Where to hang a wall clock in Feng Shui? Feng Shui clocks: where you can and cannot hang them, how to choose Feng Shui clocks.


A watch is a unique instrument whose functional purpose of showing hours and minutes is not limited to this. The clock is also a symbol of life, flowing time and being in general. Therefore, the interest of Feng Shui masters in the clock in the house is quite understandable. Currently, they have developed numerous recommendations regarding which clock to choose and where to put them in the house.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the clock is a powerful energy accelerator that must be handled with great care. The clock complements the energy space of the room and enhances positive energy. Almost all the recommendations of Feng Shui masters relate exclusively to mechanical watches, since electronic ones, in their opinion, do not have the advantages of mechanical ones and can even provoke headaches. The place of the electronic clock is in the office. It is advisable to place other clocks in energy-intensive rooms where there are a lot of people, life is in full swing, there is business activity: kitchens, living rooms, offices.

Where to hang a clock in the house

Anyone who is having problems with family life should hang a clock on the east side of the house.

  • Hours in the southeast will stimulate the influx of material well-being and help solve financial problems.
  • For the east and southeast sides, it is preferable to choose a round wooden clock in all shades of blue, purple and black. But at the same time, the most preferable is green.
  • The south side is "responsible" for fame and recognition, and the southwestern side is for amorous affairs and love adventures. If this is not enough for you and you are striving for this, place the clock in the indicated directions. Directly for the south side, a rectangular or triangular-shaped clock, red or green, is preferred. Expensive, hand-made watches are very welcome here.
  • And for the southwestern - ceramic or porcelain, square or triangular. Of the desired colors - pink, orange, beige, yellow.
  • The North is "responsible" for career and professionalism. For the northern side, it is better to buy watches in a metal case, round in shape, strict “office” shades - black, gray, blue, metallic, blue.
  • Hours in the northeast will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge, and in the northwest - to attract assistants and favor travel. The requirements for watches are the same as for ordinary "northern".
  • The clock located in the west favors creativity, as well as the conception and upbringing of children. Most of all, round, oval, square metal watches in white or silver are appropriate here.

Where not to hang a clock

In order for the clock to become assistants in life, it is important not only to know where to hang it, but also where it is not recommended to hang it.

  • For example, it is impossible that at the entrance to the house the clock was conspicuous.
  • The bedroom is a quiet place, full of peace. This is an intimate zone where exchange processes take place between two partners of a subtle energy essence. Therefore, noisy clocks, such as clocks and alarm clocks, are undesirable here. The bedroom doesn't like them. But if you can’t do without an alarm clock, then it’s better that it be small and inconspicuous.
  • Large round clocks are suitable for children's rooms, with all their appearance saying that you should not waste time aimlessly - it is very difficult or even impossible to catch up on lost time.
  • Do not keep broken clocks in the house, they lead to stagnation of energy and negatively affect the harmony of space, as well as block the work of other talismans and energy activators. There are two ways out - either fix it or throw it away.
  • If this is a priceless antique, then, alas, it is still better to store it away from the living quarters of your home.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, donated watches are also bad. Because the energy flows circulating inside a person are very sensitive to various interferences, one of which can be the resonance produced by a donated watch. To neutralize the negative, you need to present a return gift - a coin, thus "outwitting" the Universe and pretending that you bought the watch yourself.

feng shui hourglass

Feng Shui masters pay great attention to the hourglass. The sand, which is in such hours, is “alive” and is in perpetual motion, thereby exerting a beneficial effect on the surrounding space. The vital energy of qi in such places where the hourglass runs will invariably be active and positive.

The most suitable material for the body of an hourglass is wood - a living and warm material that feels life itself. Earth (sand) in combination with wood favorably affects the atmosphere of the house.

In order to use the power of the hourglass fully, they must be placed in certain places. For example, where the lack of qi energy is clearly felt, as well as in such places of activity where it is essential to realize that “time is money”, or where new ideas and solutions are being generated. In a word, the most optimal place for an hourglass is a study or office, where, in addition to their other wonderful properties, they can play the role of a talisman for the knowledge sector.

In addition, the hourglass guards the temporary potential of tenants, disciplines lazy people and does not allow them to waste their time in vain. The grains of sand that flow down symbolize that every second of life is priceless.


Clock above the door: signs

A cautious attitude to watches is typical not only for Russian beliefs. The East Asian tradition endows the object with even more sinister features than the European one. In our country, watches are considered an unsuccessful gift, provoking quarrels and further alienation of friends. To receive a watch as a present, according to the Chinese sages, is tantamount to an invitation to a funeral.

Slavic beliefs do not regulate where it is better to place the device. Taoist Feng Shui advises against hanging a clock over the bed in the bedroom. Ideally, the rest and sleep room is filled with a relaxing atmosphere. Here you should listen to your natural sense of time. When choosing a clock for the bedroom, it is better not to purchase a wall-mounted version, but to stop at a modest desktop copy that will fit on the corner of the bedside table.

Can clocks be hung over doors? Feng Shui experts do not have a single interpretation:

  • Some propose to be guided by the geomantic scheme of the apartment, in which things are arranged depending on the cardinal directions;
  • Others believe that you should not place objects with moving elements above the doors. Violation of the recommendation prophesies annoying chores and obstacles to all households.

A good place is on the wall to the right of the entrance to the house. If you want to achieve success in work and career growth, hang here a round-shaped mechanical clock, you can with a pendulum. The colors of the object are also regulated: white, metallic or golden.


Feng Shui about watches: 7 rules for living in harmony with your time

We hear about Feng Shui literally from everywhere. And so, as it turned out, even for hours in the teachings of Feng Shui (in its more or less modern sense, of course), there were also several very useful rules.

What is Feng Shui? To simplify as much as possible, from the point of view of an inexperienced person, Feng Shui is a Chinese art, very ancient (as, indeed, most other Chinese arts) and at the same time a whole science of harmonizing the surrounding space, spheres of our life and activity. That is, Feng Shui teaches how to create harmony between us and the space in which we live, despite the fact that we can change the space around us, and it, in turn, can change us.

Moreover, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, personal well-being, career success, peace and well-being in the family - all this depends, among other things, on our relationship with the space around us. And it is made up of air, water, sunlight, sky, earth, house, road and a host of other elements, many of which exist outside of our senses. Feng Shui teaches how to balance all the elements of the space around us, from arranging completely simple objects like a bed or a desk, to streamlining invisible energy flows, so that we can live in harmony with the world around us and with ourselves. However, it seems that we have digressed a little from the topic of our conversation.

So, since the clock in the house or office is also an element of the universe, here's how, according to Feng Shui, you should treat them:

Rule 1. Watches should be placed taking into account their color and the material from which they are made. There are only five feng shui materials: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. In this regard, for example, a red clock cannot be hung (or placed) on the northern or western wall of the house. Why is that? The fact is that red is the color of fire, the west belongs to the Metal element, and the north to Water, at the same time, neither metal nor water is compatible with fire. But a metal clock can be hung on a wall facing north or west. Accordingly, according to the same principle, a clock in a wooden case can be placed near the eastern or southern walls of the room.

Rule 2. Do not keep too many hours in the house. If there is one clock in one room, this is quite enough. The symbol of the clock - Qian - means strength, aspiration and perseverance. Those. they are like a commander in chief followed by other things. Therefore, if there are many hours, then confusion begins in the “army of things”, and a person who lives or works in a room where there are many hours becomes capricious, and various problems begin to haunt him. Therefore, even very small clocks are enough for one room, and for the same reason there can be only one main clock in the house.

Rule 3. The shape of the watch must strictly correspond to its location. For example, for a bedroom, which according to Feng Shui should be a quiet and peaceful place, a square clock is better suited, since the square is a stable figure that helps to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The living room should be a more lively room, so it is better to place the most important clock here - Qian (see the previous rule), and it is highly desirable that they be round.

Rule 4. In the office and / or home office, the clock must be round. This form symbolizes movement and flow, so business and affairs will move more actively, and the owner of the room will receive more profit and move up the corporate ladder faster.

Rule 5. No need to put a large or massive clock in a small room. they will literally fill the entire space of the room, and the sound of their movement, and even more so the battle, will cause a feeling of incredible discomfort, even subconscious.

Rule 6. You can not put or hang a clock in front of doors and windows. In Chinese, the clock stands for the character “钟”, which is pronounced “zhong”, and the other character “终”, which means “end” and “end”, sounds the same way. So, if you hang a clock on the wall opposite the door, then every time you enter this door, you will inevitably experience a feeling of anxiety, some kind of rush and lack of time (for more on doors and windows, see teplopaket.ru/).

Rule 7. You can not place the clock too high, so that you have to lift your head when you need to know what time it is. The dial of a wall or grandfather clock should be at eye level so that it is comfortable to look at. Otherwise, your time and your harmony will be as if out of reach, which the Feng Shui teaching categorically recommends avoiding ...


Everything around us is part of the universal Qi energy - says Feng Shui. Its smooth, gentle flow in the house has a beneficial effect on a person’s thoughts, emotions associated with health and well-being. Violation of Qi circulation entails failure and illness, discomfort. Filling your home with positive energy is very important, because a person spends a lot of time in it. There are several rules that are important to follow.

  1. The designer advises to combine the kitchen with the living room, claims that it is modern and comfortable? You can't do this in Feng Shui. The living room accumulates Qi energy, attracts good luck, this is especially true for the head of the family. By attaching the living room to the kitchen, you will break the flow of Qi, good luck will go away forever.

  1. Do not use cracked dishes. It accumulates negative Sha-Qi energy. Translated from Chinese, its name sounds like "breath that kills." Through cracked cups and plates, Sha-Qi is transmitted to a person, which leads to frequent quarrels, lack of money, and loss of understanding. Broken things need to be fixed, and things that cannot be repaired should be thrown away without regret, because with them you will part with some kind of problem.
  1. Old clothes, books and magazines are stored in the house for years. But it is a pity to throw them away, they will suddenly come in handy. Blockages of unnecessary things accumulate the energy of death Sha-Qi, it affects the health of households, their relationships, causes discomfort and trouble. It is especially dangerous to put junk in areas important to humans.
  1. A dripping faucet is a sure sign of impending poverty. The bathroom is considered an unfavorable zone, beneficial Qi leaves through it, and with it good luck. Plumbing must be in perfect order, and then happiness and prosperity will not leave the house. Remember, it is not water that drips from the faucet, but your money.
  1. The life force Qi enters the house through the door and, if it meets its reflection, it will turn back. In order not to scare away positive energy, mirrors are not hung in front of doors.
  1. If you do not want Qi to leave your home, pay attention to the stairs, or rather, to the gaps between the steps. They shouldn't be. Otherwise, you won't see any luck.
  1. According to Feng Shui, the clock and the door are incompatible. The clock should not be hung above the door, near it, and even more so on the door itself. You can not place near the doorway and the talisman "wind music".

Feng Shui will help to make the atmosphere in the house more harmonious, friendly, comfortable. Positive energy will attract money and prosperity to the house, and the person will feel great in it. Happiness, prosperity and success to you!

Have you ever thought about what the clock that hangs in your house means to you? After all, they not only measure time and show us its value exactly to the last second. Following the course of their arrows, it is easy to see that life is constantly moving forward and this process cannot be stopped. Therefore, Eastern sages believe that it is watches that make us think about how we spend our days and how effectively we perform the tasks assigned to us.

Feng Shui wall clock: size, shape and location

Speaking about the location of the clock in the house, we will also touch upon the issues of their shape, material and color, because these characteristics are interconnected. So let's get started. If we divide housing into eight sectors corresponding to the cardinal points, then the following will look best:

In the southwest and northeast

If you hang such a clock in the southwest, then they will contribute to the establishment of personal relationships in the life of their owners, and if in the northeast, they will help to acquire more new knowledge and wisdom.

In the aforementioned sectors, triangular or square watches made of ceramics or porcelain are welcome. As for their color, it can be pink, beige, yellow and orange.

On South

Here they will play the role of one of the lucky amulets for those who dream of gaining fame and fame. In shape, they should resemble a triangle or rectangle, in color - be made in red or green tones. There are no special requirements regarding the material, even home-made frames and bases for the dial will do.

in the southeast

The decision to hang a clock in this sector helps to strengthen one's own financial situation and accelerate the growth of one's financial condition. However, for this to be true, you need to select clocks made of wavy or round wood for the southeast. Of the shades, only black, purple, blue and green are allowed here.

In the northwest and west

The clock on the northwest wall of the house helps its residents to travel around the world, as well as find the necessary mentors and partners. But in the West, their counterparts can have a positive impact on the achievements and creative skills of children. From the materials here you need to use only metal, and from paints - silvery shades. At the same time, their shape can only be oval, round or square.

In the north

North is the career sector, and therefore the hours located in this zone help you quickly move up the career ladder and forget about a long series of failures. Their material and form are the same as those mentioned above. The only difference is that more color variety is allowed here. Well suited blue, blue, metallic color, black and others.

The only absolutely unsuitable place for watches is the east, where watches can cause irreparable harm to the health of their owners and the family as a whole. Also, they are not recommended to be hung in the bedroom, where time should flow unnoticed, and the atmosphere should seem calm and not disturbed by unnecessary sounds.

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In the modern world, it is difficult to do without watches, because with their help we can accurately plan our time. According to Feng Shui, watches play an important role in our lives, so you need to choose the right place for them in the house.

Watches have a special energy, so they must be treated with extreme caution. The choice of hours is also important, and site site experts recommend paying attention to special rules:

  • Broken clocks have no place in the house. A clock that suddenly stops pushes away good luck and positive events.
  • The clock must show the correct time. The house should not have dials that show different times, otherwise unpleasant events will occur in life: quarrels, being late, bad luck.
  • Watches are not customary to accept as a gift and give. According to popular beliefs, a person who accepts or donates a watch gets or gives trouble. According to Feng Shui, donated watches are paid off with a coin in order to avoid negative events in life.

Where can you hang a clock?

The correct location of the Feng Shui clock is the key to happiness in the house. Certain zones are responsible for different areas of life, so before you buy a watch, it is important to find a place for them in your home.

  • The western zone is responsible for conception, so couples who dream of procreation should place the watch in this zone.
  • For those who like to travel, the clock should be located in the northwest.
  • The one who has a clock hanging in the west zone will be able to change jobs.
  • The south zone is a place for a clock in the form of a triangle or rectangle. There, according to Feng Shui, it is best to hang a green wooden clock.
  • In the eastern zone, there is a round clock so that harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family. The best color for them would be purple or blue.
  • Clocks are located in the southeast to bring material well-being to life. Thanks to this location, it becomes possible to quickly improve the financial situation, including by winning the lottery.
  • In the southwest, pink or orange watches will help bring love into your life.
  • The northeast zone is responsible for knowledge and wise decisions. You can strengthen this zone with a beige watch.
  • The Western zone helps the younger generation to discover innate talents. Here they hang a clock of a round or oval shape in blue or metallic color.
  • A round, oval or square white clock located in the northwest will help you find reliable friends and partners.
  • The northern zone is responsible for professional growth, and here, according to feng shui, there is a round clock in blue, blue, black shades.
  • The clock can and should be placed in the kitchen and in the office in order to keep up with the times and keep up with everything.
  • Watches in the nursery play a huge role in the upbringing of the child. It is believed that they help to study hard, concentrate and develop punctuality.

Where not to place a clock according to feng shui

  • Hanging a clock in the bedroom is not recommended because of the possibility of disturbing the sleep and well-being of the family. It is believed that in the bedroom it will be impossible to relax and unwind.
  • You can not hang a clock in front of the entrance to the house, so that they immediately catch the eye. This arrangement negatively affects the energy of the house, and also forces the household to constantly rush and feel superfluous in the room.
  • The clock must not be hung too high. They are placed at eye level to maintain harmony in the house and a sense of lightness.

It is believed that every home should have at least one hourglass, which becomes a talisman that protects against adversity. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such a watch attracts well-being and helps all family members achieve new success. In addition, there are many popular beliefs associated with watchesthat will help you avoid a lot of trouble. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.04.2019 04:16

You can bring prosperity, love and health to life with the help of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. Thanks to helpful...

Every home has a clock. Whatever it was, but we just can not do without them. Our whole life is connected with them. We go to a specific time for work, a meeting, and so on. Everything exists according to a schedule, so we use clocks. They help us adjust our actions and adapt to situations. If we talk about our house, then the clock has long been an interior item. In addition to their main function, they perfectly complement it and can decorate the room.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the clock must be properly hung in the house. Then they will favorably affect the owner of the house or apartment. Let's get acquainted with the information that will tell us where in the room you can hang a clock according to the teachings of Feng Shui, whether it can be hung in a bedroom or a nursery.

The location of the clock depending on the cardinal points

By placing a clock on each side of the world, we can activate what we want to have in life most of all or what is missing at the moment. Much also depends on the room itself. For example, hanging a clock in the bedroom is strictly prohibited. They should not interfere with you, in this room you recover after a hard day's work. A small alarm clock is allowed, which can be moved on occasion. Do not place them opposite the front doors either.

Children in the room will not interfere with the clock, they will remind them of the transience of time that should not be missed. A good place for them would also be a living room or kitchen. Some people prefer cuckoo clocks. According to Feng Shui, they enhance the positive energy in the room, and the noise they make will smooth out the negative. The best place for them would be the living room. A lot of people gather here, so these rooms are energy-capacious.

If the watch breaks, immediately remove it from the house, do not store it in this condition, take it to repair. If you can't fix them, then just throw them away.

For watches, according to the doctrine, their shape, color and material from which they are made plays a big role. Each side of the world needs its own feature:

  • When there are relationship difficulties in the family, it is good to hang the clock on the east side. If you move them to the southeast, then material wealth will be attracted to your house. For this part of the house, rounded or wavy clocks are used. Their shades can be bluish, black or purple. Their materials are best to choose wood.
  • To attract fame and recognition, you need to use a rectangular and triangular clock on the south side. Of the flowers, green and red are preferred.
  • Square and triangular watches, which are placed in the southwest, will help to cope with the lack of love relationships in the family, but the northeast is suitable for activating knowledge and wisdom. For this purpose, watches made of porcelain or ceramics are selected. It is good to choose yellow, pink, orange and beige colors.
  • In families with children, it is suitable if the clock hangs in the west, this will be reflected in their work. Moving the watch to the northwestern part will attract reliable partners, the tourist desire of the owner will be realized. To make everything work out, rounded and square watches made of metal, preferably silver or white, are selected in these zones.
  • The north zone has a good effect on a career. For this purpose, they acquire metal watches in blue, blue and black shades. Preferably wavy or round.

Using the hourglass

An hourglass will become an equally useful item in the house. They are able to influence the Qi energy. This is because moving sand is like energy. The best place for them will be one that suffers from a lack of energy. They will also help where you need to make a quick decision. Based on this, we can say that the best place in the house will be the office. And it's good to put a clock in the knowledge sector.

The presence of an hourglass in the house will help the owner to correctly allocate his time so that there is no burning it. From materials it is better to choose a combination of wood with glass.

Watch as a gift

Many people wonder if it is possible to give watches to friends and relatives. Europeans consider this an excellent and practical solution. In China, people are offended for such a gift, as if it reminds of the transience of time. Elderly people are especially upset. It is believed that it is not advisable to give watches to each other according to Feng Shui, as this will disrupt the energy flows that circulate around a person. Therefore, people are advised, if it is not possible to avoid such a gift, then give the giver a coin in order to transfer it to the category of purchases. The only exceptions are children. Such a gift will not bring them a negative impact. But giving watches to parents is strictly prohibited. People who adhere to the teachings of Feng Shui believe that it is better to refrain from giving watches to anyone at all.


A watch is a unique instrument whose functional purpose of showing hours and minutes is not limited to this. The clock is also a symbol of life, flowing time and being in general. Therefore, the interest of Feng Shui masters in the clock in the house is quite understandable. Currently, they have developed numerous recommendations regarding which clock to choose and where to put them in the house.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the clock is a powerful energy accelerator that must be handled with great care. The clock complements the energy space of the room and enhances positive energy. Almost all the recommendations of Feng Shui masters relate exclusively to mechanical watches, since electronic ones, in their opinion, do not have the advantages of mechanical ones and can even provoke headaches. The place of the electronic clock is in the office. It is advisable to place other clocks in energy-intensive rooms where there are a lot of people, life is in full swing, there is business activity: kitchens, living rooms, offices.


Anyone who is having problems with family life should hang a clock on the east side of the house.
Clock in the southeast
will stimulate the influx of material well-being and help solve financial problems.

For east and southeast sides
it is preferable to choose a round wooden clock in all shades of blue, purple and black
colors. But at the same time, the most preferable is green.

South side
"responsible" for fame and recognition, and the southwestern - for amorous affairs and love adventures. If this is not enough for you and you are striving for this, place the clock in the indicated directions. Directly for the south side, a rectangular or triangular-shaped clock, red or green, is preferred. Expensive, hand-made watches are very welcome here.

And for the southwestern
- ceramic or porcelain, square or triangular shape. Of the desired colors - pink, orange, beige, yellow.

"responsible" for career and professionalism. For the northern side, it is better to buy watches in a metal case, round in shape, strict “office” shades - black, gray, blue, metallic, blue.

Clock in the northeast
will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge, and in the northwest - to attract assistants and favor travel. The requirements for watches are the same as for ordinary "northern".

located in the west
hours favor creativity, as well as the conception and upbringing of children. Most of all, round, oval, square metal watches in white or silver are appropriate here.


In order for the clock to become assistants in life, it is important not only to know where to hang it, but also where it is not recommended to hang it.
For example, it is impossible that at the entrance to the house the clock was conspicuous.

- a quiet place full of peace. This is an intimate zone where exchange processes take place between two partners of a subtle energy essence. Therefore, noisy clocks, such as clocks and alarm clocks, are undesirable here. The bedroom doesn't like them. But if you can’t do without an alarm clock, then it’s better that it be small and inconspicuous.

For children's rooms
a large round clock approaches, with all its appearance saying that it is not worth wasting time aimlessly - it is very difficult or even impossible to make up for lost time.

Do not keep broken clocks in the house, they lead to stagnation of energy and negatively affect the harmony of space, as well as block the work of other talismans and energy activators. There are two ways out - either fix it or throw it away. If this is a priceless antique, then, alas, it is still better to store it away from the living quarters of your home.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, donated watches are also bad.
Because the energy flows circulating inside a person are very sensitive to various interferences, one of which can be the resonance produced by a donated watch. To neutralize the negative, you need to present a return gift - a coin, thus "outwitting" the Universe and pretending that you bought the watch yourself.

feng shui hourglass

Feng Shui masters pay great attention to the hourglass. The sand, which is in such hours, is “alive” and is in perpetual motion, thereby exerting a beneficial effect on the surrounding space. The vital energy of qi in such places where the hourglass runs will invariably be active and positive.
The most suitable material for the body of an hourglass is wood - a living and warm material that feels life itself. Earth (sand) in combination with wood favorably affects the atmosphere of the house.

In order to use the power of the hourglass fully, they must be placed in certain places. For example, where the lack of qi energy is clearly felt, as well as in such places of activity where it is essential to realize that “time is money”, or where new ideas and solutions are being generated. In a word, the most optimal place for an hourglass is a study or office, where, in addition to their other wonderful properties, they can play the role of a talisman for the knowledge sector.
In addition, the hourglass guards the temporary potential of tenants, disciplines lazy people and does not allow them to waste their time in vain. The grains of sand that flow down symbolize that every second of life is priceless.

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