Having passed your earthly path. “Earthly life having passed up to half ...

Funny about magic, serious about magic Kartavtsev Vladislav

“Earthly life having passed to half…”

“Earthly life having passed to half,

I found myself in a dark forest

Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.

What was he, oh, how to pronounce,

That wild forest, dense and threatening,

Whose old horror I carry in my memory!

He is so bitter that death is almost sweeter.

But, having found good in it forever,

I will tell you about everything that I saw in this more often ... "

Alighieri Dante "The Divine Comedy"

In the thickness of the rock at the very foot of the mountain, a small cozy cave modestly perched. Lived in a cave Echo. It has settled here for a long time. He liked the peace and quiet that reigned around him. Echo was unassuming and preferred solitude. The concept of time was unfamiliar to him. As a matter of fact, it was time itself, or rather, time was a part of it. Echo contemplated. Nothing around him escaped his gaze. Echo knew everything and rejoiced in everything. Echo contemplated. Contemplated planets, stars, galaxies, contemplated time, contemplated life and death. Echo was everything. Everything that existed was part of it, and everything had its own meaning.

For billions of years, no one and nothing disturbed his peace. But once a piece of attention echo was attracted by an unfamiliar noise coming from outside. Having experienced some semblance of interest, Echo decided to look out of her cave and was surprised to find at the very entrance a recently grown young tree. A family of small creatures settled at its roots - some new stranger echo view.

Succumbing to a sudden impulse Echo decided to take a closer look. The little creatures paid no attention Echo no attention, which allowed him to examine each of them in detail, separately.

“Well, nothing special,” he decided. Echo. - How many of these have already been, and how many more there will be!

And calmly retired back to the cave. And again took up his favorite hobby- contemplate. True, sometimes fragments of the thoughts of small creatures reached him. They really wanted to live and always wanted to eat. Echo graciously allowed and sometimes even threw them small gifts in the form of a successful hunt or a bountiful harvest. Little creatures always rejoiced and thanked. For some reason, they only chose some nondescript wooden or stone idols as the object of their gratitude, ridiculously spreading their short arms and glaring menacingly at the little creatures dancing around them.

- How interesting! - I thought about Echo,- maybe you should tell them what it is I do I help them? Might make sense to do it next time!

Years, decades passed. Centuries and millennia went into oblivion, but what did it mean for echo meaning? And only a slightly increased noise from outside sometimes attracted his attention. And then one day Echo decided to look out of her cave again.

But that's not what attracted attention. echo. It seemed to him that some of the little creatures began to worship echo! It couldn't be, after all. Echo never told anyone about its existence! But it was! Certainly, Echo did not need anyone's support, gratitude or approval. It just was, and it was everything. But he enjoyed it!

So, stop, stop! We are all educated people! Modern! WITH higher education Or even two or three. And no one requires us to give a direct answer to the question: “Do you believe in God?” - by type: "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" And each of us is free to choose what to believe. Even in communism, even in aliens, even in the ancients! Yes, the ancients are such super-beings, a kind of explosive mixture of Atlanteans, Aryans and ancient Ukrainians. With an admixture of aliens, again.

Here sometimes you can hear this: “But I don’t believe in anything!”, Or: “I’m an atheist!”, Or: “I believe in science!” But, the right word, it sounds best: “And I'm a hipster! In general, everything is on the drum for me!

But, dear ones, no one cares what you believe in! The only really interesting question is what are you know? You really know. For sure! One hundred percent! And you can prove it. Or show

- What can you prove? - you may be asked if you take the liberty of telling someone about a certain hidden knowledge which you may own. After all, you do not have photo and video materials imprinted on them, for example, Jesus Christ or Buddha!

Remember the "seventh proof" from The Master and Margarita? Would you like to have the same opportunity as Bulgakov Woland, if necessary, bring, so to speak, "irrefutable evidence"? I want to? Maybe yes. How about ruling the world? Also yes?

Both of these are not in our control. But still, be honest, secret knowledge"How does it sound tempting?

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Halfway through earthly life, / I found myself in a gloomy forest
The first lines from the poem "The Divine Comedy" (song "Hell") by the Italian medieval poet and thinker Dante Alighieri (1265-1321):
Having passed half of earthly life,
I found myself in a dark forest
Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.

Allegorically: about the "midlife crisis"; about confusion, self-doubt, depressed state of mind of a middle-aged man.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Earthly life having passed to half, / I found myself in a gloomy forest" in other dictionaries:

    Dante Alighieri- (1265 1321) The great Italian poet, thinker, creator of the greatest of the creations of the medieval artistic culture poem "The Divine Comedy" This poetic mystery was subsequently called the "encyclopedia of Christian spirituality" ... Aesthetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Eng. East Coker) the second part of the cycle of poems "Four Quartets" by Thomas Eliot. The element of the East Coker poem is earth, the color is black. Name after the village of East Coker in Somersetshire, where the ancestors of T. S. Eliot lived and from where they emigrated to Boston in ... ... Wikipedia

    mid life crisis-    MIDDLE-LIFE CRISIS (p. 332)    “After halfway through my earthly life, I found myself in a gloomy forest, having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley ...” None of us has the poetic gift of Dante, but many at a certain time in life come to mind … … Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Tercina is a poem (solid form), written in tercets with a special rhyme and a final stand-alone verse. Rhyming pattern: aba bcb cdc … xyx yzy z. A wave-like overlap of rhyme gives a poem written ... ... Wikipedia

    tercet- (from Italian terzetto, lat. tertius third) kind of stanza: a stanza of three poetic lines (verses) with prevailing rhyming schemes: aaa (all three verses rhyme), aab (two verses rhyme, but the third does not). special kind three lines of the tercina... Dictionary of literary terms

    terza rima- (from Latin terra rima third rhyme) a stanza of three verses rhyming in such a way that a series of thirds forms a continuous chain of triple rhymes: aba bvb vgv, etc. and closes with a separate line, rhymed with the middle verse of the last terza. ... ... Terminological dictionary-thesaurus in Literary Studies

At the next meeting of the club, which took place two days ago, the best, in my opinion, was Lera's report on Dante.
I put it in its entirety, together with all the illustrations of the report.
In addition to Dante himself and his great works, I was interested in the Guelphs and Ghibellines in Florence. It turns out that they also had a two-party system and the Dante family, as befits progressives, belonged to Democratic Party(Guelphs). Dante was also for the democrats against the aristocrats (Ghibellines), which did not prevent the Guelphs from accusing him of corruption and bribery and expelling him from Florence. His example is science to others.

Dante Alighieri. 1265-1321


Florence, where the future was born great poet, was the first Italian city-republic to have a constitution. The city grew rapidly and soon became one of the largest cities Europe. Soon the rich elite of Florence took power into their own hands, and consuls from the Council of a Hundred began to rule.
The struggle of the city for independence was aggravated by the irreconcilable enmity of the two parties - the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, which drew the entire population of the city into its cycle.

The Guelphs supported the people. Fights blew up the peace of beautiful Florence, and alternately supporters of one party or another were expelled, and houses and property were plundered or confiscated. The revenge of the victors was cruel, and on the walls of the Bargello palace they hung rebels or their images with a noose around their necks.

Bargello Palace

Biography of Dante
According to family tradition, Dante's ancestors came from a Roman family who participated in the founding of Florence. Dante's father's house was not far from the sinister palace, the family belonged to the Guelphs, his father was, apparently, a lawyer. The Ghibellines, as a rule, belonged to large feudal lords and urban patricians. When the Guelphs won in the city, strife began in their very midst, turning into bloody strife.
The exact date of Dante's birth is unknown. Dante was born in May 1265. Dante himself reported that he was born under the sign of Gemini, which begins on May 21.
The place where Dante studied is unknown, but he received a wide knowledge of ancient and medieval literature, V natural sciences and was familiar with the heretical teachings of the day. Dante devoted a lot of time to self-education, in particular, to the study foreign languages, ancient poets, among whom he gave special preference to Virgil, considering him his teacher and "leader".
It is assumed that after school Dante studies higher sciences at the University of Bologna
According to the customs of that time, 12-year-old Dante was engaged to 6-year-old Gemma Donati. The wedding was to take place when the groom reached the age of 20. Perhaps obligations to the bride or family problems forced Dante to return to hometown without completing a science course.
When Dante was only 9 years old, an event occurred that became a landmark in his life, including his creative one. At the celebration, his attention was attracted by a peer, a neighbor's daughter - Beatrice Portinari. Ten years later, as a married lady, she became for Dante that beautiful Beatrice, whose image illuminated his whole life and poetry.

The second time she spoke to him was 9 years later, when she was walking down the street dressed in white, accompanied by two elderly women. She greeted him, which filled him with incredible joy, he returned to his room and had a dream that would become the theme of the first sonnet of the New Life. The manner in which Dante expresses his love for Beatrice is consistent with the medieval concept of courtly love, a secret, unrequited form of admiration.

Before whom it will pass, illuminated with beauty,
He does good or dies.
Who does she deem worthy?
Approach, he is shocked with happiness.
To whom he will give a friendly bow,
He forgets insults with meekness,
And the Lord gives her great power:
Whoever listens to her once, will not die in villainy.

(Donne che avete l "intelletto d" amore)

Real Portinari

There has been controversy over the identification of the real Beatrice for a long time. The generally accepted version is that her name was Bice di Folco Portinari, and she was the daughter of a respected citizen banker, Folco di Portinari.
Beatrice's date of birth is unknown, based on Dante's words, she was younger than him.
Beatrice married the banker Simone de Bardi, nicknamed Mona, probably in January 1287. According to other sources - much earlier, even in adolescence She was then about 15 years old.
A plausible hypothesis is that Beatrice's early death is related to childbirth. It is traditionally believed that her grave is located in the church of Santa Margherita de Cherchi, not far from the houses of Alighieri and Portinare, in the same place where her father and his family are buried.
Dante married 1-2 years after the death of Beatrice (the date is indicated - 1291) to Gemma Donati. In 1301 he already had three children (Pietro, Jacopo and Antonia). When Dante was expelled from Florence, Gemma remained in the city with her children, she was his wife until her death, but this woman always played a modest role in his fate.

The death of his beloved woman forced him to go headlong into science, he studied philosophy, astronomy, theology, turned into one of the most educated people of his time, although at the same time the baggage of knowledge did not go beyond the medieval tradition based on theology.
In 1295-1296. Dante Alighieri declared himself as a public, political figure, participated in the work of the city council. In 1300 he was elected a member of the college of six priors, which ruled Florence by fate.
Active political activity caused the expulsion of Dante Alighieri from Florence. The split in the Guelph party, in which he was a member, led to the fact that the so-called whites, in whose ranks the poet was, were subjected to repression. A charge of bribery was brought against Dante, after which he was forced, leaving his wife and children, to leave his native city so as not to return to it ever again. It happened in 1302.
Since that time, Dante constantly wandered around the cities, traveled to other countries. So, it is known that in 1308-1309. he visited Paris, where he participated in open debates organized by the university. The name of Alighieri was twice included in the list of persons subject to amnesty, but both times it was deleted from there. In 1316, he was allowed to return to his native Florence, but on the condition that he publicly admits the wrongness of his views and repents, but the proud poet did not do this.
Since 1316, he settled in Ravenna, where he was invited by Guido da Polenta, the ruler of the city. Here, in the company of his sons, the daughter of his beloved Beatrice, admirers, friends, last years poet. It was during the period of exile that Dante wrote a work that glorified him for centuries - "Comedy", to the name of which several centuries later, in 1555, the word "Divine" will be added in the Venetian edition. The beginning of work on the poem dates back to about 1307, and Dante wrote the last of the three parts (“Hell”, “Purgatory” and “Paradise”) shortly before his death. Tombstone of Dante in Ravenna
In the summer of 1321, Dante, as the ambassador of the ruler of Ravenna, went to Venice to conclude peace with the Republic of St. Mark. On the way back, Dante fell ill with malaria and died in Ravenna on the night of September 13-14, 1321.
Dante was buried in Ravenna. Modern tomb called "mausoleum"
built in 1780. Later, a tombstone will be made in the form of a half-length sculptural portrait and an epitaph will be written. Here are her last words:

Here rests Dante, from a dear exiled land.
So did Florence, the evil homeland, with the singer.

Ravenna has become a place of pilgrimage for admirers of the great poet. Florence will repeatedly ask to return the ashes of Dante to her, but to no avail.
The familiar portrait of Dante Alighieri lacks credibility: Boccaccio depicts him as bearded instead of the legendary clean-shaven one, however, in general, his image corresponds to our traditional idea: an oblong face with an aquiline nose, big eyes, wide cheekbones and a prominent lower lip; eternally sad and concentrated-thoughtful.

Monument to Dante. 1865, Florence.

Tombstone of Dante in Ravenna

The book called « New life» in which he spoke in poetic and prose lines about his love for a young woman who died untimely in 1290, is considered the first autobiography in world literature.
He recalls the story of his short-lived love; her last idealistic moments. The loss of Beatrice seems to him public; he notifies the eminent people of Florence about her. On the anniversary of her death, he sits and draws on a tablet: the figure of an angel comes out
Another year has passed: Dante yearns, but at the same time seeks consolation in serious work. His grief subsided so much that when one young beautiful lady looked at him with compassion, condoling with him, some new, vague feeling awoke in him, full of compromises. , with the old, not yet forgotten And he catches himself, reproaches himself for the unfaithfulness of the heart; he is hurt and ashamed. Dante returned to the old love with all the passion of the mystical affect "The New Life" ends with the poet's promise to himself that he will no longer speak of his love until he is able to do it in a worthy way.

Treatise "Feast"

1304-1307, became the poet's transition from singing love to philosophical topics.
During the years of wanderings, the poet was obsessed with the passion to show humanity the fair path. He, an exile, feels his spiritual connection with all of Italy and calls himself a "citizen of the world." The philosophical treatise "Feast" affirmed the idea of ​​a harmonious person in society, "where every person is a friend by nature to every other person."
"Feast" is not written in Latin, but in Italian and ends in glory vernacular as the language of national literature.

Treatise "Monarchy"
Dante expressed the dream of the nationwide unity of Italy, free from papal power, which caused the wrath of the church. "Monarchy" - the first great utopia created at the dawn of the Renaissance, where the poet called the peoples to peace as the highest bliss on earth

The Divine Comedy

First page of the Divine Comedy

Scene from The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

In the foothills of the Apennines, in the Benedictine monastery of Santa Croce, free from all addictions, Dante began his great work- "The Divine Comedy": "Earthly life having passed to half ..." - the introduction sounds sad, reflecting all the bitterness of disappointment and the collapse of the hopes of the great hermit. But from the solitude of the monastery cell, he follows the events in his homeland. A proud dreamer and a furious accuser, he writes an angry letter to the meeting of the Italian cardinals, accusing them of committing lawlessness and indulging the French church party (1314).

Dante himself called his poem a "comedy". So in the Middle Ages a work with a sad beginning and happy ending. The poet Boccaccio, the author of the famous Decameron, called her divine, expressing the admiration of readers for the powerful creation of Dante. Therefore, there is nothing purely religious in this definition.
A poem was written in Italian, which Dante based on the Tuscan dialect, thereby democratizing the language of literature.
In this great work, Dante set himself a great goal: to really help people cope with the fear of death. Dante believed in the real existence of hell and that courage, honor and love will help a person to get out of it unharmed.
The Divine Comedy begins with the fact that the author, shocked by the death of Beatrice, tries to pour out grief in verse in order to at least save and preserve the pure image of his beloved in them. But suddenly he realizes that it is she, blissful and innocent, who is not subject to death and can save him from death. And Beatrice, with the help of Virgil, leads the living Dante, and with him the readers, through all the horrors of hell. "Abandon all hope" is inscribed on the gates of hell, but Virgil advises Dante to abandon all fear, for only with open eyes man can comprehend the roots of evil. According to Dante, the soul of a person can go to hell even during life, because this is not a place, but a state into which one falls who is in the power of sin. Even if it is a sin of hatred, the victim and the executioner will be thrown into hell together, and as long as the victim hates his tormentor, he will not be able to escape from hell.

Sandro Botticelli. "Circles of Hell" . Illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy. 1480s.

It seems to Dante that everyone is straying in a gloomy forest of delusions and symbolic animals blocked the path to the light for everyone: the lynx is voluptuousness, the lion is pride, the she-wolf is greed. Virgil led his Aeneas into the realm of shadows; now he will be the leader of Dante, as long as he, a pagan, is allowed to go to hand him over to the hands of the poet Statius, who was considered a Christian in the Middle Ages; he will lead him to Beatrice. So walking in the three afterlife kingdoms is added to wandering in the dark forest: the abode of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.
Whole afterworld turned out to be a complete building, the architecture of which is calculated in all details, the definitions of space and time are distinguished by mathematical and astronomical accuracy. In everything, conscious, mysterious symbolism: the number three and its derivative, nine, a three-line stanza (tercine), three parts of the Comedy; minus the first, introductory song, there are 33 songs each for Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, and each of them ends with the same word: stars (stelle); three symbolic wives, three colors in which Beatrice is clothed, three symbolic beasts, three mouths of Lucifer and the same number of sinners devoured by him; the triple distribution of Hell with nine circles, etc.; seven ledges of Purgatory and nine heavenly spheres

Like a student after a teacher, Dante follows Virgil through the gates to the underworld to go through a long and hard way, cleanse and ascend to heaven, where Dante is waiting for Beatrice. Dante is convinced that in the name of law and justice, a punishing right hand is needed. And now he hears cries and complaints in different dialects.
On the eve of Hell are those who have taken a position of non-intervention in the struggle. Neither Hell, nor Purgatory, nor Paradise accepts them.
The first circle of hell, where the souls of virtuous pagans reside, who did not know the true God, but who came closer to this knowledge and for this were delivered from hellish torments.
Here Dante sees prominent representatives ancient culture Aristotle and Euripides and others
The next circle looks like a colossal funnel, consisting of concentric circles, filled with the souls of people who once indulged in unbridled passion.
As Dante, accompanied by Virgil, descends lower and lower, he becomes a witness to the torment of gluttons, misers and spenders, tirelessly rolling huge stones,
angry, bogged down in a swamp.
They are followed by heretics engulfed in eternal flames, tyrants and murderers swimming in streams of boiling blood, suicides turned into plants, blasphemers and rapists, deceivers of all kinds.
Then Dante sees Charon driving the souls of sinners into a boat in order to send them to the underworld. From a terrible picture, he loses his senses and wakes up already on the other side of Acheron. In the high sky underworld in the castle of Limba, Dante placed the souls of all non-Christians who glorified humanity in ancient times: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Cicero and others. There is no torment in Limbo, but here souls mourn for the paradise that is inaccessible to them. Here is Homer, Ovid, Horace.
The poet judges sinners not according to church canons. He treats many with compassion. In many he sees strong and passionate personalities. Yes, he admires strong feeling Francesca da Rimini and Paolo. Lovely image, created by Dante, inspired F. Liszt, P. I. Tchaikovsky and other composers to create musical monuments
The poem is full of numerous allegories that were clear to contemporaries. With the heroes of his time, the poet unites the heroes of antiquity. This emphasizes the immensity of the torments of sinners. Before the judgment of eternity, times and boundaries are erased. These plots speak of the author's excellent knowledge of history and mythology. Thus, the famous Ulysses was engulfed in flames for having deceived a wooden horse into Troy, which led to the death of the city. And yet Ulysses Dante draws as a heroic person. He was driven by an endless thirst for knowledge of the unknown. He is close to Dante in courage, courage, audacity, thirst for discovering new lands.
In the lower abyss of Hell, Pope Boniface VIII is tormented, wishing to subjugate Tuscany and Romagna with the help of the French. Here is another traitor, placed by Dante in Hell even before his death, - Carlo dei Pazzi, who, as a traitor and traitor to his party, handed over Pyantravigne castle to the black Guelphs along with the entire garrison, which consisted of exiles - white Guelphs. The massacre of the defenders of the fortress was terrible.
In the deepest abysses of Hell, Dante notices frozen in the ice human head. This is the head of the traitor to Florence, the traitor Bocca degli Abati. During the battle of the Florentines with the army of King Manfred, he cut off the hand of the standard-bearer of the commune, Jacopo dei Pazzi. Seeing the fallen banner, the Florentine Guelphs trembled and fled.
The lower city of Hell is lit up with flames. The demons are trying to lure Dante alone, without a teacher. scary picture- furies, hydras, snakes, Gorgon Medusa, who turns everyone who looks at her into stone - even Virgil plunges into confusion. This allegory depicts the state of Florence and Italy in the time of Dante. At the same time, these are the obstacles that humanity has to overcome in order to be cleansed of sins.
Finally, Dante penetrates the last, 9th circle of hell intended for the most terrible criminals.
Here is the abode of traitors and traitors, the greatest of them - Judas Iscariot, Brutus and Cassius -
they are gnawed by Lucifer, an angel who once rebelled against God, the king of evil, doomed to imprisonment in the center
earth. The pride of the angel Lucifer, who rebelled against the divine universe, was the root cause of evil, violated world harmony. All troubles come from him.
The description of the terrible appearance of Lucifer ends last song the first part of the poem
24 hours of terrible hellish visions have passed, and now Virgil raises Dante to the mountain of Purgatory.


The poet writes the second part of the poem already in Verona, where he was invited by the ruler of the city, a lover and connoisseur of poetry.

Having passed a narrow corridor connecting the center of the earth with the second hemisphere, Dante and Virgil come to the surface of the earth. There, in the middle of an island surrounded by the ocean, a mountain rises in the form of a truncated cone, like hell, consisting of a series of circles that narrow as they approach the top of the mountain. The angel guarding the entrance to purgatory lets Dante into the first circle of purgatory, having previously drawn seven Ps, sin, that is, the symbol of the seven deadly sins, on his forehead with a sword. As Dante rises higher and higher, passing one circle after another, these letters disappear, so that when Dante, having reached the top of the mountain, enters the one located on the top of the latter " earthly paradise”, he is already free from the signs inscribed by the guardian of purgatory. The circles of the latter are inhabited by the souls of sinners atoning for their sins.
After the heartbreaking pictures of Hell, a picturesque mountain appears before the reader, illuminated by the sun, with angels in white and fiery clothes. From here you can see the peak with flowering meadows. There Paradise is the land of unquenchable light.
Dante made Cato, a valiant husband of the Roman state, who did not want to submit to tyranny, as the Guardian of Purgatory. There are not such terrible sinners as in Hell. In the first circle, the proud are cleansed (Dante himself intends to get here after his death), in the second - the envious, in the third - the angry, then - the misers and spenders, then the gluttons, voluptuaries.
Here Dante meets the participants in the endless strife of contemporary Italy from those who were able to atone for their sin during their lifetime. So, the handsome king of Sicily Manfred, who courageously died in the battle with Charles of Anjou near Benevent, was cursed by the bishop of Cosenza, and his remains were thrown out of the grave. During his lifetime, he was an Epicurean, did not care about God, was an enemy of the church. Dante himself was also an enemy of the pope and the Holy Church, and therefore he saved Manfred from Hell, attributing to him a dying appeal to God with a prayer for forgiveness. In subsequent centuries, a whole literature was created on the image of Manfred, as a fighter for the independence of the country from the power of the pope and foreigners.

The path to Paradise lies through the wall of fire.
With fear, "turning pale as a dead man," Dante enters the flames in order to see Beatrice there, behind the wall of fire. Virgil, as a pagan, is not allowed to see God, and Beatrice appears to replace him. Dante Feels terrible remorse for his wrong steps after the death of his beloved. It was she who, in order to save him from the sinful path, showed him the terrible spectacle of the dead forever and helped to free himself from the pernicious burden of sins and delusions. She lifts him from one sphere to another, captivating him with the power of her no longer earthly, but divine love. The seven planets known at that time represent the seven solid spheres in Dante's Divine Comedy; the eighth sphere is the fixed star above all moving spheres. In the fiery sky, that which on earth was only a premonition becomes visible. All spheres are inhabited by living beings, animated by movement and action; the deepest contemplation, the most inquisitive and obscure thought take on images there; the divine nature becomes perceptible to the soul, but even there, in the starry heights, in the world of harmony, thoughts about the fate of his unfortunate homeland do not leave him.

Sandro Botticelli. Meeting of Dante and Beatrice in Paradise. Illustration for the "Divine Comedy". 1490s

Sandro Botticelli. Dante and Beatrice fly along the River of Light in Paradise. Illustration for the "Divine Comedy". 1490s

"Glory and praise in heaven to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!" - the sweet voices of the inhabitants of paradise sang, and I listened to them in rapture. What I saw seemed to me the smile of the universe, an intoxicating delight penetrating my soul through my eyes and ears. O joy, O inexpressible bliss, O life of peace and love! O eternal contentment that leaves no desire!”

"Comedy" latest and greatest mature work Dante. The poet did not realize, of course, that through his lips in the Comedy "ten silent centuries spoke", that he sums up in his work the entire development of medieval literature.

In Russia, the first complete translations of Dante's Divine Comedy refer to mid-eighteenth century. In the 19th century, the best translations belong to D. Minaev, and in the 20th century - to M. Lozinsky.

“Earthly life having passed to half,
I found myself in a dark forest
Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.

What was he, oh, how to pronounce,
That wild forest, dense and threatening,
Whose old horror I carry in my memory!

Opening lines of Dante Alighieri Divine Comedy
(translated by M. Lozinsky)

Suddenly it became scary - life is up to half ...
I'm not in the forest, but still - in the dark.
I lived easily, carelessly and innocently.
And here is the result: all the values ​​are not the same!

And this forest reminds of something.
A thought-guess flashes - am I in hell?
No. Driven away - it is for an idiot ...
But still - I'm in the forest, I'm going to the mountain ...

I'm rushing about, looking for Virgil naively ...
But Alighieri is not one of me.
Of course, the lynx comes out. Here is the picture!
It's like an endless joke.

She comes closer. It's an irbis!
This is how we met a hundred thousand years ago...
She then led me and the crisis
I was not afraid. And now I'm glad...

Lead me even to heaven, even to hell - I agree!
She showed me the way to the gate...
First to Hell! And our world was beautiful ... -
I thought... But who hasn't suffered?

“Abandon hope, ye who enter here!”
The inscription in the sky burned with fire.
And I quickly wrote in a notebook:
“No, I won’t leave, at least I’ll play the “Box” ...”

Marginal notes: "Wake up now!"
I'm only sixteen! Or even less...
All this is nonsense and a dream! Funny Sadness
I've been captured and I'm exposed

Self-hypnosis ... And yet I'm afraid ...
“Abandon hope…” Doubt burns me
My Hell follows me everywhere!
I remember that wonderful moment...

In front of me… oh yes, not that… not here…
And not now. Another adventure.
And it certainly wasn't for me...

OK it's all over Now! I am in the past - Alighieri ...
But in this life I am completely different.
Half life means only half loss.
And so much more. And it's easy for me!

I'm glad I was. And let there be more!
So much that I can barely say
Life is endless ... it even became scary ...
I found myself in a dark forest.


And is it possible to say in words
There was a man... and he came out...
That he is no longer with us.
Looks at us somewhere above.
Why is it so lacking
His special smiles!
Now only God knows
Than expensive without any ...

I remember him, period.
There aren't many good ones.
Behind him was not found in the lines
bad and bad.
Friends will remember ... I'm with them
the silence of dots,
How We Were Born Different
among our families and others.

The soul of the poet has subsided ...
He is in the memory of those who are alive.
Let it be neither like this nor that...
But it was really nice...

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I first read this poem in the journal "Science and Life" in the early 70s. The article told about Count Rezanov, and below, in the "basement", this poem was printed.
I was not delighted with the form - I stumbled either on the absence of rhyme, or on disproportionate and unjustifiably unequal lines - as if I was walking along the sleepers.
But the poem touched the last chord - the words "Koncha is dressed in black, got up from the table ..." still cause shivers.
For a long time I remembered, although distortedly, precisely these last lines - In silence ... the whole crowd froze. Cum in a black robe rose from the table... Only under a white hood..."

I have been looking for this poem for a long time, when the opportunity arose - and through the Internet. Everything was pointless. The combination "Koncha in black attire ..." has not been found anywhere - but I was looking for precisely these words.
And then somehow it dawned on me, and I typed about the white hood - and right there on the first page of the search engine, the lost text was found. Here it became clear what a joke my imperfect memory had played.

Many years after the first reading, I reread this poem, still trembling at the end.
Nothing changed.
Only I thought about it - maybe it's not the author? He didn't write it that way, but the translator couldn't adequately display it in another language.
I don't know if it is.

I still rejoice at some interesting rhymes, I still get pounded at the end - I so vividly imagine this young almost girl who waited so patiently and was so terribly rewarded for her patience and devotion.

Here ... I leave it as a reminder ...


Among the hills close to the sea -
the fortress looks strange,
Here is the home of the Franciscans
keeps the memory of the past.
Their patron father suddenly godfather
became a strange city, -
An angel with a wonderful face here
shone with a golden branch.
Ancient emblems, trophies
irretrievably swept away
Alien flag soars here, rhea
over the stones of antiquity.
The gaps and scars of the siege,
there are a lot of them on the walls here,
Just for a moment glances
the curious will be attracted.
Wonderful golden thread
only love could weave
In a harsh, simple fabric, -
that love is not dead.
Only love is always
revives now
These dark walls
listen to her story.


Here once Count Rezanov,
Russian tsar's ambassador,
Near the embrasures near the guns
had an important conversation.
On politics with the authorities
he struck up a conversation
Discussing with them
Union treaty.
There with the Spanish commandant
daughter was beautiful
The Count spoke to her privately
about matters of the heart.
Discussed all terms
point by point, everything in a row,
And ended with love
what the Diplomat started.
Peace treaty successful
the count with the authorities completed,
Like your love marriage,
and hurried north.
The betrothed said goodbye
at dawn on the cliff,
Set off on a journey across the ocean
boldly Russian Eagles.


Near the embrasures near the guns
waiting, looking into the distance,
That the groom-ambassador will return
to them with a reply from the king.
Day after day the wind blew from the sea
in the embrasures, in the cracks of the rocks,
Day after day desert-light
Pacific Ocean sparkled.
Weeks passed, and turned white
sand dunes,
Weeks went by and it got dark
distance, dressed in forests.
But it rains suddenly the wind is fresh
brought from the southwest,
The whole coastline bloomed
thunderstorms thundered.
The weather changes, in summer -
dry, rainy - in the spring.
Blooms for six months
and half a year - dust and heat.
Just do not come news
letters from a foreign land
Commandant and bride
ships don't come.
Sometimes she is sad
heard a silent call.
"He will come" - the flowers whispered,
"Never" came from the hills.
How alive he appeared to her
in the quiet lapping of sea waves.
If the ocean rose
her fiancé disappeared.
And she pursued him
and the swarthy cheeks turned pale,
Between the eyelashes a tear lurked,
and in the eyes - a silent reproach.
And trembled with reproach
lips, tenderer petals,
And a capricious wrinkle
brow furrowed.
Near the cannons in the embrasures
commandant, stern and strict,
The wisdom of old proverbs
He consoled his daughter as best he could.
Many more from their ancestors
he kept in his soul,
Rare gemstones
carried a stream of his speeches:
"Wait for the rider in the parking lot, -
gotta be patient"
"The exhausted maid
it will be difficult to knock down the oil,
"The one who collects honey for himself,
will attract a lot of flies,
"Only time sweeps away the miller",
"He sees in the dark and the mole",
"The mayor's son is not afraid
punishment and judgment,
After all, the count has reasons
he will explain himself then.
And proverbs densely
spilled speech,
Changing tone, began
flow smoothly in Castilian style.
Again "Concha", "Conchitita"
and "Conchita" without end
Began to repeat loudly
in the speech of an affectionate father.
So with proverbs, with affection,
in expectation and longing,
Flashing, glimmering hope
and shimmered in the distance.


Annual cavalcade
appeared from the mountains far away,
Shepherds are fun
brought joy to the girls.
The days of feasts have come,
rural holiday fun, -
Bullfighting, shooting and racing
noisy carnival for everyone.
In vain for the commandant's daughter
until midnight in the morning
with tenor guitar.
In vain are the daredevils at the races
a handkerchief thrown by her,
Leaning down from their saddles, they grabbed
at the mustangs from under their feet.
In vain festive joy
bright cloaks bloomed,
Disappearing with the cavalcade
in a dusty cloud in the distance.
Drum, sentinel step
heard from the fortress wall,
Commandant and daughter again
must live alone.
Indestructible daily circle
small deeds, labors, worries,
Holiday with melodious music
blooms only once a year.


Forty years of siege of the fort
ocean wind led
Ever since the north is proud
Russian eagle flew away.
Forty years old stronghold fort
time broke down more
George's Cross at the port
raised proudly Monterey.
The citadel is in full bloom
lavishly decorated hall,
famous traveler,
Sir George Simpson shone there.
A lot of people gathered
to a gala banquet
The guest accepted all the congratulations,
English baronet.
There were speeches, toasts,
and the table noise subsided.
Someone out loud carelessly
I remembered how the groom disappeared.
Sir George Simpson exclaimed:
"No, the groom is not to blame!
He died, the poor man died
forty years ago.
Died on the way to Russia
in the race, the count fell with his horse.
And the bride, right, is married
left, forgetting about it.
Is she alive?" Answer
no, the whole crowd froze.
Concha, dressed in black,
rose from the table.
Only under a white hood
stared at him
Burnt black coal
mournful and insane look.
"Is she alive?" - in silence
the words came out clearly
Cum in black dress:
"No, señor, she is dead!"

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