Does a woman need a man after. Does a man need a woman in modern reality? Meet by the wrapper


Why does a man need a woman? Is it only to leave behind offspring? Well, of course not. A man needs a woman in order to create a full-fledged unit of society - a family. And is it really that important? Let's turn to statistics. She says that people who are married live longer than bachelors.

Why do girls get married

Many may say - for love. Yes, it is this reason that is considered the most common today. It is clear that there are exceptions. Sometimes a woman wants to improve her financial situation, sometimes she wants to run away from her parents and gain independence and independence at the expense of her husband. But still, every girl wants to be loved and desired. Moreover, for a woman, an emotional connection plays a more important role than a physical one. The fair sex wants to talk with her chosen one, she likes it when they listen to her and do not interrupt. But it’s not for the sake of talking that girls go down the aisle.

Every woman has a mother instinct. She dreams of having a child, and raising a child is easier when there is a strong support nearby. It is her that the girl wants to see in her chosen one. She needs her beloved to be there in difficult times, solve all problems and provide moral support. Many girls do not want and do not like to take responsibility. But from the age of 18 you have to do it. Therefore, young ladies often find smart and wealthy husbands who make decisions for them.

Why do men get married

It is foolish to believe that only for the sake of sex. Of course, it is important, but finding a mistress is easier than becoming the head of the family. Why does a man need a woman? That she took care of him, was there in difficult times. Men rarely admit that they lack warmth and affection. Because it sounds a bit too vanilla. But in fact, it turns out that the representatives of the stronger sex are not deprived of emotions. They just don't show them. When choosing a wife, a man wants to see a smart, beautiful girl next to him, who will become a good housewife and mother. Many hopes are placed on this woman, sometimes simply impossible.

Often, young guys get married in order to escape from their parents and feel like adults and independent. They do not think that the family is a big responsibility. Some men try to find a good match, marry a rich girl. Thus, they can quickly improve their status and financial situation. But still, most often, representatives of the strong half of humanity marry for love. They count on the fact that their chosen one will become a faithful wife, reliable support and trouble-free lover.

Why do people create families

Men's opinion

If you ask any representative of the stronger sex what he wants from life, he will most likely answer: to achieve self-realization and material well-being. Why does a man need a woman? Of course, it's good when money is invested in a business, but still there is always a balance that needs to be spent on something. And most often men spend it on pleasure. Today, a wide variety of gastronomic delights, sexual pleasures and ways to get adrenaline through sports are available. But a person always strives for stability. And after a man walks up, by the age of 30 he understands that he needs to settle down. For what? Yes, because it is impossible to run all your life for momentary pleasures. Each person wants to create not sand castles, but stone structures that will stand for more than one century. Therefore, men create families. They want to raise children who can continue their endeavors and change this world for the better.

Why does a woman need a man? The opposite sex hopes that girls are also looking for stability in relationships. Men believe that a woman wants to see them as support and protection. But most importantly, according to the opposite sex, girls of all ages want to receive love from their chosen one, recognition of their beauty and uniqueness.

Women's opinion

The fair sex believes that they need men for a secure and peaceful life. After all, when a strong person is nearby, any adversity is not terrible. He will protect from offenders, you can trust him with your feelings, and this wizard will find a solution to any problem. Why does a woman need a man? To ensure her a comfortable existence. After all, since ancient times in Rus', the husband earned money, and the wife ran the household. This principle exists in many families to this day. The woman works for her own pleasure, she spends her salary on herself, and the man provides for the family. And this option suits both.

Many modern women think that men are given to them in order to make children. They consider the representatives of the stronger sex as a kind of machines for fertilization. According to such women, all men are goats who are not able to raise a normal child. Most of these ladies are feminists, and they furiously assure everyone that a girl should live for herself, and not be a cook, cleaner and nanny all rolled into one.

The opinion of psychologists

Why does a man need a woman? An objective answer to the question can be as follows: for moral and spiritual support. After all, it is the kinship of souls, not bodies, that brings people together. Thanks to common interests, joint pastime and recreation, a man and a woman become close. And what is important, their connection is based on common memories. Psychologists say that it is more difficult for people to part, the richer their past was. Falling in love passes, and feelings can cool down, but only the best moments will always remain in memory.

Is there love? Psychologists say there is. Not only passion drives people when they promise each other to get stars from the sky every day. Here, sympathy and hopes that are placed on the future also play a role.

Do women need a man after 40?

Many ladies ask this question. But really, why do women need a man after 40? Yes, because a person at any age needs love and tenderness. Even the strongest woman longs to find a man who will become a reliable support for her. After 40, ladies do not need passionate feelings. They become selective, they no longer want to see a passionate young man next to them. Successful and wealthy ladies crave a man who, above all, will become their true friend and reliable assistant. It is too late for a 40-year-old lady to think about children. If she has not given birth before this age, then it is no longer fate. Now you need to live the allotted years with dignity, and you want to have a husband next to you, with whom you can share both sorrows and joys.

Ladies often wonder why a man needs a woman 40 years old? And they come to the conclusion that the representatives of the stronger sex want to see next to them an experienced person who can become a worthy life partner.

Why does a woman need a man after 50 years? To brighten up your leisure time, brag to your friends and spend the evenings interestingly. Lonely pensioners live very poorly, and people of both sexes are well aware of this.

Do men need a woman after 40

Definitely needed. At this time, men often experience a midlife crisis. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex either leave their wives, or secretly seek love on the side. They do this in order to assert themselves and understand that life has not ended.

Why does an accomplished woman need a man 40 years old? If he is her husband, then any lady hopes to see him as a reliable support. If he is a girl's lover, then she hopes that her chosen one is good in bed. Men over 40 are still in demand among women. After all, the peak of their sexual activity is not over yet. Over the years, men acquire wealth and charm, which together make them very attractive to women.

At what age is the meaning of family life lost?

To many this may seem strange, but in no way. The family always plays a big role for a person, even if it consists of only two persons. Therefore, you should not wonder why a strong woman needs a man at 40 or 50 years old. Everyone wants simple human happiness. Do not judge a person that he or she did not find their soul mate sooner. After all, everyone's fate is different. Perhaps, before a woman was engaged in a career, and men for her were not objects of admiration, but simply lovers. And it's often the same with men. They can find a sweetheart even at 50 years old. Moreover, they say that if there is a big age difference between spouses, then the one who is older will try to become younger.

A modern take on relationships

Today people prefer to live for themselves. They postpone the creation of a family for later. The main thing is self-realization and disclosure of one's potential. Why does a modern woman need a man? To satisfy your ego. Ladies want their gentlemen to give armfuls of roses, do crazy things. Moreover, whether to reciprocate these signs of attention or not, they will decide later. Sometimes girls lose their love this way. They want to be well cared for. But they are not in a hurry to do the same. Do men like it? No. Not everyone wants to melt the hearts of the snow queens. It's complicated. It is much easier to find an affordable girl who has low requirements. It will be easier to live with her, she can be controlled and commanded.

Men want to see strong and confident women next to them. Moreover, they do not want to invest in the development of a companion of money. There is an opinion that a modern family should look like this: the husband does his own business, the wife does hers, and the children are raised by a nanny and all kinds of children's centers.

A look into the future

Why does a woman need a male masculist? To feel strong and independent. Girls want to be equal to men. Therefore, modern ladies are engaged in business, not economic affairs. And what about love? Many people forget about her. People get sex from lovers, and communication and support from friends. But this is the wrong way to develop society. After all, it was thanks to monogamy that people were able to get away from primitive society. Advertising and the West impose free love on Russians. And so it seems to people that it is very convenient to live for themselves. There is no need to care for anyone, and there is no need to get close to the opposite sex. It is not right. Men and women are in need of love. It is she who makes people move forward and successfully overcome any obstacles.


A modern woman does not need a man! - I made such a conclusion after the responses to my article “Either polygamy or loneliness”!

Yes, and what to take from him? And he earns little money, and gets so tired that he is useless in bed, and he does not care about children. They can't even make a normal child. Almost everyone's heredity is spoiled by alcohol, nicotine and other bad excesses ...

The topic, as I understood from the responses, is relevant. There are an awful lot of single women, beautiful, smart, successful... Every woman is Pretty women, but, unfortunately, there are only a few such as the hero of Richard Gere.

Gone are the days when the director of a large enterprise could cry for an intelligent locksmith (as in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"). Now a simple saleswoman wants to get her Abramovich by all means!

Women need a man not only as a life partner, but also as a breadwinner and support.

Modern women are not in a hurry to get married, because. a man is not able to feed even one woman with a child. Now men are trying to put everything on the fragile shoulders of women, including themselves.

Today, a man is only an assistant to a woman to become a mother, and nothing more. In addition, men are absolutely irresponsible for the reproduction of offspring. It's clear. It is not for them to give birth and raise a child. And therefore, the conception of children is already produced in a test tube!

Russian women are used to supporting not only themselves and their children, but also their husbands. When Russian men talk about polygamy, they imagine themselves surrounded by care (including material) of women, and not vice versa.

We have both the chairman of the housing cooperative, a woman, and the chairman of the dacha association, a woman. The man has no time to work. After all, he needs a drink, then a hangover. And a woman on herself not only a peasant, but also “drags” children, and therefore goes to leadership work.

But a woman will like to command temporarily until an independent man appears on the horizon - a man-warrior, for whom she will give up everything!

The responsibility for the drop in the birth rate lies with men, as well as for the state of health of women who are increasingly forced to turn to gynecologists and psychotherapists due to the lack of a normal sexual life. But even the abundance of the assortment of sex shops cannot help with this.

The fact that women do not give birth is solely the fault of men; and the fact that they still give birth in spite of everything is the merit exclusively of the women themselves!

A man is not needed at all. And if you need it, then a man!

I am not a supporter of feminism, but it is impossible to turn a blind eye to what is happening. Yesterday I was at the Philharmonic, where the lecturer, conductor, soloist, and composer are all women! Listening to the concerto for violin and orchestra, I involuntarily thought that the life and work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, on the one hand, was conditioned by his so-called “blue motives”, and, on the other hand, by the fear of women. Tchaikovsky nearly committed suicide after his first marriage. And Blok, and Yesenin, and Mayakovsky, and Nikolai Rubtsov, and many other creators died precisely because of women.

Of course, this problem is not only physiological, but also moral. What to do in a situation where a spouse for one reason or another (for example, due to illness) has become unable to fulfill their marital duties? This situation is very well described by Chekhov in the play Ivanov. You can't even throw away a sick dog, much less a sick wife. So S.M. Kirov was forced to have a young married mistress, not wanting to divorce his sick elderly wife. And Ivan Bunin, as you know, lived simultaneously with his old (lawful) wife and young mistress in the same house.

“To be the mistress of a married man or the second wife of polygamy is still loneliness, no difference,” one of the readers wrote to me.

They say that it was the Russians who invented love in order not to pay money.

But does a man live only with a woman to provide for her?

Is it right to treat a partner (even if it is a man) as a consumer - as a "getter"?

In fact, without love, sex is just "meat rub". Instinct can be without love, as well as life without love too. Love is what we fill life with! What we put in is what we get!

Scientists have figured out the difference between love and passion. Experts managed to find a significant difference between the reactions to the same situation in people in love and people covered by a fickle passion. In addition, scientists have found out why families tend to be created for a long time. A study by Gian Gonzaga confirmed that lovers pay much less attention to beautiful, but unfamiliar people. This rule is especially true for those who have been dating their partner for about three years, according to The New Scientist. The state of being in love blocks a person's attention, preventing him in a certain situation from being distracted by potential objects of passion.

The fact that men are naturally polygamous is a well-known fact. Solomon had 300 wives, Vladimir the Red Sun had 800-900 concubines, Genghis Khan had more than 1000 wives. Many men agree to legalize brothels, seeing this as the only solution to male polygamy.

Some people think that for a woman in sex and one man is too much. After all, nature has laid it down like this: as she became pregnant, she does not need sex. And given that the pregnancy lasts 9 months, then she needs sex once a year. The biggest myth is the sexual harmony between one man and one woman.

The problem is in the mismatch of human physiology and psychology with the artificial rules of morality, as well as historical and cultural traditions imposed on man, which are long outdated.

Or do you think that in a man there is more human (morality) than animal instincts?

I believe that not only Bunin, but also Tyutchev, and even Lenin loved both of his women! Or do you think that it is impossible to love two people at once?

In Muslim polygamy, there is not only permitted and legalized sex with several wives, but also the obligation to support these wives!

When I was in the Old City in Sharm el-Sheikh and talked with merchants, they explained to me that they really want to get married, but they don’t have money for a dowry (about 10 thousand dollars).

Now we have to talk more about polyandry, as many men after 30-35 years old face such problems that their wives have to look for someone else.

Every woman has a man, or even two or three. It's just that those 4 men out of 10 go to more than one woman - that's all!

Well-known anecdote. When a husband asks his wife to confess how many men she had, the wife replies: "Seven"! "So I'm your seventh?" - states the husband. The wife, having calculated in her mind, replies: “no, you are the fourth!”

And young women are very susceptible to the now fashionable lifestyle - "consumerism", changing partners on the principle of "who has more money." The number of remarriages among women is 2 times (!) higher than among men.

Perhaps the option of marital relations in the future is only a pleasant joint spending of free time, and nothing more. But what about the children then?

In fact, you can live with a man together. But only out of great love. It is difficult to adapt to another person, and often you think: is it necessary? If you love, of course, you answer what you need ... And if from love, as from bounty, they throw a piece at you, it will definitely not be necessary. For what?

When they confess their love, this means that they not only love another person, but want this person to be with you. And the desire to make your loved one happy actually means the desire to be happy yourself! People love only themselves, and love for others is pure self-deception! People want to possess, and this is pure selfishness!

A man loves a woman, a woman loves children, children love hamsters, hamsters love no one!

People are all selfish. Everyone wants to be understood, but few are willing to engage in understanding the other. Would you agree to enter into a relationship with a man in order to, for example, read Plato with him?

Read, see what women want and what men want.

- "I'm looking for a person of pleasant appearance and not impudent insides, in order to establish a serious romantic relationship, height not less than one hundred and seventy-five, preferably diverse interests. Not abusing anything. I like noisy campaigns and loneliness. Nymphophobes please do not disturb. Age is not important. But sexy and a devotee. I am twenty-one years old."

Not a word about love, - said the man sitting next to him. - All only want wealthy and high.

The girls are still young, they want beauty and love, - the saleswoman grinned.

Beauty is deceiving, oh how deceptive! Beauty no longer excites me, rather alarms. I don't look at the body, but at the soul. Beauty for me is a spiritual concept, it is the manifested harmony of the spiritual and the physical.

- "I would like to meet a man who is not indifferent to sex," Dmitry read. "Sex maniacs, please do not contact. To look like Elvis Preisley."

We still have to match the weight, - another man, leafing through the catalog, noticed already. - They think one thing, write another, and act completely differently. Women are unpredictable. So I met, agreed to go to the theater, but she did not come. How many times has it been. They're just teasing, jacking up the price. Most people just need to assert themselves in order to feel more confident.

A man looks for something in a woman that is not in her, and therefore, in order not to disappoint him, she deceives him, or rather, plays along with his expectations. This is the essence of female nature.

Well, men are not angels either, - the girl sitting right there noticed.

We all ultimately love an Angel. Or Besa. And often both together.

I heard here how two men decided to "marry" one woman, so that one would support, and the other, that means, would serve at night. Only where to find one that is convenient for everyone.

To take possession of a woman, there are two surefire options, said the man leafing through the catalog, either to present yourself as an impotent or a virgin. There is no woman who would not be tempted by this.

And why don't you get married?

A woman is a holiday, and I do not want to turn a holiday into everyday life. Here he writes: "need a man." More correctly, she needs a man! Or here's another: "I want to find a loved one in mind, heart and body. But IQ should be at least one hundred and twenty-five."

A woman does not have to be smart, it is enough for her to be devoted.

No, whatever you say, but it's nice to plunge into a woman.

And without women it is impossible, and with them it is impossible! Here I was before the service worked in production, where the vast majority of women. So they didn’t let me pass, they kept pestering me with kisses. And once, lured into the locker room and raped. I wrote a complaint to the boss, but he did not believe me. I had to quit. Then he worked as a security guard for a boss who was much older than me. So she got it into her head that she had to teach me all sorts of sexy things. And no matter how much I hid from her, she squeezed me in all corners, kissed me. She wanted to prove to others that she could get what she wanted. After all, during one of our many business trips, she did rape me in a hotel room when I was pretty drunk.

The relationship between a man and a woman is an abyss! tragic abyss of horror! Dmitry noted.

You need a baba!

Maybe that's enough for some, but not enough for me. Sex, in and of itself, doesn't appeal to me much. In relationships with women, I always had a question: what next? even when all desires are already satisfied. In addition, instinctive fear makes women wary. There is nothing permanent in them, one mood: if you like it - I will be faithful, if you don’t like it - I will change it. A woman is a “crooked” mirror that reflects either all your virtues or all your shortcomings.

Don't you want to devote your life to a woman?

No, it's not for me. Next to a woman, I always feel that I need something more than a woman. I need a woman to be reflected in someone, to see myself from another world. Love for a woman is only a step on the way to Love, a step in understanding what Love is. No, I do not need a woman, but Mother is the guardian of the world. To feed and love, and never lie, and so that she could always understand.

We make a mystery out of a woman in order to solve it. But in fact, everything is simple. I met one here, invited me to her home, and then kept asking me to stay the night. But I didn't like her and I left. And later I found out that she had already tried to get acquainted with many, and only for the sake of sex. The doctor advised her for her health. Only she never picked up anyone, and as a result, from an early menopause, she fell into disability. This is the truth of life. A woman needs a man primarily for sex, otherwise gynecological problems. And the soul and so on, this is secondary. The famous belly dance is nothing more than the prevention of sexual diseases. So, either you will find a woman for yourself, or you will earn prostatitis. It is useless to try to break nature - you will break yourself!

All the problems are because society imposes unnatural forms of existence, such as marriage! A man is polygamous by nature, and every spring a woman is drawn to a new love.

(from the true story "The Wanderer" (mystery) on the site

© Nikolay Kofyrin - New Russian Literature

This is interesting

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DOES A WOMAN NEED A MAN? A modern woman does not need a man! - I made such a conclusion after the responses to my article “Either polygamy or loneliness”! Yes, and what to take from him? And he earns little money, and gets so tired that he is useless in bed, and he doesn’t care about children.

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Comments 15

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Yes, I read the article and I’m sitting thinking who is to blame, we or they. I felt the pain of the author who has something wrong in life (probably betrayed).

More recently, she herself turned out to be in the role (whom her husband was deceiving), but it's just awful how my soul was tormented and tormented. My missus somehow climbed onto a dating site and off and on, and I keep thinking what he is growling at me, then I often enter the room, then something else. Then I accidentally discovered unsent mail I look (madam). In the evening there was a demolition. Everything explained that in the forums communicates. I shared this with my daughter. The next day, our girl got into the laptop and found from memory where her dad was texting. When she called me, I was simply shocked as a person with whom I lived in perfect harmony for 22 years communicated with women. I think, why don’t you sing such serenades to me, I gave birth to 3 children for you and I’m sitting here reading all sorts of nasty things. As he wants to diversify his life, he already managed to go on a date. Noted 23.02. When I arrived, I wanted to endure and observe how the correspondence would develop further, but I could not stand it and broke down. Because he is dear to me. Flew out into the street it was disgusting to be with this man in our bedroom, from where he sent out his dreams of sexy. He naturally followed me at 21.00, and I flew wherever my eyes looked. There was a shock. They started talking, saying that she herself had brought him up, refused him, so I thought that I was walking on the side. I filled out a psychological test on the site "Your companion is cheating on you." The answer came yes, so he went into all serious trouble. I told him, but I didn't want to talk. I am now graduating from the University, I am preparing a diploma, I go to consultations, I work at a school, I try to earn extra money by selling cosmetics as a consultant, to help him somehow. And here's what I got. Now the pain seems to have subsided. but I constantly think that it’s not all, because I put a password on my laptop and how do I know when I’m at work what he does, but it’s already hard to believe. So I also want to amuse myself in the same correspondence, but I say no. you are a married woman. But we are also married and the cross of any problems should be divided in half, but it broke.

That's how it works. Tho behave - they sit on the neck, openly speak out - you make a fuss. Why is a woman strong, but because she does not have the opportunity to be weak. men often shout that it is natural for a male to have several females. Well, this is if you are a male, if you are not far from the animal world. But if you are a man, then take care of your woman. In the East, a man has several wives, only now they forget that there is a shame to that man who does not care about his wives, they should be hung from head to toe in gold, dressed in very good clothes, since this is an indicator of how much the husband cares about wife, besides, wives should be happy, but they are silent about this. And yet - well, who created the myth that when a woman is pregnant - she does not want sex? If toxicosis turns you inside out, then, of course, it’s not up to sex. And in other cases, caustic who does not want to. In fact, both physiologically and morally, tk. it is important for a woman to feel that she is still loved and desired. But men often forget, demanding from a woman that she be beautiful, well-groomed, cosiness and order at home - and so try to stand in her place and understand how much strength she needs to spend for this, maybe your wife will please you with her appearance, etc. Do you need to create conditions? To run to his mistress - the man brings order to himself in both clothes and behavior - affectionate and attentive, rewriting ... as if the man writes that he is sitting so sloppy in front of the computer, unshaven, in stretched jeans, from he smells like a fumes and a cigarette sticks out in his teeth, no, it's the other way around. And if he describes himself, then the image is a kind of macho James Bond with a slight unshaven due to the fact that he saved the beauty of Malibu from the abyss and there was no code to shave. So what about the wife? If you want tenderness and affection from your wife, it's time to remember how you were when you were courting. For some reason, the stereotype was very firmly entrenched that, as soon as he courted and achieved his goal, then everyone, that's enough, took off their masks and became the devil knows what. If you want something, give it in return. So it turns out that there is no shoulder nearby to become weak, what to be married. So... a strong woman is crying at the window.

I read and sigh. A very painful topic. So painful and widespread that suspicion arises. However, I will keep silent about this. A long conversation. "The voice of one crying in the wilderness" is a female cry of the soul. you "... it seemed to be sung in one primitive song. For some reason, there is no desire to understand that we are HERE, in this life, we go through our every lesson. Yes, I also stepped on a rake and repeatedly. Now so smart. emotions and desire for revenge. I lived in hell. And then I realized that we create hell for ourselves. As if there is no place and people on earth anymore, only the nightmare in which you live. Or you just like this kind of life. Specialists in victimology will confirm this. Is it bad? Change your own life! Do not drag another into it! If you understand what I mean, respect!

There is such an anecdote: "Men want one thing, but from many women. A woman wants a lot, but from one man." Every joke has its share of jokes. But I think it is. When there are many men around, it means there is no one, you are alone and the world does not smile at you. When there is one nearby, but with whom it is good, everything is yours in this world at once. If a woman wants a lot of men, she just wants to increase her self-esteem. But when it does, you just want to be happy. Our desires are characterized by rotation. I think something similar happens to men, only later, I guess. When society finally stops figuring out who should be more important, what kind of man should be, what kind of woman, we will finally become ourselves and find what we need, and not an average woman or an average man.

Only with you (smiling) - 1 option.

Well, YOU certainly won't get away (threat) - option 2.

With the best in the entire neighborhood (dreamy) 3rd option.

Girls, let's come up with more happy answers so that our men are also pleased with the attention. It is possible to discuss Plato even without sex... Happily embracing, rest until the morning.

Yes, if you want to keep it, you have to keep it. But I'm not sure it has to come from the mind. Do I have to plan every morning what to do to stay? Everything that you said should come naturally, from the heart. And if it is planned in advance, this is already some kind of event, almost a party meeting. :-)) It's not that you have to learn to keep your husband. The fact is that we need to learn coexistence with others, to teach this to our children, by example, of course, and not in a planned manner. As long as we have a culture of "snatching", no one will be needed by anyone, unnecessary problems. Have you read the discussion of the article about 40-year-olds? Everyone puts a tick, who brought coffee to whom, how many times and how tired I am of this (a).

NO, it should be spontaneous, from the heart, from the joy of communication. If there are recurring situations, you need to know that everything is boring. Eating a cake every day - you will get tired, then you will feel sick from one kind, or you will earn diabetes.

Let someone "snatch". Everyone lives their own life, despite the political situation outside ... Therefore, I propose to decorate your life. Men for women - joy (and vice versa). The relationship between a man and a woman is the main theme of LIFE.

I really liked it - to coexist with others and teach this to my children ... and about the planned order - of course, life sometimes does everything to destroy our plans, but sometimes it’s not superfluous to have some “prepared” answers, not everyone succeeds in improvisation. In any case, 3 options from Lavanga, much better than usual: already got your monotonous jokes, change the record.

to understand who you need, find out who you are (/a)

First, answer 3 simple questions:

1. why (for what / whom) did you give birth (sya / es)?

2. why (for what/whom) do you live?

3. and why (for what/whom) will you die?

then it will be clear who really needs whom for what ... what to do and where to look ...

ask the same questions to your beloved (y / mu)

and then think together about the answers and do not argue,

A find your common path of life

A lot of materials have been written about whether a man needs a woman. Experienced psychologists and psychiatrists dealt with this issue. Journalists and philosophers paid attention to him. Ordinary people thought about this - they found themselves in a difficult situation or simply speculatively analyzed the different needs of representatives of society. It would seem that the generally accepted opinion is that every representative of the stronger sex needs a woman; it is equally true in the opposite direction. But is everything so simple? Let's try to consider different points of view.

From the very beginning

The classic notion of whether a man needs a woman suggests that every gentleman needs a beautiful lady by his side. It is she who can give him love. Only with her are close equal relations possible, which are so important for mental calmness, emotional status. A woman should love her chosen one, believe in his abilities, consider him strong. No man will tolerate reproaches from the chosen one - he expects her to accept him as he is by nature. In response to women's care, the husband will show gratitude, at the same time expecting that any of his achievements will be a source of admiration for his life partner.

Any lady who is ready for a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex can put forward her response conditions. Able to give a man everything he needs, a lady expects to be treated with care and understanding. She will certainly encourage any efforts of the chosen one and approve of any decision he makes, if in return she receives devotion and respect. Traditionally, a woman is less confident than her companion in the present and future. The task of a man who has chosen a companion for himself is to maintain confidence in her in order to ensure a calm everyday life without unnecessary worries.

mutually necessary

Whether a man needs a woman can be inferred from the highest priority needs inherent in romantic relationships of opposite sexes. According to psychologists, any man is pleased with everything that his chosen one needs. The lady will gladly accept what is important to her companion. At the same time, everyone's priorities are different, and for the majority they converge to the one described above. A gentleman is more likely to give his lady of the heart what is important to him, as he appreciates this as the most expensive. For a lady, such aspects in a relationship are not so important. Misunderstanding also works in the opposite direction - a woman gives her chosen one what seems most significant to her, but is not included in the men's list of priorities.

According to many psychologists, the answer to the question of whether a man needs a woman will always be positive, but this only applies to relationships in which the couple has found mutual understanding. A man will not appreciate a woman's desire to take care of him, not realizing that the lady trusts him and his decisions. The lady, in turn, will not be able to appreciate the trust without feeling cared for. If a woman believes in the abilities of her chosen one and trusts him, then her chosen life partner will certainly need her. He will appreciate his chosen one and will try to demonstrate this with care.

About care and trust

Speaking about why a man needs a woman, psychologists pay attention: a lady is primarily perceived as a source of faith in the strength of a gentleman. The representative of the stronger sex is ready to become understanding, caring, interested in the feelings and well-being, the future of the chosen one, if he feels trust in himself. Only if a lady is ready to accept a man as he is by nature, you can count on an adequate relationship. When she shows how much she trusts the chosen one, demonstrating confidence in his ability to cope with difficulties without her help, he is ready to show maximum care in return.

If a lady is able to trust a companion, she gets the maximum benefit from the existing relationship. A man feels sincere trust and does everything in his power. He relaxes, feels pleasure and satisfaction, he adequately responds to his chosen one.

understand and accept

Psychologists dealing with the problems of whether a man needs a woman pay attention to the significance of being accepted. This feeling is born in the dialogue. The lady talks about her feelings and what worries her, about the most important and significant for her, and the companion listens carefully, showing interest in the interlocutor. In such a situation, the lady feels understanding from the chosen one. Understanding does not mean that a man guesses women's thoughts: he hears the interlocutor and adequately evaluates what he hears. Feeling understood, the lady gladly accepts the chosen one as he is by nature. The feeling of such acceptance is one of the main things in a man's life, although it is almost impossible to realize this and prove it logically.

If you ask a psychologist if a man needs a woman, a relationship, the answer will surely be positive. Only from this environment can a person receive love and understanding, a feeling of acceptance of him as he is. If the representative of the stronger sex feels that no one is trying to remake him, he simultaneously perceives what is happening as an adequate attitude to his strong and weak personal characteristics. At the same time, there is no question that the lady recognizes the chosen one as ideal, she only shows that she does not seek to change his imperfections to fit her criteria. The man himself may well make attempts to become better, and the lady will certainly support him, but will not act as a push factor, the initiator of these attempts. If a woman believes in the chosen one and understands that he himself will become better, even if he does not "nag" him, the companion with great pleasure listens to the chosen one, seeks to understand her desires and aspirations. Accordingly, both get what they need.

Respect and gratitude

Psychologists are well aware of whether a man needs a woman's love, and assure everyone that it is necessary, but gratitude is even more important. It is believed that the representative of the stronger sex expects that this feeling will be experienced for him, and in return he is ready to respect his companion. To fully enjoy appreciation, you need to allow the lady to feel respected. This is possible if her desires and rights are paramount for a life partner. The easiest way to show respect for your companion is to give her gifts on the occasion of memorable days. Feeling that a man respects her, the lady will be happy to show how grateful she is to him, how much this attitude is fully justified by his personal merits.

With some effort, the representative of the stronger sex makes his companion feel good, which automatically gives rise to her gratitude. Although the answer to the question of whether a man needs a woman’s love will always be positive, do not forget that gratitude is perhaps the most significant feeling in relations between the sexes. It is an adequate and absolutely responsible response to support. The representative of the stronger sex, seeing how the companion is grateful to him, understands that he is not trying in vain, which means that he will redouble his efforts, at the same time he will begin to respect the lady even more.

Loyalty and admiration

There is a lot of controversy about whether men need the warmth and kindness of a woman, but psychologists are firmly convinced that both a warm and kind attitude is important for a representative of the stronger sex, and even more significant is the admiration that a lady pays for a devoted attitude towards her. Not every gentleman is ready to make the interests of his companion, and not his own, the center. If he is capable of this, surely the feeling of readiness to support the chosen one gives rise to a certain pride. At the same time, a woman feels that she is loved. She blossoms herself, and sees her companion in a new light, admires him.

For any lady, it is important that her chosen one is faithful. Equally, he needs to feel admiration from the chosen one. She looks at her companion, surprised and delighted, approving and feeling pleased that such an amazing person chose her. Feeling such an attitude, seeing how a lady finds new talents in a man, he gains self-confidence. As a result, the ability of a man to love his lady grows.

Opposite opinion

There are other views on this issue. If you ask a layman whether a beautiful woman is necessary for a man, he will probably answer in the affirmative. Indeed, a beautiful lady is not only a person who can give wonderful emotions, but also a source of relationships that you can be proud of. Beautiful ladies can choose the very best for companions, and being the object of such a choice, the gentleman involuntarily feels pride. At the same time, people who adhere to such positions believe that a woman is not fit for more - just to be an adornment of life, an indicator of status. But a man really doesn’t need anyone, he does everything perfectly on his own, and emotional problems are nothing more than contrived and imposed through films and books.

Some are firmly convinced that the significance of the fair sex for her chosen one is overestimated and such an assessment has nothing to do with reality. Speaking about how to find out if a man needs a woman, many point to propaganda as the only source of such a need. Some believe that the authorities are the main source of the stereotype about the importance of relations between the sexes, while for a single person this is not important at all. After all, any power is alive at the expense of the people, and its large number is determined by reproductive activity, which is the higher, the more couples have children. The human resource is valued as important as fossils.

About demographics and feelings

People rarely think about whether a man needs a beautiful woman, because the answer seems obvious. At the same time, many pay attention to the fact that it is beauty, femininity, the ability to give birth to a child - that is the only thing that is needed from a representative of the opposite sex. A woman who has realized herself in a career, in social life, who has become financially successful, who has gained absolute independence, is undoubtedly an interesting person, but it is precisely as a woman that she seems unattractive to many. Looking at her, the representative of the stronger sex simply does not see the one who will support him, admire him. At the national level, as many believe, today there is a policy of keeping a man next to one woman, whom he chose in his youth. Others believe that the authorities are doing this in order to provide women with at least some kind of couple, because without it the lady will cease to be herself. But a man, being alone, although he will lose in some respect as an intimate life (not a fact!), But at the same time he will retain all his masculine attributes and features.

Previously, about whether a man needs a woman at 40 (however, at a different age), opinions were rather unambiguous. The public held the view that the lady is practically not needed by her companion and acts for him only as a source of inconvenience and problems. Some believed that a man is the whole female world, and the representative of the weaker sex cannot have anything else. The only female role is to please a man, conceive from him and give birth to a child. At present, opinions on this matter are somewhat divergent, but there are indeed many people who adhere to such classical views.

Respect or not?

Increasingly, modern psychologists call for treating everyone around them with the utmost respect and reasonableness. You don’t have to wonder why a man needs another woman if the chosen one respects her husband. He doesn’t need to think how it happened that the lady left, if the attitude towards her is initially adequate. In practice, one can see that families built according to both new and old rules are unsuccessful or long-lived - literally for life.

You, me and him

As well as opinions about the need for a lady for a free man, so the arguments about whether a man needs a woman with someone else's child have different aspects. Statistical studies show that the divorced, on average, enter into a new marriage in the next five years with a probability of about 65%. This is more typical of those who do not have children from the first union. But what if the offspring has already appeared? People say about such people with pity and a slight mockery "a divorcee with a trailer." Is it possible to count on something more than a lonely life until old age? Others put an end to themselves in advance, convinced that with a child a woman will certainly not be to anyone's taste. And if there are two children, then there is absolutely nothing to count on.

I must say that, first of all, opinions that it is almost impossible to find a life partner for oneself, having a child, are voiced by women. Some ladies, who actively attend dates after a divorce, say that men immediately lose interest in them, as soon as they find out that they already have a child. It seems to others that a child is a burden that does not allow a person to live normally. The observations showing what the media write about are curious: there are many materials about why a man is not interested in a lady with children, but there are no those where women talk about their unwillingness to get involved with divorced people.

Is everything clear?

Others, thinking about whether a man needs a woman with two children, say that it is such a lady who has the best chances of finding herself an adequate soul mate who will be with her for the rest of her life. There is a certain logic in this. A woman who has never been married is inexperienced, and this frightens others. But the one who was already a wife knows the problems of this status well, and if she agrees to marry someone for the second time, then you can not be afraid of unpleasant surprises in life. In addition, the presence of two children proves the excellent reproductive qualities of the female body. But marrying someone who has never been with anyone before is fraught with some risk - in our country, about 15% of families cannot have children due to physiological reasons.

If you ask a representative of the stronger sex if a man needs a woman with a child, he will surely say that he who agreed to such a marriage is a true hero. It is believed that, in general, marrying someone who already has kids is scary. If a man is not afraid of this, then he is fearless. Many are also of the opinion that the second marriage is always more successful than the first. On the other hand, there is an opinion that it is necessary to hide the fact of having a child from a potential chosen one to the last. Only in this case, you can count on a new marriage. It's amazing how diametrically opposed opinions are in society!

To speak or not?

Since the debate about whether a man needs a woman with a child has been relevant to our society for a very long time, today there are two main camps: some believe that a lady should immediately report offspring, others are convinced that this fact should be hidden as long as possible. Many men who are actively looking for a mate believe that a potential romantic interest should immediately report the presence of children. The ladies, however, object: if no one asked about it, how would such a conversation even begin? In addition, they are afraid of being abandoned as soon as a potentially interesting man finds out about the presence of children. However, others rightly argue: it is better to immediately report the presence of a child, albeit not in the topic of conversation, but dot the “d”. Indeed, if the object of interest is not ready for a relationship in which there will be a child, hiding this fact will not help, sooner or later you will have to open up. It's better to do it right away. At the same time, all the intentions of a person will be visible.

Age and experience

No less than about the situation with a child, you can hear questions about whether a man needs a woman after 40. Here, opinions also differ. At any age, a person wants love and affection, no matter what gender he is, but maturity leaves a certain imprint. Experienced, wise people with well-formed habits have a certain way of life, clearly defined ideals. In this matter, finding someone who meets the requirements is very difficult. This equally applies to both sexes. Many are firmly convinced that the search for a life partner at the age of forty and older is categorically at odds with a similar process among young people. It is recommended to first decide who exactly is needed, and then analyze how realistic the requirements are.

In many ways, whether a man needs a woman after 40 depends on the past of the person. The more unpleasant things that have been experienced before, the less likely it is that the gentleman will agree to marriage again. The worse the impressions of past decades, the higher the chances that in each new lady a man will try to see the features of his former passions, which means that everything will immediately go wrong. Only those who are able to free themselves from the past are able to find a new life partner, and little depends on the lady herself in such conditions.

Curious Moments

Today, the world knows many public figures who have found their happiness in marriage over the age of forty. Some admit that by this age limit they were literally obsessed with the idea of ​​​​finding a life partner. At the same time, it is not always easy for people to determine why they find themselves in such a difficult situation. It would seem that everyone around has been married for a long time, or even not for the first time, and some lady, who is already over 40 years old, is still single. As can be deduced from the stories we know, some only at such a mature age meet the one who really suits them - and from that moment the relationship begins. Some people think that meeting the right person at the age of 40-50 is almost impossible, because it is more like a miracle. Indeed, all the good ones have already been sorted into marriages, and all the divorced have a large negative supply of impressions. By the age of 40, people become more selfish, and falling in love is more difficult.

Many at this age come to the conclusion that they have become persons who are not able to get along with someone else. Others believe that by this age a man can afford a short-term relationship, while he simply does not need a constant companion. But the practice speaks for itself: sometimes people over 40, people over 50 enter into marriages in which they live until the end of their days. Therefore, we can say with confidence that at any age a woman needs a man, you just need to find someone who really suits her.

Summing up

Many people sooner or later have to think about whether or not the representative of the stronger sex needs a lady as a life partner. Ladies think about it, gentlemen think about it. Psychologists and philosophers, journalists and writers have their own points of view, which they actively promote among an audience ready to listen, and such opinions often turn out to be diametrically opposed. What happens in life? Much depends on the personal characteristics of a particular person. There are loners who avoid society and close relationships. There are people who are prone to family life. These are found among representatives of all sexes, in any age group. A woman needs to think not about whether she is needed, but only to find a suitable person for herself and do everything possible so that the relationship is full and joyful for both, without doubting that the chosen one will put as much effort into this.

In principle, it is possible for an average man to find a woman for conditionally free sex, but it is so difficult that this sex will be "free" just conditionally. According to the sum of factors, it is much more efficient to buy retail prostitutes, they are not particularly expensive now - since a very significant part of the female population is engaged in "classic" prostitution (I don't know the exact percentage) - they have strong competition - prices have fallen. When looking for "free" sex, you will have to spend such a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bnerves and time, and communicate with so many terribly inadequate and disgusting shit females in all respects, that sometimes you think - burn it all with fire!

Returning to the title of this article, I would like to say the following - from a "technical" point of view, our women are still conditionally suitable for sex, especially retail prostitutes. But in a broader, universal sense - when intimate relationships are based on sympathy, attraction, mutual respect, sexuality, maybe - love, normal physiology, in the end - that too - no.

Because our ladies, at least 99% of them are complete slag, bio-garbage in every respect. To the question "Does a normal man need an average modern" woman "?", The answer, as the Terminator said, is negative.

Thank you for your attention. Sincerely. Michael.

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