“Undergrowth” - a play by D. I


One of the main positive characters in the play. She is Starodum's niece, left an orphan. In his absence, the Prostakovs manage the estate. They look after Sophia and at the same time rob her. Upon learning that the girl has a rich inheritance, they begin to fight for her hand and heart. However, the girl has a lover named Milon, to whom she remains faithful.

One of the main characters and the driving force in the play. She is Mitrofanushka's mother and Taras Skotinin's sister. Prostakova participates in almost all the events of the play, since the action takes place in the house where she is the mistress. By position, she is a noblewoman, has serfs and is a typical example of a Russian landowner in the middle of the 18th century.

The son of the landowners Prostakovs and one of the main negative characters of the comedy. As a minor teenager, he is a prominent representative of the youth of the nobility and one of the many "undersized" who inhabited Russia in the 18th century. By nature, he is rude and cruel, does not want to study or serve, does not put his father in anything and, using his mother's boundless love, manipulates her as he wishes.

One of the main characters of the comedy, Sophia's uncle. His surname indicates that he is a man of the "old" era, that is, the era of Peter I. His role in the work is very important, especially his speech and instructions. Starodum's father served under Peter the Great and always told his son that you need to remain a man at any time and in any situation.

One of the characters in the comedy, the brother of Mrs. Prostakova. This surname was chosen by the author not by chance. Taras loves and breeds pigs. Household animals are the character's only interest. Having learned that the pupil of Starodum, Sophia, is a rich heiress, he tries to win her favor and marry her.

One of the secondary characters in the play. The name of the character was not chosen by chance. Pravdin is an honest and noble official, called to understand the deeds of the Prostakov-Skotinins. He serves as a bureaucrat in the governorship created by Catherine II.

One of the characters in the comedy, Sophia's fiancé, is a young man of great dignity, an officer with a valiant character. Milo is a modest and not arrogant person. Sofya and Starodum like him very much. Thanks to him, Sophia manages to avoid marriage with the underage son of Mrs. Prostakova and courtship from Skotinin.

One of the secondary characters in the play. She is Mitrofan's nanny and nurse. Using the example of her image, the author tries to show how serfdom perverted domestic servants, how it disfigured and humiliated them. Despite her inherent good human qualities, slavish humiliation prevails.

One of the characters in the comedy, Mitrofan's tutor and the highest paid worker in the Prostakovs' house. Adam Adamych Vralman was hired as a teacher of French and other sciences. In fact, he is the former coachman of Starodum, and not a teacher at all.

The work of D. I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” showed the positive character traits that every conscious citizen of the state must possess.

In the written play, Fonvizin endowed the character of Starodum with such a character. This is a hero with a big heart, an honest, sympathetic and merciful character. There are no episodes in the comedy when Starodum speaks unflatteringly about someone, steals or deceives. On the contrary, he always has his calmness, poise. Starodum does not throw his words to the wind, gives good advice, concludes well and at the same time has a sense of humor - he laughs and jokes.

Characters who have similar character traits: Sophia - Starodum's niece; Milon - a military man, Sophia's fiance; Pravdin is a member of the city government. Together they are an example of a law-abiding citizen.

The author showed the Prostakov family of petty nobles as the opposite of these characters. The head of this family is Mrs. Prostakova - a greedy, rude and deceitful woman. It is not for nothing that Fonvizin calls her Fury, the avenging goddess of the ancient Romans. She loves only one person - her son, Mitrofan, who is a lazy person by nature, he stands out for illiteracy and uncultured behavior, it is not for nothing that his name means "mother-like."

Starting a conversation about Prostakov Sr., one can easily argue that his life pleases him only when his wife does not take out his anger at him. It is clearly seen in the work that he is trying in every possible way to please her and does not have his own opinion. Another negative character is Skotinin, Prostakova's brother. For this person, a pig is more valuable than people. He intends to marry Sophia when he found out that she had a rich inheritance.

Drawing conclusions, it is possible to divide the characters of this work into two halves - good, represented by Starodum, Milon, Sophia, and evil, which is represented by the Prostakov and Skotinin families.

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Denis Fonvizin's immortal comedy "Undergrowth" is an outstanding work of Russian literature of the 18th century. Bold satire and truthfully described reality are the main components of the skill of this writer. Centuries later, heated debates about the protagonist of the play, Mitrofanushka, emerge in modern society every now and then. Who is he: a victim of improper upbringing or a vivid example of the moral decay of society?

The comedy "The Brigadier" written by Fonvizin, which had a stunning success in St. Petersburg, became the basis of one of the world's greatest literary monuments. After its publication, the writer did not return to dramaturgy for more than ten years, more and more devoting himself to state issues and tasks. However, the idea of ​​creating a new book excited the author's imagination. Let's not hide the fact that, according to scientists, the first note related to the "Undergrowth" was started back in the 1770s, long before its publication.

After a trip to France in 1778. the playwright had an exact plan for writing the future work. An interesting fact is that initially Mitrofanushka was Ivanushka, which by itself spoke of the similarity of the two comedies (Ivan was a character in The Brigadier). In 1781 the play was completed. Of course, staging this type meant highlighting one of the most problematic issues of the noble society of that time. However, despite the risk, Fonvizin became the direct "instigator" of the literary revolution. The premiere was postponed due to the empress's dislike for any satire, but it nevertheless took place on September 24, 1782.

Genre of the work

COMEDY is a type of drama in which a moment of effective conflict is specifically resolved. It has a number of features:

  1. does not entail the death of one representative from the warring parties;
  2. aimed at "nothing carrying" goals;
  3. The story is lively and vivid.

Also in the work of Fonvizin, a satirical orientation is obvious. This means that the author set himself the task of ridiculing social vices. This is an attempt to disguise life's problems under the guise of a smile.

"Undergrowth" is a work built according to the laws of classicism. One storyline, one place of action, and all events take place within a day. However, this concept is also consistent with realism, as evidenced by individual objects and places of action. In addition, the characters very much resemble real landowners from the hinterland, ridiculed and condemned by the playwright. Fonvizin added something new to classicism - merciless and sharp humor.

What is the piece about?

The plot of Denis Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" revolves around a family of landowners, which is completely mired in immorality and tyranny. Children became like rude and limited parents, from which their idea of ​​morality suffered. Sixteen-year-old Mitrofanushka is struggling to finish his studies, but he lacks the desire and ability. The mother looks at it through her sleeves, she does not care if her son develops. She prefers everything to remain as it is, any progress is alien to her.

The Prostakovs “sheltered” a distant relative, the orphan Sophia, who differs from the whole family not only in her outlook on life, but also in her good manners. Sophia is the heiress of a large estate, which Mitrofanushka's uncle, Skotinin, who is a great hunter, “looks at” as well. Marriage is the only available way to take possession of Sophia's household, so the relatives surrounding her are trying to persuade her to a profitable marriage.

Starodum - Sophia's uncle, sends a letter to his niece. Prostakova is terribly unhappy with such a "trick" of a relative who was considered dead in Siberia. The deceit and arrogance inherent in her nature is manifested in the accusation of a "fraudulent" letter, allegedly "amorous". Illiterate landowners will soon find out the true content of the message, resorting to the help of the guest Pravdin. He reveals to the whole family the truth about the left Siberian inheritance, which gives as much as ten thousand annual income.

It was then that Prostakova came up with an idea - to marry Sophia to Mitrofanushka in order to appropriate the inheritance for herself. However, officer Milon "breaks into" her plans, walking through the village with soldiers. He met with an old friend, Pravdin, who, as it turned out, was a member of the governor's board. His plans include watching the landowners mistreating their people.

Milon talks about his long-standing love for a sweet lady who was transported to an unknown place due to the death of a relative. Suddenly he meets Sophia - she is the same girl. The heroine talks about her future marriage with the undersized Mitrofanushka, from which the groom “flashes” like a spark, but then gradually “weakens” with a detailed story about the “betrothed”.

Sophia's uncle arrived. Having met Milon, he accepts Sophia's choice, while inquiring about the "correctness" of her decision. At the same time, the Prostakovs' estate was transferred to state custody due to the cruel treatment of the peasants. Looking for support, the mother hugs Mitrofanushka. But the Son did not intend to be courteous and polite, he is rude, which makes the venerable matron faint. Waking up, she wails: "I died completely." And Starodum, pointing to her, says "Here are worthy fruits of evil-mindedness!".

Main characters and their characteristics

Pravdin, Sofya, Starodum and Milon are representatives of the so-called "new" time, the Enlightenment. The moral components of their souls are nothing but goodness, love, craving for knowledge and compassion. The Prostakovs, Skotinin and Mitrofan are representatives of the "old" nobility, where the cult of material well-being, rudeness and ignorance flourish.

  • The minor Mitrofan is a young man whose ignorance, stupidity and inability to adequately analyze the situation do not allow him to become an active and reasonable representative of the noble community. “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married” is a life motto that fully reflects the character of a young man who does not take anything seriously.
  • Sophia is an educated, kind girl who becomes a black sheep in a society of envious and greedy people.
  • Prostakova is a cunning, careless, rude woman with many flaws and a lack of love and respect for all living things, except for her beloved son Mitrofanushka. The upbringing of Prostakova is only a confirmation of the persistence of conservatism, which does not allow the development of the Russian nobility.
  • Starodum brings up "his little blood" in a different way - Sophia for him is no longer a small child, but a formed member of society. He gives the girl freedom of choice, thereby teaching her the right basics of life. In it, Fonvizin portrays the type of personality that has gone through all the “ups and downs”, while becoming not only a “worthy parent”, but also an undoubted example for the future generation.
  • Skotinin - just like everyone else, is an example of a "speaking surname." A person whose inner essence is more like some rough, uncouth cattle than a well-mannered person.
  • Theme of the work

    • The upbringing of the "new" nobility is the main theme of the comedy. “Undergrowth” is a kind of allusion to the “disappearing” moral principles in people who are afraid of transformation. The landowners bring up their offspring in the old fashioned way, without paying due attention to their education. But those who were not taught, but only spoiled or intimidated, will not be able to take care of either their families or Russia.
    • Family theme. The family is a social institution on which the development of the individual depends. Despite Prostakova's rudeness and disrespect towards all residents, she cherishes her beloved son, who does not at all appreciate her care or her love. Such behavior is a typical example of ingratitude, which is a consequence of spoiled and parental adoration. The landowner does not understand that her son sees her treatment of other people and repeats exactly that. So, the weather in the house determines the character of the young man and his shortcomings. Fonvizin emphasizes the importance of maintaining warmth, tenderness and respect in the family towards all its members. Only then will children be respectful and parents worthy of respect.
    • The theme of freedom of choice. The "new" stage is Starodum's relationship with Sophia. Starodum gives her freedom of choice, not limiting her to her beliefs, which can affect her worldview, thereby educating her in the ideal of a noble future.

    Main problems

    • The main problem of the work is the consequences of improper upbringing. The Prostakov family is a family tree that has its roots in the distant past of the nobility. This is what the landlords boast about, not realizing that the glory of their ancestors does not add to their dignity. But class pride clouded their minds, they do not want to move forward and achieve new achievements, they think that everything will always be the same as before. That is why they do not realize the need for education; in their world enslaved by stereotypes, it is really not needed. Mitrofanushka will also sit all his life in the village and live off the labor of his serfs.
    • The problem of serfdom. The moral and intellectual decay of the nobility under serfdom is an absolutely logical result of the unjust policy of the tsar. The landlords are completely lazy, they do not need to work to provide for themselves. Managers and peasants will do everything for them. With such a social structure, the nobles have no incentive to work and get an education.
    • The problem of greed. The thirst for material well-being blocks access to morality. The Prostakovs are obsessed with money and power, they don’t care if their child is happy, for them happiness is a synonym for wealth.
    • The problem of ignorance. Stupidity deprives the heroes of spirituality, their world is too limited and tied to the material side of life. They are not interested in anything but primitive physical pleasures, because they do not know anything else at all. Fonvizin saw the true "human appearance" only in the person who was brought up by literate people, and not by half-educated deacons.

    comedy idea

    Fonvizin was a personality, therefore he did not accept rudeness, ignorance and cruelty. He professed the belief that a person is born with a “clean slate”, therefore only upbringing and education can make him a moral, virtuous and intelligent citizen who will benefit the fatherland. Thus, the chanting of the ideals of humanism is the main idea of ​​The Undergrowth. A young man who obeys the call of goodness, intelligence and justice - that's a true nobleman! If he is brought up in the spirit of Prostakova, then he will never go beyond the narrow limits of his limitations and will not understand the beauty and versatility of the world in which he lives. He will not be able to work for the good of society and will not leave anything significant behind him.

    At the end of the comedy, the author speaks of the triumph of "retribution": Prostakova loses the estate and the respect of her own son, who was brought up in accordance with her spiritual and physical ideals. This is the price of wrong education and ignorance.

    What does it teach?

    Comedy Denis Fonvizin "Undergrowth", above all, teaches respect for others. The sixteen-year-old youth Mitrofanushka did not take care of either his mother or his uncle at all, he considered this a self-evident fact: “Why did you overeat henbane, uncle? Yes, I don’t know why you deigned to jump on me. The logical result of rough treatment in the house is the finale, where the son pushes away the loving mother.

    The lessons of the comedy "Undergrowth" do not end there. Not so much respect as ignorance shows people in a position that they carefully try to hide. Stupidity and ignorance hover in comedy, like a bird over a nest, they envelop the village, thereby not releasing the inhabitants from their own shackles. The author severely punishes the Prostakovs for their narrow-mindedness, depriving them of their property and the very opportunity to continue their idle lifestyle. Thus, everyone needs to learn, because even the most stable position in society is easy to lose, being an uneducated person.

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This article provides an analysis of the comedy play "Undergrowth", gives a brief summary of the work and features of the characters.

The comedy was written by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin in 1781.

There are only five acts in the work. Due to the fact that the play was written more than 200 years ago, and the style of the Russian language has changed quite a lot since then, not everyone will be able to read the work in the original.

The main characters of the comedy and their characteristics

Since "Undergrowth" is not a story or novel, but a play, the characters here are the key bearers of the author's ideas.

The main characters are divided into pairs with similar social roles, but opposed to each other.


  • Mitrofan is the main character and undersized. A young representative of the nobility, sixteen years old. Spoiled, weak-willed and irresponsible (note: Undergrowth: a young underage nobleman who did not enter the civil service);
  • Sophia is the opposite of Mitrofan. Educated and serious girl. An orphan who lives in the care of the Prostakovs. White crow in the family.


  • Mrs. Prostakova is the mother of the protagonist. Uneducated and cunning, ready for anything for the sake of profit. On the one hand - a contemptuous fury, on the other - a loving and caring mother. In the work he appears as a “translator” of false and obsolete values;
  • Starodum is Sophia's uncle. Authoritative and strong personality. Seriously treats his niece, instructs her and gives advice. In the work he is an example of a good parent and educator. Basic principles of life: a fair state system, full-fledged education of the mind, honor and heart (with the heart in the first place), the main principle of education is one's own positive example.


  • Prostakov is the father of the protagonist. A weak-willed and passive person. In the play, he appears as the embodiment of a people who are dissatisfied with the orders of the old nobility, but because of fear of him, they behave quietly;
  • Pravdin is an official, the embodiment of the law and one of the positive characters.


  • Skotinin is Prostakova's brother and Sophia's fiancé, whose only goal is the girl's benefit and dowry. The embodiment of outdated concepts of marriage and family;
  • Milon is Sophia's fiancé and her childhood friend. Really loves the girl. The embodiment of new ideas in the areas of family and marriage.

Minor characters

Secondary characters - teacher Mitrofan:

  • Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny. Devotedly serves the family, despite the humiliation. The embodiment of the image of serfs;
  • Tsyfirkin is a mathematics teacher. An honest and hardworking man, a retired military man;
  • Kuteikin is a teacher of Russian and Church Slavonic who left the seminary. Satire on poorly educated priests;
  • Vralman is a teacher of secular manners. A simple coachman posing as a German.

Brief retelling of the comedy "Undergrowth"

Act one

The Prostakov Manor and the surrounding countryside is the area where the action of The Undergrowth takes place.

The hostess of the family reprimands the servant for the fact that he sewed a caftan for her son Mitrofanushka of poor quality. Her husband supports her.

The Prostakovs are discussing with Skotinin that they want to pass off Sophia as the last.

Sofya says that a letter has come from her uncle Starodum, who has not heard from him for a long time. No one believes her, but when the girl offers to read the letter, it turns out that those present are not literate.

The letter is voiced by Pravdin, who has come in. It states that Starodum bequeathed 10,000 rubles to his niece. The mistress of the house fawns over the girl, wanting to marry Mitrofan to her.

Action two

Officer Milon arrives in the village and meets here an old friend of Pravdin, an official. He says that he has heard about the "evil ignoramuses" and the Prostakovs who mistreat the servants.

Sophia appears. She and Milon rejoice at the meeting. This is followed by Sophia's story that they want to marry her off as Mitrofan. However, Skotinin, passing by them, immediately speaks of his plans to marry a girl.

A conflict is brewing between the three "suitors", but his nanny Eremeevna stands up for Mitrofanushka.

Act Three

Starodum arrives with the aim of "freeing" Sophia from the "ignorant". He wants to pass her off as one "worthy person". This news upsets everyone, but after Starodum says that marriage completely depends on the will of Sophia herself.

Prostakova continues to praise her son, while his teachers, meanwhile, complain about his laziness and poor progress. That is why Prostakova persuades her son to study for the sake of appearance - in order to please Uncle Sophia and thereby obtain consent to marriage. However, Mitrofan declares that he does not want to study, but to marry.

act four

Milon's uncle, Count Chesten, sends a letter to Starodum about his desire to marry him to Sophia. And Starodum agrees to the marriage. The couple is happy. Having learned about the wedding, Prostakova takes active steps and tries to interfere with what was planned, hoping to pass off the young heiress to Mitrofan.

Act Five

While Starodum is talking with Pravdin, who was instructed to take care of the Prostakovs' estate and their village at the slightest threat, Prostakov's servants lead the resisting Sophia to the carriage to take Mitrofan to marry.

Milon frees his beloved, and Pravdin takes the estate and the village under his supervision.

Power completely passes to Pravdin, Mitrofan's teachers are dismissed, Skotinin leaves the village. Uncle and Milon with Sophia are preparing to leave.

Prostakova hugs her son and complains that he is the only one she has left. However, he is rude to her and the mother loses consciousness. Pravdin wants to send the undergrowth to the service.


Phrases that can be written in the reader's diary:

  • “All fault is to blame” and “Ends in the water” (Skotinin);
  • “Don’t do business, don’t run away from business” and “The dog barks, the wind carries” (Tsyfirkin);
  • “Live a century, learn a century” (Prostakova);
  • “Small souls are found in the big world” (Starodum);
  • “Guilty Without Guilt” and “Dream in the Hand” (Prostakov);
  • “I overate henbane” and “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married” (Mitrofan).

Analysis of the work of Fonvizin

Since the abstract does not give a complete picture, for the analysis you should familiarize yourself with the key points.

History of creation

The play was born after Fonvizin's long public service, because of which he did not turn to dramaturgy for a long time.

The first drafts of the work appeared in the 1770s and were closer to the writer's last play, The Brigadier. The first version of the main character's name is Ivanushka.

The date of publication of the final version of the book is 1781.

The very same play made a splash in the theater. However, due to the topicality of the topic, the reviews of those who watched were contradictory.

main topic

The key theme is the upbringing and formation of the new nobility. Fonvizin illuminates it by contrasting characters with outdated feudal views (all negative characters), with heroes who carry educational ideas (positive characters).

The problem of the phenomenon of "lack of spirituality" can be traced not only in the characters' surnames, but also in the relationship between parents and children.


There are two main problems:

  1. Decay of the nobility. With the words of Starodum, the writer denounces moral decline and tries to find its causes. It is no coincidence that at the end he says: “Here are worthy fruits of evil-mindedness!”. Fonvizin blames the unlimited power of the landlords and the lack of positive examples from representatives of the highest authorities.
  2. Upbringing. Thinkers of that time saw education as a key factor influencing a person's morality. The plot is based on this. Fonvizin saw in the transfer of the right values ​​to the next generation a reliable way to strengthen politics and build a strong, developed nobility.

Thus, the comedy "Undergrowth" is a typical representative of classicism, exposing the mores of the society of that time. Nowadays, the work is studied in schools, starting from the 8th grade, as well as by students of philological and pedagogical universities.

Based on the play in the 18th century, performances were repeatedly staged, the success of which, like the work itself, was enormous. In the 20th century, in 1987, director Grigory Roshal made the film "Lord Skotinina" based on the work.

”, is one of the first-class works of Russian literature. The playwright portrayed in it, firstly, the ignorant ancient upbringing of noble children; secondly, the arbitrariness of the landlords, their inhuman treatment of the serfs.

About the main characters of the play Mrs. Prostakova and her son Mitrofanushka , you can read in the articles specially dedicated to them on our site: Characteristics of Mrs. Prostakova in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth" and Characteristics of Mitrofan in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth". Next, we will outline the other characters in the play.

Heroes of "Undergrowth" Fonvizin

Prostakova's husband , Mitrofan's father, is a timid and weak-willed man, so downtrodden and intimidated by his wife that he has neither his own desires nor his own opinions. "With your eyes," he says to his wife, "mine see nothing."

Skotinin, brother of Prostakova , is a comic face. He is depicted a little caricatured with his exaggerated passion for pigs, which he himself ingenuously explains as follows: “People are clever in front of me, but among pigs I myself am the smartest of all.” He received the same upbringing as his sister, and is just as rude as she is: he treats pigs "unbelievably better than people"; but in his whole figure there is a kind of comic good nature, which, however, comes from extraordinary stupidity. His name, as well as the names of other characters, were chosen by Fonvizin in accordance with the properties of their characters or occupations.

Fonvizin. Undergrowth. Performance of the Maly Theater

With a few strokes, but very vividly, the teacher Mitrofan, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the seminarian Kuteikin are depicted. Tsyfirkin teaches Mitrofan arithmetic, as hinted at by his name; this is an honest old soldier. Kuteikin says that he left the seminary without completing the course: "fearing the abyss of wisdom." He is a completely ignorant person; the only thing he had left from his stay in the seminary was the manner in which he often used Church Slavonic expressions; moreover, Kuteikin is greedy and greedy, “an insatiable soul,” as Prostakova characterizes him.

The name of another teacher is German Vralman- very well composed of the Russian word "liar" and the German "mann" (man). In the person of Vralman, Fonvizin shows what kind of foreign teachers in those days taught noble children "all the sciences." Vralman was a coachman for a long time: having lost his place, he became a teacher, only in order not to die of hunger. In the house of the Prostakovs, he, as a foreigner, is given special honor and preference over other teachers. He receives a salary of three hundred rubles a year, while the honest Tsyfirkin should receive only ten. Prostakova lists all the benefits that Vralman receives from them in the house: “we sit at the table with us; our women wash his linen; where necessary - a horse; at the table - a glass of wine; at night - a tallow candle. Prostakova is pleased with the German: "he does not captivate a child." The cunning Vralman found a wonderful way to please the mistress, while at the same time hiding his ignorance: not only does he not teach Mitrofanushka anything, but he also prevents other teachers from studying with him, indulging Mitrofan's laziness, praising him in every possible way in front of his adoring mother.

in the face Eremeevna, Mitrofan's "mother", Fonvizin for the first time portrayed the type of an infinitely devoted, selfless serf servant, who was reflected in Russian literature in several images, male and female. Savelyich, in The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin, Evseich, in Aksakov's Childhood of Bagrov-grandson, Natalya Savishna - in Leo Tolstoy's Childhood and Adolescence. In life, this type is known to everyone in the person of Pushkin's nanny, Arina Rodionovna. Yes, how many of us have a dear, beloved face associated with the name "nanny" ... It is surprising that this very type is found only in Russian literature, among the Russian people!

But unlike other heroes and heroines of Russian writers similar to her, Eremeevna is a completely unhappy, unappreciated creature: it’s not for nothing that she serves in the Prostakovs’ house! For her faithful forty years of service and love, she receives only insults, abuse and beatings. "I'm not zealous for you, mother?" in tears, she says to Prostakova, “you don’t know how to serve anymore ... I would be glad not only that ... you don’t feel sorry for your stomach ... but everything is objectionable.” Tsyfirkin and Kuteikin ask her how much she gets for her service? - "Five rubles a year, and five slaps a day," Yeremeevna answers sadly. Even her pet, Mitrofanushka, is rude and insults her.

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