Description of one masterpiece: Shishkin's painting “Rye. Composition based on the painting by Shishkin “Rye A concise presentation on the topic of rye Shishkin

Ivan Shishkin

- a brief history of the creation of the picture;

- familiarity with the description of the picture;

- selection of words to describe the picture;

- questions about the picture

- option 1 (89 words);

- option 2 (89 words);

- option 3 (94 words);

Preparation for writing an essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye".

A brief history of the creation of the painting "Rye"

The artist made a sketch for the painting in 1877 during a trip to Yelabuga. On the Lekarevsky field, he made a pencil sketch, which in 1878 formed the basis of the painting "Rye".

Shishkin. Sketch for the painting "Rye"

Shishkin wrote about the idea of ​​his painting as follows:

“Expanse, space, land. Rye. God's grace. Russian wealth.

Description of the painting "Rye".

Read the descriptions of the painting "Rye", pay attention to the figurative descriptions, you will need them for your own composition. Underline the words that help to accurately represent the corner of nature depicted in the picture.


“Abundant and mighty Rus' spread out before us. Expanse, space, an immense golden field of rye. It sways and rustles easily, like the sea on a clear day. A road winds across the boundless field, running away into the distance, towards the horizon, paving the way to the giant pines. They decorate the landscape. Their mighty slender trunks and heavy dark green crowns majestically rise above the field. The bright velvety greenery along the road, where the swallows frolic, emphasizes the golden tones of the rye in the sunshine of the day. The picture is filled with a great feeling of love for the native land and its nature.


Far, far away, as far as the eye can see, golden rye spread out. Tall old pines stand among the plains.

And from this the expanse of the grain field is even wider. The sun shines brightly. A warm breeze sways the ears. Disappears in the rye, the road is calling.

The expanse is boundless!

But the painter also noticed a modest wild flower on the side of the road. And two swallows, swiftly gliding above the ground itself.

Did Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin want to tell only about a sunny summer day?

He dreamed that near his picture people would feel how great, rich and affectionate their native land is - the Motherland.

No wonder in one drawing he marked for himself: “Expanse. Space. Rye. Russian wealth.

According to V. Porudominsky

Selection of words to describe the picture

Now it would be nice to find words for the future essay. We started this business, but you will add your own ideas.


Golden, sunny, bright, light, radiant, agitated like the sea, boundless, rich, generous

ears of corn

Thin, brittle, fat, long, leaning towards the ground


Overgrown, running away, lost in the rye


Huge, mighty, like giants, leaving crowns in the sky, propping up the sky, ancient, majestic, heroic


Blue, high, clear, clear, light, transparent, deep

impressions of the picture

The grandeur of native nature, space and power, heat, tranquility, freedom

Questions about the painting

Orally answer the questions. This will help you write your essay.

  1. What time of year did the artist show?
  2. What is the author depicting in the picture?
  3. Why does the golden field of rye occupy the main place in the picture?
  4. What did the artist want to convey (express) with this picture?
  5. What colors does I. I. Shishkin use to depict a rye field, pine trees, and the sky? Why?
  6. What particularly caught your attention in the painting? What feeling does she give you?

Examples of essays based on Shishkin's painting "Rye".

Composition based on the painting by Shishkin "Rye" - option 1.

In front of me is a painting by the Russian artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin "Rye".

The main place in the picture is occupied by a rye field. It stretches to the horizon. So Shishkin conveyed expanse, space, Russian wealth. Rye spills with golden fire, basks under the bright sun and rustles from the quiet wind, as if talking to him. Disappears in the rye and calls the road. And in the background are tall mighty old pines. They rise majestically in the midst of a grain field, they rise to the blue sky.

I like this picture. Looking at it, I fell in love with our Russia even more, its nature, breadth and beauty.

Composition based on the painting by Shishkin "Rye" - option 2.

Painting by I.I. Shishkin "Rye" was written in 1878.

In the foreground of the picture is a country road that goes into a golden field. The picture also depicts mighty pines. They, like giants, stand in the middle of the field. The sky occupied most of the landscape. It is pale blue, snow-white clouds float on it. In a golden field of rye, a gentle light breeze walks, tilting ripe ears of corn to the ground. You can hear the grasshoppers chirping in the grass. Somewhere in the pines a cuckoo is chirping. Birds fly over the field, collecting grain.

Painting by I.I. Shishkina is beautiful and I really liked it. The artist managed to convey the beauty of the Russian field.

Composition based on the painting by Shishkin "Rye" - option 3.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is a famous Russian artist. The painting "Rye" was painted by Ivan Ivanovich in the middle of the summer of 1878. This canvas depicts the wealth of the Russian land - rye.

In the foreground we see a huge field of golden rye. The grain in the ears is already ripe. From gravity, the ears bend to the ground.

A winding country road runs through the field. This road is not often traveled, it is half covered with dark green grass, in some places you can see snow-white field daisies. In the picture we see pine trees. They look like guards guarding the rye.

From the picture emanates peace and tranquility. I want to stand in front of her for hours and peer into the distance.

At Russian language lessons, schoolchildren often write creative works, presentations, dictations. In the 4th grade - an essay based on Shishkin's painting "Rye", one of the most famous works of this unique artist. Let's look at what details to pay attention to and what you need to demonstrate to the teacher in order to get an excellent mark.

General issues

Before you start writing, read the work itself. You can write an essay based on Shishkin’s painting “Rye” only if you carefully studied it.

What does the teacher want from you? What do you need to provide to get a good grade? There are three components here: your own thoughts, the ability to dress them in a beautiful form, and following the rules for writing creative work. Let's consider each component separately so that you can write an essay on the painting “Rye” in grade 4, and subsequently any other essay.


First of all, you need to demonstrate your awareness of the existence of the concept of work structure. If you start with the words "The picture shows ..." you will immediately be reduced by a point. Because the reader doesn't even know what it's about yet!

In Shishkin's "Rye" in grade 4, you must first mention the name of the canvas and its author. Follow this with some facts about the artist. Then go to the description, diluting it with your own reasoning. Finally, complete the text beautifully, not forgetting to note the importance of Shishkin's work for national culture.

about the author

What do you know about the artist? What is remarkable about this work? When was it written - in what century, in what year? Maybe you can even indicate the area depicted on the canvas. Remember: in an essay based on Shishkin’s painting “Rye”, you can show erudition by earning an additional “plus” in the eyes of the teacher.

What are your favorite stories in his works? Do you know his other works? Not every student can boast of knowledge of the biography of the great artist - be smarter, read about him in advance. Moreover, this representative of the Russian school of painting is a truly outstanding author.

Main part

Take a look at the canvas. Thanks to the artist's photographic precision, you can distinguish the smallest details: the ears are bent, but there is no wind: the trees are calm. This means that the harvest has already ripened, and you can accurately determine the season. In the grass you can see a lot of cornflowers - their blue petals stand out clearly against the background if you look closely.

In the essay on the topic "Shishkin's painting" Rye "" every detail is worth mentioning. Where do the birds fly? What do you think their "breed" is? Look where the light falls on the trees: what time of day is shown in the picture? Tell us how you think the author skillfully conveyed the mood of the landscape and why.

Artistic speech

A teacher always wants to see progress in his student. Use beautiful words, do not be lazy to look them up in the dictionary. Formulate the main idea orally, and then embellish it: pick up synonyms, epithets, metaphors. Try to use at least a few words in your essay based on Shishkin’s painting “Rye” in grade 4 that were not used in previous creative works. This must be noted by the teacher when grading.


No matter how beautiful words you speak, you will certainly be lowered for grammatical errors and tongue-tied language. If you forgot some rules: you confuse "-tsya" and "-tsya", "during" and "during", this is fixable - the Internet today allows you to check yourself in real time. The main thing is not to be lazy. In addition, in an essay based on the painting “Rye”, you should use complex sentences that are not limited to the subject, predicate and a couple of minor members.


You can ask your parents for help if certain problems arise, but do not ask them to do any homework for you! In this case, you will not learn anything, and in the future the number of complex and incomprehensible works will only increase. In the 4th grade, write an essay on Shishkin's painting "Rye" on your own and give it to adults for verification so that they mark the mistakes that should be corrected. This way you will practice and get a good grade.

Internet using

In no case do not write off the finished work from the Internet! Of course, you can find them there, but what's the point? You will no longer be able to write off the most important creative works in your school life, since they are issued individually, and you will not know your mistakes. The lack of experience and skill will sooner or later do its job, so consider this essay on the painting "Rye" as a way to practice. Successfully writing it will be a small achievement on the way to a big goal.


To make the text look like a single work of art, it must be completed at the highest emotional point. If in the middle of the essay on the painting “Rye” you analyze the canvas, note any aesthetic subtleties, then in the final you need to move to a higher level of generalization.

Note the beauty of Russian nature, its open spaces, forests and fields; the rare talent of the artist and the skill of his use of the brush. A few suggestions will suffice.

Thus, the essay on the painting "Rye" consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The whole work will take you no more than an hour, even taking into account the fact that you will write it by hand. Put a little effort and inspiration into this text, and the teacher will definitely appreciate it.

Description of the painting Rye

Starting to paint the artist, we are mentally transported far beyond the city limits, finding ourselves in a field where rye grows. You look at the canvas and feel a light summer breeze that touches your face and blows your hair. You can hear how the spikelets of ripe rye rustle slightly. Some of them bowed to the ground under their own weight, while others stand and sway from the wind.

The field is cut by the road. It wags from side to side, and along it there are lonely tall pines, which stand out in green spots among the yellowness of the field. You look at these giants, and it seems as if they are guards that guard the peace of a quiet field. The road itself is overgrown with green grass. Most likely, people rarely pass here, and this adds to the landscape some kind of primordialness.

Sky is blue. It is felt that the sun is high, as it illuminates the surroundings very brightly, but clouds may soon cover it. Perhaps the rain is coming, or maybe the wind will dispel the clouds. Be that as it may, right now is the moment when everything around is beautiful. In the midst of the enveloping silence, birds sing, and the soul is warm and calm.

My impressions

What is my impression of the painting Rye? In short, we can say that the best. Here, the love of the author of the landscape for his native land is clearly read. Here you can immediately see the reverent attitude of the artist to the surrounding nature. I can spend hours enjoying the golden field of rye, the bottomless blue of the sky, the tall pines, the winding road. And this landscape does not get bored, but on the contrary, it takes you to the summer and this is a wonderful feeling.

I. I. Shishkin is one of the best representatives of the Russian school of painting, a master of realistic landscapes. As his contemporaries, fellow artists and critics, noted, the artist subtly felt the psychology, the nature of nature and was able to convey and express them surprisingly accurately in his work. The wonderful canvas "Rye" is a vivid confirmation of this.

Rye, rye, field road ...

Shishkin's painting "Rye" is a classic reflection of the Russian national chronotope. What does he represent? Smooth fields or steppes and a road that goes into the distance. The space is expanded, it is not limited by mountains or any buildings. And above it - the same wide, endless sky, whitish-bluish, with clouds floating thoughtfully. And as connecting both elements - earth and air - links-trees, uplifting their crowns. This is exactly what Shishkin's painting "Rye" looks like. It was written in 1878, after another trip to his native Yelabuga. The audience saw the canvas at the 6th exhibition of the Wanderers - and were captivated by its uncomplicated majestic beauty and sincerity. What did they see? A narrow, grassy road leading from the viewer forward, laid by peasant carts between a golden rye field. The field is eared on the right and left sides, low, dense, it seems that you can hear the rustle of ears under the breeze.

Description of the painting

This is how Shishkin's painting "Rye" looks in the foreground. In addition to the field, the spectators seem to be surrounded, enveloping the sky from all sides. It seems that it lets you in: step through the frame, find yourself inside the canvas - and you will be inside it too. Field and sky stretch as far as the eye can see and hide behind the horizon. And on both sides of the field, along its edge, stand alone tall pines. And this is no coincidence. Although Shishkin's painting was called "Rye", the artist could not resist drawing his favorite tree. It is rightfully considered a symbol of all his work. The pines are tall, with whitish, slightly curved trunks. Their branches are lowered down and resemble a luxurious natural tent. Trees, like mighty warriors-sentinels, stand guard over the ripening crop. Ivan Shishkin wrote his Rye, sincerely admired not only by the scope of Russian fields, their clean, fresh breath, but also by the majesty and pride of the prickly giants.

The mood of the picture

Looking at an artistic canvas, imbued with its charm, one cannot help but pay attention to that special state of pre-storm in which nature is. She seemed to freeze in anticipation, in anticipation of the revelry of the elements, as capricious and uncontrollable, boundless as the Russian spirit. This, perhaps, is the whole Shishkin! “Rye” (the description of the picture helps to understand this) is a canvas-mood, a canvas-feeling. The author notices how single gusts of wind run through the ears, how the tops of pines sway, how their huge paws nod from side to side. The image is saturated with hidden expression, expressive and dynamic. Swallows flying low above the ground give a special revival to the canvas. They trace the air with arrows, emphasizing nature's anxious expectation of a cleansing thunderstorm. ribbon curls forward. In the background, the silhouettes of single trees rise. A jagged strip of forest can be seen in the distance. The sky is also darker there, the clouds thickened in a dense mass. And in the center of the picture they are lighter, with a slight pinkish tint. What does the viewer feel when he stops in front of Shishkin's work, contemplating it? Probably, an irresistible desire to be there, in this hot midday region, turn your face to the sun, inhale the fragrant warm air from the heart and feel like a part of this magnificent, eternal nature.

Such is it, the life-giving force of true art!

Everyone has long gotten used to the idea that bread comes to our homes from the store, but before everything happened in a completely different way. In order for bread to appear on the table, it was necessary to sow rye, take care of it, harvest it - and only then it would be possible to bake fresh, fragrant bread from flour. Probably, due to the complexity of the process of obtaining bread, he was considered a head on the table, he was very much appreciated.

Shishkin's painting "Rye" depicts an endless field of rye that goes beyond the horizon line. It seems that in the distance the rye and the sky merge into one, complement each other. For the image of rye, the author chose a yellow, golden hue. It is associated with the sun and gold, so the field seems golden, precious. Between the field, a road strays, which goes into the distance, is lost between ripe ears of corn.

The artist showed that dumb guards - trees - look after the field. They rise like dark islands above the golden field and, as if they report to the sky about their readiness for harvesting. Everything that happens is watched by a clear, carefree sky, which helps the early ripening of precious ears.

I liked the picture for its simplicity and originality. If you take a closer look at this canvas, it becomes clear that the artist created a picturesque hymn to the industriousness and harmony of the world around him.

Composition based on the painting "Rye" by Shishkin I.I.

Before me is a picture of the great master of painting - I.I. Shishkin, which is called "Rye". In many of his works, we see the picturesque corners of our country, which he lovingly captures on his canvases.

In the foreground we see a huge field sown with rye, it has already ripened, its ripe ears are slowly swaying due to a light breeze. Some have already sunk to the ground, they can no longer hold on because of the weight of the grains. They give off a delicate fragrance. We also see a winding road that leads into the distance, into the depths of the field. It is rarely driven by anyone, because it began to overgrow with flowers, among them you can see blue flowers and snow-white daisies that adorn the golden field.

Behind the field is a pine forest, powerful giant pines guard a rich harvest. There are not so many pines, and they are all different, there are pines with rich fluffy branches, and there are also very thin pines, almost without branches. One, a fluffy pine, tilted its lower branches so close to the ears that it was about to crush them with its weight.

The day depicted in the picture is clear and warm, the sky is bright, light, almost without clouds, there is almost no breeze. The chirping of birds that fly over the field is well heard, somewhere far away you can see small dark clouds, probably soon they will bring warm rain.

The majesty and beauty of Russian nature is precisely spelled out by the great artist, he paints his picture with great love for the Motherland, with tenderness and accuracy ascribes every detail. Looking at the picture, you enjoy the skill of the artist and his talent.

Composition based on the painting by Shishkin "Rye"

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is undoubtedly the strongest among Russian landscape painters. Looking at his painting “Rye”, you notice that the artist reproduces plant forms with a subtle understanding: both the main objects and the smallest features of the tree species, ears of rye.

Without exaggeration, but without embellishment, the artist in his work reflected the climate in which the central plants of the picture have to survive - these are harsh windy, frosty winters; this and the hot summer midday heat. But it is thanks to Shishkin’s brush in the painting “Rye” that we understand how hard it is not only for the worker caring for the future harvest, but also how the harvest itself strives not to fall under the weight of the grains that have matured with such difficulty.

Trees growing in the field create a dual impression: they seem to interfere with harvesting, but they seem to provide shade for rest during harvesting. Another thought creeps in when looking at the trees: is it not Russian laziness that prevents you from cutting down these trees? After all, one of them has obviously not been feeding on the juices of the earth for a long time - it has dried up.

In the background, a flock of birds is barely visible. Who are these rooks, crows, doves? It is clear that these are rather large birds that want to feast on ripe fragrant grain. Why did the author depict them in his picture? Perhaps in order to express their dissatisfaction with those who enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor, and they themselves are not ready to advance one iota for their own good.

The heavy sky on the horizon is most likely not a harbinger of rain, but a harbinger of a dust storm: at this time of the year (most likely August-September), the humidity is very low, so the wind also threatens the fields ready for harvest. But from the border of the horizon, the eye still glides to the golden veil of ears - they seem to be about to sigh heavily. Shishkin drew each spikelet so clearly that it seems as if grains are now falling from the picture!

In addition to feeling the weight of the ears, you involuntarily begin to realize that you catch the smell of the field, the smell of the dust caught by the chariot (the road that divides the field into two parts indicates that people need it), the scent of wildflowers (there are not many of them, but they are an integral part of any cultivated piece of land) .

In conclusion, I would like to say that Shishkin's painting "Rye" combines not only the science of forms, but also the science of color, becoming a strong and harmonious composition. This hymn to industriousness on canvas will carry through the centuries the love of a Russian person for the land and its gifts. Composition based on the painting by Shishkin "Rye" Grade 6-7

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