For what reason can warts appear on the human body? What causes warts Why do people get warts.


The majority of the population is a carrier of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Almost every adult has encountered in life such a phenomenon as warts on the body. The disease is successfully eliminated in a short time with the help of advances in medicine, everyone should know how to quickly and easily get rid of unpleasant growths.

Warts, papillomas, genital warts are symptoms of papillomatosis caused by a virus of various genotypes, of which there are more than a hundred. Depending on the method of infection, the state of immunity of the patient, the rashes have a different appearance, location.

Most warts on the body do not pose a danger to humans, from the point of view of oncology, they do not carry the risk of degeneration into malignant tumors, they are benign. There are a number of viruses with high oncogenicity, which, in the absence of adequate treatment, change the function of skin cells, which leads to the formation of pathological processes inside the growth. The process of malignancy occurs for a long time, with regular medical examinations, prevention, the specialist will notice and prevent the disease.

In the presence of a virus in the cells of the epidermis, infection requires a long incubation period for growth, lasting from three weeks to six months. With weakened immunity, the incubation period is reduced, with an active state of immunity, rashes may not appear until the protective function of the body is weakened. Immunodeficiency, due to which the virus manifests itself in the form of warts, is formed due to external, internal factors.

External factors

External factors that contribute to a decrease in immunity and the growth of warts on the body include:

  • stressful situations, chronic fatigue, insufficient rest;
  • unbalanced diet with a predominance of carbohydrate, refined, high-calorie foods, abundant nutrition;
  • low physical activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • unprotected intercourse.

In a household way, you can catch an infection when using common hygiene items: soap, towels, slippers in public baths, saunas. In public places: transport handrails, railings, door handles.

Internal factors

The internal factors of the appearance of warts on the body, provoking a state of immunodeficiency, include:

  • hormonal disorders in adolescents at a transitional age, in expectant mothers during pregnancy;
  • digestive disorders due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • chronic infections, exacerbations, acute course of diseases;
  • negligent attitude to hygiene procedures.

A person with strong immunity can be a carrier of the virus for a long time, not have any rashes on his body.

You can get infected by household, sexual contact. Through sexual contact with a carrier of the infection, the probability of infection is more than 85%.

Features of localization and types

There are many varieties of viral growths that differ in external signs, type of pathogen, symptoms, and place of distribution. Common viral growths include:

  • common warts - convex rounded formations up to 1 cm in diameter, tend to form in groups, the color ranges from flesh-colored to dark brown, the surface is rough, the skin pattern is deformed;
  • flat / juvenile warts are located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, are light in color, grouped, smooth, rounded in shape, slightly rise above the surface of healthy skin, have a bumpy surface, appear during an unstable hormonal background;
  • plantar are localized on the palms, feet, in the interdigital space, have layers of dry, keratinized skin above them, the surface is uneven, matte with black dotted inclusions. Represent capillaries, the structure is heterogeneous, crystalline, due to blood flow, maintaining the sensitivity of nerve endings when pressed, the patient feels pain. With unqualified treatment, there is a possibility of infection spreading to healthy areas of the skin;
  • genital warts are formed during sexual transmission of the virus, grow in the perineum, anus, on the mucous membranes of the inner walls of the vagina. In men, the head of the penis is affected, the first signs of infection are discomfort at the site of condyloma growth, swelling increases, the area around the growth may turn red, atypical discharge appears, pain after sexual intercourse in women;
  • hanging warts - formations on the leg, through which the growth is nourished, the color of the defect ranges from flesh to dark brown. There are red, lesions are multiple in nature with a tendency to combine into one large spot, in appearance it resembles a cockscomb, pain is absent.

Each type of growth has its own area of ​​​​distribution. Common warts appear on the limbs, grow on other parts of the body.

Due to auto-infection, when the patient combs the skin, it spreads the infection to healthy skin.

Juvenile warts are localized on the face, often found on the hands. Plantar grow on the hands, soles. Genital warts - on the genitals, groin area, hanging - are formed in the armpits, neck, scalp, abdomen, back, eyelids, the area around the eyes.

Why does a wart on the body hurt, itch

More often warts that cause itching, located on the body in places where the skin rubs with clothes: collars on the neck, elastic bands from underwear, a belt from trousers, shoes, hands. It is easy to injure the scalp with a comb; if the growth appears on the face of men, it is injured with shaving accessories. High ultraviolet radiation can activate unwanted processes in the skin, the growth will start to hurt.

Is the appearance of warts all over the body dangerous?

If a person has growths on the body, this condition is not dangerous for the patient's life, but it is a signal of a decrease in the body's defenses, which can lead to dangerous diseases. Injuries are a health hazard. A wart on the back, in the hair, in the armpits, on the neck is easily injured, which can cause a bacterial infection, bleeding. Violation of integrity contributes to the growth of growths over large areas, which is fraught with an increase in the cost of removing skin defects, a long rehabilitation period. Experts in the field of dermatology advise, regardless of why warts appear on any part of the body, you need to remove them without waiting for the consequences of the disease. More often, viral skin defects represent a cosmetic defect.

Which doctor should I contact with multiple warts

A dermatologist deals with skin problems. It is recommended to make an appointment with him after the detection of viral growths on the body. Warts on the abdomen, its lower part, on the genitals must be shown to a venereologist, gynecologist. There is a possibility that along with the virus, infection with other dangerous sexual infections occurred.

Therapy for getting rid of warts on the body consists of a complex:

  • correction of eating habits, sleep and rest, normalization of the emotional background;
  • antiviral therapy to suppress the activity of the virus, its quantity;
  • elimination of background diseases that contribute to the development of immunodeficiency;
  • strengthening immunity with the help of preventive measures, medicines;
  • removal of growths with a laser, liquid nitrogen, diathermoelectrocoagulator, radioknife, scalpel when extensive growths appear.

Doctors do not recommend using traditional medicine or pharmacy preparations for home use to remove growths. They are inconvenient to use, do not guarantee results. Before getting rid of warts on the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to notice pathological processes, prevent complications in the form of relapses of the disease, inflammation, scars, scars, and bacterial infection in the wound.

Experts have long determined what causes warts. The cause of the disease is the human papillomavirus. Warts are skin growths that look like nodules or papillae that occur on the skin all over the body. The most common places of localization are hands, face, neck, feet, genitals.

Warts look like skin growths. They can be rough or smooth to the touch, depending on the type and location. The color of the growth also differs from skin tone. Warts are brown, grey, yellow or pink. Sometimes black dots can be distinguished inside the formation.

Carefully: papillomas can be taken in groups. Especially often this phenomenon is noticed on the hands. Groups can grow together.

Signs of a wart.

  1. Papilloma looks like a growth on the body.
  2. New warts are even and shiny, but over time they become rough to the touch.
  3. outgrowth has no skin pattern.
  4. Over time, the capillaries thrombose and may arise black dots.
  5. Formations do not itch and do not hurt.

Why warts appear

Causes of warts

Usually the causes of warts are rooted in the human papillomavirus (HPV). Now experts have discovered more than a hundred species of this virus. 40 of them are sexually transmitted and cause the appearance of genital warts.

Important: the formation of papillomas on the hands is provoked by only two types of virus - verruca vulgaris and verruca plana.

Warts grow when viral cells are activated.

The incubation period of the virus is three months, but warts in children may not occur, as there is a strong immune system. Then infected children aged 3-5 years begin to detect formations during the school period.

Dangerous: it is possible to become infected with the virus through household contact. HPV can enter the body through small cuts and cracks in the skin.

Often a person can pick up papilloma in public places.

  1. Gym.
  2. Public transport.
  3. Pool.
  4. Bath or sauna

Due to a violation of the immune system, growths can crawl out on the body. The immune system suffers during pregnancy, frequent stress, prolonged depression, disruption of the hormonal system, taking antibiotics, frequent fatigue. Often the causes of warts lie in the genetic factor.

If at least one formation appears on the human body, then autoinoculation (self-infection) can occur further. The person himself can carry the virus throughout the body. Infection can occur through damaged integument of the skin. For example, while shaving.

Important: The causes of warts on the hands may be related to the profession. For example, butchers who have constant contact with raw meat.

Where do warts on hands come from?

Let us consider in detail why they appear on other parts of the body:

Most often, education can disappear on its own throughout the year. But it is best to consult a doctor, because the growth can be a malignant formation. Even with a peaceful course of the disease, relapses are often observed. Knowing where the warts come from, you can avoid treatment and recurrence of the disease.

Medical treatments

The causes and treatment of papillomas are interconnected. After all, to determine the method of treatment of the disease, you need to eliminate the cause. Education may indicate oncological disease, so the inspection should be comprehensive.

Important: the patient should strengthen the immune system. This is the intake of various vitamins, the elimination of stress factors, proper nutrition.

Consider medical methods for removing papillomas:

The first three methods are the most effective and popular. They leave no visible marks or damage. Treat papillomas are necessary so that the disease does not spread and does not lead to complications.

Alternative medicine

Are effective. But self-medication can harm your health, so use an integrated approach to get rid of papilloma.

The main folk methods of treating warts.

With folk remedies you need to be careful. Some substances can cause burns or damage to healthy tissue.

Disease prevention

Simple ways to prevent the appearance of warts will help:

Useful video

Let's watch a video about how a famous TV presenter tells how to deal with an illness at home. And what are the causes of warts.


The papilloma virus can enter the body through contact with an infected person. In case of violation of the immune system, warts can occur, the causes of their occurrence lie in other factors. If papillomas are found, consult a doctor who will select the correct method of treatment. But if you follow the basic rules, you can avoid an unpleasant disease.

A wart is a common cosmetic defect that often causes both psychological and physical discomfort to a person. It can appear not only on the skin, but in the most unexpected places - on the genitals, in the throat and even inside the urinary canals. Usually, such neoplasms do not pose a particular threat to humans, but often the absence of their treatment can lead to oncology or severe inflammatory processes.

Warts are taken due to the activity of HPV (human papillomavirus) - an extremely common disease that has infected most people around the world. Experts identify about 120 strains, of which more than 60 cause the formation of skin growths such as warts and papillomas. The infection spreads rapidly, resulting in many people becoming carriers of several types of the virus at once.

A feature of HPV is that the disease can proceed latently. At the same time, the virus is located in the lower layer of the epidermis, is practically incapable of dividing and penetrating into its upper layers, since its activity is suppressed by the immune system.

Most carriers of the disease do not even suspect that the pathogen is in their body. The infection can live indefinitely in the skin or mucous membranes in "sleep mode". The virus becomes active when the body's defenses are weakened so much that they can no longer prevent its reproduction. This is the reason why warts come out on the skin. In its active form, the virus is highly contagious and any contact with a carrier can lead to transmission.

The rapid reproduction of HPV always signals a drop in immunity, which can be caused by both external and internal causes. These factors include the following:

  • poor environmental conditions;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • long-term drug therapy;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hormonal disorders caused by pregnancy, puberty or certain diseases;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards;
  • the presence of congenital immunodeficiency;
  • recent acute infectious diseases.

Where does papillomavirus enter the body

Most often, HPV infection occurs through contact with a carrier of the disease, namely by shaking hands, kissing, during sexual intercourse. Less commonly, the virus is transmitted at the time of contact with objects and surfaces on which viral cells have accumulated. A vertical route of infection is also possible, when the disease enters the child's body during passage through the birth canal. This happens if the mother has an active form of HPV, which provokes the occurrence of genital papillomas.

Infection with papillomavirus occurs in the following situations:

  • frequent contacts with carriers;
  • use of personal belongings of an infected person (dishes, towels, bed linen, clothes);
  • visiting public baths, swimming pools and beaches without changeable shoes;
  • contact with things of public use (handrails, railings, door handles, elevator buttons);
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • visits to salons where manicure tools are not disinfected after each use.

The presence of microtraumas of the dermis can increase the chance of infection, which is why wearing tight shoes, clothes and using aggressive chemicals without proper skin protection is unacceptable.

Types and localization of warts

Warts are small benign growths that protrude above the surface of the skin and differ from it in structure. They can be formed due to age-related changes in the body. In this case, they are most often localized in the chest and back. Warts of viral origin are different depending on the strain of HPV that caused them. They consist of altered, uncontrollably overgrown epidermal tissues and have their own circulatory system that provides oxygen and nutrients.

The following types of neoplasms caused by the activity of the virus are distinguished:

  • Common or vulgar warts. They look like small round nodules with a rough, wrinkled surface. Most often they jump on the palms, on the arches of the feet, fingers and the skin between them. They can be up to 10 mm in diameter, at first they do not differ in color from the rest of the skin, but over time they acquire a yellowish or brownish tint;
  • Plantar warts. Dense rounded formations with sharply defined uneven edges, similar in structure to simple corns. They are grayish or yellowish in color, often with small dark patches. They usually appear on the soles of the feet, but in rare cases they can also appear on the palms. At first they do not cause discomfort, but over time they grow into the skin and cause pain when pressed;
  • Flat. They are called "juvenile warts" because they most often occur in adolescents during puberty. They look like a tubercle up to 5 mm in diameter rising above the surface of the skin. May merge with the dermis or acquire yellowish and light brown hues. Localized on the face, less often - on the back of the hands, neck and legs. May cause itching;
  • Hanging warts. Outgrowths of an elongated shape in the form of a tubercle on a thin stalk. They do not cause pain, but very often they are subjected to mechanical damage. May appear on the neck, in the folds of the body (groin, armpits, under the breasts in women) and on the face;
  • Pointed warts. Soft to the touch growths, shaped like a rooster's comb. They can itch a lot. They grow up to 6 mm, but sometimes they combine into large formations. They often develop on the mucous membranes of the genitals and anus, can occur in the oral cavity and even in the larynx.

Also, small red growths may appear on the body. They have nothing to do with papillomavirus and consist of overgrown vessels.

Ways to remove papillomas

Many people live with warts on their bodies all their lives, not paying any attention to them. Most of the external signs of papillomavirus, regardless of their origin, are safe and can only cause psychological discomfort, however, the appearance of neoplasms can be caused by oncogenic types of the virus, therefore, if you find growths on the skin or mucous membrane, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist to make sure that they are not oncogenic.

Removal of papillomas is mandatory in the following cases:

  • when the wart grows, changes color or shape;
  • with a non-uniform color of the build-up;
  • if the growth is often injured;
  • if papillomas are localized in the genital area;
  • with pain in the neoplasm;
  • with the rapid spread of growths throughout the body.

Pain, itching, burning, and blackening of warts can be a sign of cancerous degeneration. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Neoplasms can be removed conservatively, with the help of special chemicals in the form of solutions and ointments, or through surgery. There are several ways to quickly remove papillomas:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radiosurgery;
  • laser removal;
  • scalpel excision.

Each method is suitable for the treatment of a specific type of wart and is selected by the doctor.

Medical treatment

Treatment of papillomavirus is carried out in a complex. Simply removing the wart will most likely cause it to grow back or appear in a different location after a while. To avoid this, patients are prescribed immunomodulatory and antiviral agents, as well as vitamin-mineral complexes.

Drug therapy is aimed at restoring the body's natural defenses and suppressing viral activity. It is impossible to destroy the pathogen, but you can return it to a state of anabiosis, and it will no longer go into the upper layers of the epidermis.

Folk methods

Alternative medicine is an excellent addition to complex drug therapy. It is aimed at removing warts and increasing immunity. In this case, not synthetic remedies are most often used, but natural herbal remedies in the form of decoctions, ointments and tinctures, although one of the popular folk ways to get rid of papillomas is cauterization with ammonia or iodine.

The use of alternative medicine is justified only in the initial stages of the disease, when removing small single growths. Before using traditional recipes, it is advisable to consult a doctor.


Knowing what causes warts, you can easily prevent their formation. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • treat any diseases in a timely manner;
  • monitor the state of immunity;
  • Healthy food;
  • observe sleep and wakefulness;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • adhere to the norms of sexual behavior.

It is also advisable to regularly undergo examinations in medical institutions in order to monitor the activity of the virus and the state of health. Preventive measures play an important role in the treatment of papillomavirus and can even help to naturally get rid of warts.

Related video

Many people have had warts on their bodies as children or experienced them at an older age.

But not everyone knows where these growths come from.

Meanwhile, if everyone with warts had a good idea of ​​why these growths appear, there would be much less superstition around this topic.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

And in some situations, people would behave more carefully.

How are skin growths formed and what causes them?

What is this

Before you figure out what warts appear from, you need to understand what they are.

A wart is a skin growth, but sometimes it can form on the mucous membrane.

Not every outgrowth that appears will be a wart. They have a specific appearance, structure.

  • Very often, warts appear after any disease, nervous shock, or accompany hormonal changes in the body.
  • They can . But it happens, on the contrary, they begin to multiply, forming groups of outgrowths.
  • There are several types of warts. Usually they are quite easily recognizable by their appearance and location. Depending on this, they can be called papillomas or condylomas, but, in fact, these are the same warts, only with their own characteristics.

What do they look like

  • The warts are usually small, only a few millimeters in diameter. But there are also larger specimens - up to 2 cm. Outgrowths can exceed these sizes only in case of merging with each other. But people rarely allow such a development of the situation, usually they begin to treat them at much earlier stages.
  • Warts on the skin are very dense, hard, sometimes rough. Moving the skin around the growth, you can see that he himself remains in place. This is because the wart grows deep inside, and on the surface we see only a small part of it.
  • In color, these growths are the same as the skin or mucous epithelium. The most rigid and coarse growths acquire a yellow tint, and warts may have noticeable inclusions in the form of black dots. These are thrombosed capillaries, which were formed as a result of squeezing the growth of small blood vessels.



Different types of warts can appear on the human body. Physicians distinguish such:

  • ordinary- small rounded formations with a hard surface, which can sometimes peel off, are often found in the hands;
  • flat- small formations in the form of spots, slightly rising above the rest of the skin, they have a pinkish color, often appear in adolescents;
  • - formations on the foot, very dense in structure, may consist of separate small outgrowths, between which black dotted blotches are observed;
  • filiform- warts of an elongated shape with an uneven edge, grow on a thin or in folds;
  • genital warts- growths on, located on the mucous membranes, look like conical outgrowths or resemble cauliflower.

The type of growth that has appeared largely determines the way to deal with it.

If it is found, it is better to consult a doctor who will determine the severity of the situation and give recommendations.

Localization on the body

Growths can settle in almost any part of the body.

Their localization is largely determined by the method of infection.

  • Most often, warts appear on the face and soles. These are areas of the greatest pollution, and the skin of these areas is more likely to be injured.
  • Another favorite location for warts is skin folds. They are found , in , . Education grows here more often.
  • Other types of warts - can form on the top of the foot, knees or inner thigh or lower leg.
  • The most dangerous are warts that grow on the genitals of men and women. They can appear on the head, perineal area, the area around the anus and inside.
  • Warts can be located on the vocal cords, descend into the trachea. There are cases when papillomas are found in the ducts of the mammary glands and on the walls of the bladder.

If a wart is found, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. He will assess the situation as a whole and give recommendations that will help you quickly get rid of the growth.

What causes warts

Why do warts appear?

Photo: the structure of the human papillomavirus

The only reason is the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It penetrates the skin and settles in the skin cells. The virus forces them to change their original functions and provokes an increased division, which is why a growth is formed.

It is noticed that the formation of warts occurs at the time of weakening of the immune defense. Conversely, if everything is fine with immunity, then the incubation period of the virus can last for many years.

With equal probability, warts can form in adults and in men and women.

Warts usually appear in the area where the virus has entered. Therefore, at the site of localization of the growth, we can conclude about the source of infection.

On hands

A person contacts the outside world with his hands, so the risk of meeting an infection is unusually high.

Photo: infection can occur through a handshake

You can get infected with the papilloma virus through handrails, railings in public places, door handles, handshakes.

Easier penetration of infection contribute to:

  • damage to the skin of the hands (scratches, irritation, cracks);
  • dry skin;
  • frostbite;
  • scratching and inflammation.

On foot

On the legs, especially in the foot area, the most favorable conditions for the development of the virus.

It's warm and humid here. In addition, the skin of the legs is more often injured.

  • Cracks, abrasions, congestion from constant squeezing and friction with shoes favor the penetration and rapid activation of the infection.
  • If increased sweating, insufficient hygiene or the habit of walking barefoot (especially in pools, showers and saunas) is added to this, warts on the soles of the feet can be detected very quickly.

In children

Photo: localization of growths on the hands and knees of a child

Doctors have found that preschool children are most often infected with the papilloma virus.

  • They are less squeamish and may not follow hygiene requirements very carefully.
  • Growths in children are formed on the hands and knees.
  • But if the child was infected in utero, then soon after birth, parents may notice the appearance of papillomas in the nasopharynx or genital area.

On the face and neck

The face and neck experience no less environmental influences than the hands.

Photo: multiple growths on the skin of the neck

But the skin here is much thinner, which means that it is easier for the virus to penetrate inside.

  • The habit of constantly touching this area with your hands contributes to this.
  • Jewelry is adjusted on the neck, touching the face may be involuntary.
  • You can also bring the infection when using hygiene items of another person, the carrier of the virus. Therefore, all cosmetics must be strictly for individual use.

Can they be formed from frogs

This is one of the most common misconceptions about warts.

Photo: it is proved that frogs are not carriers of papillomavirus

It was inspired, apparently, by the pimply skin of these amphibians. Hence the belief that if you hold a toad in your hands, they will soon be covered with warty growths.

This myth is completely refuted by the studies of scientists who have identified the papillomavirus in the growths.

It can live and multiply only in the skin of a person (as evidenced by its name), and it can become infected only through close contact with an infected person.

Therefore, if you have a desire to hold a frog in your hands, do not restrain yourself - you will definitely not have warts from this.

Video: “Warts. What is this? What to do with them"

Are contagious

Warts can be contracted from another person through close contact or through shared objects.

The carrier of the virus does not always have growths on his body, but at the same time he can be a source of infection for others.

Photo: HPV can be contracted through sexual contact

The virus can be transmitted not only through household contacts, but also through sexual contact, as well as from mother to baby during childbirth.

Statistics show that from 50 to 80% of the world's population are carriers of the human papillomavirus.

This confirms that HPV has an increased contagiousness.


To confirm that you have a wart, it is best to consult a doctor.

  • It can also be diagnosed by visual inspection.
  • Sometimes a dermatoscope is used - a device that allows you to examine the neoplasm in an enlarged form with additional lighting.

If in doubt, the doctor may prescribe other studies:

  • PCR– confirms the presence of virus DNA in the test material;
  • biopsy- it is carried out for the diagnosis of precancerous conditions, the material is usually not the cells of the growth itself, but particles of the surrounding tissues;
  • vinegar test- carried out in the diagnosis of genital warts, the affected area is treated with a 5% solution of acetic acid, as a result of which the growths become clearly visible;
  • papanicolaou test- for him, a smear is taken from the cervix, the study establishes the presence of precancerous or cancerous changes;
  • Digen test- a modern way to establish HPV as the cause of neoplasms that have appeared, provides extensive information about the type of virus and allows you to predict the development of the situation.

Sometimes immunological studies are also prescribed. They are required to prescribe more effective treatment.


The warts that have appeared do not pose a direct threat to either health or life.

Even with multiple formations, a rather cosmetic defect occurs, and they themselves signal a deplorable state of immunity and increased activity of the virus.

But in some situations they can be really dangerous:

  • location in a place of permanent injury;
  • possible degeneration of growth into education.

The second risk is a direct continuation of the first.

If the build-up is constantly injured, then this, in the end, can lead to its rebirth.

After all, the skin cells that make up the growth can no longer be called healthy. They are damaged by the virus, and it is difficult to predict how they will behave in the future.

Signs of rebirth

You can suspect that something is wrong with the wart by the following symptoms:

  • it rapidly increases in size;
  • changes its color for no apparent reason (turns red or black);
  • starts to tingle;
  • the surface structure changes, cracks, tubercles appear;
  • starts or fester;

  • suddenly dry up.

Any of these symptoms require consultation with a specialist.

It is impossible to treat such warts on your own.


And now you are convinced that you are dealing with warts, and they are benign.

How to treat them correctly? Usually the doctor presents a detailed scheme of how to proceed.

It consists of the following areas:

  • removal of the growth itself;
  • taking antiviral drugs;
  • strengthening immunity.

Based on the specific situation, the removal of the wart is not always immediately prescribed.

There are ways of conservative treatment.

This application or local preparations (, gels, creams).

At home, products based on acids, alkalis or acting on the principle of cryotherapy are used.

Which method to choose depends on the specific situation. But to exclude relapses, this is not enough.

It is necessary to additionally take antiviral drugs and strengthen the immune system.

The doctor will prescribe those that will be most suitable for your case.

Folk remedies

From single medium-sized growths, you can also use folk recipes. The most popular are:

  • effectively removes warts. They need to lubricate the growth every other day.

  • grind a piece of chalk. Sprinkle the build-up with powder, cover with a piece of cotton wool and seal with a plaster. You can wear a bandage constantly, changing 2-3 times a day or when wet.
  • cut the potato tuber and grease the growth with fresh juice. Repeat several times a day. And at night you can tie a gruel of raw potatoes to it.
  • prepare a strong decoction from bitter wormwood and moisten the warts with plenty of it 3 times a day.
  • rub the growth or onion. It will be more effective if you tie them to the wart for several hours daily.


From the most dangerous, oncogenic varieties of warts, doctors have developed a vaccine.

But vaccination does not help against other types, so you should protect yourself in other ways:

  • observe personal hygiene, do not neglect the simplest rules;
  • personal hygiene items must be strictly for individual use;

Photo: HPV infection can occur when walking barefoot

  • in pools and saunas, wear your own change of shoes, do not go barefoot;
  • wear comfortable shoes, avoid excessive sweating and squeezing the feet;
  • work with chemicals (and household chemicals), as well as those that can injure the skin, use household gloves;
  • stick to a healthy lifestyle.

When treating warts, doctors advise:

  • start with the most gentle methods for the skin;
  • it is unacceptable to tear off or cut off the growth, even if it has already begun to dry out;
  • even if you remove a wart at home, do not forget about antiviral agents and strengthening the immune system;
  • if there is no effect in the treatment or the appearance of new symptoms, always contact us.

To find out why you have warts, it is best to consult a doctor. The answer is not always obvious.

Sometimes, when getting rid of the main cause - any disease, stress, overstrain - the growths go away on their own.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the whole complex of reasons and build the correct scheme of influence. Then the result of treatment will be achieved quickly.

Video: "Treatment with folk remedies"

If earlier people, when asked why warts appear, claimed that frogs and toads are the cause, then modern medicine has proven that such growths on the skin occur under the influence. Although there are a considerable number, the development of warts and cause only a few of them.

If we talk about the way HPV enters the body, most often this happens in childhood, when the child's age is from three to five years. But even when infected, warts do not appear immediately. The main condition that is necessary for them to appear on the surface is a weakened immune system.

Probabilities of infection and the pathology formation cycle

For the most part, infection is facilitated by close contact with the carrier of the infection, with its skin or mucous layers. Less commonly, the virus enters the body through infected objects - nail scissors, nail files and other tools. The risk of catching HPV can increase if there are damages, small scratches and wounds on the surface of the skin and mucous layers. How likely is it to be infected through contact with a carrier? There are several factors to consider in this matter:

  • The activity of the virus in the host.
  • Type of contact and its intensity.
  • What is the state of the patient's immune system?

Despite the high degree of infectivity, the resulting growths are observed only on the skin or mucous membrane. In order to understand how warts and condylomas are formed, you need to know what the skin is and what its structure is. The skin has two peculiar layers, the dermis and the epidermis. The latter is the top layer and consists of several layers - basal, granular, shiny, spiny and horny.

The above arrangement is carried out from the bottom up, cell division takes place in the basal layer, as a result of which the particles of the epidermis mature, and the dead elements are gradually removed from the upper stratum corneum.

A wart on the skin is formed based on the development of epidermal cells. It happens like this:

  • The reproduction of the virus itself occurs in the particles of the basal layer.
  • Viral particles grow simultaneously with epidermal cells.
  • Together with them, HPV matures and gradually moves closer to the stratum corneum.
  • Having reached it, the virus becomes contagious.

The characteristic features of the virus include its ability to be in two states at once, active and inactive. In the first case, the virus increases both in size and in quantity very quickly; when it enters the skin surface, HPV is highly infectious.

In an inactive state, the virus is located in the lowest, basal layer and does not manifest itself in any way, since its cells divide extremely slowly. HPV itself does not rise to the surface of the skin, so it does not pose a danger to others. And in this state papillomavirus can stay for a very long time.

Factors provocateurs of the development of the virus

After HPV enters the human body, it is impossible to expel it from there. In this case, the wart appears only in the case of activation of the causative agent of the pathology, which happens in the presence of certain triggers:

  • Wearing too tight shoes, resulting in a violation of blood flow.
  • Wearing rubber or unventilated shoes, resulting in increased sweating.
  • The disposing factor is excessively moist or excessively dry skin surface. In the first case, pathogens are activated due to a moist environment favorable for growth, in the second case, the risk of numerous microtraumas is high, which causes the rapid spread of infection.
  • The causes of warts include the presence of a fungus on the legs or arms, which also indicates malfunctions in the functionality of the immune system.
  • Injury to the limbs during training is dangerous, which increases the risk of penetration of infectious pathogens into the body.
  • Problems can also arise against the background of the reluctance to wear gloves in winter, which leads to drying of the skin and impaired blood circulation in the fingers.
  • Problems can arise due to malnutrition and lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • The cause of warts is often the use of certain pharmaceutical drugs, the side effect of which is the suppression of the immune system.
  • With the development of papilloma among the causes of appearance, one can also indicate sexual contacts with frequently changing partners without the use of barrier contraception.
  • Another common reason why warts appear is ignoring the principles of hygiene regarding not only the limbs, but also the genitals.
  • Considering that warts develop against the background of a malfunction of the immune system, another reason for the appearance is HIV infection.

Given these factors, it is possible to give a clear definition of why warts appear - this happens when the virus becomes uncontrollable by the immune system.

However, self-destruction under the influence of the immune system can also be observed. According to statistics, in 20% the growths disappear on their own two months after their appearance, in 30% they disappear after about 90 days. In half of all cases, the growth that appears can disappear within two years. Most often, such self-healing occurs in children, although this phenomenon occurs in adults, although much less frequently.

Read also related

How to treat papillomas with medication and surgery

Types of warts and the reasons for their localization in certain areas

In addition to the reasons why warts appear, it does not hurt to know their varieties, since each type has its own characteristics, and hence the difference in treatment methods:

NameDescriptionPlace of localizationPeculiarities
Vulgar, they are simple.The shape is round, the size is from the head of a pin to a large pea. The surface is hard, uneven, the color of the surface can be gray, flesh-colored or yellow-brown.Hands, rarely facial areas, red border of the mouth. In an exceptional situation, vulgar warts may appear on the oral mucous layer.Among all growths, they make up about 70%, most often they can appear in school-age children. Single elements are able to merge into one whole.
Flat.The size is small, the surface is smooth, the color is flesh or yellowish, the growths can rise above the skin surface, the shape is rounded.Mostly such a wart is formed on the inside of the feet, hands, on the face, mucous membrane of the mouth. Perhaps the appearance of such papillomas on the genitals.They are diagnosed in 4% of cases, most often they can form in children, adolescents, boys and girls. Usually the elements appear in the plural.
Palmar-plantar.Formations dense in consistency, having a stratum corneum.As the name suggests, they form on the soles of the feet and on the palms of the hands, often in places where pressure from uncomfortable shoes occurs.Such growths are spoken about in 34% of cases, most often they are diagnosed in young people and middle-aged people. With increased sweating, the spread of papillomas occurs rapidly, while the warts themselves are difficult to treat.
Filiform.Soft, often pedunculated papules, may be flesh or brown in color. The value reaches from 1 to 4 mm, in some cases it can reach 3 cm in diameter.Skin of the face, eyelids, armpits, inguinal folds, mammary glands.There is a high tendency to self-infection, these papillomas often accompany diabetes mellitus, childbearing, obesity, menopause, which indicates their hormonal conditioning.


Now it does not hurt to discuss the appearance of warts on various parts of the body. Most often, papillomas are localized on the limbs and on the face, although their formation on the external genitalia is not excluded. However, regardless of the place of development, warts are most common from a decrease in immunity and various minor injuries.

Non-observance of hygiene rules, the period of bearing a child and the presence of sugar disease join the reasons for the formation of growths on the face. The bad habit of touching your face with dirty hands can also play a cruel joke. Additional influencing factors often become combing acne, skin damage during shaving.

Hands are another danger zone, since it is handshakes with carriers of the infection and the presence of small lesions on the surface of the skin that cause the problem. Often warts come to the surface as a result of a person's professional activity, if he now and then has to deal with microtraumas and skin-irritating elements, working in adverse conditions. However, domestic infection through dirty door handles, handrails in transport and on escalators is also no exception.

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