What happens if you say I curse. In my heart I cursed a loved one after a terrible act, what should I do?


IN last years When magic came out of the ban, literature on this topic appeared and a market for magical services formed, the word "curse" became very popular. It is not surprising, because this is the most destructive, genus-transmitted and difficult-to-remove damage to the energy, entailing such problems that ultimately lead to the degeneration of the genus. Accordingly, it is very profitable to diagnose curses on every second client. You can easily find a list of signs on the Internet ancestral curse, which includes conflicts between relatives, alcohol addiction, unsuccessful marriages and a number of other items that can be found in varying degrees of manifestation in almost every family.

The peculiarity of the curse is its contagiousness, if some object is cursed, then it will bring misfortune to all its owners or even those who simply touch it. If a person is cursed, this applies to his household and younger ones. Sometimes - on all members of the family, including older ones. Thus, the curse always becomes generic, deprives the clan of blessings, the ties of representatives of the clan with higher powers, with dead ancestors who protect relatives, and the genus is moving towards cessation. It does not matter which area the curse explicitly covers - material, health, love - all this is interconnected and, as a result, the whole system collapses.

The peculiarity of the curse is that, unlike damage, where in order to introduce a program into a person’s energy, it is required to perform certain actions, with a certain intention, putting the essence of the program being implemented into a verbal formula, and most often - to charge with this some carriers through which the program will pass to the addressee - a verbal formula may be enough here, accompanied by a powerful energy message - in other words, uncontrollable wishes spoken on emotions can become a curse against the will of the one who said them. And moreover, one can incur a curse on oneself, both verbally and by committing actions of this kind, which in their essence break a person’s connection with God, deprive a blessing.

There are 3 groups of curses.

Intentional professional

They are induced by the magician, through a ritual, with an appeal to certain Forces, which are taken for execution.
It is usually quite difficult to remove such a curse, the process is laborious and most often drawn out in time, that is, a single cleansing ritual is usually not enough for this - it depends on the strength of the magician, the one who imposed it, the mechanism and the forces involved, and the whole family needs to be thoroughly cleaned, but when it is removed - the fate of the family returns to normal - that is, to the state that was before the imposition of the curse - rather quickly.
How can you protect yourself from such a curse? special magical protection, and protection of a general nature , the latter - only under the condition of regular cleansing and, as a result, the relative purity of energy bodies.

Unintentional household

It is in anger, on emotions, sometimes uncontrollably expressed negative wishes.
The danger of such curses is that very often blood relatives curse each other in this way, for example, parents - children (as you know, the heaviest curse is maternal) and, due to tribal ties, such curses very quickly "eat" into the body of the clan and it turns out that if you don't take it off, everyone will suffer, but taking it off can be painful for everyone, and above all for the author.
About the absence of blood ties, when an acquaintance, neighbor, etc. cursed. - such curses are removed easily, even in elementary ways, with the help of natural elements. They can also protect against everyday curses, but even without resorting to any forces, if a person is “transparent”, does not have internal negativity in himself, is not afraid - such a curse will not stay in his field, which means it will not work.
The peculiarity of curses is that they strike not only the one to whom it is directed, but also the author - that is, they are “double-edged”. And if in the case of a professional performance, the magician takes measures to avert the blow from himself, then in the case of an unintentional curse, the author of it fully receives retribution, and most often in parallel with how the curse unfolds in the life of the damned, it also works in fate. cursed, especially when it comes to relatives, spouses, or even simply consisting - or previously love relationships and close friends.

In this regard, it is useful to know and observe security measures - what to do if you cursed someone in a fit of anger.

How to remove your own curse?

Let's start with what words, backed up strong emotions, can become a curse. First of all, containing this word itself - “damn (you, the day we met, this house, etc.)”, “damned fool”, even just a replica “Damn!”, seemingly not addressed to anyone If there is a thoughtform in the head directed against someone, something, there is confidence in someone's fault for the situation that caused such emotions - it can also work as a curse. As well as the words "So that you ...", "so that you .." and so on.

So, if a similar phrase escaped you - as soon as you cooled down, you realized that the one you cursed is not guilty, that you really don’t want what you voiced at all - it’s best to cancel the curse with the help of fire, which is capable of absorb everything, any negativity. You need to build a fire, even a small one, it is best to do it in nature. Arriving at the chosen deserted place, you need to respectfully turn to the Forces of Nature, say why you came, what you need help with. Bring with you a gift for the inhabitants of this place - spirits, birds, animals. It can be anything - better homemade pastries, grains, nuts, honey, milk. Having said why you came, ask as a sign of respect to accept your modest gift, throw part of this treat into the fire, and in your own words ask the fire to burn, turn into ashes, deprive your curse words of power, and the wind to dispel all traces of it with smoke. You can rhyme your appeal, add something from yourself, use other expressions, but the main thing is that it should come from the heart and with respect for the Powers that ask for help. You can repeat an arbitrary number of times until you feel that it is enough, but one utterance with faith and strength is enough. Sit by the fire until it goes out, and, of course, when leaving, clean everything up after yourself, thanking the Forces of Nature.


These are either unintentional household curses, that is, verbal negative wishes expressed in your address (in the address of your family, clan) in the appropriate emotional state or - which is much more common - repeated actions that are essentially aimed at the destruction of life in all its manifestations, such as murder, the most serious of which is abortion, physical and spiritual injury, destruction or appropriation of someone else's property, prolonged enmity, hatred, willingness to destroy. And all this - not only in relation to people, but also to all living things. Cruel treatment with animals and plants, disrespect for nature likewise brings a curse upon the perpetrator of such acts.

Considering what has been going on in the world, and in particular, on the territory of our country, at least in the last 100 years, it is not at all surprising that in almost every family there are signs of a birth curse. Civil War when even blood relatives were killed for the idea, renounced from the family, seized property, then - collectivization, industrialization - when there was a desecration of the faith and way of life of people, over nature, then - years of repression, when people betrayed each other, denounced out of revenge and fear, tortured and killed, then - another war ... One way or another, everyone was involved in these events and each clan is responsible for what has been done.

But this type of curses has one feature - unlike those induced from the outside, the effect of such a curse can be stopped, and thus improve the fate of not only one's own, but of the whole family, on one's own.

If we are talking about verbal self-cursing, I described above how it can be neutralized.

If the curse appeared as a result of the commission of certain actions by someone in the clan, then the first thing to do for someone who decided to clear the karma of the clan is to find out exactly what actions became its source. This can be done either by contacting a specialist with clairvoyance, clairvoyance, who knows how to receive information from the past in other ways, or by one's own efforts. It is often possible to determine the source of the curse simply by analyzing the fates and lifestyles of relatives. You can contact your elders, deceased ancestors for a hint, or ask your keepers to open this information. To understand the answers is very efficient in every way magical post.

When the actions that caused the curse are clarified, it is also necessary to determine their root cause, that is, what pushes a person to such actions, and change these two key points in the present time, in your life, and compensate, as far as possible, the damage caused to others. At the same time, it doesn’t matter who, in what generation, brought a curse on the race, if the program is in effect now, then it needs to be corrected now, in the present, based on the present. For example - if the cause of the curse was murder - a person, first of all, must change his life in such a way as to prevent the shedding of anyone's blood, whether it be people, born or unborn, or animals. He must give up that which may in one way or another force him to do so. Realize the value of any life. To reconsider from this point of view their actions, worldview and lifestyle. And for redemption - to help save other people's lives, to support those who have suffered from the violent actions of others, to try to prevent murders as much as possible. Based on this folk method getting rid of childlessness - when both spouses are healthy, but they have children for a long time no - the couple adopts, takes on the upbringing of other people's children left without parents, and then their own appear.

It should be noted that it is not worth taking on the neutralization of the curse to someone who expects in this way to “buy” a prosperous life for himself. Firstly, it requires serious work on yourself and conscious self-restraints, and you will have to limit yourself where it is difficult to do this - in an area of ​​increased significance for you. Secondly, on the one who undertook to stop the program - it will still operate, although later on in a significantly softened version, but nevertheless - if, say, a curse blocks the opportunity to have a normal family - you should not count on the fact that you this incarnation will be able to enjoy family joys - there is such a probability, but it is very small, but already your descendants, younger in genus, will be free from this program and will be able to have families.

I read the question and it became somehow uncomfortable. You think that the church is a bureau of good offices, and the Lord is just an errand clerk. get angry and start cursing me too. What to do? First of all, understand that in addition to words (yes, they are material), there is an intention. intimate area, and and so on), then repentance, confession and forgiveness by the priest of sin will not give you anything except peace of mind. Personally for you, for your husband, it will work. After all, you are no longer able to change reality. then repent and receive forgiveness from the priest. Will they forgive you, but will life return? Same here. However, everything that a person has done can be justified, so you are looking for excuses for your anger, intemperance, evil. Before correcting his life, remove the curse, you need to cleanse yourself. Without this, everything is empty, it is basically the same as cleaning dishes, glass with a dirty floor cloth. It will dry out, but the stains will remain. namely, Andrew of Crete wrote the penitential canon. Here it should be read for as many days as you are. ). And only after that you can begin to remove the curse (in other conditions, when removing, you take your evil to yourself, which is fraught for you with the same problems that you doomed the enemy to.) So removal. To begin with, read the amulet on yourself. Light three candles bought in the church on Saturday, in front of the icon of the Seven Arrows, or the Savior, and read - Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. I have three holy leaves, from god tree from God's bush. I carry with me three holy words so that nothing dashing happens to me. My life is under God's lock, closed by His key. , will not destroy with witchcraft. He won’t take fire and squeak, he won’t take my soul in a dream. And be my words, strong, and be all my deeds true. and the holy spirit. Amen.) After the amulet has been read three times, you can read the plot to remove the curse. To do this, you need two mirrors and a candle. Exactly at midnight, you put one mirror in front of you, the other behind, light a candle and through the flame of a candle, look into the mirror and read the plot three times. (The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect from me and my (name) the evil word, the human curse, the sign of hell. I ask for the first time. The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect from me and the slave (name) the word is evil, the curse of man, the sign of hell, I ask for the second time. The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect from me and the slave () the word is evil, the curse of man, the sign of hell. I ask for the third time. Amen) After then wash your face with holy water and dry yourself with a nightgown. I will make a reservation that this removal is only for the personal, if a witch or magician does it, it will not help, for this there are more complex rites.

Diseases and accidents resulting from the curse

Many illnesses for which doctors cannot find the cause may have originated from the curse.
And doctors that-unless they will find a curse?
Once, a paralyzed man was brought to my cell. A hefty uncle waved, but could not sit. His body did not bend, it was like wood. One person carried him on his back, while the other supported him from behind. I gave the unfortunate man two stumps, and he somehow settled on them. His companions told me that he had been in this condition since the age of fifteen and had been suffering for eighteen years now. “But how can such a thing be learned for no reason at all? I thought. It can't be, there's a reason behind it."

I began to ask questions and found out that someone had cursed this young man. What happened? And here's what: once he was driving to school, got on the bus and collapsed on the seat. At one stop, an elderly priest and an old man got on the bus and stood beside him.
“Get up,” someone told him, “give way to the elders.” And he, not paying attention to anyone, collapsed even more. Then an old man standing next to him said to him: “You will remain so elongated and stay forever - you won’t be able to sit.” And this curse worked. You see how - the young man was with insolence. “Why am I,” he says, “will I get up? I paid for my seat." Yes, but the other one also paid. An elderly, respected man is standing, and you, a fifteen-year-old boy, have sat down. “That's what happened,” I told him. “To become healthy, try to repent. You need repentance." And as soon as the unfortunate man understood and realized his guilt, he immediately became healthy.

And how many of today's troubles come from a curse, from indignation!
Know: if in a family many die or the whole family perishes, then the reason for this is either injustice, or witchcraft, or a curse.
one father had a son who kept leaving home and staggering around no one knows where. Once, in a fit of irritation, his father said to him: “You get on with me - you will come once and for all!” And on the same evening, when the boy was returning home, right in front of their entrance, he was hit to death by a car. He both fell and remained lying, then his friends took his body and brought it home. After that, his father came to the Holy Mountain and came to me in Kaliva. He cried and said: "My child was killed right on the threshold of my house." He began to tell, and then he said: “Before that, I told him something.” - "What did you say to him"
- “He walked at night, who knows where, I got angry and told him:“ You will come to me once and for all! “Maybe that’s what caused the trouble?”
“Well, what else? - I answered - Try to repent and confess. See how: you, he says, this time will come once and for all, and the child is brought dead. And then let's father tear your hair and cry ....

The parental curse is very strong. Know that the curse and even [simply] indignation of the parents is very powerful. And even if the parents did not curse their children, but simply became indignant because of them, then the latter do not have a single have a bright day: their whole life is one continuous torment. Then such children suffer greatly throughout their lives. earthly life. Of course, in a different life it is easier for them, because with their suffering they repay some of the local debts. What happens is what Saint Isaac says: “He eats his hell,” that is, by suffering here, in this life, he reduces his hellish torment, because suffering in this life is the tasting of hellish torment. That is, when spiritual laws come into force, a person is somewhat freed from hell, from torment.

But even those parents who use the words “send” their children to the devil “consecrate” them to him. After that, the devil has rights to such children, he says: "You dedicated them to me." A husband and wife lived in Faras. Their child was very whiny, and the father constantly said: “Yes, so that the unclean one takes you.” So what: the father said so to the baby, and by the permission of God, he began to disappear from the cradle. Then the unfortunate mother went to Khadzhefendi (That was the name of the Monk Arseniy of Cappadocia, the inhabitants of Faras). “Bless, Khadzhefendi! My child has been dragged away by demons." Khadzhefendi went to their house, read prayers over the cradle and the baby returned. And so it went on without end. "Hajefendi, bless!" - the unfortunate woman said again and again and asked: “How will all this end?” “For me,” the Saint answered her, “it is not difficult to visit you. Is it difficult for you to come and call me? This means that someday the devil will get tired of this, and he will leave your son alone.” From that day on, the child stopped disappearing. But when he grew up, he was nicknamed "the devil's spawn." He troubled the whole village - he did not give rest to anyone. How my father suffered from this. This fellow first went to one villager and said: “So-and-so said something about you,” then he went to another and told him the same thing. People quarreled among themselves, it even came to fights. Then, realizing that each of them was slandered, they agreed to seize the slanderer and deal with him. But he managed to make it so that in the end both asked for his forgiveness! So he succeeded in deceit! The real "devil spawn"!
God allowed this so that, seeing the continuation of the story of the disappearance of the baby, people would come to their senses, restrain themselves and be very attentive. We are not talking now about how God will judge this person. It is clear that he has many extenuating circumstances.

The greatest treasure for people living in the world is a parental blessing. Just as in monastic life the greatest blessing is that which your elder has blessed you with. Therefore, they say: "Do not miss the parental blessing." I remember one mother had four children. None of them married or married. The mother cried: “I will die,” she said, “from grief, none of my children got married. Pray for them.” She was a widow, her children were orphans. I got hurt for them. I prayed and prayed, but to no avail. “Something is not right here,” I thought. “On us,” her children said, “we were spoiled.”
- “No, - I say, - this is not from damage, damage is visible ... Or maybe your mother cursed you?”
- “It’s true, father,” they answer, “in childhood we were very naughty, and she constantly kept telling us from morning to evening: “Yes, let you be stumps!”
“Go,” I say, “to your mother and tell her true reason your disorder, so that she comes to her senses, so that she repents, confesses, and from today, without ceasing, blesses you. And in a year and a half, all four created families!
Apparently, this unfortunate woman was not only a widow, but also easily fell into a state of irritation and despondency. The pranksters pissed her off, and for that she cursed them.

And if parents curse their children and then die, how can children get rid of the parental curse?

Looking at themselves, they are likely to admit that at one time they smoked, tormented their parents, and therefore they cursed them. If they realize their guilt, sincerely repent and confess their sins, then everything will work out for them. Prospering spiritually, they will help their deceased parents.

And me, Geronda, when I went to the monastery, my parents cursed ...
Such curses - the only one of all - become a blessing.

"Noble Curse"
Geronda, is it right, when offended, to say about the offender: “God will reward him for his evil?”

He who speaks thus makes himself the laughing stock of the evil one. Such a person does not understand that by saying this he is "nobly" cursing others. Some say about themselves that they are sensitive people, have love and spiritual subtlety and endure the injustice that others do to them. But at the same time, they say about those who offend them: "May God reward them for their evil."
In this life, all people pass exams in order to go to another, eternal life- to heaven. The thought tells me that such a “noble curse” is below the spiritual passing ball and it is not permissible for a Christian. After all, Christ did not teach us this kind of love. “Father, let them go, for they do not know what they are doing” - this is the kind of love He teaches.
And besides, the best blessing of all is when we are undeservedly cursed, and we silently, with kindness, accept it. If superficial or crafty people - those who have malice and pervert the truth - slander us or treat us unfairly, let us try, if we can, not to look for excuses for ourselves when the injustice concerns us personally.

And the words: “May God reward them” - we will not say, because this is also a curse. It is good if we forgive our offenders from the bottom of our hearts, ask God to strengthen us to bear the burden of slander, and continue our spiritual life as imperceptibly as possible. And let those whose typicon is the judgment and condemnation of others do us unjustly, because in this way they tirelessly prepare for us golden crowns for true life.

Of course, people who live with God never curse others, because there is no malice in them, but only kindness. The evil that others throw at these sanctified people is sanctified - whatever it may be. And those who live with God at the same time experience great joy, invisible to others.

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