Secrets of signs. the secrets of the symbols we know

This is one of the most little-studied, mysterious pages in the history of Chukotka. For decades, it was forbidden to talk about the presence of the Rokossians in Chukotka. After more than forty years, it is difficult to find at least some documents about the stay of the Rokossovites in Chukotka.
By what winds were these violent, uncontrollable, dashing guys who fought under the command of the legendary marshal brought to Chukotka?

Dugouts, pillboxes, concrete command bunkers, firing points, the remains of barracks and rare witnesses - these are the few that keep the memory of that time. On the basis of evidence, we will try to restore at least a piece of the mysterious time that you cannot erase from the history of Chukotka, you cannot change it, just as you cannot change the past.

Mid 1945. Fascist Germany has been defeated, a war with Japan is on the horizon, Stalin hastily solves one of the most important tasks for maintaining his power. The "pets" of the marshal, adored by the people, who won the war on the battlefields, and not in the offices, became contenders for power and influence on the people. With the speed of a card player, the Generalissimo exiles famous commanders to different parts of the vast empire. Marshal Zhukov is sent to Germany, Marshals Meretskov, Malinovsky, Vasilevsky - to the Far East, Marshal Rokossovsky is appointed commander of the Northern Group of Forces. The troops entrusted to the marshals are hastily dispersing across the vast expanses of the Fatherland.

In August 1945, a blitz war with the Japanese began and was completed in a few days with the complete defeat of the Kwantung Army.

After the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans, the situation in the world changed dramatically. From allies in the war, Americans become adversaries for many decades. The Stalinist leadership hastily begins to strengthen the borders of the empire.

Part of the troops that successfully operated against the Kwantung Army, distinguished themselves in the war with Germany, are loaded onto ships. The troops are attached to units stationed in the regions of Moscow, who fought under the command of Marshal Rokossovsky.

It was late autumn, the Bering Sea was stormy. Ships full of soldiers. weapons, ammunition, food, went to sea and headed north. Soldiers and officers talked among themselves about the fact that the army was being thrown into the capture of Alaska. A nervous revival, warmed up by alcohol, reigned.

What was the disappointment of the soldiers when the ships entered the bay, surrounded by lifeless rocky mountains. Unloading was carried out quickly. Frosts broke out, the sea was shackled with ice, the ships had to return to Nakhodka.

The army, landed in the Bay of Providence, was actually thrown to survive in extreme conditions.

To survive in the frozen snows of Chukotka, it was necessary to build at least some kind of housing. Thus, the vast expanse of the coast of Providence Bay turned into a construction site. Dugouts were erected, firing points were equipped, trenches were dug, bomb shelters were built, barracks were built.

The tops of a number of hills were occupied by firing points of anti-aircraft batteries, artillery was placed along the coastal strip, tanks were disguised in secluded logs. In a matter of weeks, a lifeless, wild place turned into a powerful defensive point. Roads were built to numerous firing points, ammunition depots and fuel tanks were driven into the ground. The need to increase vigilance was hammered into the personnel, because an attack by the American imperialists on Chukotka was possible.

During the first harsh winter, the soldiers lived in barracks built of boards, between which slag or earth was poured, in insulated tents, and even in primitive dugouts. They managed to build prefabricated Finnish wooden houses for the officers. Both officers and soldiers lived crowded, dirty, but there was a lot of drink and food.

According to eyewitnesses, blizzards in those years were of incredible strength. Coal was delivered by ships only to the territory of the seaport. When the roads were swept over and the cars were suffocating in the snow, a chain of soldiers lined up, and with backpacks, from hand to hand, coal was fed to Ureliki, to the barracks and housing, which were located five to seven kilometers from the seaport. With the arrival of the military, the trading port itself began to grow rapidly. To provide the army, not only food, ammunition, uniforms were required, but especially a lot of fuel, cement for the construction of pillboxes, loopholes and bomb shelters, underground command posts, even then they were thinking about an atomic war. A lot of military equipment was imported.

At the same time, the airfield was hastily expanding, which had previously served as a spare during the transfer of military aircraft along the route Alaska - Siberia. They say that prisoners from the "mainland" worked at the airfield. I could not find any documents confirming this. But the fact that prisoners were used in the construction of military airfields in Chukotka is an established fact that requires special study. For several years, the newest MIGs were based in Provideniya, then they were relocated to Anadyr.

In the early fifties, Provideniya became one of the largest military bases in the North. Hundreds of tanks, hundreds of artillery, anti-aircraft pawns. Tens of thousands of soldiers and officers were ready to fight to the death for the northern borders.

It is difficult now to establish the names of the units that fought under the illustrious Marshal Rokossovsky, but for some reason all the soldiers who were in Providence were called Rokossovites. And the soldiers themselves at that time proudly called themselves Rokossovites. Dashing, out of control guys. Behind them are two wars, two victories, a sea of ​​blood, death, risk. The uniforms of soldiers and officers are hung with orders for valor and heroism, and on you - for having won, for shedding blood. Discontent was expressed in drunkenness, violence against women.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Adnany, now a senior researcher at the Institute of Scientific and Technological Education of the Ministry of Defense of the RSFSR, recalls:

“At that time I was nine years old, I studied at a boarding school, lived with my grandfather. When the Rokossians were sent to Providence, life became very scary. They drank heavily, there were frequent cases of violence against women. When they drunkenly knocked on the windows and demanded that the women come out immediately, we "died" of fear.

People began to leave Providence, especially women. When I ran to school past the barracks - they were located at the very hill - I was shaking with fear. There were women working in the laundry, and there were always fights because of them. They were even guarded, but many women tried to quickly jump out to marry, even for an old man, if only to leave here.

Once an officer ran into our boarding school, grabbed a pistol, drove us to the middle of the room and began to shout that we were enemies of the people and could sell out to the Americans at any moment. Some of the girls huddled under the beds in fear. Two boys managed to sneak out of the room unnoticed and ran after the headmaster. He was also an officer, he fought and quickly twisted our offender. Then they said that the officer was shell-shocked, in general, something was wrong with his psyche.

There was also a military hospital, and there were rumors that some kind of experiments were being carried out on people there, which is why people, even women, go bald. Well, for the experiments they brought specially rams. How true this was, I do not know, but I remember such rumors well, even though I was small. While there were Rokossians in Providence, the locals tried not to come here. The rumor spread throughout the tundra: you can’t go to Providence - it’s dangerous. I also had to leave, and I returned to Provideniya a few years later, when the Rokossovites were sent to the "mainland".

And here is the story of Lilia Petrovna Ryazanova, now a pensioner, somewhat similar to previous memories:

“My mother and older sister and I arrived in Ureliki, which are located on the other side of the bay, in the forty-second year. There were no military here, except for border guards. We built a shack out of wooden boxes and lived in it. Mom got a job as a cleaner in a bakery, and the older sister worked in the canteen.The border guards behaved very well, they helped us: they brought water, coal.

When the war ended, a lot of soldiers arrived. They were called rokossovtsy and chernopogonniks. Here the blacks behaved badly. We were so afraid of them! Young women were raped right on the street. They didn't kill, they raped. They went from house to house with machine guns and looked for young women. There were cases when women were directly pulled out from their husbands, they stood up for their wives, and they were severely beaten. Border guards always came to the rescue.

Once in the winter we were walking with the girls on the street, I was then eleven years old. We see a lot of soldiers lined up on the parade ground. We ran to see what was going on. An officer in the center of the square says: "For a traitor to the Motherland who broke his oath!" The soldiers raised their rifles and fired at the man. We were so scared, we rushed to run home.

It seems that in 1943 all civilians were gathered by border guards and they say, they say, we are no longer able to protect, everyone needs to leave here. All civilians were settled with relatives in neighboring villages, where there were no black chaps.

We returned to Providence in 1953 or 1954, when the Rokoss soldiers were no longer there. We were afraid of the soldiers for a long time. It used to happen that when I saw a soldier, my heart would literally die with fear. Now I understand everything, but before ... "

Vasily Polikazpovich Izergen, pensioner, in the village of Provideniya since 1943:

“I worked as a loader in the port and I remember how the Rokossovites arrived. It was already late autumn, the cold had set in. Then many units were poked all over the bay. There were tankers, and anti-aircraft gunners, there was even a marine battery.

The headquarters of the division was located in Provideniya, and the headquarters of the army was on the other side of the bay - in Ureliki. General Oleshev, Hero of the Soviet Union, commanded the army. The general was young and handsome. With him there was order. The roads were kept in excellent condition. It used to be that a general was driving in a passenger car with adjutants, where he shakes, they write down, and immediately catch up with the one who is responsible for the section of the road. The next morning the road is smooth.

They built a lot back then. The military upset our port. Cargo, weapons went a lot. There are concrete fortifications everywhere. Then the bay was impregnable. Tanks were quickly removed from Providence, they were not needed here - tundra, bogged down. We loaded them onto ships at night and sent them to the "mainland".

In 1952, Marshal R. Malinovsky came. I saw him, he was in our port. Now they say that Marshal Rokossovsky was twice in Providence, but I don’t know anything about this. Maybe he secretly came with an inspection? At one time he was the chief inspector in the Ministry of Defense. In general, I did not see him. The army of Rokossovites began to be gradually taken out of Chukotka after the arrival of Malinovsky. Thanks to the army, our village was greatly upset."

The personality of General N. Oleshev interested me. Scant data suggest that Nikolai Nikolaevich Oleshev was born in Yaroslavl in a Russian working-class family in 1903. Volunteer at the age of sixteen went to the civil war. At twenty-three, he graduated from the cavalry school. From here, apparently, the general's love for horses stretches. They say that "even in Chukotka, the commanders of the units entrusted to him loved to ride horses.

During the Great Patriotic War, N. Oleshev commanded a corps. In 1945, his corps as part of the Trans-Baikal Front entered the war with Japan. It was in this war that the young general distinguished himself. His corps went on the offensive on August 9, 1945, quickly overcame the B. Khingan ridge and fell upon the enemy. For 15 days of fighting, the corps advanced 950 kilometers, captured about 2,500 enemy soldiers and officers, a lot of weapons and equipment. In September 1945, Nikolai Nikolaevich Oleshev received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and was sent with the army to Chukotka. In 1948, the general graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff, and in 1963 he retired. He lived in Riga and died in 1970.

When I was collecting materials about the Rokossovites, some people said that the dark sides of the presence of troops in Chukotka should not be raised, they say, now they speak so badly about our army. Least of all, I would like to slander the soldiers who ended up in the snows of Chukotka after a bloody war.

I have been to the places of combat positions of the Rokossovites more than once. At the beginning of summer, when willow-herb is in full bloom and radiola pink (golden root) blazes with sunny yellowness, concrete fortifications, the remains of barracks made of wild stone, seem like ulcers on the green body of the tundra. In early autumn, when the grass is barely touched with yellowness, the leaves of the dwarf tundra birch are covered with light purple, and the sedge rustles in the wind, like tin, the former military facilities merge with the tundra and become inconspicuous.

In the ruins, I came across a soldier's stool with a hole in the center. An inventory number was cut out from the bottom and the year of either manufacture or inventory -1945. The stool turned out to be almost my age. Unlike humans, a tree in Chukotka does not smolder for a long time.

Examining the bomb shelter dug in the hill, I slightly opened a massive, half a meter thick, armored door and squeezed inside. The darkness smelled of dampness. Curiosity pulled into the belly of the bunker. I took a few steps down the circle of concrete stairs, and suddenly the outer door creaked. I thought it was closed. I jumped out of the concrete bag like a bullet. If the armored machine had slammed shut, I would not have opened it from the inside. When would they find me in this concrete prison?

On one of the tops of the hills, where an anti-aircraft battery used to stand, there is still a power plant with a burnt diesel engine, concrete loopholes, and dugouts. From the top, as in the palm of your hand - a narrow entrance to the bay. In military terms, the place is well chosen. The battery was actually invulnerable, the nearby hills covered it from air raids, but what was it like for soldiers to live in winter on this top, when the wind blows it into the sea? Months, years, lives on this rocky peak! What a labor it was to build concrete fortifications here, to build dugouts, a power station, to break a road along the slope!

What influenced the decision of Marshal Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky, at that time the commander of the newly created Far Eastern Military District, to take the decision to withdraw the Rokossovites from Chukotka? Exorbitant expenses for the upkeep of the army? Complaints about the bad behavior of soldiers? Most likely, military doctrine began to change. The technology of the war was outdated, more sophisticated equipment came to replace it, and more sophisticated technology required educated soldiers.

By the mid-fifties, the Rokossovites were no longer in Chukotka. Army units began to replace rocket troops. In distant Providence, a small rocket town was built with barracks, a power plant, and even a rocket assembly workshop. Well, let's go. I was told by a loader who transported parts of rockets disassembled in boxes. “Usually, these boxes were loaded onto cars in the port at night, they were taken to the town, to the barbed wire, and then the soldiers unloaded the boxes. They didn’t let us into the base.

Rocketeers were well supplied with food. They say that even in winter they were given grapes, lemons, apples, vegetables.

The missiles were assembled at the base and transported to the launch pads, which were poked around Providence Bay in great numbers. Both the roads and the launch pads themselves were classified and well guarded. Buildings of direction finders remained on the hills. It was impossible to break through the rocky hills, because the soldiers carried all the building materials on themselves.

How many missiles were brought to Provideniya? Who will answer this question now? One thing is absolutely clear that for the assembly of a dozen missiles they would not have built an assembly shop, which has been working intensively for several years.

When you think about how many people have been in Providence Bay, the question involuntarily arises. What is remarkable about this piece of land that it was so guarded? Why was he guarded with such absurdity for almost forty years?

The mystery can be slightly ajar if we remember that since the mid-fifties our army has been intensively equipped with atomic weapons. The old-timers of Providence said that he saw nuclear submarines in the fjords. Wasn't the military command going to build a nuclear submarine base here? The place is excellent. Deep-sea, mountaineers in the fiords could hide more than one nuclear submarine.

Missiles from Providence began to be removed in the early seventies. The town of rocket men is now in ruins, as after the bombings. Heating pipes stick out, electrical wires hang, roads are overgrown with grass, only machine-gun nests, lined with stone, are not touched by time. They can be used at any moment.

You never cease to be surprised how much money the state spent on the construction and maintenance of military bases in the North. Billions were driven into concrete bunkers, barracks, launch pads, and the poor of the villages of Chukotka stood nearby. Did the command really not know that on the opposite side of the Bering Strait there were almost no troops and military bases of a defensive nature?

We recently learned from the press that during the period of the creation of the atomic shield, atomic charges were assembled in various parts of Russia, including Chukotka. So where were the atomic warheads assembled: in Providence or Anadyr? Is it because the radiation background around these settlements is somewhat higher than in other places, which was also written about in the newspapers more than once? Again a secret.

From secrets, as always, legends and rumors are born. They say that in the late sixties, somewhere in the mountains of Chukotka, an atomic device was allegedly blown up. There are rumors that there are still storage facilities for atomic weapons in Chukotka. Is this conjecture? Who will tell us the truth? My short story about the Rokossovites is a tiny particle of what was previously hidden from us.

History is learned not just out of sheer curiosity, but also in order to learn useful lessons from the past. What have we all learned from the recent militaristic frenzy?

Chukotka, as before, is oversaturated with troops. As in the past, there are a lot of tanks, artillery, aircraft, missiles and other military equipment. Thousands of people are bound by army laws to barracks, guns, parade grounds. Again, billions are being spent to maintain the army in the snows of Chukotka. Now, who are we protecting ourselves from? From the Americans? Please, do they need us? We don't even need them. No, the former militaristic frenzy has not faded away in us.

I will not talk about how the tundra gets sick from the impact of technology, including military technology. Everyone knows this well. Isn't it time to declare Chukotka a land free of military bases, missiles and other weapons? We are not so rich as to keep tank battalions, infantry divisions, missile divisions in every village.

Evgeny Rozhkov

A topographic map, on which the tactical or special situation with all its changes in the course of hostilities is graphically displayed with the help of conventional tactical signs with the necessary explanatory inscriptions, is called the commander's working map.

The process of displaying a tactical or special situation on a map or other graphic document is called "situation mapping". The set of conditional tactical signs is called "tactical situation" or abbreviated "situation".

Completeness of the situation:

1. About the enemy:

  • the location of weapons of mass destruction, with details down to a single weapon, rocket launcher;
  • infantry, motorized infantry, tank, artillery subdivisions with details up to platoon, guns;
  • radiation environment in the amount necessary for work.

2.About your troops:

  • the position of subunits with the detail two steps below their level (for example, the regimental commander applies the signs of battalions and companies).
  • tasks assigned by the senior manager.

Applied topographic maps:

  • 1:25000 - commanders of inputs and companies;
  • 1:50000 - battalion commanders;
  • 1:100000 - commanders of regiments, divisions, corps;
  • 1:200000 - commanders of armies, fronts;
  • 1:500000 - overview maps of the fronts, the main command.

The following colors are used for decorating:

  1. Basic - red, blue, black;
  2. Auxiliary - brown, green, yellow.

The use of other colors, as well as shades of primary or secondary colors is not allowed.

  • RED It is used when designating for our troops the position, tasks, actions, weapons and equipment of motorized rifle, airborne, tank, aviation, and naval units. The same color indicates fire zones, regardless of who created these zones.
  • BLUE It is used when designating for enemy troops the position, tasks, actions, weapons and equipment of all types of troops. Also, all inscriptions related to the enemy are applied with this color. The same color indicates flood zones, regardless of who created these zones.
  • BLACK used when designating for our troops positions, tasks, actions, weapons and equipment of the missile troops, artillery, anti-aircraft troops, engineering troops, chemical troops, radio engineering troops, signal troops, railway and other special troops. Also, this color is used for all inscriptions related to all branches of our troops.
  • BROWN It is used to draw roads, routes, columns of our troops, to fill in the zones of use of bacteriological (biological) weapons, to mark the outer border of the zone of radioactive contamination V.
  • GREEN used to mark the outer boundary of the zone of radioactive contamination B.
  • YELLOW used to fill the zone of chemical contamination.

All inscriptions are made in straight or oblique standard drawing font. The roman type is used for the title of the map and signatures of officials. In other cases, an oblique font is used (75 degree inclination). Italic capital letters are used for official headings and signatures, as well as at the beginning of a sentence and for abbreviations. Lowercase letters are used to write legends, explanatory inscriptions and a large number of abbreviations. All inscriptions are made only horizontally. Vertical or oblique inscriptions are not allowed.

The size of labels should be proportional to the scale of the map and commensurate with the significance of the subdivision. The table shows the size of the labels depending on the scale of the map and the subdivision (size of the actual size). The font size for designating smaller units, individual objects, explanatory inscriptions cannot be larger than the font size for a platoon.

Drawings of tactical signs of our troops are always directed towards the enemy and vice versa. The exception is anti-aircraft weapons, which are always directed towards the top edge of the map.

If the tactical sign is clearly larger than the actual size of the object on the map scale, then the center of the tactical sign is considered the location of the object on the ground (for flags, the lower part of the flag stem, for arrows, the front end of the arrow).

Control points and means of communication

The command post of the regiment is in place. The inscription KP means - command post, TPU - rear control point. The inscription inside the flag is the number of the regiment.

Battalion command post. The inscription 1/10 MSP means 1 battalion of the 10th motorized rifle regiment.

The same is in motion.

1- Command and observation post of the company commander in place. 2- Infantry fighting vehicle of the company commander (respectively, the armored personnel carrier, the tank of the company commander is designated. A tact mark of this type of equipment and two dashes are put. The platoon commander has one dash.

Observation post of the 10th motorized rifle regiment. If there is a letter inside the sign, then this means that the NP is specialized (A-artillery, I-engineering, X-chemical, B-air surveillance, T-technical). In artillery, special forces, the badge is black.

Traffic control post (R-regulator, checkpoint-checkpoint, KTP-control and technical point.

Communication node. 1- field movable. 2- stationary

Radio. 305 is the brand of the receiver.

Radio station. 1-mobile, 2-wearable. 3- tank

Mobile radio relay station

Radar reconnaissance station. 1- air targets. 2 ground targets.

Radio network of wearable stations.

Radio direction of mobile stations.

March, reconnaissance and protection

1-foot column of troops. Regiment with number designation, battalion with three dashes, company with two dashes, platoon with one dash, squad without dashes.

2. A column of troops on vehicles. There are 2 MSRs on the BMP. if a tank column, then the tank badge, if an armored personnel carrier column, then the armored personnel carrier badge, etc.

1- Column of special troops. Here is the fifth engineer-sapper battalion.

2-Column artillery battalion (battery - two dashes, platoon - one dash, a separate gun on the march - the arrow is shorter and without dashes

The head marching outpost as part of the first motorized rifle company on an infantry fighting vehicle, reinforced by the first platoon of the second tank company (BPZ - side marching outpost, TPZ - rear.

Mobile barrier detachment of the tenth motorized rifle regiment.

Logistics platoon column (VOB), if the company mat. ensure that the inscription - rmob, battalion mob

Column technical closing of the battalion (P-regiment).

Reconnaissance squad.

Patrol squad on BMP

Combat reconnaissance patrol of the 2nd tank battalion by 0900 on 15 November. (ORD - separate reconnaissance patrol, RD - reconnaissance patrol, OFRD - officer reconnaissance patrol, IRD - engineering reconnaissance patrol, KhRD - chemical reconnaissance patrol), Color of the badge according to the type of troops.

Foot watch.

Foot patrol of the 7th tank company and its patrol route

1 platoon of reconnaissance company of the 10th motorized rifle regiment in search (raid)

1 platoon of the 9th tank company in ambush.

Location and actions of units

The area (area) occupied by the subdivision. There are 3 motorized rifle battalions here. An inscription indicating the unit is mandatory, the tactical sign of the unit's equipment is optional. The sign is large-scale, on the map it covers the entire area occupied by the unit. A dashed line indicates that the area is scheduled to be occupied by that unit. The letter "L" indicates that this is a false area.

The area occupied by a unit whose tactical color is black. Here is the area of ​​​​the 5th engineer-sapper battalion.

Direction of attack of the unit.

The immediate task of the department. Here 1 is a common sign of a battalion (as indicated by three dashes on the arrow), 2 is a battalion on an infantry fighting vehicle. If a battalion or a company, or a tank platoon, then tank badges, if on an armored personnel carrier, then armored personnel carrier badges, if the battalion is on foot, then sign No. 1 is used. Scale sign!

Follow-up task. Here 1 is the general badge of the battalion, 2 is the badge of the tank battalion. Big sign!

The position (line) reached by the unit by a certain time. Scale sign.

Machine-gun platoon in battle order. Below is the general sign of the battalion and company on the BMP. Scale sign.

The line of a probable meeting with the enemy.

Starting line (regulation line, line for entering second echelon battles, etc. lines

Front (line) occupied by units. Line of contact with the enemy

Deployment line in battalion columns (company - two dashes, platoon - one dash)

Line of transition to the attack. 1-general sign, 2-motorized rifle units.

The line of dismounting motorized rifle units

Firing line of a tank unit. Here is the third firing line of the third tank battalion.

Deployment line of an anti-tank unit

Mining line.

Landing area for tactical airborne troops. Here is the second battalion of the third motorized rifle regiment. disembarkation is expected at 09:00 on 10 July. If the landing has taken place, then the line is solid.

Helicopter landing pad.

Landing area and points for amphibious assault.

The unit was stopped at this turn.

Departure of the unit from the occupied line.

Dividing line between shelves

dividing line between battalions.

Line (position) not occupied by units.

The location of the unit in the defense.

1 - common sign, 2 - motorized rifle unit.

The place where the prisoner was taken. Here, a soldier of the 2nd Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 19th Mechanized Division was captured at 05:00 on 12 August.

The place of seizure of documents of the murdered.

Weapons of mass destruction and defense against it

Our planned nuclear strike. 015 - target number, 1/5 order - the first battery of the fifth cancer division. -40 - ammunition power 40 kilotons, B - air explosion. "H + 1.10 - the time of the explosion.

Safe removal line (protrusions towards the explosion).

The area of ​​destruction from the explosion of the enemy. The inner ring is a zone of continuous destruction, then - a zone of continuous blockages, weak destruction; the outer ring is the zone of neutron impact on openly positioned personnel.

The area of ​​fire and the direction of the spread of fire.

The location of a nuclear explosion produced by the enemy, indicating the type of explosion, power and time, and the zone of radioactive contamination. The direction and size of the zones are scaled

A point for measuring the level of radiation with an indication of the level. time and date of infection.

Enemy nuclear mine with indication of charge power, depth of laying and detection time.

Field of chemical bombs.

The area contaminated with toxic substances and the direction of displacement of the OM cloud.

Bioweapon site.

Small arms and artillery

light machine gun

easel machine gun

Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher

Automatic grenade launcher

Anti-aircraft missile wearable complex.

Anti-aircraft gun mount

Mounted anti-tank grenade launcher

Man-portable anti-tank missile systems (ATGMs). Here 1 - ATGM anti-tank-machine gun platoon, 2 - ATGM anti-tank platoon.

Flamethrowers. Here 1-reactive light, 2-reactive heavy.

Antitank gun. 1 - general designation, 2 - up to 85 mm, 3 - up to 100 mm, 4 - more than 100 mm.

A gun. 1 - general designation, 2 - up to 100 mm, 3 - up to 152 mm, 4 - more than 152 mm.

Howitzer. 1 - general designation, 2 - up to 122 mm., 3 - up to 155 mm., 4 - more than 155 mm.

Howitzer with a caliber over 155mm., firing nuclear weapons.

Self-propelled howitzer. Here the caliber is up to 122 mm.

Rocket artillery combat vehicle. 1 is a general designation. 2- medium caliber.

Mortar. 1 - general designation, 2 - small caliber, 3 - medium caliber, 4 - large caliber.

Anti-aircraft gun. 1 is a general designation. 2-small caliber, 3-medium caliber.

Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun. 1 - without radar, 2 - with radar.

Combat vehicle of the anti-aircraft missile system. The inscription of the sign depends on the type of the base machine, the icon inside depends on the type of rocket.

Anti-aircraft missile launcher. 1-short range. 2-short range, 3-medium range. The sign in the circle is the Zen.PU battery.

The area of ​​firing positions of the artillery division. Here is the first division of the 12th artillery regiment. The signs of batteries are off-scale, the area is large-scale.

The firing position of the battery is 100mm. guns.

Firing position of a mortar battery

Separate target. 28 is the number of the target. The blue sign inside the circle is the location of the enemy weapon.

Areas of concentrated fire. The numbers are CO numbers. Scale signs.

A single fixed barrage with its code name.

Deep fixed barrage fire at three lines, indicating the code name So and the numbers of the lines.

A single mobile barrage with indication of its code name and line numbers.

Double mobile barrage

Sequential concentration of fire with indication of the conditional names of the lines and numbers of targets (solid lines - the lines on which it is planned to fire simultaneously; with a double PSO, targets at two lines are connected with solid lines, with a triple one at three. Lines and areas of targets are large-scale.

Massive fire with indication of its conditional name and section numbers.

A barrage of fire indicating the conditional names of lines, sections for divisions and their numbers, and numbers of intermediate lines.

Firing sector boundary line

The boundary line of the additional sector of fire.

Concentrated fire of a motorized rifle company (SO-1 - section number, 1,2,3 - numbers of platoon sections.

Line of barrage fire of a grenade launcher platoon with indication of its number and sections of squad fires.

Armored vehicles, cars and helicopters

Tank. 1 - general designation, 2 - battalion commander's tank, 3 - amphibious tank, 4 - flamethrower tank

Tank with a complex of anti-tank weapons.

Tank and infantry fighting vehicle with minesweeper

Tank with BTU

Tank with STU

Combat reconnaissance vehicle and combat reconnaissance patrol vehicle (BRDM)

Car and trailer

1-tank tractor, 2-caterpillar tractor, 3-vehicle tractor


ambulance car

Helicopter. 1- general designation, 2-combat, 3-transport.

Engineering equipment and facilities

Tank bridgelayer

Tracked floating conveyor

Caterpillar self-propelled ferry (ferry-bridge vehicle).

Engineering equipment on a wheelbase (Here is a heavy mechanized bridge TMM)

Engineering equipment on a caterpillar base (BAT here).

Pontoon-bridge park with an indication of its type.

Trench of a motorized rifle unit with a covered gap

Trench with communication.

The weapon in the trench. The color of the trench mark according to the type of troops. (same sign for all mobile weapons)

Observation structure of an open type (closed type with a black filled triangle.

Shelter for vehicles (vehicle icon by type)

Shelter indicating the degree of protection and capacity

Open slot

Covered gap

Escarp (counter-scarp) indicating the length.

Inconspicuous wire fence (spiral, net on low posts.

Anti-tank ditch with indication of the length.

Nadolby indicating the type, number of rows and length.

Mined obstruction with an indication of the length.

Wire fence (number of strokes - number of rows).

a section of hedgehog barriers indicating the number of rows and length

anti-tank minefield

Anti-personnel minefield (mixed minefield is indicated by alternating filled and unfilled circles)

Minefields set by means of remote mining.

1 - unguided land mine, 2 - radio-controlled land mine, 3 - land mine, controlled by wire.

Passage in barriers with indication of number and width.

Bridge destroyed by the enemy

A section of the road destroyed by the enemy, indicating the extent of the destruction.

Landing crossing with an indication of the number and type of landing craft.

Crossing tanks under water indicating 3-depth, 180-width of the river, 40-width of the route, P-character of the bottom, 0.8-speed of the current.

Ferry crossing, indicating the number of ferries, their carrying capacity and type of fleet

Ferry crossing of three GSP ferries and 3 ferries of 40 tons each from PMM vehicles.

Bridge on rigid supports. N-low-water 120m long, 4m wide. and a load capacity of 60 tons.

Pontoon bridge 120 m long, with a carrying capacity of 60 tons from the PMP park

The ford is 0.8 m deep, the width of the river is 120 m, the bottom is solid, the speed of the current is 0.5 m/sec.

Ice crossing number five for loads of 60 tons.

Technical support and logistics units and their facilities

Collecting point for damaged cars. P-regimental, 1- its number, bt- for armored vehicles

Repair and evacuation group on an armored personnel carrier. P-regimental, bt - for armored vehicles.

Regimental warehouse. G- fuel, 10tp - tenth tank regiment.

Medical post of the regiment.

Medical center of the battalion.

Company medical post


Ambulance post

Battalion fueling station

Battalion ammo station

Ammunition point of the company

Service point on the route. G-GSM.

Combined-arms units and divisions

  • Motorized Rifle. regiment, battalion, company, platoon, squad - SME, SME, MSR, MSV, MCO
  • Tank regiment, battalion, company, platoon tp, tb, tr, tv
  • Machine-gun artillery battalion, company poolab, poolar
  • Airborne battalion, company, platoon pdb, pdr, pdv
  • Air assault battalion, company, platoon dshb, dshr, dshv
  • Reconnaissance company, platoon, squad rr, rv, ro
  • Machine-gun company, platoon, squad- pull, pull, pull
  • Anti-tank platoon ptv
  • Grenade launcher squad gv, go
  • Anti-tank machine gun platoon ptpulv

Artillery units and divisions

  • Artillery regiment, division, battery- up, adn, batr
  • Self-propelled artillery battalion, battery- sadn, sabatr
  • Battery of anti-tank guided missiles batr ATGM
  • Mortar battery, platoon minbatr, minv
  • control platoon- woo

Air defense units and divisions

  • Anti-aircraft missile battery, platoon, squad - zrbatr, zrv, zro
  • Anti-aircraft artillery battery, platoon, squad - zabatr, head, zo
  • Anti-aircraft missile and artillery battery- zrabatr
  • Battery, platoon of anti-aircraft self-propelled guns - batr ZSU, vzv. ZSU

Special Forces Units

  • Engineering and sapper company, platoon, squad- isr, isv, iso
  • Engineering assault company, platoon, squad ishr, ishv, isho
  • Ferry-landing company- pdesr
  • Pontoon company, platoon mon, mon
  • Platoon, separation of caterpillar floating conveyors - vzvv. GPT, dep. GPT
  • Platoon, department of caterpillar self-propelled ferries - vzvv. GSP, dep. GSP
  • Department of Bridgelayers- otd. MTU
  • Company, chemical protection platoon - rhz, vhz
  • Platoon, department of radiation and chemical reconnaissance - vrhr, orhrr
  • Platoon, department of special processing - wso, oso
  • Flamethrower platoon, squad- ow, ooh
  • Company, platoon, communications department - rs, sun, os
  • Commandant's company, platoon kr, kv

Technical Support and Logistics Units

  • Separate battalion, material support company- obmo, rmo
  • Automobile company, platoon, squad avtr, avtv, auto
  • Repair company- remr
  • Economic platoon, branch - hozv, hoz
  • Supply platoon, supply platoon- vob, sun
  • Maintenance department- oto

Control points

  • Command post- KP
  • Rear control point - TPU
  • Command and observation post KNP
  • Alternate command post point- ZKP
  • Observation post- NP
  • Air observation post- PVN
  • Artillery observation post ANP
  • Point of technical supervision - PTN
  • Engineering observation post INP

General terminology

  • Vanguard (rearguard) - Av (Ar)
  • Bacteriological (biological) weapon- BO
  • Bacteriological (biological) infection - BZ
  • Battalion filling point - BZP
  • Fighting machine- bm
  • Infantry fighting vehicle- BMP
  • Combat reconnaissance vehicle BRM
  • Combat reconnaissance patrol vehicle BRDM
  • Lateral marching outpost - BPZ
  • Armored personnel carrier armored personnel carrier
  • Combat kit- bq.
  • Explosives- BB
  • Height- high
  • Head marching outpost - GPZ
  • head watch- DG
  • Diesel fuel- DT
  • Long-term firing structure (long-term fortification) - DOS (DFS)
  • Incendiary weapons (incendiary means) - ZZhO (ZZhS)
  • Filling- ban
  • Protection against weapons of mass destruction- ZOMP
  • Zone of radioactive, chemical, bacteriological (biological) contamination - ZRZ, 3X3, ZBZ
  • Anti-aircraft self-propelled installation - ZSU
  • Starting line (starting point) - ref. r-zh, (outgoing)
  • Kiloton- kt
  • Command vehicle - KShM
  • Set- set
  • Commander of the 1st motorized rifle, 2nd tank battalion - kmsb-1, ktb-2
  • Commander of the 1st motorized rifle, 2nd tank company - kmsr-1, ktr-2
  • Commander of the 1st motorized rifle, 2nd tank platoon kmsv-1, ktv-2
  • Mine-explosive barrier- cost center
  • Regiment medical center WFP
  • Battalion medical center BCH
  • Company medical post MNR
  • Emergency ration- NZ
  • Irreducible stock- NHS
  • firing position- OP
  • Outskirts- env.
  • Poisonous substances (persistent poisonous substances, unstable poisonous substances) - 0V (OWN, NOW)
  • Mark- elev.
  • Separate- otd.
  • Advance Squad- BY
  • Mobile detachment of barriers - POS
  • Field filling point - PZP
  • Consistent concentration of fire- PSO
  • Enemy- pr-to
  • Air defense (anti-tank defense) - Air defense (PTO)
  • Anti-personnel minefield- PPMP
  • Anti-tank minefield- PTMP
  • Antitank reserve- PTres.
  • radioactive contamination- RZ
  • Radioactive substances- RV
  • Radiation and chemical reconnaissance- RHR
  • Reconnaissance Squad- RO
  • dividing line- boundary line
  • Radio network (radio direction) - r/s (r/n)
  • Area- district
  • Repair and evacuation group (repair group) - REG (Rem. G)
  • Limit of regulation (regulation point) - rr per. (p. per.)
  • Collecting point for damaged cars - SMTA
  • Guard detachment (outpost, outpost) - St.O (St.Z, St.P)
  • North, south, east, west north, south, east, west
  • northwest, northeast, west, southeast southwest northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest
  • Focused fire - SO
  • Daily dacha- s/d
  • Tactical airborne Tact. VD
  • Tank bridge layer MTU
  • Rear outpost - TPZ
  • Communication node- mustache
  • Fortified area- UR
  • Chemical observation post HNP
  • Chemical contamination - HZ
  • Chemical weapon- XO
  • Chemical mine- HF
  • Nuclear weapon- nuclear weapons
  • nuclear mine-
  • NM Nuclear-mine barrier- YaMZ

Selected local items

Plants, factories and mills with chimneys, expressed (1) or not expressed (2) at the scale of the map

Tower-type capital structures

Light towers

power plants

Transformer booths

Points of the state geodetic network

Aerodromes and hydroaerodromes

Water mills and sawmills


wind turbines

Plants, factories and mills without chimneys: 1) expressed on a map scale; 2) not expressed in the scale of the map.

Radio stations and television centers

Radio and television masts

Fuel depots and gas tanks

Separate trees that have the value of landmarks: 1) coniferous; 2) deciduous

Individual groves of significant landmarks

Narrow strips of forest and protective afforestation

Narrow strips of shrubs and hedges

Individual bushes

Communication lines

Mounds, height in meters


Power lines on metal or reinforced concrete poles

Pits, depth in meters

Clusters of stones

Power lines on wooden poles

Weather stations

Separately lying stones, height in meters

Ground oil pipelines and pumping stations

Open pit mining sites

Peat mining

Underground oil pipelines


Monuments, monuments, mass graves

Stone, brick walls

Dams and artificial ramparts

Foresters' houses


Three-track railways, semaphores and traffic lights, turntables

Highway: 5 is the width of the covered part, 8 is the width of the entire road from ditch to ditch in meters, B is the coating material

Double track railways and stations

Improved dirt roads (8-way width in meters)

Single track railways, sidings, platforms and stopping points

dirt roads

Electrified railways: 1) three-track; 2) double-track; 3) single track

Field and forest roads

Narrow gauge railways and stations on them

hiking trails

Freeways, embankments

Fashinny sections of roads, gati and rowing

Improved highways, cuts

Crossings: 1) under the railway; 2) over the railway; 3) on the same level


Small rivers and streams

The banks are steep: 1) without a beach; 2) with a beach that does not end at the scale of the map

Canals and ditches

Lakes: 1) fresh; 2) salty; 3) bitter-salty

Wooden bridges
Bridges metal
Bridges made of stone and reinforced concrete

Bridge characteristics:
K-material of the building (K-stone, M-metal, reinforced concrete concrete, D-wooden);
8-height above water level (on navigable rivers);
370 - bridge length,
10 is the width of the carriageway in meters;
60-capacity per ton

Water level marks
Arrows showing the direction of the flow of rivers (0.2 is the speed of the flow in m / s.)

Characteristics of rivers and canals: 170-width, 1.7-depth in meters, P-character of the bottom soil
Brody: 1.2-depth, 180-length in meters, T-character of the soil, 0.5-flow rate in m / s.

Dams: K-material of the structure, 250-length, 8-width of the dam along the top in meters; in the numerator - the mark of the upper water level, in the denominator - the lower

Ferries: 195-river width, 4x3-ferry dimensions in meters, 8-capacity in meters

Surface water pipelines


Underground water pipelines

Sources (keys, springs)

The system of basic conventional signs used in graphic documents of peacetime and wartime tactical level Part 4 "Motorized Rifle Battalion" -

The procedure for the formation of a combat graphic document. Fire card of a motorized rifle squad when planning offensive operations. Conditions of the situation: COMBAT ACTIVITIES. Type of hostilities - OFFENSIVE -


In general, when hunting, a certain tactic is also needed, similar to the one that will be described in this article. And for hunting you do not need to buy firearms, just take A pistol-type rifles and start hunting. In general, it is more convenient and pleasant. Also, this kind of crossbow can be used for ordinary sports purposes - target shooting.

Everyone already knows that the history of the swastika is much deeper and more multifaceted for some. Here are some more unusual facts from the history of this symbol.

Few people know that among the symbols used by the Red Army, there was not only a star, but also a swastika. This is how the award badge of the commanders of the South-Eastern Front Kr. Army in 1918-1920

In November 1919, the commander of the South-Eastern Front of the Red Army, V. I. Shorin, issued order No. 213, which approved the distinctive sleeve insignia of the Kalmyk formations using a swastika. The swastika in the order is denoted by the word "lyungtn", that is, the Buddhist "Lungta", meaning - "whirlwind", "vital energy".

Order to the troops of the South-Eastern Front #213
Gor. Saratov November 3, 1919
The distinctive sleeve insignia of the Kalmyk formations is approved, according to the attached drawing and description.
To assign the right to wear to all commanding staff and Red Army soldiers of existing and formed Kalmyk units, in accordance with the instructions of the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic p. for #116.
Front Commander Shorin
Member of the Revolutionary Military Council Trifonov
Wreed. Chief of Staff of the General Staff Pugachev

Appendix to the order to the troops of the South-Eastern Front p. #213
Rhombus measuring 15 x 11 centimeters made of red cloth. In the upper corner is a five-pointed star, in the center is a wreath, in the middle of which is “lyungtn” with the inscription “R. S. F. S. R.” The diameter of the star is 15 mm, the diameter of the wreath is 6 cm, the “Lungtn” size is 27 mm, the letter is 6 mm.
The sign for the command and administrative staff is embroidered in gold and silver, and for the Red Army soldiers it is screen-printed.
The star, "lyungtn" and the ribbon of the wreath are embroidered with gold (for the Red Army - with yellow paint), the wreath itself and the inscription - with silver (for the Red Army - with white paint).

In Russia, the swastika first appeared in official symbols in 1917 - it was then, on April 24, that the Provisional Government issued a decree on the issuance of new banknotes in denominations of 250 and 1000 rubles.1 A feature of these banknotes was that they had an image of a swastika. Here is a description of the front side of the 1000-ruble banknote, given in paragraph No. 128 of the Senate resolution of June 6, 1917: “The main pattern of the grid consists of two large oval guilloche rosettes - right and left ... crosswise intersecting wide stripes, bent at a right angle, at one end to the right, and at the other - to the left ... The intermediate background between both large rosettes is filled with a guilloche pattern, and the center of this background is occupied by a geometric ornament of the same pattern as in both rosettes, but larger.”2 Unlike the 1,000-ruble note, the 250-ruble note had only one swastika, in the center behind the eagle.

From the banknotes of the Provisional Government, the swastika also migrated to the first Soviet banknotes. True, in this case this was due to production necessity, and not ideological considerations: the Bolsheviks, who were preoccupied with issuing their own money in 1918, simply took ready-made, created by order of the Provisional Government, clichés of new banknotes (5,000 and 10,000 rubles) that were being prepared for release in 1918. Kerensky and his comrades could not print these banknotes, due to certain circumstances, but the clichés were useful to the leadership of the RSFSR. Thus, swastikas were also present on Soviet banknotes in denominations of 5,000 and 10,000 rubles. These banknotes were in circulation until 1922.

The swastika in US military symbols was used in the First World War: it was applied to the fuselages of the aircraft of the famous American squadron "Lafayette".

The swastika was also depicted on the Boeing P-12, which was in service with the US Air Force from 1929 to 1941. The squadron's emblem was an Indian's head painted on the fuselage. In America, the swastika has long been perceived as a typical Indian symbol.

In addition, the swastika was depicted on the chevron of the 45th Infantry Division of the US Army, which she wore from 1923 to 1939.

Finland, in the context of our story, is interesting because today it is perhaps the only state in the EU whose official symbols include the swastika. It first appeared there in 1918, the year the Swedish Baron von Rosen presented the Finnish White Guard with a Morane-Saulnier Type D aircraft, which, in fact, laid the foundation for the existence of the Finnish Air Force. Therefore, it was she who became the symbol of the new military aviation. The swastika on the flag of the Finnish Air Force is present to this day.


In Latvia, the swastika, which in the local tradition was called the "fiery cross", was the emblem of the air force from 1919 to 1940.

In the Polish army, the swastika was used in the emblem on the collars of the Podhalian Riflemen (21st and 22nd Mountain Rifle Divisions)

In general, this topic can be continued for a very, very long time, for example, remember the post in its continuation - Van with a swastika, well, here are 7 main facts about the Kremlin stars

Further information: Kolovrat - Ancient symbols of the Vedic civilization of the Slavic-Aryans

Vedic symbols are inherited from the ancient Vedic civilization, the descendants of which are the Rus and other Slavic peoples. A large number of photographs with images of the swastika on clothes, household utensils, on the walls of ancient buildings, on weapons, on banknotes, etc.

Vedic symbols, in addition to the Slavs, were used by many other peoples. The swastika was applied to many objects as a sign of good wishes and as a spell from all sorts of troubles.

The events of the Second World War and the speculative use of the swastika sign by the German "racists" who erected themselves, and only themselves, to the descendants of the ancient Aryans, led to the fact that the swastika sign was even banned for use both in everyday life and in print. But this, of course, could not lead to its exclusion in many forms of its application, rooted over a number of millennia.

Such symbols continue to be widely and universally used today by the Indians, Chinese, Finns, Japanese, Nepalese and Vietnamese. There are 144 swastika symbols in total. For those wishing to get to know this topic better, we recommend the book by the Vologda researcher Alexander Vladimirovich Tarunin “The Sacred Symbol. History of the swastika” (Moscow, ed. “White Alvy”, 2009, 544 p.), which can be called an encyclopedia of the swastika. Information on swastika symbols can be found on the Food of Ra website.

The symbol of the Apple company - an apple bitten on the right side - is one of the most recognizable around the world. This logo is surrounded by many rumors and mysteries. Many see in it a hint of the genius Newton (according to legend, he discovered the law of universal gravitation after an apple fell on the top of his head). Someone is inclined to see in the apple a symbol of the fall. One of the founders of Apple, the late Steve Jobs, has always dexterously avoided commenting on the logo. Why? Perhaps, as writes, he was afraid that if the real subtext of the symbol became known to the general public, the corporation could suffer multimillion-dollar losses ...

The Genius of Pure Mathematics

Few people know that the idol of Steve Jobs was the English mathematician Alan Turing. The brilliant scientist is sometimes called the "father of computer science and artificial intelligence." At 41, Turing, according to the official version, committed suicide by biting an apple stuffed with cyanide by himself. According to other sources, it was not a suicide, but a murder. Be that as it may, Alan was until recently considered a pariah in the scientific world because of his homosexual predilections. His fan Steve Jobs could not help but understand: Apple is actively entering the markets of states where sodomy is not held in high esteem. And therefore in every possible way evaded questions about the logo. He probably feared that the true meaning of a bitten apple might scare off buyers. This version is supported by at least the fact that only in 1998 the corporation's logo became monophonic, until that moment the apple was painted in rainbow colors (a symbol of the gay community).

How did Alan Turing earn respect from Steve Jobs and other "monsters" of modern cybernetics? Like many geniuses, Alan Turing, born in India in 1912, was a non-standard child. He was not interested in anything but mathematics. Alan's parents, having moved to England, tried to make a comprehensively gifted person out of the boy: against his will, he was sent to Sherborne Humanitarian School. By the age of 13, Alan, who was not even taught the basics of calculus at the institution, solved the most difficult mathematical problems in his mind, which confused his teachers. He was called the worst student in the class, and the director wrote in the description: "He will undoubtedly become a real problem for society."

After leaving school, Turing studied first at Cambridge College (where he entered only the second time), then in France and the USA. At the age of 23, he already defended his doctoral dissertation in mathematics, and after two years he developed the theory of "logical computers". In the future, Turing's "machines" will become an obligatory part of the curriculum for future cybernetics. The world owes Alan a lot of purely mathematical solutions.

How a scientist outplayed the Nazis

In 1939, the British War Department set a task for Alan: it was necessary to unravel the secret of the Enigma, a machine that German ciphers used to encode radio messages during naval and air operations. The scouts managed to get a copy of Enigma, but they still could not read the intercepted German radio messages. Turing was asked to head the department of the British School of Codes and Cyphers, which was supposed to help solve this problem, and was given free rein.

Alan was seized by a real hunting passion. He invited several friends to the group - chess players and mathematicians. Rolling up their sleeves, these world's first, in modern terms, hackers got down to business. Partially "break" "Enigma" managed a year later. The British could now read more than half of the German ciphers. And in 1943, the Turing group "hacked" a more complex version of the Enigma - it was used by German submariners. The British command gained access to almost all the information exchanged between the Germans. This undoubtedly contributed to the success of the British fleet and, of course, reduced the loss of life tenfold. Britain deservedly appreciated Turing's contribution to the victory. He was awarded an order and included in the group involved in the development of computers.

1951 was a real triumph for Alan. One of the first computers in the world was launched in Manchester, and a scientist had a hand in its creation: he wrote the software. In the same year, Turing was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. In addition, he did not stop working for intelligence. Now he was engaged in the "Soviet" direction and was about to develop an algorithm for recognizing ciphertexts.

fatal injection

Everything collapsed when in 1952 Alan's apartment was robbed. Soon after, during the investigation, the police arrested the perpetrator. It turned out to be one of the friends of the scientist's lover. Yes, Turing had been a confirmed homosexual for many years (a fairly common phenomenon in the high society of Britain) and did not even really hide it. In those years in England sodomy was considered a criminal offense. In most cases, society turned a blind eye to "sins" of this kind. In order not to fall under the harsh hand of justice, it was only necessary to hide their unconventional orientation and not announce it publicly.

Alan Turing, contrary to all the norms in force in society, went for broke: he loudly declared himself a homosexual. However, the evidence, in addition to a frank confession, was more than enough: the police seized from the thief the intimate correspondence of the scientist, which he had with his many lovers over the course of a number of years. Is it any wonder that the society Turing challenged mercilessly cracked down on him?

The high-profile litigation dragged on for several months. The fate of the thief no longer interested anyone: Britain, with bated breath, wondered about the future of Alan. Will the law really punish a war hero, a leading decryptor, a world-famous scientist? The judge was adamant. Turing, according to the laws of the time, was offered a choice: two years in prison or chemical castration. Alan chose the latter and soon received an injection that made him permanently impotent. In addition, Turing was fired from the civil service, and was also banned from teaching at the University of Manchester. The scientist overnight practically lost his good name, and the meaning of life, and means of subsistence.

After some time, the team of teachers took Alan on bail, he was allowed to take up teaching again. However, the scientist's psyche was broken: until the end of his life he lived as a recluse, playing various board games. Alan was embarrassed to go out in public - from the injection of the drug, which included female hormones, his breasts began to grow.

"Forgive us, you deserve better"

And he didn't have long. On June 8, 1954, the scientist's body was found in his house. Nearby, on the night table, lay a bitten apple, which, as the examination later showed, was saturated with potassium cyanide. The official version says that Alan committed suicide, the unofficial version says that he was killed by envious people. True, none of the supporters of the version of violent death explains what was envious at that time: Turing was actually hounded, trampled and betrayed into official oblivion.

The good name of the scientist was returned much later. And bashful rumor assigned the main role in the creation of computers and software to the American professor Norbert Wiener, pushing the "non-standard" Turing into the background.

Steve Jobs, having made a bitten and rainbow-colored apple the logo of Apple Corporation, was decades ahead of official authorities. Only in 2009, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called Turing "the loudest victim of homophobia" and said: "On behalf of the British government and all those who live at large thanks to Alan's contribution, I say in all sincerity: forgive us, you deserved much better."

Life around us is full of all kinds of signs and signals, we encounter them every day in different public places: on the streets, in transport, shopping centers, hospitals...
These signs and messages are often encrypted information, the true meaning of which only the initiate knows. So who are these secret messages addressed to and what are they for? BBC Future correspondent tried to find out.

"Inspector Sands, please go to the control room."- if you ever hear such an announcement at a railway station in the UK, don't be alarmed.
Even if from now on you will know that this is a coded message designed to notify the staff that an emergency has arisen in the station building.
Encryption in this case is necessary so that, without sowing panic among passengers, let professionals know about the problem, who can help in solving it.
The topic of cryptology within the shop floor and other communities has been brought up recently by users of the social news site Reddit, and thousands of examples have been given in the course of the ensuing discussion.

Not all secret ciphers are made up of letters and numbers. Some are pictograms that are not easy to notice for the uninitiated.

But what ciphers and codes really exist, and what kind of information is hidden from the public during an emergency and in other non-standard situations?
Let's start with hospitals. There, color codes are usually used as an alarm for employees.
A Canadian hospital recently published its list of indoor signs on the Internet. According to this list, red means fire; white reports aggression; black - about the threat of an explosion.
In addition, everywhere the medical staff uses euphemisms. It is said that in hospitals, doctors sometimes call the mortuary "pink house" - out of respect for the feelings of the relatives of a recently deceased patient.
Marine vessels have their own coding. For example, to alert the ship's crew of emergencies, an announcement is usually made over the loudspeaker, beginning with the words "Mr. Skylight" (a proper name derived from the English word "skylight", or "skylight" - approx. translator).
On the ferry "Estonia", when in the fall of 1994 he was in distress on the way from Tallinn to Stockholm, the following was announced using a speakerphone: "Mr. Skylight, [you're expected] at one and two".

The ferry "Estonia" sank in the Baltic Sea on September 28, 1994; just before the disaster, a message was sounded on the ship for a certain Mr. Skylight

This encoded phrase was supposed to serve as a signal to action - the crew was instructed to urgently batten down the hatches to restore tightness in the hull compartments on the first and second decks.
However, the ship could not be saved, and out of 989 people on board, 852 died.
"As I understand it, there are good enough reasons for such messages to be encrypted," says Paul Baker, a linguist at Lancaster University in the UK. There is no need to disturb people in vain."
However, not only various institutions and services are encrypted, but also all kinds of communities. This is evidenced, in particular, by the numerous examples from life that the participants in the discussion cited on the Reddit website.
Someone told about the employees of the store, who came up with all sorts of special expressions for secret communication, only they understood.
On several occasions, "PEBKAC" was mentioned, a derogatory English term used by computer scientists in relation to some unfortunate users who now and then report another system error. And the problem, according to IT-specialists, is the incompetence of these very users.
The abbreviation PEBKAC (or "Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair") just means that "Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair" (PIMKIK).
There are examples of jargon hidden from the layman in other professional communities.
So, BBC Trending reports on a secret expression used by researchers to exchange articles from scientific journals for free, the content of which is available only by subscription.

The "Eurion Constellation" consisting of rings appears on various currencies; this is what it looks like on a ten pound note

The formula “I can haz PDF” (in the spirit of the popular Internet meme “I can haz cheezburger”) is a hashtag with which any member of the scientific community can now send tweets to colleagues, indicating the article he or she needs at the moment and the contact email address mail.
Those of the dedicated colleagues who have access to the material they are looking for receive the signal and share.
But people looking for a mate through dating sites use a special digital code (437737) if they want to secretly warn a potential partner about their infection.
On the phone disk, where the letters correspond to the numbers, this number corresponds to the word "herpes" in its English spelling ("herpes"); however, all other sexually transmitted diseases are also included.

Cryptography in drawings

However, not all codes consist of letters and numbers. Some are pictograms, which, seemingly being in full view, should not be evident to the uninitiated.
In a BBC Future article last year, it was said that the design of many banknotes includes the so-called "Eurion constellation". This graphic mark, recognized by most duplicators, helps to protect paper money from copying.
We can also find many hidden pictographic symbols on the street. An interesting example is the so-called hoboglyphs.

These inconspicuous graffiti tags, called Hoboglyphs, are for the homeless and point to safe areas, water sources, give information about the police, and more.

This is a system of signs intended for people traveling in search of work and homeless vagrants.
Among other things, hoboglyphs can indicate the quality of water in a nearby spring or warn of the hostility of the owners of a house along the way.
It is said that graffiti gangs also develop their own closed system of symbols and cover the drawings of hostile groups with them.
Discover magazine provides several examples in its 2012 issues. Here are just a couple: "SS" means "South Side" ("South Side"), a faction within the famous graffiti gang of Indianapolis, in the USA; the letter "X", carelessly painted with red paint over other people's graffiti, is a symbol of disrespect.
According to Discover, special software helps police decipher secret graffiti automatically. Such programs are already available even as applications for smartphones.
And on city sidewalks around the world, you can find squiggles painted with spray paint that correspond to the system of conventional signs of builders and engineers.
Recently, an article on the BBC website revealed the meaning of several of these symbols used in the UK.
Different colors correspond to different types of cable or pipes. Blue indicates the water supply system; yellow refers to gas pipes and green refers to outdoor video cameras or data cables.
Secret coding of information in public places is used, of course, for a reason.

According to the sign system adopted in the construction industry, red means electricity; blue - water; green - video cameras or cable networks; white - telecommunication networks

It helps to maintain public order during an emergency, quickly and in an understandable form to provide specialists with the necessary technical information, in a delicate manner to warn representatives of certain social groups about a danger or an opportunity.
However, after you learn about the existence of all these ciphers, it is already difficult to get rid of the feeling that everything around has a conspiracy origin.
Even if we are talking about the transmission of purely practical, everyday information, some kind of conspiracy theory will inevitably come to mind.
It is not surprising, therefore, that this topic is one of the most beloved in social networks.
"People don't like secrets, do they?" says Baker.

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