How to serve caviar on the festive table. How to beautifully serve red caviar on the table


For any holiday, red and black caviar is served as a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

However, simply spreading sandwiches with butter and spreading caviar on top is too banal.

This article will offer several options for the spectacular serving of caviar on the festive table.

Bourgeois variant.

No butter, more caviar - this is the slogan of this serving.

Pringles chips are laid out on a flat dish with a fan, it is these chips that have an even and beautiful appearance. Caviar is laid on top of each chip and decorated with a beautiful sprig of greenery, sticking it like a flag into the top of the caviar mountain. A little secret - the caviar quickly soaks the chips, they lose their crunchiness, so this serving is good just before the feast, so that the dish does not have time to stand.

Option Life is good.

Such a serving of caviar is a real holiday, because it guarantees beauty and generosity to the solemn table.

Any fish or seafood salad is decorated on top with islands of red and black caviar interspersed. If black sturgeon caviar cannot be bought due to its high cost or lack of availability on local shelves, it can be replaced with halibut black caviar. The taste is not the same, but the desired effect will be achieved.

Variant Greek

so named not because caviar is thrown in this southern country, but because pieces of feta cheese, an original Greek product, are taken as the basis for caviar obsessions.

A flat dish is lined with clean and dried green lettuce leaves. Pieces of feta cheese are laid out on top of them, not necessarily evenly cut. Artistic negligence will add zest to the dish. For each piece of cheese, caviar is laid out in a pea and lightly pressed down with a crumb of cheese on top. Lettuce greens, feta whiteness and caviar ruby ​​​​make such a dish a real haute couture still life.

Option Cracker

fast and economical.

A small piece of butter is placed on round or square salted crackers and a spoonful of caviar is placed on top.

The oil prevents the caviar from soaking the crackers quickly, but you should not cook this snack in advance. You can decorate such a serving of caviar in different ways: with a butter rosette (cut a flower from the middle of frozen butter with a sharp knife), green sprigs, green peas, a slice of avocado or lemon. The most important thing in this design is beauty and tact.

Russian variant

What Russian does not like pancakes!

Yes, even with caviar. For this option, you need to bake a slide of pancakes according to your favorite recipe and roll them up with a tube, stuff caviar from one edge, if there is a lot of it, fill the whole pancake with delicious contents. You can arrange the pancakes in portions and put a spoonful of caviar and sour cream on top. You can experiment with pancakes in any way you like. A task with two well-known ones - pancakes and caviar, everything else is a matter of taste and imagination.

Option Snegurochka.

Cut the stems of petiole celery into thin long plates and lay them on a flat surface, cover with cling film, put in the freezer for 5 hours. When serving, place a spoonful of black or red caviar on one side of each ice stick. Exciting taste!

Restaurant option.

Therefore, in the traditional way for many restaurants, caviar is served on halves of boiled eggs, in shortbread or puff baskets, profiteroles, vol-au-vents or on tartlets.

For such a serving, all these components are needed, they can be prepared independently or bought at the nearest supermarket.

Spring variant.

Caviar according to this method is served on a piece of cucumber.

A long-fruited cucumber is cut lengthwise into two parts and each is cut into several more portioned pieces. Each portion of the cucumber is pre-processed - a thin incision is not made along the end and this piece is wrapped like a sail, fastened with a toothpick. Caviar is laid out in a vacant place. The freshness of the cucumber and the saltiness of the caviar complement each other.

Stuffed variant.

Anything can be stuffed with caviar, within reasonable limits.

Half an avocado, a small boiled potato, tomatoes, slices of fried zucchini and even lemons are perfect for a delicious stuffing with fish caviar.

Option Generous.

The richest option for serving caviar is when a large barrel of this luxury is placed on the table and each guest is given a large spoon in their hands. If one spoon less than the guests is deliberately put into this barrel by the master's hand, such eating can turn into a humane holiday fun. Sometimes it happens…

Zhanna Pyatirikova

Peel a ripe avocado, remove the pit, transfer the pulp to a blender bowl, add the juice of half a lime, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, a pinch of salt. Blend until creamy. Put avocado cream and a spoonful of red caviar into mini tartlets.

caviar oil

Mix 150 g of softened butter and 60 g of caviar, rub through a sieve, season with salt and pepper to taste, refrigerate. Serve with slices of toasted bread.

Sauce for fish with red caviar

Melt 20 g of butter in a saucepan and fry 0.5 thinly chopped onion and 2 chopped garlic cloves on it. Pour in 0.5 glass of white wine, boil for 1 minute, then pour in 300 ml of 33% cream. Bring the sauce to a boil while stirring. Season to taste, remove from heat, then add 1 tbsp. l. caviar. Serve with baked or steamed fish.

Caviar with egg cream

Hard boil 3 eggs, cool, peel. Mash the yolks with a fork, add 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream, season to taste. Put on chicory leaves 1 tsp. cream and 1 tsp. red caviar.

Roll with greens and red caviar

Lubricate a thin sheet of pita bread with curd cheese, sprinkle with chopped herbs (you can also add green lettuce leaves), roll into a tight roll, wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator. Before serving, cut the roll into thin slices, put 1 tsp on top. caviar. PHOTO: LEGION MEDIA, KATE MATHIS

Sandwiches with red caviar are a classic gourmet snack. You can cook them in both the usual and unusual way. Recipes for delicious sandwiches and photos of beautiful appetizer servings are presented in this article.

Sandwich - the best snack all times and peoples. Each housewife must have her own recipe for delicious sandwiches for the festive table. A sandwich perfectly replaces the usual bread, gives a feeling of satiety. If the sandwich is beautifully decorated, it will certainly attract attention, as well as stimulate the appetite.

Very often you want to diversify the table and get away from the usual recipes. Therefore, housewives are always in search of new salads, dishes and snacks. Diversify the usual sandwiches with caviar exotic fruit help kiwi. The fact is that the sweet and sour "note" of the fruit goes well with salty taste of caviar and is complemented by the creamy taste of butter or soft cheese.

If you make sandwiches with caviar and kiwi, you will surely surprise your guests, as well as decorate the festive table. Green kiwi looks very contrasting with red caviar.

You will need:

  • Red caviar– a small jar (weighing approximately 80 g, maybe more)
  • Cream cheese - one jar of cream cheese (you can use any, for example, Philadelphia)
  • Baguette (baton, Altai bun) - adjust the amount of bread for sandwiches yourself
  • Kiwi - 2-3 ripe fruits, not too firm


  • Cut the bread into rings no more than one centimeter in thickness. Give preference to a thin baguette, because it allows you to cut beautiful little pieces of bread that will look neat on a serving platter.
  • Mash the cheese with a fork(depending on the cheese, this may not be necessary) and using a butter knife, spread it on each cut piece of bread.
  • peel the kiwi and cut into rings and half rings . The size of kiwi depends on your size of bread, a small piece is half a kiwi ring, a large one is a whole ring.
  • Decorate half of the sandwich with kiwi, on the second with a teaspoon lay out the red caviar.

Ready-made sandwiches, if desired, at the end can be decorated with a small sprig of greens or onion feathers.

Sandwich with kiwi and red caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter: recipe and decoration

If you are not a supporter of experiments, you are not ready to combine delicious red caviar with kiwi, making sandwiches with butter will suit you. Butter perfectly combined with the salty taste of caviar and as a result creates an unsurpassed taste.

Even simple sandwiches with bread and caviar can be submit in an original way. Aesthetically decorated dish always attracts the attention of guests.

You will need:

  • Caviar - one small jar, weighing 80 g
  • Oil - creamy, high fat, about 100 g
  • Bread - loaf, baguette, Altai bun
  • Greens for decoration


  • Bread cut into thin slices
  • Oil should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. It is convenient to apply such butter on bread - it lays down in an even layer.
  • Caviar laid out with a teaspoon without water (which may be present in a jar from bursting eggs). Depending on how you want to decorate the sandwich, caviar is laid out on bread in different quantities.

Several design options for sandwiches with caviar:

Standard serving sandwiches with red caviar and butter

Beautiful serving of sandwiches with red caviar and oil in the form of grapes

Unusual serving of sandwiches with red caviar in the form of cherries

Sandwiches with red and black caviar: recipe and decoration

Red caviar - caviar of salmon fish. It looks large, has a pleasant orange color. It has a salty pleasant taste, not a lot of greasy sensations. Depending on the quality of the caviar and the manufacturer, the grains may be elastic, shiny and have no liquid in the jar.

Black caviar - sturgeon caviar. In appearance, it is not much smaller than red caviar and is a small black grains. Real black caviar is kept "breast" and does not have any liquid in the jar. The taste of black caviar is also salty, it feels similar to the taste of salted fish, for example, herring.

Black caviar is considered a delicacy and is quite expensive. Sandwiches with black and red caviar will become truly table decoration and treats for guests.

You will need:

  • Red caviar
  • Black caviar- standard small jar
  • Butter - soft, thawed, high fat content. It will take no more 100 g
  • Bread - choose a baguette, a thin loaf or an Altai bun


  • Slice the bread neat and thin slices, no more than one centimeter. Choose only fresh bread that will be fragrant and soft.
  • Spread soft butter on bread thick or thin layer according to your taste.
  • Alternately lay out the caviar. It can be half a sandwich covered with a certain caviar, or it can be caviar laid out by "Zebra": red, black, red, black, and so on.

Several options for serving sandwiches with red and black caviar:

Simple serving sandwiches with red and black caviar

Double serving sandwich with red and black caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and cheese: recipe and decoration

An excellent substitute for oil will be soft cream cheese. The choice of cream cheese in a modern store is large: from Philadelphia to processed cream cheese. Prefer high quality soft cheese without any flavors.

If you use processed cheese, choose "Creamy". Such cheese is much softer than Friendship or any other. It spreads easily on bread evenly.

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Cream cheese - a standard small jar of about 100g or two processed "Creamy" cheeses
  • Bread - baguette il loaf, bun "Altayka"
  • Greens for decoration


  • The bread is nicely sliced for filing
  • Cream cheese spread a good layer on bread
  • Caviar spooned on top of cream cheese

You can also mix cream cheese with chopped herbs, best of all with dill - it will give freshness.

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream cheese

Sandwiches with red caviar and fish: recipe and decoration

The best combination with red caviar is red fish. To serve on sandwiches, use Fillet of lightly salted red fish. It is sold either in a fish store by weight, or in neat briquettes with vacuum packaging.

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Red fish - a piece of 150-200 g
  • Butter - soft, high fat, no more than 100 g
  • Bread - long loaf or baguette, Altai bun


  • Bread cut into beautiful pieces and oiled
  • Fish fillet should be cut into thin strips with a wide knife
  • For a piece of bread you should carefully put, twisted into a rose, a strip of fish fillet
  • Around the "rose" should be carefully placed on the oil red caviar

Several options for serving sandwiches with red caviar and fish:

Simple serving of sandwiches with red caviar and red fish

Sandwiches with caviar and red fish

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar and fish

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado: recipe and decoration

Avocado is one of the best combinations with red caviar. Its soft, slightly creamy and nutty taste complements the salty caviar perfectly. It is not for nothing that the sushi menu has a wide variety of rolls, in which both caviar and avocado are present.

As a shaving brush on a sandwich, you can use:

  • Butter
  • Cream cheese
  • Processed cheese "Creamy"

You will need:

  • Red caviar - standard small jar
  • Cream cheese - for spreading (or any other option)
  • Avocado - one fruit
  • Bread - for sandwiches


  • Bread sliced ​​for serving and spread cream cheese
  • Avocado peeled, the stone is removed from it and the flesh is cut beautiful thin slices(another option suggests mashing the avocado into a paste and spreading it over the cheese).
  • Lies on bread avocado slice or avocado paste
  • On top of an avocado you should carefully lay out the red caviar

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado

Sandwiches with red caviar and avocado paste

Original sandwiches with red caviar: options

For a solemn event, you can cook original sandwiches with red caviar. Their presentation will be original, which can be supplemented with some edible and decorative elements.

Suitable for decoration:

  • green olives
  • black olives
  • Lemon slices
  • Parsley, dill, onion
  • Crab sticks
  • Avocado
  • Chicken and quail egg
  • blue onion rings
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Mayonnaise
  • Shrimp

Options for the original serving of sandwiches with red caviar:

Sandwiches with red caviar, lemon slice and herbs

Sandwiches with red caviar and pancakes

Sandwiches with red caviar and olives

How beautiful to decorate, arrange holiday sandwiches with red caviar: photo

You can beautifully decorate sandwiches with red caviar in several ways:

  • Put together with caviar on bread with butter slice of fresh cucumber or tomato
  • Decorate a sandwich boiled shrimp, laid on top of red caviar
  • You can decorate a sandwich olives and olives, which will be attached to the bread with a toothpick or skewer
  • Together with caviar, you can put on bread half a boiled quail egg
  • In some cases, jewelry should be cut from crab sticks or decorate the sandwich with rings blue onion

Beautiful serving of sandwiches with caviar

How beautiful to serve sandwiches with caviar?

Triangular sandwiches with caviar

Unusual serving of sandwiches with caviar

Interesting serving of sandwiches with caviar

How nice to serve sandwiches with red caviar?

Serving means a lot for any dish, including sandwiches. If you can, serve an appetizer in an unusual and beautiful way, it will attract the attention of guests and become much more desirable than the main dish.

Several options for serving sandwiches with caviar:

The original serving of sandwiches: caviar in an egg

Beautiful serving of sandwiches with red caviar

Unusual serving of caviar on cucumber

Sandwich with red caviar calories

A sandwich with caviar is a rather high-calorie dish, as it includes ingredients such as bread, butter and caviar itself. In order not to harm the figure, such an appetizer should be consumed in limited quantities.

Calorie content of the dish per 100 grams:

Video: "Sandwiches with red caviar"

Almost no holiday in our country is complete without red caviar. This is the most common delicacy. Red caviar appetizers will undoubtedly decorate any holiday table! But you can't just put caviar in a jar on the table. We have selected for you an original selection of appetizers with red caviar! You will definitely like it!

Tartlets with red caviar and soft cheese

Tartlets are baskets of rich puff pastry. They will give any table a beautiful, festive look. The filling with caviar, cheese and dill is just great and insanely delicious.


  • small tartlets;
  • soft cheese - 100 grams;
  • 100 grams of red caviar;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • dill to taste.

Tartlets with red caviar and soft cheese. Step by step recipe

  1. Butter we need liquid. If necessary, it can be melted in a water bath.
  2. Rinse fresh dill with cold water. Chop some of the dill very finely.
  3. We combine soft cheese with liquid butter and add a little greens. Beat well until smooth.
  4. We take our tartlets and put the filling in the middle with a small spoon.
  5. And on top of the filling evenly layer of caviar.
  6. We put the finished tartlets on a beautiful dish.
  7. Decorate with fresh herbs.
  8. The tarts are ready to eat.

Everyone likes these tartlets without exception and can take center stage at your celebration!

Stuffed eggs with red caviar and cheese

Stuffed eggs are very tasty and satisfying, besides, it will not be difficult to cook them. The filling for eggs is simply magnificent - a combination of hard cheese and tender eggs. This appetizer looks very beautiful on the festive table.


  • five boiled eggs;
  • hard cheese - 60 grams;
  • 70 grams of red caviar;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

Stuffed eggs with red caviar and cheese. Step by step recipe

  1. Hard boil eggs in salted water. Then carefully peel and cut in half. Here it is very important for us not to damage the protein.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  3. Finely chop the yolks, this can be done with a fork.
  4. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Combine grated cheese, yolks, season with mayonnaise. Mix everything well until the mass is homogeneous.
  6. We take our egg whites and fill them with stuffing and put juicy eggs on top.
  7. You can decorate as you wish.

Stuffed eggs are an original taste and spectacular appearance.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimps

The simplest cold appetizers on the festive table are sandwiches. Sandwiches are also the most common snack. Shrimp dishes are very popular in the cuisines of many nations. Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimp are so appetizing that you just salivate at the sight of them. They will look great for any holiday.


  • white sandwich bread;
  • Red caviar;
  • butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • oil for frying;
  • shrimps.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimps. Step by step recipe

  1. Boil small shrimp in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes. Leave it to cool down.
  2. Bread is best taken immediately sliced, and if not sliced, then cut into thin slices.
  3. Lightly brown one side of the bread in butter.
  4. Grease the fried pieces with a little oil and then evenly spread with cheese, put our eggs and shrimp to finish.
  5. Sandwiches can be served at the table.

With these sandwiches you will surprise those present. They are oh so delicious.

Red caviar looks exquisite on the table. Dishes prepared from it are incredibly tasty and appetizing. "I love to cook" wishes you bon appetit!

What is the New Year without caviar? And any more or less significant holiday is not complete without it! In our country, perhaps, you will not find a single family on the table that would not have appetizers with red caviar, at least the same sandwiches. But red caviar can be served not only on slices of bread and butter!

If you are a passionate fan of this luxurious delicacy, our appetizers with red caviar on the festive table will help you not only serve red caviar beautifully, but also feel new flavor combinations. It is enough just to replace the usual butter with soft curd cheese - and you have a new appetizer with red caviar! Instead of bread, cut slices of cucumbers or fill the halves of boiled eggs with caviar. We have selected for you snacks with red caviar on the festive table for every taste.

Sandwiches with red caviar "Classic"

Red caviar,
sprigs of parsley.

Cut the banana into thin slices. Spread soft butter on it in an even thin layer, on top of which, egg to egg, apply an even, neat layer of red caviar. Decorate sandwiches with parsley sprigs. To make your usual favorite sandwiches look more festive, cut the loaf not into ordinary slices, but, for example, in the form of diamonds, circles or stars.

Sandwiches with red caviar and salmon

White bread,
150 g red caviar,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
sprigs of fresh dill.

Cut the white bread into neat equal square slices, cut off the crusts. Spread soft butter in a thin layer on each slice. Visually divide the rectangular slice into two triangles. Sprinkle one of them with chopped dill and lay a thin slice of red fish on top, on the other, apply caviar in a thin layer and decorate the second triangle with a small sprig of dill.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, red caviar and shrimps.

White bread,
Red caviar,
curd cheese (possible with herbs),
small peeled shrimp
dill greens.

Boil the shrimp for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, drain in a colander and let them cool. Cut the white bread into medium slices, carefully cut out circles, lightly brown them, spread the sides with a thin layer of butter and roll in chopped dill. Then apply a thin layer of curd cheese on each circle, a thin layer of caviar on top, and put a shrimp in the middle.

Canape with red caviar and cheese salad

1 baguette
100 g red caviar,
100 g hard cheese,
2 boiled eggs
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

Cut the baguette into thin slices, cut into hard crusts around the edges and fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Grate hard cheese on a medium grater, and boiled eggs on a fine grater, combine the ingredients. Add mayonnaise, salt and black pepper to this mixture to taste. Put the resulting cheese salad on a canapé, distributing it evenly, a little pea for each slice, put ½ tsp in the middle of the slices. red caviar, add a sprig of dill to each.

Tartlets with red caviar, soft cheese and dill

Ingredients (for 20 small tartlets):
100 g soft cheese
20-30 g butter,
100 g red caviar,

Beat soft cheese and butter until smooth. Add half a teaspoon of chopped dill to the resulting mass and mix well. Fill the tartlets 2/3 with the cheese mass, level it, and evenly distribute a layer of caviar on top so that there are no gaps. Garnish with dill sprigs.

Tartlets with red caviar, crab sticks, pineapple and garlic

Ingredients (for 10 small tartlets):
120 g crab sticks,
50 g hard cheese
2 spoons of red caviar,
1 garlic clove
1 pineapple ring
some dill,
mayonnaise and salt - to taste.

Cut crab sticks and a canned pineapple ring into very small cubes, add cheese grated on a fine grater, garlic passed through a press, a little salt and mayonnaise. Mix everything and fill the tartlets with filling almost to the top. In the center of the tartlet, make a small indentation with a teaspoon and put a little red caviar in a slide there or spread the eggs over the entire surface without covering it entirely. Complete the picture with dill sprigs, and the dish is ready.

Vol-au-vents with red caviar and cream cheese

500 g puff pastry without yeast,
150 g cream cheese,
80-100 g of red caviar,
1 st. l. flour,
1 egg yolk.

Defrost the dough and roll it out to about 5mm thick in one direction on a floured board. With a notch with a diameter of not more than 5 cm, cut circles from the dough. Then, with a notch with a diameter of 3 cm, cut out the middle of half of the circles, carefully remove them to make a rim. Arrange large mugs on a baking sheet covered with parchment, gently grease their surface with beaten yolk and lay the rims on top, slightly pressing them to the dough, and brush with yolk too. Put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200ºС, sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle a couple of times in order to form steam. It is known that puff pastry loves moisture very much and rises well if it is present. Close the oven quickly and bake the flounces for 20 minutes. Once they have browned and risen, take them out of the oven, let them cool, and fill almost to the top with the cheese filling. Put caviar on the filling and decorate with greens.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and cheese

6 boiled eggs
70 g hard cheese
80 g red caviar,

Carefully peel the eggs without damaging the protein, cut them in half. Take out the yolks, mash with a fork, add grated cheese and mayonnaise to them. Thoroughly mix the resulting filling and fill the halves of the eggs with it (without a slide), put the caviar on the filling and decorate with greens.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and rice

5 boiled eggs
4 tbsp. l. red caviar,
2 tbsp. l. boiled rice,
½ onion
2 tbsp. l. sour cream 20%.

Remove the yolks from the boiled, carefully cut in half eggs and mash them with a fork. Add to them grated onion, rice, sour cream and mix. Fill the halves of the eggs with the finished filling, and put the red caviar on top. Place the eggs stuffed with red caviar on a dish with lettuce, decorate with herbs, tomato slices or lemon slices.

Eggs stuffed with red caviar and sprats

5 boiled eggs
1 can of sprats,
fresh parsley,
Red caviar.

Carefully cut the boiled eggs into two halves, remove the yolks and mash them with a fork. Add half a can of sprats to the yolk mass and mix thoroughly until smooth. Add finely chopped parsley to the resulting mass and mix everything well again. Now add mayonnaise, but a little so that the mass does not turn out to be liquid. Mix everything again and fill the egg halves with the filling. Cut out small triangular slices from the lemon and place on the filling, decorate the appetizer with fresh parsley leaves and put one coffee spoon of red caviar on each stuffed egg.

Lavash appetizer with red caviar, cream cheese and cherry tomatoes

thin lavash,
cream cheese,
Red caviar,
cherry tomatoes,
green lettuce leaves.

Spread the pita bread, evenly grease its surface with cream cheese, then spread the red caviar in a thin layer. Carefully, trying not to crush the eggs, roll the pita bread into a roll. With a sharp knife, cut the finished roll into portions, put them on a dish lined with lettuce leaves and garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Let your holiday be the most beautiful and delicious, and appetizers with red caviar on the festive table - a real hit of the feast!

Larisa Shuftaykina

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