Soon people will see magnetic field lines. What is a magnetic field


Why you need the Earth's magnetic field, you will learn from this article.

What is the value of the earth's magnetic field?

First of all, it protects artificial satellites and the inhabitants of the planet from the action of particles from space. These include charged, ionized particles of the solar wind. When they enter our atmosphere, the magnetic field changes their trajectory and directs them along the field line.

In addition, we entered the era of new technologies thanks to our magnetic field. All modern, advanced devices that work using a variety of memory drives (disks, cards) depend directly on the magnetic field. Its tension and stability directly affects absolutely all information, computer systems, since all the information necessary for their proper operation is placed on magnetic media.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the prosperity of modern civilization, the "viability" of its technologies closely depends on the state of the magnetic field of our planet.

What is the earth's magnetic field?

Earth's magnetic field is an area around the planet where magnetic forces act.

As for its origin, this issue has not yet been finally resolved. But most researchers are inclined to believe that our planet owes the presence of a magnetic field to the core. It consists of an inner solid part and an outer liquid part. The rotation of the Earth contributes to constant currents in the liquid core. And this leads to the emergence of a magnetic field around them.

Most of the planets in the solar system have magnetic fields to varying degrees. If you place them in a row according to the decrease in the dipole magnetic moment, you get the following picture: Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mercury and Mars. The main reason for its occurrence is the presence of a liquid core.

Let's understand together what a magnetic field is. After all, many people live in this field all their lives and do not even think about it. Time to fix it!

A magnetic field

A magnetic field is a special kind of matter. It manifests itself in the action on moving electric charges and bodies that have their own magnetic moment (permanent magnets).

Important: a magnetic field does not act on stationary charges! A magnetic field is also created by moving electric charges, or by a time-varying electric field, or by the magnetic moments of electrons in atoms. That is, any wire through which current flows also becomes a magnet!

A body that has its own magnetic field.

A magnet has poles called north and south. The designations "northern" and "southern" are given only for convenience (as "plus" and "minus" in electricity).

The magnetic field is represented by force magnetic lines. The lines of force are continuous and closed, and their direction always coincides with the direction of the field forces. If metal shavings are scattered around a permanent magnet, the metal particles will show a clear picture of magnetic field lines emerging from the north and entering the south pole. Graphical characteristic of the magnetic field - lines of force.

Magnetic field characteristics

The main characteristics of the magnetic field are magnetic induction, magnetic flux And magnetic permeability. But let's talk about everything in order.

Immediately, we note that all units of measurement are given in the system SI.

Magnetic induction B - vector physical quantity, which is the main power characteristic of the magnetic field. Denoted by letter B . The unit of measurement of magnetic induction - Tesla (Tl).

Magnetic induction indicates how strong a field is by determining the force with which it acts on a charge. This force is called Lorentz force.

Here q - charge, v - its speed in a magnetic field, B - induction, F is the Lorentz force with which the field acts on the charge.

F- a physical quantity equal to the product of magnetic induction by the area of ​​the contour and the cosine between the induction vector and the normal to the plane of the contour through which the flow passes. Magnetic flux is a scalar characteristic of a magnetic field.

We can say that the magnetic flux characterizes the number of magnetic induction lines penetrating a unit area. The magnetic flux is measured in Weberach (Wb).

Magnetic permeability is the coefficient that determines the magnetic properties of the medium. One of the parameters on which the magnetic induction of the field depends is the magnetic permeability.

Our planet has been a huge magnet for several billion years. The induction of the Earth's magnetic field varies depending on the coordinates. At the equator, it is about 3.1 times 10 to the minus fifth power of Tesla. In addition, there are magnetic anomalies, where the value and direction of the field differ significantly from neighboring areas. One of the largest magnetic anomalies on the planet - Kursk And Brazilian magnetic anomaly.

The origin of the Earth's magnetic field is still a mystery to scientists. It is assumed that the source of the field is the liquid metal core of the Earth. The core is moving, which means that the molten iron-nickel alloy is moving, and the movement of charged particles is the electric current that generates the magnetic field. The problem is that this theory geodynamo) does not explain how the field is kept stable.

The earth is a huge magnetic dipole. The magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic ones, although they are in close proximity. Moreover, the Earth's magnetic poles are moving. Their displacement has been recorded since 1885. For example, over the past hundred years, the magnetic pole in the Southern Hemisphere has shifted by almost 900 kilometers and is now in the Southern Ocean. The pole of the Arctic hemisphere is moving across the Arctic Ocean towards the East Siberian magnetic anomaly, the speed of its movement (according to 2004 data) was about 60 kilometers per year. Now there is an acceleration of the movement of the poles - on average, the speed is growing by 3 kilometers per year.

What is the significance of the Earth's magnetic field for us? First of all, the Earth's magnetic field protects the planet from cosmic rays and the solar wind. Charged particles from deep space do not fall directly to the ground, but are deflected by a giant magnet and move along its lines of force. Thus, all living things are protected from harmful radiation.

During the history of the Earth, there have been several inversions(changes) of magnetic poles. Pole inversion is when they change places. The last time this phenomenon occurred about 800 thousand years ago, and there were more than 400 geomagnetic reversals in the history of the Earth. Some scientists believe that, given the observed acceleration of the movement of the magnetic poles, the next pole reversal should be expected in the next couple of thousand years.

Fortunately, no reversal of poles is expected in our century. So, you can think about the pleasant and enjoy life in the good old constant field of the Earth, having considered the main properties and characteristics of the magnetic field. And so that you can do this, there are our authors, who can be entrusted with some of the educational troubles with confidence in success! and other types of work you can order at the link.

It is a force field that acts on electric charges and on bodies that are in motion and have a magnetic moment, regardless of the state of their motion. The magnetic field is part of the electromagnetic field.

The current of charged particles or the magnetic moments of electrons in atoms create a magnetic field. Also, a magnetic field arises as a result of certain temporal changes in the electric field.

The magnetic field induction vector B is the main power characteristic of the magnetic field. In mathematics, B = B (X,Y,Z) is defined as a vector field. This concept serves to define and specify the physical magnetic field. In science, the vector of magnetic induction is often simply, for brevity, called the magnetic field. Obviously, such an application allows some free interpretation of this concept.

Another characteristic of the magnetic field of the current is the vector potential.

In the scientific literature, one can often find that the main characteristic of the magnetic field, in the absence of a magnetic medium (vacuum), is the vector of the magnetic field strength. Formally, this situation is quite acceptable, since in vacuum the magnetic field strength vector H and the magnetic induction vector B coincide. At the same time, the magnetic field strength vector in a magnetic medium is not filled with the same physical meaning, and is a secondary quantity. Based on this, with the formal equality of these approaches for vacuum, the systematic point of view considers magnetic induction vector the main characteristic of the current magnetic field.

The magnetic field, of course, is a special kind of matter. With the help of this matter, there is an interaction between having a magnetic moment and moving charged particles or bodies.

The special theory of relativity considers magnetic fields as a consequence of the existence of electric fields themselves.

Together, magnetic and electric fields form an electromagnetic field. The manifestations of the electromagnetic field are light and electromagnetic waves.

The quantum theory of the magnetic field considers the magnetic interaction as a separate case of the electromagnetic interaction. It is carried by a massless boson. A boson is a photon - a particle that can be represented as a quantum excitation of an electromagnetic field.

A magnetic field is generated either by the current of charged particles, or by an electric field transforming in time space, or by the intrinsic magnetic moments of the particles. The magnetic moments of particles for uniform perception are formally reduced to electric currents.

Calculation of the value of the magnetic field.

Simple cases allow us to calculate the values ​​of the magnetic field of a conductor with current according to the Biot-Savart-Laplace law, or using the circulation theorem. In the same way, the value of the magnetic field can also be found for a current arbitrarily distributed in a volume or space. Obviously, these laws are applicable to constant or relatively slowly changing magnetic and electric fields. That is, in cases of presence of magnetostatics. More complex cases require the calculation of the value magnetic field current according to Maxwell's equations.

Manifestation of the presence of a magnetic field.

The main manifestation of the magnetic field is the effect on the magnetic moments of particles and bodies, on charged particles in motion. Lorentz force called the force that acts on an electrically charged particle that moves in a magnetic field. This force has a constant perpendicular direction to the vectors v and B. It also has a proportional value to the charge of the particle q, the component of the velocity v, carried out perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field vector B, and the quantity that expresses the magnetic field induction B. The Lorentz force according to the International System of Units has this expression: F=q, in the CGS system of units: F=q/c

The vector product is displayed in square brackets.

As a result of the influence of the Lorentz force on charged particles moving along the conductor, the magnetic field can also act on the current-carrying conductor. The ampere force is the force acting on a current-carrying conductor. The components of this force are the forces acting on individual charges that move inside the conductor.

The phenomenon of the interaction of two magnets.

The phenomenon of the magnetic field, which we can meet in everyday life, is called the interaction of two magnets. It is expressed in the repulsion of identical poles from each other and the attraction of opposite poles. From a formal point of view, describing the interactions between two magnets as the interaction of two monopoles is a rather useful, feasible and convenient idea. At the same time, a detailed analysis shows that in reality this is not a completely correct description of the phenomenon. The main unanswered question in such a model is why the monopoles cannot be separated. Actually, it has been experimentally proved that any isolated body does not have a magnetic charge. Also, this model cannot be applied to a magnetic field created by a macroscopic current.

From our point of view, it is correct to assume that the force acting on a magnetic dipole located in an inhomogeneous field tends to turn it in such a way that the magnetic moment of the dipole has the same direction as the magnetic field. However, there are no magnets that are subject to the total force from uniform magnetic field current. The force that acts on a magnetic dipole with a magnetic moment m is expressed by the following formula:


The force acting on the magnet from an inhomogeneous magnetic field is expressed as the sum of all the forces that are determined by this formula and acting on the elementary dipoles that make up the magnet.

Electromagnetic induction.

In the case of a change in time of the flux of the magnetic induction vector through a closed circuit, an EMF of electromagnetic induction is formed in this circuit. If the circuit is stationary, it is generated by a vortex electric field, which arises as a result of the change in the magnetic field over time. When the magnetic field does not change with time and there is no change in flux due to the movement of the conductor loop, then the EMF is generated by the Lorentz force.

For a long time, the magnetic field has raised many questions in humans, but even now it remains a little-known phenomenon. Many scientists tried to study its characteristics and properties, because the benefits and potential of using the field were indisputable facts.

Let's take everything in order. So, how does any magnetic field act and form? That's right, electric current. And the current, according to physics textbooks, is a stream of charged particles with a direction, isn't it? So, when a current passes through any conductor, a certain kind of matter begins to act around it - a magnetic field. The magnetic field can be created by the current of charged particles or by the magnetic moments of electrons in atoms. Now this field and matter have energy, we see it in electromagnetic forces that can affect the current and its charges. The magnetic field begins to act on the flow of charged particles, and they change the initial direction of motion perpendicular to the field itself.

Another magnetic field can be called electrodynamic, because it is formed near moving particles and affects only moving particles. Well, it is dynamic due to the fact that it has a special structure in rotating bions in a region of space. An ordinary electric moving charge can make them rotate and move. Bions transmit any possible interactions in this region of space. Therefore, the moving charge attracts one pole of all bions and causes them to rotate. Only he can bring them out of a state of rest, nothing else, because other forces will not be able to influence them.

In an electric field are charged particles that move very fast and can travel 300,000 km in just a second. Light has the same speed. There is no magnetic field without an electric charge. This means that the particles are incredibly closely related to each other and exist in a common electromagnetic field. That is, if there are any changes in the magnetic field, then there will be changes in the electric field. This law is also reversed.

We talk a lot about the magnetic field here, but how can you imagine it? We cannot see it with our human naked eye. Moreover, due to the incredibly fast propagation of the field, we do not have time to fix it with the help of various devices. But in order to study something, one must have at least some idea of ​​it. It is also often necessary to depict the magnetic field in diagrams. In order to make it easier to understand it, conditional field lines are drawn. Where did they get them from? They were invented for a reason.

Let's try to see the magnetic field with the help of small metal filings and an ordinary magnet. We will pour these sawdust on a flat surface and introduce them into the action of a magnetic field. Then we will see that they will move, rotate and line up in a pattern or pattern. The resulting image will show the approximate effect of forces in a magnetic field. All forces and, accordingly, lines of force are continuous and closed in this place.

The magnetic needle has similar characteristics and properties to a compass and is used to determine the direction of the lines of force. If it falls into the zone of action of a magnetic field, we can see the direction of action of forces by its north pole. Then we will single out several conclusions from here: the top of an ordinary permanent magnet, from which the lines of force emanate, is designated by the north pole of the magnet. Whereas the south pole denotes the point where the forces are closed. Well, the lines of force inside the magnet are not highlighted in the diagram.

The magnetic field, its properties and characteristics are quite widely used, because in many problems it has to be taken into account and studied. This is the most important phenomenon in the science of physics. More complex things are inextricably linked with it, such as magnetic permeability and induction. To explain all the reasons for the appearance of a magnetic field, one must rely on real scientific facts and confirmations. Otherwise, in more complex problems, the wrong approach can violate the integrity of the theory.

Now let's give examples. We all know our planet. You say that it has no magnetic field? You may be right, but scientists say that the processes and interactions inside the Earth's core create a huge magnetic field that stretches for thousands of kilometers. But any magnetic field must have its poles. And they exist, just located a little away from the geographic pole. How do we feel it? For example, birds have developed navigation abilities, and they orient themselves, in particular, by the magnetic field. So, with his help, the geese arrive safely in Lapland. Special navigation devices also use this phenomenon.

) is a material but immaterial body, object or even field. In its most general form, it represents closed streams of ether of an annular (current-carrying wire) or toroidal (current-carrying loop, coil) shape. The magnetic field is generated by moving charges as the sum of their ring rotations, propagating in the ether..

In everyday life, the concepts of magnetic and electromagnetic fields are not similar only in that the electromagnetic field has an artificial electrical method of occurrence. In modern physics, the concept of an electromagnetic field is more general, but there is no real reason to distinguish these concepts from each other.

Basic properties of a magnetic field

  • The magnetic field has an etherodynamic, vortex nature.
  • The magnetic field of the coil is a toroidal or annular streams of ether.
  • The movement of the ether is closed on itself, however, it propagates in a perpendicular direction at the speed of light.
  • The ratio of perpendicular speeds (the speed of the ether in the flow to the speed of propagation) gives the value of the magnetic field induction:

Vortex model

Thor as the minimum element of the electromagnetic field

Electric and magnetic fields are always interconnected, but not in every case they manifest themselves when measured by instruments, somewhere they add up to zero. Everything is due to the laws of conservation of energy and motion. It is believed that the electric field lines have a beginning and end, and the magnetic field lines are closed. However, if we consider the field as a stream of ether (a stream of something that carries energy with it and does not transfer atoms of matter), then in the case of an electric field, at the beginning of the stream, a spontaneous decrease in the amount of ether (energy) would occur, and at its end - accumulation which has not yet been observed in practice. This means that electric lines have two streams of ether: from the beginning to the end and from the end to the beginning. It was possible to find a corresponding illustration (Fig. 15) of such a process in a gas, similar to a vortex in a Ranque tube (two vortices nested one inside the other).

Below are the experiments in the pool: they scooped up water with a plate, like an oar, from this a half-dublic vortex was formed. Dyes were poured into two funnels formed on the surface of the water: red and blue. It became clear that the vortex not only spins, but also turns inside out at the same time, like a stocking (Fig. 16). Curious is the fact that the cause of the formation of the vortex was the viscosity of the water. It will also cause its attenuation and decay.

The shortest vortex, in which all the energy is concentrated in a small volume, will have the greatest stability and life span. In this case, less energy will be spent on overcoming the friction of the vortex walls against the medium. The most successful geometric figure for such a vortex is a torus. For example, by flattening the body of a tornado to a height equal to its diameter (Fig. 17) or by reducing the length of eddies in the water by squeezing them in angle from 180 degrees to 5-10 degrees (Fig. 18). The rotational movement in the tornado is drawn presumably, and for water eddies, due to the presence of video, the real direction is indicated. (In the northern hemisphere, the rotation of air in tornadoes occurs, as a rule, counterclockwise, in the southern hemisphere - in the direction of the arrow, but there are exceptions).

In a stabilized vortex, especially at its ends, the velocities of the entire flow are redistributed so that the total kinetic energy remains constant. Let's name the speeds as in the original source: toroidal (translational) and ring (rotational). The decomposition of the total flow velocity in the toroid into two mutually perpendicular components is shown in Figure 19. According to the theory of V. A. Atsyukovsky, “the electric charge is the circulation of the flux density of the annular velocity of the ether over the entire surface of the particle”, and “since the orientation of the particles is determined by the toroidal motion, then the magnetic moment of the particles is identified with the toroidal motion of the ether on its surface. There is an inaccuracy in this statement: the names of the fields are rearranged, but the idea of ​​the mutual transformation of the electric and magnetic fields is correct.

The fact is that we were taught this way: "the magnetic field interacts only with the magnetic field, and the electric field interacts with the electric field." However, having familiarized ourselves with the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), we learn that it is impossible to come up with something fundamentally new if we think in the usual categories, without abandoning generally accepted opinions and judgments. Psychological inertia makes us think in a stereotyped way, and this often leads thinking to a dead end. Looking at the lines of force of the magnet, I really want to attribute the magnetic field to the toroidal motion of the ether. However, do not forget that a magnet is a system of particles, and its magnetic field is a manifestation of the interaction of many particles (Fig. 20). A system is a set of orderly interacting elements that has properties that cannot be reduced to the properties of individual elements (example: the “airplane” system can fly, but each of its individual parts cannot fly by itself.). Otherwise, what is the point of organizing the interaction of several objects in order to obtain a new property or quality, if one of the existing objects already has it? Therefore, it is wrong to attribute a “systemic property” to its individual parts. It will be shown later why magnetic lines are related to circular motion.

The body of a permanent magnet consists of atoms and elementary particles that have a charge and a magnetic moment. This means that it is necessary to look for the source of the magnetic field in the structure of electrons and protons. In Atsyukovsky's model, the proton looks like an onion (Fig. 21), since the ether toroid is slightly deformed due to the high speed of the ether flow in its central hole.

I believe that such a model is not sufficiently specific, since it does not explain why and how many turns should be in each direction. And this is important for the distribution of energies. In the proposed alternative model, each element of the ether (amer) makes two turns: once along the small circle of the toroid, passing through the central hole, the second time it moves in a perpendicular plane - along the large circle, around the hole, then the trajectory of movement is repeated. This is in accordance with the principle of least action. Such a path will be the shortest, which corresponds to the minimum energy of the rotating particle. In the proposed model of the proton (and electron) there is no deformation due to the high speed of the ether flow in the hole, the symmetry of the shape is preserved and the donut remains a donut, or rather a round bead (for example, ball lightning is a torus, but compressed by the external pressure of the ether almost to ball shape).

When moving, the cameras should "sweep" the entire surface of the torus. To do this, as already mentioned, they need to make one revolution in the plane of the torus and one more revolution in the plane perpendicular to it. Let's perform the simulation on a paper tape (Fig. 22). Let the middle line of the strip of paper be the trajectory of the camera. We twist one end of the tape 360 ​​degrees - this will be the equivalent of the movement of the particle when it passes through the hole (toroidal component). We connect the ends of the twisted strip, forming a ring (Fig. 22, a), - this will be equivalent to the particle circling around the hole (annular component). Rotation goes alternately either along a large or a small radius (Fig. 22, c). Taking a lot of such thin paper ribbons and gluing a more or less round donut out of them, we get a model of an electromagnetic torus. Ether particles will move in it, rotating and wrapping, without colliding with each other.

The resulting trajectory of motion can be represented as a thread glued along the Möbius strip (Fig. 23), which will make two turns and will not intersect with itself. At the same time, passing the first turn, it will approach its beginning, but on the other side of the paper, and in order to close, it needs to make one more turn.

The thread forms a spiral with two turns of the same radius. If we now transfer the spiral to the torus and change the radii of the turns (Fig. 22, c), then we get a model resembling a snail, the structure of the galaxy, the Fibonacci spiral (Fig. 24). It is worth mentioning that the Fibo-nacci numbers appear in living forms: the arrangement of leaves and petals in plants, seeds in sunflowers, plates in pine cones. The harmony of the body and face of a person lies in the proportion of the golden section.

On the basis of the simulation, improved models of the proton and electron in the form of ethereal vortex toroids are proposed (Fig. 25). The magnetic field of the toroid differs from the electric field only in the direction of the ether velocity vector. Mathematically, these two fields are projections of the total velocity? swirling flow into mutually perpendicular directions B (? x) and E (? y). Maxwell preferred the interpretation of the magnetic field as a rotational motion due to the fact that Faraday discovered the property of the magnetic field to rotate the plane of polarization of light in some crystals. Therefore, in the model described here, the ring rotation is identified with the magnetic field, and the inward-wrapping, toroidal rotation is identified with the electric field.

So let's recap. There is no big difference between magnetic and electric fields - both of them represent a common ether flow, which, being decomposed into translational and rotational components, can be considered as two fields of different "structure". The concept of "field line" is used only for a visual way of displaying the directions of ether flows. These imaginary lines have no internal structure. Putting together the two components of the field, we get an electromagnetic torus - this will be the "elementary particle" of the electromagnetic field. It is not yet known whether there is a minimum size for such a particle, but one thing is clear - you cannot make one field exist without another, you can only compensate for the action of one of the fields. For example, on the surface of a charged conducting sphere, it will be like a multitude of ether fountains. The magnetic field of a sphere spreads over its surface and is not detected by a compass. Similarly with a magnet: the ethereal streams outside will flow in one direction, interacting with the magnetic needle, and the electric field will not go beyond the magnet.

Magnetic field of a conductor with direct current

In electrical engineering, electromagnetic fields are created by electrons. If we consider a separate particle, then the near-electronic ether, due to the presence of viscosity, will be entrained in motion by the rotating surface of the particle, and an ether vortex tube will be created near the electron (conditionally, it can be compared with a cylinder). Faraday was engaged in research of force tubes of an ether. In the resulting vortex tube, the ether flows move along the rings in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the tube (circle in a circle), and move back and forth parallel to the axis of the cylinder. This can be imagined as two springs inserted one into the other, only wound in different directions (this is how the sewing threads are located in adjacent layers of the coil). In the direction in which the electron "blows" the ether out of its hole, the length of the tube is greater. By

on the other side of the electron, the vortex is much shorter (Fig. 26).

When the electrons are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the conductor and randomly oriented, the magnetic field will not be detected. The compass needle is too large for such measurements: the magnetic lines of many electrons will push it to the right, then to the left, giving zero in total. But if there is an electric current in the circuit caused by a potential difference at the ends of the conductor, then the electrons in the conductor will be deployed along the lines of the electric field (like donuts on a string, Fig. 27). Part of the ether flows is compensated (red lines), and the other part, on the contrary, is summed up in its effect on the compass (blue lines). The electrons will begin to move towards the “plus” of the power source due to the fact that they have turned around in the electric field (polarized), and their rotation is now directed mainly in one direction. "Mostly", because the polarization is not complete - it is "knocked off" when colliding with other particles.

Oersted's experiment showed that the lines of the magnetic field near the conductor are perpendicular to the direction of current flow. There are no "oblique components" of the ether flow from a combination of electric and magnetic fields near the conductor.

Magnetic field of protons and electrons

It's time to talk about which way the electron spins, and which way the proton spins. How to find out where their magnetic moment is directed? Figure 28 shows X-particle for which only toroidal rotation is known. As will be shown later, it will line up in the magnetic field so that the ether it blows out of the hole is anti-directed to the currents of the external magnetic field. This is a stable position due to the minimum pressure at the particle periphery. Knowing from experiments where a positively or negatively charged particle will deviate in a magnetic field, we can draw the direction of the speed of the annular rotation υ k.

What caused the particle to deviate from its original direction of motion? The Lorentz force, and if we take a closer look, the mechanism of action is described by the Magnus force acting from the gas-like ether on a rotating particle. Our particle flies into the magnetic field by inertia - an important point! If it flies by inertia, then the ether will slow it down, resist it. And if the accelerating field is still active, then its flow will, on the contrary, contribute to the movement, and the Lorentz force in this case will be directed in the other direction. On a particle flying by inertia, the medium will have a braking effect in the form of an oncoming counter flow, the speed of which is denoted by υ cf. The velocities of movement of the medium relative to the particle υ cp and the rotation of the ether in the particle υ k will not add up exactly as shown in Figure 29, but qualitatively the picture will be exactly the same. A decrease in velocity in a gas (ether) is equivalent to an increase in pressure. The toroid will begin to move under the influence of the increased pressure of the medium in the direction of lower pressure.

It is worth considering the Magnus effect in more detail, since there is an inaccuracy in this place in the book on etherodynamics. The cylinder rotates in place, does not move itself, and the air running on it creates the Magnus force (Fig. 30). From above, the flow unambiguously slows down the rotation of the cylinder, in one of the layers there will be zero speed - there the pressure is maximum. From below, depending on the ratio of the velocities υ of the flow and υ to, the oncoming flow either slows down the rotation of the cylinder or even promotes untwisting. But, in any case, in this situation, the final speed of the lower flow will be greater and the pressure there will decrease. The sketch of the pressure graph near the rotating cylinder will look as shown in Figure 30. Depending on the ratio of the rotation speeds of the cylinder and the flow velocity, the graphs will be slightly different, but the sign of the pressure difference ΔР above and below the cylinder will not change from this and the force will be directed to the same side.

permanent magnets

The field of a permanent magnet is created by a stream of electrons, each of which makes its own small contribution to the total field. If, figuratively speaking, we pull the trajectory along which the amers move around the electron by a long lobe, then we can pull it out. Then it will be possible to photograph it - there will be a “flower” near the magnet, as in Figure 51 (the photograph was taken using the magneto-optical Kerr effect).

The nature of permanent magnets can be represented through an ether vortex (a force tube of an electric field), which generates electron polarization, and a phenomenon similar to the current flow in a superconductor. After removing the external magnetic field from the metal workpiece, polarized electrons remain in their places for some time. Their electrical currents combine to form many large vortex tubes, just like in an electrical circuit. It is logical to assume that the electrons move inside them in a superconducting mode, otherwise the newly made magnet would be warmed up from the release of Joule heat, which usually accompanies direct electric current. It is likely that the fact that the ethereal tubes are closed inside the magnet allows them, together with electrons, to form an electromagnetic field similar to the field of atoms. It creates resistance to the oscillating atoms of the crystal lattice and does not allow them to cross and destroy the ethereal pipelines. How exactly the vortex tubes are located in the magnet is difficult to say for sure, since it depends on the manufacturing technology. But, presumably, they are arranged in concentric circles, repeating the imaginary lines of the magnetic field, which caused the appearance of such an arrangement of electrons (Fig. 52). The power tubes running along the surface of the magnet (as when direct current flows through a conductor) are most likely absent. Having lost their nourishment with energy, only those of many vortices soon remain that have found a place for themselves between atoms, where the resistance to their ethereal flows is minimal.

If the symmetry of the magnet field is broken somewhere, it means that some of the ethereal tubes closed on itself ahead of time. Then a local magnetic pole is formed and the field unevenness can be detected by magnetic sensors (the easiest way is with iron filings). Due to the fact that the electrons have mass and, therefore, inertia, it is not worth hitting the magnet hard - this will lead to a displacement of the electrons, their flight out of the ether tubes, to partial demagnetization (destruction of the ether pipelines)

and local heating of the magnet. The same will happen with the heating of the magnet: at high thermal velocities there will be many collisions of electrons with atoms and the destruction of ethereal vortices, which held and supported the electron flows. It is also possible to pinch and destroy vortex tubes if two atoms adjacent to the tube, during vibrations, approached each other so much that they blocked the vortex with their electron shells.

The presence of a spiral trajectory of electrons instead of a circular one is not ruled out (Fig. 53). Since the external field cannot disappear instantly, during its decrease to zero it can break the circular symmetry. This will not break the symmetry of the external field of the magnet, because half of the electrons of the first turn will have a magnetic field sloping in one direction (in a downward spiral), and the second half (in an upward spiral) will be sloping in the opposite direction.

The interaction of two magnets is easier to consider as an attraction or repulsion of two ring currents of the same or different directions. How exactly the currents act on each other is determined by the Ampère force. Such a mechanism for the interaction of magnets is an alternative version proposed by V. A. Atsukovsky.

Image Gallery

    Rice. 15 - Gas vortex in the atmosphere.

    Rice. 16 - Whirlwinds in the water.

    Rice. 17 - The movement of flows in a vortex.

    Rice. 18 - Reversal and twisting of the main stream.

    Rice. 19 - Aether flows in a vortex toroid (according to Atsyukovsky).

    Rice. 20 - The difference between a system and its parts.

    Rice. 21 - Ethereal model of the proton (according to Atsyukovsky) in the section.

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