Jack London's stories for kids are a little read. Jack London's stories in Russian


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The most legendary American writer is Jack London (books). The list contains the best works of the author, for which he became famous throughout the world.

Martin Eden

The novel tells about the difficult fate of a poor guy who later became a writer. Martin's life was turned upside down by a meeting with Ruth, an intelligent, educated girl who immediately fell in love with the young man. Experiencing such strong feelings as love, Martin changes externally and internally, stops communicating with old acquaintances and suddenly realizes how insignificant the world and his love are. Further

Little Mistress of the Big House

The work, released shortly before the death of Jack London, is dedicated to the relationship of strong personalities. The novel is full of love intricacies and intrigues, but this does not prevent him from being noble. According to the writer himself, this is his best work, in which he managed to truly convey the feelings and emotions that love evokes in the hearts of people. Further

Hearts of three

The exciting story of a young millionaire Francis and his cousin Henry Morgan, whose distant ancestor was the famous pirate captain. The brothers go in search of an old treasure and when a charming girl named Leoncia joins them, both fall in love with her. The novel was filmed many times both in the West and in Russia. Further

You can subjugate a person, but you cannot kill the desire to be free in him - the main theme of a work little known in Russia. Crazy by the standards of others, the protagonist is able to get out of his body and travel through ancient countries and eras. His physical body is locked, but does it matter if the soul moves freely at any time ... More

A work called a road romance because of the constant wanderings of the hero in search of a place where he would be truly happy. In the novel, Jack London expresses his protest against socialism and sees the future in farm life. After several years of searching and wandering, the main characters leave the city, finding their happiness in life on a farm in Moon Valley. Further

The world of big business is cruel and knows no mercy. Having obtained the money and the long-awaited power, the protagonist of the novel suddenly realizes that true human values ​​are loyalty, love and a strong family. He refuses financial well-being and remains to live with his beloved woman away from the city. The novel was banned in the Soviet Union and was not published for a long time. Further

Professor Darrell is sentenced to death and awaits punishment in prison. During a severe punishment with a straitjacket, he suddenly finds himself in his previous incarnations in different countries and eras: the intelligent Count Guillaume de Saint-Maur in France of the Middle Ages, a nine-year-old boy who did not chicken out in a moment of danger, the head of the legion under Pontius Pilate ... More

Jack London's first novel, The Daughter of the Snows, tells the story of the wanderings of a young American, Frona Welz. Many years later, she returns to her father, having received an excellent versatile education, but without losing human sincerity and simplicity. The book includes several stories from different years, describing the life of treasure hunters during the gold rush. Further

One of Jack London's best novels. After a storm on the ship, the captain of the schooner "Ghost" saves the life of a young sailor, Humphrey. To survive and be able to protect his love, the young man will have to fight with a cunning and cruel captain who promotes a special philosophy. Only true love will help Humphrey overcome obstacles and become a real sea dog himself. Further

White Fang

The harsh North leaves a mark on the souls of people and animals. The protagonist of the story - a wolf named White Fang - learned to survive even in the most terrible conditions. Jack London describes in detail the psychology, behavior and actions of the White Fang, shows how care and affection towards the animal teaches him to give love. And for a tame wolf, love was worth more than life. Further


The novel "Adventure" tells about the dangerous life of white colonists among the cannibal natives in the Solomon Islands. The work depicts in detail the life principles, traditions and rituals of the indigenous peoples of one of the most mysterious islands on Earth. In the Soviet Union, the novel was called racist and banned from publication for a long sixty-four years. Further

Iron heel

The writer, as if looking into the future, accurately describes the society that appeared a few years after the publication of the novel. And to this day, the work has not lost its relevance: billionaires, terrorists, spies ... Nineteen years have already passed, and, despite all efforts, no one could figure out who dropped the bomb. It was some kind of member of the Iron Heel, but how could he get past our agents without being noticed? Further

scarlet plague

In 2013, an unknown virus hits the Earth, killing people in a few hours. A disease called the Scarlet Plague is taking over the planet, leaving only a few survivors. Jack London's book "The Scarlet Plague" tells about a new society, where there are completely different rules, similar to the laws of the animal world and absolutely wild for modern man. Further

A captivating story about a perilous voyage in the southern seas on a sailboat sailing towards Cape Horn. After the tragic death of the captain, the crew of the sailboat was divided into two groups. Conflicts among the sailors and the raging elements force the protagonist to stop silently observing what is happening and finally become himself - a strong-willed and strong person with leadership qualities. Further

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Jack London, whose real name is John Griffith Cheney, was born in the middle of winter - January 12, 1876 in the States. The parents of the future writer cannot be called ordinary: John's mother has always been stubborn, self-willed, besides, she was engaged in spiritualism; his father was an astrologer and loved adventure, which was inherited by Jack London.

Little John received the surname "London" when he was not even a year old. During this time, his mother married a Civil War veteran, John London. Soon the name of the stepfather became the creative pseudonym of the writer. By the way, Jack is just a shortened version of the name John.

Jack has been used to hard work since childhood: as a schoolboy, he sold newspapers. To earn money, he got up before dawn. Both before and after classes, the boy returned to work. Oddly enough, this did not prevent him from reading: as a child, Jack liked adventure literature most of all.

Jack London loved the sea no less than books, so at the age of thirteen he bought a small boat with his own money. On it he made boat trips, fished and read.

When Jack was fifteen, he had to get a job in a cannery, as the family had almost no money to live on. The conditions at the factory were terrible, the wages were paltry, and people were injured every day. Energetic Jack could not stand the monotonous mechanical work, so he began to look for alternative ways to earn money. So he began to engage in illegal oyster fishing and, having become a wild life, he spent everything he earned on drinking parties. Having come to his senses in time, Jack hired a ship for legal work - the extraction of fur seals.

In general, in his youth, the future writer managed to try almost all the “charms” of life: after working for six months on a ship, he joined the march of the unemployed, and as a result, he lived with vagrants for the same amount of time. During this period, Jack decides to still get an education and start a writing career. Now he took up intellectual work: he graduated from high school and even passed the entrance exams to the University of California, Berkeley. But since the young London did not have enough money, he had to leave his studies.

Jack began writing his first stories and novels at the age of 22. All his works were constantly returned from the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, which soon served as the basis for writing a novel. After six months of persistent unsuccessful attempts, his story was nevertheless published.

The dizzying success was a real gift of fate for Jack London: now he was earning incomparably more than ever, and could afford everything he wanted. Yes, the writer, who grew up in poverty, highly valued his wealth.

Jack London lived only forty years, but managed to write more than two hundred stories, novellas and novels. His works became known to the whole world, and "White Fang" and "Hearts of Three" are included in the school curriculum. But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that this man, thanks to his perseverance, courage and diligence, managed to make his dream come true.

Jack London, bibliography

All Jack London books


  • 1902 - "Daughter of the Snows"
  • 1903 - ""
  • 1903 - Letters from Campton to Wes
  • 1904 - ""
  • 1906 - ""
  • 1908 - ""
  • 1909 - ""
  • 1910 - "Time-does not-wait"
  • 1911 - "Adventure"
  • 1912 - "The Scarlet Plague"
  • 1913 - ""
  • 1914 - "Mutiny on Elsinore"
  • 1915 - "

The works of Jack London have been and remain extremely popular all over the world. He is the author of numerous adventure novels and short stories. It is worth noting that in the USSR he was the most published foreign author after the storyteller Andersen. The total circulation of his books in the Soviet Union alone amounted to more than 77 million copies.

Biography of the writer

The works of Jack London were originally published in English. He was born in San Francisco in 1876. Early began his working life, while still a schoolboy. He sold newspapers, arranged skittles in a bowling alley.

After school he became a worker at a canning factory. The work was hard and poorly paid. Then he borrowed $300 and bought a small used schooner, becoming an oyster pirate. He fished oysters illegally and sold them to local restaurants. In fact, he was engaged in poaching. Many of Jack London's works are based on personal memories. So, while working in a poaching flotilla, he became so famous for his courage and courage that he was accepted into the fishing patrol, which was just fighting against poachers. This period of his life is devoted to "Tales of the Fishing Patrol".

In 1893, London went fishing to the shores of Japan - to catch seals. This journey formed the basis of numerous stories by Jack London and the popular novel "The Sea Wolf".

Then he worked at a jute factory, changed many professions - a fireman and even an ironer in a laundry. The writer's memories of this period can be found in the novels "John Barleycorn" and "Martin Eden".

In 1893, he managed to earn his first money as a writer. He received an award from one of the San Francisco newspapers for the essay "Typhoon off the coast of Japan."

Marxist ideas

The following year, he took part in the famous campaign of the unemployed on Washington, was arrested for vagrancy and spent several months in prison. The essay "Hold on!" is devoted to this. and the novel Straitjacket.

At that time he became acquainted with Marxist ideas and became a convinced socialist. He was a member of the Socialist Party of America either from 1900 or 1901. He left the London party after a decade and a half, due to the fact that the movement had lost its morale, heading for gradual reforms.

In 1897, London left for Alaska, succumbing to the gold rush. He failed to find gold, instead he fell ill with scurvy, but he received a lot of plots for his stories, which brought him fame and popularity.

Jack London has worked in all sorts of genres. He even wrote science fiction and utopian stories. In them, he gave free rein to his rich imagination, amazed readers with original style and unexpected plot twists.

In 1905, he became interested in agriculture, settling on a ranch. Tried to create the perfect farm, but without success. As a result, he got into big debts.

In the last years of his life, the writer began to abuse alcohol. He decides to write detective novels, even buys an idea from him, but he does not have time to finish the novel "The Murder Bureau". In 1916, the writer dies at the age of 40.

According to the official version, the cause was morphine poisoning, which was prescribed to him for a kidney disease. London suffered from uremia. But researchers also consider the version of suicide.

Jack London stories

The stories brought great popularity to the writer. One of the most famous is called "Love of Life".

The events take place in Alaska during the gold rush. The main character was betrayed by a comrade and thrown to the snowy desert. He heads south to save himself. He gets a leg injury, loses his hat and gun, meets a bear, and even engages in single combat with a sick wolf, which did not have enough strength to attack a person. So everyone was waiting to see which one of them would die first. At the end of the journey, he was picked up by a whaling ship and taken to San Francisco.

"Journey on the" Dazzling "

Jack London wrote this story in 1902. It is dedicated to the real fact of his biography - illegal oyster mining.

It tells about a young guy who runs away from home. To earn money, he has to get a job on the ship of the oyster pirates, which is called "Dazzling".

"White Fang"

Perhaps the most famous works of Jack London are dedicated to the gold rush. The story "White Fang" also belongs to them. It was printed in 1906.

In the story "White Fang" by Jack London, the main character is a wolf. His father is a purebred wolf and his mother is half-dog. The wolf cub is the only one surviving from the entire brood. And when he meets people with his mother, she recognizes her old master.

White Fang settles among the Indians. It develops rapidly, regarding humans as cruel but just gods. At the same time, the rest of the dogs treat him with hostility, especially when the main character becomes the main character in the sledding team.

One day, an Indian sells White Fang to Handsome Smith, who beats him up and makes him realize who his new owner is. He uses the main character in dog fights.

But in the first fight, the bulldog almost kills him, only the engineer Weedon Scott from the mine saves the wolf. Jack London's story "White Fang" ends with the fact that the new owner brings him to California. There he begins a new life.

Wolf Larsen

A couple of years before that, another well-known novel by Jack London, The Sea Wolf, comes out. In the center of the story is a literary critic who goes on a ferry to visit his friend and gets into a shipwreck. He is rescued by the schooner Ghost, commanded by Wolf Larsen.

He sails into the Pacific Ocean to catch seals, and he amazes everyone around with his rabid disposition. The protagonist of the novel "The Sea Wolf" by Jack London professes the philosophy of vital leaven. He believes: the more leaven in a person, the more actively he fights for his place under the sun. As a result, something can be achieved. This approach is a variation of social Darwinism.

"Before Adam"

In 1907, London writes a very unusual story for himself, "Before Adam". Its plot is based on the idea of ​​human evolution that existed at that time.

The protagonist has an alter ego who is a teenager living among the ape-like cave people. This is how the writer describes Pithecanthropes.

In the story, they are opposed by a more developed tribe, which is called the People of Fire. This is similar to the Neanderthals. They already use an arrow and a bow for hunting, while the Pithecanthropes (in the story they are called the Forest Horde) are at an earlier stage of development.

london fantasy

The skill of a science fiction writer Jack London demonstrated in 1912 in the novel "The Scarlet Plague". The events in it take place in 2073. 60 years ago, a sudden epidemic on Earth destroyed almost all of humanity. The action takes place in San Francisco, where an old man who remembers the world before the deadly epidemic tells his grandchildren about it.

He says that during the 20th century, the world was repeatedly threatened by destructive viruses. And when the "scarlet plague" came, the Council of Magnates controlled everything, social stratification in society reached its climax. A new disease broke out in 2013. She destroyed most of the world's population, because they simply did not have time to invent a vaccine. People were dying right on the streets, infecting each other.

Grandpa and his comrades-in-arms managed to take refuge in a shelter. By this time, only a few hundred people remained on the entire planet who are forced to lead a primitive way of life.

"Moon Valley"

Jack London's book appeared in 1913. The action of this work takes place at the very beginning of the 20th century in California. Bill and Saxon meet at a dance and soon realize that they are in love.

The newlyweds begin a happy life in a new house. Saxon does housework, she soon finds out that she is pregnant. Their happiness is overshadowed only by a strike at the factory, which Bill joins. The demands of the workers - an increase in wages. But management hires scabs instead. There are constant skirmishes between them and the factory employees.

Once such a fight happens near Saxon's house. Due to stress, she begins premature birth. The child is dying. Times are tough for their family. Bill is addicted to strikes, he drinks a lot and fights.

Because of this, he ends up in the police, he is sentenced to a month in prison. Saxon is left alone - without a husband and money. She is starving, one day she realizes that in order to survive, they need to leave this city. With this idea, she comes to her husband, who has changed a lot in prison, rethought a lot. When Bill is released, they decide to take up farming to make money.

They set off on a journey in search of the perfect site to start their own business. What it should be, they clearly represent. They meet people, many of whom become their friends. They jokingly call their dream "Moon Valley". In their view, the land that the main characters dream of can only be on the moon. So two years pass, finally they find what they were looking for.

By coincidence, the area that suited them is called Moon Valley. They open their own farm, things are going uphill. Bill discovers an entrepreneurial vein in himself, it turns out that he is a born businessman. Only his talent was buried deep for a long time.

The novel ends with Saxon's confession that she is pregnant again.

At Cape Horn

One of Jack London's most fascinating novels is The Mutiny on the Elsinore. It was written in 1914.

Events unfold on a sailing ship. The ship sails to Cape Horn. Suddenly, the captain dies on board. After that, confusion begins on the ship, the team is divided into two opposing camps. Each of them has a leader who is ready to lead people.

The protagonist finds himself among the raging elements and rebellious sailors. All this makes him stop being an outside observer and start making difficult and responsible decisions himself. Become a strong-willed and strong person.

Jack London) is a famous American writer. Born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. At birth, he was given the name Griffith Cheney (John Griffith Chaney). He worked in the genre of literature, the author of several dozen world-famous works.

With his birth, or rather the history of his birth, a not very bright story is connected. His mother Flora Wellman was a music teacher and was actively involved in spiritualism, i.e. summoning spirits. She claimed that she was in constant communication with the Indian leader, but it is very difficult to prove this. She lived with William Cheney, who was an astrologer. Upon learning of her pregnancy, the father of the future writer forced her to have an abortion, but she refused and tried to commit suicide, but as a result she only slightly injured herself by firing a pistol.

After the birth of Jack London, they gave the care of Virginia Prentiss, who was a former slave. For Jack, she became a second mother. In 1876, his mother married John London and took her son to her. Since then, they began to call him Jack London.

Before becoming a writer, Jack London eked out a half-starved existence. He sold newspapers and books, was a cannery worker, fished oysters illegally, was an ironer, a fireman and a sailor. It was the work of a sailor that became for him one of the biggest impressions in his life. He later wrote many nautical works about this, in particular The Sea Wolf.

The beginning of his literary career dates back to 1893. Then his first essay was published, called Typhoon off the coast of Japan. For this work he received his first prize. Closely, he began to engage in fiction only in 1899, when, after returning from Alaska, he wrote a whole cycle of stories about the northern lands. These books, stories and novels brought him worldwide fame. Some of the most famous are White Fang, Hearts of Three, Call of the Ancestors and so on. In total, he wrote about 40 books in his life. In addition to his adventure works, D. London also wrote several works: Goliath, Scarlet Plague, When the world was young and some others.

In the last years of his life, he began to abuse alcohol heavily, as he was going through a severe creative crisis. He even had to go to buy a plot for a new novel. For $78,000, he bought it from fellow writer Lewis Sinclair. The novel was called The Murder Bureau, but Jack London was never destined to write it.

On November 22, 1916, at the age of 40, in the town of Glen Ellen, the famous writer, who gave the world many amazing books that are still studied in schools in many countries, died of morphine poisoning. He was not a drug addict at all - morphine was prescribed to him for a kidney disease of uremia. His grave is in Jack London State Park (Glen Ellen).

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Books by Jack London:

White Fang

Daughter of the Snows

Moon Valley

Little mistress of a big house

Smoke Bellew

Sea Wolf

call of the ancestors

Scarlet Plague

In Addo Bay

In a distant land

great riddle

Great sorcerer

Enemy of the whole world

John - barleycorn

yellow handkerchief

Pearls of Parley

For those who are on the way

Law of life

green serpent

golden canyon

sperm whale tooth

moon valley

Interstellar wanderer

Traveling on the Snark

Northern Odyssey

Hearts of Three

Scary Solomon Islands

Son of the Sun

The path of false suns

A thousand deaths

Temple of Pride

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Who is Jack London? The biography of this person is extensive and diverse. We can say that it is full of adventures worthy of its heroes. Yes, it is: he wrote, drawing plots from his own life, the conditions surrounding him, the people passing through it, their struggles and victories.

He always strove for the truth, tried to understand the system of values ​​that pervaded society and expose mistakes. How he looks like a Russian in this! But Jack is 100% American by birth. His phenomenon of similarity will surprise for a long time until the boundaries of mentalities are erased.


In the middle of winter, January 12, 1876, John Griffith Cheney saw the light in Frisco. Unfortunately, the father did not recognize the pregnancy and left Flora without seeing his child. Flora was in despair. Leaving the newborn in the arms of the black nurse Jenny, she rushed to arrange her personal life.

As an adult, Jack London, whose biography is replete with adventures, did not forget her. He helped these women, considering both of them his mothers. Jenny sang songs to him, surrounded him with love and care. Later, it was she who lent him money for the sloop, giving away all the savings.

When the son was not even a year old, the family was reunited. Flora married a widower farmer with daughters Louise and Ida. The family moved constantly. Disabled war John London adopted Jack and gave him his last name. He grew up as a strong, healthy child. He taught himself to read and write at the age of five, and has been constantly seen with a book in his hand ever since. He even got caught for slacking off from household chores.

Stepfather became Jack's real father. A boy under 21 did not even suspect that he was not his own. They fished together, went to the market, hunted ducks. John gave him a real gun and a good fishing rod.

Young hard worker

There was always a lot to do on the farm. Coming home from school, Jack immediately joined in the work. He hated this "stupid work," as he called it. Even with great effort, this way of life did not lead to prosperity. The family rarely ate meat.

Finally ruined, the family moved to Auckland. Jack London has always loved books, he becomes a frequenter of libraries here. Reads avidly. When John was hit by a train and became crippled, thirteen-year-old Jack began to feed the whole family. Education was over.

He worked as a newspaper salesman, an errand boy in a bowling alley, and delivered ice. He gave all his earnings to his mother. From the age of 14, he becomes a worker at a cannery, and there is no time left for anything. But the head is free! And he thinks, thinks... Why do you need to turn into working cattle in order to live? Is there any other way to make money?

Jack himself believed that his work deprived him of adolescence.

Oyster Pirate

What did Jack London not work for! His biography also includes piracy. Fishing for oysters was regulated on the coast, a patrol followed the order. But sea romantics managed to illegally collect oysters under their noses and hand them over to a restaurant. There were frequent chases.

He was called the Prince of the Oyster Pirates for his courage at the age of 15. He himself said that if he had been convicted for all transgressions before the law, he would have received a sentence of hundreds of years. After that, he already served on the other side, in the oyster patrol. It was no less dangerous: desperate pirates could take revenge.

At the age of 17, he enters the service as a sailor and goes to the Japanese coast for seals.

How did he start writing

When Jack was eight years old, he read a book about an Italian peasant boy who became a famous writer. From then on, he pondered, discussing with his sister, whether it was possible for him or not. An elementary school teacher gave him writing assignments during music lessons. Then he began to call himself Jack. This was the beginning of his writing career.

At the age of 17, his essay, written from his own experience, "A Typhoon Off the Coast of Japan", was highly praised by the San Francisco city newspaper. He writes that he knows well what he himself witnessed. At this moment, the writer Jack London was born. In 18 years he will write 50 books.

Jack London personal life

While studying at the university, Jack met a young man whose sister, Mabel, seemed to be an unearthly creature. The girl liked this rude guy, but marriage was out of the question - how to provide for a family? Jack is sure that you won't earn much with your hands. Need knowledge, and he sits down at the desk.

Jack London writes stories with the same tenacity with which he worked on the assembly line. He writes and sends them to the editors. But all manuscripts are returned. Then he becomes a laundry ironer until he leaves for Alaska. He does not find gold, he returns home and works as a postman. Still writing. The manuscripts are still coming back.

But here's the story accepts a monthly magazine, paying a fee. Following another magazine accepted another work. The young decided to get married, but Mabel's mother was against it. In funeral mood, at the grave of a friend, he meets Bessie, mourning her fiancé. Their feelings coincided, and they became spouses.

Jack becomes a famous writer, but Bessie is not interested in his work. The house is a full bowl and two daughters do not make him happy. Three years later, in 1904, he goes to Charmian. This "new woman", as the writer called her, is a true friend, they go through life together. They had no children, but with Charmian he sailed in the Pacific.

She was his secretary, typing and answering letters. A true collaborator. She wrote a book about him. Firsthand, we now know what Jack London was, whose biography was recorded by the closest person. She survived her husband by four years and wished to lie next to him after death.


In 1987 America was hit by a gold rush. Jack goes to try his luck with his sister's husband. That's where his sailor skills came in handy. His name was Wolf. All whites were called that by the Indians, but Jack signed the letters "Wolf". Later, he will build the "Wolf House", dreaming of gathering friends there.

The area that was staked out was not rich in gold, but in mica. Scurvy finished off Jack, and he returned to his home. As always, he was in need. He sat down to write. He had something to fill the pages: during the long winter he absorbed the stories of hunters, prospectors, Indians, postmen and merchants.

Jack London filled his stories with their speech, their laws. Belief in goodness is the core of the entire Klondike series. He said he found himself there. “No one speaks there,” he wrote. Everyone thinks. Everyone, being there, received his worldview. Jack got his.


Interesting facts about Jack London:

  • He covered the events of the Russo-Japanese War, unequivocally condemning the methods of Japan. When the civil war broke out in Mexico, he again began to write on the front lines.
  • He went on a circumnavigation. The sailboat "Snark" was built according to his drawings. Charmian learned to steer the ship along with him. For two years they conquered the Pacific Ocean.

  • He advocated for the protection of animals from cruelty.
  • Films based on Jack London only from 1910 to 2010 make up a huge figure - 136.
  • Lake Jack London is in Russia, in the Magadan region.
  • He is the first writer whose work brought in a million dollars.

Jack London for kids

An unshakable faith in a good beginning in a person, the triumph of friendship over meanness, the self-sacrifice of true love - all these principles make the writer's stories indispensable for raising children. When you can’t see worthy examples in the surrounding life, literature saves:

  • "White Fang" is a story that will not leave anyone indifferent. The adventures of the wolf dog and his appreciation for the friendship of the new owner completely change the nature of the animal. He even saves the house and those living in it from a dangerous criminal, and when the owner is in trouble, he tries to bark for the first time.
  • "The Call of the Ancestors" is a story about a dog and written from her point of view, she, however, tells a lot about the people of the icy desert, mastering the land.
  • "Hearts of Three" is the first films based on Jack London. But even despite the many film adaptations, it is still much more interesting to read the book.
  • "White Silence" - stories about Alaska.

Jack London, whose books are in every library, instills courage in the face of trials. Its heroes are strong noble people. He was like that too.

Best Books

The works of Jack London, the list of which includes 20 novels, can be divided according to the direction of the plot:

  • These are, first of all, "Northern stories", the novel "Daughter of the Snows".
  • Then "Tales of the Fishing Patrol" and other marine works, the novel "The Sea Wolf".
  • Social works: "John is a Barleycorn", "People of the Abyss" and "Martin Eden".
  • "Tales of the South Seas", written on travels on the schooner "Snark".
  • His dystopian novel The Iron Heel (1908) foreshadows the victory of fascism.
  • "Moon Valley", "Little Mistress of a Big House", where he describes life on a ranch using his own experience.
  • The play "Theft".
  • Scenario "Hearts of three".

The works of Jack London (everyone has their own list of favorites) do not leave indifferent. Some like strength, struggle and victory over the elements. Others appreciate the love of life. Still others admire the moral choice of the characters.

To understand what it is like to freeze to death - to turn into an insensitive machine, to decide whether to live free or die - you can read the stories "Bonfire", "Apostate" and "Kulau the Leper".

ranch museum

When Jack became disillusioned with the "talking shop" about socialism, he got excited about the idea of ​​farming. Realizing that everything comes from the earth - food, clothing, shelter - he literally started with himself, buying an infertile ranch with depleted soil. At first, they did not collect anything from him, they only invested.

Neighbors were surprised at the newcomer's success: his pigs brought in several times more income. The owner simply bought thoroughbred animals and looked after them according to science.

He called his ranch "Beauty" and lived here for the last 11 years. He insisted: “This is not a summer cottage, but a house in the country, because I am a farmer.” In the center of a valley of vineyards, among heady smells, it was supposed to become a family nest of Londons. A “Wolf House”, similar to a castle, is being built. it burns.Jack is sure it's arson.The carcass now stands as a memorial to his good intentions.

After the death of the writer, there is a park and a museum here. He bequeathed to bury himself right there.


The writer died on November 22, 1916 at his ranch in Glen Ellen. Even when he bought it, he drew attention to the fenced oak. It turned out to be the grave of the children of the first settlers of Greenlaw. “They must be very lonely here,” Jack said. He chose this place for himself as his last refuge.

Shortly before his death, he expressed to his sister and Charmian the wish that his ashes be buried on the hill where the children of Greenlaw lie. And he ordered to put a large red boulder instead of a tombstone. And so it was done. The stone was taken out of the ruins of the "Wolf House" and carried on four horses.

He organically blended into the surrounding landscape. The fact that there is nothing made by human hands on the grave causes many thoughts and feelings. He wanted it that way. And until now, his grave speaks silently.

“I love my ranch so much!” - we feel, looking around. “David and Lilly, you are no longer alone. I am with you,” we understand the choice of location. “Don’t you dare put up a monument to me. I'm not the Commander," emanates from the stone. “Friends, I am with you. I am in my books. These are my letters to you,” we realize the message through the years.

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