Telepathy? A surprisingly simple way to discover this gift in yourself! Human superpowers. Telepathy How a person will receive your message


Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ ★Telepathy for dummies. How to learn to read other people's minds.

    ✪ Telepathy. The principle of operation of the telepathic channel.

    ✪ How to develop telepathic abilities. (part 1).


    ✪ Memory training and telepathy


    Greetings. My name is Evgeny Gorobchenko. In this video tutorial we will talk about how to learn telepathy. TELEPATHY IS THE ABILITY TO TRANSMIT THOUGHT AT A DISTANCE. Moreover, this ability is available to almost everyone. After all, have you noticed that in some cases it is possible to guess the thoughts of people without making any special efforts? Therefore, it is quite possible to learn telepathy. Do you know the feeling when you just don't like the other person? You intuitively feel dislike for him without even realizing it. The fact is that when you recognize another person, you seem to be trying to penetrate into his inner world. This is called setting. Similarly with thoughts, by tuning in to another person, you can learn about possible negative intentions on his part. How to do it right in order to protect yourself from possible troubles? 1. For the initial training, you need to agree with the partner that you will convey your thoughts to him. 2. When you learn this, you can already work with strangers. 3. Choose a position that is comfortable for you, straighten your spine, it should be your continuation towards the Cosmos. Relax. Imagine a channel that connects you to open space. Keep it in mind. 4. And now, imagine the image of the person to whom you want to convey your thought. To do this, use the technique of internal dialogue, but the message itself must be clearly articulated. For example, you can imagine your thought in the form of some information ball that penetrates the consciousness of another person. 5. Try to pass this ball to another person. Practice and you will definitely succeed. People who speak with confidence about the possibilities of telepathy have precise recommendations for teaching mind reading and telepathy skills. To read minds is to exchange energy. It is only necessary to direct this energy to reading people's thoughts. But how? Remember the expression that all thoughts are material? This proves the theory that all thoughts are in the same information field. After all, it sometimes happens that different people or people located in different places on the planet saw the same dreams about some event that happened later. Explanations for prophetic dreams are given the same. The main task is to catch the thoughts of a particular person from the general energy-informational flow. Concentration is a marvelous way in trying to learn to read people's minds. Even ancient yogis from India created various breathing exercises, meditation and more. Practice on someone close to you first. so that in the future you can read the thoughts of even a complete stranger. The first thing you must do first is to learn mind control. Through meditation and other relaxation techniques, try to achieve a state of perfect peace of mind. After completing the first paragraph, you will understand that even when you are absolutely calm, the thoughts in your head continue to exist, the brain does not stop working. Learn to control your thoughts. To do this, create a "vacuum", "infinite silence" in your head. Block any thoughts and attempts to create them with your consciousness. Experience will help you turn off the flow of thoughts for a long time. Have you mastered this skill? Let's move on to the next exercise. Find a room that won't let outside noise in. In a closed space, any thought can create energy fluctuations - this is what physicists say. Find a test subject. Let him think about some event that happened recently, and in which you also took part. The partner should not report the event he is thinking about. He should sit in a comfortable position, without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Sit next to him. Relax your mind, thereby preparing it. The meditation process should not be unnecessarily long, as the subject will get tired of waiting for you. Let your thoughts become free, and silence will appear in your consciousness. Try to catch the direction of your partner's thoughts. After a while, fragments of the event will appear to you, make sure that they are not a figment of your imagination. When you understand what the pictures roughly show and make sure that they came from outside, discuss what you saw with your partner. This exercise usually needs to be repeated a number of times before you can fully relax and focus on the other person's mental images. Over time, the partner will be able to go to any distance and think about completely different things. You just need to master this exercise, and then it will be much easier. Is telepathy harmful? No, telepathy is not harmful, because it does not waste internal non-renewable resources of the body. Sometimes, after class, it can hurt or "buzz the head out of habit. This is due to overexertion during the session. Benefits of telepathy secondly, in emergency or life-threatening situations, you can read people's thoughts, better navigate. Thirdly, for people in high positions or businessmen, this telepathy technique is indispensable. Plus, it's extremely interesting! Results Much in our world cannot be explained by simple logical laws, nevertheless it exists. Also with telepathy. Superpowers seem like a fairy tale to us, but there are people with them. they got it. And you can do it too! If you have taken something useful for yourself in this training video tutorial, like me, subscribe to my channel. This video was recorded by Evgeny Gorobchenko. Bye bye.


The "Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology" formulates the fundamental difference between telepathy and thought transmission at a distance:

In telepathic "communication," the transmitting party may not be aware that it is acting as an agent, and the receiving party may not consciously prepare itself to receive the thought. Telepathy cannot be the object of an experiment, while thought transmission at a distance can. Thought transmission is a rudimentary property. Telepathy is a highly developed mode of paranormal perception and is usually "mechanism" driven by strong feelings.

Original text (English)

In telepathy the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an agent and the receiver does not consciously prepare himself for the reception. Telepathy cannot be made a subject of experiments while thought transference can. Thought-transference is a rudimentary faculty. Telepathy is a well-developed mode of supernormal perception and is usually brought into play by the influence of very strong emotions.

The need for such a division was also recognized by the researchers of the "old school". Frank Podmore, a skeptic, said: "While it is legitimate to attempt to correlate the two types of phenomena, it is hardly worth attempting to make a spontaneous phenomenon of this kind the basis of a theory of telepathy." Myers, who opposed Podomor, believed that "... telepathy as a property of the mind must undoubtedly exist in the Universe, if a disembodied mind is present in the universe at all."

In parapsychology, several types of telepathy are considered, in particular, latent (“delayed”) and emotive (English emotive telepathy), as well as retrocognitive, precognitive and intuitive telepathy (depending on whether the transmitted information concerns the past, future or present).

There is also a division into physical, sensory and mental forms of telepathy.


Belief in the existence of the phenomenon of telepathy goes back to ancient times. According to N. Fodor, by itself "prayer can be seen as an attempt at telepathic communication with a higher being". It has been suggested that telepathy underlies intuition, in particular intuitive likes and dislikes. It was believed that the "feeling of a look" or someone's approach is also the result of receiving and processing telepathic signals by the brain.

Many paranormal researchers consider telepathy and suggestion to be related phenomena, especially when hypnosis is carried out at a distance. Myers called this phenomenon "telepathic hypnotism" (eng. telepathic hypnotism).

Manifestation Reports

Among the most famous examples of telepathic messages is the case of Major General R., described in the Protocols of the OPI, vol. I. p. 6. . On September 9, 1848, being seriously wounded during the siege of Multan (then still in the position of regimental adjutant) and deciding that the end was near, he asked to remove the ring from his finger and give it to his wife, who was 150 miles from the battlefield. The latter claimed that she was half asleep when she clearly saw her husband being carried away from the battlefield and heard his voice: “Remove this ring from my finger and send it to my wife.” Subsequently, as stated in the documents of the OPI, the reliability of what happened on both sides was convincingly confirmed.

The woman's determination not to tell anyone about this unpleasant incident (as N. Fodor notes), apparently, indicates that a telepathic message can be not only unconscious, but also directly contradict the intentions of consciousness.

Telepathy and animals

There have been suggestions that the phenomenon of telepathy exists not only in the human community. Perhaps the most striking example of an animal-human telepathic connection was described by Rider Haggard in Journal of the S.P.R. in October 1904. On the night of July 7, 1904, Mrs. Haggard heard her husband making strange noises in his sleep, like the groans of a wounded animal. Waking up, the writer told her that he experienced in a dream "a painful feeling of constriction", as if from suffocation. At the same time, he was aware that he sees the world through the eyes of his dog:

I saw old Bob lying on his side in the bushes near the water. My own personality was mysteriously transferred to the dog, whose muzzle lifted up at some unnatural angle. Bob seemed to be trying to speak to me and, unable to convey the meaning of the sounds, conveyed in his mind a very clear idea that he was dying.

The Haggard dog named Bob was indeed found dead four days later in the water with a crushed skull and broken paws. He was hit by a train on a bridge and thrown into the water. The bloody collar was found on the bridge the morning after the night when its owner allegedly had a prophetic dream. William J. Long (eng. William j. long) in the book How Animals Talk (eng. How Animals Talk) described numerous cases of telepathic communication among animals, in particular, in packs of wolves, where the cubs, apparently, obey silent signals sent by the mother. N. Fodor assumed that the phenomenon of the famous horses from Elberfeld could serve as an example of telepathic transmission of information - from a person to an animal.

Telepathy and mediumship

The phenomenon of telepathy and the supposed possibility of transmitting thoughts and images at a distance (sometimes simultaneously to several recipients) was a stumbling block in disputes between spiritualists and supporters of theories related to telepathy. The latter suggested that the messages received by mediums at spiritualistic sessions are only telepathically "caught" from the information field created by those present.

An attempt has been made to classify visions as a type of telepathic hallucination. Frank Podmore, one of the leaders of the British Society for Psychical Research, was the main proponent and propagandist of this theory. It was to this problem that his most famous book, Visions and Thought Transmission, was devoted. Apparitions and Thought Transference, 1894).

F. W. Myers believed that telepathy alone could not explain the nature of visions. He put forward the theory of "psychic invasion", as a result of which a certain phantasmogenetic center (eng. phantasmogenetic center) arises in the environment surrounding the percipient.

Nevertheless, parapsychologists who are skeptical about the spiritualistic phenomenon believe that it is the theory of telepathic communication that can somehow plausibly explain the results of the so-called "cross-correspondence" conducted at the beginning of the twentieth century with the participation of several mediums who were in different countries and even on different continents.

Telepathy and psychoactive drugs

Some travelers who have consumed Banisteriopsis caapi creeper extract in the Amazon rainforest as part of an ayahuasca drink have noted the presence of telepathic-like effects in the altered state of consciousness caused by the drink. The Colombian doctor Guillermo Fischer Cardenas, who first isolated the active substance of the liana (), called it "telepathin"; later it turned out that it is identical to harmine, isolated from the seeds of the common harmala.

Effects similar to telepathy were sometimes noted by Stanislav Grof in subjects in the course of research on psychotherapy using LSD.

Attempts at explanation

Although there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of telepathy, since the 19th century, several theories of varying degrees of scientificity have been developed that attempt to explain this phenomenon. One of the most popular theories that seemed to explain the phenomenon of telepathy was the so-called "wave theory". One of its supporters was William Crooks, who suggested the existence of some "ethereal" waves of small amplitude and a higher frequency than gamma radiation, which, "penetrating" the human brain, are capable of evoking in the recipient's brain an image similar to the original one.

Opponents of the theory noted that the intensity of wave radiation weakens in proportion to the square of the distance, and the telepathic image, according to reports, can remain bright even at a great distance, moreover, it often takes symbolic or modified forms. Cases have been noted when a dying person appeared before the mind's eye of the recipient in the color of his powers and in no way expressed suffering by his appearance. “Mr. L. Dies of heart disease while in bed. About this time, Mr. N. J. S. sees Mr. L. standing not far from him with a cheerful expression, dressed as if for a walk and with a cane in his hand. It is impossible to understand how some system of physical vibrations could transform physical facts in this way, ”Myers wrote.

Telepathy and psychoanalysis

The Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (article by Sophia de Miyolla-Mellore) interprets telepathy as a process that occurs "... when a physical act performed by one person results in the performance of the same physical act by another person" .

Several hypotheses regarding the possibility of direct transmission of thought from one person to another were developed by Sigmund Freud. He considered telepathy to be a rudimentary means of communication between people and perhaps "a physical process that has become mental - at the two ends of the communication chain." Issues related to telepathy were also interested in Karl Jung and Sandor Ferenczi.

Freud's attitude towards telepathy was ambivalent. On the one hand, he viewed it as a direct path leading to the depths of the subconscious, on the other hand, he treated the phenomenon with caution, fearing that psychoanalysts experimenting with it risk being put on the same level with occultists.

Scientific research and verifiability

In the middle of the 20th century, when the topic of “paranormal” phenomena was widely covered in the popular press, Zener cards were most widely used as a method for testing telepathic abilities. Many members of the scientific community often argue that in no serious study, the effect of telepathy has yielded better results than the average results of simple guessing.

In Nazi Germany, there was a service " SS Ahnenerbe", Which was engaged not only in the occult, but also in the study of telepathy and the search for knowledge with its help. Prominent scientists were also involved in telepathy research - in particular, academician Vladimir Bekhterev. Numerous laboratory studies were carried out on people who called themselves "psychics" - for example, Ninel Kulagina and Wolf Messing. Despite a significant amount of testing and spending, experiments with telepathy have not been able to definitively reveal its existence.


The Polish writer and philosopher Stanisław Lem put forward the "evolutionary" argument against telepathy as the main one:

... the number of people who have seen, heard or experienced "telepathic phenomena", whatever it may be, is close to zero compared to the number of "experiments" that natural evolution has carried out during the existence of the species, over billions of years. And if evolution failed to “accumulate” telepathic signs, then this means that there was nothing to accumulate, sift out and condense.

Thought transfer via implantation of chips

According to some researchers (in particular, those who consider themselves to be transhumanists), although telepathy does not exist, in the future it is possible to create new ways of transmitting thoughts using high technologies. One of the ideologists of this direction is Kevin Warwick, a participant in the development of a safe technology implemented in practice for connecting the nervous systems of several organisms with each other and a computer. He believes that "telepathy" implemented by scientific means may become an important form of communication in the future. According to Warwick, this technology will gain widespread popularity due to natural selection, for the reason that many will need "telepathy" for economic and social reasons. Similar ideas were expressed by the leading Russian neuroscientist Konstantin Anokhin

In early 2013, scientists at Durham University, in the course of experiments on implanting electrodes into the brain, for the first time experimentally proved the possibility of interaction between two consciousnesses bypassing the signal system (i.e. without the mediation of sounds, symbols, signs, colors, etc.). Rats were implanted with electrodes in the same points of the brain and forced to solve a joint task. At the same time, the rats themselves were in different cities, and the electrical voltage that appeared when solving the problem on the electrode of the first rat was removed and transmitted via the Internet to the electrode of another rat, restoring in its brain those electrical impulses that the first rat produced. According to scientists, the rats were not able to understand that they were being influenced in any way from the outside, so the second rat did not perceive these impulses as an external signal. The first rat had to solve the problem, the correct solution of which received a reward, but only if the second rat, which did not have the information necessary for this, made the same decision. When the second rat made a mistake, both rats did not receive food. In this case, the first rat repeated the correct actions until the second did them too. Both rats did not know anything about the existence of each other, feeling the other, according to scientists, as something in their minds. Thus, the second rat in making a decision was guided by "intuition", "inner feeling" - impulses from the first rat. The result of the second rat was 70% correct answers, which significantly exceeds the number of correct answers in case of random coincidence.


  • "From the point of view of science: Telepathy" (Eng. "Telepathy Investigated") - a popular science film shot by the National Geographic Society as part of the series "From the point of view of science" (Eng. Naked Science) in 2007.

see also


  • Aleksandrov E. B."Natural science in the world spirits" // Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research In defense of science. - 2015. - No. 15.


  • Alexander Kitaigorodsky."Renix" (excerpts from book)
  • V. Lebedev."Eternity myth about extrasensory perception"
  • Stanislav Lem."Psychic Phenomena" (from The Sum of Technology)
  • M. Muravyova. Mind-reading will become a reality. Interview with K. Anokhin
  • Guillaume Gustave. The specifics of clairvoyance as preconsciousness // Guillaume G. Principles of theoretical linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1992, pp. 146-147


  1. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Telepathy (indefinite) . (2008). Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  2. philosophy dictionary. Telepathy (indefinite) . Retrieved January 6, 2010. Archived from the original on June 2, 2012.
  3. National Science Board. Chapter 7: Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding (indefinite) . Science and Engineering Indicators 2006. National Science Foundation (2006). Date of treatment September 3, 2010. Archived from the original on August 22, 2011.

    “…[A]bout three-fourths of Americans hold at least one pseudoscientific belief; i.e., they believed in at least 1 of the 10 survey items… Those 10 items were extrasensory perception (ESP), that houses can be haunted, ghosts/that spirits of dead people can come back in certain places/situations, telepathy/communication between minds without using traditional senses, clairvoyance/the power of the mind to know the past and predict the future, astrology/that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives, that people can communicate mentally with someone who has died , witches, reincarnation/the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death, and channeling/allowing a "spirit-being" to temporarily assume control of a body."

Telepathy is a term used to refer to the transmission of thoughts and feelings at a distance without the help of any orthodox means of communication through ordinary channels of sensation. Associated with intuition, foreboding. The term "telepathy" in translation means "the way of feeling."

Telepathy is an amazing manifestation of the work of the subconscious, the most common parapsychological phenomenon. When "reading thoughts" in the mind of a person, it is mainly intuition that works, and not the logical principle.

There is so much evidence of the transmission and reception of thoughts from one person to another that it is simply excluded. In our time, scientists have confirmed the possibility of telepathy, but the mechanism of this phenomenon is still not unraveled.

Telepathy sleeps in each of us!

Mind-controlled telepathy is not a superpower of individuals.

Let's remember: has it ever happened to you that you somehow perceived the rather complex thoughts of another person, which are in no way connected with a specific situation? Did you understand what a person would talk about even before he opened his mouth? Have you ever heard in your address: “You directly read my thoughts!”? Did you think of someone, and then met this person, or did he call? In this case, you can be congratulated, you have telepathic abilities and from time to time absolutely intuitively use them in everyday life. But more often than not, you, like any sane person, simply do not attach importance to such glimpses of your gift. And in vain ...

Everything in the Universe is a wave, and every wave has something material at its base. For example, radio stations pick up waves of certain frequencies, converting them, and people can listen to music and news on the radio. Every thought is also a wave.

People think by generating thoughts and at the same time emit different waves. And if a person can radiate, then he must be able to receive them. So, it is also true that every person has an innate ability to telepathy!

In parallel worlds, events take place in their own way, they ...

Start of research

Regular research into extraordinary manifestations in the field of the psyche, including "mind reading", was begun as early as 1882, when the "Society for Psychical Research" was created in London under the leadership of Professor Barratt and Frederick W. H. Myers. Among the unique ones who passed the test, three people aroused particular interest. So, a young resident of London easily described the drawings shown behind her or called the written word, if the person standing behind her mentally imagined it. A young Peruvian woman, who did not know English, put together “translated” words from unfamiliar letters. True, for this the researcher had to keep his hand on her shoulder. And a simple clerk, Irwin Bishop, "reading" the mental information from the participants in the experiment, easily found certain things in the room. When asked how he does it, Bishop replied: "I just see where to go and what to take."

Four levels of telepathy

Telepathic information is carried out at several levels.

The first level - it is an undefined nature of anxiety, which is not directed at a specific object.

The second level of telepathy is an emotional impulse that is directed at a certain person, accompanied by a feeling, a premonition like "something is about to happen."

The third level - information is given about events that relate to a particular person. Such events are more often symbolic.

The fourth level is characterized by the perception of both larger and smaller numbers of events, images and actions. At times, the perceived image gradually emerges in the recipient's ideas.


A large-scale experiment on telepathy was carried out relatively recently ...

1971 - the results of four telepathic sessions that were conducted between the Apollo 14 spacecraft and the Earth became known: out of 200 images of "Zener maps" transmitted by astronaut Mitchell to Earth, 51 coincided. The probability of chance in this situation was negligible and amounted to 0, 0003%. By that time, numerous mind-reading experiments had already been carried out all over the world in situations where other channels of communication were not available or desirable. They gave an unexpected result: it turned out that spontaneous telepathy is a fairly common phenomenon. More often it manifests itself in close people. 10–15% of the subjects were able to receive information consistently even at a considerable distance in this way. And 70% of the participants in the experiments did this half the time. At the same time, another curious fact was established: only a few manage to transmit something to other people, and even then quite rarely.

Empirically, it was established that the telepathic way of communication does not require knowledge of foreign languages ​​and understanding in this case is not based on the vocabulary of words. There is, for example, a case with a certain psychic T. D. He asked 5 Englishmen who wished to meet with him some kind of telepathic actions. To each his own action, and each did his own: got up, sat down, etc. Then the telepath asked them to come up with a question, but not pronounce it. And then he said the answer aloud to each.

Cases of telepathy

This happened at the end of World War I in Poland. Merna, the bride of a soldier Stanislav Omensky, received a notice that her fiancé was missing. 1918, autumn - she had a dream. She saw Stanislav, who made his way in the darkness along some long corridor. The visions were repeated several times, and a year later, in a dream, the girl saw a ruined castle on top of a hill. From under the ruins, she heard the voice of her fiancé calling to her. Everything repeated again and again. And then Merna went in search of the castle. It was a journey without a route. 1920, April 25 - the girl reached a village in southern Poland and saw the same castle. When the ruins began to dismantle, they heard a human cry. As it turned out, Stanislav was under a pile of stones in the dungeon. And he lived there for about 2 years, eating cheese and wine, surrounded by rats. So a dream helped save a loved one.

Two cases of teleportation over many hundreds of kilometers occurred in ...

There are many stories when the behavior of pets changed dramatically when the owner, who was thousands of kilometers away, got into trouble or died. The opposite examples are also known. So, the writer Rider Haggard in 1904 published a story that happened to him. One night while sleeping, he experienced a sensation of suffocation. At the same time, he was aware that at this time he sees the world through the eyes of his dog Bob. Then Haggard saw him lying in a thicket near the water. As it turned out later, it was at that moment that the dog was hit by a train and ended up in the water.

Another curious example was recorded in 1759. This happened during the famous Stockholm fire, when almost the entire city burned down. According to eyewitnesses, the famous scientist von Swedenborg, who was in Gothenburg, which is 50 miles from Stockholm, suddenly announced to those present about the disaster that had befallen the capital of Sweden. Modern parapsychologists explain this case by the fact that the scientist accepted the pleas for help from his close friend, whose house burned to the ground.

From the history

The famous chemist, physician and theosophist of the Middle Ages, Paracelsus, said that he managed to discover the “world spirit”, with the help of which the scientist could establish contact with people who were at a great distance from him.

It is known from history that one of the first theologians, Thomas Aquinas, could easily read the thoughts of the people around him. Scientists have repeatedly raised the question that Jeanne d'Arc could convince the Dauphin that her mission is holy, only because word for word she repeated the text of his prayer, which no one knew about.

I saw a human form dissolved like fog, passing through ... a wall ...

Wolf Messing

The most striking example of the fact that hypnotic telepathy exists is the hypnotist Wolf Messing.

Without much effort, he could work with a person at a distance, inspiring his thoughts. Such his amazing ability made him a world celebrity. High government officials tried to get to his reception, trying to use his gift for their own purposes, because Messing was able not only to inspire any person with the necessary information, but also to read other people's thoughts.

The hypnotist himself has repeatedly said that his gift is just constant long-term training and work on himself. Moreover, he argued that every person can develop this kind of ability in himself, only willpower, a great desire and faith in success are needed.

Intelligence experiments

There is a lot of information about attempts to use telepathy for military purposes. Experiments of this kind were carried out both in the USSR and in America. So, in the 1970s, the CIA, together with American intelligence, launched the secret Stargate project, in which they planned to use clairvoyants and telepaths to extract intelligence information and transmit it over long distances. In particular, the experiments included attempts to transmit images that the recipient was supposed to reproduce. As a result, the special services came to the conclusion that telepathy exists, but is of little use for practical application. In the 1990s, the Stargate project was closed.

How to learn telepathy?

In order to learn telepathy, one must be able to visualize and concentrate.

Human consciousness is very associative: it uses different images that carry a large amount of information.

1. The practitioner sits or lies down in a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

2. Gradually, he begins to enter a meditative state of consciousness. To do this, it relaxes the muscles of the body and face. Feeling relaxed, you should focus on your breathing, feel each inhalation and exhalation. Gradually, this will be able to stop the flow of thoughts (internal dialogue).

3. Feeling immersed in a deep trance, the practitioner should visualize the face of the person to whom he wants to transmit thoughts. Represent the face should be as realistic as possible!

4. Now above the face, the practitioner begins to create an image of a seven-pointed star on a blue background. Inside the star, you need to imagine a white triangle with its apex up so that it coincides with the top of the star.

5. The practitioner continues to visualize the star and triangle figure, making it bright and clear. At the same time, without ceasing to hold the face of the object.

6. After a while, he will feel that the communication channel is ready, and begins to send a thought, internally repeating it clearly. The practitioner imagines how the figure above the face seems to resonate, vibrate, for each pronunciation of a thought and transfer it to the right person.

7. After 5-10 minutes. practice can be stopped.

Everything that lies beyond comprehension invariably arouses interest or frightens. The superpowers that the main characters of films and books can boast of are sometimes claimed by ordinary people living among us.

The gift of telepathy one of the most common skills in the resume of magicians, fortune-tellers and everyone who considers themselves close to the world of the unknown. What is behind this term?

A telepath is a person who can transmit your thoughts to another subject at a certain distance, feelings without verbal or any other contact (except mental).

The one to whom the mental message is transmitted may be at arm's length or at a significant distance. The distance is determined by the degree of preparedness and the strength of the telepath.

It is believed that units with a special gift can practice suggestion. But in some sources there is an idea that this is art can be developed through training.

Origin of definition

Telepathy is defined as the ability "feel at a distance"(Greek). In this case, the transfer of information is carried out in both directions. That is, a telepath can not only “put a certain thought into the head” of his opponent, but also “read” what the interlocutor thought about.

Before 1882 such a concept could already exist, but the term as such did not exist. He was introduced F. Meiser- Founder of the Society for Psychical Research (UK). Together with his followers, he conducted a number of studies (including practical ones) aimed at understanding the phenomenon of thought transmission at a distance.

Similar work was later carried out by scientists in other countries, but so far telepathy has not received official recognition. But even official psychology and medicine in general is difficult to deny the phenomenon, for example, Wolf Messing.

Telepaths are able to transmit and receive the mood and emotions of an opponent. In this case, it is about sensual variety phenomenon. The highest degree of skill is such a situation when the recipient does not perceive the messages coming to him as alien. A person with whom a pro telepath works will think that these are his own sensations, images.

Translation of thoughts- another kind of unique ability. For the most part, this skill is described in the literature as telepathy. Undoubtedly, such skills are of interest to different categories of people. It is very tempting to know what everyone around you is thinking and be able to influence their thought process.

In addition, there is gradation into conscious and unconscious telepathy. In the first case, the process is initiated and controlled by a person with superpowers. Unconscious transmission or reception of thoughts may appear unexpectedly. It often comes as a surprise to those who suddenly feel the influence of others.

Why transmission becomes possible and how to develop this ability

The mechanism for the emergence of telepathy is described as the transfer of thoughts, images, memories and sensations directly to the brain from one participant in the process to another. Broadcasting takes place on a special unique channel that does not apply to none of the 5 astral senses.

That is, neither sight, nor touch, nor smell, nor anything else is involved in the process. A separate “organ” is responsible for receiving signals of brain activity. In practical yoga it is known as glandula pinalis.

It is a mistake to assume that the gift to read and transmit thoughts is available only to a few. In fact, you can become a telepath, because everyone has a piece of such a gift. The most striking example is the invisible connection between children and parents. Many cases have been described when close people felt each other's pain at a great distance.

It is possible to learn how to translate images and feelings into the brain of another person, but the process will be long. In addition, one must take into account the personal degree of predisposition to such a gift. Some will succeed in a successful exchange of information, and for some, the “ceiling” will be guessing the simplest pictures and plots conceived by the opponent.

Here are some tips where to start training.

  • Find like-minded helpers.
  • Perform the simplest tasks: one remembers arbitrary drawn geometric shapes, chooses a specific one, tries to mentally imagine and “transmit” it. Another participant in the experiment, without hesitation, tries to "catch" the thought and name the figure.
  • Develop observation, intuition (for example, watching people on the subway, try to guess where this or that passenger will go or what this or that passenger will do).

You can trust telepaths or write off their skills for a lucky coincidence. But to ignore the fact that they are, will not work. Would you like to join their ranks? Be prepared to train and use abilities without malicious intent.

It would seem that, what could be more attractive than learning to read other people's minds. The Greek word "telepathy" itself means "sense at a distance". For many years to this phenomenon was of interest not only to venerable scientists, but also to the classics of literature: what are "Olesya" by Alexander Kuprin, "Jean-Christophe" by Romain Rolland What is it, a form of fraud, or is it all the same a special gift available to few?

Today under telepathy implied transmission of thoughts and sensations at a distance without the mediation of the senses. Moreover, neither a large distance, nor ignorance of a foreign language can serve as an obstacle to this kind of communication. There are many phenomena of spontaneous telepathy in the world. A mother who knows what the child in the next room is doing, in love, feeling all the nuances of the mood of her beloved There are a lot of examples of this kind of telepathy, and, probably, almost all of us have ever practiced it. By the way, it has been scientifically proven that spouses who live together for a long time telepathy manifests itself best.

How it works?

Today, telepathy is considered highly developed mode of paranormal perception. It is known that it was not difficult for the sages of Egypt, India and the East to "switch" into this mode to read the minds of the people of the crowd. However, centuries later, the sacred knowledge of telepathy was lost: for skeptics today, telepathy is known as a fairy tale, a silly fiction for children.

Today it is considered that telepathy as such is subdivided into sensible and conceivable. Arising spontaneously and without any control from consciousness, sensual telepathy is a kind of vibration of our emotions. And if sensual telepathy is associated with emotional contagion, That conceivable telepathy is based on direct volitional rational awareness sensations similar to those of another person.

Many of us intuitively possess sensory telepathy at a primitive level. However, scientists say that with a strong desire, you can develop both types of telepathy. The main thing is to be physically and mentally healthy, and to be able to accumulate a sufficiently large supply of mental energy.

The voice of science

There is a point of view that the phenomenon of telepathy can be explained high-frequency radiation emitted by human brain cells. However, scientists have recently shown that every thought is material. The thought process is organized in such a way that the neurons in our brain constantly emit positive or negative charges. Respectively, any stream of thoughts turns into a kind of signal transmission - it remains only to decipher it.

And our eastern colleagues recently found body responsible for telepathy and clairvoyance. It turned out to be epiphysis. It is he who, as the "third eye", is depicted in the paintings and murals of temples. No wonder Buddhists spend so much time in meditation and strenuous spiritual work. If the result is gaining psychic abilities why not meditate an extra six hours a day?

invisible threads

Telepathic effects can also manifest in our four-legged friends. One American moved from Ohio to Pennsylvania, leaving his beloved cat Muddy at home. Three years later, looking out the window, he saw a rather emaciated cat scratching against the door with a plaintive meow. The animal traveled 157 kilometers to reunite with its owner. How did the cat find his way on his long journey? It is quite possible that he was able to run such a distance thanks to the telepathic connection established with his owner. It was telepathy that served as the fateful beacon that helped Muddy find his new home.

Despite the fact that today many are skeptical about such a phenomenon as telepathy, one cannot deny the obvious facts of telepathic phenomena that take place. As Kuprin wrote: Without a doubt, there are some secret invisible threads through which the thoughts of one person can instantly communicate with the thoughts of another, even if they have just met on the street".

Telepathy is a natural human ability. And waking her up is not difficult at all! Learn an amazingly simple way to learn to read other people's minds!

What is telepathy?

Telepathy¹ is the ability of the human brain to transmit thoughts and feelings from one person to another regardless of distance.

Do you want to be able to “get into the head of another” and know what his thoughts and real motives are? Surely such a desire came to you at least once in your life.

Many books have been written about it and many films have been made. Suffice it to recall one of the most famous: “What do women want?”

A gift that everyone has!

The most interesting thing is that everyone wants it!

Children in their dreams imagine how they have the opportunity to communicate mentally with their friends. Older people admit this possibility, even though telepathy is considered something mysterious, impossible.

Perhaps dreams of telepathy are the memory of a superpower inherent in everyone?

In fact, every person has this gift, he just “sleeps”.

How to "awaken" telepathic abilities?

There is an easy way to develop the ability to transmit and read thoughts.

You can do a simple exercise and find out how advanced your gift for telepathy is, so that you can develop it later.

The technique described below will, over time, improve the ability to hear other people's thoughts and transmit your own (). You will learn to send and receive signals (thoughts and feelings) from another person, like a radio station.

The possibilities that open up with developed telepathy are simply indescribable and excite the imagination!

Practice Requirements

For this practice, two conditions must be met:

  • the presence of a partner (for a start, a person you trust is suitable, then it will be useful to practice with people of different sex, age, profession and religion);
  • a quiet place (where no one will distract, break concentration).

The results of this practice will convince you that you really have the ability to telepathy!

How to carry out the technique?

1. You need to sit opposite each other - the practitioner sits opposite the partner.

2. Everyone will need a piece of paper and a pen.

It is necessary to distribute the roles: first one will broadcast the signal, and the other will receive it.

3. Participants need to relax, focus and let go of all thoughts.

A simple observation of your breathing is good for this. For a few minutes, you need to concentrate on this process: a deep breath and exhale. Soon a relaxed, close to meditative state will come.

4. The practitioner sends the signal to his partner first.


The partner should not see what is shown on paper!

5. The practitioner memorizes the image and imagines how it "rises" from the page into the air.

6. You need to fully concentrate on this image, imagine how it hangs in the air between the practitioner and the partner.

7. Next, you need to give the image volume and color. It is enough to concentrate on it for about 30 seconds, make an imaginary figure three-dimensional, “draw” the details, fill it with color, without losing sight of the overall picture as a whole.

8. Now you can let go of a full-fledged figure: imagine that your partner also saw her, imagine how the image enters his head, into his brain.

9. Then you need to ask your partner to sketch out what first came to his mind (whatever it was). He must depict that thought, that image in his head that appeared at that moment.

A partner can depict an airplane instead of a bird, a dandelion instead of a tree with a lush crown. But schematically, the drawings will look similar: the same direction, similar curves, proportions and details.

Ideally, the partner should see the image in a three-dimensional perspective and say what color it is.

Then you need to switch roles with a partner, acting as the person receiving the signal, and repeat the practice.


Don't expect instant results! It might not work the first time. The ability needs to be developed, and this can be done only with the help of regular practice.

The ability to mental communication is inherent in each of us - this must always be remembered!

Training must be continued until a clear result appears, and after that - continue to improve this gift.

As a result, you will be able to connect to the general mental background of people or the thoughts of a particular person, as well as transmit your thoughts to others - telepathy will open up new opportunities and can radically change your life for the better!

Confused about methods? Not sure if you are on the right track? Perhaps from birth you have inclinations for completely different abilities! Learn about them for free from your personal diagnostics. To do this, just follow the link >>>

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy - the ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation (

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