We draw a St. George ribbon. How to draw a St. George ribbon with a pencil step by step


is an international celebration. To remember and be proud of the exploits of our ancestors is the duty of every generation. That is why, on the eve of May 9, thematic classes are held in schools and kindergartens, veterans come to visit the kids to learn more about the difficult times they had to go through. Children, in turn, are in a hurry to please the heroes with their crafts and postcards made by themselves.

Traditionally, postcards dedicated to Victory Day depict symbols of military glory: this is the well-known St. George ribbon, orders and medals, carnations, military equipment. Actually, these components of the holiday, today we will learn to draw.

Master class: How to draw a drawing by May 9 for children in stages with a pencil

Example 1

The St. George ribbon is one of the most recognizable symbols of victory, as every preschooler knows how it looks. And since not a single thematic postcard can do without a traditional ribbon, let's start our master class on drawings for May 9 for children with it, telling you how to depict it in stages.

So, in fact, we figured out how to gradually draw with a pencil one of the easiest drawings by May 9 for children.

Example 2

Now let's remember what else we associate this wonderful holiday with? Of course, with flowers, or rather with carnations. Drawing carnations is not at all difficult, you will soon see for yourself if you follow our step-by-step instructions:

You can go the other way and draw several flowers on one stem.

Example 3

After we have learned how to draw simple pencil drawings for May 9 for children in stages, we can move on to complex compositions dedicated to Victory Day.

Articles on this topic:

Preparations for the great holiday of May 9 are especially active for children - the kids prepare congratulations for veterans: they learn poems about war and victory, prepare songs, theater performances, thematic drawings. Let's look at how to draw drawings for Victory Day in stages.

Which of the children did not feed the pigeons? Children love to take care of animals, including birds. Taking care of them, they will certainly remind their mother to take some treats for their feathered friends. With pleasure, they will want to draw them on a piece of paper.

St. George's Ribbon is the same constant attribute of military holidays, like fireworks, the Eternal Flame, the parade of troops and others. The history of the St. George Ribbon has been going on for a long time. Even during the reign of the Russian Empress Catherine II, the ribbon was established as a sign of reward for valiant service and loyalty to Russia and the autocracy to Russian soldiers and officers. In the days of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the sailors of the Russian Navy attached the ribbon to their pea coats.

Now we attach this discreet strip of fabric to our clothes during the celebration of the great Victory Day on May 9th. These days, the St. George Ribbon action is always taking place, when these ribbons are handed out to passers-by on the streets so that they do not forget about our history and the war. The ribbon is a long strip of fabric in two colors: yellow-orange and black. Let's draw it here in several stages. The drawing will not be difficult

Stage 1. We draw two straight lines under the ruler: vertical long and horizontal short. Draw an oval above the horizontal line so that the vertical line is its axis of symmetry. Below we outline two parallel strokes.

Stage 2. Let's outline an oval, forming the features of a loop, the edges of which go forward one above the other. The edges of the ribbon should be widened. Below, with a ribbon-shaped figure, we show the element of the subject of our lesson.

Stage 3. In the upper part, add two lines to the image of the loop. And from the bottom we add the edges of the ribbon from both ends. They are uneven, cut at an angle. It turned out at the bottom of the tape in three waves.

Stage 4. Add lines in the center of the ribbon.

St. George's ribbon is an integral symbol of most military holidays, which has long since left its mark on history.

The history of the emergence of the St. George's ribbon

The tradition of using the St. George ribbon appeared a long time ago.

Someone wears a ribbon on their bags, backpacks, things, someone hangs it in the car, someone glues it on notebooks and so on. In general, one thing is clear that today you can find a bunch of options on how to use the St. George ribbon. The images - "St. George's Ribbon" are no exception. How to draw this symbol, read below.

And now some information from the history of occurrence.

The St. George Ribbon appeared during the reign of Catherine II, when by order of the Empress it was awarded for victory, courage, bravery and loyalty to the Motherland.

Now it is an ordinary accessory, an attribute of your clothes, which is worn during military holidays (at least on Victory Day), and in which people still put a special meaning.

How to draw St. George's ribbon with a pencil?

St. George's ribbons become very popular on the eve of Victory Day, when every passer-by has one, and it is simply handed out on the street. You can try to draw it. How to draw the St. George ribbon in stages?

It's easy enough and won't take up much of your precious time.

To do this, you will need two colors - black and yellow-orange, with the help of which the St. George ribbon will appear. How to draw her unusual, wrapped, wavy?

First you need to draw two lines exactly: the vertical one is longer and the horizontal one is shorter. It is better to draw under the ruler so that the drawing is smoother and more beautiful. Then you need to draw an oval evenly and symmetrically above the horizontal line.

A little lower, you need to draw two strokes parallel to each other, which are the elements of the tail of the ribbon.

The oval must be outlined so that two loops are formed, first on the right side, and then on the left, so that they come forward one in front of the other. Stretch the loops so that they are directly proportional to the oval. The edges need to be widened.

Let's go back to two strokes. We connect them in a ribbon-like manner and make a small wave to get an image of a folded ribbon.

The St. George Ribbon is almost ready. How to draw it further?

Now in the empty cavities you need to draw straight lines and decorate them alternately with the colors that you originally prepared. Nothing complicated, you did it!

Where and how is the St. George Ribbon used today?

Before you is the symbol of Victory Day - St. George's Ribbon. How to draw it on a piece of paper, you already know. As for its application today, it is worth saying that people do not violate the long-established tradition and continue to wear a ribbon on Victory Day. Like it or not, but this is a real story that made today. Therefore, in honor of the memory of those who gave us a peaceful sky, the St. George ribbon is still used. How to draw it in stages and with a pencil, you already know.

St. George's ribbon is an integral symbol of most military holidays, which has long since left its mark on history.

The history of the emergence of the St. George's ribbon

The tradition of using the St. George ribbon appeared a long time ago.

Someone wears a ribbon on their bags, backpacks, things, someone hangs it in the car, someone glues it on notebooks and so on. In general, one thing is clear that today you can find a bunch of options on how to use the St. George ribbon. The images - "St. George's Ribbon" are no exception. How to draw this symbol, read below.

And now some information from the history of occurrence.

The St. George Ribbon appeared during the reign of Catherine II, when by order of the Empress it was awarded for victory, courage, bravery and loyalty to the Motherland.

Now it is an ordinary accessory, an attribute of your clothes, which is worn during military holidays (at least on Victory Day), and in which people still put a special meaning.

How to draw St. George's ribbon with a pencil?

St. George's ribbons become very popular on the eve of Victory Day, when every passer-by has one, and it is simply handed out on the street. You can try to draw it. How to draw the St. George ribbon in stages?

It's easy enough and won't take up much of your precious time.

To do this, you will need two colors - black and yellow-orange, with the help of which the St. George ribbon will appear. How to draw her unusual, wrapped, wavy?

First you need to draw two lines exactly: the vertical one is longer and the horizontal one is shorter. It is better to draw under the ruler so that the drawing is smoother and more beautiful. Then you need to draw an oval evenly and symmetrically above the horizontal line.

A little lower, you need to draw two strokes parallel to each other, which are the elements of the tail of the ribbon.

The oval must be outlined so that two loops are formed, first on the right side, and then on the left, so that they come forward one in front of the other. Stretch the loops so that they are directly proportional to the oval. The edges need to be widened.

Let's go back to two strokes. We connect them in a ribbon-like manner and make a small wave to get an image of a folded ribbon.

The St. George Ribbon is almost ready. How to draw it further?

Now in the empty cavities you need to draw straight lines and decorate them alternately with the colors that you originally prepared. Nothing complicated, you did it!

Where and how is the St. George Ribbon used today?

Before you is the symbol of Victory Day - St. George's Ribbon. How to draw it on a piece of paper, you already know. As for its application today, it is worth saying that people do not violate the long-established tradition and continue to wear a ribbon on Victory Day. Like it or not, but this is a real story that made today. Therefore, in honor of the memory of those who gave us a peaceful sky, the St. George ribbon is still used. How to draw it in stages and with a pencil, you already know.

DIY greeting cards and posters are one of the most common crafts that are being prepared for Victory Day. Their main theme, of course, is warm wishes and beautiful congratulations to veterans and eyewitnesses of those terrible events. The decorations of such postcards and posters, as a rule, are the constant symbols of May 9 - St. George's ribbon, carnations, a red five-pointed star. There can be many variations for crafts, but most often they choose simple drawings that combine several characters at the same time. For example, a bright red star tied with a St. George ribbon will decorate any postcard. From our today's article, you will just learn how to draw a St. George ribbon and a five-pointed star using a regular pencil.

How to draw a St. George ribbon with a pencil for May 9 - a master class with a photo

At first glance, it may seem that it is quite difficult to draw a St. George ribbon with a pencil by hand. But in fact, if you follow each step exactly, then even a person who does not have developed artistic skills can complete this drawing. A bright St. George ribbon can become both a decoration for a greeting card and the basis for a festive drawing dedicated to Victory Day.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • black and orange pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a St. George ribbon:

  1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, draw two parallel lines. The distance between the lines should be about 5-7 cm. Then we cross both lines with two of the same parallel diagonal lines. We will clean the intersections with an eraser. photo 1
  2. Draw a semi-oval on top. We will also connect parallel lines with short lines. photo 2
  3. With a black pencil, draw inside the base of the line and every two fill them with black to get characteristic stripes. photo 3
  4. The remaining gaps between the black stripes are filled with an orange pencil. Our St. George ribbon is ready! photo 4

How to draw a St. George ribbon with a pencil step by step, video

A step-by-step drawing of a St. George ribbon by hand can also be viewed in a simple video tutorial below.

How to draw a five-pointed star step by step using a ruler and a compass - instructions with photos

The red five-pointed star is another unchanging symbol of Victory Day. Most often, her image is used as decoration for congratulatory posters. To draw the correct five-pointed star, you must definitely use a ruler and a compass. Find out exactly how to do this from our master class, in which we suggest you master drawing a three-dimensional five-pointed star with a pencil.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • red and black pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a five-pointed star:

  1. To begin with, using a simple pencil and a compass, draw a large circle in the middle of the sheet.
  2. Then we take a ruler and draw two straight lines through the center of the circle, dividing it into four equal sectors.
  3. Now we divide each sector in half with straight lines and get eight identical sectors.

  4. At the next stage, we divide the two central lower sectors and the two upper lateral sectors with straight lines.
  5. Now we make marks, as shown in the photo below.

  6. From the upper center line we draw two straight lines to the lower marks.
  7. We also connect the two lower marks on the side sectors with a straight line.
  8. With a black pencil we connect the lines to each other, forming the basis of our star.
  9. Draw a line inside the star with a black outline.

  10. Now the finished workpiece needs to be painted in red. The side faces of the star are slightly tinted with a simple pencil to get a voluminous five-pointed star.

How to draw a star with a compass by May 9, master class with video

And from this video tutorial you will learn how else you can draw a five-pointed star using a compass.

We hope that our simple instructions helped you figure out how to draw a St. George ribbon and a star on May 9 with your own hands. We are sure that by applying this knowledge in practice, you will be able to decorate wonderful crafts for Victory Day.

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