Life position. Does luxury corrode the human soul? Luxury corrodes the soul


Crying is a manifestation of human weakness. Here is the problem that S. Lvov discusses.

The author indignantly describes life situations when people try to solve their problems with the help of a cry. He talks about a mother, seemingly from a prosperous family, who raises children in such a way that "it is heard through doors, windows, walls." What words does she throw at her little daughters: “Idiot! I'll kill you!" S. Lvov uses a vivid comparison when he says that the barking of a dog awakened by this mother "sounds more intelligent than this cry." According to the author, screaming in the teaching staff is infinitely dangerous. Speaking about the work of a coach, "a master of his craft", S. Lvov emphasizes his rudeness and intemperance. The publicist is sure that this is not the way to work with children and teenagers.

Let us recall, for example, A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych", the main character of which, a wonderful doctor, eventually lost his best human qualities, forgot about the ethics of a doctor. He constantly yells at his patients, is rude to them, forgetting that he is obliged to help the sick.

The mayor Ugryum-Burcheev, the hero of the novel "The History of a City" by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, is also a vivid example of rudeness and intemperance. The terrible cry of the mayor constantly spreads throughout all his possessions, forcing people to tremble and unquestioningly carry out his senseless orders. And what else to expect from this "idiot", as its author characterized? But mother, the heroine of the text by S. Lvov, is mentally a normal person ...

Thus, I can conclude that shouting is one of our main shortcomings, due to the manifestation of weakness, fatigue, and professional incompetence.

Nina Zagudaeva, 10th grade student

The role of friendship in the life of every person

The role of friendship in the life of every person is the problem that the famous Russian writer and publicist raises.

Tatyana Tess shares her bitter bewilderment about why graduates these days can't really make friends. She suggests that the threads that bind them are too weak. Literature teacher Nikolai Nikolaevich tells her a story from his life, a story of true friendship that taught him to "never escape responsibility" for what he did.

I agree with Tatyana Tess. Friendship is an integral part of our life, it is no coincidence that the Russian proverb says: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends."

The protagonist of the story of the same name by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Taras Bulba, said that "partnership is higher than the family, higher than kinship by blood, higher than everything earthly."

I remember two heroes of the novel Oblomov by I. A. Goncharov: Andrey Stolz and Ilya Oblomov. People are very different in character, in purpose in life, but they were true friends.

Thus, I can conclude that friendship plays an important role in a person's life.

Relationship to the times you live in

Is it worth being proud of the time in which you live - this is the problem that V. Tendryakov discusses. Reflecting on this issue, the author cites the statement of V. G. Belinsky, who once said that he envies his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will live in the forties of the next century. The great critic is wrong. There was nothing to envy the descendants of the time of the most cruel of wars in the history of mankind, but to be proud! .. V. Tendryakov believes that in order to somehow understand the present and future, one should turn

to the past, to catch in it those moments that people were proud of.

I share the point of view of V. Tendryakov. Time, like homeland, is not chosen. There are no ideal eras, and

we need to love and keep in memory the time in which we are destined to be born and live.

I remember the film shot by Andrey Malyukov, "We are from the future", in which my contemporaries fantastically fall into the past, right in the midst of the Great Patriotic War. They were just boys, they knew what war is, they saw how people do things that the country can be proud of. Returning to their time, the guys radically changed their attitude to the present, revised their views.

Much is said about our time. Someone praises him, and someone scolds. But this is our time! Our life! And we have something to be proud of: the victory of the Russian national hockey team at the world championship, and the excellent performance of the Buranovsky grandmothers at Intervision, and the feat of Sergei Solnechnikov ...

Thus, I can conclude that the time in which you live is worth being proud of.

About tolerance for other people

Tolerance towards other people is a necessary thing in society. Here is the moral problem that the author reflects on.

Yuri Lotman, a well-known philologist, argues in an essay that we all need to be more tolerant towards each other. The author very appropriately introduces into the narrative the image of a ship - the globe. Emotionally and excitedly, Y. Lotman says that in an era of national enmity, it is precisely tolerance that is a necessary property for the survival of a nation on a single ship called "Earth".

I recall the work of A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", where respected people of the city, the merchant Dikoy and the merchant's wife Kabanikha, showed vivid examples of intolerance. For them, only their own opinion was right. I think every high school student knows what their intolerance led to. The crippled fates of her own children and nephews, Katerina's suicide...

I live in the North Caucasus and have seen more than once how a fight or brawl could immediately arise from just one accidentally dropped phrase.

How we all need tolerance for each other!

Is the concept of honor obsolete today?

Whether the concept of honor is outdated today is the question that the famous Russian writer Daniil Granin discusses.

This moral problem has existed in the world for a long time. This is evidenced by examples from the classical works of A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy, for whose heroes there was no higher concept than the honor of a nobleman. Unfortunately, many of my contemporaries consider the concept of honor to be outdated...

The author of the text believes that the honor that is given “to a person once, along with a name” cannot become obsolete, despite the fact that the word “honor” today has been replaced by a higher concept - adherence to principles.

I share the point of view of D. Granin.

I remember the hero of Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev, who, despite his youth, during the Pugachev rebellion showed himself to be a man of honor and duty. For the rest of his life, he remembered the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age."

And today the concept of honor is not outdated. In the memory of the people remains the feat of a company of Pskov paratroopers, who at the cost of their own lives stopped two and a half thousand embittered members of the bandit formation. The honor of a Russian soldier and officer in those hours was above all for them!

I would like to end my reflections on whether the concept of honor is outdated today with the words of the French playwright Pierre Carnel:

I agree to endure any misfortune, But I will not agree that honor should suffer.

The problem of bribery

Bribery is the problem that the author of the text discusses.

V. Soloukhin indignantly says that corruption has existed since the formation of the Old Russian

the state has been and remains an integral part of society: it is immortal, thanks to its "devilish friendliness". And today, according to the author, it is simply impossible to imagine Russia without selfish and greedy officials. For many of us, a bribe has become nothing more than tokens of attention, the fight against which only reduces their number, but increases the amount.

Bribery, according to V. Soloukhin, is the scourge of modernity.

The media is literally overwhelmed with reports that touch on this issue. For example, Andrey Arshinov, an EMERCOM officer for the Northern District of Moscow, was recently detained for bribery. He extorted money from businessmen who won a multi-million dollar tender to install fire equipment.

And how cunning was the modern bribe taker! So it seems that he went through the school of bribery under the guidance of the hero of the comedy N.V. Gogol "The Government Inspector". The mayor Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky, a bribe-taker and embezzler who deceived three governors in his lifetime, was convinced that any problems can be solved with the help of money and the ability to "splurge".

Thus, I can conclude that for many centuries the problem of bribery has been and remains a topical issue for Russian society.

nobility issue

What is nobility - this is the problem that Yu. Tsetlin raises.

This moral question, which caused controversy in past centuries, pushed hundreds of good and bad people into duels, is still relevant today. In our time, the author believes, there are very few noble people who are able to selflessly help others. For us young people, in his opinion, Don Quixote should be a vivid example of a truly noble person. His desire to fight evil and injustice is the foundation of true nobility.

Yu. Tsetlin believes that a person “should be able to remain honest, unshakable, proud”, humane and generous under all circumstances.

I fully agree with the opinion of the author of the text: a noble person is distinguished by sincere love for people, a desire to help them, the ability to sympathize, empathize, and for this it is necessary to have self-esteem and a sense of duty, honor and pride.

A truly noble man was described by L. N. Tolstoy in the epic novel “War and Peace”. The writer gave one of the main characters of his work, Andrei Bolkonsky, not only external nobility, but also internal, which he did not immediately discover in himself. Andrei Bolkonsky had to go through a lot, rethink a lot before he could forgive his enemy Anatole Kuragin, an intriguer and traitor, lying helplessly on the operating table during the Battle of Borodino. Seeing this deeply suffering man, who had just lost his leg, Bolkonsky no longer felt hatred for him. This is true nobility!

All of us, young people, should consider the words of the poet Andrei Dementyev as the motto of our lives: “Conscience, Nobility and Dignity - this is my holy army!”

About the problem of rudeness

The impotence of a person in the face of bad manners and rudeness is the problem that the author discusses. This moral and ethical question is relevant today. We encounter this phenomenon everywhere: in

transport, in the store, on the street - and we can’t overcome it in any way!

I. Ivanova believes that rudeness is nothing but rudeness, arrogance, impudence taken together, but at the same time, based on lawlessness, it has the ability to humiliate and not experience resistance from the humiliated.

I share the author's point of view: rudeness is a real phenomenon of our life! This seemingly unique talent to offend a person without uttering obvious rudeness and without crossing a certain line, beyond which an open conflict can stand, is today possessed by an amazing number of people.

I find a vivid example of a person’s defenselessness from rudeness in a poem by Andrei Dementiev:

I have no defense against rudeness. And this time it's stronger. Ringing lenses are broken - Call signs of my kindness ...

Recently I read an article in the newspaper Pyatnitsa that spoke about unconscious, seemingly invisible rudeness, which can manifest itself in the form of thoughtlessness, callousness, stupidity. No wonder they say that "accuracy is the courtesy of kings." Saying one thing - and not fulfilling a promise, making an appointment - and being late or, in general, forgetting about it - this has become the norm. Behind such "harmless" acts, rudeness hides, camouflaging as an accident.

On the problem of chauvinism

The danger of chauvinism emerging in Russian society is the problem that the author of the text raises.

This question was born not today. Let us recall Germany in the 30s of the last century, where the superiority of the Aryan race over others became the core of national politics. What this led to, every person on Earth knows. Unfortunately, chauvinism, like a cancerous tumor, strikes Russia. This social problem is very topical.

The author sharpens the question, citing vivid facts of the cruelty of my contemporaries on the basis of interethnic hostility. He forms his position in relation to what is happening at the very beginning of the text with the words: “It's scary. It's disgusting. It's monstrous…”

I certainly share the point of view of I. Rudenko, because I live in the Caucasus and know firsthand what ethnic strife is.

How many people came to our city, leaving their homes, because in the republics where they lived, the slogan was in effect: “Chechnya is for Chechens”, “Kabarda is for Kabardians” ...

It is bad that this slogan is beginning to be relevant in cities such as my native Zelenokumsk. The Panorama of Our Life newspaper recently reported on a fight that took place in the Eden cafe. The reason for it is ethnic strife. And the result? Dozens of those taken to the hospital… And most importantly, distrust and anger that settled in the souls of my countrymen of different nationalities.

The Problem of Courage

The courage of people, shown in an extreme situation, is the problem that Vyacheslav Degtev discusses in the story “The Cross”.

Vyacheslav Degtev, depicting condemned clergymen, closed in the holds of a sunken ship, shows that at first they begin to scream. But the powerful bass of one of the monks urged them to unite in prayer in this deadly hour. And then these courageous people began to sing. According to the author, "...the prison has turned into a temple...". “Merging, the voices sounded so powerful and so harmonious that the deck was already trembling, vibrating. The monks put all their passion and love for life, all their faith in the Supreme Justice into their last psalm.” V. Degtev, in my opinion, is proud of the courage and will of these people.

How these clergymen of the Orthodox Church remind me of the great Old Believer Archpriest Avvakum, who courageously accepted a beautiful martyr's death for his faith.

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" I recently read a story about a participant in the Afghan war, Sergei Pyoryshkin. Captured by dushmans, he refused to accept the Muslim faith, remained a Christian, for which he was executed.

Thus, I can conclude that a courageous person is faithful to his Word, Deed, Faith even in the face of death!

The problem of luxury corroding the human soul

The desire for luxury, eating away at the soul of a person, is the problem that S.

Luxury, like a pestilence, beware. It greatly relaxes the Christian soul, it is alien to kidnap, to offend people, and from giving alms, which is required from a Christian, teaches to hold the hand. Luxury, like a womb, does not know satiety, and like an abyss, it devours all good things ... Taco luxury devours everything and relaxes the mind. Beware of luxury. Nature is content with little: lust and luxury need much (5:158-159).

How many temptations, sins and iniquities there are in such meetings and festivities cannot be calculated. How many words and deeds there, so many sins; how many people, so many criminals. God and His holy angels depart far from here. There is a place for the devil and his evil aggel, who rejoice with those who rejoice and rejoice over their destruction. For this sake, their death does not sleep, when they are soon not felt. They forgot God and His righteous judgment; “God will be confessed, but His deeds will be rejected” () (5:368).

Luxury turns into poverty in eternal life

Reign, reign here in peace when you want; rejoice and console yourself with your luxuries, go to visit each other, feast, banquet and perform your dances! Somehow you will rejoice and dance there! .. We read in the Holy Gospel that “a certain man was rich, and dressed in purple and fine linen, having fun all day long.” But ... after death, a terrible change took place on him; according to his luxuries he went into fiery torment; and for expensive wines he asks for a drop of water: and it is not given to him: he hears the answer: “child! remember that thou hast taken thy goodness in thy belly" () (4:120).

Luxury cannot be satisfied with anything

Lust and luxury desire and seek much; the state itself does not suffice for it; she can never get enough, as if the fever lurking in the heart can not be quenched, no matter how much the patient drinks, she cannot. Know therefore both lust and natural need, and act according to the demand of nature, and not according to the desire of lust (4:247).

We see that the womb is insatiable, it always requires food and food: it cannot be without that. Satisfied today; the next day, and the third, and more again requires food. Tacos are a luxury. Luxury is like a womb that devours everything. And luxury is whimsical, and can never be satisfied with anything (4:398).

Luxury is the suggestion of the devil for destruction

Satan, the enemy of human souls, presents whimsical and luxurious thoughts to a person, and in those confuses him: how to have fun, do this and that, console yourself with this and that, go to visit and receive guests, and so on. The adversary is plotting this so that a person will have this world for his fatherland and a paradise of fun, but forget about the future bliss, and so would perish; so it would be more convenient for every untruth and insult of poor people, which luxury teaches, and it would be more convenient, having become entangled in all the evil ones, perished. This is his cunning and his plan! A strong and real rod of the devil is a luxury that the Christian soul catches and drags with it to eternal death (4:399-400).

Luxury, like a fire, consumes SOULS and, like an ulcer, infects

Every evil multiplies with luxury, and devours human souls only like a fire that, starting in one house, burns the whole city or village, or like a pestilence that, starting in one person, infects and kills many who are nearby. We see this all-pernicious plague in our homeland, which infected not the bodies, but the souls of Christians (4:119),

Vanity and charm are fickle, but always changing. Look at the hustle! One built such and such mansions, one began to wear such and such clothes, one put such and such mirrors in his house, one began to ride in such and such a carriage, to deliver such and such a meal, to servants to have such and in such attire, and so on. The other sees it and imitates it; everyone sees it, and they do what one does. So it spreads everywhere and luxury multiplies, and from hour to hour it increases more and more (4:118-119).

Luxury makes a man blind and insane

O blindness of corrupt and impenitent hearts! Is it in this sad and troubled time to have fun? Oh, how sin increases and piety diminishes! These people do it like those senseless sailors whose ship is broken and they are dancing; or like those helpless citizens whose city is on fire, and they are banqueting. The fatherland groans from troubles and misfortunes; young men are impoverished; the treasury is exhausted from the war; only the elders and the youths remain and the babies; and it comes to us; everywhere mothers, fathers, wives, brothers and others mourn and weep for their fallen in battle and in danger of death: but these single parties are having fun, like not the sons of the fatherland, and rejoice with our enemies about our troubles surrounding us! .. Oh luxury, luxury! how you blind, madden and harden people's hearts! (5:368).

The addiction to luxury quenches faith (4:166, see, 152).

Luxury has done a lot of harm in history

We read in stories that many cities and states perished from luxury. Luxury devours everything and every good, like a womb or like an abyss, and makes people and the strongest powerless and weakens, and makes them objectionable to battle. Joy happens to neighboring enemies, when in a state opposite to them, luxury multiplies. Woe to that country and state in which luxury has multiplied! For with luxury, every evil multiplies there. From which the righteous wrath of God hangs over that. There is nothing else to expect from there but destruction (4:400).

Where there is iniquity, there is no God

Know this also, that there is no God there, where the joy and gladness of this world is, when people rejoice in wealth, honor, glory, luxury, when they rejoice, feast, mend laughter, dance, drink, sing unworthy of Christians, shout and produce other obscene gaiety. God departs from such people, as if offended by their lawlessness; but the evil spirit of this world comes there, as if the deeds pleasing to him are done there (3:296).

Before death, people are more and more furious (5:368).

Luxury in food is a sin (3:243, see, 678).

Luxury and MAGNITY are opposite sisters,

but both destroy the soul

Luxury and stinginess are nasty sisters, but both deadly infect human hearts. One squanders, the other keeps and teaches wealth, but both to human destruction; one relaxes, the other binds a person, but both that and the other mortify his soul (2:162).

Luxury in times of distress is help to the enemies of the state

Our brethren are falling from bullets, cores and swords in war; and they are in constant fear and sadness: and we are madly having fun here! It was necessary to help them against the enemy, but instead of that, by festivities, drunkenness and other sins, we sharpen a foreign sword on them, and so we fight against ourselves! .. (5:368).

Luxury pushes to crime

Luxury requires a man to live extensively. And for that, not a little amount is needed. What is luxury up to? Where to get thu? no ready. It is necessary for a luxurious person to do all kinds of lies. The ruler needs to collect from subordinates; the landowner to impose excessive dues on his peasants, or to force them to work for him more than a day in a week; to a merchant a cheap thing for an expensive one to sell, to lie, and to deceive the bathers; to hold another bribe for a mercenary; not to give salaries to another, from a certain sovereign, to his subordinates; another must turn to theft, embezzlement and all kinds of unrighteousness. Luxury is the cause of this and every evil! From this we see that many live in poverty and lack, many do not have houses, daily food and clothing. All this comes from luxury! Luxury teaches people to offend and expose (4:399).

Reasoning about eternity banishes thoughts of luxury

The desire for luxury, which eats away at the soul of a person, is the problem that S. Soloveichik reflects on.

The moral question posed in the text is one of the eternal ones in literature. Even the Bible said that “the love of money is the root of all evil”, which allows you to live in luxury. This problem has become especially topical in our days, when hundreds of people living in luxury are opposed to thousands living in poverty.
The author of the text, paying much attention to the argument about how the poor envy the life of the rich, takes just a few lines to the story of the life of the latter. They, in his opinion, are unhappy: luxury did not help them either in choosing a loved one (and more often interfered), or in finding a life's work, did not give simple human peace. Wealth, the author believes, "kills the soul."
I share the point of view of S. Soloveichik: rich people are very rarely happy.
I recall the words of Augustine the Blessed, a Christian writer, philosopher, theologian, one of the fathers of the church: “You are blinded by the gold that glitters in the house of the rich; you certainly see what they have, but you do not see what they lack.”
As another example, I would like to cite A.P. Chekhov’s story “Anna on the Neck”, showing how a kind, charming girl, having married an old man and plunged into luxury, changed, became callous, dry, forgot about her once beloved brothers and father.

We are all born in the bosom of our beautiful world and live our lives in it. Accordingly, the materiality of nature universal to them directly penetrates into our souls and is deposited in them.

People also have a direct connection with nature, but to a lesser extent. The more people are educated and separated from it by the benefits of civilization, the less they are dependent on the processes taking place in it.

Thus, I can conclude that the thirst for gold dries up the hearts, they close up for compassion, do not heed the voice of friendship, break even blood ties.


How can the beauty of nature affect a person?

Respect and love for nature. This is what we are taught from birth. Each person has their own perception of nature. For one it is just a living environment, at the same time for another it is an opportunity to acquire harmony and inspiration, a source of energy.

How does nature affect man? Does it cause a special state in people? Why? Many authors in their works turn to nature to reveal the inner world of the characters.

Nature is a special harmonious world that manifests and shows all the real feelings and emotions of a person. That is why this moment is in the center of attention of the author of the text proposed to me, the famous Russian writer G.N. Troepolsky. He raises an important problem of the relationship between man and nature. It probably affects all of us to a greater or lesser extent. After all, we are all part of nature and find peace of mind in it.

Images of Russian nature inspired many great writers. A.S. Pushkin repeated more than once that autumn is his favorite season. He found true beauty and charm in the modest autumn nature. It is in autumn that special inspiration comes to him. It was the most productive period in the writer's work, because it was in the autumn that many of the best Pushkin's works were written, such as The Bronze Horseman, Little Tragedies, Demons. Many descriptions of nature can also be found in the novel "Eugene Onegin", written by the author in the most creative period of his life, Boldin autumn. His favorite heroine Tatyana Larina feels an endless closeness to nature. Trees, streams, flowers are her friends, whom she trusts with all secrets. Before leaving for Moscow, Tatyana says goodbye to the image of nature:

"Sorry, peaceful valleys,

And you, familiar mountain peaks,

And you, familiar forests;

I'm sorry, heavenly beauty,

Sorry, cheerful nature;

Nature reveals Tatyana, makes her sensual and sincere, endows her with a rich spiritual world.

This problem was also raised by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy in the work "War and Peace". Wounded near Austerlitz, Prince Andrei observes the "high sky" above him. And the military feat, and the ongoing battle nearby, and the pain from a serious wound - everything recedes into the background in the mind of the hero.

Indeed, nature is a source of strength and inspiration. The beauty of nature develops in a person a feeling of love for his native land. Nature makes each person nobler, better, purer and more merciful. And fiction, recreating nature in words, instills in a person a sense of careful attitude towards it.

I can conclude that the beauty of nature significantly affects the mood and way of thinking of a person. Learning to see its beauty in every day, immersing yourself in it at least for a moment is worth a lot.


82. My contemporary ... What is he like?

My contemporary is, first of all, diverse. One cannot find ideals of goodness in him, and he cannot avoid mistakes. What problems cannot be solved by modern man? And if he decides, he makes many mistakes. Many people, sometimes without knowing it, limit their freedom - and this is their main mistake. Because everything that is more precious than any words, any concepts and views is life and freedom. My contemporary cannot solve all problems without making a single mistake, he is not perfect, but he is interested in the future and the contemporary is forced to take risks.
The man of the present generation must constantly develop. It is worth one person to stop and the whole society will begin to degrade. Nikolenka Irteniev in the work of Leo Tolstoy "Youth" writes "Rules of Life". He tries to make a moral leap, but he fails and Nikolenka forgets about these rules. However, having made a big mistake in his life, he returns to them again, as he realizes the importance of moral development in the life of a young man.
Of course, earlier ideals were different. Yes, they were taken seriously. But in our time there are many of their values. And, let a few contemporaries try to observe them in spite of everything. Now young people behave more freely. Although, is it? Is it true that young people used to be better? I think no. It's just that all the good things in life are remembered better. And it most likely fits that description.
So who is he? The main difference in the life of a modern person is the awareness of the importance of spiritual qualities. Namely, this quality he conveys in his appearance. It doesn't matter that they are all different.
My contemporary is, first of all, a person. It is individual and does not stand still. The soul of a contemporary is constantly striving for development. The young man of today is individual. He does not strive to imitate anyone, but first of all he wants to show his "I".


To be human on earth.

You were born human
but you have to be human.
The real person expresses
yourself in beliefs and feelings,
will and aspirations, in relation to people

and to oneself, in the ability to love and
V. V. Sukhomlinsky
We are all people of the Earth. Each of us is capable of thinking and feeling, loving and hating, believing and lying. If God created Man by giving him life, then man became the creator of his life. And how many people, so many different lives, destinies. And a person's life is so short that you need to live it as best as possible, brighter, more interesting. If you shut yourself up in yourself, in your feelings, and the worst thing is that you live only for yourself, renouncing worldly fuss, not hearing people, forgetting about love and kindness, then you are an unfortunate person who lived and did not know life. You never need to give in to peace. Man is not born for this. Life is a game of passions and contradictions. And the one who manages to lead the game will always achieve the goal. Man is born to "burn". Yes, to burn in the fire of ideas, calling others to real life. Unfortunate is the man who hates life. And the one who is free and gives this freedom to people is beautiful. “To live for people” is not a slogan, it is a goal that should become, if not for everyone, but for the majority, the meaning of life. "Do not feel sorry for yourself - this is the proudest, most beautiful wisdom on earth." (M. Gorky) I admire the life of great people. The names of the classics of world literature, artists, actors, singers not only went down in history, but also left their “mark” on the Earth, like a shooting star, which, leaving behind a luminous trail, gives admiration and mystery to people. V. G. Belinsky wrote: “The spectacle of the life of a great man is always a beautiful sight: it elevates the soul ... excites activity.” I and my generation are still ahead. Quite a bit, and we will enter a new, unfamiliar life. Of course, everyone will go their own way, but we must not forget that the Earth is one, common, but taking care of it is the concern of all mankind. Everyone must start with themselves. What did he do for people? What "footprints" did he leave on earth? For a real person, the ability to subordinate the will to reason is important. Only such people will go through all the trials, and only they will save the Earth. According to P. S. Makarenko, “great will is not only the ability to wish for something and achieve, but the ability to force oneself and give up something when necessary”, one must strive to live beautifully and violently. To love people, to be kind and sympathetic, courageous and noble, to love mother and Motherland. These truths are enduring at all times. We are all taught this, but not everyone becomes a real person. You have to be able to appreciate life. Everyone lives on Earth once, and for that life will be long, who will rise above all prejudices, understand its meaning, and his deeds will not be forgotten by people. It is impossible not to remember the words of A.P. Chekhov: “Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history...” Everyone would like to live like this, but it depends on the person himself.


The eternal dispute between good and evil.

Ever since childhood, reading bedtime stories, we have already heard about the confrontation between good and evil. In a variety of fairy tales, legends and stories, there has always been good and evil. And no matter how evil fought and tried to win, good always won. We grew up, children's fairy tales began to be replaced by more adult stories, but there was always a place for confrontation between something good and something bad. But with each year of growing up, good less and less prevailed over evil. And, perhaps, this is due to the fact that children's fairy tales were written with kindness, and there was more goodness for children, or, it is quite likely that the world began to change in such a way that evil is more and more taking the first positions.

It would seem that the world is getting better. New technologies are invented, new processes are developed, development tends to rise, but with that, humanity disappears somewhere. People become somehow insensitive, indifferent, rude. They do not notice much difference between good and evil. Many people live by the principle that what is necessary for me is good, and everything else is bad and, in general, does not concern me. Of course, there are also kind, caring, sincere people. But there are too few of them and they are simply lost among meanness, betrayal and evil. Confrontation, of course, exists and will always continue, but the good is gradually beginning to lose its positions.

If goodness lived in every person, and he could draw a line between good and bad things, then the chances of winning would be much greater. But sometimes one gets the impression that people do not want to understand the difference between good and evil. They are either satisfied with everything, or they do not want to do anything, no matter what is worse. But that's the worst thing - doing nothing. Idleness is the first stage over the loss of that good and humane thing that you have. You always need to do something, move forward and strive to change something. Only then is victory over oneself and evil in the whole world possible.

This statement is connected with the problem of social inequality. It touches on a field of very important science, such as sociology. We all know that social inequality refers to the conditions under which social groups, strata, classes have unequal life opportunities to meet needs. A need is a need for something. By this phrase, I mean that rich people consider themselves superior to others and forget about moral qualities, such as generosity, generosity and sincerity.

In an attempt to earn more and more money, they often forget about the true goals in life. Having material well-being, a person no longer knows what to spend it on and begins to come up with different ways, not thinking about the fact that perhaps someone does not even have enough for bread. And a person with a small income, poverty can lead to shamelessness. Such people can easily go for murder, theft or theft.

I agree with the opinion of the author, since rich people, in the pursuit of money, in the end, can be left without everything, lose what they have. And the poor can go to extremes and start making money illegally. Let's prove it with examples.

For example, in Theodore Dreiser's The Financier, Frank Cowperwood becomes a successful businessman-entrepreneur, through dishonest stock speculation, he gets the opportunity to start his own business. No barriers could stop him. Rising to the top of wealth and power, the hero did not feel remorse. But fate had its own way. Cowperwood loses everything he has earned in good faith and his own life. Money ruined the hero. In pursuit of wealth, he never received the most important thing in life - happiness.

And Francois Villon was born into a very poor family. As an adult, he wrote poetry, but it did not bring him any income. Wandering in Paris, he was completely left without money. Villon became a criminal and joined a gang of thieves. First they robbed churches, and then they robbed Navarre College. In November 1462 he was arrested and sentenced to the gallows. The calamity of this person has led to suffering and shamelessness.

So it is in the modern world. Wealthy people spend money on cars, apartments, travel, experiment on their bodies and have surgeries. Although we could give this money to those who really need it, the low-income or people who are sick and need an expensive operation. And the poor, for example, lumpen people who have sunk to the "bottom", go to theft, because they see no other way to get money. Although they could get a good education and go to work. Each person chooses his own path.

Updated: 2018-02-20

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Strogonova I.V.

Mikhailovskaya secondary school

Mamlyut district

The desire for luxury, eating away at the soul of man,

Here's the problem he's thinking about

S. Soloveichik.

Does luxury really corrode the human soul? This is an eternal question that worries people at all times of the existence of mankind. The people say "Money is evil" ... In our 21st century, this topic is becoming especially topical.

I agree with the opinion of S. Soloveichik and believe that in fact money ruins a person's soul. And there is irrefutable evidence for this opinion both from the life of the people around us and from fiction. Nowadays, people are divided into rich and poor. And this difference is especially felt.

Rich people live for profit, they forget about simple human joys, most of them create families of convenience. And the main priority for them is again money. Rich parents endow their "children" with all the best. Such children do not know the value of money, they spend senselessly and litter with it. And why should they try to buy anything, because they already have everything: expensive cars, apartments furnished according to the latest design. The question arises, what to do? And then these kids begin to "rage with fat." Such children are called "Majors". They start acting out: they can knock down a pedestrian and not provide him with medical assistance, they can break the law, they start using drugs.

And if they achieved everything with their own labor, then they would not have enough time for all sorts of nonsense. They would be happy with every penny earned with their own hands. We tried to study well, knowing that your parents did not have extra money, that besides you, the family still has a brother and sister. Build trust in the family.

I would like to give an example from a feature film based on the story of A.P. Chekhov "Anna on the Neck". Anna, who loves her family, having married a decrepit rich old man for convenience, forgets about her brothers and father, whom she used to love very much. And luxury corroded her soul, making it windy, callous.

What a pity that in search of a luxurious life, people began to forget about simple human values, such as love, friendship, honor and dignity.


This work is on topic. The author, following the genre, uses the possibilities of an essay - an opinion. The author explains his position by putting forward the position “luxury corrodes the soul of a person”. There is logic in the essay: the author leads from the general to the particular. Micro topics are highlighted in paragraphs.

The structure of the essay is observed (introduction, thesis, 2 arguments, conclusion).

The essay uses artistic and visual means (the epithets of trusting relationships, the metaphor rages with fat, the personification of luxury corrodes a person).

There are no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors in the essay.

My contemporary... What is he like?

Kokosh E. A.,

KSU "School-gymnasium named after E.A. Buketov",

Sergeevka, Shal akyn district

[email protected]

We live in a huge and wonderful world. In it, wealth coexists with poverty, hunger - with satiety, the latest technological achievements of mankind - with the simplicity of an ordinary village.

But what should my contemporary, a contemporary of the 21st century, look like in such a peculiar world?

I believe that my contemporary is extremely unemotional and tries in every possible way to hide his feelings. In our age, every display of feeling is weakness. No wonder Elchin Safarli said: “Modern people hide embarrassment under waterproof foundation creams, and shame spots under the chocolate tan of a solarium.” For me, the most shocking thing is what most often hides good and leading to light feelings: tenderness, love, embarrassment, sometimes even shame.

My contemporary puts material values ​​above spiritual ones.

I notice how the priorities of the youth of the 21st century are changing. Viktor Pelevin rightly remarked: “We believe that an engineer is a lower caste. And the heroes of our time are people with an apartment in London.” In our century, the importance of money in human life is simply terrifyingly exalted. People put their whole life only to increase their material wealth, while sacrificing both family and health. In my opinion, putting some pieces of paper above moral values ​​is low and selfish.

But perhaps the most acute problem of the new century and modern youth remains the lack of simple human communication. Modern technologies, of course, help a lot and make communication simple, but it becomes cold, metallic ... "The soul leaves, technology comes," Sergey Bezrukov expressed his opinion on this matter. Indeed, in our indifferent age, spiritual communication with a living person is very lacking. And no matter how technology is praised, it will never replace gatherings by the fire with songs to the guitar, long spiritual conversations in the kitchen, or meeting the dawn with your loved one.

I would like to end with the lines of my poem:
And thoughts swirl in my head

They rage, even drive with a broom ...
But I do not want to drive them, to be afraid,
It means that you are alive.

Dear readers, let the contemporary of the 21st century be a little closed and self-serving, but I ask: give us a chance. All these manifestations of character are due to the throwing of the soul. We have not really decided and are looking for ourselves in any manifestations of life. Don't judge us harshly, just point us in the right direction.


This work is on topic. In the introductory part, the problem is defined: how should my contemporary, a contemporary of the 21st century, look like in such a peculiar world? The theses are formulated in accordance with the problem chosen by the student: “my contemporary is extremely unemotional and tries in every possible way to hide his feelings”, “my contemporary puts material values ​​above spiritual ones”, “the most acute problem of the new century and modern youth is the lack of simple human communication”.

The essay has an internal logic, micro-topics are highlighted in paragraphs. Arguing his point of view, the author refers to the statements of Elchin Safarli, Viktor Pelevin, Sergei Bezrukov and the facts of modern life. The position of the author can be called individual, original. There are interesting connections, unexpected turns. Thoughts are quite individual, they differ in brightness, which is provided by compositional means, stylistic figures, paths: cold, metallic communication, throwing of the soul, feelings leading to the light of an indifferent century ... This essay is distinguished by emotionality, immediacy, openness, liveliness of speech. There are comments on speech culture: “for me, the most shocking thing is ...”, “in our century they simply terrifyingly elevate”.

The number of points (9 points) corresponds to the mark "excellent".

There are no spelling, punctuation, grammatical errors in the essay; in the Russian language, the number of points is 10, which corresponds to the “excellent” rating.

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