Funny case from life. Solving logical problems by reasoning There are five friends on the train


In this way, simple logical problems are usually solved.

Example 6 Vadim, Sergey and Mikhail study various foreign languages: Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. When asked what language each of them studied, one answered: "Vadim is studying Chinese, Sergey is not studying Chinese, and Mikhail is not studying Arabic." Subsequently, it turned out that in this answer only one statement is true, and the other two are false. What language is each of the young people learning?

Solution. There are three statements:

  1. Vadim studies Chinese;
  2. Sergei does not study Chinese;
  3. Mikhail does not study Arabic.

If the first statement is true, then the second is also true, since young men learn different languages. This contradicts the condition of the problem, so the first statement is false.

If the second statement is true, then the first and third must be false. It turns out that no one studies Chinese. This contradicts the condition, so the second statement is also false.

Answer: Sergei is studying Chinese, Mikhail is studying Japanese, and Vadim is studying Arabic.

Example 7 On the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha, got acquainted with a fellow traveler. They asked her to guess their names, and each of them made one true and one false statement:

Dima said: "My last name is Mishin, and Boris' last name is Khokhlov." Anton said: "Mishin is my last name, and Vadim's last name is Belkin." Boris said: "Vadim's last name is Tikhonov, and my last name is Mishin." Vadim said: "My last name is Belkin, and Grisha's last name is Chekhov." Grisha said: "Yes, my surname is Chekhov, and Anton's surname is Tikhonov."

What is the last name of each friend?

Solution. Let us designate the propositional form "a young man named A has the surname B" as A B, where the letters A and B correspond to the initial letters of the name and surname.

Let's record the statements of each of the friends:

  1. D M and B X;
  2. A M and C B;
  3. V T and B M;
  4. C B and G C;
  5. G C and A T.

Let us first assume that D M is true. But if D M is true, then Anton and Boris must have different surnames, which means that A M and B M are false. But if A M and B M are false, then C B and C T must be true, but C B and C T cannot be true at the same time.

This means that another case remains: B X is true. This case leads to a chain of inferences:

B X true B M false C T true A T false G W true C B false A M true.

Answer: Boris - Khokhlov, Vadim - Tikhonov, Grisha - Chekhov, Anton - Mishin, Dima - Belkin.

Example 8 The foreign ministers of Russia, the United States and China discussed behind closed doors the draft agreements on complete disarmament submitted by each of the countries. Then answering the question of journalists: "Whose project was adopted?", the ministers gave the following answers:

Russia - "The project is not ours, the project is not the USA";
USA - "The project is not Russia, the project is China";
China - "The project is not ours, the project of Russia."

One of them (the most outspoken) told the truth both times; the second (the most secretive) both times told a lie, the third (cautious) once told the truth, and the other time - a lie.

Determine which countries are represented by the outspoken, secretive, and cautious ministers.

Solution. For convenience of notation, let's number the statements of the diplomats:

Russia - "The project is not ours" (1), "The project is not the USA" (2);
USA - "Project not Russia" (3), "Project China" (4);
China - "The project is not ours" (5), "Project of Russia" (6).

Let's find out which of the ministers is the most outspoken.

If this is a Russian minister, then it follows from the validity of (1) and (2) that the Chinese project won. But then both statements of the US Minister are also true, which cannot be by condition.

If the most outspoken is the US minister, then again we get that the Chinese project has won, which means that both statements of the Russian minister are also true, which cannot be by condition.

It turns out that the Chinese minister was the most outspoken. Indeed, from the fact that (5) and (6) are true, it follows that the Russian project won. And then it turns out that of the two statements of the Russian minister, the first is false, and the second is true. Both statements of the US Minister are wrong.

Answer: The Chinese minister was more outspoken, the Russian minister was more cautious, and the US minister was more secretive.

Method idea: consistent reasoning and conclusions from the statements contained in the condition of the problem. In this way, simple logical problems are usually solved.

Task 1. Vadim, Sergey and Mikhail are studying various foreign languages: Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. When asked what language each of them studied, one answered: "Vadim is studying Chinese, Sergey is not studying Chinese, and Mikhail is not studying Arabic." Subsequently, it turned out that in this answer only one statement is true, and the other two are false. What language is each of the young people learning?

Solution. There are three statements. If the first statement is true, then the second is also true, since young men learn different languages. This contradicts the condition of the problem, so the first statement is false. If the second statement is true, then the first and third must be false. It turns out that no one studies Chinese. This contradicts the condition, so the second statement is also false. It remains to consider the third statement to be true, and the first and second to be false. Therefore, Vadim is not studying Chinese, Sergey is studying Chinese.

Answer: Sergei is studying Chinese, Mikhail is studying Japanese, and Vadim is studying Arabic.

Task 2. On the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha, got acquainted with a fellow traveler. They asked her to guess their names, and each of them made one true and one false statement:

Dima said: "My last name is Mishin, and Boris's last name is Khokhlov." Anton said: "Mishin is my last name, and Vadim's last name is Belkin." Boris said: "Vadim's last name is Tikhonov, and my last name is Mishin." Vadim said: "My last name is Belkin, and Grisha's last name is Chekhov." Grisha said: "Yes, my surname is Chekhov, and Anton's surname is Tikhonov."

What is the last name of each friend?

Let us designate the propositional form "a young man named A has the surname B" as AB, where the letters A and B correspond to the initial letters of the name and surname.

Let's record the statements of each of the friends:

Let us first assume that DM is true. But, if DM is true, then Anton and Boris must have different surnames, so AM and BM are false. But if AM and BM are false, then BT and BT must be true, but BT and BT cannot be true at the same time.

So there remains another case: true BH. This case leads to a chain of inferences: BH is true BM is false BT is true AT is false GF is true WB is false AM is true.

Answer: Boris - Khokhlov, Vadim - Tikhonov, Grisha - Chekhov, Anton - Mishin, Dima - Belkin.

Task 3. part of the pages bound together fell out of the damaged book.

The number of the first dropped page is 143.

The number of the latter is written in the same numbers, but in a different order.

How many pages fell out of the book?

The first difficulty is to realize the fact of the uniqueness of the answer, which must be chosen from a number of answers.

However, among our contestants, there were few who were stopped by this difficulty. Most of the guys conscientiously listed all possible answers.

These are: a sixth grader from Ankara (Turkey) Rafatova Sevda, an eighth grader Nastya Karpuk from Pushchino (Moscow region), a seventh grader Galya Shushpanova from Bratsk, an eighth grader from Zelenogorsk (Krasnoyarsk region) Zhenya Sulimova, Ksyusha Belova, Lena Donyakina, a seventh grader Dmitry Baranov from Slantsy (Leningrad region) and many others.

The second stage is to weed out unnecessary options.

A page with a number less than the number of the first page that fell out was unanimously dismissed by almost all the contestants.

And very many also excluded both odd variants of the number of the last dropped out page (since the first page of the dropped out block is odd, the last one should be even).

Some of the guys got to this stage, practically bypassing the first stage: just looking at the number 143, they chose a number that ends in 4 and exceeds the number of the first page that fell out.

Task 4. Two travelers left point A at the same time towards point B.

The step of the second was 20% shorter than the step of the first,

but the second one managed to take 20% more steps in the same time than the first one.

How long did it take the second traveler to reach the destination if the first traveler arrived at point B 5 hours after leaving point A?

It turned out to be a difficult nut to crack and a struggle of opinions flared up around it. It only seemed simple on the surface, but it turned out that it was very easy to make a mistake in it. This task divided our contestants into two camps. These were the opinions held by these camps: both travelers will arrive at the goal at the same time; the second traveler will lag behind the second a little.

The spokesman for the first opinion was Rafatova Sevda, a sixth-grader from Ankara. Sevda proposed to conduct a numerical experiment: let the first traveler take 4 of his long steps. Then the second traveler at the same distance will take 5 steps. (Because each step of the second traveler is 20% shorter). So, in her opinion, no one will lag behind anyone, both travelers will reach the goal at the same time. Sevda is right that the length of 4 steps of the first traveler is equal to the length of 5 steps of the second. But times are different. After all, if the first traveler takes 4 steps, then the second during this time will take only 1, 2 * 4 = 4.8 steps, and not 5. He still needs to spend (5 - 4.8): 5 * 100 = 4% of the time to overcome this distance.

Task 5. Three friends, fans of Formula 1 racing, were arguing about the results of the upcoming stage of the race.

You'll see, Schumacher won't come first," John said. Hill will be first.

No, the winner will be, as always, Schumacher, - exclaimed Nick. “And there’s nothing to say about Alesi, he won’t be the first.

Peter, whom Nick addressed, was indignant:

Hill will never see the first place, but Alesi pilots the most powerful car.

At the end of the racing stage, it turned out that each of the two assumptions of the two friends was confirmed, and both assumptions of the third of the friends turned out to be wrong. Who won the race stage?

W- Schumacher wins; X Hill will win A Alesi wins.

Nick's line "Alesi pilots the most powerful car" does not contain any statement about the place that this driver will take, therefore, it is not taken into account in further reasoning.

Considering that the assumptions of two friends were confirmed, and the assumptions of the third are incorrect, we write down and simplify the true statement

The statement is true only when W=1, A=0, X=0.

Schumacher became the winner of the race stage.

Task 6. Some adventurer went on a trip around the world on a yacht equipped with an on-board computer. He was warned that three nodes of the computer most often fail - a , b , c , and gave the necessary replacement parts. To find out which node needs to be replaced, he can use the signal lights on the control panel. There are also exactly three bulbs: x , y And z .

Instructions for identifying faulty nodes are as follows:

If at least one of the computer nodes is faulty, then at least one of the lights is on. x , y , z ;

If a node fails a , but the node is working With , then the light comes on y ;

If a node fails With , but the node is working b , the light comes on y but no light comes on x ;

If a node fails b , but the node is working c , then the lights come on. x And y or the light does not come on. x ;

If the lamp is on X and either the node is faulty A , or all three nodes a , b , c correct, the light is on. y .

On the way, the computer broke down. The light on the control panel is on. x . Having carefully studied the instructions, the traveler repaired the computer. But from that moment until the end of the voyage, anxiety did not leave him. He realized that the instruction was not perfect, and there were cases when it would not help him.

What nodes did the traveler replace? What flaws did he find in the instructions?

Let us introduce notation for logical statements:

a - Faulty node A ; x - light bulb is on X ;

b - Faulty node b ; y - light bulb is on y ;

With - Faulty node With ; z - light bulb is on z .

Rules 1-5 are expressed by the following formulas:

follows that a=0, b=1, c=1.

Task 7. Give reasoning and provide an answer to the question posed:

The prisoner was offered a choice of three rooms, in one of which there was a princess, and in the other two there were tigers. Tables were hung on the doors of the rooms with the following inscriptions: I-There is a tiger sitting in this room

II-There is a princess in this room

III-Tiger sits in room II

Answer: The tiger is in the second room.

Question: On the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha, got acquainted with a fellow traveler

Dear forum users, I ask for help in solving the problem in Prolog))

On the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha, got acquainted with a fellow traveler. They asked her to guess their names, and each of them made one true and one false statement:
Dima said: "My last name is Mishin, and Boris' last name is Khokhlov." Anton said: "Mishin is my last name, and Vadim's last name is Belkin." Boris said: "Vadim's last name is Tikhonov, and my last name is Mishin." Vadim said: "My last name is Belkin, and Grisha's last name is Chekhov." Grisha said: "Yes, my surname is Chekhov, and Anton's surname is Tikhonov."
What is the last name of each friend?

THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance for your help!!!

Answer: check online

Question: The program for solving the Olympiad problem about Vasya's trips on the metro with a ticket

Boy Vasya rides the subway every day. In the morning he goes to school, and in the evening of the same day, back from school, home. In order to save some money, he buys an electronic smart card for X trips. When he wants to get on the subway, he puts his card on the turnstile. If there is a non-zero number of trips left on the card, then the turnstile lets Vasya through and writes off one trip from the card. If there are no trips left on the card, then the turnstile does not let Vasya through, and he (Vasya) is forced to buy a new card for X trips at the same station and go through the turnstile again.
Vasya noticed that due to the fact that the metro is overcrowded in the morning, it is time-consuming to buy a new card in the morning, and he may be late for school. In this regard, he wants to understand: will there be such a day that in the morning, having gone to school, it turns out that he has zero trips on his card.
Vasya doesn't take the subway anywhere else, and that's why he gets on the subway only at the station near his house and at the station near the school.
Input data
The input file INPUT.TXT contains exactly 2 lines. The first contains the word "School" or "Home", depending on where Vasya first bought a card for X trips. The second line contains a natural number X, 1 ≤ X ≤ 1000.
In the output file OUTPUT.TXT, output "Yes" if there is such a day that Vasya has zero trips on his card in the morning, and "No" otherwise.
1 Home
1 Yes
2 school
2 no

Answer: A very stupid task. It’s a no brainer that an even number of trips or an odd number - all the same, from two cards it becomes even. And the whole task is reduced to one primitive condition.

Question: Determine what is the minimum number of elevator rides required to lift all the equipment

The weights of 3 household appliances are given in kg (a, b, c). Determine what is the minimum number of trips on an elevator with a carrying capacity of n kg that will be required to lift all the equipment. Help me please.

Answer: inp_w can be easily shortened by a parameter:

Pascal code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 procedure inp_w(q: string ; var x: double) ; begin repeat Write (q, " = " ) ; ReadLn(x) ; if x<= 0 then WriteLn (q, "must be greater than zero, please re-enter.") until x > 0 end ; const m = "Mass of household appliance"; g = "lift capacity"; var a, b, c, n: Real ; begin inp_w(m+ " "a"" , a) ; inp_w(m+ " "b"" , b) ; inp_w(m+ " "c"" , c) ; inp_w(g, n) ; if (a > n) or (b > n) or (c > n) then Write ( "It is impossible to transport all household appliances not in this elevator.") else if a + b + c<= n then Write ("Requires 1 trip.") else if (a + b<= n) or (a + c <= n) or (b + c <= n) then Write ("Requires 2 trips.") else Write ( "It will take 3 trips.") ; ReadLn end .

Question: Calculating the cost of a car trip to the country

2. Make a program for calculating the cost of a car trip to the country (round trip). The initial data are: distance to the cottage (in kilometers); the amount of gasoline that a car consumes per 100 kilometers; the price of one liter of gasoline. Below is the recommended view of the dialog while the program is running. User input is shown in bold.
Calculation of the cost of a trip to the country.
Distance to the cottage (km) - 67
Gasoline consumption (l per 100 km) - 8.5
The price of a liter of gasoline (rub.) - 23.7
A trip to the country house will cost 269 rubles. 94 kop.

How to do it?

Answer: Firstly, with your input data it will cost 134 rubles. 97 k., and secondly

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 int main() ( double km, r, p; int itog; cout<< "Distance to the cottage (km) - "; cin >> km; cout<< "Gasoline consumption (l per 100 km) - "; cin >> r; cout<< "Price of a liter of gasoline (rub.) -"; cin>p; itog = floor ((km / 100 * r* p) * 100 ) ; cout<< "A trip to the dacha will cost" << itog / 100 << " руб. " << itog % 100 << " коп." ; return 0 ; }

Calculate the cost of gasoline needed for a trip to the country, if you know the route, fuel consumption per 100 km and the cost of a liter of fuel.
Create a form of the type shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1
To calculate the cost of gasoline in the implementation section, write the Price function.
Write a click handler for the Calculation button. The label lblMessage should contain a message about the cost of gasoline. Be sure to solve with a function!

Answer: Code:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 unitMainU; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Buttons, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class (TForm) Label1: TLabel; edWay: TEdit; Label2: T Label; edFuel: TEdit; Label3: T Label; edCost: TEdit; btnRun: TButton; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; lblMessage: TLabel; procedure btnRunClick(Sender: TObject ) ; procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject ) ; private ( Private declarations ) public ( Public declarations ) end ; var Form1: TForm1; implementation ($R *.dfm) function Price(Way, Fuel, Cost: extended ) : extended ; begin Result: = (Way/ 100 ) * Fuel* Cost; end ; procedure TForm1. btnRunClick(Sender: TObject) ; var eWay, eFuel, eCost: extended ; begin try eWay:= strtofloat(edWay. Text ) ; except showmessage( ""Route in km" must be a number!") ; exit; end ; if eWay<= 0 then begin showmessage(""Route in km" must be greater than 0!") ; exit; end ; try eFuel:=strtofloat(edFuel.Text) ; except showmessage( ""Fuel consumption per 100 km in liters" should be a number!") ; exit; end ; if eFuel<= 0 then begin showmessage(""Fuel consumption per 100 km in liters" must be greater than 0!") ; exit; end ; try eCost:= strtofloat(edCost. Text ) ; except showmessage( ""Cost of a liter of fuel" must be a number!") ; exit; end ; if eCost<= 0 then begin showmessage(""Cost of a liter of fuel" must be greater than 0!") ; exit; end ; lblMessage. Caption := "The cost of gasoline required for a trip to the country:"+ floattostr (Price(eWay, eFuel, eCost) ) ; end ; procedure TForm1. BitBtn1Click (Sender: TObject ) ; start close; end ; end.

I enclose project on Delphi.

Question: On the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha - got acquainted with a fellow traveler. They asked her to guess their last names, and each of them made one true and one false statement: Dima: “My last name is Mishin, and Boris’s last name is Khokhlov.” Anton: "Mishin is my last name, and Vadim's last name is Belkin." Boris: "Vadim is Tikhonov, and my last name is Mishin." Vadim: "I am Belkin, and Grisha's last name is Chekhov." Grisha: “Yes, my surname is Chekhov, and Anton is Tikhonov.” Who has a last name? solve the problem by composing and transforming a logical expression:

On the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha - got acquainted with a fellow traveler. They asked her to guess their last names, and each of them made one true and one false statement: Dima: “My last name is Mishin, and Boris’s last name is Khokhlov.” Anton: "Mishin is my last name, and Vadim's last name is Belkin." Boris: "Vadim is Tikhonov, and my last name is Mishin." Vadim: "I am Belkin, and Grisha's last name is Chekhov." Grisha: “Yes, my surname is Chekhov, and Anton is Tikhonov.” Who has a last name? solve the problem by composing and transforming a logical expression:


Solution. Let us designate the propositional form "a young man named A has the surname B" as AB, where the letters A and B correspond to the initial letters of the name and surname. We fix the statements of each of the friends: DM and BH; AM and WB; VT and BM; WB and MS; MS and AT. Let us first assume that DM is true. But, if DM is true, then Anton and Boris must have different surnames, so AM and BM are false. But if AM and BM are false, then BT and BT must be true, but BT and BT cannot be true at the same time. So there remains another case: true BH. This case leads to a chain of inferences: BH is true BM is false BT is true AT is false GF is true WB is false AM is true. Answer: Boris - Khokhlov, Vadim - Tikhonov, Grisha - Chekhov, Anton - Mishin, Dima - Belkin.

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