Characters of the play Poverty is not a vice. The image and characterization is loved by Tortsova in the comedy poverty is not a vice of Ostrovsky's essay


Modern literature. I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov. Coryphaeus. SENTIMENTALISM. Russian classicism. VG Rasputin "Money for Mary". D.I.Fonvizin. D.I. Fonvizin - "the bold ruler of satire", "friend of freedom". M.Yu.Lermontov. G.R. Derzhavin. Classic of the 20th century. V.A. Zhukovsky. V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish". The muse of revenge and sorrow. "Hero of our time". N.V. Gogol. A.V. Vampilov "The Elder Son". The purpose of the lesson: the development of interest in fiction.

"S.P. Sysoy" - "About love, fate and eternity, The theme of the Second World War in the work of S. P. Sysoy. Bird cherry blossoms. And again the centuries will rush over the Universe. And the smell of blood, the smell of pain Mixed with the smell of roses. "My prayers and my love". S. Sysoy. Chapter I. Semyon Prokhorovich Sysoy (1938 - 1998). But no one, not one, was out of order, Not one remained in the bushes. Chapter II. The Fatherland remembers by name. June forty-first.

"Lyceum life of Pushkin" - December 14 was on the Senate Square. Y. Tynyanov "Pushkin", 1983. Lyceum years. Close friend of Pushkin. Fate for eternal separation, Perhaps gave birth to us! Malinovsky Ivan Nickname Cossack. And Kunitsyn greeted us with a greeting between royal guests. Delvig stayed at Mikhailovsky in April 1825. Nicknames Big Zhano, Ivan the Great. Nickname - Kukhla. Minister. Pushkin's friend.

"Lesson of Literature Griboedov" - Attitude to freedom of judgment. Exposition and the beginning of a social conflict. Action 2 phenomenon 2. Chatsky touched Sophia to the quick, speaking badly about Molchalin. What types of literature do you know? What examples of the horrors of serfdom does Chatsky cite? Why doesn't Chatsky understand that Sophia loves Molchalin? Heroes necessary for the connection of the stage action. Military service. What is a comedy? Repetilov - from the word "repeat". And who in Moscow did not shut their mouths Lunches, dinners and dances? What is the theme of the monologue? Declaring Chatsky crazy.

"Tolstoy Youth" - What, in your opinion, is the meaning of Tolstoy's call: "Believe yourself"? On a passionate Wednesday, a gray-haired monk, confessor, comes to the house. Negligence in studies bears fruit: Nikolai fails at the first exam. After confession, Nikolai feels like a pure and new person. The health of the 82-year-old writer could not stand the trip. By origin, he belonged to the most ancient aristocratic families of Russia. Question: Moral problems of the story.

"V.A. Zhukovsky ballad Svetlana" - Exposition Composition Development of the action Climax Decoupling. A.S. Pushkin. Symbolic character of space and time. Unforeseen intervention of supernatural, fatal forces. V.A. Zhukovsky ballad "Svetlana". Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. Characteristic features of the ballad genre. A tense dramatic, mysterious, or fantasy story. The presence of a plot basis.

We love Karpych Tortsov - the hero of A. N. Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty is not a vice", the squandered brother of Gordey Tortsov. This character is endowed with spirituality and high moral character. He can portray a jester or a buffoon, but in his heart he remains a serious and deep person. After he squandered part of his father's inheritance in Moscow and was deceived by the cunning manufacturer Korshunov, Lyubim returned to his brother. However, Gordey Karpych received him unkindly. Having become rich, he became rather arrogant and proud. As it seemed to him, such a brother was not like him. Lyubim Karpych decided to teach his brother a lesson.

Deep down, this hero suffers from loneliness. Bitter buffoonery, which is attributed to him, became his companion involuntarily. He was forced to clown for a piece of bread. And now, when his brother kicked him out of the house, he went around like a buffoon and made people laugh. For this, Gordey Karpych was even more angry with him. And when Lyubim stood up with the beggars at the cathedral, Tortsov completely drove him away. For help and shelter, he turned to the clerk Tortsov - Mitya. Upon learning that poor Mitya was in love with his niece Lyubov Gordeevna, he decided to help the young. It was Lyubim Karpych who upset the upcoming wedding of Korshunov with Lyubov Gordeevna.

He told everyone how Afrikan Savich fooled him in Moscow and appropriated the money left from the inheritance for himself. The same fate, perhaps, awaited his brother - Gordey Karpych. Thus, thanks to this character, everyone was able to find their happiness. Even Pelageya Yegorovna was glad that her daughter's wedding with a factory owner from Moscow was upset. At the end of the third act, Afrikan Savich was put to shame, Gordey Karpych was brought to his senses, and the young lovers received Tortsov's blessing.

The only form that protest can take among the dark merchant class is the liberation of the individual from the bonds of his stuffy life... If the individual is cultured, many paths are open before him. If not, she, most often, turns out to be unsettled and dies: robbery, revelry, drunkenness, vagrancy - this is what this protest was expressed in ancient Rus'.

This protest also took on such a popular, ancient form in the atmosphere of merchant “tyranny”. In Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty is not a vice" (see its full text, summary and more detailed content of individual actions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd), Lyubim Tortsov, brother of the tyrant Gordey, is bred. By nature, possessing an ardent temperament, as they say, “broad nature”, during the life of his father in his own family, where, in all likelihood, tyranny also reigned, he involuntarily had to restrain himself, obeying the dominant force. The stronger this submission was, the more his passionate nature changed, the more powerfully the irresistible need for a “free will” must have awakened in him - the desire to give space to the soul, eager for strong, diverse impressions.

Ostrovsky. Poverty is not a vice. Performance, 1969

Lyubim swung broadly when he broke free - revelry, revelry, drunkenness, all kinds of hobbies - he re-experienced everything, not knowing where to look for true freedom. Soon he let go of all his father's inheritance, became a drunkard, a vagabond, earning his livelihood by buffoonery. But Lyubim did not drink away, did not squander his soul, and she spoke in him: “Fear attacked me,” he says, “horror found me. How did I live? What business was I doing? I began to yearn, and so yearn - that it seems better to die!

Such soul-purifying impulses of people in ancient Rus' usually led to the monastery (cf. "The Tale of Woe-Misfortune"), but Lyubim did not go to the monastery - he became a drunkard, did not work, perhaps because that his brother did not give him a helping hand when he asked for it. But under the vagabond's rags his honest heart was beating—truthful, grateful to those who were sympathetic to him.

Having experienced a lot of grief, Lyubim became responsive to the suffering of others; while lounging himself, he, however, knows how to respect work. Clever and at the same time cunning, he deftly frustrates Gordey's intentions to marry off his daughter Love to old Afrikan Korshunov. He knows how to help the young man Mitya, who has tender feelings for Lyuba, and knows how to pity the stone heart of Gordey.

"Are you a man or a beast?" says Love to brother, kneeling before him. “Pity you and Lyubim Tortsov! Brother, give Lyubushkuz Mitya - he will give me a corner. I'm tired, I'm hungry. My summers have passed, it’s hard for me to clow around in the cold because of a piece of bread; even under old age, but honestly live! After all, I deceived the people, asked for alms, and drank it myself. They will give me a job - I will have my own pot of cabbage soup. Then I will thank God. Brother! and my tear will reach the sky ... That he is poor! Oh, if I were poor, I would Human was. Poverty is not a vice!"

In this heartfelt, powerful speech, a purely Russian common people's outlook on life was expressed. In general, Ostrovsky's whole play, rich in folk songs, sayings and proverbs, written in purely Russian beautiful language, made such an impression on contemporaries with its "nationality" that one of the contemporaries of the Slavophil poets sang the Russian scene, updated by this comedy, in such verses:

There ... now the native life is walking;
There the Russian song is free, pours loudly,
There is a whole world - the world is free and alive ...
Great Russian life is feasting on the stage,
The Great Russian beginning triumphs!..
Great Russian speech warehouse,
Great Russian mind, Great Russian look,
Like Mother Volga, wide and roguish!

“Wider road - Lyubim Tortsov is coming!” - this exclamation of drunken Lyubim became a solemn cry that swept through Russian Slavophil literature after the appearance of the comedy "Poverty is not a vice". In Lyubim they saw the personification of the Russian national soul, the Russian mind and heart...

The fact that Ostrovsky chose a fallen man as the bearer of "national ideals" did not bother anyone. With a light hand

Russian drama of the middle of the 19th century is characterized by the appearance of works describing the life and customs of the merchants of Zamoskvorechye. A special place in this list is occupied by the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky. The most famous is the comedy God Resists the Proud, written in 1853. Then it was renamed "Poverty is not a vice." What Ostrovsky's comedy "Poverty is not a vice" is written about, a summary.

Nikolai Fedorovich Ostrovsky dreamed of a legal career for his son Alexander. However, in 1843, a young man who did not pass the exam in Roman law was expelled from the university. A failed lawyer combines the service of a judicial clerk with the work of a writer.

A.N. Ostrovsky wrote the comedy "Poverty is no vice", which was published as a separate book in 1854. The following year, a production based on the writer's play took place at the Maly Theater. Leading artist of the theater troupe P.M. Sadovsky, to whom the playwright dedicated the work, plays the role of Lyubim.

On the stage of St. Petersburg, "Poverty is not a vice" by Ostrovsky saw the light of day in the autumn of 1854. The production took place in honor of the benefit performance of the actor and director of the Alexandrinsky Theater A.A. Yablochkin.

The plot of the play "Poverty is not a vice" in brief. Of course, reading this version is not a substitute for reading the original.

We remind you! A summary of the actions reveals only the plot of the work of the great writer.


Literary critics consider one of the best creations a comedy in three acts "Poverty is not a vice" by Ostrovsky. Events unfold in the merchant's house of Gordey Tortsov in a provincial town during Christmas festivities.

The following characters act in the play "Poverty is not a vice":

  1. Wealthy merchant Gordey Tortsov, his wife Pelageya Yegorovna, their daughter Lyubov.
  2. We love Tortsov's brother, who squandered his inheritance.
  3. Capital breeder Afrikan Korshunov.
  4. Commander Mitya.
  5. The owner's nephew, Yasha Guslin, and Grisha Razlyulyaev, a wealthy merchant's son.
  6. Widow Anna Ivanovna.
  7. Masha and Lisa, friends of Lyubov Gordeevna.
  8. Nurse Arina and boy Yegorushka, a distant relative of the Tortsovs.

First action

Hanging around doing nothing, Mitya is interested in what the household members are doing. Egorushka describes the scandal between Gordey Karpych and his brother that took place the day before at dinner.

Pelageya Yegorovna enters the room. In a conversation with the clerk, an elderly woman complains about her husband's wayward character, does not approve of his acquaintance with Korshunov. She argues that the fashion for foreign life is a temporary phenomenon, and Russian customs will live forever. Guslin appears. Leaving, the owner's wife invites young people to come to visit in the evening.

Left alone, Mitya tells Yasha about his hard life, confesses his love for the daughter of Gordey Tortsov. Then the clerk sits down to work, and Guslin selects music for the poems written by the young man in love. Razlyulyaev enters the room, showing off his wealth and recklessness.

Tortsov's nephew offers to listen to the melody he composed. Everyone is fascinated by the song. Then the buddies start fooling around. Behind this occupation, the owner of the house finds them. The merchant criticizes the clothes worn by Mitya and Razlyulyaev. Before leaving, Gordey Tortsov condemns the desire of the clerk to take care of his elderly mother in the first place.

Lyubov Gordeevna, her friends and Anna Ivanovna appear in the room. The girls are bored and lonely in the living room and want to join the guys. Jacob whispers to the widow about the clerk's feelings for the owner's daughter.

The company decides to move to the next room. Anna makes sure that the clerk and the daughter of Gordey Tortsov are left alone. Dmitry recites poems dedicated to his beloved. The girl writes a note with an answer, but demands that the message be read after she leaves.

The brother of Gordey Tortsov, who entered, deprives Mitya of the opportunity to familiarize himself with the contents of the note. Lyubim Karpych tells the young man how he drank away his half of the inheritance in Moscow and became homeless. African Korshunov helped squander the money. Dirty and sick, Lyubim came to his brother asking for help in need. Gordey was ashamed of a beggarly relative in front of the polished guests.

The old man says that wealth is evil, and big money spoils the character of a person. Retelling his life, the unfortunate man falls asleep. Mitya reads a girl's note with a confession of reciprocity.

Second act

In the living room of the heroine of the play, Lyuba and Anna talk about the transience of love. With the arrival of Dmitry, the widow leaves the room. The lovers confess that they cannot live without each other. It was decided to go to Gordey Karpych to decide their fate. The approach of Arina forces the clerk and the merchant's daughter to leave.

The nanny is preparing the living room for the meeting of the mummers, who are invited to entertain the guests. The room is filled with homemade, invited neighbors and entertainers who brought in a bear and a goat.

While the mummers are buffooning and singing songs, Mitya and Lyuba are whispering and furtively kissing. Noticing this, Razlyulyaev complains to the clerk. Yasha intercedes for the lover.

Gordey Karpych and Korshunov arrive. The owner of the house kicks out guests with artists and orders to bring champagne and snacks. Fabrikant kisses the girls, the boys leave.

The African presents a diamond ring to Lyubov Gordeevna and hints at the desire to marry the girl. Tortsov's daughter wants to leave the room, but her father orders her to stay. The merchant announces his intention to marry Lyuba to Korshunov.

Third act

The nanny is saddened by the future marriage of Lyubov Gordeevna with an unloved person. Frustrated, Pelageya Yegorovna orders a large samovar to be served to the guests in the next room. The merchant's wife asks Anna Ivanovna to help with the housework. Mitya, who is about to leave for his mother, comes in to say goodbye. The widow goes for Lyubov Gordeevna.

The clerk tells Tortsova how unhappy he is, and invites her beloved, who has come into the room, to secretly escape from her parents' house and get married. The girl refuses to marry without her father's blessing. Dmitry says goodbye to women, leaves.

Entering Korshunov asks Pelageya Yegorovna to leave them alone with their daughter. He lays out to the bride the benefits of marrying an older man. When the girl asked about the previous wife of the manufacturer, he angrily recalls the deceased. Then the African again takes the form of a good-natured old man.

Entering Gordey boasts of how he arranged a treat for the guest in a foreign manner. Yegorushka informs that Lyubim Karpych has come. Households and guests gathered in the hall when the owner's brother appeared and began to accuse Korshunov of a dishonorable act, recalling an old debt.

The exposed African refuses to marry the daughter of Gordey Tortsov. From that moment on, he wants Gordey to beg the Moscow rich man to become a son-in-law. In response, the humiliated merchant promises to give his daughter for any poor man.

First, the choice fell on the returned Mitya. The young man takes Lyubov Gordeevna by the hand and brings her to the parent for a blessing. The merchant was dumbfounded and wants to renounce his words, but everyone present persuades Gordey Tortsov to agree to the marriage of lovers.

Note! The reader of the comedy "Poverty is not a Vice" summary does not allow to fully touch the wealth of the Russian language.

Useful video: the play "Poverty is not a vice" in 17 minutes

Critical controversy

Critics and literary critics expressed their point of view about the play:

  • N.G. Chernyshevsky,
  • P.N. Kudryavtsev,
  • A.V. Druzhinin,
  • A.A. Grigoriev.

The subject of controversy was the opposition in the play “Poverty is not a vice” of imaginary aristocracy and spirituality of the lower classes. Supporters of Westernism reproached the writer for being stagnant and defending patriarchal social principles. The playwright's sympathy for folk culture was defended by representatives of objective criticism.

N.G. Chernyshevsky considered Ostrovsky's comedy Poverty Is Not a Vice to be false and weak. According to the critic, only the name of the author of the famous play "Our People - Let's Settle" provides favorable reviews. The literary critic, who is annoyed by the embellishment of the characters of positive characters, believes that the main characters of the play "Poverty is not a vice" cannot have prototypes in real life.

Review of the play "Poverty is not a vice", in which P.N. Kudryavtsev characterizes the heroes, accuses Ostrovsky of exalting the dirty sides of reality in the image of his brother Gordey Tortsov. The playwright was accused of adherence to Slavophilism. Critics did not like the transformation of the scene into a "booth" when a merchant family's Yuletide festivities are presented.

Speaking in defense of Ostrovsky's play, A.V. Druzhinin dismisses Chernyshevsky's unfair reproaches of the playwright's idealization of patriarchal foundations. The critic points to the only drawback of the play "Poverty is not a vice" - the far-fetched plot denouement. The indisputable advantages are the poetry and beauty of the language of the work.

The writer's comedies, which were allowed to be staged on the imperial stages, including the play "Poverty is not a vice", created a folk theater. Having made a deep analysis of the playwright's works, Apollon Grigoriev writes that the key to understanding Ostrovsky's work is the word "people".

Contemporaries believed that Ostrovsky, with the help of the play “Poverty is not a vice”, released the truth of life onto the stage, putting an end to the era of landscape performances by the romantic playwright Kukolnik.

Useful video: analysis of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice"


Unfortunately, the Russian language has become extremely impoverished in the modern world and is overly clogged with foreign words that are easily replaced by lexical units of native speech.

Classical literature differs from tabloid writings in that the works of great authors written in past centuries touch upon issues relevant to the modern world. It is enough to recall the replicas of the main characters of the play “Poverty is not a vice” to understand how Ostrovsky's ideas are consonant with the present time.

In contact with

Comedy in three acts

Dedicated to Prov Mikhailovich Sadovsky.


Gordey Karpych Tortsov, a wealthy merchant. Pelageya Egorovna, his wife. Lyubov Gordeevna, their daughter. We love Karpych Tortsov, his brother, squandered. African Savich Korshunov, manufacturer. Mitya, Tortsov's clerk. Yasha Guslin, Tortsov's nephew. Grisha Razlyulyaev, young merchant, son of a wealthy father. Anna Ivanovna, a young widow.

Masha Lisa

friends of Lyubov Gordeevna.

Yegorushka, a boy, a distant relative of Tortsov. Arina, nurse of Lyubov Gordeevna. Guests , guests , servants , mummers and others .

The action takes place in the county town, in the house of the merchant Tortsov, during Christmas time.

Act one

A small clerk's room; there is a door on the back wall, a bed in the corner to the left, a closet to the right; there is a window on the left wall, a table near the window, a chair by the table; near the right wall a desk and a wooden stool; a guitar beside the bed; books and papers on the table and desk.

The first phenomenon

Mitya paces up and down the room; Yegorushka sits on a stool and reads "Bova Korolevich".

Yegorushka (reads). “My sovereign father, the glorious and brave king, Kiribit Verzoulovich, now I don’t have the courage to go for him, because when I was young, King Gvidon wooed me.” Mitya. What, Yegorushka, are our houses? Yegorushka (pinches the place where he reads, so as not to be mistaken). Nobody here; left to ride. Alone Gordey Karpych at home. (Reads.) "That's what Kiribit Verzoulovich said to his daughter"... (Points a finger.) Only so angry that trouble! I've already left - everything swears. (Reads.) “Then the beautiful Militrisa Kirbityevna, having called her servant Licharda ...” Mitya. Who is he angry with? Yegorushka (pinches again). To my uncle, to Lyubim Karpych. On the second holiday, uncle Lyubim Karpych dined with us, got tipsy at dinner, and began to throw out different knees, but that's ridiculous. I’m funny because it hurts, I couldn’t stand it, I rolled with laughter, and looking at me, that’s all. Uncle Gordey Karpych took this to himself as an insult and for ignorance, got angry at him, and drove him away. Uncle Lyubim Karpych took it in revenge and quarreled with him, went with the beggars and stood at the cathedral. Uncle Gordey Karpych says: shamed, he says, for the whole city. Yes, now he is angry at everyone indiscriminately, who turns up by the arm. (Reads.) "With the intention of stepping under our hail." Mitya (looking out the window). It seems that ours have arrived ... So it is! Pelageya Yegorovna, Lyubov Gordeevna, and guests with them. Yegorushka (hides story in pocket). Run upstairs. (Exits.)

The second phenomenon

Mitya (one). What melancholy, Lord!.. There is a holiday in the street, everyone in the house has a holiday, and you sit within four walls!.. I am a stranger to everyone, neither relatives nor acquaintances! ! it’s better to sit down to work, maybe the longing will pass. (Sits down at the desk and thinks, then sings.)

Her beauty cannot be described!
Black eyebrows, with droopy eyes.

Yes, with a twist. And as yesterday, in a sable coat, covered with a handkerchief, she comes from mass, so ... ah! .. I think so, and such beauty is not imagined! (Thinks, then sings.)

And where did this beauty come from...

How, work will come to mind here! I wish I could think of her! Oh, you, grief-sorrow! .. (He covers his face with his hands and sits silently.)

Included Pelageya Egorovna, dressed in winter, and stops at the door.

The third phenomenon

Mitya and Pelageya Egorovna. Pelageya Egorovna. Mitya, Mitenka! Mitya. What do you want? Pelageya Egorovna. Come to us in the evening, my dear. Play with the girls, sing songs. Mitya. Thank you very much. I consider it my first duty, sir. Pelageya Egorovna. What do you want to sit in the office alone! Little fun! Are you coming in, right? Proud Karpych will not be at home. Mitya. Okay, I'll be right in. Pelageya Egorovna. After all, he will leave again ... yes, he will leave there, to this, to his own ... how is it? .. Mitya. To African Savich, sir? Pelageya Egorovna. Yes Yes! Here it is imposed, God forgive me! Mitya (giving a chair). Sit down, Pelageya Yegorovna. Pelageya Egorovna. Oh no time. Well, let me swear a little. (Sits down.) So you go ... what a misfortune! That's right! Yes! Here's the thing! What for? What did it come to? Say for mercy! He is a violent and drunk man, an African Savich ... yes! Mitya. Maybe Gordey Karpych has some business with Afrikan Savich. Pelageya Egorovna. What business! There are no business. After all, he, African Savich, everyone drinks with aglicin. There he has aglychin at the dilechtor factory - and they drink ... yes! And ours is not a trace with them. Can you talk to him! His pride alone is worth something. I, he says, have no one to keep company with, everything, he says, you bastard, everything, you see, peasants, and they live like a peasant; and that one, you see, is from Moscow, most of all in Moscow ... and rich. And what happened to him? Why, all of a sudden, my dear, all of a sudden! Still, he had a mind. Well, we lived, of course, not luxuriously, but all the same, in such a way that God forbid everyone; but last year he went on a trip, but he took over from someone. Adopted, adopted, they told me ... I adopted all these things. Now all our Russian is not nice to him; one thing gets along - I want to live in the present, to engage in fashion. Yes, yes! .. Put on, he says, a cap! .. After all, what will he think up! Ugh! Well, here you go with him! Yes! I never drank before ... really ... never, but now they drink with Afrikan! I'm drunk, he must have (pointing to head) and got confused. (Silence.) I already think that it is the enemy that confuses him! Somehow not to have a mind! .. Well, if only he was young: a young one needs to dress up, and all this is flattering; and then after all, under sixty! Dear, under sixty! Right! Yours and the current fashion, I tell him, changes every day, but our Russian custom lives on from time immemorial! The old people were not stupider than us. Yes, unless you talk to him, with his own, my dear, a cool character! Mitya. What should I say! Strict person. Pelageya Egorovna. Lyubochka is now in her present time, she needs to be accommodated, but he gets along with one thing: there is no equal for her ... no, no! Mitya. Maybe Gordey Karpych wants to extradite Lyubov Gordeevna in Moscow. Pelageya Egorovna. Who knows what's on his mind. He looks like a beast, he won’t say a word, as if I’m not a mother ... yes, really ... I don’t dare to say anything to him; unless you talk to a stranger about your grief, cry, take your soul away, that's all. (Rises.) Come in, Mitenka. Mitya. I'll come, sir.

Guslin enters.

The fourth phenomenon

The same and Guslin.

Pelageya Egorovna. Here's another great guy! Come, Yashenka, already upstairs with the girls to sing songs, you're a master, but grab a guitar. Guslin. Well, sir, this is not a labor for us, but also, one might say, a pleasure, sir. Pelageya Egorovna. Well, goodbye. Go to sleep for half an hour. Guslin and Mitya. Farewell, sir.

Pelageya Yegorovna leaves; Mitya sits down at the table, saddened. Guslin sits on the bed and takes the guitar.

Fifth phenomenon

Mitya and Yasha Guslin.

Guslin. What people were on the skating! .. And yours were. Why weren't you? Mitya. Why, Yasha, melancholy-badness seized me. Guslin. What is longing? What are you worried about? Mitya. How not to grieve? Suddenly such thoughts will come into my head: what kind of person am I in the world? Now my parent is in old age and poverty, she must be supported, but with what? The salary is small, from Gordey Karpych everything is insulting and scolding, but he reproaches everything with poverty, as if it were my fault ... but he does not increase his salary. Look for another place, but where you can find it without knowing something. Yes, I confess to say, I will not go to another place. Guslin. Why won't you go? Here at the Razlyulyaevs it is good to live - rich and kind people. Mitya. No, Yasha, not a hand! I will endure everything from Gordey Karpych, I will live in misery, but I will not go. This is my plan! Guslin. Why so? Mitya (gets up). Yes, there is a reason for that. Yes, Yasha, I still have grief, but no one knows that grief. I didn't tell anyone about my grief. Guslin. Tell me. Mitya (waving his hand). For what! Guslin. Tell me how important! Mitya. Don't talk, you can't help! Guslin. And how to know? Mitya (approaches Guslin). Nobody will help me. My head is gone! I fell in love painfully with Lyubov Gordeevna. Guslin. What are you, Mitya?! Yes, how is it? Mitya. Yes, that's how it is, and it's already done. Guslin. Better, Mitya, get it out of your head. This case will never happen, and it will never grow. Mitya. Knowing all this, I cannot understand my heart. “You can love a friend, you can’t forget! ..” (Speaks with strong gestures.)“I fell in love with the red girl more than my family, more than my tribe! .. Evil people do not order, they tell me to quit, stop!” Guslin. Yes, and then you have to quit. Here Anna Ivanovna is my equal: she has nothing, I have nothing, and even then my uncle does not order me to marry. And you have nothing to think about. And then you take it into your head, then it will be even harder. Mitya (reciting).

What in the world is cruel? —
Pre-cruelty is love!

(Walks around the room.) Yasha, have you read Koltsov? (Stops.) Guslin. Read what? Mitya. How did he describe all these feelings! Guslin. Described exactly. Mitya. That's exactly what. (Walks around the room.) Yasha! Guslin. What? Mitya. I wrote the song myself. Guslin. You? Mitya. Yes. Guslin. Let's pick a voice, and let's sing. Mitya. Fine. Na, here. (Gives him paper.) And I'll pee a little - there is a matter: Gordey Karpych will ask unequally. (Sits down and writes.)

Guslin takes the guitar and begins to pick up his voice; Razlyulyaev enters with harmony.

The sixth phenomenon

The same and Razlyulyaev.

Razlyulyaev. Hello brothers! (Plays harmonies and dances.) Guslin. Eco, fool! What did you buy the harmony for? Razlyulyaev. Know what to play. Like this... (Plays.) Guslin. Well, important music... nothing to say! Come on, they tell you. Razlyulyaev. Well, I won’t quit unless! .. If I want, I’ll quit ... That’s the importance! We don't have money, do we? (He hits himself in the pocket.) They're ringing! We walk - so walk! (Throws harmony.)

One mountain is high
And the other is low;
One mile away
The other one is close.

Mitya (hitting Mitya on the shoulder) and Mitya! What are you sitting?

Mitya. There is a case. (Continues to practice.) Razlyulyaev. Mitya, and Mitya, and I'm walking, brother ... the right word, I'm walking. Ooh, go! (Sings: “One mountain is high”, etc.) Mitya, Mitya! I'll be walking around the whole holiday, and then get down to business ... Right word! Well, we don't have any money, do we? Here they are... But I'm not drunk... No, I'm walking like that... having fun... Mitya. Well, play healthy. Razlyulyaev. And after the holiday I'm getting married!.. Truly, I'm getting married! I'll take the rich one. Guslin (Mite). Well, listen, will it be all right? Razlyulyaev. Sing, sing, I'll listen. Guslin (sings).

No, it's angrier, more disgusting
Evil orphan share,
Worse than fierce grief,
Harder than bondage!
All in the world holidays,
You're not having fun!
Is it a violent little head
Hangover without wine!
Youth is not happy
Beauty does not please;
Not a sweetheart girl -
Grief scratches curls.

During all this time, Razlyulyaev stands as if rooted to the spot and listens with feeling; At the end of the song, everyone is silent.

Razlyulyaev. Okay, it hurts good! It's such a pity ... So much for the heart and enough. (Sighs.) Oh, Yasha! Play a fun, full of rigmarole something to pull this - today is a holiday. (Sings.) Play along, Yasha.

Guslin plays along.

Mitya. It's enough for you to fool around. Let's better sit down in a bunch and sing a little song. Razlyulyaev. OK! (They sit down.) Guslin (sings; Mitya and Razlyulyaev pull up).

You youngsters are young
You are my friends...

Gordey Karpych enters; everyone gets up and stops singing.

The seventh phenomenon

The same and Gordey Karpych.

Gordey Karpych. What are you up to? They bawl, just like a man! (Mitya.) And there you are! It seems that you do not live in such a house, not with the peasants. What a half-beer! So that I don't have it ahead. (Goes to the table and examines the papers.) What papers scattered! .. Mitya. I checked the accounts, sir. Gordey Karpych (takes Koltsov's book and a notebook with verses). And what is this nonsense? Mitya. It's me out of boredom, on holidays, sir, that I rewrite Mr. Koltsov's poems. Gordey Karpych. What tenderness in our poverty! Mitya. Actually, for my own education, I do it in order to have an idea. Gordey Karpych. Education! Do you know what education is?.. And he also talks there! You should have sewed a brand new sertuchishko! After all, you go upstairs to us, there are guests ... shame! Where do you put money? Mitya. I send it to my mother, because she is old, she has nowhere to take it. Gordey Karpych. Send your mother! You yourself would have formed before; God knows what is needed for a mother, she was not brought up in luxury, tea, she closed the stables herself. Mitya. Let me better, I'll endure, but mama, at least, does not need anything. Gordey Karpych. Yes, it's ugly! If you don’t know how to observe decency over yourself, then sit in your kennel; if there is a goal around, then there is nothing to dream about yourself! He writes poetry, he wants to educate himself, but he walks like a factory worker! Does education consist in this, that stupid songs are to be sung? That's something stupid! (Through teeth and looking askance at Mitya.) Fool! (After a pause.) Don't you dare show yourself upstairs in this collar. Listen, I'm telling you! (To Razlyulyaev.) And you too! Father, tea, rakes in money with a shovel, and he leads you in a kind of zipunishka. Razlyulyaev. What is it! It's new!.. French cloth, ordered from Moscow, through an acquaintance... twenty ruble arshins. Well, I need to put on something like that at Franz Fedorych's, at the pharmacist's... I'm curvy; so everyone is teasing him: a scary coat! So what's good to make people laugh! Gordey Karpych. You know a lot! Yes, there is nothing to collect from you! You yourself are stupid, and your father is not painfully smart ... a whole century with a greasy belly walks; You live as unenlightened fools, you will die as fools. Razlyulyaev. Okay. Gordey Karpych (strictly). What? Razlyulyaev. Okay, please. Gordey Karpych. Ignorant, and you don’t know how to say something worthwhile! Talking to you is just wasting words; it's all the same that the wall is peas, so are you fools. (Exits.)

The eighth phenomenon

The same, without Tortsov.

Razlyulyaev. Come on, what a formidable one! Look, you've broken out! So they were afraid of you ... Well, keep your pocket! Mitya (to Guslin). This is what my life is like! This is how sweet it is for me to live in the world! Razlyulyaev. Yes, from such a life - you will drink, really, you will drink! Come on, don't think. (Sings.)

One mountain is high
And the other is low;
One mile away
The other one is close.

Includes: Lyubov Gordeevna

The ninth phenomenon

The same , Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna , Masha and Lisa .

Anna Ivanovna . The world of an honest company! Razlyulyaev. You are welcome to our hut. Mitya. Our respect, sir! You are welcome!.. What fates?.. Anna Ivanovna . But none, just - they took it and came. Gordey Karpych left, and Pelageya Yegorovna lay down to rest, so now it’s our will ... Go for a walk - I don’t want to! .. Mitya. Please kindly sit down.

sit down; Mitya sits down opposite Lyubov Gordeyevna; Razlyulyaev walks.

Anna Ivanovna . Tired of sitting in silence, cracking nuts; let's go, I say, girls, to the guys, and the girls like it. Lyubov Gordeevna. What are you inventing? We didn't imagine going here, you made it up.
Anna Ivanovna . How not! Yes, you're the first ... It's a well-known case, whoever needs what, he thinks about it: guys about girls, and girls about guys. Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!.. That's exactly what you say, Anna Ivanovna. Lyubov Gordeevna. That's never!
Masha (Lise). Ah, what a shame! Lisa . This, Anna Ivanovna, you say quite the opposite. Anna Ivanovna . Oh you modesty! I would have said a word, but it’s not good in front of guys ... I myself was in girls, I know everything. Lyubov Gordeevna. Girl girl strife.
Masha. Ah, what a shame! Lisa . What you are saying is very strange and, one might say, embarrassing even for us. Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha! Anna Ivanovna . And what was the conversation upstairs about now? If you want, I'll tell you! .. Well, talk, or what? What, calm down! Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha! Anna Ivanovna . You've opened your mouth! Not about you, I suppose. Razlyulyaev. Hosh is not about me, but maybe there are those who think about us. We know what we know! (Dances.) Anna Ivanovna (approaches Guslin). What are you, bandura player, when you marry me? Guslin (playing guitar). But when permission will be issued from Gordey Karpych. Where should we rush to, it’s not dripping over us. (Nods her head.) Come here, Anna Ivanovna, I have something to tell you.

She comes up to him and sits down beside him; he whispers in her ear, pointing to Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya.

Anna Ivanovna . What are you saying?.. Really! Guslin. It's true so. Anna Ivanovna . Well, so good, shut up! (They speak in a whisper.) Lyubov Gordeevna. You, Mitya, will you come to me in the evening? Mitya. I'll come, sir. Razlyulyaev. And I will come. I hurt to dance much. (Becomes a fert.) Girls, love me somebody. Masha. Shame on you! What are you talking about! Razlyulyaev. What is the importance! I say: love me... yes... for my simplicity. Lisa . Girls don't say that. And you had to wait for yourself to be loved. Razlyulyaev. Yes, wait for you, how! (Dancing.)

How not to love a hussar!

Lyubov Gordeevna (looking at Matthew). Maybe someone loves someone, but he won’t say: you have to guess for yourself.
Lisa . What girl in the world can say that! Masha. Certainly. Anna Ivanovna (approaches them and glances first at Lyubov Gordeevna, then at Mitya and sings).

And as you can see,
When someone loves someone -
Sits down against the darling
He sighs heavily.

Mitya. On whose account should it be taken? Anna Ivanovna. We already know whose. Razlyulyaev. Wait, girls, I'll sing a song for you. Anna Ivanovna. Sleep, sleep! Razlyulyaev (sings long).

A bear flew through the sky...

Anna Ivanovna. Don't you know worse than this? Lisa. You might even take it as a joke. Razlyulyaev. And if this one is not good, I will sing you another; I'm cheerful. (Sings.)

Oh, hit the board
Remember Moscow!
Moscow wants to get married -
Take a column.
And Tula is laughing,
Yes, he does not want to dowry!
And four buckwheat
Groats forty,
Here we have millet hryvnia,
And barley is three altyns.

(Turning to the girls.)

Oats would also be cheaper -
Painfully expensive transportation!

See what the weather is like!

Masha. This does not apply to us. Lisa. We do not sell flour. Anna Ivanovna. Yes, you have arrived! Here you solve the riddle. What is: round - but not a girl; with a tail - but not a mouse? Razlyulyaev. This thing is smart. Anna Ivanovna. That's tricky! .. So you think! Well, girls, let's go.

The girls get up and get ready to go.

Guys, let's go.

Guslin and Razlyulyaev are going.

Mitya. And I'll come later. I'll take something here. Anna Ivanovna (while gathering).

girls evening,
The evening is red
In the evening the girls brewed beer.
Went to the girls
Went to the red
I went to the girls and an uninvited guest.

Anna Ivanovna let everyone through the door, except for Lyubov Gordeevna, shuts her up and does not let her in.

The tenth phenomenon

Mitya And Lyubov Gordeevna.

Lyubov Gordeevna (at the door). Stop it, don't be foolish.

Behind the door girlish laughter.

They don't let me in!.. Oh, what! (Moves away from the door.) Pranksters, right! ..

Mitya (holding up a chair). Sit down, Lyubov Gordeevna, talk for a minute. I am very glad to see you at home. Lyubov Gordeevna (sits down). What is there to be happy about, I do not understand. Mitya. Why, sir!... I am very pleased to see such attention from you, beyond what I have done for you. Here's another time I have happiness, sir... Lyubov Gordeevna. Well! She came, sat and left, this is not important. I'll probably leave now. Mitya. Ah, no, don't leave, sir!... Why, sir! (Takes paper out of pocket.) Let me present you my work... as best I can, from the bottom of my heart. Lyubov Gordeevna. What is it? Mitya. I actually wrote poetry for you. Lyubov Gordeevna (trying to hide the joy). Still, maybe some stupidity ... not worth reading. Mitya. I cannot judge this, because I myself wrote it and, moreover, without studying. Lyubov Gordeevna. Read! Mitya. Now-s. (Sits down by the table and takes up paper; LYUBOV GORDEEVNA moves very close to him.)

Not a flower fades in the field, not a blade of grass -
Withers, dries good fellow-child.
He fell in love with the red maiden on the mountain,
To my own misfortune, and to my great misfortune.
In vain the guy ruins his heart,
What a guy loves a rough girl:
In the dark night, the red sun does not rise,
What kind of guy is a red girl not to be.

Lyubov Gordeevna (sits for a while thinking). Give it to me. (Takes the paper and hides it, then gets up.) I will write to you myself. Mitya. You sir? Lyubov Gordeevna. I just don't know how to write poetry, but it's simple. Mitya. For great happiness, mail for yourself, your such a favor, sir. (Gives paper and pen.) Please, sir. Lyubov Gordeevna. It's a pity that I write badly. (Writes; Mitya wants to look in.) Just don't look, otherwise I'll stop writing and tear it up. Mitya. I won't watch. But you allow me, for your indulgence, to comply with the same as best I can, and write poems for you a second time, sir. Lyubov Gordeevna (putting down pen). Write, perhaps ... Only her fingers got all dirty; if I knew, it would be better not to write. Mitya. Please, sir. Lyubov Gordeevna. Here, take it. Just don't you dare read in front of me, but read it after I'm gone. (She folds the paper and gives it to him; he puts it in his pocket.) Mitya. It will be as you wish. Lyubov Gordeevna (rises). Will you come upstairs with us? Mitya. I'll come, sir... this minute, sir. Lyubov Gordeevna. Goodbye. Mitya. Goodbye, sir.

Lyubov Gordeyevna goes to the door; coming out of the door Lyubim Karpych.

The eleventh phenomenon

The same And Lyubim Karpych.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Oh! Lyubim Karpych (pointing to Lyubov Gordeevna). Stop! What kind of person? What kind? For what business? Take her for granted. Lyubov Gordeevna. It's you, uncle! Lyubim Karpych. I am niece! What scared! Get up, don't be afraid! I'm not a prover, I put everything in a box, I'll sort it out later, at my leisure. Lyubov Gordeevna. Farewell! (Exits.)

The twelfth phenomenon

Mitya And Lyubim Karpych.

Lyubim Karpych. Mitya, accept the merchant's brother Lyubim Karpov, son of Tortsov. Mitya. Welcome. Lyubim Karpych (sits down). Brother kicked out! And on the street, in this burnous, you will dance a little! Frosts ... Epiphany time - brrr! .. And my hands got cold, and my legs shivered - brrr! Mitya. Get warm, Lyubim Karpych. Lyubim Karpych. You won't drive me away, Mitya? Otherwise, I’ll freeze in the yard ... I’ll freeze like a dog. Mitya. How can you say that! Lyubim Karpych. After all, my brother kicked me out. Well, while the money was, wandered around in warm places; and there is no money - they are not allowed anywhere. And the money was two francs and a few centimes! Not much capital! You can't build a stone house!.. You can't buy a village!.. What should be done with this capital? Where to put him? Do not carry it to the pawnshop! So I took this capital and drank it away, squandered it. There he is dear! Mitya. Why are you drinking, Lyubim Karpych? Through this you are your own enemy! Lyubim Karpych. Why do I drink?.. From stupidity! Yes, from my stupidity. What did you think? Mitya. So you better stop. Lyubim Karpych. You can’t stop: you hit such a line. Mitya. What is this line? Lyubim Karpych. But listen, you living soul, what a line this is! Just listen and shake your mouth. I was left after my father, you see, a small, small child, about a verst from Kolomna, about twenty years old fools. In the head, as in an empty attic, the wind goes around! My brother and I split up: he took the establishment for himself, and gave it to me in money, and tickets, and promissory notes. Well, how he divided it there is none of our business, God be his judge. So I went to Moscow on tickets to receive money. You can't not go! It is necessary to see people, to show oneself, to gain a high tone. Again, I am such a wonderful young man, and I have not yet seen the light, I have not spent the night in a private house. You have to get to everything! The first thing, dressed as a dandy, know, they say, ours! That is, I play such and such a fool, which is rare! Now, of course, to the taverns ... Shpilen zi polka, give me another cold bottle. Buddies, friends started, even a dime a dozen! I went to theaters... Mitya. But it must be Lyubim Karpych, they are very well represented in the theater. Lyubim Karpych. I went to watch the tragedy all the time: I loved it very much, but I didn’t see anything along the way and I don’t remember anything, because I’m mostly drunk. (Rises.)“Drink under the knife of Prokop Lyapunov!” (Sits down.) Such and such a spent money I all hooted; what was left, he believed his friend Afrikan Korshunov on God's word and on my word of honor; with him I drank and walked, he is the breeder of all the debauchery, the main brewer from beer, he also cheated me, brought me to fresh water. And I sat down like a stranded cancer: there’s nothing to drink, but I want to drink. How to be here? Where to run, longing to do? He sold the dress, all his fashionable things, took it with papers, exchanged it for silver, silver for copper, and there was only zilch, and that's it! Mitya. How did you live, Lyubim Karpych? Lyubim Karpych. How did you live? God forbid the dashing Tatar. He lived in a spacious apartment, between heaven and earth, there is nothing from the sides or from above. You are ashamed of people, you are buried from the world, but you need to go out into the light of God: there is nothing to eat. You walk down the street, everyone is looking at you ... Everyone saw what kind of tricks I did, rolled up in reckless hail, and now I’m walking tattered and ragged, unshaven ... They will shake their heads, and they will go away. Stramota, stramota, stramota! (He sits hanging his head.) There is a good craft, profitable commerce - to steal. Yes, I’m not fit for this business - I have a conscience, again, and it’s scary: no one approves of this industry. Mitya. Last thing! Lyubim Karpych. They say that in other lands they pay a thaler for this, but in our country good people beat on the necks. No, brother, stealing is bad! This thing is old, it's time to give it up... Why, hunger is not an aunt, something must be done! He began to walk around the city like a buffoon, collect a penny, play a fool out of himself, tell jokes, throw out different articles. It used to be that you would shiver from early morning in the city, somewhere around the corner from people you would bury yourself and wait for merchants. As soon as he arrives, especially who is richer, you jump out, make a knee, well, he will give, who is a piglet, who is a hryvnia. What you collect, that's how you breathe for a day, that's how you exist. Mitya. You'd better go to your brother, Lyubim Karpych, than live like this. Lyubim Karpych. You can't, got caught up. Eh, Mitya, if you fall into this notch, you will not jump off soon. Yes, you do not interrupt, your speech ahead. Well, listen! I caught a cold in the city - the winter was cold, but I was parading around in this coat, blowing into my fists, jumping from foot to foot. Kind people took me to the hospital. How did I begin to recover and come to my senses, there was no drunkenness in my head - fear attacked me, horror came over me! .. How did I live? What business was I doing? I began to yearn, and so yearn that it seems better to die. So I decided, as soon as I fully recover, so go to God to pray and go to my brother, let him take at least a janitors. And so he did. Boom at his feet!.. Be, I say, instead of a father! Lived so and so, now I want to take up the mind. And you know how my brother received me! You see, he is ashamed that he has such a brother. And you support me, I tell him, straighten, caress, I will be a man. So no, he says, where will I put you. Good guests come to me, rich merchants, nobles; You, he says, will take off my head. According to my feelings and concepts, he says, I would not have been born in this kind at all. You see, I say how I live: who can notice that we had a peasant tyatenko? With me, he says, this shame is enough, otherwise I’ll impose on your neck. He hit me like thunder! With these words, I again began to tremble a little. Well, yes, I think God bless him, he has this very thick bone. (Pointing to forehead.) He, the fool, needs science. We fools do not need wealth, it spoils us. You have to be smart with money... (Drowsy.) Mitya, I'll lie down with you, I want to sleep. Mitya. Lie down, Lyubim Karpych. Lyubim Karpych (rises). Mitya, don't give me money... that is, don't give me much, but give me a little. I’m pine, but I’ll go and warm myself a little, you understand! .. Only I’m a little ... no, no! .. He will fool around. Mitya (takes out money). Here, if you please, as much as you need. Lyubim Karpych (beret). You need a dime. It's all silver, I don't need silver. You give me another seven, that will be in real time. (Mitya gives.) That's enough. You are a good soul, Mitya! (Lies down.) Your brother doesn't appreciate you. Well, I'll do something with him. For fools, wealth is evil! Give a smart man money, he will do the job. I walked around Moscow, I saw everything, everything ... Great science has happened! And don't give money to a fool, otherwise he will break down ... fu, fu, fu, trr! .. just like a brother, but like me, a brute ...

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