Rotaru's birthday. Sofia Rotaru - biography, personal life, family, husband: I will sing until my last breath! Sofia Rotaru: songs


Sofia Rotaru - famous singer, talented actress, People's Artist of the USSR, favorite of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, who has become one of the legendary personalities Soviet stage, was born in severe postwar period 07.08.1947.


The future celebrity was born with a small village in the Chernivtsi region in the family, Moldovan winegrower Mikhail Rotar, in which she became the second daughter. But in total there were six children in this family, so little Sophia was constantly in a noisy environment of many brothers and sisters.

The older sister Zina was left blind as a child after suffering from typhus. However, it was she who taught the rest of the children a lot.

All turned to the ear, Zina adored music and folk songs and sat for hours at the small radio, listening and memorizing the words and melody. Her hearing was impeccable and the rest of the children picked up Russian and Ukrainian songs, not yet knowing the language itself - after all, in big family spoke only Moldovan.

Little Sonya had to work hard - she had to raise the younger children to their feet. One of her duties was to help her mother trade in the market, and she had to get up around six in the morning. That's why for a long time The girl's dream was just to get enough sleep.

But on the other hand, Sophia loved these trips, because it was possible to meet new people there, especially since her kind and smiling mother was loved by customers and was looking forward to her.

But in her free time, which was quite a bit, Sofia loved to sing, and later play school theater. Later, recalling her childhood, she will say that she does not remember herself without music. And learn to play musical instruments she also started very early.

But the girl also grew up a big fidget and was actively involved in sports. She even became the school champion in all-around.

Way to success

It is not surprising that the future legend from childhood dreamed of big stage. Even her father constantly said that a talented daughter would become a great artist. And although everyone in the Rotaru family sang, it was little Sonya who persistently strove for the very heights of the pop Olympus.

The first step on the way to his conquest was the usual regional competition amateur performances, the victory on which Sophia got with ease. And in 1962 she got to the regional review, where she won her first prize "Bukovina Nightingale". This success inspires the girl, and she herself begins to believe that her dream will come true.

In 1964, for the first time, she entered the big Kyiv stage as a participant in the republican festival, where she again confidently won. There, the already become popular singer Nikolai Gnatyuk. And in the photo on the cover of the magazine with her first interview, Anatoly Evdokimenko, who later became her husband and faithful partner for life, falls in love.

With Anatoly Evdokimenko

Sofia by this time can no longer imagine her life without a price, so she goes to study music professionally at the Chernivtsi Music College. There were practically no vocal departments at that time, and after graduation, the girl receives a diploma as a choir conductor.

While studying at the school, Sofia still gets to know Anatoly Evdokimenko personally, who at that time played in a pop ensemble and dreamed of creating his own team. It was he who introduced the young singer into the world of pop songs, which she would later be able to conquer. Since that time, folk songs in modern pop arrangements have appeared in her repertoire.


In 1968, Sophia sets out on her first foreign trip to the song festival in Bulgaria. Her flying beautiful voice and a special sincere and simple manner of performing songs threw thousands of fans at the feet of the young singer. Her debut was accompanied by a complete triumph. From this competition, she brought the first prize and audience recognition.

After graduating from college, Sofia remained in it as a teacher, and she realized her desire to perform in an ordinary factory club. But this did not last long, because such talent could not go unnoticed.

And in 1971, she was again remembered when Ukrtelefilm was preparing to shoot the musical film Chervona Ruta, in which Sofia was offered leading role and many songs. In order to popularize Ukrainian folk songs, talented composers reworked them, and they sounded in a new way in a modern pop arrangement.

It was exactly the style that the singer always liked and she worked on the film with great pleasure.

The release of the film brought her fame and popular love of Ukrainians. It was he who made her popular and recognizable. But it was still a long way to the top. The next step was to create your own ensemble with by the same name, which for many years will become calling card singers. First concert new group took place in Star City, where they were received with great love by the astronauts.


In 1973, with her own team and a completely new full-fledged repertoire, Sofia again went to Bulgaria for the popular Golden Orpheus song contest. Sufficiently experienced and confident in herself and her talent, the performer again brings the first prize from Bulgaria. And in the same year she becomes the Honored Artist of Ukraine.

A year later, the singer becomes a laureate of the popular and prestigious song festival in Sopot, where she receives second place. And since this year she has been constantly receiving invitations to annual festivals Song of the Year, which bring her increasing popularity and audience recognition.


Speaking a lot and carefully working on the repertoire, Sofia Rotaru, who has already become famous, finds time to participate in the filming of several films in which she also performs her favorite songs.

Her brightest acting work became dramatic musical film"Soul", which was largely autobiographical. The point is that dense tour schedule undermined the health of the artist, and she was on the verge of losing her voice. At first, the film was conceived as a story about the life and rise of the famous singer. It featured popular actors and fashion group"Time Machine".

Shot from the film "Soul"

After reading the script, Sofia refused to shoot, because she considered it banal. But having learned about the dramatic situation in the life of the artist, the authors of the film rewrote the script for her, revealing the subtleties of the soul of the singer. Sofia Rotaru accepted the offer and the film brought her even more popularity.

Sofia Rotaru now

The legend of the Soviet, in later and Russian stage Sofia Mikhailovna remained for many years. Today she practically does not perform, being engaged in raising her grandchildren. Having lost her beloved husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, with whom she lived happily all her life and raised her son, Sofia Rotaru was never able to fully recover from the blow and devoted herself to her family.

And popularly loved songs performed by her are still heard from TV screens and computers, giving listeners the love and talent of a great performer.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru has many awards for her services in the world of music - People's Artist of the USSR, Cavalier of the Order of the Moldavian Republic, Hero of Ukraine. She performs songs in many languages ​​of the world - Russian, Moldovan, Ukrainian, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Serbian and others.

Thanks to this, she received an international vocation, and her records were sold in millions of copies in different countries. Until now, Rotaru takes part in corporate events.

Sofia Rotaru, whose biography covers an era of change and upheaval, has become a symbol of the greatness of talent and the power of art that can overcome any boundaries. "Bukovina nightingale", "golden voice of Ukraine" - all this is said about Sofia Mikhailovna.

Sofia Rotaru: biography of the singer

Sofia Rotaru for older and middle-aged people has become a symbol of their youth.

The beginning of her singing career is in the 1960s. And so far, Sofia Mikhailovna is one of the few singers who are on the crest of popularity.

Looking at how young Rotaru looks, it's hard to believe that in 2017 she celebrated her seventieth birthday. It seems that the years have given exceptional aristocracy and elegance to the appearance of this artist. Our story is about her fate.

The seventh day of hot August 1947 lit up with joy the family of the winegrower - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotaru. In a family that lived in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, a second daughter, Sofia, appeared.

The first girl in the family of Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru - Zina - became blind in childhood from typhus. Birth healthy child was a real gift. In total, there are six children in the Rotaru family.

Unique life destiny Sophia fell out. Everyone in the Rotaru family (the family has Moldovan roots) sang. The father possessed amazing musical data. Zinaida perfectly felt and reproduced the music. It was the older sister who taught Sonya to sing.

In the beginning, singing was just a hobby, just like playing sports. However, later success in athletics (she won the champion title at school) came in handy when she had to cope with a motorcycle on her own and ride along a narrow embankment in the sea on the set of the movie “Where are you love”.

Because in Western Ukraine religious education was always in honor and weekly church attendance was considered a rule of good form, then the young nightingale of Bukovina was able to show her talent on the kliros. Besides, in school years girl attends classes theatrical circle plays the button accordion.

The first recognition of Sofia Rotaru's talent came in the year when the girl celebrated her fifteenth birthday. Then, participating in the regional review of amateur creative groups, she won first place, and at the age of 17 she conquered the main concert hall Soviet Union- performs in the Kremlin.

Recall that the 1960s was the period of the formation and flourishing of pop music. Many peoples and nationalities of the Soviet Union declare themselves by creating pop song numbers based on folklore motifs.

This performer is proud of the Ukrainian land, her photo appears on the cover of one of the leading national magazines.

Thanks to this publication, Anatoly Evdokimenko learned about Sofia. It was a case that brought two creative people- trumpeter and singer.

After graduating from school, Sofia entered School of Music in the city of Chernivtsi. Here she acquired the specialty of a conductor and continued her singing career on a professional basis.

The path to the pop world for the young performer was easy. All thanks to an amazing voice, a rare talent to feel every note, extraordinary diligence and perseverance. These qualities were duly appreciated by the jury of the World Festival in Bulgaria: Rotaru took first place.

At the competition, the singer performed musical compositions in which the languid lyrics of the Balkan peoples and the impetuous assertiveness of the Ukrainian and Moldovan peoples sounded.

In 1968, Sofia became the wife of Anatoly Evdokimenko. Together, the couple will live for thirty-five years, until death takes the person dearest to the singer.

Two years later, in 1970, she becomes a mother (a son was born), and her singing career is gaining momentum. After the inspired performance of the "Chervona Ruta" by Vladimir Ivasyuk, Rotaru gains all-Union fame.

At the Chernivtsi Philharmonic they create creative team, which was named after this hit. Sofia Rotaru became his soloist, and Vladimir Ivasyuk became the main inspirer and musical director.

The next eight years were the most productive in the work of this creative tandem. Sofia Rotaru performed unique musical compositions. They sounded playful and languid-lyrical melodies of Moldova and Ukraine.

These works make famous star Ukrainian stage. They started talking about it in neighboring countries.

Throughout the 1970s. before it opens the scenes of popular international creative reviews, competitions and festivals that take place in Poland, Bulgaria and Moscow.

Rotaru goes on tour abroad - Yugoslavia and the GDR, in Germany and Romania. Records with her songs are massively released in the Motherland.

Popularity does not save the singer from the millstones of persecution by the authorities: her father is expelled from the Communist Party, her brother from the Komsomol organization. All due to the fact that the family honored religious holidays.

Sofia Rotaru, together with her husband and child, moves to Yalta. To cover up the truth, a rumor appeared from the hands of the authorities about the allegedly poor health of the singer. It was assumed that it was tuberculosis, asthma and other lung diseases.

Despite this, the talented performer is given the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. The eminent singer immediately confirms this title by winning the Tokyo song contest where she sang a song in Yugoslav language.

The flowering of talent and recognition come to Sofia Rotaru in the 1980s. Films are made about her and with her. A period of searching for something new began: the artist is experimenting with appearance and performance image. One of the first to change a feminine outfit (dress) for an elegant trouser suit. This emphasized the rapid rhythm of that time.

Soon Sofia Rotaru returns to the original ethno-lyrical image. It most of all corresponds to her compositions and beautiful voice. In the same period, he sings a duet with Makarevich and The Time Machine.

The performance in Canada (1983), where the singer recorded and released the disc, caused indignation of the authorities. Until the start of perestroika, she remains restricted to travel abroad. However, this did not diminish folk love and recognition. Her records are sold in the millions. This was awarded the Golden Disc award.

The fact of extraordinary popularity, people's love and reverence was recognized at the official level: the pop singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Challenging 1990s did not become an era of oblivion for the pop singer. She is on the crest of popularity: she tours, updates her repertoire, focusing on new stylistic influences and trends, and changes her image:

  • the anniversary concert of the singer takes place in the main Russian concert hall where elements of a laser show are used;
  • discs with hits "Lavender", "Love me" and "Farmer" are released;
  • collaborates with young pop performers.

The songs of Sofia Rotaru are well known: they are broadcast by radio stations, people sing them, and amateur groups sing them.

The performer receives official awards from the hands of the presidents of Ukraine and Russia, and unofficial ones, such as "Man of the 20th Century" and "Woman of the Year" - from the tabloids.

This creative takeoff covers the early 2000s. However, the second year of the new millennium turned out to be tragic for Rotaru. Dies her the only love- Anatoly Evdokimenko. The singer interrupts her career and disappears from the musical Olympus for almost a year.

Anatoly Evdokimenko was not only an inspirer, support and support, but also a producer of the singer.

Rotaru before last breath her husband was by his side. It was sincere and a prime example swan fidelity, about which the artist once sang.

Loss loved one caused a deep depression. Relatives were afraid to leave the singer alone. Every day she visited the cemetery. "Song of the Year" 2002 for the first time in three decades passed without her.

During this period, their best masculine qualities showed the artist's son. Sophie's sister says this:

« Once Ruslan said to Sonya: “Mom, you need to work. At least for the sake of the memory of his father! Come on, dedicate new songs to him. Let him rejoice for us there.". Convinced and found new composers for my mother ".

place of his permanent residence pop legend chose Kyiv. She performs and tours less.

A woman-epoch - this can be said about Sofia Rotaru. Her fate has often made sharp turns like the country.

But the example of this singer firmly convinces that true talent will always be in demand and appreciated by people.

Sofia Rotaru: songs

Rotaru's songs are constant success and popularity, top positions in the charts.

Some hits, such as: “The sky is me”, “Chervona Ruta”, “ swan fidelity”, “Apple tree in bloom”, “Land, my native land”, “Lavender”, “Vodograi”, “Lavender”, “Farmer” are super popular, despite the time and changes in the cultural tastes of society.

The concert of Sofia Rotaru is a real show, which is dominated not by external moments, but by the depth and richness of the songs, high quality performance, lively voice and respect for the public. This is what made her a sought-after performer for five decades.

The all-Union glory of 17-year-old Rotaru was brought by the performance of the song "Mama", written by composer Leonid Bronevitsky. Vladimir Matetsky, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Anatoly Pashkevich, Baki Don and others collaborated with her.

The most fruitful was the period of work with the Ukrainian composer Volodymyr Ivasyuk. Then, in the 1970s, the following songs appeared:

  • "Chervona Ruta";
  • "Vodogray";
  • "Yellow Leaf";
  • "Ballad of Mallows";
  • "Cradle of the Wind";
  • “Destiny has its own spring”, etc.

Until his death in 1979, he remained almost the only author and inspirer of Sofia Rotaru.

With special trepidation, she performed "The Ballad of the Mother" (many people know this song called "Alyoshenka"), "I'm waiting for spring", "Seagulls over the water", "Your fault", "Father's house".

The popularity of the performer of pop melodies is increasing due to her participation in the "Song of the Year". By the way, Sofia Mikhailovna is one of the leaders in performance at this festival. For more than thirty years, she sang about eighty songs.

Many people remember such hits as “My City”, “Melancolie”, “Apple Trees in Blossom”, “Only for You”, “My Land”, “Your Footprints” and “Romantica”, “For those who are waiting”, “ Our life" and others. They were created by Oscar Feltsman, Nikolai Mozgovoy, Arno Babadzhanyan, Pavel Aedonitsky, Pyotr Teodorovich, Alexei Mazhukov.

David Tukhmanov writes the patriotic composition "My Motherland", the memorable song "In My House". On the eve of the 80 Olympics, Alexandra Pakhmutova wrote the song "Temp" for Rotaru.

The singer's collaboration with Yuri Saulsky was fruitful. Together they create such musical compositions:

  • "Two Dreams";
  • “I am not me without you”;
  • "Autumn Melody";
  • "Expectation";
  • "Do not forget".

The singer is especially popular with songs made specifically for her voice data by Raymond Pauls: “Beginning of May”, “Where are you love?”, “Special friend”.

In the early 1980s, Sofia Rotaru tries her hand at other style directions. She draws attention to the rock compositions that she performed in a duet with Andrei Makarevich: “The Way”, “Barrier”, “For Those Who Are in the Sea”, “Bonfire”.

The middle of this period is marked by the performance of works of a patriotic nature by the singer. With great enthusiasm she sang:

  • "Stork on the Roof", "Waltz of the Front Sister", " Last date» David Tukhmanov;
  • "Sad Song" by Raymond Pauls;
  • "Star Waltz" Alexandra Pakhmutova;
  • "Remember me always" by Alexander Osadchy.

A new period in the work of the pop singer began with a lyrical and sincere, bright and temperamental hit - "Lavender", the music for which was written by Vladimir Matetsky. This author has been creating several dozen top-rated songs for the singer for 30 years.

Radio stations tirelessly transmit playful romantic songs “It was, but it has passed”, “Only this is not enough”, “Moon”.

With these songs, Rotaru differs from his brothers in the shop, because they are fast and impulsive, and slow compositions are in fashion.

However, during this period, deep and meaningful compositions appeared in her repertoire (“Song of Our Summer”), sensual and dramatic (“Farewell Platform” and “Wild Swans”), filled with a sense of happiness, the works “Until the road is over” and “Caravan of love” .

"Khutoryanka" for several years becomes the visiting card of the singer. The image of an incendiary beauty of a farmer arose in her. He was very close to Rotaru.

In the 1990s the hits “There is no place for me” and “Night without you”, “Your sad eyes” were heard. The audience fell in love with “Dream” and “Like Strangers”, the singer’s lyrical outpourings in “Bitter Tears” and “Taste of Love” were listened with trepidation. The works “A Night Without You” and “A Pair of White Doves” are permeated with tragedy. All of them were created by Vladimir Matetsky.

The 2000s marked a new stage in creative career Sofia Rotaru. Mostly Ukrainian composers create songs for her.

They appear filled with soulful Ukrainian flavor and original rhythm of Ruslan Quinta's songs.

Stylizations for folk melodies made the compositions “One viburnum for a window” and “ white winter". The unique voice data of Rotaru gave volume and depth to the song "The sky is me!".

Today pop singer continues to delight its listeners with new interesting songs: "Two suns" and "My love" by Vitaly Volkomor, "You are the best" by Ruslan Quinta, "Love is alive" by Oleg Makarevich, etc.

Despite the tragedy that this bright artist had to endure, she has the strength and desire to perform in front of her fans. Her concerts are always sold out.

Looking at Sofia Mikhailovna, it becomes clear that true talent and love for one's profession give happy years life.

That is why the singer blossoms, inspiringly and soulfully performs amazing pieces of music.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (rom. Sofia Rotaru, real name- Rotary). Born August 7, 1947 in the village. Marshintsy, Novoselytskyi district, Chernivtsi region. Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer, actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1988). Hero of Ukraine (2002).

She was the second of six children in Moldovan family foreman of winegrowers in the village of Marshintsy (Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR). Due to the error of the passport officer, who wrote down the date of birth in the passport - August 9, 1947 - he celebrates his birthday twice.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, drafted into the Red Army in May 1944, having reached Berlin as a machine gunner, being wounded and returning home only in 1946, he was the first in the village to join the party.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (1920-1997).

The older sister Zina, suffered from typhus in childhood and lost her sight. Zina, possessing perfect pitch, easily memorized new songs and taught Sofia a lot folk songs, becoming both a second mother and a beloved teacher. Sofia Rotaru said that they all learned from her. Zina, spending a lot of time at the radio, learned Russian along with songs. And taught him brothers and sisters.

Brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar (born 03/09/1953) and Evgeny Mikhailovich Rotar (born 02/03/1957), bass players and singers, worked in the Chisinau VIA "Orizont".

Sofia Rotaru and Nikolay Rastorguev - Zasentyabrilo

In 1999, Star Records released two more CD compilations of the singer in the Star Series. According to the results of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized the best singer Ukraine in the nomination "Traditional Stage", having received the "Golden Firebird", as well as a special award "for contribution to the development of domestic pop music". In the same year, the singer was awarded the Order of Princess Olga III degree for special personal merits in the development of songwriting, many years of fruitful concert activity and high performing skills. "Russian Biographical Institute" recognized the singer as "Man of 1999".

In 2000, in Kyiv, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as "Person of the XX century", "Best Ukrainian pop singer XX century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, Laureate of the “Prometheus - Prestige”, “Woman of the Year”. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the "Ovation" award, "For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage."

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program"My life is my love!" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his creative activity.

In 2002, the song "My Life, My Love" opened " New Year's Light on the ORT channel.

Released in 2002 new album"I still love you." The official release of the album took place on April 23 at the Extraphone studio in Moscow. On May 24, in Kyiv, in front of the building of the International Center for Culture and Arts, a solemn opening ceremony of the Ukrainian Alley of Stars was held, among which was lit and "Star of Sofia Rotaru". On August 7, the birthday of the singer, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine "for significant personal services to the Ukrainian state in the development of art, selfless work in the field of preserving national and cultural traditions, increasing the heritage of the people of Ukraine." August 9, 2002 Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Honor by Presidential Decree Russian Federation"for his great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties."

In 2002, the official release of the video version of the film was released. "Where are you, love?" directed by Valeriu Gagiu, released by the film studio "Moldova-Film" in 1980. The video version of the film was published by ARENA Corporation. Starring Sofia Rotaru, Grigore Grigoriu, Konstantin Konstantinov, Evgeny Menshov, Ekaterina Kazemirova, Viktor Chutak. The singer begins cooperation with guitarist Vasily Bogatyrev.

On April 11, 2003, Sofia Rotaru appeared the composition " White dance”, Ukrainian authors Oleg Makarevich and Vitaly Kurovsky. New stage her work began with performances in the concert hall "Russia" in Moscow in honor of the laying of a nominal star on the alley in front of the hall.

In 2004, after a four-year break, Sofia Rotaru gave two big solo concerts in Chicago and Atlantic City, where she performed in one of the most prestigious halls - the Taj Mahal theater-casino (in 2001, the tour there was disrupted due to the fact that the sound engineer did not receive a visa).

August 7, 2007 Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 60th birthday. Hundreds of fans as well famous artists and politicians came to Yalta from all over the world to congratulate the singer. The President of Ukraine awarded Sophia Rotaru with the Order of Merit, II degree. A solemn reception on the occasion of the anniversary was held in the Livadia Palace.

In October 2011, Sofia Rotaru held anniversary concerts in Moscow (Big Kremlin Palace) and in St. Petersburg ( Ice Palace). The concerts were timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of his creative activity.

After counting all the songs of Rotaru performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in history - 83 songs performed at 38 festivals (1973-2011, except 2002).

sincere confession. Sofia Rotaru

The growth of Sofia Rotaru: 170 centimeters

Sofia Rotaru personal life:

Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with his future wife when he served in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil. He got an issue of the magazine "Ukraine" with a photograph beautiful girl on the cover, after which he returned and began to look for Sophia.

Evdokimenko, originally from Chernivtsi, is the son of a builder and teacher, who "had one music in his head." He graduated music school, played the trumpet, planning the creation of an ensemble. Being a student of Chernivtsi University and a trumpeter in a student variety orchestra, he discovered Sofia variety orchestra- before that, violins and cymbals were used to accompany Rotaru's songs.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko. Graduating from Chernivtsi University, he had an internship in Novosibirsk and at the same time was a trumpeter in a student variety orchestra.

The young family spent Honeymoon in the hostel of the 105th military plant.

Anatoly Evdokimenko worked at the plant. Lenin, and Sofia Rotaru cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang in the Otdykh club. The newlyweds left after 3 months.

In an interview, Sofia Rotaru admitted that after a year of marriage she began to dream of a child. At the same time, Anatoly Evdokimenko had other creative plans and he continued his studies. They lived with their parents in a two-room apartment, he had not yet graduated from the university. Sofia Rotaru cheated: "Listen, the doctor said I'm going to be a mom soon." Although in fact I was not in a position at that moment - I had to go to a small female cunning. Tolik shook his head: "Well, that's good." He relaxed, lost his vigilance and began to wait for the birth of the heir. The baby was born eleven months later. Now I believe that I did everything right, then I just wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin ”. On August 24, 1970, the son Ruslan Evdokimenko was born.

Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko

Ruslan - music producer. His wife Svetlana - executive producer. Rotaru has grandchildren: Anatoly (born March 23, 1994) and (born May 30, 2001).

Sofia Rotaru with her son

In addition to Sofia, her professional younger sister Aurika Rotaru, who combined solo career with performances as a backing vocalist, as well as a duet of brother and sister - Lydia and Eugene. Notable success, unlike Aurika, the duo, who worked in the style of Italian pop music of the 1980s, did not achieve, and in 1992 stopped performing.

Discography of Sofia Rotaru:

1972 - Sofia Rotaru
1972 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1972 - Chervona Ruta
1973 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1973 - Ballad of Violins
1974 - Sofia Rotaru
1975 - Sofia Rotaru sings songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk
1977 - Sofia Rotaru
1978 - Sofia Rotaru
1980 - Only for you
1981 - Sofia Rotaru
1981 - Songs from the movie "Where are you, love?"
1981 - Sofia Rotaru and Chervona Ruta
1982 - Sofia Rotaru
1985 - Gentle Melody
1987 - Monologue about love
1988 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Sofia Rotaru
1991 - Caravan of Love
1991 - Romance
1993 - Caravan of Love
1993 - Lavender
1995 - Golden Songs 1985/95
1995 - Farmer
1996 - Night of love
1996 - Chervona Ruta
1998 - Love me
2002 - I still love you
2002 - Snow Queen
2003 - To the One
2004 - Water flows
2004 - The sky is me
2004 - Lavender, Farmer, then everywhere ...
2005 - I loved him
2007 - What is the weather in the heart
2007 - Fog
2008 - I am your love!
2010 - I won't look back
2011 - And my soul flies

Musical TV films by Sofia Rotaru:

1965 - Songs of a happy land (documentary)
1966 - Nightingale from the village of Marshintsy
1971 - Chervona Ruta - Oksana
1973 - Dniester melodies
1975 - The song is always with us - singer
1978 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1979 - Musical Detective
1980 - Stars of the Olympic regatta
1980 - Where are you, love? - Marcela, music teacher
1981 - Ten years later. Chervona Ruta (short film)
1981 - Soul - Victoria Viktorovna Svobodina, singer
1985 - Sofia Rotaru invites you
1986 - Monologue about love
1989 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Caravan of Love
1991 - One day by the sea
1996 - Old songs about the main thing - foreman-drummer
1997 - 10 songs about Moscow
1998 - Military field romance
2003 - Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro - Marceline
2004 - The Snow Queen- flower fairy
2004 - Sorochinskaya Fair- gypsy
2006 - 1st Fast - Zina Timofeeva
2006 - Star Holidays - Diva
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Queen / Delegate from Ukraine
2007 - First at home - a woman from TV
2008 - Beauty requires ... - guest of the Miss Housewife contest
2008 - gold fish- Spanish
2009 - Little Red Riding Hood - sorceress

The world-famous singer and actress Sofia Rotaru was born on 08/07/1947 in Ukraine in the village of Marshintsy. Rotaru has Moldovan and Ukrainian roots, so she grew up in a multinational family, where all cultures and traditions were respected. Sophia had simple parents: her mother worked at the local market as a saleswoman, and her father earned money in the vineyards. Moreover, the family had 6 children who needed constant attention, so Rotaru often helped her parents raise her brothers and sisters, because she was the second in seniority. Everyone talked to Moldovan which greatly influenced the multicultural atmosphere. The first singing teacher was a sister who became blind in infancy, but acquired a fine ear. Since then, they have studied Russian together and made music. Despite the working profession, my father had an amazing ear and voice. Already in early age he understood that Rotaru would succeed.

From an early age, Sofia was a very energetic, mobile and inquisitive girl. She was engaged not only in art, music and singing, but also achieved high achievements in sports. Also at school, Rotaru performed at all theatrical performances visited drama club and played musical instruments. For her unusual voice and indefatigable artistry, the girl in the village was nicknamed the "Bukovina nightingale." While still a teenager, Sofia began touring the neighboring villages, delighting everyone with her creativity.

Climbing the career ladder

It took Rotaru only three years to climb to the top of show business. In the early 1960s, still a teenager at that time, Sofia won a regional amateur art competition. From that moment on, she began to win all the new awards that brought her fame and fame in the USSR. Having taken first place at the All-Union Talent Festival, Rotaru's photo appeared on the main cover of the Ukraine magazine.

In the late 1960s, the young artist managed to win the World creative competition In Bulgaria. After that she got world fame, newspapers only wrote about the life and successes of Sofia. In 1971, a film was made called "Chervona Ruta", which included Rotaru's songs.

Sofia Rotaru: personal life, biography

Variety Ensemble from the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, he took Sophia with him with pleasure. From that moment on, the girl performed not only in the USSR with songs famous figures but also in Europe. Her achievements did not end there, such competitions as "Golden Orpheus" and "Songs of the Year" were also successfully won.

The first song album of the singer was released in the mid-1970s, at the same time she decided to move to the Crimea and began to study solo career. In 1976 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. By the end of the 1970s, Sofia had recorded several important albums that helped her to promote her talent abroad. The fact is that many foreign producers noticed her. By 1983, the artist traveled all over Europe, visited Canada and recorded an album English language. However, the government of the USSR soon banned artists from traveling abroad for five years. The ensemble was not at a loss and began to tour throughout the Crimean region.

Solo performances

In the mid-1980s, Chervona Ruta broke up and the artist had to continue her career on her own. Despite the fact that Sophia knew how to act in this situation, she had to go through many difficulties and experiences. But on her way she met the composer Vladimir Matetsky, who helped change the direction of creativity. With this wonderful person Rotaru worked for 15 years and became People's Artist THE USSR.

When "perestroika" began in the country, Sofia signed a lucrative contract with the Todes group. dance group began to perform together with the People's Artist throughout the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the singer had a hard time, but she was able to quickly adapt to new conditions. Rotaru began to tour the new republics, performing songs in Russian and Ukrainian.

Cinema with Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru not only sang, but also starred in domestic films. For example, she was easily given the main roles in such films as “Where are you, love?”, “Soul”, “Sofia Rotaru invites you” and “Sorochinsky Fair”.

Sofia Rotaru's new husband

While working with the Chervona Ruta team, Sofia met Anatoly Evdokimenko, the head of the ensemble. They immediately fell in love with each other, they were connected not only by joint work, but also by deep feelings. Therefore, they got married in 1968. It is worth noting that Anatoly first saw Sophia on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". After some time, the artist gave Evdokimenko the son of Ruslan.

According to Rotaru, she and her husband did not part for a moment, they worked and rested together. There were difficulties in the family, but the support of loved ones helped to overcome all life barriers. Sophia's husband died in the early 2000s from a stroke. Certainly it was the most hard times for an actress. Then she canceled all meetings, filming and tours. However, she was able to survive this, standing up on her feet. Rotaru has a multi-million army of fans who admire her work.

Last year, the Soviet and Ukrainian pop star crossed the seventy-year mark, but still looks great, however, she began to lead a more closed lifestyle, appear less in public, devote more time to her family - her son and grandchildren. In recent years, the singer has been living in the Crimea, and the biography of Sofia Mikhailovna began in the Ukrainian village of Marshintsy in a simple working family.

The answers to the questions of who Sofia Rotaru is by nationality, and where she was born, do not coincide, since the singer was born in Ukraine, but in her family everyone spoke only Moldovan, so we can say that Sofia Mikhailovna is Ukrainian with Moldovan roots.

Her parents worked all their lives to feed big family, and brought up industriousness in their children, but never forgot about the beautiful side of life.

Father future singer, who worked at the state farm as a foreman of winegrowers, from a young age was a musical person, he loved to sing, and all his fellow villagers heard his voice.

Mikhail Fedorovich became the first teacher of his six children, who often sang with him in a friendly choir. In the forty-fourth year, he was drafted into the army and reached Berlin. Returning home in 1946 after being wounded, Sofia Rotaru's father joined the party, becoming the first party member in the village.

Among all his children, Mikhail Fedorovich always singled out Sofia, saying that she would definitely become an artist. Sophia Rotaru's parents gave her to learn to play the domra and button accordion, and she was always at school active participant amateur performances, together with other guys went to the surrounding villages with concerts.

“It is difficult to say when and how music appeared in my life. It seems that she has always lived in me. I grew up among music, it sounded everywhere: for wedding table, at gatherings, at evening parties, at dances ... ”, Sofia Mikhailovna recalled.

Gave a lot future star stage, her sister Zinaida, who was blind after suffering typhus and had perfect pitch. She taught her brothers and sisters many folk songs and the Russian language, which she herself studied by sitting at the radio for hours.

The nationality of Sofia Rotaru and her inherent coloring played a positive role in her development as a singer.

On music competitions the young singer performed not only Russian, but also Moldovan and Ukrainian songs, taking first place. A talented girl from the Ukrainian village was called the "Bukovina nightingale", and at the age of seventeen Rotaru became the winner of the republican festival, after which Sofia was invited to take part in a concert held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the whole country learned about her, and the photo of a talented young singer once graced the cover magazine "Ukraine".

After school, Rotaru entered the music school, and after graduating she took part in the Ninth World Festival youth and students, from which she brought a gold medal for winning the competition of folk song performers.

Many famous performers predicted a great future for her, and she justified their hopes. Sofia Rotaru gained real popularity after she became a member of the Chervona Ruta ensemble created at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic Society, the first performance of which took place in Star City.

Rotaru and her ensemble performed songs in Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian, and with concerts they traveled not only in their own country, but also went on foreign tours.

Sofia Mikhailovna began her solo career in 1986, and again she was waiting for resounding success. She collaborated with many talented composers who wrote songs for her, included in the golden fund of the Soviet stage.

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