I was fired from my job: what should a dismissed person do in such an unpleasant situation. I get fired from my job all the time


Sometimes, not very pleasant things happen in life, such as being fired from a job. This happened to me too, a long time ago. Now I remember that time with a smile, and then it was a sad period of my life, but, nevertheless, he helped me get to where I am now. Therefore, I decided to write this note so that people do not commit rash or other actions that they might later regret. And also how to soften some of the blow from the dismissal that a person experiences, especially if the dismissal had to be unexpected.

1. When you find out you've been fired, try not to panic or get nervous. Life does not end there, but this is just a new stage in your life. A reason to increase your salary, improve your skills or just relax if you are tired. But it is quite normal if you have sad thoughts for a while. The main thing is not to get hung up on this, but to look ahead.

2. In order not to make any mistakes, take your time with any action. Take a few days or weeks to think and clear the thoughts in your head. Therefore, do not rush to implement any decisions made during this period, let them cool down a bit.

3. You may feel that you were fired unfairly or just want to annoy the employer. Some try to ruin the work, break something, and so on. Do not under any circumstances do this.
Firstly, if you cause at least some damage, you can get in big trouble with the law, up to and including criminal liability. That is, get hemorrhoids, problems and a bunch of headaches. And losing your job will be the least of your problems.
Secondly, a good parting with the employer means good reviews and recommendations about you in the future. And most likely some kind of compensation, in the form of a paid month or other period before immediate dismissal. That is, you will benefit.
Thirdly, it is necessary to remain a worthy person in any situation. And even if you were really offended and treated badly, do not stoop to the level of the offender. Come out with dignity from poop situations.

4. Most likely, you will be fired in advance, and if you part on good terms, then you will be given some period of 1-3 months to get a new job or prepare for dismissal. That is, you will have paid time to get out of the situation with the best deal for you. If you are fired for some good reason and immediately, try talking to your employer about the fact that you need some time to streamline things for the transfer, take stock and find a new job. Most likely they will go along with you. If not, then do not despair, it is not fatal.

5. If you were not given a paid term, well, it happened, then you should immediately knock out all your expenses, current, planned and make a financial result. If you were going to buy something, then you will have to refuse it, if you have any expenses that are easy to refuse - refuse them if you lent money to someone - try to return them as soon as possible if it is Maybe. Also, you are likely to be charged vacation pay if you do not spend it. Your task after the results is to make sure that you have enough cash for the longest possible autonomous life, in case you fail to find a job. This is of course if you need money.

6. If you need to take stock of your work, streamline everything and conduct the final stage - do it. And hand over your affairs in perfect order to the one who comes to your place or employer. This is at least professional, not counting the pluses for you.

7. Do not rush to write a resume, that's all, so as not to send a resume in which you can forget something or make a mistake. Again, after organizing your thoughts and settling your morale, after all this, sit down and calmly write your resume.

8. But nothing prevents you from monitoring the situation on the labor market if you are going to continue working for hire. You can see vacancies, salaries. Talk to colleagues on other projects, firms or businesses. You may even consider changing careers.

9. As a rule, if you are a good specialist, then you will find a new job very, very quickly, often with even higher wages. But there may be a difficult situation when there may be no work for a long time. Be prepared for this and do not become limp, do not turn into a vegetable. Make good use of this free time. At a minimum, develop as a professional, gain new knowledge, help someone with some work, even just for free if you are not paid. Move, don't sit still.

10. If you are short of money, then try to spend it wisely and not get into debt. Since it is better to cut costs or shrink now than to repay debts from a new salary for another year later.

11. Do not be alone with your thoughts, share them with friends or relatives, they will support you in this situation, give you advice, perhaps help you quickly find a job. Often, the support of loved ones is extremely helpful.

These tips I learned from my own experience, both personal and other people's. And all of them will help you get out of a not very pleasant situation with less losses, take my word for it. And you need to remember that the best protection against dismissal is to become a cool professional in your field, and you will not be afraid of anything.
Thank you for your attention.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs proposed to change the Labor Code so as not to pay compensation. In the meantime, you were congratulated on the New Year and asked to quit of your own free will, but you have no such desire. Lawyer Vera Dunaevskaya helped to understand the intricacies of the layoffs.

It's time to start understanding the intricacies of layoffs

How and why

In a crisis, job cuts, the most important thing is to decide what is best for you: to stay put, try to get at least compensation or leave with dignity and get money, spending less nerves. According to the law on the upcoming dismissal in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees, employees are warned by the employer personally and against signature at least two months before the dismissal (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 180, part 2).

A company that is forced to lay off employees because things are not going very well will most likely try to do everything so as not to pay an extra ruble. Of course, you will be asked to write a statement of your own free will. Remember that in this case you will only receive your current salary.

When rumors about layoffs began to spread in our office, I didn't think it would affect me. The management was good enough for me. In addition, I can be said to have been lured away from my old job. And now they "optimize" their budget. It's disgusting, of course. In the personnel department they said that I was not entitled to compensation, or it was, but only some kind of truncated one, because I have only been working for half a year. In general, I did not understand anything, except that they would pay me two kopecks. I always laughed in my heart at the "zombified" corporate workers with all their orders. It seemed to me that it was cooler to work in a small but independent company than to be an “office plankton”. But already there they are fired so they are fired - five salaries are paid to some. The holidays are on the nose, but the soul is disgusting. In short, this is not the right time to look for a job. I didn't pay off my car loan. I'm going to write my resume.

Do not give a reason to dismiss you under the article for violation of labor discipline. Forget about being late, temperature, pressure, poisoning and other "good" reasons to stay at home, having agreed with the boss. Big Brother is watching you. Any situation can turn against you.

If you were warned about your dismissal in advance, think about whether you really need to go to this job for another two months, see colleagues (perhaps who sat you down), bosses ... The law makes it possible to terminate the employment contract ahead of schedule and receive the due average earnings for these months in advance. The main thing is not to write a letter asking for dismissal, formulate it differently - not “I ask”, but “I do not mind terminating the employment contract before the expiration of the warning period”. If you are made redundant, you are also entitled to compensation. If you part amicably, it can be a salary of 2 to 5 months. It all depends on the kindness of the employer. In any case, the dismissed employee is paid a severance pay in the amount of the average monthly earnings, and he also retains the average monthly earnings for the period of employment, but not more than two months from the date of dismissal (including the severance pay).

Can you expect more?

Within two weeks after dismissal, you must register with the employment service. If you applied to this body and were not employed by it, then the average earnings will remain with you for another month (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If you're pregnant (or have kids under three, or kids under 14 and no husband), it's next to impossible to fire you. Only in case of liquidation of the organization or for guilty actions (theft, abuse, negligence and other acts that lead to loss of trust). Even if you had a contract for a certain period that expired during pregnancy, the employer is obliged to offer you another available vacancy (this may be a lower-paid job), taking into account your position (Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Damn fired!
Last February, my finest hour came - I got a job as an editor at a well-known and popular TV channel. I had a non-dusty job, a flexible schedule, and the amount was transferred to my card every month so round that I fell into a state of euphoria every time. I constantly ran with my daughter to toy stores and restaurants. The child quickly became spoiled.
After completing three months of probation, I got into the state. I began to receive advances, free medical care, honor and respect from colleagues. I did not receive any complaints at my new place of work.
And just last week I (however, like many employees) receive a letter saying that due to the crisis ... and so on. Well, in short, 15-20 percent of employees were fired that day. But what is surprising is that everyone who was in the state was paid the current salary, paid for all non-holiday holidays, and even three salaries in addition. So, for example, I was delighted and immediately got ready to go to hot countries. I’ll take my daughter with me - let her run under the palm trees until she goes to school. And then - only during the holidays. I myself would hardly have decided on such an act, but here it is, the long-awaited downshifting, at hand. I don't want to look for a new job. I'll be back and start. And that's something I've been working on lately. Enough!

Know your rights and be able to protect them

If, nevertheless, you were fired and you consider the dismissal illegal, then do not miss the deadlines for applying to the court for the protection of violated rights. An employee may apply to the court for resolution of an individual labor dispute within three months from the day when he learned or should have learned about the violation of his right, and for disputes about dismissal - within one month from the date of delivery of a copy of the dismissal order to him or from the day issuance of a work book. If the deadlines are missed for valid reasons, they can be restored by the court.

As a rule, employers do not understand that they still have to pay benefits, believing that since they terminated the employment contract ahead of schedule (before the two-month warning period expires), they should not make any more payments. But this is a mistake, everything that is required by law must be paid. It must be understood that even when a court decision is made in favor of an employee, it is far from always possible to actually enforce the decision regarding the recovery of monetary amounts. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your costs (including moral, material) and the possible result. If dismissal is inevitable, try to get out of the situation as beautifully and profitably as possible. The best way is to terminate the employment contract by agreement of the parties (clause 1, article 77, article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you agree on the terms of dismissal with the employer, indicating the date of dismissal, the amounts payable, and other conditions and sign the agreement, then it will be possible to terminate it only by mutual agreement. The main thing is to think over everything, consult with experts and decide what is best for you.

Who to contact

Look for a good civil lawyer who deals specifically with labor law. It can be cheaper and more productive than a well-known generalist lawyer. To consult in your own personnel department is at least naive.

However, if you analyze the situation, you can understand that the loss of one job can be a real chance to make a leap forward and build a more successful career.

Where to begin?

Step one: pick up the documents from the old job.

On the last day, you must receive:

  • an order to terminate the employment contract;
  • personal card;
  • work book.

The work book must be filled out in accordance with Decree No. 225 (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69).

It will not be superfluous to ask for copies of documents related to work. The most necessary of them is a certificate of the amount of earnings on which insurance premiums are accrued (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 17, 2011 No. 4n).

Step two: do your analysis.

What was wrong with your old job? Do you feel like your work is not fun? Or maybe you thought that the salary is lower than necessary? Or worked late and did not go on vacation for a year and a half because of a tyrant boss? If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then fate has given you a good chance to fix everything and get the job that you have long dreamed of.

Step Three: Create a list of requirements for the new job.

Decide what exactly you want to do. Even within the same specialty, there may be different directions. Decide where you want to work. What schedule suits you, what salary do you want.

Update your resume. Most likely, you have not remembered him for a long time. During this time, for sure, you have a new experience that is worth boasting about.

And most importantly: remember that you are a good employee. Getting fired from one job is a springboard to new career heights, not a defeat. Even Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple.

Step four: tune in to the positive and into battle.

Often, former bosses inspire us with a sense of insecurity and uselessness. Forget about them! Surround yourself with people who will boost your self-esteem and help you tune in to good thoughts. If there is an opportunity to relax before you get a new job, relax! Go to the sea or at least out of town.

And start looking for a new job. There are many paths, from job sites to word of mouth.

Psychologist's opinion

“An unplanned loss of a job is a blow not only to financial stability, but also to self-esteem. Experienced stress sometimes paralyzes so much that it is no longer possible to think constructively. At the same time, negative experience can be used to your advantage, for example, by learning to better see the pitfalls in a difficult office life.

Having received a work book in your hands, it's time to say to yourself: “I have the ability, knowledge, experience, and many companies are looking for an employee like me, and I can prove it!”. To begin with, it is useful to clearly formulate for yourself the criteria for the job you are looking for. These are the job title, job responsibilities, leadership features, the company's corporate culture, work schedule, the maximum allowable distance from home, and the “fork” in salary. See how realistic your expectations are, whether there are similar vacancies in the labor market, whether the requirements for the employer match what you can offer. Adjust your goal if necessary.

So that the search for a new job is not delayed, it is important to engage in self-organization. Make a written plan for the week, which will detail your activities - how much time you will devote to updating your resume, writing cover letters, preparing for interviews, from what day you will start responding to vacancies, how many letters you will send per day. In other words, become your own mindful leader who plans, accompanies, and controls job search activities. And don't forget about self-motivation. Reward yourself with small gifts after completing your planned tasks and remind yourself that interviewing is a very interesting experience in itself, helping to broaden your horizons and hone your communication skills.

Where to look for a new job?

It is better not to be limited to any one search method. Choose the best.


To “get on the stock exchange”, you need to come to the employment service office with a passport, work book, certificate of average earnings for 3 months at the last place of work within 14 days after dismissal.

Within 10 days after submitting the documents, you will be offered to consider the vacancies found by the service. If there are no suitable ones, you will be recognized as unemployed and they will try to find new offers.

If you decide twice that the offered vacancies are not suitable, you will be deregistered and lose your status as unemployed. To try your luck again at the labor exchange, you have to wait a month.

As long as you are recognized as unemployed, you receive benefits. In accordance with Article 33 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation established in 2012 the minimum amount of benefits for unemployed Russians in the amount of 850 rub., maximum - 4 900 rub. The amount of the allowance is set as a percentage of the average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work.

One of the most effective ways to find a job is to post your resume on a portal where employers and job seekers meet. As a rule, the list of vacancies there is much wider, and the level of salaries is higher than those offered at the labor exchange. The job seeker has more opportunities for a quick job search and meetings with potential employers, because he communicates with them directly. The main thing here is to correctly compose a resume, open it for employers to view and respond to emerging vacancies yourself.


Back in the days when the Internet was not so widespread, newspapers with job advertisements managed to win over a part of the audience. And now they remain popular among the older generation.

As a rule, newspapers are published on a weekly basis, so it is worth buying them on the day of publication and immediately start calling employers who are interested in you. Most of them are medium and small firms.

recruitment agency

Many companies turn to recruitment agencies to find the best employees. And sometimes they are ready to pay a good fee. But for job seekers, services are usually free. In addition, a recruitment agency can provide consulting services: help improve a resume, give recommendations for an interview, etc.

Work can find you anywhere

To paraphrase a well-known saying, in job search - all means are good. Don't get hung up, try everything. And connect your friends, even if there are no HR specialists among them. Indeed, in good companies, personnel officers often listen to their colleagues. If your friend can recommend you or give you contacts, this is another chance. What if a job is waiting for you there?

“For the first time in my life, I was asked to leave my job last year. I lost my position as head of marketing communications while on probation. There were no reasons for joy. A serious specialist, who has proven himself here too, did not pass the test. I decided to go to the sea, recharged with new forces ... and very quickly received an offer for another job with a big salary. Of course, this is a merit of a good work experience, but I think a positive attitude also played a role. A new job is a new step, no matter how you stepped on it.

17 269 0 Hello, in our article we will talk about how to quit your job correctly, without conflicts with employees and problems with superiors. In Russia, many citizens change jobs, but despite this, not everyone knows how to leave the old company. For a person without legal knowledge, this topic is difficult, so we will try to clarify all the points related to care.

How to quit your job on your own

To quit on your own and at the same time not harm your reputation, you should heed the following tips:

  • So, the decision to quit was made, but it is still too early to write an application. Up to this point, you need to find a new job, and only then ask for a calculation. Jobs are being sought today mainly on the Internet, and if you are going to write a resume, then do not indicate your previous place of work there and, moreover, do not write your last name. Such data can catch the eye of employees or the boss.

The story of the lawyer Alexei.

I decided that I was underpaid. Posted a resume with all his data on the Internet. And for the whole of Russia (I decided not to be limited to our city). A week later, they call me from our main office in Moscow and ask: “Aleksey, something doesn’t suit you at your current place of work, why did you post an ad?” It was very uncomfortable, but what to do, began to get out. So they say and so. I would like to receive more. Bottom line: they raised my salary and I stayed at my previous place of work, and in the central office they look at me suspiciously.

  • Look for a new job outside of your current company., therefore, do not use corporate mail to send a resume and do not discuss these issues on a work phone.
  • To avoid gossip, go directly to your superiors with the news of your dismissal, and do not tell employees about it. It happens that an employee decides to quit while still on probation. In this case, notify the boss of your decision should be three days in advance. When occupying a leadership position, notification must occur one month in advance. The boss will need this time to find a replacement for the departing employee.
  • To leave a good impression of yourself after your departure, arrange a tea party in honor of your dismissal, and you should not break off relations with colleagues, you may need their help sometime (Who will write a characterization from your previous job? ?). You should not make scandals even if there are reasons for this, because the new boss may well take an interest in your relationship at your previous job.
  • If the authorities do not want to let you go from work, then an offer of leave or promotion may come in, and you should be prepared for this. You must decide for yourself in advance how you will behave in such a situation. In any case, the decision is yours.
  • Choose the right time. If the company is undergoing a global audit or serious deals are on the nose, then it is better to refrain from dismissal for a while. Or discuss it with your boss, warning him that after you make the last deal (turn in a report, etc.) you intend to write a letter of resignation.

Employee rights and dismissal scheme

Of course, in the company where you work, they understand that employees will not work for them all their lives, but far from everyone adequately perceives leaving of their own free will. When announcing this decision, problems are not ruled out, so you need to be clear about your rights and obligations in this situation.

The dismissal of an employee includes the following steps:

All rights are clearly stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. You can terminate a previously concluded employment contract. Together with this right, there is an obligation of the employee to notify about his decision in advance. two weeks before retirement. The warning must be written form(be careful, it is written), for this you must write a statement.

    It is important to consider that the deadlines begin on the day after the employer receives the application.

  2. You can not work out a 2-week period. The legislation of Russia provides for when it is possible not to work for the last two weeks. Eg when an employee cannot continue working due to enrollment in a full-time department at a higher educational institution. Also, you do not need to work out when you retire and in other cases.
  3. Employment contract for a fixed period. As for an employment contract concluded for a certain period, it can be terminated ahead of schedule, but for this the parties must reach mutual agreement. In other cases, you have the right not to work only after the expiration of the employment contract.
  4. You have the right to withdraw your application. At any time while your application is with the boss, it can be withdrawn, for example, if you change your mind about leaving. This is possible provided that a new employee has not yet been taken to your place.
  5. Last working day. When the term of work comes to an end, on the last working day, the employer is obliged to give you a work book, other documents, and also make the final payment.

Often employees who decide to quit perceive the last two weeks as a vacation. This is wrong, because this time is paid in the same way as before. Therefore, there is no need to leave work early or stop fulfilling your duties.

Calculation procedures for dismissal of one's own free will

If there is a desire to quit your job, an application is submitted and two weeks are worked out, you have the right to receive a calculation. In this case, the calculation is made on the last day of work. Upon dismissal of your own free will, your calculation is made up of the following payments:

  • wage;
  • payments stipulated by the collective agreement;
  • compensation for unused vacation.

Very often, vacation pay can be received, for example, in advance, in such cases the corresponding amount will be deducted from wages. The accounting department recalculates the vacation pay previously paid to the employee in order to make the final calculation.

You can get a settlement upon dismissal not only on the last day of work. If for some reason this was not possible, then you can apply for money at any other time.

You should know that all payments are credited to your account or transferred no later than the next day after contacting the employer.

What documents need to be prepared upon dismissal

From the very beginning, you need to write resignation letter. This statement can be transferred to the personnel department, but if you doubt that they will immediately sign it, then it is better to notify the boss personally. Even if paper submission is made through the personnel department or through the secretary, you should make sure that this fact is recorded accordingly.

  • To record the fact of filing an application, you make two copies and leave one with the secretary or with the inspector of the personnel department. On the second copy, you are marked with a signature and a number, and it remains with you.
  • The number on paper is the date the boss was notified of the decision to quit.
  • Two weeks after filing the application, your boss must sign an order for your dismissal. With this order, you must go to the personnel department, where you will be given a work book and all other documents. These documents are handed out along with a memo. At the same time, you will receive a bill.
  • You have yet to familiarize yourself with the paper that will notify you of the termination of the employment contract with the employer.

An application of one's own free will must be in writing, it is submitted to the personnel department or to the head directly. According to the law, after filing an application, no one has the right to detain you for more than two weeks.

It is allowed to write an application even if you are currently on vacation or on sick leave.

Sometimes the question arises of how to quit your job quickly, especially if it is related to the educational process or other circumstances. In this case, in order not to work out two weeks along with the submission of the application, copies of documents confirming these circumstances should be provided to the personnel department.

What if they don't want to sign the application? How to get a work book?

What to do when the boss refuses to sign the letter of resignation? In this case, the following measures should be taken:

  • register the second copy of the application in the personnel or in the office;
  • the date of its delivery must be affixed to the copy;
  • if after two weeks you do not receive a dismissal order, then you can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office or file a lawsuit in court.

Applying to the chief's secretary is only one option. You can send a second copy of the paper by letter. It is stamped with a date that will be considered the date of application.

You can also send a second copy using a courier service. Usually, dismissal goes well when the boss understands you, and the team is on your side. But if this is not the case, then working out two weeks can be difficult. In this case, your right to take sick leave, and while you are at home, the period will pass.

Not only with the signing of the application can be difficult, but also with the issuance of a work book.

Upon receipt of the document, it is necessary to check the presence of the following entries in it:

  • Company name;
  • reflection of the position held or all positions, if there were several;
  • the wording of the dismissal entry, it should be written in the work book that you were not laid off, but fired of your own free will;
  • the entry in the book must be certified by an authorized person and the seal of the organization.

If on the last working day you were not given money or a work book, after three days you can write a claim to the organization. If after that the case has not moved forward, then you can go to court or write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

How do you get the courage to quit your job and start your own business?

This issue must be approached thoughtfully, because if you quit in a state of emotional imbalance, then this will not lead to anything good. It is important to understand that everything will not work out right away, you can’t just open your own business and immediately earn money for a car, an apartment and other benefits.

Often stressed people quit their job, then find another position that is not always better than the previous one.

If you work as an auxiliary worker, then you should consider the option of mastering a profession that you like. Such training can be provided by the state. But at the same time, strive to choose the profession that is now really in demand on the labor market.

Now, in times of progress, when computers are used at all enterprises, programmers and specialists in the repair and maintenance of computers and other office equipment are in great demand. And if you have skills in this area, then you can try to work for yourself. If you are a true professional in this field of activity, then you can assemble a team of the same workers and develop.

Sergei's story.

I worked for a printer refill and office equipment service company. Every day I go to offices and refill cartridges, I was paid real money, but I received my salary and no more. After calculating how much our clients pay me, I decided to work for myself. Resigned. In the first couple, I bought toners for refilling cartridges for the most common models. And I decided to go through the same offices that I served before, but will offer a slightly lower price for my services. Everyone loves to save money, especially if employees refill printers at their own expense. Now my son and I are busy every day, word of mouth worked and red phones from the client.

But before leaving the old job, the concept of the idea is needed. First find answers to questions about how you will work and who will support you. You can independently offer your services to homes and businesses. But there is another option, this is a team of assistants who will fulfill orders for a certain percentage of wages.

The financial side of the issue

You need money to open your own business, so you have to live economically. Calculate how much money you need to live in order to feel comfortable, and gradually save it so that, having quit your previous job, you will not be left without a livelihood. This money can be put into a bank account, but it is better to choose a reliable bank, as there is a possibility that the financial institution will go bankrupt.

When starting your own business, it is important to understand that this work is complex and responsible. Now there are many job offers on social networks, but you don’t need to give in to the promises of big earnings and think that you won’t have to work at all. To achieve something in life, you need to work hard, and it doesn’t matter what business you do.

Own business is not only profit, it is also losses, obligations to employees and sponsors. Therefore, you need to be ready for everything. To start your own business, you need to have a clear plan of action. You can also start with self-employment, doing a certain job that a limited number of people can do.

How do you tell employees you're leaving?

The psychological atmosphere in the office and relationships at work mean a lot. And it happens that employees who decide to leave for another company are not treated too well. Therefore, it is important to properly quit your job so as not to subject yourself to moral tests.

  • If you have a strained relationship in the office, then it is better not to inform employees at all about your departure. And when you finish your last day, just say goodbye politely to former colleagues and leave.
  • But if you have a warm relationship in your team, then it’s better to announce your departure a couple of weeks in advance. During this time, employees will accept the news and adapt to the changes that lie ahead of them. This behavior will make leaving the company as painless as possible for you and your employees.
  • If the team has really warm relations, then on the day of leaving, you can invite employees to a cafe to celebrate this event. Alternatively, you can drink tea with cookies at work. During the tea party, celebrate the positive moments in your work to leave a good impression on the team after you leave.

Everyone loves hospitable and honest people. Who knows, maybe it is at the gatherings in honor of leaving that you will be offered a new position in the same company, but on favorable terms for you.

How to behave these two weeks

When the application is submitted, you only have to work out the allotted time and receive a calculation. But not everyone manages to calmly spend the remaining days at work, so many have a question about how to behave throughout this period.

  • First of all, think about your former boss, because he will have to look for a replacement for you. You need to be decent in relation to superiors and colleagues, if necessary, help find a replacement for yourself or train a new employee in the upcoming work. This will require your patience and understanding.
  • If the authorities will break down on you, but the boundaries of ethical standards will not be violated, then try not to pay attention to it. Your duties should be performed with high quality, since you are still at work and the authorities can find fault with you as an employee, but this is not necessary at all now. By choosing this behavior, you will show yourself as a responsible person.
  • Employees should also be treated with loyalty, because you never know when their help will come in handy in life. It is better to quit without scandals and without mutual insults. Thank your colleagues for the time spent together, if there were pleasant moments at work, then do not forget about them. So that everyone remembers you with a kind word, adequately respond to requests for help, and be friendly at this time. You don’t want your ears to “burn” after being fired 😉

Common mistakes quitters make

Here are some of the most common mistakes employees make when they leave:

  1. The desire to take revenge on all his offenders and break old ties. In no case should this be done, you need to save your face, and forget about insults. You and these people will not be baptized children, and nerve cells, as you know, are not restored.
  2. Stories about what a bad team in the old company, and how hard it was to work there. These words can reach not only former colleagues, but also alert a potential employer if a resigning person begins to complain already at interviews, looking for a new job.
  3. Many people think that they can do without relationships with their boss and former colleagues, but at the same time they forget that a new job may require a recommendation from a previous position. And in further work, you may have to intersect with old colleagues.
  4. Scandal about the problems associated with the dismissal. This may be the lack of compensation for vacation or other situations. You need to talk about this, and not yell at the boss and employees. You need to defend your rights, but it is better to do it in civilized ways.

Thus, when looking for a new job, it is important to know how to quit your job. First of all, you need to remember that you are still working in your old position, and you should fulfill your duties diligently. You should not sort things out and remember old grievances, so you will achieve nothing but a scandal. And, leaving behind a bad impression, former colleagues and bosses will never help you in a difficult situation.

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Hello everyone! Most people experience a lot of stress when they lose a job. A person in an instant loses his position in society and means of subsistence. But before you panic, ask yourself if this job was really that important to you. The vast majority of people perceive it as a labor service, and every day they go there with great reluctance.

You have a chance to start life from scratch. Ask yourself what have I lost? Was there a good salary, relationships in the team, work schedule and its intensity. If the answer to almost all points is negative, then there is definitely nothing to regret. Today we talk about what to do if you are fired from your job.

Main reasons for dismissal

  • - at your own request

One of the most common. In most cases, the employer tries to peacefully get rid of an unnecessary employee. At present, when it is difficult, people are trying with all their might to stay. It is also a common practice for downsizing. In order not to pay people severance pay, the employer tries to persuade or threaten to force the employee to write a letter of resignation himself.

  • conflict with employer

It also occurs quite often. Unfortunately, work ethic and morality can only be read in books. The leaders of organizations, feeling the dependent position of people working for them, are dismissed and can afford too much. However, hired workers do not remain in debt and respond with sabotage.

As a piece of advice, if in a new place you immediately established a strained relationship with your boss, then it’s better to quit right away and not ruffle your nerves.

  • liquidation or bankruptcy of an enterprise

This phenomenon was widespread in the criminal nineties, when the country was in a fever of the economic crisis and total unemployment.

  • downsizing

Currently, newly opened enterprises are recruiting a large staff of workers, and then gradually begin to get rid of them. Many employees do additional work for free in addition to their own. The employer's policy is one - "if you don't like it, no one keeps you here."

  • dismissal under article

It happens rarely, and in the event that it is already impossible to do otherwise. For example, a person disappeared and stopped going to work, or is constantly at the workplace in a state of intoxication.

Things to do while looking for a job

If you have recently lost your job, then do not immediately rush to look for another one. You are a qualified and competent employee, look for something better for yourself. Restore strength, rest, think it over and analyze everything well. Depending on the level of psychological and physical stress at the previous job, it may take different periods of time to recover.

You can earn extra money as a tutor, nanny, etc., there are many options.

Think about what is the main reason you lost your previous job? Among the main ones are:

  • insufficient level of competence

If so, then you need to get additional education, or read the literature in your specialty. To show yourself from the best side at a new place of work.

  • difficult character

If conflict situations arise at each new place of work, then it is worth thinking and analyzing, maybe the reason is in you. Visit a good psychologist, let him look at the problem from the outside and point out the shortcomings in communication.

  • untidy appearance

Many large companies have a special dress code. If you break it often, you may incur the wrath of management and get fired.

  • disruption of work schedule

This is one of the most frequent faults of many employees. Who among us has not been late for work in the morning? If this happens too often, then you may be fired under the article, due to non-compliance with labor discipline.

Drinking alcohol and smoking in the wrong place can lead to serious fines and dismissal. If there are such problems, then it's time to put yourself in order.

How to look for a new job

The main methods include the following:

  • through familiar friends and relatives

One of the most common and frequently used. Through family and friendly ties, in most cases, you can find a highly paid and prestigious job.

It is better to register on it immediately after dismissal. The sooner you do this, the higher the benefit will be. After that, it is necessary to go there at certain intervals and check in so as not to lose cash payments. Unfortunately, in this place you can rarely find something worthwhile, mostly low-paid and not prestigious work. If you have refused the offered vacancies several times, then you are removed from the exchange.

  • through advertisements in newspapers, media and the Internet

There are much more chances to find something worthwhile here. However, this method is not very good because you can easily run into scammers. Therefore, you should be vigilant. Most employers try to post their vacancies on websites on the Internet. Since it is free and effective, because now almost every person has access to the World Wide Web.

Ads in newspapers and media are quite expensive. Only reputable organizations can afford it. Try to regularly buy fresh newspapers with job advertisements, you may find something interesting for yourself.

  • mind your own business

This method is only good if you have start-up capital. Suppose you can give a small part of your savings to the development of your own business or investment. In the second case, there is less risk, you just need to carefully study the options offered and choose a reliable company.

Get ready for the fact that at first your business will bring either very little income, or it will not exist at all. It is important that you like the business you decide to do, this is the main component of success.

  • through human resources departments of large companies

This is one of the interesting and effective ways. Often the personnel departments of large enterprises are located outside the main building, and you can freely go there and ask about open vacancies. Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky, and you will immediately get into an interview.

If you constantly hear the common expression “we will call you” in response, you should not immediately lose heart. Call the company again until you hear a resounding "no." Maybe until you remind yourself again, the company will not be able to find a suitable candidate, and will offer a job.

If possible, it is better not to agree to a salary in envelopes. Only the employer benefits from this. You lose your pension contributions and risk your earnings. For example, the head had a bad mood, and he decided this month not to give out bonuses in envelopes.

Also, organizations providing jobs often monitor the labor market, opening "fake" vacancies. In fact, a person is already working at this workplace and the profiles of people coming for an interview are simply put aside “in reserve”. Typically, firms do this to insure themselves in the event of a sudden dismissal of one of the employees. In general, it is possible and necessary to go to such interviews in order to increase the chances of getting a good job.

When applying for a job, you should be wary if you are offered to do a project or perform any difficult task. Perhaps you are just being used to get valuable ideas for free.

You can also consider working in another city, if possible. In this case, a contract is concluded with the employer and the person moves there for a while, you can also get a job on a rotational basis. This option is best considered as a last resort, since moving to another city is associated with many difficulties. It would be best to find a vacancy in your native locality.

How not to get scammed when looking for a job

Most people are constantly looking for work. Someone does not have it, someone decided to look for a better share, so the issue of employment is always relevant. This is used by scammers. At the interview, be vigilant, you should be alerted by the following facts:

  • lack of skill requirements

Any reputable enterprise needs qualified employees and immediately presents a list of requirements that the candidate must have. Their absence suggests that, most likely, there is no work, and you are being deceived, or it is very doubtful.

  • vague explanations regarding the essence of future work

In the vacancy, the employer always reflects a list of what a person will have to do. His absence should be alarming. Why hide the essence of the work?

  • demand for tuition fees

This is the surest sign of fraud that you may encounter when applying for a job. Whatever the employer promises, you should not believe it, because as soon as he receives the money, he will not be interested in you. Now there are many enterprises that promise employment in prestigious jobs, but instead they provide only useless trainings and collect money for them.

  • no employment contract

It is also one of the signs of a suspicious employer. This is how freelancers or scammers work. The employment contract gives the employee guarantees that his work will be paid, he will have a normal working day and clearly defined rights and obligations. If you agree to work without it, then you make life easier for the organization providing work and complicate your own, depriving you of rights and opportunities. Do not rely on honesty and rosy promises that "this is all a formality." Treat your search for a new job carefully and carefully.

Fired from work: what to do next?

  • transfer your job responsibilities to another employee qualitatively

Hand over all old projects to a new specialist professionally. Do not hide anything and do not try to annoy. The new person is not to blame for the fact that for some reason you are forced to leave.

  • don't go into conflict

Even if it is very difficult to work at the old place of work, be patient. You should not turn every working day into some kind of accumulation of scandals and squabbles. If you live in a small town, then think about your reputation. It is possible that the boss with whom you had a fight may give a negative review in the future, and this will affect further employment.

  • rest

If there is such an opportunity, then do not immediately rush to look for a new place of work. Take a break for a couple of weeks and put your thoughts in order. Decide what you want from life in the future and where you want to work. Do not rush to the first vacancy that comes across if you are not entirely critical with money.

Give up for a long period of large purchases and credit transactions. Under the normal dismissal procedure, you receive a severance pay on which you can live for a while. If you leave your old job for reduction, then the employer is obliged to pay for your existence through the labor exchange within three months. If he threatens and forces you to write a statement of your own free will, you can safely go to court.

If the loss of your old job was very difficult for you, try to let go of the situation and look at it from a different angle. This is not the end of life, accept the situation as it is. Do not despair, perhaps you will find something better than you had before.

Now you know what to do if you get fired from your job. Share your experience in the comments. See you soon!

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