. And now, according to the rules of the game, we, the hosts, must briefly talk about each participant in our game called "Love for all ages ...".

    Lead 1. Get to know the participants. And now we are waiting for an acquaintance with the participants.

    (Cards are filled in and read out.)

    Lead 2. So let's start our game.

    Lead 1. The first task for our contestants. And we called it ... "Tell us about yourself."

    I give you leaflets (in the form of a heart) on which the questions are:

    1. Favorite singer (singer).

    2. Favorite dish.

    3. Favorite animal.

    4. Favorite subject at school.

    5. The title of the last book you read.

    3-5 minutes are given for answers. While you fill out our hearts, I ask questions to everyone present at our class hour.

    1. Name the largest and multi-page fairy tale poem by A.S. Pushkin. ("Ruslan and Ludmila".)

    2. Name the most important god of the ancient Greeks. (Zeus.)

    3. Name the Moscow pop singer who released the most disco albums in the 80-90s of the last century. (Alla Pugacheva.)

    4. Name the most famous Egyptian queen. (Cleopatra.)

    5. Name the lady of the heart of Don Quixote. (Dulcinea Toboso.)

    Students and invitees who answered the questions correctly are encouraged by the class teacher or jury members.

    Lead 2. So, our participants have filled in their cards and are ready to answer questions-situations.

    The first one is for girls.

    You like a high school guy. You are not familiar with him. And I really want him to notice you. Your actions:

    1. You will flirt with him, flirt, try to get to know him. And, in the end, you will achieve your goal.

    2. You will carefully hide your feelings and avoid it, that is, suffer and sigh in solitude.

    3. Tell him everything at an opportunity (for example, during a dance, of course, by inviting him).

    (Answers girls.)

    Presenter 1. Our acquaintance continues. Well, now we listen to our young men.

    The first situation is for boys.

    The situation is similar. You like a girl, but you don't know her. Your actions:

    1. Do everything possible and impossible to get to know her.

    2. Quietly, in proud solitude, you will sigh about her, afraid to speak.

    3. Ask your friend to tell her about you and your feelings.

    (Answers of the young men.)

    Lead 2. Our acquaintance continues.

    The second situation is for girls.

    You are dating a guy who really likes you. And he is not for you. But you meet with him according to the principle "Everyone has a boyfriend, and I have." But it's boring, without reciprocity. You are bored with it. Your actions:

    1. Tell him immediately.

    2. Afraid to tell him and wait for him to understand everything.

    3. Do not say anything to him, pitying him and his feelings. (Answers girls.)

    Lead 2. The second situation is for boys.

    You promise your girlfriend an amazing evening, go to the video store to watch a new movie. But the session was canceled due to insufficient number of viewers. The girl is disappointed. You decide to go with her to the nearest cafe. There is no ice cream in the cafe. It's autumn outside, cold wind, you have guests at home. Your actions:

    1. Apologize and walk her home.

    2. Walk with her until you're blue in the street.

    3. Your option.

    (Answers of the young men.)

    Lead 1. The third situation is for our participants.

    A guy you know who you really like invited you to his birthday party. But your mother forbade you to go, arguing that he is a bully and his company is not suitable for you. Your actions:

    1. You will not listen to your mother and go to a birthday party.

    2. Stay home worrying and crying into your pillow.

    3. Your option.

    (Answers girls.)

    Lead 2. And the third situation for our young men.

    You accidentally found out that your girlfriend agreed to participate in the Miss City beauty pageant. Your actions:

    1. Throw a scandal at her and set the condition: "Either me, or the competition."

    2. Pretend that everything is fine. And go to this show with your friends.

    3. Do something different.

    (Answers of the young men.)

    Lead 1. The second round of our game "Love for all ages..." has ended. Let's move on to the next round. It is called "Talk to me, my friend!". What is the essence of this tour?

    Now each of you, our dear participants and participants, will be able to ask each other questions.

    So who do we start with?

    (Questions - answers.)

    Lead 2. And the last, fourth round.

    Questions for girls:

    1. You like a guy who is currently friends with a girl with whom you are in a quarrel. Your actions? (Answers girls.)

    2. How do you get rid of a guy you're already sick of? (Answers girls.)

    Lead 1.

    Questions for the boys:

    1. Will you take revenge on the girl who left you for your friend? (Answers of the young men.)

    2. If you like a classmate, will you pester her unnecessarily at USPO? (Answers of the young men.)

    Moderator 2. And now our participants must make their choice.

    On the back of your "heart" with a name, you write the name of the girl or boy you like. While you are making your choice, we are watching with the audience...

    (A pre-prepared number of amateur performances is performed - a dance or a song.)

    Presenter 1. And now we will see if our pairs matched. So your choice...

    (Read the cards of girls and boys.)

    We got... couples. We hope your choice is correct.

    Lead 2.(Referring to the "perfect couple" member by name.) Why did you choose...? What do you like most about the look...? Etc.

    Presenter 1. We thank everyone for their participation. We hand you our "Diplomas of participants" and see you off with thunderous applause.

    And our ideal couple (determined by the volume of applause) is waiting for the comic contest "Mothers and Daughters".

    (The girl and the young man stand side by side, their hands are tied. Each has one hand free - you need to dress or swaddle the doll.)

    Lead 2. Well done! And this test was successful. Please accept these modest prizes from us and our sponsors.

    (One of the guys participating in the competitions approaches the presenters. Two guys perform a monologue, referring to the leading girl and all the female students.)

    1st guy: Love... is the noblest and most creative and most human of all feelings. Suffering, humiliation, envy, selfishness, ambition, greed will fade before the cleansing power of love.

    2nd guy: Everything in the light of love is mysteriously transformed and becomes the beginning of the harmony of being. And sorrows, and illnesses, and death are compensated by unprecedented Spiritual wealth, the most precious of currencies - the hot gold of feelings. Love is, of course, kisses...

    Presenter 1. By the way, about kisses. Our holiday is coming to an end, and we haven't said a word about kissing. What kind of holiday is this Valentine's Day?

    Lead 2. Someone smart calculated that every time you kiss a person, you give him 9 ml of water, 0.189 mg of organic particles, 0.7 mg of fat and 250 different types of bacteria.

    Women in their married life eat 8-12 kg of lipstick.

    In different countries of the world kiss in different ways:

    In China, they touch with their cheeks.

    Eskimos of Alaska rub their noses.

    In equatorial Africa, men shake the thumb of a woman three times.

    And in the Gambia they press a woman's hand to their nose.

    In Polynesia, partners use their teeth to pull each other's hair out of their eyebrows.

    Presenter 1. Dear and beloved girls and women - teachers! Allow me to kiss you all at the end of the holiday, at least on the cheek. Young men, silence is a sign of consent! I suggest that every young man in the audience kiss at least two girls or women on the cheek!

    (Lyric music sounds. Two guys come out again.)

    1st guy:

    I love you!

    I love you with all my heart.

    I want you to be with me...

    2nd guy:

    What would you do without you?

    Probably would have died

    Probably faded.

    You are a beautiful flame to me.

    1st guy:

    You are an emerald, you are a gem!

    You are a white dove in the gloomy sky.

    A flower blooming with dew,

    You are the young rose petal.

    2nd guy:

    I can't live without you, I know for sure

    If you don't exist, I'll die from routine.

    And you, my love, I congratulate you.

    Together: Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

    Leading(together). Goodbye! See you soon!

    May love always accompany you through life!

    Evgenia Nefedeva
    Scenario "Valentine's Day"

    Holiday script« Valentine's Day»

    Target: to promote the psychological rapprochement of children of different groups, the development of harmony in relationships.

    The Fairy of Love and Friendship enters: Hello, friends! I am the Fairy of Love and Friendship valentine. I have such a name because I am the hostess of the holiday - the Day Saint Valentine's, Valentine's Day.

    The sound of the human heart is heard in the audio recording.

    valentine: Do you hear? It is the beating heart of a man. Do you know when it hits the hardest? When a person is in love and when he is also loved. Tell me, please, who do you love the most in the world? (Children answer). Amazing! Since you love, and I'm sure you are loved too, then this is your holiday. Therefore, today we will have fun, joke, laugh, arrange contests and funny competitions. And, of course, only friendship should reign at our holiday. Do you agree? (Children answer). The 14th of February - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, holiday cute, homely, funny. After all Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.

    Leading. Well, yes, it is customary for us to believe that only adults have the right to fall in love, and you can giggle over a child and tease: "Tili - tili dough, bride and groom!" Only this is stupid and ugly, because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten, and such a person can only be envied, because his life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

    valentine: So Valentine's Day everyone celebrates - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. In that day it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be in the shape of a heart, whether it be a box of chocolates, perfume, a pillow or a box for needlework.

    Leading. In addition, in this day It is customary to give each other postcards - " valentines” - with the image of hearts.

    child. Everyone has known for a long time about the seven wonders in the world,

    But there is another big miracle.

    More wonderful and better than all miracles.

    That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet,

    It excites us and there is blood in our veins.

    Immortal like life - the eighth wonder of the world

    Wonderful sorceress love!

    valentine: So, we are starting our competitive program.

    1 contest "Find your soul mate"

    (Everyone is given half a paper multi-colored heart while the music is playing, the children run around the hall as soon as the music stops - each couple must find their half of the heart.)

    valentine: Now we will listen to a song about love, the guys will perform it

    Song "Seeds".

    Leading. 2 contest "Cupid's arrow"

    - There is a proverb: "Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target". Let's check what shooters you are!

    The competition is held for each team separately. Skittles (10 pcs.) are set in front of the team, each participant is given a ball and the opportunity to "shot". The participant puts his feet wide, the ball between them, bends over and pushes the ball with his hands in the direction of the pin. The task is common for the whole team - to knock down as many pins as possible.

    Equipment: skittles - 10 pcs., ball - 4 pcs.

    child. Happy Valentine's Day,

    Happy love day

    Boys and girls

    We congratulate.

    There is no place for gloomy faces,

    And this February day

    dance and have fun

    Nobody will be lazy.

    Leading. love happens different: mutual, and sometimes unrequited, in order to achieve their chosen one, boys must be ready for anything, even ... drink juice.

    3 contest "The most courageous"

    (Boys should drink juice from a mug)

    valentine. Please note that halves of hearts are hung on the easel - this is "broken hearts". You need to choose one half and answer the question. By answering the question correctly, you will restore "broken heart". Do you agree?

    4 contest "Broken heart"


    1. What was the name of the owner of the cat Matroskin (Uncle Fedor)

    2. Who lost a shoe at the ball? (Cinderella)

    3. Which princess fell in love with Shrek? (Princess Fiona)

    4. What is the name of the flower on which they tell fortunes? (Chamomile)

    5. Why do people get married? (Because they love)

    6. Name the cartoon princess "Flying ship" (Fun)

    7. Who raised the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich? (frog princess)

    8. What was the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)

    valentine. Well done! All hearts are collected.

    Come out boys

    1. In our group - visible to everyone -

    Few girls at all.

    They are all taller than us

    It's not so easy for them with us.

    2. We sometimes do not notice

    How we offend girls:

    And take away the toys

    And we carry bows.

    And for everything we're guilty of

    Forgive us girls.

    3. Gentleman is a masculine word,

    We have known it for a long time.

    A gentleman is always neat

    Polite, honest and gallant.

    valentine: You must have read the fairy tale "Cinderella" by Charles Perrault and remember how the prince found his beloved by the glass slipper. Attention!

    5 competition "Cinderella"

    (Each girl takes off one shoe and throws it in the middle of the hall, on command the boy must find and put on her shoe for his girl).

    valentine: Since everyone complimented each other, found the shoes, it's time to play "Prince-King"

    Leading. Guys, do you like sweets? Do you know that sometimes a couple in love is called "sweet couple"?

    6 competition "Sweet couple"

    (The boys should get the candy from the cereal jar)

    valentine: Well done, everyone coped with the task. You are the most charming, funny, quick-witted children. You are all winners. I love you! I give everyone valentines.

    Mom's heart is on fire

    Mom's heart warms our house,

    Mom's heart is busy with everyone,

    Mom's heart does not want to get tired!

    (N. B. Karavaeva)

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