Aquaman comic. Vicious King of the Sea


Aquaman #15 | Aquaman #15 (2003) Aquaman & Others | aquaman and the Others (2014) Aquaman Volume 7 | Aquaman Vol.7 (2011) Aquaman Yearbook | Aquaman Annual (2013)

Aquaman is a famous superhero in DC Comics. He is considered the master of the entire underwater world. Aquaman character created famous author Norris, co-authored with Weisinger. Aquaman's first debut was in More Fun Comics #73, back in November 1941.

Aquaman is the master of everything connected with the water world, a charismatic tall blond with blue eyes.
Aquaman has shown his leadership abilities and is a founding member of the Justice League of America. Aquaman comics also boasts that it occupies position 52 out of 100 in the ranking of the most best heroes comics. This is reported to us by the news site IGN. And even despite its relatively modest celebrity among readers, the Aquaman comic book has its own personal comic book series. You can read Aquaman comics online at any time of the day or night!

At first, in Silver Age DC comics, Arthur Curry's father is Tom Curry, and his mother is a woman with unusual name Atlanta. Aquaman's father worked as a lighthouse keeper. So he met Atlanna, when he once saved her from drowning. Antlanna soon gave birth to Tom's son, whom they named Arthur Curry. Arthur from childhood began to discover some talents in himself. The boy possessed unimaginable strength and speed. Later it turned out that the boy can live underwater like a fish, breathe and understand the language of the underwater world. Before her death, Atlanna confessed to her family that she was former queen Atlantis.

After the death of Tom's mother, Arthur's father tried to provide the boy with a good teaching and purposefully shaped him as a person through quality education. This influenced further fate Arthur, he developed the qualities of a leader and in the end he becomes a superhero under the pseudonym Aquaman. You can read Aquaman comics on our website for free at any time convenient for you.

After the reboot of the DC Comics universe, the origin of the superhero Aquaman was slightly modified. Already in new reality the boy was born in an unusual royal family Atlanteans. Queen Atlanta for a long time could not get pregnant from her husband, he was also the king of Atlantis - Travis. Soon she cheated on her husband with a sorcerer named Atlan, who possessed immortality. Atlan named the boy Orin and predicted a grand future ahead. When King Travis first saw the child, he immediately realized that this son was not conceived from him, since Orin was fair-haired. According to local customs, it was revered that if a child was born fair-haired, then he was cursed, and such a child must be disposed of. Antlanna was forced to fake a miscarriage and leave the baby to die on the rocks. Endowed with innate superpowers to communicate and understand the language of marine life, Orin attracted the attention of dolphins, who saved his life and did not let him die. They raised him for a while, after which he had a second mother, Porm. A few years later, Orin met Arthur Curry, who worked as a lighthouse. Arthur took the boy into his care and raised him as his own. own son. After his death, Arthur rewarded Orin with his name. When Orin grew up and became a man, he returned to his homeland and was awarded the status of King of Atlantis. From now on, the superhero Aquaman is born! You can read Aquaman comics online on our website without registration.

Aquaman powers and superpowers

  • Amphibious Adaptation
    Aquaman, due to his physiology, can breathe both on land and underwater.
  • Telepathy and the ability to communicate with marine inhabitants
    Aquaman's most extensive use of his superhuman abilities is to telepathically contact marine life, which he inherited from his Aquaman origin. Aquaman fully demonstrates the ability to control any sea creatures, and also in one of the issues of Aquaman the comic shows us the influence on any creature that has turned from a sea creature. You can read Aquaman comics in Russian without registration on our website at any time.
  • Superhuman strength
    Aquaman can easily lift a house, a car, break through walls. Approximately Aquaman can lift objects weighing 100 tons.
  • Agility
    Arthur Curry is considered one of the most agile creatures in the world. underwater world. It has been found that Aquaman can accelerate to 175 mph (far from the limit), while he can easily swim for several hours without getting tired.
  • Superhuman Senses
    While under water, the superhero Aquaman hears over long distances. Arthur is able to hear and feel the heartbeat of a living being. At the same time being a few kilometers away from him. He is also able to sense that there is water somewhere nearby.
  • Endurance and resistance to attacks
    Aquaman, due to his physiology, is able to withstand ocean pressure in a wide variety of deep trenches. He can also endure open hits from a machine gun or a direct collision with a tank. He also excels in dealing with high temperatures, the effects of various energies and direct attacks.
  • Leader. Aquaman is endowed with excellent leadership qualities. He showed this ability well, controlling Atlantis, and also demonstrated himself more than once in the Justice League.


  • Trident of Neptune (Aquaman comics early version)
    In an early version of the Aquaman comic, he could use Neptune's Trident to control water and fire. It was impossible to destroy it, and with its help Aquaman could endow his allies with various miraculous abilities.
  • Trident of Neptune (Aquaman comics) a new version)
    In the latest version of the Aquaman comic, Neptune's trident was created by the root king of Atlantis. Trident for a long time served him as an indestructible weapon. It was rumored that Neptune's Trident was the most powerful weapon that could easily destroy the most durable armor. This trident serves as a symbol of Aquaman and, of course, the king of Atlantis.
  • Cybernetic arm (early version)
    Aquaman got his cybernetic arm after being eaten by piranhas. left hand. The material of Aquaman's prosthetic arm was not known, but what is known is that the prosthetic arm could transform and change into a weapon at Arthur's behest.
  • Hand of Aquarius (early version)
    The hand of Aquarius was purchased by Aquaman as a gift from supernatural being- The Lady of the Lake, she is the Lake Fairy. She rewarded him with this gift in return for his lost hand. The hand has various magical superpowers at its disposal. She could transform and take on a different figure. The hand of Aquarius had healing abilities, could burn with jets hot water. Also, the hand could do its job separately from Aquaman.

Screen adaptation

In 2018, the eponymous film Aquaman directed by James Wan will be released. Starring the amazing actor James Momoa. It will be a fantastic action movie, the script of which was taken from the Aquaman comics of the well-known publishing house DC Comics.
Aquaman, aka Arthur Curry, after becoming familiar with his superhuman superpowers, fights against powerful evil.

"Aquaman" movie will be the first movie where Aquaman will play leading role. Previously, we can watch Aquaman in a small episode in famous series"Secrets of Smallville". Aquaman can also be seen in the first episode of the series "The Diver". This series was about Aquaman, but the project was not successful and was covered up.

USA today. A fishing boat is attacked by monsters - humanoids that have emerged from the depths with huge teeth and empty eyes. The superhero Aquaman, a descendant of the Atlanteans living on land, who is trying in vain to fix everyday life among people.

Aquaman Vol. 1: The Trench
Genre: superhero
Screenwriter Story by: Geoff Johns
Artist: Ivan Reis
Original Output: 2012
publishing house: "Azbuka-Atticus", 2016

DC Comics' superhero pantheon is full of implausible and downright wacky characters. One of these is Aquaman. This hero was invented in the middle of the last century, when the requirements for comics were low, and by the 2000s, when the audience became more demanding, he turned into a target for ridicule. A superhero with scales and a trident, breathing underwater and controlling fish? What could be more stupid? It was from this opinion that he repelled creative director DC Comics Geoff Johns, who brought back interest in the hero in a very unusual way.

The author deliberately built the plot around the ridiculous image of Aquaman. The descendant of the Atlanteans is opposed not so much by terrible monsters as by mocking him American society. The superhero is alien to the world where he grew up. A contradiction begins to ripen inside him: why risk his life for the sake of people who do not have an iota of respect for him? Thanks to this background, the story fits well against the backdrop of hectic superhero action films, and the slow pace of the narrative creates the necessary immersion effect. It really turns out to empathize with Aquaman!

The descendant of the Atlanteans is opposed not by terrible monsters, but by a society that mocks him

Artist Ivan Reis successfully maintains the originality of the comic. He draws the monsters opposing the hero in a gloomy, almost Lovecraftian style, thus bringing a bit of spectacular horror to the story. As a result, the comic also looks better than many analogues.

The last but not least advantage of the Hollow is its value in itself. The story arc is cleverly closed, and the intriguing ending becomes just an excuse to pay attention to the sequel.

Outcome: One of the most ridiculous superheroes gets a great reboot. The Hollow won't be a classic, but it's sure to delight DC fans.

In Hawaii, the newlyweds were pleasantly surprised to meet actor Jason Momoa during a photo shoot. Khal Drogo, at the request of the photographer, intervened in the process, making the wedding shots much more badass. And it seems to have given fans even more reasons to love.

Let Jason Momoa and best known for his role as the stern hero of the "Game of Thrones" Khal Drogo, fans are still sure: the actor is a real cutie. And even the furious haka dance performed by Jason at the Aquaman premiere will not dissuade fans. And at the end of December, Jason once again showed his admirers his pleasant and friendly nature, intervening in the couple's wedding photo shoot in Hawaii.

Newlyweds Kathy and Brandon Myers chose a beach on the island of Oahu, not far from the capital of Hawaii, Honolulu, as the location for filming. The couple calmly posed for a photo, when suddenly Jason Momoa appeared on the beach with friends and family, according to E! News. Apparently, the actor was just walking with his loved ones - he was wearing casual T-shirts with shorts. Noticing the festive photoset, Momoa and his entourage began to shout congratulations to the guy with the girl.

The wedding photographer quickly got his bearings and asked the star to take part in the shooting. And Jason happily agreed. Nearby, as journalists write, a child with a trident was resting (of course, which looks exactly like the trident from Aquaman, which cannot but arouse certain suspicions). Be that as it may, the actor borrowed a toy from the boy and began to pose with it. Momoa stated that he portrayed Bigfoot - but it seems that he still turned out the perfect Aquaman. Here he notices the unsuspecting newlyweds.

And goes on the attack! Marks, of course, the groom in the head

And not only in the head... What a crazy khal.

After filming, Jason signed the trident and returned it to the boy. According to the wedding coordinator, the actor was very responsive: he took pictures with everyone present on the beach and behaved very modestly (what a cutie!). In the meantime, the guests and organizers of the event talked with Momoa's relatives, who also turned out to be very positive and pleasant people.

Aquaman (aquaman) his real name Arthur Curry - fictional character, a superhero from the universe, is also the king of Atlantis. The character was created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger and first appeared in the comic More Fun Comics No. 73 (November 1941).

Aquaman can breathe underwater, telepathically communicate and control all forms of marine life, and swim at high speeds. He also possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina and longevity, all the result of his body adapting to being protected by the immense pressure of the ocean depths.

During the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, Aquaman was a minor but recurring character in comic book spin-offs starring other characters. As one of several superheroes featured in DC Comics publications in the late 1950s, he was made a member of the Justice League of America, ensuring the character's continued existence. The modern Aquaman has become a darker and more powerful character, often portrayed in righteous anger.

In May 2011, Aquaman was ranked #52 on the " Top 100 Comic Book Heroes"According to IGN.


Originally in the Silver Age, Arthur Curry was the son of a lighthouse worker named Tom Curry and a woman named Atlanna. Arthur is already adolescence demonstrated incredible strength and speed, as well as the ability to breathe underwater and talk to fish. Being near death, Atlanna revealed the truth to the boy: she was the Queen of Atlantis, who was in exile, and promised that one day Arthur would become the ruler of the seven seas. His father gave him an education and taught him how to manage his abilities, which ultimately helped him become a hero named Aquaman. His origin was changed when the DC Universe was restarted, following the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Orin was born into the royal family of Atlantis. But later it turned out that his father was not the king of Atlantis, Travis, but the immortal wizard Atlan. He predicted a great future for the child and named him after his ancestor Orin, promising to become the father of another child, because the two brothers must always fight for the future of Atlantis. Travis immediately knew the child was not his due to the color of his hair (Orin was blond), indicating that he might be carrying the Cordax Curse. It was announced that the Queen had suffered a miscarriage and that the baby was abandoned on Merciful Reef. But thanks to their ability to communicate with the inhabitants of the seas, the child was raised by dolphins. His adoptive mother, Porm, gave him the name Swimmer, although Orin left this family when his adopted brother, Drin, was killed by a fisherman. His next encounter with humanity was when the lighthouse worker, Tom Curry, took him in to be raised, naming him Arthur Curry, before he died. While spending time in Alaska, Arthur fell in love with an Eskimo girl named Kako. She was pregnant, but Arthur did not know about it, as the demon Nulayuk forced him to leave Alaska. His next run-in with God came when Arthur protected Princess Diana from sexual harassment from Triton, son of Poseidon. Back in Atlantis, Arthur was sentenced to hard labor in a prison called the Aquarium. He has developed good relations with former professor Valko, who taught him Atlantean; during this time, he learns that his biological mother has died. The first superhero Orin met was The Flash. He called Curry Aquaman during a press conference on the banks of the Crescent. Upon his next return home, Orin learns that Professor Valko has led a rebellion and demanded his rightful right to the throne of Atlantis. This was supposedly changed during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, which was revealed during a conversation with Jackson Hyde and revealed on Brightest Day that Arthur was once again the son of Atlanta and Tom Curry.

The most Dark night

Comic Darkest Night#1, Garth returns to Atlantis and tells Orin's wife Mera that he is angry that Aquaman's body is buried on earth. Mera says that Orin felt safe on Earth and that this is indeed what he wanted. Sometime later, a black power ring is seen in Orin's grave, resurrecting Aquaman's corpse. He later appears as a member of the Black Lantern Corps and demands that Mera rejoin him in afterlife, offering her the chance to see her son again. Garth is killed and joins the Black Lanterns himself. Mera refuses such an undertaking and flees. At the climax of the miniseries, Aquaman is among the revived White Lantern Entities and is reunited with Mera. Because the Black Lantern Ring helps restore Orin's body when he is revived, his arm is also restored.

Arthur Joseph Kerry

Arthur Joseph Kerry is the second DC Comics superhero to be known as Aquaman. Created by Kurt Busiek and Jackson Guis, he first appeared in a comic Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis No. 40 (May 2006). As part of a series One Year Later, the Aquaman series has been renamed to Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis from issue #40 (May 2006). New changes include new main characters, new minor characters second plan. The character was short lived.

Arthur's story is reminiscent of versions of the original Aquaman. This Arthur Kerry, much like the Aquaman of the Golden Age, is the son of Dr. Philip Kerry. Arthur's mother, Elaine, died in childbirth and Dr. Kerry was forced to use a mutagenic serum on his son when he was born three months early. Arthur has lived his entire life in the reservoir of his father's research facility in Avalon Cay, his only window to the outside world being television.


Aquaman in excellent physical form, in water can lift over 100 tons. Has the ability to breathe underwater without needing air. Skilled martial art. Thanks to his trident, he is able to call lightning bolts. His suit, made of impenetrable scales, makes him almost invulnerable.

Aquaman's most famous ability is his telepathic ability to communicate with marine life, which he can summon from a great distance. While this ability is most often and most easily used on marine life, Aquaman occasionally demonstrated ability to influence any creature that lives on the sea (such as sea eagles), or even any creature that evolved from marine life (such as humans). In the 2011 reboot, the power of Aquaman's telepathy was greatly downplayed: acknowledging that most of sea ​​life is not developed enough to make telepathic communication, Aquaman is now stated to be simply coercing sea creatures to do his bidding by subtle alteration of their cerebellum.

Aquaman has a number of superhuman powers, most of which stem from the fact that he can live in the depths of the ocean. He has the ability to breathe underwater. He possesses superhuman strength , high enough to remain unscathed under the enormous pressure and low temperature of the ocean depths. It can swim at very high speeds, capable of reaching speeds of 3,000 meters per second (10,800 km/h). He can see almost complete darkness and has acute hearing providing sonar. Although he can remain underwater indefinitely without any ill effects, Aquaman becomes weak if he remains on land for an extended amount of time. However, when Batman invented Aquaman's water suit, he could stay on land for an indefinite amount of time and was no longer vulnerable to the "dryer". This weakness was later removed in 2011, revealing that he grew up on the ground before learning of his mighty heritage.

In the media

Animated series

Aquaman first appeared in the animated series " Superman and Aquaman Adventure Hour", the character was voiced by Marvin Miller. In this version, he has many abilities, he also has the ability to throw "water balls", which had a significant impact on destruction.

super friends", in the first two seasons, the character was voiced by Norman Alden, and in the rest of the animated series, the character was voiced by Bill Callaway. In this animated series, Aquaman has shown super strength, such as lifting a bulldozer bucket over his head, and using it to help stop a tidal wave. he also had an encyclopedic knowledge of oceanography and oceanology, in addition to his more aquatic telepathy.However, this animated series has been accused of making Aquaman unpopular, and even laughable, reinforcing the character's weak image.

Aquaman appears in the animated series " Aquaman and Adventure Hour with Friends". It lasted only 7 episodes and was a parody of Aquaman's appearances in the animated series." super friends".

Aquaman appears in the animated series " Superman", the character was voiced by Miguel Ferrer. He appeared in only one episode, where he was shown in a classic suit, an orange shirt, green gloves, green pants with green boots, a gold belt with the letter "A" as a clasp, short hair and a clean-shaven face. In an episode of Aquaman, regarded as urban legend, he comes into conflict with Lex Luthor.

Aquaman's daughter Aquagirl as a member of the future Justice League appears in the animated series " Batman of the future".

Aquaman appears in " Justice League", voiced by Scott Rammell. He appears as one of the main characters in some episodes. This version was closely based on the impulsive and anti-hero version of the comic book series. Aquaman 1994 and 2001, the character also has a hook instead of one hand.

Aquaman appears in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by John DiMaggio. As always, Aquaman is the king of Atlantis and patron of all the seas. He is described by Batman as affable, nonchalant seeker of adventures. The character appears in many different episodes.

Aquaman appears in the Young Justice animated series, voiced by Phil LaMarr.

Animated films

Justice League: The New Frontier", the character was voiced by Alan Ritchson. In this film, he is referred to as the "Arthur of Atlantis". He and some Atlantean doctors were seen treating Superman's wounds.

Aquaman appears in the cartoon " Justice League: Crisis of Two Worlds", the character was voiced by Josh Keaton. He helps Batman in the fight against Superwoman aboard the Justice League satellite.

Aquaman appears in the cartoon " Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox", voiced by Cary Elwes.

Aquaman appears in the cartoon " Justice League: Throne of Atlantis", the character was voiced by Matt Lanter. In the film, Arthur Kerry does not know at first that he is from the Atlantian race, but soon, he learns about it. Meanwhile, the Queen of Atlantis sends to bring him home. After she finds him, they go to Atlantis, which has already been captured and the queen killed.


Arthur "AC" Carrey appeared in the series " Smallville", in the episode titled "Water", which aired on October 20, 2005. The episode shows Arthur investigating the destructive effects on marine life from a project Lex Luthor was creating for the US troops. In the process, he also manages to meet with Lois Lane before leaving to continue his fight for the ecosystem.This version of the character is shown to have the ability to throw "water balls" with a huge impact, he could also swim faster than Clark Kent.It is also shown that Arthur wears an orange and green suit because he is a student at the University of Miami.


Aquaman appears in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, portrayed by Jason Momoa.

  • Aquaman appears in the Justice League movie, portrayed by Jason Momoa.
  • Aquaman appears in the Aquaman movie, portrayed by Jason Momoa.

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