Straight Edge in Russia is the choice of the strong in body and spirit! Stratagers.


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Presentation on the topic: Straight - edge (straight - edge)

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The Emergence of Straight Edge (straight edge - a clear line, line; abbreviated as sXe) - a youth movement that arose among punks as a counterweight to the traditional punk worldview - "live fast, die young." This philosophical subculture, which originated in the 80s, began to quickly gain popularity among young people who did not want to waste precious time with a bottle of something intoxicating and thinking that the world was going to hell. The main slogan of the 80s movement was “no to drugs, smoking, alcohol and promiscuous sex”, and in the 1990s straight edge already included vegetarianism, veganism, political and environmental activism, which implies the fight for animal rights, campaigns against abortion, racism. But the struggle is not violent, but moral and moral. Movement straight edge got its name from the song of the same name by the group Minor Threat, who are the founders of this culture (leader Ian McKay).

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Values Character traits movements: Straight Edge proclaims the concept of "positive youth": the rejection of any drugs, even the weakest ones (alcohol, nicotine, theine, caffeine), of course "habitual drugs" - heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc.; healthy lifestyle, sports; rejection of the cult free love"and promiscuity (initially, many straight" eras of the 80s refused sex in general, now there are only a few such people); fidelity to the grave once chosen the path of the "straight line"; Anti-fascism, truthfulness and honesty towards others; constant expansion of one's consciousness (straight edge "R. always strives to do as much positive as possible and constantly replenishes his knowledge with a variety of useful information); vegetarianism - the meat of slaughtered animals (having exactly the same right to life as people) is a product that is unhealthy, many diseases, including fatal ones, are transmitted with it; veganism (unwillingness to be a participant in the murder, active participation in the protection of animal rights) (not mandatory). The desire to be positive not only in one's actions, but above all within oneself - in one's own soul, mind and heart (however, internal and outer side tightly and inextricably intertwined). This is how the main postulates of Straight Edge arose and took shape in the 80s, which have since spread throughout the world and gained tens of thousands of fanatical followers. The most popular movement to this day remains in its homeland in the United States.

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Forms of activity First of all, straight edge "r is a strong, hard person with an active life position, honest and righteous; the individual who knows the truth and fights for it; an unbending warrior with a steel will, true to his ideals until last breath(No wonder one of the most common SE tattoos reads "True till death" - "True to death"). With their lifestyle and behavior, adherents of the subculture promote its values. Supporters of the movement take part in musical concert in punk style.

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Features of clothing Straight-edgers do not have a special clothing style that distinguishes them from others. Is that just the use of a cross ("X") or the abbreviation "sXe". The cross is drawn or stuffed on the back of the hand. In the late 70s, security guards in clubs put this symbol into the hands of underage visitors. In the presence of a cross, the bartender did not have the right to pour alcohol to a teenager. Straight edgers began to put a cross on their hands specifically to show that they deliberately refuse alcohol and further - symbolically - from everything that can destroy the body, soul or consciousness. One cross can be replaced by three - XXX - a symbol of three NOT: do not drink, do not smoke, do not have sex indiscriminately. Even in nicknames that are used when virtual communication there are “correct” punks in the network, crosses are required: x_LOSER, x_No_name_x, x-oXana-x. On straight edge T-shirts, you can see the inscription DRUG FREE (“free from drugs”) or POISON FREE (“free from poison”).

(from the English straight edge - a straight line, a line; abbreviated as sXe) - 1) a youth movement that arose among punks, but opposed their way of life and behavior, a call to abandon habits that destroy a person physically and spiritually; 2) the subculture of youth, built on the denial of the use of any alcoholic beverages, tobacco, as well as any other drugs in general. In some cases, this includes maintaining a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle, avoiding the use of caffeinated products, medications, and promiscuity.

The emergence of the stretager subculture is associated with the songs of the Minor Threat group of the early 1980s, one of which is the eponymous "Straight Edge". Other examples of similar sentiments include the song "Keep It Clean" by English first wave punk band The Vibrators, and "I'm Straight" from the Troublemakers compilation (1980) by musician Jonathan Richman's The Modern Lovers, in which renunciation of drugs. The closest genre associated with straight edge music was punk rock. Members of the straight edge movement of this period often supported the original ideas of punk, such as individualism, disdain for work and study, and views like "live in the moment" (O "Hara, 2001).

This subculture became most widespread in the early 1990s. in the USA and Canada. The subculture was originally based on the ideal of a person who will directly express his thoughts, will not be constrained by norms, lack of tolerance, up to the manifestation of aggression. Examples of such attitudes were the rejection of those outside the movement, a more conspicuous pride in one's views, and a willingness to use violence to promote a "virtuous lifestyle".

Straight edge is a subculture that does not involve self-promotion or the imposition of the sXe lifestyle on others, so the supporters of the movement do not have any preferences in clothing, hairstyle, etc. However, this does not mean the complete absence of signs of belonging to the group, the movement is used as a symbol "X" sign. The symbol "X" is the most famous symbol straight edge and is often applied to the back of the hand, although there are exceptions. Some straight edge followers also wear appropriately marked clothing and badges. The cross is drawn or stuffed on the back of the hand. This symbol in the late 1970s. security guards in clubs in England played into the hands of underage visitors going to concerts. In the presence of a cross, the bartender did not have the right to pour alcohol to a teenager. The same cross, but already voluntarily, was drawn by adherents of Straight edge. One cross can be replaced by three - XXX - a symbol of three NOT: DO NOT drink, DO NOT smoke, DO NOT take drugs. DRUG FREE ("drug free") or POISON FREE ("poison free") is often used on clothing.

Straight edge ideas in the early 1990s picked up by various socio-political organizations and subcultures. This is how Hardline Straight Edge (radical), Straight edge skinheads, MILITANT PRO-Life Straight Edge (militarized) and NS / WP Straight Edge (national socialist) appeared.

Hardline Straight Edge. This is a radical branch of the subculture. Her followers do not use not only alcohol and nicotine, but also refused to use caffeine, theine, as well as medicines without a strong need for them. In addition, they do not eat meat and do not wear fur and leather products. The movement's original emblem was an "X" (the symbol most commonly associated with the straight edge movement). Crossed M16 rifles were also often depicted.

Straight edge skinheads (sXe Skinheads) are skinheads who sympathize with the Straight edge movement and share some of its aspects. These people formed, in fact, an independent movement, containing elements of traditional sXe and Hardline sXe.

The vision of NS/WP Straight Edge is to recognize certain elements of the traditional sXe and Hardline as vital to the preservation of the nation and race, as well as a real weapon in the struggle to preserve them. The rejection of weaknesses is another step on the path to perfection, to the superman. In addition, these straight edgers are supporters of racial segregation.

MILITANT PRO-Life Straight Edge. Representatives of Militant adhere to the position that Straight Edge is the only correct ideology and it must be forcibly instilled in the whole society. The main slogan: "Who is not with us is against us!".

It is noted that straight taggers often experience a superiority complex, expressed in the most rude form. Straight tagers can be overly aggressive, although this happens mostly on the dance floor. They are characterized by a love for physical violence, but usually expressed in dance (lam and mosh dances).

Interestingly, in the dance steps, the instinctive inclination of the straight taggers is successfully combined with their innate desire to mark themselves with certain symbols. The researchers even highlight a list of the favorite movements of the straighteners in the dance:

- "Mill". Outwardly, this process is similar to children's attempts to fight, waving their fists wide. The arms here rotate along the body, like the blades of a mill, the fists are clenched.

- "Boxing with the floor." Downward movements of the hands; also reminiscent of washing clothes.

- Wall of Death. Mosh command element: a row of stright taggers with clasped hands moves as a single organism (Straight taggers, Electronic resource).

Thus, straight tagers are a subculture closely associated with musical genre and youth club practices, while it relies on a set of value orientations, which in turn are a protest against the social vices of society. In general, culture involves aggressive behavior towards people who are not part of it, but at the same time does not turn directly into violence.

Lit.: Lukov, V. A. (2012) Theories of youth: an interdisciplinary analysis. M. : "Kanon +" ROOI "Rehabilitation". 528 p.; Novak, M. V., Ignatov, M. A. (2014) Subcultures in modern Russia and visual consumption: regional aspect // Scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod State University. Ser.: Philosophy. Sociology. Right. Issue. No. 9 (180). T. 28. S. 144–152; Straitagers // [Electronic resource] Website for the study of youth subcultures "" URL: (accessed 12.12.2015); O "Hara, C. (2001) The Philosophy of Punk: More Than Noise. / AK Press. 172 p .; Straight Edge: sober look on punk culture // [Electronic resource] Redbull news site URL:$ (accessed 12/12/2015).

This subculture includes a part of young people who consciously refuse to drink alcohol, smoke, drugs and promiscuity. In many ways, this subculture is associated with the rock movement, it originally arose in a punk environment, and with their behavior, these young people sought to destroy the usual image of a punk rock musician: a drinking and drug user who leads a promiscuous sex life.

According to Wikipedia straight edge(English) clear line, abbreviated sXe) is a more philosophical offshoot of the hardcore punk counter-culture, a political and worldview movement characterized by a complete abstinence from drugs (including legal alcohol and tobacco), sexual intelligibility, and Political Views characteristic of the entire punk movement.

Also today, among this direction, there are many people who refuse to eat meat - “vegans” (short for “vegetarians”), as well as from wearing clothes made of natural fur or leather.

Another direction was a branch, close in views to skinheads, but adhering to the principles healthy lifestyle life. It must be said that the straight edgers themselves perceive this direction mostly negatively, since ideologically they are closer to the views of antifa. The site published an article, the author of which claims that fascism and sXe are incompatible concepts: “Recently, there has been another wave of Nazi attempts to link their ideas with straight edge. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately unambiguously and clearly say that racism, national socialism and fascism CANNOT be related to sXe in any way, and moreover, they contradict the whole spirit of sXe. There is no politics here, no topics like left versus right, etc., it's just historical fact and common sense. The straight edge originated in the punk-hc scene, which has always been a mixed bag of people of all colors. And the hardcore scene has always struggled with any kind of racism, because if you were part of this scene, then you definitely had black friends, Hispanics, Jews and whatever. And anti-racism was not a political choice, but a life choice.”

There are various movements within this subculture. Militant Straight Edge deal with promotions direct action. They hold demonstrations, free animals from cages, smash alcohol and porn shops, as well as shops with furs and leather.

The music that representatives of this subculture listen to can be very diverse. Hardcore punk is the music of the first straight edgers, now many rock bands (and not only) consciously accept the principles of this subculture for themselves, thereby motivating their fans to do the same.

As for the symbolism of straight edgers, most often it is a cross on the back of the hand - a symbol that appeared in the late seventies, when minors who came to clubs to concerts drew a cross on their hand so that alcohol would not be sold in the bar.

Three crosses are a symbol of three NOT: do not drink, do not smoke, do not have promiscuous sex.

Often on clothes or in the form of tattoos, we can see the inscription DRUG FREE (“free from drugs”) or POISON FREE (“free from poison”).

On the Internet, supporters of this movement can be identified by nicknames: the letters "x" at the beginning, end, middle of nicknames.


Goths originally "came out" of punk rock, like many other youth subcultures. In the late 70s, “post-punk arose, initially a decadent musical movement that did not set itself any tasks and goals, just part of the punk bands changed their sound to a more depressive one and their image to a more decadent one, and thus formed the gothic post- punk wave. The audience kept up with their idols in terms of image and the overall aesthetic of this period can be described as "dark punk". The "dark punks", the predecessors of the modern Goths, were close in ideology to their direct forerunners - the punks, only the total nihilism of the punks was somewhat softened and acquired more decadent features.

As for the modern Goths, their philosophy is associated with a certain view of the world, characterized as "romantic-depressive".

“The reference image of a goth is characterized by: isolation, “frequent depressions”, melancholy, increased vulnerability, misanthropy, aestheticism, mysticism, rejection of stereotypes of behavior and standards of appearance. Also a characteristic feature of the majority of the Goths is the perception of death as a fetish.

In our study, the representatives of the subculture themselves described this subculture as follows: “Gothic - everyone has their own. First of all, this is a lifestyle and worldview”, “Of course, this is a worldview. Everything should be beautiful or not be. Everyday search for perfection. The desire for daily self-improvement, do not hide your dark sides”, “Do not be afraid of depression. On the contrary, depression is a source of inspiration.”

The appearance of a goth is black clothes, faces painted white and black - eyes, nails, etc. Also, sometimes the Goths dress in the style of "past times" - girls can wear corsets, long skirts, use velvet, lace, etc.

There are varieties of goths - androgynous goths, cybergoths, sadomasogoths, etc.

Goths are often confused with Satanists. A similar style of clothing, according to representatives of the subculture itself, Satanists have nothing to do with it.

Over time, elements that were not previously characteristic of Straight Edge culture were introduced into the Straight Edge culture by new supporters. For example, violence as a method of promoting one's views; vegetarianism, veganism, elements of various religious worldviews, Pro-Life, NS/VP ideas, anti-fascism, etc. This is an absolutely normal process, without which sXe would have sunk into oblivion. In this article, we will consider the main branches and trends in the development of sXe culture as objectively and impartially as possible, so as not to be accused of lying and trying to "stole someone else's label". Think for yourself.

In the early 90s, a new movement, significantly different from the orthodox sXe, was formed - Hardline Straight Edge. His roots are in the Southern California punk/hardcore scene. The final ideology of Hardline was formed by Sean Muttaqi, a member of the Vegan Reich group. The symbol of the Hardline movement was a cross with M-16 rifles crossed in it. The cross was later removed.
Followers of the Hardline philosophy took a more radical position than sXe in relation to drugs. In addition to illegal and legal drugs (alcohol, nicotine), they refused to use caffeine, theine, as well as drugs without the necessary need for them. In addition, the hardliners followed a strict dietary regime based on respect for the innocent life (i.e. were vegetarians or vegans). Also the hardliners adhered to Pro Life ideologies, speaking out against abortion (this is one of the differences between Hardline and sXe - the latter is characterized by the position Pro Choice), stem cell research, cloning. Homosexuality was considered an unnatural phenomenon, a crime against nature. In other words, the Hardline philosophy was based on the protection of nature (Pro-Life, the fight for animal rights), as well as deep moral and moral convictions (refusal of pornography, etc.). Hardliners took a very conservative stance towards sex. Sex before marriage was condemned. There was also the idea that the natural purpose of sex was only to procreate, but most hardliners considered sex for pleasure in a committed relationship with one partner "potential procreation." Due to the hatred of homosexuality, Pro-Life, and lack of tolerance, Harline has always had a strained relationship with related subcultures (in particular with sXe), as a result of which the movement essentially went its own way. Many hardliners have decided that their philosophy and State Age are two completely different things. As a result, Hardline parted ways with the hardcore scene, but thanks to powerful informational propaganda, many people were recruited who did not belong to the hardcore subculture and who aspired to become activists, not hardcore players. In Tennessee, the Vanguard magazine ("Vanguard" - the official printed zine of the Hardline movement) began to be published, which had a strong ideological influence in the movement.
Muttaki was fond of various religions, but in the end he came to the conclusion that radical Islamism most of all corresponds to his views. He created the People of Islam hardline movement, in which he expressed his beliefs.

The ideas of Muttaki's veganism were influenced by the English punk Rats (Rat), who is a member of the bands Statement, Unborn, Talisman. By the middle of the 80s, Krys, unknown to anyone, formulated the concept Vegan Straight Edge, however, he did little to spread the ideas of Vegan sXe, unlike Muttaki, who actively promoted these ideas. It is worth noting that at the same time, Youth of Today vocalist Ray Cappo was just beginning to instill vegetarianism in the sXe movement after his entry into the Society for Krishna Consciousness. People who advocated animal liberation but disagreed with the hardliners on some of their principles founded the Vegan Straight Edge. For supporters of this direction, vegetarianism has become an integral part. Some went even further and came to veganism - the rejection of any products of animal origin, as well as those obtained as a result of the exploitation of animals (milk, eggs, clothes and shoes made from animal wool and skin). The justification for vegetarianism/veganism was not health concern, but a moral reason - unwillingness to take part in the killing of animals.

There are many people who share the radical views of Hardline, but do not support the methods of struggle, often associated with violence. Those who do not accept violence, but adhere to fairly radical sXe views, refer to themselves as Softline Straight Edge. Softline combines the ideas of the orthodox sXe with some of the ideas of the Hardline sXe. That is, softliners do not use drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, theine, do not have casual or promiscuous sex, advocate for animal rights, adhere to vegetarianism or veganism. Their struggle comes down to non-violent propaganda of their views through the Internet, the publication of relevant literature, etc., the struggle for animal rights, the struggle against vivisection, the boycott of products that contradict their beliefs.

A kind of antipode of Softline in terms of promoting their views is the most radical trend - Militant Straight Edge. Militant believe that there is only one truth - Straight Edge. Militant are ardent supporters of Pro-Life ideas. Most of them are vegans. They do not tolerate any compromises, almost always their struggle is accompanied by violence, as a result of which, the militants have earned a negative attitude from traditional straiters (as mentioned above, supporters of Pro-Choice). Militant's methods of struggle are often direct actions: pogroms of alcohol, fur and porn shops, actions in defense of animal rights, etc. In the United States, there have been cases of attacks on smokers. Sometimes Militant is also called Hate Edge. This is due to the fact that traditional sXe consider them, like hardliners, almost fascists, because of their methods of promoting their views.

The Straight Edge has attracted new supporters over time, with different views on certain aspects of our lives. Among these supporters were people who adhere to the NS / WP ideology, who found many elements of Straight Edge congenial to themselves. These people formed an essentially independent movement, containing elements of the traditional sXe, Hardline sXe, as well as NS / WP ideas.
Philosophy NS straight tagers comes down to the recognition of some elements of the traditional sXe and Hardline as vital to the preservation of the nation and race, as well as a real weapon in the struggle for their preservation. Alcohol and other drugs are seen as the means by which the system controls society, turning it into a limp biomass. The rejection of weaknesses is another step on the path to perfection, to the superman. In addition, haters share the ideas of Pro-Life, and are also supporters of racial segregation, i.e. are racists, or racists who oppose the process of racial mixing, which is contrary to the laws of nature. Homosexuality is also equated with a crime against nature. Greatest development this movement has gained momentum in the US (largely due to the developed hatecore scene), as well as in some European countries.

In Russia, among the ultra-right, Straight Age is gaining popularity every day and has great potential. People are tired of drinking at concerts.
It is known that members of the BTO (including Dmitry Borovikov, who died at the hands of the punishers of the system, and Aleksey Voevodin (SVR), even while in prison, does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, tea, coffee, does not eat meat, fish, etc.) were strateijers.

It is worth noting that attitudes toward NS/WP oriented straters range from negative (by apolitical straters) to extremely hostile (by anti-fascist straits). Antifa argue that there simply can't be any NS sXe, that Straight Edge has never been subject to "racial prejudice" (this is the term anti-fascists refer to attempts to follow the natural laws of nature), that sXe and right-wing views are incompatible, etc. At one time, the same remarks were made to hardliners and militants, however, since they do not adhere to an ideology hostile to anti-fascists, the latter are ready to recognize their existence, despite the fact that both Hardline, and even more so Militant, largely contradict traditional sXe.

A person who stopped drinking and smoking

acquires that mental clarity and calmness of sight,

which from a new true side illuminates for him all the phenomena of life.

L. Tolstoy

History and definition

(from English - "clear line", abbreviated as sXe) - an offshoot of the hardcore subculture that arose as a reaction to the sexual revolution, excessive hedonism and other lack of restraint associated with punk rock.

Like most subcultures, sXe emerged as an emanation of a musical genre. Punk rock, which became almost the embodiment of filth and vice in America in the seventies, suddenly acquired a counter-movement, which after a while was called straight edge.

Origin of the name and symbolism

The phrase (consisting of “straight”, i.e. “straight”, and “edge”, i.e. “edge”, “line”) can be translated as “straight line”, but in everyday life this expression means a ruler . Roughly speaking, becoming a straightedger, a person tests the strength of his beliefs.

One of the symbols of the Straight Edge movement was the cross (X). Initially, at the entrance to the clubs, the guards put a cross on the hand of minors with paint that was difficult to wash off. In the presence of a cross, the bartender did not have the right to sell alcohol to a teenager. So straightedgers began to get tattoos in the form of crosses on their hands to show that they deliberately refuse alcohol.

What's the point

Straightedge- this is something like a well-known healthy lifestyle, however, sXe aims not only to keep their body healthy, but also believe that the rejection of alcohol, drugs and promiscuity will protect not only the body from decay, but also the spirit and consciousness. In which they are infinitely right. Only freedom from addiction can make a person really a person, and not a slave to his desires. When you are free from drugs (including nicotine, alcohol and caffeine), you do not have chains that keep you in the kennel of capitalism, you are freer financially and freer morally. This means that global social upheavals are much easier to endure, you are more resilient, you will never find yourself in a situation where you will suffer from the impossibility of access to such substances. Ridding oneself of the simplest physical way of escaping, a person is permanently in reality and learns to solve problems rationally, without resorting to alcohol and drugs. Desire to get rid of your consciousness, to return to the soft and simple bosom of nature, to become back a beast, not thinking, indifferent, not constrained public laws and morality, the inability to show their emotions - one of the reasons why we have such phenomena as alcoholism and drug addiction.

Subculture and veganism

It is believed that veganism and vegetarianism are part of the straight edge ideology. Actually it is not. The rejection of ASF and the protection of animal rights is just an ideology that runs in parallel. A lot of straight tagers are vegans, however, unfortunately, not every person has the will and enough compassion. For if giving up drugs is a selfish act, merely ridding oneself of obvious illnesses and clouding the mind, then the desire not to be involved in violence against other beings, not to sponsor a murder, to know that you do not have blood on your hands is a thing that is reflected only on the conscience and humanity of man.

Subculture and religion

It is also worth dispelling the opinion that straight edge is certainly atheism. This subculture is tolerant of all religions and does not condemn any of them.

However, no matter how harmless and immaculate the sXe subculture may seem, in the nineties, at the zenith of its development, it turned into an aggressive, persecuting dissident movement of people who considered the absence of their slavery to a couple of addictions the greatest virtue - hardliners (hardliners)

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